Sanitary Code of the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth New Jersey Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen SANITARY CODE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF ELIZABETH, N. J. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Term Expires John W. Whelan, PresidentJan. 1915 T. E. Dolan, M. DJan. 1917 S. M. Williams Jan. 1917 S. R. Brown, M. DJan. 1916 E. W. ConnellJan. 1916 J. L. BauerJan. 1914 J. J. HeckJan. 1914 John F. Kenah, Clerk Louis J. Richards, Health Officer Office at City Hall Office Hours from 8.30 A.M. to 5 P.M. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Elizabeth: Section 1. That there shall be organized in and for the City of Elizabeth a Board of Health in accordance with "An Act to establish in this State Boards of Health and a Bureau of Vital Statistics and to define their respective powers and duties," approved March thirly-first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and the several supplements thereto and amendments thereof. Sec. 2. That said Board of Health shall con- sist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and shall constitute the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth, and that the first members of said Board of Health shall be so appointed that two members thereof shall hold office for one year, two members' thereof shall hold office for two years, two members thereof shall hold office for three years and one member thereof shall hold office for four years, and all members of said Board thereafter appointed shall hold office for the term of four years, except in cases of vacancies; vacancies shall be filled for the un- expired term. Sec. 3. That said Board of Health shall adopt 3 rules and regulations for its own government, and shall elect a President from among its own members. Sec. 4. That said Board of Health shall elect a Health Officer, and all appointees of said Board of Health shall be governed by the rules of said Board, and they may be removed for cause by said board; the police officers of the City of Elizabeth shall be special sanitary or health in- spectors, and they shall promptly report to the Board of Health every violation of the health ordinances of the said Board which may come within their observation or knowledge; and the City Clerk shall, by virtue of his office, be regis- ter of vital statistics and the Clerk of said Board of Health. Sec. 5. That the said Board of Health shall rot contract any debts of any kind beyond the amount of the appropriation first made for its use by the City of Elizabeth. That this ordinance shall go into effect on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and nine- ty-nine. Approved January 3rd, 1899. 4 rules for the government of THE BOARD OF HEALTH MEETINGS 1. There shall be a regular stated meeting of the Board of Health on the second Thursday in every month at 8.30 P.M., except when the day is a legal holiday; in such case the meeting shall be held the following evening ; special meetings may be held upon call of the President of the Board or upon the written request of three members of the Board. The business of the special meeting shall be stated in the call, and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting, except by unanimous consent of the members present. All regular meetings are to take place at the City Hall unless otherwise ordered, and shall be open to the public. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quo- rum at any regular or special meeting for the transaction of business. 2. The President shall call the meetings to order and preside at the same, or in his absence the Clerk of the Board until the Board shall elect a President pro tempore. 3. The President shall follow the order of business at all meetings, and shall be governed by the rules of the Board and by Parliamentary usage in the absence of rules covering the pro- ceedings. His decisions shall be subject to ap- peal, the vote upon which appeal shall be taken without previous debate, and by roll call by the THE PRESIDENT 5 Clerk, who shall put the question: "Shall the decision of the President stand?" All the Com- missioners in favor of the same shall answer aye, when their names are called. THE CLERK 4. The Clerk shall keep the minutes of the Board and read all communications before the Board; he shall within two days after reference send to the Chairman of Committees all resolu- tions or communications referred to them, and attend to such other duties as may be asigned to him by law establishing the Board, or by the rules governing the same. 5. The Health Officer shall be present at every meeting of the Board, and may address the Board on such matters of health which he may deem necessary; he shall present a monthly report at each meeting in writing, but may add verbally whatever he may have to offer to the same. He shall not take part in any debate of the Board unless invited to do so, with the consent of the majority of the Board. THE HEALTH OFFICER STANDING COMMITTEE 6. There shall be a standing committee on health (matters), which in the intervals between the meetings of the Board, and in emergency cases, shall exercise the full authority of the Board, and decide on all questions and measures on health matters that may arise, subject to the approval of the full Board, at its regular or special meetings. It shall together with the 6 Health Officer, devise and superintend all meas- ures and means necessary to quell an epidemic, and define the powers and duties of all persons, including the Health Officer, who from time to time may become connected with the Health De- partment. Its decision shall be unanimous in order to be effective, and it shall have no power to expend more than $25.00 without the au- thority of the full Board. The Health Committee shall consist of the President of the Board and two members, to be appointed by its President. FINANCE COMMITTEE 7. There shall be a Committee on Finance, to consist of three members, who shall examine and approve all bills before ordered paid, and to at- tend to such other financial business as the Board may direct. 8. 1. Roll Call. 2. Approval of Minutes of Previous meet- ing. 3. Reports of Health Officer. 4. Reports of Committees. 5. Presentation of Communications, Peti- tions and Complaints. 6. Payment of Bills. 7. Reading, Amending and Passing of Health Ordinances. 8. Miscellaneous Business. 9. All reports and motions, except privileged and subsidiary questions, shall be offered in writing, and all such reports and motions may be ORDER OF BUSINESS 7 withdrawn on motion at any time before a de- cision or an amendment. 10. Every member present at the meeting shall vote when a question is put, unless excused by a majority of the members present, and after stating his reason for wishing to be excused. If refusing to vote, if not excused, his vote shall be counted in the affirmative for the question before the Board. 11. The names of members when called by the Clerk, shall be called alphabetically, and without the prefix or professional or social title (as commissioner a, b, etc.). 12. The President may order the roll call on any motion before the Board, and any member of the Board may demand the roll call on any motion before the Board. 13. No person, or persons, shall be allowed to address the Board, except on motion and by unanimous consent; this rule does not apply to city officers. 14. The proceedings of the Board shall be governed and regulated by general Parliamentary practice, as laid down in Cushing's Manual, unless otherwise provided for by these rules. 15. The rules may be amended by a two- thirds vote, only on written notice of such amend- ment having been given at a previous regular meeting. 16. The rules may be suspended at any time by vote of the Board. Adopted March 6th, 1899. 8 SANITARY CODE OE THE Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey Be it ordained by the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth: Section 1. The Health Officer shall be ex- ecutive officer of the Health Department, and as such shall enforce all the rules and regulations of the Board of Health and all ordinances relat- ing to the public health. He shall also carry out the requests of the State Board of Health. As executive officer he shall maintain proper descip- line among subordinate officers and employes in the department, and such discipline shall relate both to decorum and performance of duty. He shall direct the work in each branch of the de- partment consistent with the rules of the Board to the end of securing the best public service. Sec. 2. The Health Officer shall make special investigations as to the general sanitary condi- tions of the city. He shall report to the Board twice yearly upon investigation as to the housing of the poor, offensive trades, pollution of the public water supply, refuse disposal, places of public gathering, and like matters of public health interest. He shall bring suit under direction of the City Council for violation of any provision of the sanitary code. He shall make monthly re- ports to the Board of all work done, including reports on vital statistics and diseases. Sec. 3. The Health Officer shall keep a record 9 in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose of all complaints which may be made to him of nuisances of any and every kind, of all action which may be taken in relation thereto, and of any and all notices issued by him for the abate- ment of any nuisance or nuisances, or the cleans- ing of any premises, or requiring compliance with any of the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, stating the date of such notice, the nature of its requirements, when, where, upon whom and by whom such notice was served, and the final disposition of each case, the said book to be called the "Complaint Book," and to be open to the in- spection of each and every member of the Board of Health at any time during office hours. Sec. 4. The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall properly record, tabulate and report to the Board of Health all marriages, births and deaths that may occur in the City of Elizabeth ; shall keep the books containing such records in a neat and orderly manner in such form as may be directed by the Board, and shall make such reports to the State Board of Health, and shall do and perform such duties as are required by the act approved March 31, 1887, and such acts as may be amend- atory thereof or supplementary thereto. Sec. 5. There shall be made not less than once during the year, (or oftener, if the Board shall so direct) by the Health Officer and such other persons as may be detailed by the Board of Health to assist him a survey and inspection for the purpose of ascertaining the sanitary condi- tions of such streets, lots or lands, yards, and 10 buildings within the city limits as the Board of Health shall direct, and the owners' names and residences, the location of these lots and build- ings within the city, and the uses to which they are applied, with the names of persons living thereon or therein, so far as it may be practicable to ascertain such facts. Sec. 6. If, upon such survey and inspection, or at any time, any privy, sink, or cesspool, lot, yard, cellar or building shall be reported to the Health Officer as being in a condition dangerous to the public health from any cause whatever, it shall be his duty to visit the same, if he has not already done so, or cause the same to be visited by such police officer or other person as may be detailed to assist him, and if he finds such to be the case, it shall be his duty to prepare a notice in the form devised by the Board of Health, and to serve or cause the same to be served, as provided by Section 14 of act approved March 31, 1887, upon the owner of, the agent for, or the