75he SANITARY code of the BOROUGH OF / RUTHERFORD RUTHERFORD, N. J. JULY, 1909 BOARD OF HEALTH, City Hall, Rutherford, N. J. DR. CHAS. COLHOUNPresident CHAS. R. HUNT Treasurer F. M. BUCKLESSecretary GEO. F. SCHERMERHORN, F. W. FLEMING, F. F. FRITTS. REGULAR MEETINGS, Second Monday each month, at City Hall, 8 P. M. GEO. K. THOMAS Inspector Office hours, 8 to 9 A. M. F. M. BUCKLES.Registrar of Vital Statistics ■ ( Office hours, 8 to 9 A. M. T5be SANITARY CODE of the BOROUGH OF RUTHERFORD RUTHERFORD, N. J. JULY, 1909 CONTENTS AND INDEX. PAGE ARTICLE I. General Nuisances 3 ARTICLE II. Concerning the Construction of Privy Vaults, Cesspools and Manure Pits. ... 7 ARTICLE III. Concerning the Storage, Removal and Dis- posal of Refuse Matter 9 ARTICLE IV. . Concerning the Prevention of Spitting in the Trolley Cars and Public Conveyances.. 11 ARTICLE V. Regulating the Keeping of Swine 11 PAGE ARTICLE VI. Food, Milk and Ice 12 ARTICLE VII. Concerning the Registrar and the Registra- tion of Vital Statistics 15 ARTICLE VIII. Communicable Diseases 16 ARTICLE IX. Burial of the Dead 20 ARTICLE X. Regulating the Construction of Plumbing. . 21 ARTICLE XL Concerning Sewer Connections 31 ARTICLE XII. Concerning the Breeding of Mosquitoes. ... 32 ARTICLE XIII. Repealing Old Sanitary Code 33 Instructions Regarding Fumigating 33 Instructions Regarding Permits, etc 34 II AN ORDINANCE establishing a Sanitary Code for the Borough of Rutherford. The Board of Health of the Borough of Rutherford in the County of Bergen, by virtue of the provisions of the act of the Legislature of New Jersey, entitled "An Act to Establish in this State Boards of Health and a Bureau of Vital Statistics, and to Define their Re- spective Powers and Duties," approved March 31, 1887, and of other acts, doth hereby ordain as follows: ARTICLE I. General Nuisances. Sec. i. Whatever is dangerous to human health, or whatever renders the ground, the water, the air or food a hazard or an injury to human health is hereby declared to be a nuis- ance, and any person or persons creating or maintaining, or aiding in the creation or main- tenance of any such nuisance, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. That any person who shall careless- ly, negligently or wilfully aid in or contribute to the doing of any act dangerous to life or detrimental to the health of any human being, 3 except for justifiable motives, and for adequate reasons, or who shall omit any precaution, rea- sonable and proper, to prevent or remove dan- ger or detriment to life or health of any human being, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. No person or persons shall cause or aid in causing the deposit or accumulation of any decaying or putrescible animal or vegeta- ble substance or substances, or of other offen- sive matter in the form of rubbish, garbage or offal, in or upon any lot, street or highway, or in or upon any public or private place until the same shall become or be likely to become hazardous to health, or until the same' shall, by reason of offensive odors, become a source of discomfort to persons living or passing in the vicinity thereof. Sec. 4. The pollution of any stream, well, spring or reservoir of water used for drinking purposes is hereby prohibited. Sec. 5. The construction of any drain or sewer or the pouring out of foul liquids on the surface of the ground or elsewhere in such a manner as to become the source from which offensive odors shall emanate or in such a man- ner as to pollute the ground, air or water, to the risk or detriment of the health of persons living or passing in the vicinity, is hereby pro- hibited. Sec. 6. The storage of animal refuse or de- cayable or putrescible matter in liquid or solid form in any vault, cess-pool or other receptacle in such a manner as to endanger health or in such a manner that the same shall, by reason of offensive odors emanating therefrom, be- 4 come a source of discomfort to persons living or passing in the vicinity thereof, is hereby prohibited. Sec. 7. The overflow of any foul liquids or escape of any gases into any place where they may become injurious to health, or the keep- ing or forming such sunken places or excava- tions upon any lot of land so that they may accumulate foul water or offensive animal or vegetable matter, is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and any person or persons who shall aid in causing or maintaining the same shall be liable to penalties hereinafter provided. Sec. 8. The keeping of any house or build- ing, or any part thereof, in such a state of un- cleanliness, or the crowding of persons in any house or building in such a manner as to en- danger the health of the persons dwelling thereifi, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 9. That where such nuisances, noxious gases or vapors, or cause of ill health or dis- ease shall be found on private property, the said Board shall cause notice thereof to be given to the owner