Sanitary Code IRules ant> IReoulattons ot tbe JSoavb ot'lbealtb Git? of Htbaca 1Re\v H?orfc iRtneteen Dunbreb and 'Cen Rules and Regulations and SANITARY CODE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF ITHACA, NEW YORK 19 10 ITHACA JOURNAL PRINT ITHACA, N. Y. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF ITHACA The Board Section 1. The Board of Health of the City of Ithaca shall consist of the Mayor, who shall be its president, and six other persons, one of whom shall be a competent physician, who shall be appointed by the Common Council, upon the nomination of the Mayor. (Sec. 20. Chap. 49 Public Health Law.) Meetings and Quroum Section 2. The regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m., unless other- wise ordered. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Mayor upon his own motion, or in his absence, upon the re- quest of not less than three members of the Board. Verbal or written notice shall be given each member of the Board of such special meetings. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Officers, Appointments and Compensation Section 3. The officers of the Board shall be a president, who shall be the Mayor of the City, a health officer, a sanitary and plumbing inspector, a secretary and regis- trar of vital statistics, and such additional inspectors and bacteriologists as the Board may deem necessary from time to time for special purposes. The health officer, the 4 sanitary and plumbing inspector, the special inspectors and bacteriologists shall be ap- pointed and the compensation fixed by the Board. Chairman Pro Tern Section 4. In the absence of the Mayor from any meeting, the board shall appoint one of their members to preside over such meeting. Oath of Office Section 5. All officers appointed by the board shall qualify by taking the Constitu- tional Oath of Office. Order of Business Section 6. Unless otherwise ordered, the order of business of the board shall be as follows: 1. Reading of the Minutes. 2. Hearing of persons cited before the Board. 3. Hearing of complaints and petitions. 4. Report of the Health Officer. 5. Report of the Secretary. 6. Reports of Standing Committees. 7. Reports of Special Committees. 8. Miscellaneous and audit of accounts. Committees Section 7. The standing committees shall consist of two members each to be appoint- ed by the President of the Board, and shall be as follows: (a) Nuisances and complaints. 5 (b) Foodstuffs, dairy products, water and ice. (c) Infectious and contagious diseases. (d) Records and vital statistics. (e) Rules, regulations and sanitary code. (f) Finance and accounts. Special committees shall be appointed by the president unless, by resolution, other- wise ordered. Duties and Powers of Officers and Com- mittees Section 8. The duties of the several offi- cers and committees of this Board shall be such as appropriately belong to them, as are defined by the sanitary code and the Public Health Law and such as may be specially assigned to them by the Board. In addition to the powers of the Health Officer under the Sanitary Code and the Public Health Law, he shall have power and it shall be his duty to issue orders to cor- rect conditions dangerous to the public health, to execute and enforce all sanitary regulations and orders promulgated by this Board, to examine into the nature of com- plaints concerning conditions dangerous to public health, to notify tne President of the Board of any danger to public health re- quiring special regulation and to direct the issue of summonses citing before the Board principal and witnesses in all matters which, in his judgment, should be consid- ered by the Board. The sanitary and plumbing inspector shall have power and it shall be his duty to enter upon any premises for purposes of examining all conditions relating to plumb- 6 ing and sanitation and, under the direction of the Health Officer or of this Board, to enforce all rules and regulations and special orders of this Board. Section 9. Rules and Regulations in Re- gard to the Production and Transpor- tation of Milk. Stables 1. Stables shall be kept clean at all times and shall have tight, dry floors, and suitable manure drops or gutters. 2. Any portion of the barn used as a Cow Stable shall be tightly ceiled overhead, and shall be used for no other purpose than a cow stable. No horses, swine, or other ani- mals, nor any fowl shall be kept in the stable. 3. The walls and ceilings shall be kept free from dust and cobwebs and shall be whitewashed at least once per year and as much oftener as deemed necessary by this board. 4. Stables shall have an abundance of light and good ventilation. 5. Barn yards and yards about stables shall be well drained. Manure or garbage shall not be allowed to accumulate near the cow stable or milk house, unless it is stored in a water-tight covered pit. Water Supply 6. Water supplied to cows or used for washing milk utensils shall be pure and free from all contamination. Cows 7. Cows shall be groomed and always kept in a clean condition. The udders shall be 7 carefully wiped with a clean, damp cloth, immediately before milking. 8. The use of horse manure for bedding is prohibited. Milk House 9. A milk house for the purpose of cooling and bottling the milk must be provided. It shall have a tight, well drained floor, shall be well lighted, ventilated and, during the summer months, properly screened. 