tenant of such premises on which such nuisance shall be situated, requiring such owner or agent to remove the contents of such privy, sink or cesspool, or to cleanse such lot, yard or building within five days after the service of such notice, and in any case in which the terms of said notice shall not have been complied with within the time specified, the Health Officer is directed to proceed as provided in Section 14 of act ap- proved March 31, 1887, and all acts amendatory thereto and supplementary thereof, and the Health Officer is especially dircted to prepare and 11 serve all notices and to proceed strictly in accor- dance with the said Section 14 above referred to. Sec. 7. Any owner or agent of any premises, building, lot, yard, cellar, privy, sink, or cesspool who shall neglect or fail to comply with the re- quirements of such notice shall be liable to a pen- alty of twenty dollars for each and every offense, with costs of suit, and the costs of abatement, if any such shall have been necessary. Sec. 8. Every agent or other person having the charge, control or management, or who col- lects or receives the rents of any lands, premises, or other property in this city, shall disclose the name or names of the owner or owners of such land, premises or property, or the name or names of the person or persons for whom such agent or other person is acting, to this Board; upon ap- plication being made therefore, by any officer, in- spector, or agent of the Board; and any per- son or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifteen dollars. Sec. 9. In any case in which a nuisance or cause detrimental to the public health shall be found upon premises occupied by a tenant, in which said nuisance or matter detrimental to public health shall have been or may be caused by the said tenant, he may also be duly notified to abate said nuisance within five days, as hereto- fore provided in cases of owners or agents. And if he should fail or neglect to obey said notifica- tion, he shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars, 12 with cost of suit, for each and every offense, to which may be added costs of abatement, if any such have been incurred. Sec. 10. No person shall carelessly or negli- gently do or advise or contribute to the doing of any act or thing dangerous to the life or detri- mental to the health of any human being. Sec. 11. The accumulation of water in which mosquito larvae breed is hereby declared a nuisance, and any person creating or maintaing such a nuisance shall pay a penalty of $10. Sec. 12. The accumulation of manure, gar- bage or refuse in which fly larvae breed is hereby declared a nuisance and any person creating or maintaining such a nuisance shall pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 13. No part of the contents thereof, or substance from any sink, privy or cesspool, nor any manure, ashes, garbage or dirt shall be thrown by any person or be allowed to run or drop upon or remain in any yard, street, lot or public place, nor shall the same be thrown or allowed to fall or run into the bed of the Elizabeth River, or into the waters of Staten Island Sound, save through the public sewers, and no material shall be allowed to pass into such public sewer as would have a tendency to clog up, injure or desetroy such public sewers. Sec. 14. No person shall place papers or light refuse in any garbage can or other recep- tacle to be emptied by the city scavenger in such NUISANCES 13 a way that they can be blown about the side- walks or streets of the city of Elizabeth, but such papers and light refuse must be securely tied or fastened together before being placed in said receptacles. Sec. 15. Whenever a sewer is built in any street adjoining any lot of land or premises for the purpose of draining such lands, any cellar, cistern, privy, cesspool, sink or pool of water, located on said lot shall be drained into such sewer as soon as practicable after notice shall be given to the owner, occupant or person in charge of said land or premises by the Health Officer, and if any owner, occupant or person in charge of such land or premises shall neglect or refuse to make such drain for any of the pur- poses aforesaid as soon as practicable after such notice, the Health Officer may cause the same to be done at the expense of the owner or occupant of said land or premises or person in charge thereof. Sec. 16. In all cases where it is not practicable to drain into a sewer any foul, noxious or un- wholesome fluid or matter found on any land or premises the owner, occupant or person in charge of the same shall dig a cesspool on said land and premises of sufficient size for the reception and discharge of all the refuse matter, fluids, or waste water that would accumulate on said prop- erty whether arising from the domestic opera- tions of the occupant, if occupied, or otherwise, and in case such owner, occupant or person in charge shall neglect or refuse to make such cess- 14 pool as soon as practicable after such notice to do so by the Health Officer, the same shall be made at the expense of such owner, occupant or person in charge of said lands and premises. Sec. 17. No person shall place or throw on any street, road or sidewalk any bottle, broken glass, crockery ware, iron, tin, wire or other material or things dangerous to the life or limb of man or beast; and any person offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of $10. Sec. 18. No animal or vegetable substance, nor street sweepings, or muck, nor dirt gathered in cleaning yards, buildings, docks or slips, nor waste of mills or factories, nor any material which tends by decay to become putrid, or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome, shall be deposited or used to fill up, or raise the surface or level of any lot. grounds, docks, wharf or pier, or any ground filled for the purpose of building thereon within the city of Elizabeth, unless pursuant to a permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 19. No ground or place filled with any matter or substance that will emit or allow to arise through or from the same any noxious smell or deleterious exhalations, shall be opened or turned up, or the surface thereof removed, between the first day of May and the first day of October of any year, except by permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 20. No swill, brine, urine of animals or other offensive animal substance, nor any stink- 15 ing, noxious liquid or other filthy matter of any kind shall by any person be allowed to run or fall from out of any building, vehicle, or erection into or upon any public street or place, or to be taken or put therein. Sec. 21. No butchers' offal or garbage, nor any dead animal, nor any putrid or stinking animal or vegetable matter, shall be thrown by any person, or be allowed to drop upon or run on or remain upon any lot, street, place, sewer or receiving basin, or into or upon the bed of the Elizabeth River or the waters of Staten Island Sound. Sec. 22. No person shall burn within the city of Elizabeth any matter or substance (other than coal, charcoal, wood, oils and such vegetable matters as may be necessary in cleaning up yards and gardens) which shall emit into the air, or cause or produce, or cast off any foul or ob- noxious gas, smoke or odor of any kind what- ever. Sec. 23. No person shall have or permit any putrid water or other liquid or substance upon his premises or grounds to the prejudice of life or health, whether for use in any trade or other- wise. Sec. 24. Neither the contents of any tub, re- ceptacle, cesspool, privy, vault, sink, watercloset or cistern, nor anything in any room, excavation, vat, building, premises or place shall be allowed to become a nuisance or offensive so as to be dangerous and injurious to health. 16 Sec. 25. A lodging house is hereby defined to be a building or part of a building where lodgings are provided and let out for profit or as sleeping quarters for persons. Sec. 26. No tenement house nor any part thereof shall be used for the letting of lodgings without the consent in writing of the Board of Health, nor shall any person not a member of the family be taken to live within an apartment occupied by any family without such consent. It shall be the duty of the owner of such tene- ment house to see that the provisions of this section are at all times complied with, and a failure to comply on the part of any tenant, after due and proper notice from him, shall be deemed sufficient cause for the summary eviction of such tenant and the cancellation of his lease. Sec. 27. Every person maintaining a lodging house shall keep the same at all times clean and free from filth, garbage and rubbish. Sec. 28. All wash basins, baths, waterclosets, windows, fixtures, furniture and painted sur- faces shall be at all times kept thoroughly clean and in good repair. Sec. 29. Every lodging house shall be pro- vided with at least: (a) One bath on each floor to be supplied with hot and cold water, and shall be open for the free use of lodgers at all times, (b) One wash basin for every twenty beds or fraction thereof, (c) One watercloset for every twenty beds or fraction thereof, (d ) One urinal LODGING HOUSES 17 for every forty beds or fraction thereof, (e) Ample supply of clean towels for lodgers. SEC. 30. The following requirements for lodging houses must be fulfilled: (a) All floors must be thoroughly scrubbed once in each week. (b) All beds must be arranged so that air shall circulate under and around each of them, all windows shall be open top and bottom at least three hours in each day, ventilation shall be in accordance with any ordinances or regulations which have been or may be adopted by the Board of Health of the city of Elizabeth. (c) All beds, bed clothing, mattresses and pillows shall be kept free from vermin. (d) All bed linen must be laundered at least once a week. SANITATION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS Sec. 31. All churches, halls, theatres and other buildings used for public meetings shall be kept at all times in a clean and sanitary condi- tion, every such building shall be provided with and make use of proper methods for maintaining the purity of the atmosphere at all times. Sec. 32. All public buildings as in the pre- ceding section shall be cleaned and aired after each meeting. No such building or room shall be swept without first sprinkling the floor with water or throwing on it damp sawdust or other absorbent material to prevent dust. Dry dusting is prohibited and damp cloths must be used. Sec. 33. The use of roller towels or towels 18 available for use by more than one person with- out being washed after such use is hereby pro- hibited in any building used as a public institu- tion, hotel, restaurant, theatre, public hall or public school. Sec. 34. No person shall hereafter erect or cause to be erected, or converted to a new pur- pose by alteration, any building or structure which, or any part of which, shall be inadequate or defective in respect of strength, ventilation, light, drainage or any other usual, proper or necessary provision or precaution; nor shall the builder, lessee, tenant or occupant of any such or of any other building or structure (within the right or ability of either to remedy or prevent the same), cause or allow any matter or thing to be, or to be done in or about any such building or structure dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 35. No owner, agent or lessee of any building, or any part thereof, shall lease or let or hire out the same, or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied as a place for anyone to dwell or lodge, except when said buildings or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided and accommodated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness, for which