or owners to remove and abate the same at his own expense, within such time as the said Board may deem proper; a duplicate of the notice so given shall be left with one or more of the tenants or occupants of the premises; if the owner resides out of the state or cannot be reached with notice speedily, notice left at the house or posted on the premises shall be deemed sufficient, and if the owner or owners thus notified shall not comply with such notification or order of the local Board of Health within the time speci- fied, the Board shall proceed to abate such nuisance and remove the cause of such foul 5 and noxious odors, gases or vapors, or other things detrimental to the public health, and such Board shall have a right to recover, by action of debt, the expenses incurred by such Board in the abatement or removal, from any person or persons who shall have caused or allowed such nuisance, source of foulness or cause of sickness hazardous to the public health, and from any owner, tenant or occu- pant of the premises who, after notice as afore- said, shall have failed to remove such nuisance, source of foulness or cause of sickness haz- ardous to the public health, within the time specified in such notice; and in case such Board of Health shall fail to recover by such action an amount sufficient to defray such expenses, or if it shall be deemed inexpedient to bring such suit, they may present a bill, certified by such Board or a majority thereof, to the local municipal authorities, and such bill shall be audited and paid by the City, Borough, Town, Township or other local municipal government in and for which such Board is organized in the same manner as the bills for the ordinary current expenses for such municipality are paid. Sec. 14. Chap. Ixviii. Laws 1887. Sec. 10. If any well or spring in the Bo- rough of Rutherford, or any water used for drinking purposes is found to be polluted or to be the cause of any sickness, the Board of Health may order the same to be closed or not to be used, and every person who shall dis- regard or shall refuse to obey such an order shall be deemed to have violated this ordi- nance. Sec. 11. No owner, agent or lessee of any building or part thereof, shall lease, let or 6 hire out the same or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person or allow the same to be occupied as a place for anyone to dwell or lodge, except when said building or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated and provided with proper water closets. Sec. 12. No premises shall be rented, let or leased or occupied as a tenement house unless premises shall have a plentiful supply of pure water suitable for domestic purposes, furnished at one or more places in such house or in the yard thereof, so that the same may be adequate and reasonably convenient for the use of the occupants of said house. Sec. 13. Any person who sha1l fail to com- ply with or shall violate any of the several provisions of this article shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE II. Concerning the Construction of Privy Vaults, Cesspools and Manure Pits. Sec. 1. No privy vault, cesspool nor manure pit shall hereafter be constructed within the Borough of Rutherford without a permit for that purpose being first obtained from the Board of Health. All privy vaults, cesspools and manure pits for the construction of which permits may be granted, shall be built in such manner as this Board shall direct. Sec. 2. No privy vault nor cesspool shall hereafter be constructed on any lot or premises having a sewer connection or abutting on a street within which there is a sewer, unless 7 special permission is granted by this Board; and no privy vault, cesspool nor manure pit shall hereafter be constructed or maintained within fifty feet of any spring, well or stream. Sec. 3. No rain-water leader, waste pipe nor soil pipe shall discharge into, or be connected with any privy vault nor shall any rain-water leader be used for conducting household wastes. Sec. 4. No privy vault nor cesspool shall be built or maintained within 5 feet of any party line or fence of the adjacent lot or lots, nor within 25 feet of the door or window of any house, unless otherwise ordered or permitted by the Board of Health, and no privy vault nor cesspool shall be completed nor shall any cover be put upon or over the same until the said privy vault or cesspool has been inspected by an Inspector of the Board of Health and has been found to correspond to the terms of the permit and the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 5. No manure p>it nor other receptacle used for the storage of stable manure shall be directly or indirectly connected with any sewer, nor shall the drainage from any stable or other building be emptied into said manure pit or other receptacle. Said pit or other re- ceptacle shall be kept dry and shall be pro- tected from sun, rain, snow and all other con- ditions which tend to produce wetness and of- fensive decomposition of manure stored there- in. Said manure pit or other receptacle for the storage of stable manure shall not be built or maintained within 5 feet of any party line, within 20 feet of any street line, nor within 40 feet of any door or window of any dwelling- 8 house unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Health. Sec. 6. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons, violating any of the provisions of this article, shall, on conviction thereof, for- feit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE III. Concerning the Storage, Removal and Dis- posal of Refuse Matter. Sec. I. No privy vault nor cesspool in the Borough of Rutherford shall hereafter be cleansed, nor shall any material from the same, or any garbage, ashes, swill, refuse, dead ani- mals or other matter which is or may become offensive or dangerous to health be conveyed through the streets of Rutherford by any per- son who has not first obtained a license from this Board permitting him to perform such services or acts in accordance with the pro- visions of this article and such other ordi- nances, rules and regulations as the Board may from time to time adopt. Sec. 2. All persons required by the preced- ing section to obtain a license shall make ap- plication for the same to the Board of Health, in writing, addressed to the Inspector, stating the nature of the business they intend to con- duct, or the acts to be performed, the number and kind of wagons or other vehicles to be used in such business, and the disposition to be made of the material they may remove, collect or convey, and such other information as the Board of Health may from time to time re- 9 quire. In case an application is granted, the Inspector of the Board shall issue a license to the applicant upon receipt cf the proper license fee or fees established by this article. Sec. 3. The license fees to be paid under this article shall be as follows: For each license to empty cesspools or privy vaults the sum of five dollars per annum. • For each license to collect and remove gar- bage, ashes, swill or other material included in Section 1 and not previously included in this section, the sum of three dollars per an- num. Such licenses may be revoked at any time by the Board whenever in its judgment the licensee has violated any provision of this arti- cle or any rule, regulation or order made by this Board. Sec. 4. All vehicles or receptacles used un- der any permit for removing the contents of cesspools or privy vaults, or for conveying swill, garbage or other liquid or partially liquid material, shall be only such as may be approved by the Board of Health, shall be water-tight, shall be kept clean and inoffensive, and shall be covered with tightly-fitting wood- en, metal or canvas covers, securely fastened, which covers shall be kept closed at all times except when opened for the admission or dis- charge of proper matter. All manure, ashes or other refuse referred to in this article shall be conveyed in vehicles or receptacles tightly and completely covered and so constructed as to prevent leaking, spill- ing or offensive odors. Sec. 5. No such wagon or other vehicle shall stand in the streets or other public places at 10 any time except when being loaded or un- loaded. Sec. 6. None of the material collected, con- veyed or handled under this article shall be disposed of within the Borough of Rutherford in any manner not approved by the Board of Health. Sec. 7. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons violating any of the provisions of this article, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE IV. Concerning the Prevention of Spitting in the Trolley Cars and Public Conveyances. Sec. 1. Spitting upon the floor, steps or other portions of any trolley car or other pub- lic conveyance engaged in carrying passengers in the Borough of Rutherford, is hereby de- clared to be a nuisance, and any person or per- sons creating or maintaining such nuisance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE V. I Regulating the Keeping of Swine. Sec. 1. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons desiring to keep pigs, hogs or swine within any enclosure in the Borough of Rutherford shall, before keeping the same, ap- 11 ply to the Board of Health in writing, stating the location of the enclosure in which it is pro- posed to keep the said pigs, hogs or swine and the approximate number which is likely to be kept in said enclosure, and no person, cor- poration or association of persons shall keep the said pigs, hogs or swine unless said peti- tion is favorably acted upon by the Board of Health, at a regular meeting, and a permit in writing be granted by said Board. Sec. 2. Any person or persons, corporation or association of persons violating any of the provisions of this article shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE VI. Foods and Milk. Sec. i. The sale