10. The milk house must at all times be kept scrupulously clean, and shall be used for no other purpose than a milk house. Milk 11. Soon after it is drawn from the cow, the milk shall be removed to a proper milk house, where it shall be immediately strained and cooled to a temperature of 50° F. or below by some method approved by this Board, and the temperature shall not be allowed to go above 50° F. before de- livery. Employees 12. All milkers and other attendants handling the milk must be personally clean. During milking, the hands of the milkers and their outer garments must be clean. Milking must not be done with wet hands. Utensils 13. Utensils used for the collection, hand- ling and transportation of milk or cream shall, before being used, be thoroughly washed with pure water, washing powder or soda, and then well scalded or sterilized with live steam. 8 14. No milk tickets shall be used more than once. Recommendations 1. Cement floors are the best as they can be more easily kept clean than wood or earth. 2. The use of land plaster upon the floors and gutters in the stables, is recom- mended. 3. The clipping of long hairs from the udder and the right side of the cows is of assistance in preventing the collection of dirt and dust which might drop into the milk. 4. Cutting the tails so that the brushes shall be well above the ground, helps to prevent the raising of dust. 5. The cow's bedding should be of wood- shavings, sawdust, straw or some equally clean material. 6. Dry feeds should not be fed to the cows during or just before milking, as the dust therefrom will fall into the milk. 7. The more rapidly the milk is cooled, the safer it is and the longer it will keep sweet. 8. A covered or small top milk pail is rec- ommended. 9. Dampening the floor before milking is desirable, as it lessens the dust in the air. Commissioners and Officers Inspectors Section 10. All commissioners and offi- cers of this Board shall be considered as In- spectors to all intents and purposes. 9 Amendments Section 11. Proposed amendments, addi- tions or repeal of any rules or regulations may be submitted at any regular or special meeting of the Board, but action shall be deferred until the next regular meeting. Provided, however, that if all members of the Board are present such amendment, ad- dition or repeal may, by unanimous consent be immediately adopted. The foregoing Rules and Regulations were duly adopted by the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., at a regular meeting held March 8, 1910. W. O. KERR, Secretary. SANITARY CODE Adopted January 11, 1910. BOARD OF HEALTH. City of Ithaca, N. Y. In accordance with and pursuant to Chap- ter 503 of the Laws of 1908 of the State of New York, the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca, New York, hereby enacts, ordains and adopts the following Sanitary Code in and for the said City of Ithaca. Definitions Section 1. The term "Board," "this Board," and "said Board" shall be held to mean the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca, N. Y.; the words "person," "owner." "tenant," "lessor," "lessee," "occupant," "party," "manager," "board," and "officer," shall respectively be held to apply to and to include both jointly and severally, each and all owners, part owners, tenants, lessors, lessees, occupants, managers, parties in in- terest, persons, officers, boards and corpora- tions, who may sustain the relation, or may be in like position of any one or more thereof referred to in any ordinance or regu- lation, or section herein; the words "city," or "this city," or "said city," whenever used therein, shall mean the City of Ithaca, New York; the words "street" or "streets," when- ever used herein,' shall be held to include avenues, sidewalks, gutters, lanes and alleys to which the public have access; the words 11 "public place" or "public places," shall in- clude parks and open spaces thereto adja- cent and also, public yards, grounds, and areas, and all open spaces between build- ings and streets, and in view of such streets; the word "ashes," shall be held to include cinders, coal, and everything that usually remains after fires; the word "rubbish," shall include all the loose and decayed mate- rial and dirtlike substance that attend use or decay, or which accumulates from build- ings, storing or cleaning; the word "garbage" shall be held to include every accumulation of both animal and vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation, decay, and dealing in, or stor- age of meats, fish, fowl, birds, or vegetables; the word "dirt" shall be held to mean nat- ural soil, earth and stone; the word "meat" whenever herein used includes every part of every land animal and eggs (whether mixed or not with any substance); the word "fish" shall include every part of every ani- mal that lives in the water, or the flesh of which is not meat; the word "milk" shall include whole milk, skim milk and butter- milk; the word "vegetable" shall include every article intended for human consump- tion, as food, which (not being meat or fish or milk) is held or offered or intended for sale or consumption as food for human beings, at any place in said city; and all fish and meat found therein shall be deemed to be therein, and held for such sale or con- sumption as such food, unless the contrary be distinctly proved. Infectious or Contagious Diseases Section 2. The phrase "infectious or con- tagious disease," whenever used herein, shall 12 be held to include all diseases of an infec- tious, contagious or pestilential nature, more especially referring to small-pox, diphtheria, membranous croup, consumption, typhoid, contagious cerebro-spinal or spotted fever, and scarlet fever, and any other disease or diseases that