this code or any law of this State provides, or in which they, or either of them, require any such premises to be kept. SANITARY CONDITIONS OE BUILDINGS 19 Sec. 36. Wherever it shall be decided by this board that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation, by reason of its being so infected with disease, or by reason of its being in a condition dangerous to health or life, or to be likely to cause sickness among the occupants, and notice of such decision shall have been affixed conspicuously on the building, or any part thereof, so decided to be unfit for human habita- tion, and personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in the State, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building, or part thereof, for the reasons to be stated therein as aforesaid, such building, or part thereof, shall, within ten days thereafter, be vacated; or in case of special emergency within such shorter time as in said notice may be specified. Sec. 37. Whenever it shall be decided that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation by reason of its being in a condition dangerous to health or life or likely to cause sick- ness among its occupants the Board of Health can issue an order requiring all persons therein to vacate such building or part thereof within not less than twenty-four hours nor more than ten days for the reasons mentioned in such order. In case such order is not complied with within the time so specified the Board of Health may cause such house or part thereof to be vacated. Sec. 38. No premises shall be rented, let, leased,, or occupied as a dwelling house unless said premises shall have a plentiful supply of 20 pure water suitable for domestic purposes fur- nished at one or more places in such house or in the yard thereof, so that the same may be ade- quate and reasonably convenient for the use of the occupants of said house. SEC. 39. It shall be the duty of every occu- pant of any and every building or place of busi- ness within the city to provide and at all times to keep or cause to be kept and provided within such building or place of business or premises a suitable and sufficient metal can with cover and several thereof if needful, for receiving and holding without leakage, all the ashes, rubbish and garbage that may accumulate during three days from said building or place of business, and no such metal can shall remain on any sidewalk or in any business place longer than may be need- ful for the removal of the contents thereof, and all such metal cans shall be placed and kept in such position as the Board of Health or its agents shall direct, and no person not for that purpose authorized, shall interfere therewith or with the contents thereof. Sec. 40. No tenement house shall hereafter be erected on any street unless there is a public sewer thereon or a private sewer connecting di- rectly with a public sewer. No cesspool or privy vault or similar means of sewage disposal shall be used in connection with any tenement house, but every tenement house shall have its plumbing system connected with a public sewer before such house is occupied. 21 Sec. 41. No room in a tenement house and dwelling house erected prior to the passage of this code shall hereafter be occupied for living purposes unless it shall have a window opening directly upon the street, or upon a yard not less than ten feet deep, or above the roof of an ad- joining building or upon a court of not less than twenty-five square feet in area, minimum width five feet, open to the sky without roof or sky- light, unless such room is located on the top floor and is adequately lighted and ventilated by a skylight opening directly to the outer air. Every room which does not comply with above provision shall be provided with a sash window, opening into an adjoining room in the same apartment, which latter room either opens directly on the street or on a yard of the above dimensions, or is itself connected by a similar sash window or series of windows with such an outer room. Said sash window shall be a verti- cally sliding, pulley-hung sash, not less than three feet by five feet between stop heads; both halves shall be made so as to readily open, and the lower half shall be glazed with translucent glass, and so far as possible it shall be in line with windows in outer rooms opening on the street or yard so as to afford a maximum of light and ventilation. In the case of rooms located in apartments that extend through from the street to the yards, thus ensuring thorough ventilation, where such rooms are either provided with windows, window open- ings, glass sliding doors, or large alcove openings to adjoining rooms but do not comply with all 22 the provisions of this section, the health depart- ment, when satisfied that no material improve- ment in the light and ventilation of such rooms can be had that would warrant the providing of new windows of the size and kind specified, may permit the occupancy of such rooms for living purposes in the following cases, provided such improvements or alterations as may be prac- ticable and as are required by said department are made by the owner: 1. When there is an existing window or win- dow opening from such interior room to an adjoining room and such window or opening is not less than ten square feet in area. 2. When there is an existing glass sliding door or an alcove opening of sufficient size from such interior room to an adjoining room. 3. Where owing to the size of partitions, ar- rangement of rooms, location of fixed closets or stairs, or the interposition of airshafts, it is im- practicable to provide a sash window of the required size, and a window as large as practi- cable is provided. KEEPING OE animals Sec. 42. No person shall keep or allow to be kept in any dwelling house or in any part thereof any horse, cattle, goats or fowls. Sec. 43. Every owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any stall, stable or apartment in which any horse or other cattle shall be kept, or any place in which any manure or any solid or BARNS AND STABLES 23 liquid discharge or excrement may collect or accumulate, shall at all times keep or cause to be kept such stalls, stables or apartments, and the drainage, yard and appurtenances thereof, in a cleanly, healthful and wholesome condition, and no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom. Sec. 44. Every stable or apartment in which any horse, or any other cattle shall be kept, shall have a tight cement floor connected with the pub- lic sewer wherever practicable, and be provided with two square feet of unobstructed window glass and five hundred cubic feet of air space for each animal and a tightly constructed manure receptacle above ground to receive all manure from such stable pending its removal. Said re- ceptacle must be tightly screened so as to be in- accessible to flies. Sec. 45. It shall be the duty of the owners or occupants having on their premises any horse, mule, goats or other animals to remove or cause to be removed all manure from the said premises weekly from May 1 to November 1. Sec. 46. No cesspool shall hereafter be built or constructed or reconstructed in the City of Elizabeth without a permit for that purpose shall first be obtained from the Board of Health. Sec. 47. No privy vault shall hereafter be built or constructed or reconstructed within the City of Elizabeth upon any premises abutting upon a street in which there is a public sewer. PRIVY VAULTS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. 24 Sec. 48. No privy shall be used or maintained within the City of Elizabeth after July 1, 1914, upon any premises abutting upon a street in which there is a public sewer, and no outside water closet shall hereafter be installed in the City of Elizabeth without a permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 49. The license fee for the business of cleaning cesspools or privies in the City of Eliza- beth shall be the sum of twenty dollars and shall in all cases be paid before the license shall be de- livered or take effect. Sec. 50. No person who has contracted to re- move, or who has ordered or procured the re- moval, or the driver of any cart or vehicle engaged to remove any liquid, manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt, or the contents of any privy, vault, or cesspool, shall permit any cart or vehicle so engaged or employed to be so fully loaded or to be of such faulty condition or repair that any liquid or any manure, or other noxious sub- stance shall escape therefrom or fall upon or in any place, street or premises, and it shall be the duty of every such person to at once replace on such vehicle and remove what has so fallen. Sec. 51. No person shall allow to run into any ground, street, or place in said city, the contents (or any part thereof) of any vault, privy, cesspool or sink; nor shall any owner, tenant or occupant of any building to which any vault, sink, privy or cesspool shall appertain or be attached, permit the contents, or any part thereof, to flow therefrom or to rise within two 25 feet of any part of the top, or said contents to become offensive; nor shall any privy or other erection in this section mentioned be filled with or covered with dirt till its filthy contents shall have been emptied. Sec. 52. No person or persons shall carry on any trade, manufacture or business within the City of Elizabeth which may be noxious or offensive to the inhabitants of said city or any part thereof, and which may be attended by noi- some and injurious odors, without having first obtained a permit from the Board of Health, such permit to be granted only on such terms and conditions as shall be from time to time prescribed by said Board, to which terms and conditions the applicant or applicants for such permit shall subscribe before receiving said per- mit, and such permit shall not be transferrable in case of a sale or transfer of the business, in which case a new application must be made in the name of the parties who propose to conduct the business, and the said trade, manufacture or busi- ness may be at any time summarily abated in case of failure or neglect to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit, and any such trade, manufacture or business which may be established within the said City of Elizabeth without having first obtained the permit herein- before provided for shall be summarily abated, as provided in the act of March 31, 1887, and such acts as may be amendatory thereof and sup- plementary thereto. Any person or persons who OFFENSIVE TRADES 26 may violate this section shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than one hun- dred dollars per day for each and every day in which such trade, manufacture or business may be carried on within the City of Elizabeth, to be recovered by action of debt, with costs of suit in each case. Sec. 53. Every butcher and every person owning, leasing or occupying any place, room or building, where any cattle, or fowl, may be or are killed or dressed,' or any person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any room, stall or stable, or market where fowl or cattle may be or are kept, shall cause such place, room, stall, building or market and their yards and appur- tenances to be immediately thoroughly cleaned and purified after the use thereof for any of the above purposes. Sec. 54. No slaughter house shall hereafter be established or constructed without a permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 55. Every proprietor, lessee, tenant and occupant of any oyster house, oyster saloon, fish market or other premises where oysters, clams, lobsters, or any shell or other fish are consumed, used, sold or handled, or where any of the refuse matter, offal or shells accumulate, shall cause all such shells, offal and refuse matter to be removed every day to some proper place, and shall keep his house, saloon and premises at all times free from unhealthful smells and accumulations. And during the months from April to October, both inclusive, all such refuse matter, offal and shells 27 shall be kept in tight metal cans with closely fitting metal covers, and shall also be carefully washed and cleansed each day. Sec. 56. No person shall kill any animal in any market, nor have or permit to escape there- from any poisonous or noxious odors injurious to the public health. Sec. 57. No building, vehicle, structure, re- ceptacle or thing used or to be used for any purpose whatever, shall. be made, used, kept, maintained or operated in the City of Elizabeth, if the use, keeping, maintaining or operating of such building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing shall be the occasion of any nuisance or dangerous or detrimental to health. Sec. 58. No substance, matter or thing of any kind whatever, which shall be dangerous or detrimental to health, shall be permitted to exist in connection with any permitted business or use therein, or to exist in connection with or be used in any work or labor carried on or to be carried on or prosecuted in the City of Elizabeth, and no nuisance shall be permitted to exist in connection with any business or in con- nection with any such work or labor. Sec. 59. No person shall keep any place for the storage, drying, cleaning or sorting of rags or waste paper unless the said premises shall be at least one hundred feet from any dwelling house, factory or other building occupied by human beings without a permit from the Board of Health. 