,|8rriTCTION AN!) BY-LAWS OF THE GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. TO WHICH IS APPENDED 2'he Act of In corp oration , LIST OP OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, IM>i: T5IIAT,, S A I A X X A II, M AY, 1 S C, 7. Savannah, (L'a. CHAS. E. O’SULLIVAN, PRINTER. J 8 6 7. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. TO WHICH IS APPENDED Th e Act of Inco rj) o ratio n , LIST OF OFFICERS AND .ME It HERS, 1AEJ0 151 ITT a, 0 Instrumental Labor or Turning, 1< 0 to 200 Examinations per Vaginam, 10 Examinations during Labour, of Vagina 10 Examination with speculum and cauterization of Os. Uteri, 10 Abortion and Miscarriage, 25 to 50 Induction of Premature Labour, 100 to 200 Reducing Prolapsus Uteri and retaining by Pessary, 10 to 20 Delivering Placenta . 10 to 50 Any Medical attendance, after five days to be charged as usual. 14 Practice of Surgery. Trepanning and subsequent treatment $10' to 50b Operation for Cataract, &c !0 i to 5' 0 “ “ Artificial Pupil, loo to 500 “ “ Fistula Lachymalis, 30 to 50 “ “ Extirpation of Eye, 50 to 100 “ “ Extracting Polypus, 20 to 100 “ “ Trichiasis, 20 “ “ Ectropion, Entropion 20 to 100 “ “ Pterygium or Strabismus, 20 to too “ Tenotomy, 20 to loo “ for Varicose Veins, 20 to 50 “ “ Arresting Epistaxis, 10 to 30 ‘, “ “ Haemorrhage, 5 to 20 “ “ Extirpating Tonsil, 3 > “ “ Brachial Aneurism, 100 “ “ Popliteal “ '01 to 500 “ “ Tying Subelavian Artery, 500 “ “ Tying up Veins, 20 to 5 ' “ “ Paracentesis Thoracis, 30 “ “ “ Abdominis, 10 to 20 “ “ Tapping Hydrocele, 10 “ “ Radical Treatment Hydrocele 20 to 100 “ “ Hernia and subsequent treatment 100 to 500 Reducing Hernia per taxis, 10 to 50 Applying a Truss, 10 Lithotomy and subsequent treatment, 500 Lithotrity “ “ “ 500 Extracting Stone from Urethra, 20 to 50 Operation for Phymosis, 25 “ “ Parapbymosis, 25 Extirpation of Testicle, 50 to 100 Puncture of Bladder, 50 Introduction of Catheter 5 to 10 Treatment of Stricture, 60 to 500 “ “ Gonorrhoea, 20 to •' 0 “ “ Syphilis 30 to 100 Extirpation of Harniorrhoids, 20 to loH) Ciesarean Operation, 500 Extirpating Tumors, 10 to 50) Division ofFrenum Linguae 5 Extirpating Cancer of the Lip, 50 to 100 Extraction Foreign Bodies from .Esophagus or other Passages, 10 to 100 Operation for Ranula, 20 Tracheotomy or Laryngotomy, 100 to 500 Operation for Fissure of Anus; 50 “ “ Fistula in Ano, 50 to 100 Examination per Anum 10 Operation for Fistuia in Perineo 50 to 10 i “ “ “ VesicoVaginal, 200 to 500 “ “ “ Recto Vaginal, 200 to 500 “ “ Harelip, 50 to 100 Plastic Operation, 50 to 500 Perforation Antrum Maxilla, 25 to 50 Excision of Mamma, 50 to 100 “ “ Cervix Uteri, 10 to 200 Amputation Shoulder Joint, 100 “ Arm or Forearm 50 to 100 Amputation Hip Joint, 500 “ Thigh or Leg, 100 to 200 “ Finger or Toe, 25 '* MetacRrpal or Metatarsal Bone, 100 “ Penis, 60 Resections charged as those of Amputations. Resection of Clavicle, 50 to 100 “ ‘‘ Inferior Maxilla 50 to 100 Disarticulation of Inferior Maxilla,. 50 to 100 Resect on of Superior Maxilla, 100 to 200 Extirpation of “ “ 500 Trcatmeut Fracture Lower Jaw 25 to 100 “ “ Clavicle 30 to 50 “ “ Arm and Forearm, 30 to 50 “ “ Thigh or Leg, 50 to lt'0 “ “ Olecranon 50 to loo “ “ Patella, 50 to 100 “ “ Finger or Toe 15 to 25 “ “ Rib, 25 to 50 Compound Fractures to he charged the double of simple cases. Reducing Luxation of the Jaw 20 “ “ Shoulder, Elbow or Wrist 20 to 100 “ Hip, Knee or Ankle 50 to 100 “ “ Finger or Toe 15 to 25 “ *• Patella 15 Dressing Common Ulcers 2 to 5 Opening Common Abscess 1 to 3 Venesection or Extracting Tooth 2 Insertion of Seyton or Issue 5 Scarification and Cupping 2 to 5 Application of Leeches 5 Arteriotomy 2 to 5 Vaccination 3 Medical Certificates 5 Making a Post-Mortem Examination by request 20 Administering Chloroform or Ether 10 All Bills presentable as soon«as the Case is terminated. Richard D. Arnold, M. D., President. P. M. Kollock, M. D., Vice President. R. P. Myers, M. D., Secretary. 15 ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1st. The President shall take the Chair, and call the members to order. 2d. The Minutes of the last Meeting shall be read and confirmed. 3d. Balloting for Candidates shall take place. 4th. The Secretary may now report whatever he may wish to bring before the Society. 5th. The Treasurer may now report whatever he may wish to bring before the Society. Oth. The Librarian may be called upon for a like purpose. '7th. Committees may now report, in the order they were appointed. 8th. Propositions for Membership may be read. Oth. Motions will now be in order. 10th. Essavs, Arc. may be read, and subjects debated. lltli. Miscellaneous business. 12th. Adjournment.