shall publicly be declared by said Board to be dangerous to public health. Section 3. Every physician who has been called to attend or has attended a case of infectious or contagious disease or suspected contagious disease shall report the same to the Health Officer within twenty-four hours. The report shall be made in writing upon blanks furnished for that purpose by this Board. When a case of infectious or contagious disease is not brought to the knowledge of a physician it shall be the duty of the nurse or other person in whose care or custody the person sick with such disease may be, to report to the Health Officer in writing forthwith, the name of the person having the disease, the nature of the disease, and the place of dwelling, or the precise place where the person having the said disease is tem- porarily lodged. Section 4. No person residing in a house in which an infectious or contagious disease exists or has recently existed shall be per- mitted to attend any school, conservatory, or other institution of learning, until he or she shall have obtained permission from this Board or from the Health Officer so to do. It shall be the duty of the officers and teachers of every school, conservatory, or other institution of learning, to exclude from attendance any person that is suffering from 13 an infectious or contagious disease or that has recently been exposed to such disease, or until he or she shall have obtained per- mission from the Health Officer so to do. Section 5. All communication with any house or family infected with scarlet fever, diphtheria, membranous croup, small-pox, or such other disease as may at any time be declared by this Board to be dangerous or to be a menace to the public health is hereby forbidden. The Health Officer is, however, authorized in each case to exempt from the operation of this section such physicians, nurses, or messengers as may in his opinion be needed in the treatment and care of the infected persons. Penal Code. Section 395. "A person who, having been lawfully ordered by a Health Officer to be detained in quarantine, and not having been discharged, leaves the quarantine grounds or anchorage, or wilfully violates any quarantine regulation, is guilty of a misdemeanor." Section 6. When a house is placed under quarantine a sign or a placard of suitable size bearing, in plainly legible letters, a state- ment that the house has been placed under quarantine and carrying the signature of the Health Officer, shall be fixed on a conspicu- ous place near the entrance of the house or building. Such sign or placard shall not be removed by any person except by order of the Health Officer or other person dele- gated by this Board to remove the same. At his discretion the Health Officer may quarantine or isolate such premises in sucn other manner as he may deem best. Section 7. All rooms or apartments occu- pied by any person sick of any infections or contagious disease, immediately upon the 14 death or recovery of such person, shall be, by the owner or by the person having charge of such rooms or apartments, thor- oughly cleansed or disinfected in such man- ner as may be required by the Health Offi- cer; and all clothing, beds, bedding or in- fected articles used by or in caring for such sick person shall likewise be cleansed or disinfected, or in extreme cases destroyed, as said Officer may direct. Section 8. The Health Officer shall have power to enter any premises and to thor- oughly examine the same for the purpose of ascertaining whether a case of infectious or contagious disease exists thereon, and also for the purpose of examining into the sani- tary condition of the premises. Section 9. No person or article liable to propagate an infectious or a contagious dis- ease shall be brought within the limits of tne City of Ithaca, unless by the special per mit and direction of the Health Officer or of this Board; and any one having knowl- edge that such person or article has been brought within such limits shall immedi- ately notify the Health Officer or this Board thereof. Section 10. No person shall, within the limits of this city, unless by permit of the Health Officer, or of this Board, or of an authorized agent of this Board, carry or remove from one building to another any patient affected with any contagious disease. Nor shall any person by the exposure of any individual so affected, or of the dead body of such individual, or of any article capable of conveying contagion or infection, or by any negligent act connected with the care or custody thereof, or by a needless expos- 15 ure of himself or herself, cause or contribute to the spread of disease from any such indi- vidual or dead body. Section 11. No undertaker shall conduct nor shall any person attend a public funeral of any person who has died of small pox, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, or other malignant, contagious or infectious disease declared by this Board to be dan- gerous; and only those members of the fam- ily of such deceased person may attend the burial as have previously received permis- sion from the Board of Health or from the Health Officer so to do. Section 12. No undertaker shall dispose of the remains of any person who has died of small pox, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, or other malignant, infectious or contagious disease until he shall first have filed in the office of this Board the day and hour at which such burial is to take place. Such notice must be filed at least three hours before the time appointed for such burial. Section 13. Every