28 Sec. 60. No person shall conduct a rummage sale or sale where second-hand articles and clothing or bedding are disposed of without first having obtained a permit from the Board of Health.. SWIMMING POOLS, NATATORIUMS Sec. 61. All pools or tanks shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once each week in a manner and by the use of such disinfectants or cleansing ma- terials as may be required by the Board of Health, and all such pools or tanks shall be emptied at least twice each week. SEC. 62. The sides and bottoms of all pools or tanks shall be white, so that objects may be clearly seen so far as possible in all portions of pools and tanks. Sec. 63. All persons before entering any swimming pool or tank shall be required to cleanse the body by the use of shower or similar device maintained and used for such purpose. LAUNDRIES Sec. 64. It shall be unlawful to maintain or operate in the City of Elizabeth a public laundry or wash house in any building or portion thereof that shall be used as a public hall, store, restau- rant or lodging house, or to employ or allow to remain within said laundry or wash house any person suffering from any contagious, infectious or loathsome disease. Sec. 65. It shall be unllawful for any person maintaining or operating by mechanical ap- paratus in the City of Elizabeth any public laun- 29 dry or wash house to wash or permit to be washed any article of clothing in any room the floor of which is not constructed of cement and drained into the public sewer. Sec. 66. It shall be unlawful to maintain or operate in the City of Elizabeth anv public lau- dry or wash house the exterior walls of which are within twenty feet of any school or public building. Sec. 67. No person being owner, lessee or tenant of any house or building shall allow any water or other liquid to run from or out of his building or ground upon or across any sidewalk or curbstone, and if such substance is allowed to pass upon any street, it must reach the same by a passage to be kept at all times adequate and in repair by such person, under or through such flagstone or curbstone; and no such water or other liquid, or ice there- from, shall be allowed to gather or remain on the upper surface of such curb, flagstone or passage; nor shall such person allow any ac- cumulation of such water or liquid, or the ice therefrom, upon any street or place, but shall at all times cause the same to be removed or pass along the gutter or some proper passage to one of the rivers or into a sewer. Sec. 68. Every owner, tenant, lessee and oc- cupant of any building or lot (whether vacant or occupied) within or near the built-up portions of said city, shall keep and cause to be kept the sidewalk and flagging, and curbstone in front sidewalks and yards 30 thereof, free from obstructions and nuisances of every kind, and shall not allow anything in the area or yard or on or about his premises to be- come a nuisance or dangerous or prejudical to life or health. Sec. 69. It shall be the duty of all owners, lessees, tenants or occupants of any and all build- ings in the City of Elizabeth to keep the gutters or sidewalks in front of said buildings free from any offensive substance, liquid or solid, or any dirt, rubbish, water or stones, or any other thing dangerous to health, life or limb. Sec. 70. No fence of wood, sheetiron, or other opaque substance, nor any wall of brick, stone or other opaque substance shall be built or main- tained within ten feet of the dividing line of any property of a height more than six feet without a permit from the Board of Health. FOOD AND DRINK Sec. 71. No meat, fish, birds, or fowl, fruit or vegetables, nor any milk, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome and safe for human food, nor any animal or fish that died by disease or accident, shall be brought within said city, or offered or held for sale in any public or private market, as such food, anywhere in the City of Elizabeth. Sec 72. No calf, pig, or lamb, or the meat thereof, shall be held or offered for sale as food in said city which at the date of its being killed was, being a calf, less than four weeks old, or being a pig, less than five weeks old, or being a 31 lamb, less than eight weeks old; nor shall any sickly or unwholesome fish or fowl be sold or offered for sale as food in said city. Sec. 73 Any meat, fowl, fish, vegetables or milk sold or offered for sale in a condition which is unwholesome and unfit for use as human food shall be immediately removed from any market, street, premises or public place, and the purchaser of any such unwholesome meat, fowl, fish, vege- tables or milk shall be reimbursed by the vendor thereof, and the proprietor of the market, store, or place offering such unwholesome articles for sale shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 74. No person shall bring into this city, or keep therein, for sale or otherwise, either for food or any other purpose or purposes whatever, any animal, dead or alive, matter, substance or thing which shall be, or which shall occasion a nuisance in said city, or which may or shall be dangerous or detrimental to health. Sec. 75. No meat, fish, fruit, vegetables or milk, or unwholesome liquid shall knowingly be bought, sold, held, offered for sale, labeled or any representation made in respect thereof under a false name or quality, or as being what the same is not, as respects wholesomeness, sound- ness or safety for food or drink. Sec. 76. If upon examination the Board of Health shall be of the opinion that any well is likely to be a permanent source of danger to the public health, the owner or agent of the same shall be notified to close securely or fill up the 32 same, and if the terms of such notice shall not be complied with within three days after the service thereof on the ower or agent an occupant, of any, of such premises, such well shall be closed or filled up by the health officer at the expense of the owner of such premises. Sec. 77. No well shall hereafter be dug any- where within the City of Elizabeth within sixty feet of any vault, privy, sink or cesspool, under a penalty of twenty dollors. Sec. 78. No ice cream, fruit, candy or other food, stored, made, purchased or kept in any sleeping quarters or place contaminated by filth, dust or obnoxious gases shall be sold or offered for sale. Sec. 79. No soda water, mineral water or other beverage and no medicine or drugs shall be made, sold or offered for sale or produced or offered for sale under unclean or unsanitary surroundings or conditions, or when composed of ingredients not conforming to the laws gov- erning pure food, as prescribed under the pure food laws of the State of New Jersey or of the United States Government. Sec. 80. No store or room in which meat, fruit, ice cream or other foodstuffs of any kind are sold shall be used wholly or in part as a living room, cooking room or room in which anyone shall sleep. Sec. 81. Fruits, vegetables, meats and other food products shall not be displayed or exposed on the sidewalk, or outside of places of business, 33 unless such foods are securely covered by cases of glass, wood or metal, or unless they are en- closed in tight barrels, bags or boxes. Provided, however, that this rule shall not apply to fruits or vegetables which must necessarily be peeled before use, but such foods, when displayed outdoors, must be supported on platforms at least eighteen inches above the surface of the sidewalk or ground. Sec. 82. Prepared foodstuffs, such as bakers' goods, confectionery, shelled nuts, etc., dried fruit, such as dates, figs, peaches, prunes, apri- cots, etc.; cereal products, such as tapioca, breakfast foods, etc.; pickled products, such as pickles, chili sauce, etc.; fruit products, such as apple butter, jellies, jams, etc.; meat products, such as dried, salted or smoked fish, veal loaf, pickled pigs' feet, chipped beef, boiled ham, mince meat or other foods prepared for eating, or subject to the attacks of worms or flies, shall not be displayed for sale unless protected from flies, dust, and dirt and all other foreign and in- jurious contamination by suitable coverings of glass, wood or metal. Sec. 83. All bread, biscuits, pies and other bakestuffs must be protected from flies and dust by suitable covers of glass, wood or metal, and when sold or delivered from wagons or other vehicles must be wrapped and protected by para- fin paper or other covering. Sec. 84. No impure ice or ice cut within or outside of the City of Elizabeth from a polluted 34 pond, lake, stream or other source, and no ice manufactured from impure water shall be used, sold or manufactured in said city. RESTAURANTS Sec. 85. The dining-rooms and the kitchens of all public eating houses, hotels, restaurants,, lunch rooms and all places where food and drinks are prepared and sold shall from April 15 to December 1 have all windows, doors and open- ings therein properly screened so as to exclude flies from such places. Sec. 86. No unsound, stale, rotten, fermented, diseased, nauseous or unwholesome fish, oysters, or other sea food, vegetables, berries, melons, fruits or other articles of food or drink shall be sold or offered for sale as human food or drink upon any street or premises or in any market stall, shop, wharehouse, cold storage, hotel, boarding house, restaurant, lunch room or other place of business, or from any cart or vehicle therein. Sec. 87. All restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, lunch roms, ice cream parlors, soft drink stands or other places where food or drink is sold, served or prepared shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. All persons employed in or about such places shall keep themselves and their clothing in a clean, sanitary and healthful condition. No person suffering from tubercu- losis, any venereal diseases, or any other com- municable disease, shall be employed in or about such places in any position. 