MEMOIRS OF THE BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY; VOLUME III. NUMBER VI. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE TELEOSTS. By J. S. KINGSLEY AND II. W. CONN. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. April, 1883. VI. Some Observations on the Embryology of the Teleosts. By J. S. Kingsley and H. W. Conn. Read March 15, 1882.1 The following observations on the development of a marine bony fish were made at the Summer Laboratory of the Boston Society of Natural History at Annisquam, Mass., during the months of June, July and August 1881. Most of the facts here recorded have been witnessed by both authors and in the majority of cases have been repeated many times. The composition of this article is the work of Mr. Kingsley and when the pronoun “we ” occurs in the following pages it indicates the fact that both of us are responsible for the statements presented, the phenomena which were witnessed by Mr. Conn alone are indicated by the use of his name, while the “ I ” which will be frequently met in the course of the article indicates that Mr. Kingsley alone is responsible for the statement or interpre- tation presented. As.we separated soon after the conclusion of the observations herein recorded, it has fallen to.the lot of Mr. Kingsley to make the comparisons with the work of other authors; and the whole discussion of previous results, with the exception of a portion of the work of Oellacher, has been done by him. The bibliography which follows has been wholly the compilation of Mr. Kingsley and embraces only those papers which have been consulted during the preparation of this article. Nevertheless it is hoped that it may proye of use to other students of Vertebrate Embryology. I have adopted the method of referring to these various papers which is used by Dr. Mark in his valuable . memoir on the Maturation, Impregnation and Segmentation of Limax; viz: the name of the author followed by the date of the article in full faced type. Where two or more articles by the same author were published in the same year they have the additional letters a, b, c, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Agassiz, Alexander E. R. * ’76. The development of Flounders pp. 356-366, pi. xxi, (1869). Ryder, John. A. ’81a. Preliminary notice of the more important scientific results obtained from a study of the embry- ology of Fishes