undertaker or other person, or persons, caring for the remains of a person who has died of small pox, diph- theria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid fever, consumption, puer- pueral fever, erysipelas, epidemic dysentery, cerebro-spinal fever or other malignant, in- fectious or contagious disease shall, before leaving the premises on which he has cared for such remains, disinfect or bury all value- less articles and cleansing fluids that he has brought or caused to be brought in con- tact with the said remains, and also all fluids and more or less solid excreta from any cavity of the remains; he shall also, 16 before leaving, thoroughly disinfect all arti- cles of value (whether the same are to be left on the premises or are to be carried off the premises) which he has brought in contact with the remains, cleansing fluid or excreta; and he shall at the earliest possible moment do or cause to be done such additional work as may be required by this Code or may be prescribed by the Health Officer with the object of rendering impossible the spread of contagion from the remains or from its sur- roundings. Certificates of Death and Burial Permits Section 14. It shall be the duty of the phys- ician last in attendance upon any person who may die to fill out a certificate of the death and the probable cause, and duly certify to same and deposit the certificate at the office of the Board of Health within twenty-four hours after the death occurs. In case an inquest is required by law, the coroner or the coroner's physician shall fill out the said certificate, and if no inquest is required and no physician being in attendance, the certifi- cate shall be filled out, setting forth the cir- cumstances and probable cause of death, by some reputable person known to the officer issuing the burial or transit permit, and the said person shall also make affidavit to the facts set forth in the certificate of death. Section 15. Before conducting a funeral or burying or attempting to bury, or other wise dispose of a body or remains of a per- son who has died within the corporate limits of the City of Ithaca or before removing or causing to be removed the body or remains of any deceased person from one part of the city to another part, or from within the cor- porate limits of said city to any place with- 17 out said limits, the undertaker or other per- son shall obtain at the office of the Board of Health a burial or transit permit signed by the secretary of this Board or in his absence by the Health Officer. Such burial or transit permit shall not be issued by this Board until the death certifi- cate described in Section 14 of this Code and the personal information required by the State Department of Health shall have been filed at the office of this Board. Section 16. No undertaker or other per- son or persons shall place the remains of any person who has died of any contagious or infectious disease in any vault without a written permit from the Health Officer. No person shall obtain or seek or attempt to obtain a permit of such kind by means of a false or untruthful statement. Reports of Burials Section 17. Every person who acts as a sexton or undertaker in the City of Ithaca, or who has charge or care of any vault, tomb, burying ground, cemetery or other place, where the bodies of any human beings are deposited, shall cause his name, resi- dence and the nature of his business or duties to be entered in the office of this Board and shall make and file in the office of this Board on or before the first day of each month a full report of all bodies buried by him, in any cemetery or other place under his care, since the last report by him made; such report shall be in such form and shall specify such particu- lars as the regulations of this Board shall require. Notice of Births Section 18. Every physician or midwife 18 attending at the birth of a child, and no physician or midwife being in attendance, the parent or custodian of a child born, shall cause notification of such birth to be re- turned within thirty-six hours thereafter to the Board of Health, which shall be attested by the physician or midwife, if any in at- tendance, and no physician or midwife being in attendance, by the parent or custodian of a child born. Notice under this Section shall be given by mailing to the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca a prepaid letter or post card stating the date and place of the birth. Birth Certificates Section 19. The physician or midwife at- tending at the birth of a child, and if no physician or midwife was in attendance, the parent or custodian of a child born shall cause a certificate of the birth to be returned to the Board of Health within thirty days thereafter. Section 20. The physician or midwife at- tending at the birth of a child, shah, at the time of filing such certificate of birth, unless it contains the given name of such child, cause to be furnished to the parents or cus- todian of such child a name card, which shall be filled in by such parents or custodian with the given name of such child when named and immediately thereafter shall be filed at the office of this Board. Blank name cards of the form required by the State De- partment of Health will be furnished by the Board of Health. Section 21. Physicians and midwives in attendance at a still birth in the City of Ithaca shall report the same within thirty- 19 six hours thereafter to the Board of Health pursuant to the requirements of the State Department of Health. Blank still birth certificates will be fur- nished