35 SEC. 88. No meats, fish, bakery products, milk or milk products, soft drinks, ice cream, candy, fruits, confectionery, vegetables or other foodstuffs shall be prepared for sale, kept for sale or sold in any room in which a toilet is located, or in any room opening directly into a toilet room, unless there is outside ventilation to such toilet room. ICE CREAM Sec. 89. All persons engaged in the business of manufacture of ice cream for sale in the City of Elizabeth must before engaging in said busi- ness apply to the Board of Health for an inspec- tion of their premises and apparatus and for permit to engage in said business before they shall begin the manufacture of ice cream. . Sec. 90. No person shall manufacture, sell or offer for sale in the City of Elizabeth any ice cream unless according to the following require- ments : (a) The ice cream plant must be properly screened. (b) The floors, walls and ceilings must be sanitary. (c) The water closet and urinals must be separate from the plant. (d) The room used for mixing cream must be close-ceiled, properly ventilated and screened, and with no unsanitary surroundings or neighbor- hood. (e) All utensils and all cans used in the manu- facture or distribution of ice cream must be of 36 suitable material, and must be sterilized at a temperature of at least 212° F. for not less than fifteen minutes, and a suitable room must be provided where such cans can be kept and sterilized. (f) All persons engaged in said manufacture or sale must be clean both in person and ap- pearance and must wear a suitable clean suit. (g) No ice cream shall be returned or ex- changed. (h) All ingredients used in the manufacture must be fresh and wholesome. (i) No ice cream shall contain at any time more than 1,000,000 bacteria per cc. Sec. 91. All glasses, cups, dishes and other eating or drinking vessels or utensils used in in or at any hotel, saloon, restaurant, drug store, soda fountain, or other place of public refresh- ment in the city shall be thoroughly cleansed in running water or in clean water after each and every use thereof by any patron, and prior to any further use thereof in eating or drinking by any other patron. All pipes used for drawing beer or other beverages must be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week. Sec. 92. Any person, corporation or associ- ation of persons offending against Sections 89, 90 or 91 of these ordinances governing the manu- facture of ice cream shall on conviction thereof pay a penalty of ten dollars for the first offense and for any subsequent offense may have their license revoked. 37 Sec. 93. Every barber shop shall be equipped with running hot and cold water and with all such appliances, furnishings and materials as may be necessary to comply with these regula- tions, and the person in charge shall keep said shop at all times in a clean and sanitary condition according to the following requirements: (a) No person in charge of any baber shop shall permit any person suffering from a com- municable skin disease or from a venereal disease to act as barber in said shop. (b) No barber shall shave any person when the surface to be shaved is inflamed or broken out, or contains pus, unless such person be pro- vided with his individual shaving appliances. (c) Every barber shall cleanse his hands thoroughly immediately before shaving each customer. (d) No barber shall use for a customer any towel or wash cloth which has not been boiled or laundered since last used. (e) All combs, hair dusters and like articles shall be washed thoroughly and sterilized at frequent intervals and kept clean at all times, and all mugs, shaving brushes, razors, scissors, clippers, tweezers and other instruments must be sterilized after every separate use. (f) Every barber shall use a separate and clean towel for every customer and shall wear a wash- able apron or coat, which shall be kept clean. BARBER SHOPS 38 (g) Every barber shall use alum or other material to stop the flow of blood in powdered or liquid form only, and shall not use sponges or powder puffs. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OF ANIMALS Sec 94. Any person having in confinement dogs suspected of rabies shall report the same to the Board of Health and shall submit such dog to the examination of the Health Officer or his representatives, and it shall be the duty of the Health Officer when called upon to examine or have examined such dog, if it is suspected of having rabies, to ascertain whether or not such dog is afflicted with rabies. After permis- sion of the Health Officer has been secured dogs afflicted with rabies may be killed, and any dog suspected of having rabies may be killed by the direction of the Health Officer or his repre- sentative. Sec. 95. Whenever any animal shall be bitten by another animal having rabies, the owner or person having the custody or possession of the animal so bitten shall, upon being informed there- of, either kill such animal or quarantine it and keep it tied up or confined for a period of six months, and the Health Officer shall have power, in his discretion, to kill or quarantine the animal so bitten, in case the owner or person having custody or possession thereof shall fail to do so immediately, or in case the owner or person having custody thereof is not readily accessible. Sec. 96. Every veterinary surgeon who is called to examine or professionally attend any 39 animal within the City of Elizabeth having the glanders or farcy, or any contagious disease, shall within twenty-four hours thereafter report in writing to the Board of Health of said city the following facts, viz.: 1. A statement of the location of such diseased animal. 2. The name and address of the owner thereof. 3. The type and character of the disease. Sec. 97. The Health Officer may authorize the treatment by the Pasteur method or by any other known method of treatment for the pre- vention or cure of rabies of any person who has been bitten within the City of Elizabeth by any dog or other animal suspected of being afflicted with rabies. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Si$C. 98. Every physician must report to this Board in writing within twelve hours after his first professional attendance the name and address of every person having cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, leprosy, plague, trichinosis, smallpox, varioloid, enteric (or typhoid) fever, anterior poliomyelitis, epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ophthalmia neonatorium, trachoma, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, rotheln, mumps, chicken pox, or any other contagious, infectious or communicable disease, which hereafter may be publicly declared by the Board of Health to be preventable and especially dangerous to the public health. 40 Sec. 99. Every physician must report to this Board in writing within twenty-four hours after his first professional attendance the name and address of every person having tuberculosis in any of its forms. SEC. 100. It shall be the duty of every physi- cian or midwife in attendance upon the birth of an infant to drop in each eye of said infant one drop of a one per cent, solution of silver nitrate immediately after the birth of said infant. Sec. 101. It shall be the duty of every mid- wife or nurse having charge of a new-born infant to report in writing within six hours to the Board of Health, if any pus or secretion form in the eyes, or on the eyelids, or if any or both eyes of said infant become reddened or swollen within two weeks after birth. Sec. 102. Upon the receipt of a report of the existence of a case of smallpox, varioloid, scarlet fever or diphtheria, the Health Officer shall cause to be placed upon the premises in which the case may be located a placard or pla- cards which shall state the nature of the disease, and said placard or placards shall remain under penalty of twenty dollars until removed by the direction of the Health Officer at the termina- tion of the disease and the release of quaran- tine. Sec. 103. No child suffering from trachoma shall be allowed to attend any public, private or parochial school or have close association with other individuals unless it shall present to 41 the Board of Health a certificate from a com- petent physician that the case is not in a con- tagious stage. Sec. 104. No principal, teacher or superin- tendent of any school, and no parent or guardian of any child attending any school shall knowingly permit any child sick with any contagious dis- ease, or any child residing in any house in which such disease shall exist, to attend any school until this Board shall have given it permit therefor; and any person offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec 105. In case communicable disease occurs in this city the person affected thereby shall, at the discretion of the Board of Health, be isolated, or said person may be removed to such locality as the Board of Health may order and direct; and all buildings, clothing, property and premises and vehicles which may become infected by the presence of persons affected by communicable diseases, shall be disinfected, fumigated or de- stroyed, and said disinfection, fumigation or de- struction shall be made and performed in such manner and with such materials and within such stated time and under such supervision as the Board of Health or its agents may direct. Sec. 106. No person from any dwelling wherein a disease dangerous to the public health exists shall take any book or magazine to or from the Public Library without a permit from the Board of Health. The Board will inform the librarian of all cases of said diseases, and until 42 a written permit is given, he shall allow neither books nor magazines to be taken to or returned from the dwellings where such cases exist. Sec. 107. No person or articles liable to propagate a dangerous disease shall be brought into the city without the special permit and di- rection of the Board of Health, and no person shall remove any articles liable to propagate a dangerous or contagious disease from any house or place in which such dangerous or contagious disease shall exist, without a permit from this Board. Sec. 108. There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person who has died of smallpox, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, or asiatic cholera, but the funeral or such person shall be private, and held within twenty-four hours of the death of said person and it shall not be law- ful to invite or permit at the funeral of any person who has died of any of the above diseases, or of any contagious or pestilential disease, or at any services connected therewith, any person whose attendance is not necessary, or to whom there is danger of contagion thereby. Sec. 109. It shall be the duty of every under- taker having notice of the death of any person within the City of Elizabeth of smallpox, vari- oloid, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, asiatic cholera, leprosy, measles or any other contagious disease dangerous to the general health of the com- 43 munity, or of the bringing of the dead body of any person who has died of any such disease into said city, to give immediate notice thereof to this Board of Health. And no undertaker shall retain or expose, or assist in the retention or exposure of the dead body of any such dead person, except in a coffin or casket properly sealed, nor shall he allow any such body to be placed in any coffin or casket unless the body has been thoroughly disinfected and wrapped in a sheet saturated with a proper disinfecting so- lution and the coffin or casket be immediately and permanently sealed. Nor shall he assist in the public or church funeral of any such person. Sec. 110. No person shall let or hire any house or room in a house in which cholera, small- pox, membranous croup, diphtheria, yellow, typhoid or scarlet fever has existed without hav- ing caused the house or premises connected there- with to be disinfected to the satisfaction of the Board of Health. SEC. 111. No person shall at any time carry or convey in or upon any passenger railway car, nor shall any conductor or person in charge of any such railroad car allow to be carried or conveyed in or upon such car, except on the front platform, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding, in baskets or bundles. Sec. 112. Spitting upon sidewalks and street crosswalks or upon the floors of public buildings, railroad stations, and all other public places and on any part of street railways cars or other public 44 conveyances is hereby forbidden. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall pay a penalty of ten dollars. general Sec. 113. It shall be lawful for any of the members of the Board of Health, the Health Officer, any inspector of the Board of Health, any police officer and any other person acting under and by authority of the Board of Health, to enter into and upon any land, tenement, build- ing or other premises for any of the purposes specified in these rules, and any person prevent- ing, obstructing or resisting any officer hereto- fore named, or person employed in or by the Board of Health, in entering into or upon any land, tenement, building or other premises for any of the purposes specified in these rules, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense, with costs of suit in case. Sec. 114. Every person shall observe and obey each and every special regulation and every order of this board that is or may be made for carrying into effect any of the ordinances or powers hereinbefore or hereinafter contained, or any law of this State, or otherwise issued di- rectly by the Board, as if the same had been in- serted at length. Sec. 115. The Board of Health shall have full power to amend, alter, add to or abolish any of these ordinances as in its judgment it may deem expedient for the protection of the 45 public health at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Board. Sec. 116. Any person feeling aggrieved at the official action of the Board, any of its mem- bers, the Health Officer or any of the inspectors, shall be entitled to a hearing before the Board. Sec. 117. Any person or persons offending against or violating any of the provisions of any ordinance that has been passed by the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth or that shall be passed by the said Board, or any of the foregoing provisions of this ordinance for which a specific penalty has not been declared, such person or persons shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, in the discretion of the court or jury before which such person or persons shall be tried. Passed August 14, 1913. 46 PROVISIONS OF THE SANITARY CODE OE THE Board oe Health oe the City oe Elizabeth, Governing the Sale and Distribution oe Milk - Known as the Milk Code Be it ordained by the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth: Section 1. No person, corporation or associ- ation of persons shall sell or deliver, or have in possession for sale or delivery in the City of Elizabeth, any milk or cream, without first ob- taining from the Board of Health a permit for such sale or delivery; said permit shall continue for the term of one year, which will not be issued unless said Board is satisfied after inspection with the clean and sanitary condition of the stable, cows, wagons, store or place of business of the applicant therefor. Sec. 2. No permit, as required in the section preceding, shall be issued by the Board of Health until there shall be paid to the said Board of Health for the issuing thereof and for a proper inspection and supervision of the sale of the milk, the sum of two dollars. Sec. 3. Each permit to be granted as set forth in the two sections next preceding for the term of one year from the first of March of each year; provided, that if any person so licensed as afore- said or any of his employes, servants or agents, 47 shall violate any ordinance or rule of the Board of Health relating to the sale, distribution or inspection of milk, such license may, at the dis- cretion of the Board of Health, be revoked. Sec. 4. Any person or persons engaged in the sale of milk within the City of Elizabeth shall when so requested by the Board of Health or its agents, furnish said Board such samples of milk or cream in his or their possession or under their control as the said Board of Health may deem necessary for tests and analysis, and shall furnish the said Board a true statement in writing upon blanks to be supplied setting forth the average amount of milk which he or they sell each day, the locality from which said milk was procured, and and also a full and complete list of the names of persons from whom said milk was purchased, and the names and addresses of all persons and cus- tomers to whom he or they may sell or deliver milk within said city, and said blanks, when filled in as aforesaid, shall be signed by the person selling said milk, to whom said blank shall be tendered. Sec. 5. Any person or persons engaged in the sale of milk within the City of Elizabeth shall notify the Board of Health in writing immedi- ately upon changing the source of supply of the milk so sold by him or them within said city, of such change, and said notice shall also state the name or names of the persons supplying said milk and the locality from which said milk is procured. 48 Sec. 6. No person shall sell or offer for sale in the City of Elizabeth any milk unless accord- ing to the following standards : Certified Milk (Class 1)-This term shall be limited to milk certified by a properly organized Medical Milk Commission. Inspected Milk (Class 2)-This term shall be limited to milk produced and sold under the following conditions: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, 1, m, and n. (a) Containing less than 88.50 per cent, of water or fluids. (b) Containing more than 11.50 per cent, of milk solids. (c) Containing more than 3 per cent, of milk fats. (d) From which no part of the cream has been removed. (e) Containing no dirt, foreign matter or sediment. (f) Containing no unhealthful ingredients, substance or preservative. (g) Containing no pathogenic bacteria. (h) Drawn from no cow which has been fed on garbage, refuse, fermenting brew- er's grains or other improper food. (i) Drawn from no cow within 15 days be- fore or 5 days after parturition. (j) Drawn from no cow into an uncovered milking pail. (k) Drawn from no cow which has reacted after January 1st, 1914, to a tuberculin 49 test by a licensed veterinarian desig- nated by the Board of Health. (l) Which has been immediately cooled to 50° F. and maintained at that temper- ture until sold to consumer. (m) Which has not existed or has not been kept under conditions contrary to the provisions of this code. (n) Containing less than 250,OCX) bacteria per cc. Pasteurized Milk (Class 3)-This term shall be limited to milk produced and sold under the following regulations: (1) Pasteurized milk must conform to the fol- lowing paragraphs of Inspected Milk: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, 1 and m. (2) Pasteurized Milk must not contain more than 1,000,000 bacteria per cc. at any time before pasteurization, nor more than 50,000 per cc. after pasteurization and at the time of delivery to consumer. (3) Pasteurization of milk is hereby defined as follows: Heating every portion of milk to 140° F. and maintaining it at that temperature for 20 minutes. (4) All milk heated as provided in regulation 3 shall be plainly marked on each bottle or can in which said milk is delivered to the consumer with a paper label bearing the inscription "Pas- teurized Milk." (5) Pasteurization of Milk shall not exempt any producer or dealer from any other provisions of this ordinance. 50 Sec. 7. No milk shall be produced for sale in the City of Elizabeth unless complying in regard to method, equipment, transportation and score and such other regulations as the Board of Health may from time to time adopt. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to publish monthly after July 1, 1913, the names, score, condition of equipment, methods, sanitary conditions or such other data it may think proper to inform the public of the standing and efficiency of every dealer in milk in the City of Elizabeth. Sec. 8. If at any time any person or persons having any connection with a dairy from which milk is sold or delivered, or offered for sale in the City of Elizabeth or any resident member of the family of any person so situated shall be stricken with any communicable disease that has been or may hereafter declared by this Board to be dangerous to the public health, notice shall be given to said Board immediately by the owner or owners of the dairy, and no milk produced from the dairy of any corporation, person or associa- tion of persons so infected, shall hereafter be sold or exposed for sale or delivered in the City of Elizabeth until special permission therefor has been granted by said Board. SEC. 9. No new dairy cow and no new bull which has not been demonstrated by the tuber- culin test to be free from tuberculosis and offici- ary tagged to show that fact shall be brought upon any dairy farm supplying milk to the City of Elizabeth and maintained there for a period longer than is necessary to have said cow or bull 51 officially tuberculin tested, and any cow or bull so tested and reacting to the tuberculin test shall be tagged so as to show that fact, and killed or promptly removed from said farm. Sec. 10. All cans, bottles, or other vessels of any sort used in the production, storage, sale or distribution of milk in this city shall be cleaned and sterilized with boiling water or steam before they are again used for the same purpose, and all cans, measures or other utensils made of metal shall be kept free from dents and rust. The filling of bottles except at the dairy or cream- ery is prohibited. SEC. 11. In case of any sickness or contagious disease breaking out in the herd,the owner must immediately report the same to the Board ol Health, and no milk shall be sold or delivered until the same has been properly investigated and precautions taken to prevent anything detrimental to the health of consumers. All cows suffering from tuberculosis or any other communicable bovine disease must be immediately disposed of and the stables disinfected. Sec. 12. Everything about farms, stables, dairies, milk wagons, milk depots of dealers do- ing business in the City of Elizabeth must at all times be open to inspection of the Board of Health, its officers and agents, and must be kept absolutely clean and in the best sanitary condi- tion. Sec. 13. Milk kept for sale in anv store, shop, restaurant, market, bakery or other establishment 52 in the City of Elizabeth shall be kept in tightly closed or capped bottles or other receptacles which have been approved by the Board of Health and shall be kept in a covered cooler, box or refrigerator properly drained and cared for and which shall at no time be allowed to become foul or malodorus through lack of proper clean- ing. Said store, shop, restaurant, market, bak- ery or other establishments shall at all times be when business is being carried on, upen to in- spection by any authorized agent of the Board of Health. Nothing contained herein shall pre- vent the sale of milk, or cream from cans, closed coolers or other receptacles in resturants, hotels or boarding houses when the milk is to be con- sumed in the premises by guests or patrons or- dering the same. Sec. 14. Nothing in these ordinances shall prevent the sale of skimmed milk or sour milk, provided, however, that the same be sold as such and skimmed milk shall only be kept for sale in utensils plainly marked "Skimmed Milk." Skimmed milk and sour milk shall conform to the standards of purity and temperature required of sweet milk. Sec. 15. It shall not be unlawful for