CONSTITUTION ...AND... BY-LAWS ...OF... ' THE COLUMBUS ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, COLUMBUSjJjA. Adopted December 20, 1897. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. Section 1. This society shall be known as The Columbus Academy of Medicine. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. Section 1. The object of this Academy shall be the promotion of professional brotherhood, the ele- vation of professional character and the mutual improvement of its members by the discussion and agitation of questions pertaining to medicine and surgery. ARTICLE III. CODE OF ETHICS. Section 1. The Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association and the regulations contained in this Constitution and By-Laws shall be the rules for the government and discipline of members of this Academy. ARTICLE IY. MEMBERS. Section 1. Only graduates of regular medical colleges who are in good professional standing shall be eligible to membership in this Academy. Sec. 2. Any person desiring to become a member of this Academy shall make application in writing, stating his age, college and year of graduation; said application to be endorsed by two members in good standing and accompanied, by the initiation fee which is to be returned in the event the appli- cant is rejected. It shall then be referred to the Executive Committee to be reported and voted upon at the next regular meeting. Sec. 3. Applications for membership shall be voted upon by ballot and two-thirds of those present shall be necessary to an election. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to formally notify the applicant in writing of his election or rejection Sec 4. All members of this Academy shall be required to sign its Constitution and By-Laws. Sec. 5 Any member, who in any way forfeits his membership in this Academy, may be rein- stated by formal application and ballot as provided for in Article IV, Sections 2 and 3 of this Constitu- tion ; but no one who is in any way indebted to the Academy shall be eligible to reinstatement until such indebtedness is canceled. ARTICLE V. FINANCE. Section 1. The annual dues of this Academy shall be such a sum as may be determined by the Academy, and shall be paid into the treasury by every member except the Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. 2. It shall be payable at the first regular meeting in January of each year, and if it be not paid by the first meeting in October of each year such delinquent member shall forfeit his member- ship, have his name stricken from the roll, and be so notified by the Secretary in writing Sec. 3. The initiation fee shall be Five Dollars ($5 00) for residents and Three Dollars ($3 00) for non-residents of Columbus, and when paid by new members shall include their dues for the remainder of the year, i. e.r to-the next Anniversary Meeting. ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS. Section 1. The regular meetings of this Acad- emy shall be held semi-monthly at such a time and place as may best suit the pleasure of its members. Sec. 2. The last regular meeting in December of each year shall be the Academy’s Annual Meeting, at which the retiring President shall deliver an ad- dress or read an essay. At this meeting also, shall be elected the officers for the ensuing year, and the reception of the annual report of the Secretary and Treasurer. Sec 3 The first regular meeting in January of each year shall be the Academy’s Anniversary Meeting, at which the officers for the ensuing year shall be installed and the newly elected President deliver his inaugural address Sec. 4. Special meetings may be called at the dis- cretion of the President, and shall be called on the written request of three members in good standing, but no business not mentioned in the call shall be transacted at such meetings. ARTICLE VII. OFFICERS. Section 1. The officers of this Academy shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and an Executive Committee of three The duties of Secretary and Treasurer shall be performed by the same person. Sec. 2. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of three years, one being- elected each year. All other officers shall be elected for a term of one year and continue in office till their successors are elected and qualified. 3 4 Sec. 3. When vacancies occur among the officers of this Academy, elections to fill the unexpired terms may be held at any of the regular meetings of the Academy. Sec 4. The election of officers shall be held in open meeting, by ballot, and without nomination. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to election. ARTICLE VIII. THE PRESIDENT. Section 1. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Academy. He shall preside at all the meetings of the Academy, preserve order, and perform such other duties as parliamentary usages impose on presiding officers Sec. 2 He shall name and notify an essayist and leader in discussion for each meeting at least two weeks in advance of such meeting. Sec 3. He shall at the close of his administra- tion, deliver an address or read an essay, the sub- ject to be of his own selection. Sec. 4. He shall appoint as occasion requires, the requisite number of delegates to represent the Academy in such scientific bodies as it may be deemed wise to have the Academy represented. ARTICLE IX THE VICE-PRESIDENT. Section 1. The Vice-President shall, in case of temporary absence of the President, assume and discharge all the duties of the presidential office, and in case of vacancy, by resignation or death of the President, he shall fill the office of the President till his successor is elected and qualified. 5 ARTICLE X SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Section 1. The Secretary and Treasurer shall have possession of all the minutes, records, moneys and literature of the Academy, and, as compen- sation for his services, he shall be exempt from pay- ment of annual dues. Sec. 2. He shall collect from the members all assessments and dues, and pay all the accounts of the Academy after they have been approved by the Executive Committee. Sec. 3 He shall keep a correct record in a suit- able book, of all the meetings of the Academy. Sec. 4 About the first of August of each year he shall serve upon every member whose annual dues are unpaid a written notice, calling his attention to the requirements of Article V, Section 2 of this Constitution and the penalty therein described for delinquents. Sec. 5. At the last meeting in December of each year he shall make to the Academy an annual re- port of the transactions and business of the Acad- emy during his term of office. Said report shall show in full the financial condition of the Academy and account for all its assets transferred to If m by his predecessor, together with such as he may have received during his term of office. It shall show clearly the several amounts paid out during the year, to whom and on what account; the several amounts due the Academy, by whom and on what account. Sec. 6. He shall, upon written order from the President, and upon no other authority, transfer any of the Academy’s assets to another. 6 ARTICLE XI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Section 1. The Executive Committee shall act as a board of reference in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the Academy; shall investi- gate and report “favorable” or “unfavorable” on all applications for membership; shall examine and audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and pass upon his annual report before it is submitted to the Academy; shall provide a suitable place of meeting for the Academy and see that it is prop- erly furnished and cared for, and shall approve all bills to be paid by the Treasurer. Sec. 2. It shall be the further duty of the Execu- tive Committee to prefer charges against any officer or member upon sufficient information from what- ever source secured, and to represent the Academy as prosecuting attorney in the investigation of such charges in the manner hereinafter provided for. ARTICLE XII. OFFENSES AND PUNISHMENTS. Section 1 Any officer who shall be guilty of malfeasance in office may be reprimanded, suspend- ed or removed at the pleasure of the Academy. Sec. 2. In like manner any member who shall be guilty of unprofessional conduct by flagrant viola- tion of the Code of Ethics, or of any gross immor- ality, or of conduct unbecoming a gentleman, may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled at the pleas- ure of the Academy. Sec. 3. Rut no penalty shall be inflicted upon any officer or member of this Academy until after a fair notice and trial, and, to secure which, the follow- ing rules shall be observed, to-wit: Sec. 4. Whenever, from any source, the Execu- tive Committee receives information accusing any officer or member of any offense named in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article, it shall at the next meeting furnish the Secretary with a formal notice to the accused that charges have been preferred, and, after reading the same in open meeting, he shall spread a copy on the minutes and mail the original to the accused. Sec. 5 Said notice shall be specific and name a subsequent meeting, at which, evidence, if any, in support of the charges shall be submitted to the Academy. Said meeting shall be at as early a date as may be consistent with the attainment of correct knowledge in the premises. Sec. 6. Any officer or member against whom charges are preferred shall not be denied the privi- lege of being heard in his own defense, either in person or by counsel. Sec. 7. Every case shall be decided by the vote of the Academy, the vote to be taken by ballot. A vote of censure or suspension may be passed by a majority of the members present; but a vote of re- removal from office or expulsion from the Academy shall require the concurrence of two-tliirds of all the members present. ARTICLE XIII. QUORUM. Section 1. A constitutional quorum for the investigation of preferred charges against an officer or member, and for an amendment to the Constitu- tion or By-Laws shall consist of no fewer than seven (7) members; but such other matters as may come before the Academy may be proceeded with by any number of members present. 