by this Board. Food Stuffs Section 22. No person shall keep, sell, offer for sale, or bring into the city limits any unwholesome or impure articles of food that are intended for consumption by human beings. Section 23. No person shall keep, sell, offer for sale, or bring within the city limits the meat of any calf less than four weeks old, or the meat of any pig less than five weeks old or the meat of any lamb less than eight weeks old. Section 25. No person shall sell, or offer for sale the meat of any cattle, sheep, swine, calves or lambs intended for consumption as food by human beings within the City of Ithaca if such cattle, sheep, swine, calves or lambs were slaughtered or killed while in a heated, feverish or diseased condition. Section 25. No meat or dead animal above the size of a rabbit shall be taken to any public or private market for food until the same shall have fully cooled after kill- ing, nor until the entrails (except of poultry and game) shall have been removed; nor shall the body or any part thereof of any animal which is to be used as food be carted through the streets of said city unless it be protected by a clean covering in such man- ner as shall protect it from dust and dirt. Section 26. Every owner or lessee or occupant of any room, stall, store, building or place where meat, fish, vegetables or 20 other articles intended for consumption as food by human beings shall be stored, or shall be kept or offered for sale, shall keep such room, stall, store, building or other place and its surroundings in a clean and sanitary condition; and every person who has charge of or is interested in the care, custody or sale of any meat, fish, fowls, or vegetables or other articles intended for consumption as food by human beings shall keep and preserve such articles of food in a clean and wholesome condition. Section 27. No food of any kind shall be displayed outside of stores at a height of less than two feet above the sidewalk. Slaughter Houses Section 28. No person shall build or use any slaughter house within the limits of this City without a special written permit from this Board, nor shall he slaughter any cattle, swine, sheep, lambs, or calves within the limits of this City without a special writ- ten permit from this Board or from the Health Officer. Section 29. No person shall sell or deliver milk or cream in the City of Ithaca without first having obtained a license from the Board of Health. Any person or persons desiring to sell or deliver milk or cream within the city of Ithaca shall file application with the Board of Health for license so to do and such appli- cation shall be in the form and upon a blank approved by said Board. The license herein mentioned shall be in writing, and shall continue in force from its date to the time specified therein. Milk and Cream 21 The fee for such license shall be fixed by the Board at not less than $1.00 nor more than $25.00 per year. All licenses granted under this Section shall be recorded by the clerk of this Board who shall keep a record thereof. Every person shall, at the time of ob- taining a license to sell or deliver milk or cream within the City of Ithaca, re- ceive from this Board a placard bearing the words "Licensed Milkman," and such placard shall at all times during the term of such license be conspicuously displayed by such licensee on the outside of the ve- hicle from which milk or cream is being de- livered by him* and upon the premises or places of business of all other licensees. If any person's name appears on the vehicle used in delivering mijk or cream it shall be the name of the dealer. Section 30. When an application for a license to sell or deliver milk or cream in the City of Ithaca is filed with the Board of Health the applicant shall be required at the same time to execute a written agreement that if such license be granted him he will forthwith notify the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca in writing whenever any case of illness arises in his family or in the family of any person from whom he procures his milk supply. Section 31. It shall be the duty of each and every person or corporation delivering milk or cream in the City of Ithaca to promptly notify the Board of Health of said City whenever any case of illness arises in his family or in the family of any person from whom he procures his milk supply. It shall further be the duty of each and 22 every person or corporation delivering milk or cream in the City of Ithaca to stop at once the delivery of milk or cream from any farm or premises on which any con- tagious disease mentioned in Section 2 of this Code exists; or upon order of this Board or of the Health Officer, whenever it is held by the Board or by the Health Of- ficer that the general sanitary condition of said farm or permises constitutes a nuis- ance, or a menace to the life of consumers of said milk or cream in said City; or when- ever the report of said Health Officer or his authorized agent shall contain a state- ment that the milk or cream delivered by such person is not pure and wholesome. No person or corporation shall deliver within said City any milk or cream from any cow which such Health Officer or au- thorized agent shall report to be in any wise diseased. Section 32. Every person who brings into the City of Ithaca or delivers within said City milk or cream shall file with this Board an accurate and complete list of all persons from whom he is obtaining milk or cream to be sold or delivered to cus- tomers in this City, and further, he shall report in writing to the