any per- son to distribute or sell in a container having a capacity of not more than 12 fluid ounces, milk especially prepared for infants or infant feeding, by adding thereto pure water, milksugar, cereal starches or other substances which shall not differ in purity, quality or strength from the standard 53 fixed by this ordinance, provided, that such milk shall be labeled "Modified Milk." Sec. 16. No milk shall be transported or handled by any railroad or other common car- rier unless said milk is kept on ice during tran- sit, and unless said milk is protected from sun and rain after reaching its destination and be- fore it has been received by the milkman. All vehicles used for handling or distributing milk or cream must be kept neat and clean and in good repair, and must not be used for hauling manure, slops or anything else of an objection- able nature and must be provided therefor with a covered top of canvas or other material which will protect all vessels containing milk or cream from the rays of the sun. Sec. 17. No milk shall be produced, kept, sold or offered for sale in the City of Elizabeth from any cow or cows that are kept in a stable that is not in a clean, healthful and sanitary condition, or unless it has been cooled immediately after it is drawn from the cow. Said milk shall not be cooled in any room which is not provided with tight walls, and floor of such construction as will allow easy and thorough cleaning, or which is not kept constantly clean or which is used for any other purpose and unless provision is made for the exclusion of outside dust and flies to the sat- isfaction of the Board of Helath. Sec. IS. The dairy score card adopted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture shall be used in the scoring of all dairies, and any person whose 54 dairy scores lower than 60 shall be notified and given thirty days in which to make the necessary improvements, at the end of which time, if such improvements have not been made, the sale of milk and cream from such dairy shall be pro- hibited. Sec. 19. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons offending against or violating any of the provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, pay a penalty of $10 for the first offense, and for any subsequent offense may have their license re- voked. Adopted January 9, 1913. Amended November 13, 1913. 55 SUPPLEMENT TO THE SANITARY CODE OF THE Board of Heaeth of the City of Elizabeth, Regulating the Plumbing and Drainage of Buildings Be it ordained by the Board of Health of the City of Elizabeth: Section 1. Before any person shall engage in the business of master plumber in the City of Elizabeth, he shall furnish the Board of Health a certificate from the duly appointed Board of Examiners, that he is qualified to engage in said business of master plumber and shall have re- ceived a license from said Board of Health to follow the trade or calling of a plumber. This section shall not apply to any person now en- gaged in and following the trade, calling or business of a master plumber in the City of Elizabeth. Sec. 2. Every person engaged in the business of a master plumber in the City of Elizabeth, shall appear in person at the office of the Board of Health and register his name and place of business; and in case of removal shall give im- mediate notice to said Board. Every person so registered as a master plumber shall make and execute unto the City of Elizabeth, a bond in the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) with suffi- cient security to be approved by said Board of Health and renewed annually, conditioned upon the proper and faithful performance in accord- ance with the ordinances, rules and regulations 56 of said Board of Health, by said plumber of all the plumbing work, both inside and outside build- ings, done by him within the corporate limits of the said City of Elizabeth, and no person shall engage in business or do work as a master plum- ber within the corporate limits of said city until such bond shall be filed with and approved by said Board of Health, between the first and thirty-first days of January. Sec. 3. A re-examination will not be neces- sary for re-registration or renewal of license unless a licensed master plumber shall fail to file bond or fail to make application for re-registra- tion at the given time, the sum of $2.00 shall be paid by the master plumber to the Board of Health upon filing of bond and for renewal of license. The failure upon the part of a master plumber to make application for first or final inspection or the violation of any of the rules of the Board of Health, as to the construction of plumbing work and the failure to correct faults after notification, shall be deemed sufficient cause to have his license suspended for such length of time as the Board may deem proper. No master plumber shall construct or alter any system of plumbing during the period of his suspension. Sec. 4. Before any portion of the plumbing and drainage system of any building shall be constructed there shall be filed in the office of the Board of Health a plan thereof, signed by the plumber showing the said plumbing and drainage system entire, from its connection with 57 the sewer, cesspool or vault throughout the entire building, together with the location of all fixtures, traps, ventilating pipes, etc. Said plan must be approved and name of owner attached thereto before any portion of the work shall be executed. Before any changes are made in the direction of pipes or location of fixtures they must first be approved, and said changes made on the original plan on file. This regulation also applies to any extensions or alterations of existing systems. Skc. 5. When the plan of any plumbing and drainage system is filed in the office of the Board of Health, a fee of two dollars will be charged to defray the expenses of inspecting the plans, of filing and superintending the testing of the work, as provided in Section 6. Sec. 6. Every new plumbing system before being used must be tested by the plumber, by the smoke, water or other test, at the option and under the supervision of the Plumbing Inspector, according to the following requirements : (a) The several lines of soil, vent; and waste pipes, with their respective branches must be in place. (b) All brass screw plugs for cleanouts of traps, etc., on house drain, must be in position. (c) The fresh air inlet and house drain must be extended outside of foundation wall. Any such system put in and covered without due notice to the Plumbing Inspector must be uncovered for examination at the direction of said inspector. All defective pipes and fittings must be removed and replaced with new. When 58 the work is entirely complete the Plumbing In- spector shall be notified and a final test shall be made immediately by the plumber by smoke or any other manner which the Plumbing Inspector may deem necessary, Until said work is ap- proved and a certificate has been granted by the Plumbing Inspector, the plumber or person au- thorized to do said work shall be held responsible for its proper condition. Sec. 7. No building or premises will be al- lowed to be connected with any sewer, cesspool, or vault without a permit first obtained from the Board of Health or other designated department of the city. It is further required that permits shall be kept on hand during the progress of the work to which they relate, and they shall be ex- hibited whenever required by the proper officers of the board. The condition of this permit must be strictly complied with. This regulation applies to all sewers, whether on private property or in public streets or alleys. Sec. 8. Before laying the drain from the building to the sewer, cesspool or vault, and after the trench is graded, the bottom of the trench must be carefully rammed to avoid unequal set- tling of the drain. After the pipe is laid, as the trench is filled, the earth must be tightly rammed as near as possible to its original compactness. Tunneling is prohibited unless the consent of the Board of Health thereto has first been obtained. Sec. 9. Where the ground is made or filled in, or in any case where there is danger of settle- ment from frost or from any cause, the drain, 59 extending from the sewer, cesspool or vault to the foundation wall, must be of extra heavy cast- iron pipe, of such diameter as may be approved. Such pipes shall be laid with the joints properly caulked with lead. Sec. 10. Where a proper foundation consist- ing of a natural bed of earth, rock, etc., can be obtained, the house sewer from the main sewer in street to within five feet of foundation wall can be of saltglazed earthenware pipe. Each section must be welded before applying the sement, and the space between each hub and small end of the next section must be completely and uniformly filled with the best hydraulic cement. None but licensed master plumbers will be permitted to alter, repair or make connections to any part of the plumbing system, house drain or house sewer of any building unless by special permission from the Board of Health. Other contractors having a proper license will be permitted to lay house sewer from main sewer in street to curb line only. Old house drains shall not be used in connection with new buildings or new plumbing except by permission from the Board of Health. In no case shall earthenware pipe be used for sewerage purposes within a distance of five feet of the foundation walls of any building. The house drain must properly connect with the house sewer at a point not less than five feet outside of the outer front vault, area wall or foundation wall of any building. Sec. 11. Where a building is to be connected with the sewer, cesspool or vault, it must be con- 60 nected by a drain not less than four inches in diameter, having a fall of not less than one-quar- ter of an inch to the foot. Old drains can be used for new houses only when found to conform in all respects to the foregoing regulations gov- ernning new drains. Where any extensions of soil, waste or vent lines are added or where waterclosets or any other plumbing fixtures exist on old drainage systems without mainline trap or fresh air inlet the same will have to be in- stalled. Sec. 12. Where there is no sewer in the street on which a building faces, and it is necessary to construct a private sewer to connect with the sewer on an adjacent street or avenue it must be laid outside of the curb, under the roadway of the street and not through yards or under houses, without a special permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 13. Pipe sewers must not be cut; house drain connections with pipe sewers must be made with "Y' branches. Where connection is made with brick sewers a terracotta junction block must be used. Sec. 14. All horizontal drains within and to a distance of five feet beyond the walls of buildings, shall be of extra heavy cast iron, with caulked leaden joints, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection. If possible the house drain must be above the cellar floor and supported at intervals of not more than ten feet by eight-inch brick piers, or suspended from the floor beams, or be otherwise properly supported 61 by heavy pipe hangers at intervals of not more than ten feet. The use of pipe hooks for sup- porting house drains is prohibited. All brick piers, pipe hangers and supports must be in position before test is made, same to be furnished by the contracting plumber unless otherwise specified by the architect. The house drain and all soil and waste pipes shall have a fall of at least one-quarter inch to the foot, and more if possible. All changes in any direction must be made with proper fittings and all connections made with "Y" branches and one-eighth or one- sixteenth bends. Full size "Y" or "T" branches for hand hold