7 ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Proposed amendments to this Consti- tution shall be submitted in writing signed by five active members in good standing, and, having been read by the Secretary at two regular meetings, may be adopted by a two-tliirds vote of a constitutional quorum at any subsequent regular meeting. ARTICLE XV. MISCELLANEOUS. Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of this Academy all the moneys, securities and net assets of every description shall be distributed, pro rata, among the then existing members. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE 1 TIME OF MEETING. Section 1. The Academy shall meet regularly on the first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 7:30 o’clock from October 1st to May 1st, and at 8 o’clock from May 1st to October 1st. ARTICLE II. FINANCE. Section 1. The annual dues of this Academy shall be Five Dollars ($5.00) for residents and Three Dollars ($3 00) for non-residents of Columbus ARTICLE III. ESSAY OR ADDRESS. Section 1. The subject of the essayist shall be selected by himself and announced in open meeting at least one week in advance of the time he is to serve. Sec 2. More than twenty minutes shall not be consumed in reading any paper or delivering any address. Leaders of discussion shall be allowed fifteen minutes and other members ten minutes in which to discuss any paper or address But these regulations may be suspended at the discretion of the presiding officer provided no member objects. Sec. 3. No member shall speak a second time on the same subject until all the other members, who may desire to do so, have spoken. ARTICLE IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Section 1. Whenever an election of officers is being held and no name receives a majority of all the votes cast on the first ballot , the name or names receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped and a second ballot taken. If there is no election on the second ballot the name or names receiving the few- est votes shall be dropped and a third ballot taken. In this manner shall be taken as many ballots as may be necessary to an election. ARTICLE V. RENDITION OF VERDICTS. Section 1. Immediately on the conclusion of the investigation of preferred charges,the Academy shall proceed to render its verdict by ballot in the follow- ing manner, to-wit: Sec. 2. On the ballots shall be written Acquittal, Reprimand, Suspension or Expulsion, except when an officer is being tried for malfeasance, when Re- moval shall be written instead of Expulsion If, on the first ballot, two-thirds of the votes are not for expulsion, or removal if an officer is being tried for malfeasance, a second ballot shall be taken, when, if no verdict be reached, other ballots shall be taken till a verdict is arrived at. Sec. 3 It shall be the official duty of the Secre- tary to notify the accused in writing of the result of the investigation. ARTICLE VI. DECORUM. Section 1 Any member to speak on any subject shall first rise, respectfully address the presiding officer and be formally recognized by him Sec. 2. No remarks reflecting upon the personal or professional character of any member shall be in order at any meeting, except during the time that “preferred charges” are being investigated. ARTICLE VII. RULES. Section 1. “Roberts’ Rules of Order” shall be accepted as a parliamentary guide in the delibera- tions of this Academy. ARTICLE VIII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Section 1. The Order of Business of this Acad- emy shall be as follows: 1. Calling the Academy to Order. 2 Calling the Roll. 3. Reading the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. 4. Applications for Membership. 5 Reading of Essay, and 6. Its Regular Discussion. 7. Reporting of Cases. 8. Unfinished Business. 9. New Business. 10. Miscellaneous Business. 11. Adjournment Sec. 2. At the Annual and Anniversary Meetings of the Academy the address of the retiring President and the inaugural address of the newly elected President respectively shall take the place of “Read- ing of Essay” in the above order of business. 12 Sec. 3. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer, the election of new officers and the inauguration of same, shall come properly under the head of “New Business.” Sec. 4. The regular order of business specified in this article may be suspended at any time by the vote of the majority of the members present at any meeting ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Proposed amendments to these By- Laws shall be submitted in writing, signed by at least five active members in good standing, and, having been read by the Secretary at two regular meetings may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of a constitutional quorum at any subsequent regular- meeting.