Board any changes in this list within twenty-four hours after such change. Section 33. No owner, lessee, or occu- pant of any restaurant, saloon, hotel, board- ing house, cafe, ice cream rooms, or store shall purchase milk or cream from any person or corporation that has not ob- tained a license as hereinbefore provided, such owner, lessee or occupant shall not use, sell or dispose of said milk, cream or ice 23 cream unless or until lie or she shall first have obtained a license so to do from this Board. Section 34. Every person, persons, as- sociation or corporation who shall sell or deliver milk or cream within this City shall sell or deliver only such milk or cream as has been produced and cared for in con- formity with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca. Section 35. No person shall bring into the City of Ithaca or sell or deliver within said City milk or cream that is produced on a farm of which the manager or owner fails to comply with the dairy rules and regulations of this Board of Health, or re- fuses to permit the inspection of his herds and premises by the Health Officer or of the authorized agent of this Board, or who refuses to furnish to the Health Officer or to an authorized agent of this Board, when requested so to do, samples of the milk or cream being delivered by him. Section 36. In case any person or cor- poration shall violate any of the provisions of Sections 29, 31, 32, 33, 34 or 35, this Board may in its discretion revoke and cancel such license and such person or corporation so violating any such provision shall not thereafter sell or deliver any milk or cream within said City until by special vote of this Board a new license shall have been granted to such person or corpora- tion. Ice Section 37. Ice cut from public waters within the limits of the City of Ithaca or any part of the waters known as the "In- 24 let" or Fall Creek "cove" shall under no circumstances be brought into contact with foods or beverages that are to be sold. No person, association or corporation shall deliver any ice that has been con- demned by this Board. Section 38. All persons, associations or corporations engaged in selling or deliv- ering ice in Ithaca shall register their names and places of business with the Board of Health, and shall display on each and every delivery wagon their names, together with the name of the waters which the ice con- tained therein has been obtained. On or be- fore the first day of April in each year, before selling and delivering any ice for consump- tion in the City of Ithaca, they shall file in the office of this Board a written state- ment verified by affidavit, of the quantity of each and every kind of ice they have in store and where such ice is stored and from what water and at what place such ice was cut. Dead Animals, Vegetable Refuse and Gar- bage Section 39. No animal or vegetable sub- stance, garbage, house refuse, nor any ma- terials which are offensive or tend by decay to become putrid or to render the atmos- phere impure or unwholesome shall be thrown, placed or permitted to remain in or upon yard, lawn, garden, park or street within the City. Section 40. No depressions snail be filled with, nor shall made land be con- structed of any material containing an ad- mixture of putrescible animal or vegetable matter except when a permit from the Health Officer has been obtained. 25 Section 41. When any lot or lots or any part thereof shall from any cause whatso- ever become in whole or in part the reposi- tory of stagnant water, it shall be the duty of the owner, lessee or occupant, with- in a specified time given in a written no- tice by this Board or by the Health Officer, to cause such lot or lots or part thereof to be filled with clean earth or other inof- fensive substances or to be drained. Section 42. The dumping grounds pro- vided by the City of Ithaca are hereby designated as public dumping grounds. No person shall hereafter use any other prem- ises as a dumping ground without a per- mit in writing from this Board. Section 43. The dumping or placing upon the public dumping grounds by any person of any animal or vegetable matter, dirt, or any other substance whatsoever shall be under the direction and immediate supervi- sion of the Superintendent of Public Works of this City; and no such vegetable or ani- mal matter or other substance shall be dumped or placed upon the said dumping grounds without the permission of such Superintendent of Public Works. Such dumping or placing of material upon said grounds shall be done in sucn manner and at such place as directed by said Superin- tendent of Public Works. Pollution of Public Waters Section 44. No offensive material shall be introduced by any person into the pub- lic waters of the City of Ithaca, nor shall such material be allowed to run or flow into such waters from any house, barn yard, barn, place of business or manufac- 26 tory in said City. No offensive material shall be thrown upon the banks surround- ing any of the public waters of the City of Ithaca. The term "offensive material" under this Section shall comprise dead animals, the contents of or discharge from any sink, cesspool or privy, ashes, gar- bage, rubbish, dirt or foul or offensive liq- uids. Rendering of Fat, Offal and Junk Section 45. No person shall boil, heat, dry, keep or store any offal, swill, blood, bones or rags within the limits of said City without permission from this Board or the Health Officer, and such permission may be revoked at any time should a nuis- ance result. Section 46. All boiling or rendering