cleanouts must be provided at foot of all soil and waste lines of same size of pipe and where required on house drain and its branches. In no case shall said cleanouts be more than twenty feet apart; they must be ac- cessible and closed by extra heavy brass trap screw ferrule. Sec. 15. An extra heavy cast-iron running ttap with a double hand hole must be placed on the house drain near the wall of the building and on the sewer side of all connections. When out- side of the house it must never be less than four feet below the surface of the ground. The house trap must have two extra heavy brass ferrules caulked in for cleaning purposes. Cellar drain traps to be four inch extra heavy running trap with a leader connected to maintain a permanent water seal with approved back pressure valve calked in house side opening of cellar drain. Sec. 16. A fresh-air inlet, not less than four 62 inches in diameter, must be connected with the house drain just inside of the house trap. Said fresh-air inlet to have an opening to the outer air at least five feet from any window or cold air duct, and to be carried a distance of five feet from any window or air shaft and to finish above the grade line one foot with a return bend. No cap or cowl will be permitted on air inlet or vent lines. Sec. 17. The diameter of soil or waste pipes must not be less than those given in the following table. Main soil pipes 4 inches Main soil pipes for ten or more water- closets 5 inches Branch waste pipes 4 inches Main waste pipes 2 inches Main waste pipes for four or more fix- tures 3 inches Branch waste for laundry tubs 2 inches Branch waste for kitchen sinks 2 inches Branch waste for slop hoppers 3 inches Branch waste for other fixtures 1% inches All branch waste from main house drain, when under ground, must be of not less than three inches in diameter. All soil, vent and waste pipes shall be as direct and concentrated as possible, protected from frost and readily accessible for inspection and convenience in repairing. Sec. 18. All cast iron soil and waste pipes and fittings must be sound, free from holes and of 63 uniform thickness and what is known in Com- merce as "extra heavy" of the following weights: Extra Heavy Pipe 2 inch- 5% lbs. per lineal foot 3 inch- 9% lbs. per lineal foot 4 inch-13 lbs. per lineal foot 5 inch-17 lbs. per lineal foot 6 inch-20 lbs. per lineal foot 7 inch-27 lbs. per lineal foot 8 inch-34 lbs. per lineal foot 10 inch-45 lbs. per lineal foot 12 inch-54 lbs. per lineal foot Sec. 19. All waste and vent lines of wrought iron to be standard galvanized or brass pipe properly reamed with galvanized drainage fittings for waste. Beaded fittings may be used for vents. All vent pipes to be increased to a diameter of four inches before passing through the roof and to a water-tight roof flashing turned into the hub of pipe. Flashing to weigh six pounds per foot or be sixteen ounces copper. Sec. 20. Every vertical soil and waste pipe must be cast or galvanized wrought iron and must extend at least two feet above the highest part of the roof or coping, except in the case of flat roof tenement houses, in which case it shall extend at least six feet above the roof. No cap or cowl shall be affixed to the top of such ventil- ation pipe. Each length shall be securely fas- tened. and in the case of each line of soil pipe it shall rest at its foot on a pier or foundation to 64 prevent settling. All joints in cast iron drain, soil or waste pipes must be filled with oakum and lead and hand caulked as to make them gas-tight, and the amount of lead used shall not be less than twelve ounces to each inch diameter of the pipe so connected. Sec. 21 All changes in direction in cast or galvanized wrought iron pipe shall be made with curved pipes, and all connections with "Y" branches and one-sixteenth or one-eighth bends. SEC. 22. Soil, waste and vent pipes in an ex- tension must be extended above the roof of the main building, where otherwise they would open within twenty feet of the windows of the main house or the adjoining house. Sec. 23. Where lead pipe is used to connect fixtures with vertical soil or waste pipes, it must not be lighter than D pipe. All lead traps and bends must be of the same weight and thickness as their corresponding pipe branches. Sec. 24. All lead waste, soil, vent and flush pipes must be of the best quality, known in Com- merce as "D" and of not less than the following weights per lineal foot: Weights Diameters Per Lineal Poot 1% inches (for flush pipes only).. , .2*4 pounds \y2 inches 3 pounds 2 inches 4 pounds 3 inches 6 pounds 4 inches 8 pounds All lead traps and bends must be of the same 65 weight and thickness as their corresponding pipe branches. Sec. 25. All connections of lead with iron pipes must be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule put in the hub of the branch of the iron pipe and caulked with lead. The lead pipe must be at- tached to the ferrule by a wiped joint. All con- nections of lead waste and vent pipes shall be made by means of wiped joints. All brass fer- rules and soldering nipples to be extra heavy. Sec. 26. Every watercloset, urinal, sink, basin, wash-tray, bath and every tub or set of tubs and hydrant waste pipes must be separately and ef- fectively trapped, except where a sink and wash- tubs immediately adjoin each other, in which case the waste pipe from the tubs may be connected with the inlet side of the sink trap. In no case shall the waste from any fixture be connected with a watercloset. Sec. 27. Traps must be placed as near the fixtures as practicable and in no case shall a trap be more than two feet from the fixtures. All traps must be protected from syphonage and back pressure, and all branch vent lines must be con- nected with the adjoining soil or waste line well above the top of the highest fixtures. The size of the branch vents for the different fixtures must not be less than the following: For waterclosets where only one line extends to roof, 4 inches. For each watercloset (excepting cellar) where only one line extends to roof, 4 inches. 66 For other separate waterclosets where there is only one on line, 2 inches. For vent to sink where there is only one on line to roof, 2 inches. Where sink vent is intersected to main soil vent, \y2 inches. For slop sinks, 2 inches. For wash trays and all other fixtures, inches. Sec. 28. Offsets of the 45 angle pattern will be permitted on waste or vent lines and all vent lines must be connected at the bottom with a "Y" branch to soil or waste pipe or house drain in such a manner as to prevent the accumulation of rust scale. The area of all vent pipes must be in- creased as they pass upward so as to correspond to the combined area of all branch vents passing into them, and must always have a continuous slope to avoid water by condensation. Sec. 29. A vent line need not be run from a closet unless said closet shall be situated more than five feet from a main soil pipe in which case a two-inch continuous vent must be used. If the closet is more than ten feet from the main soil pipe, the soil pipe serving closet shall be con- tinued upward through the roof of the building by a vent pipe not less than three inches. Sec. 30. All waterclosets in buildings over three stories high to be protected from siphonage and back pressure by a special revent pipe of suitable area not less than two inches in diameter. All waterclosets and slop sinks must have a suit- able brass floor flange soldered to lead pipe or 67 closet bend with asbestos gasket to make a gas and water-tight joint. Where safes are placed under fixtures, the safe wastes shall be run sep- arately to the basement or cellar and empty over a water supplied fixture, the end being closed by a brass flap valve or other improved device. No waste pipes from a refrigerator or other recep- tacle where food is kept shall be connected with the house drain, soil or other waste pipe. Re- frigerator wastes must be of a diameter not less than one and one-half inches and so arranged as to be properly flushed. They shall empty over a water supplied sink, the mouth of the pipe, to have a hinged brass flap valve. Sec. 31. The sediment pipe from kitchen boilers must never be connected to any part of the plumbing or drainage system of any building. Kitchen boilers must be provided with a proper draw cock for emptying purposes. Sec. 32. All waterclosets for private or public use must be of latest deep seal siphon pattern and when arranged in batteries they must be of the separate or individual type. All waterclosets within the house must be supplied with water from separate tanks or cisterns, the water of which is used for no other purpose. A group of closets on the same floor may be supplied from one tank. Sec. 33. Waterclosets must never be placed in an unventilated room or compartment. In every case the comparitment must be open to the outer air, or be ventilated by means of a shaft or air duct. 68 Sec. 34. Rain water leaders, when placed in- side of any building, must be of cast iron, with leaded joints, galvanized wrought iron with screwed joints or of copper, with soldered joints. When outside of the building and connected with the drain, it must, if of sheet metal with slip joints, be trapped beneath the ground or just in- side of the wall, the trap being arranged so as to prevent freezing. In every case where a leader opens near a window or a light shaft it must be properly trapped at its base. The joint between a cast iron leader and the roof must be made gas and water tight by means of a brass ferrule and lead or copper pipe, properly connected. Sec. 35. Rain water leaders must never be used as soil, waste or vent pipes, nor shall any soil, waste or vent pipes be used as a leader. Sec. 36. No steam exhaust, blow-off or drip- pipe from a steam boiler shall connect with the sewer or with any drain, soil pipe or waste pipe. Such pipes must discharge into a condenser or sump pit. Sub-soil drains must be provided when necessary, and in no case shall these drain have a direct connection with the sewer or the drainage system of any building. Sec. 37. The following are prohibited without special permit from the Board of Health: Short one-quarter bends on horizontal lines, double hubs, below waste connections, short roof increasers, common off-sets, bands and saddles, yard waterclosets, wash-out closets, long hopper closets, McClellan vents, and wooden or cement wash trays. All traps with inner partitions on 69 other mechanical devices. In addition no cast or wrought pipe can be tapped or threaded to con- nect a waste or vent line. A deep seal trap of the pot or drum pattern will be permitted on bath wastes or shower receptors without venting if the distance from the nearest vent line does not exceed five feet. Sec. 38. The waste pipes from any plumbing fixtures in any building shall not be connected with the lead bend of the watercloset, but there must be a separate "Y" branch outlet left in the soil pipe for all other plumbing fixtures. Fittings for vent pipes on wrought iron or brass pipes most be of cast or malleable iron or brass. All brass pipe for vents and waste pipes and solder nipples must be thoroughly annealed, seamless, drawn brass tubing. Connections on brass pipes and between brass pipe and traps on iron pipe must not be made with slip joints or couplings. Threaded connections on brass pipes must be of the same size as iron pipe threads for same size of pipe and be tapered. Sec. 39. Any person or persons or corpora- tion offending against or violating any of the provisions of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38 of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, pay a penalty of fifty dollars for the first offense and for the second and each subsequent offense the sum of one hundred dollars. Adopted February 13, 1913. 70