of fat, lard or animal matter within the City of Ithaca shall be so carried on as to prevent the escape of offensive odors and scraps or residue therefrom shall be dried or other- wise so prepared as effectually to deprive such material of offensive odors. Garbage Collection Section 47. Every owner, tenant, lessee, and occupant of any and every residence or place of business upon any and every street in said City of Ithaca where garbage shall be collected by the public authorities of said City, shall forthwith provide or cause to be provided, and at all times thereafter keep or cause to be kept at such residence or place of business, suitable and sufficient barrels, cans or tubs for receiving and holding, without leakage and without being filled so full that its contents would be 27 spilled in ordinary handling, all the ashes and garbage of whatsover kind that may accumu- late from said residence or place of busi- ness or that portion thereof of which such person may be the owner, tenant, lessee or occupant. Every hotel, restaurant and boarding house shall provide covered metal cans for their garbage. No container for garbage or ashes shall, when filled and placed for collection, weigh more than one hundred and twenty-five (125) pounds. Upon the days named by the public au- thorities for the collection of garbage it shall be placed in the above mentioned containers at or near the street curb or at such other place as may be designated by the public authorities. Keeping of Animals Section 48. No persons shall keep any pigs, hogs or swine within the limits of this City without having first obtained a special permit in writing from this Board so to do. Section 49. No person shall keep or maintain any animals or fowls within said City, unless the places where the same are kept shall at all times be in a sanitary con- dition and free from offensive odors. All collections or accumulations from any hen- nery park, and all stable refuse or manure in or about any hennery park, barn, stable, yard, or appurtenance thereof must be re- moved before the same shall become of- fensive. Upon order of the Health Officer, all such manure or refuse shall be kept un- der cover. Offensive Odors, Etc. Section 50. No person, association or 28 corporation shall erect or maintain any manufactory or place of business dangerous to life or detrimental to health, or where unwholesome, offensive, or deleterious odors, gas, smoke, dust, deposit or exhala- tions are generated, or where carpets or rugs are cleaned, without a special permit in writing from this Board. All such estab- lishments shall be kept in such condition as not to be offensive or prejudicial to pub- lic health, and no offensive waste substance, gas, tar, sludge, refuse, or injurious matter shall be permitted to accumulate upon the premises or be thrown or allowed to run into any public waters, stream water course, street, or public place. And every person, association or corporation conducting such manufactory or business shall use all rea- sonable means to prevent the escape of smoke, gases and odors, that may be injur- ious or offensive to their operatives or to the general public. Section 51. No person shall carry through any of the streets of this City in any ve- hicle whatsoever, any swill, the refuse of waste or bones from any market, or any garbage except in securely covered recepta- cles, barrels or boxes, and in such manner as to prevent leakage and the escape of of- fensive odors therefrom. Condemned Waters Section 52. No person or persons shall use or permit to be used for drinking or culinary purposes the water from any well, spring or other source that has been con- demned by this Board or by the Health Of- ficer, and upon order of this Board any con- demned well shall be filled at the expense of the owner user or agent. 29 Public Streets Section 53. No person shall throw, de- posit or leave upon any street or public place any dirt, brick or other material what- ever so as to obstruct a free flow of water along any gutter or surface water way. No person shall permit any offensive or noxious liquid of any kind or nature, or any foul or filthy matter whatever, to drip, run or fall from or out of any building, vehicle, structure, yard or place into or upon any street or public place. No person shall throw, deposit or leave upon any street or public place any dead animal, fowl or fish or any animal or vegetable matter likely to decay or be- come offensive. No person shall make to this Board or to the Superintendent of Public Works any false or untruthful statement concerning the existence upon any street or public place in this City of any dead animal or vegetable matter likely to become offensive. If a citizen of this City knows of the existence, upon any street or public place in the City of Ithaca, of any dead animal or vegetable matter likely to decay or become offensive, he is re- quested to report the fact to the Superintendent of Public Works. Spitting Section 54. No person shall spit upon the stairway or upon the floor of any public building or upon the floor or platform of any street car or upon any sidewalk or crosswalk within the limits of the City of Ithaca. A printed notice to the effect that spit- ting upon the floors or platforms of street cars operated within the said City is for- 30 bidden, shall be posted in each of the said street cars. Privy Vaults and Cesspools Section 55. No person shall for hire clean any privy vault, dry earth closet or cesspool within this City unless he shall first have obtained a license so to do from the Board of Health of said City. No person shall obtain such license until he shall have satisfied the Board of Health that he pos- sesses proper facilities and appliances for doing such work in a sanitary and satisfac- tory manner. The license herein described shall be in writing and shall continue in force from this date to the time specified therein for its termination, provided, however, that no li- cense granted under this Section shall run for a longer period than the first day of March following the date of its issue. The fee for such license shall in each case be fixed by this Board of Health at not less than one dollar nor more than two dollars per year. All licenses granted under this Section shall be recorded by the City Clerk of said City, who shall keep a record thereof. Section 56. Every owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of any house, building or prem- ises, or of any part thereof where drains, cesspools, dry earth closets, or privies are permitted by this Board to be used, shall at all times keep and maintain the same or such thereof as are owned, used or con- trolled by such owners, tenants, lessees, or occupants, in a clean and sanitary condi- tion and free from offensive odors. Every owner, tenant, lessee or occupant 31 of any house, building or premises, shall have the privy vault or cesspool thoroughly cleaned and disinfected whenever such privy vault or cesspool shall be filled with- in one foot of the surface of the ground. Such owner, tenant, lessee or occupant shall also clean and thoroughly clean and disinfect any such drain, dry-earth closet, privy or cesspool whenever the same shall become unsanitary or offensive, or when- ever this Board or Health Officer shall for special reasons order such drain, dry earth closet or cesspool to be cleaned and disin- fected. Section 57. Every owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of any house, building or prem- ises who may at any time be ordered by this Board of Health to abandon and cease using any privy, dry earth closet or cess- poll shall within ten days after receiving such orders, entirely abandon and cease using such privies, dry earth closets or cesspools, fill the same with clean earth or other inoffensive substance and shall also, in the case of a privy, remove the seats therefrom. Connection with the Sewerage System Section 58. The use of cesspools, priv- ies and dry earth closets, accessible to ex- isting City sewers in the City of Ithaca shall be discontinued on or before Septem- ber 1, 1912, unless such discontinuance be sooner ordered by the Board of Health, All cesspools and vaults shall be properly clean- ed and filled and seats of privies removed on or before the above date. No cesspool, privy or dry earth closet shall be constructed in the City of Ithaca 32 after January 1, 1910, except for the ac- commodation of residences that are not accessible to existing City sewers. Cess- pools, privies or dry earth closets construct- ed under such conditions shall be abandon- ed within one year after the completion of a city sewer available to the said prem- ises. Upon all premises not now (January 1, 1910) accommodated by the sewer but which shall hereafter become accessible to the city sewer system the use of cess- pools, privies and dry earth closets shall be discontinued within three years after such premises shall become so accessible unless such discontinuance be sooner or- dered by the Board of Health. Medical School Inspection Section 59. The Board of Health may employ Medical Inspectors for the public schools of the City of Ithaca and fix their compensation. The Board may also em- ploy nurses to assist the Medical Inspec- tors, and fix the compensation of sucn nurses. Analysis of City Water Section 60. The City Water shall be analyzed bacteriologically at least twice each week regardless of its source and such analyses shall be filed in the office of the Health Office. Penalties Section 61. The violation by any person or corporation of any of the provisions of such sanitary code is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and impris- 33 onment. This act shall not affect any sub- ject not embraced within such code, and the punishment of any offenses or violations upon any subject not embraced in said sani- tary code shall be punishable as otherwise provided by law. Section 62. This Sanitary Code shall take effect March 4, 1910. I, W. O. Kerr, Secretary of the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca, New York, hereby certify that said Board of Health, at a regular meeting held January 11, 1910, duly approved and adopted the foregoing Sanitary Code in and for the said City of Ithaca; that I have compared said code with the original on file in the office of the Board of Health of said City and that the same is a true and full copy of such original. W. O. Kerr, Secretary Board of Health of the City of Ithaca. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., February 9, 1910. 34 State of New York, Tompkins County, ss.: Chas. M. Benjamin, being duly sworn, de- poses and says, that he resides in Ithaca, County and State aforesaid, and that he is one of the publishers of "The Ithaca Daily Journal," a public newspaper printed and published in Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper once in each week for four weeks, and that the first pub- lication of said notice was on the ninth day of February, 1910. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN. Subscribed and sworn before me, this third day of March, 1910. [L.S.] E. E. INGALLS, Notary Public.