or exposure for sale of any drink, meat, milk, fish or vegetable food that is decayed, putrified or has become chemically or physically changed, so that it is unwhole- some or unfit for food, or that has been ex- posed to the emanation or infection of any communicable disease, is hereby prohibited. Sec. 2. Every person, corporation or asso- ciation of persons who now is or who hereafter shall be engaged in the sale or exposure for sale of milk within the Borough of Rutherford, shall procure a license from this Board, such license to cost one dollar, and may be revoked at any time by the Bqard whenever, in its judg- ment the licensee has violated any provisions of this article or any rule, regulation or order 12 made by this Board. And they shall furnish the Board of Health of the Borough of Ruther- ford, when, and as often as may be requested by said Board or its agent, with a true and complete statement, as to the locality from which the milk so sold or exposed for sale is produced, also a full and complete list of per- sons from whom said milk is purchased; and the names and addresses of all persons to whom they are regularly selling or delivering milk within said Borough; and if at any time after such statement and lists have been fur- nished, the locality from which said milk is produced, or the person from whom said milk is purchased be changed, said Board shall be notified immediately. Sec. 3. No milk shall be sold or exposed for sale in the Borough of Rutherford, except milk from cows stabled under light, dry and well- ventilated conditions, and in all. other respects conforming to the requirements hereinafter set forth, viz: a. Each cow shall have at least three feet in width of floor space when fastened in stanchions, and in all cases where no adequate artificial means of ventilation are provided, each animal shall have an air space of at least five hundred (500) cubic feet. b. All stables for the shelter of said cattle shall be provided with a tight, dry floor. The manure drop shall be water-tight. c. The walls and ceilings of said stables shall be whitewashed whenever it may be deemed necessary by the Board of Health. d. Manure shall not be allowed to accumu- late in large quantities in stable yards, nor near the buildings where the cattle are kept, 13 and when stored temporarily in such places it shall be removed at least once per month. The said stable yards shall be drained and kept in a clean, dry condition, and no accumulation of household garbage, vegetable or other pu- trescible matter shall be allowed to remain or decay in said stables or stable yards. e. Cattle shall at all times be kept in a clean condition and udders shall be washed, hand- rubbed or wiped with a clean, damp cloth be- fore each milking. f. No milk shall be sold or offered for sale or distributed in the Borough of Rutherford, unless the cows from which it is been obtained have, within one year, been examined by a competent veterinarian, and are free from dis- eases dangerous to the public health. But this shall not be construed as forbidding the sale or use of milk from cows not tested with tu- berculin. Sec. 4. Every person, corporation or asso- ciation of persons who now is or who here- after shall be engaged in the sale or exposure for sale of ice within the Borough of Ruther- ford shall procure a license from this Board; such license to cost one dollar, and may be revoked at any time by the Board, whenever, in its judgment, the licensee has violated any provision of this article, or any rule, regula- tion or order made by this Board; and they shall furnish the Board of Health or its agents when and as often as requested, with a true and complete statement as to the locality from which the ice so sold or exposed for sale is harvested or if artificial ice where manufac- tured. Sec. 5. No ice shall be sold or exposed for 14 sale in the -Borough of Rutherford that has been harvested from any pond, lake, or river, upon which skating is allowed, nor shall any ice be sold or exposed for sale in the Borough of Rutherford that is harvested or manufac- tured from any locality or in any manner not approved by this Board. Sec. 6. All refrigerators or ice boxes main- tained in any butcher shop or other mercantile business carried on in the Borough of Ruther- ford shall be opened at all times when said business is being carried on to inspection by this Board of Health or an authorized agent. No person engaged in any such mercantile business shall allow any animal or vegetable matter which is foul or which is in a state of decay to remain within said refrigerator or ice box, nor shall the said refrigerator or ice box be allowed to become foul or malodorous, through the lack of proper cleaning and dis- infecting. Sec. 7. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE VII. Concerning the Registrar and the Registra- tion of Vital Statistics. Sec. 1. There shall be appointed annually by the Board of Health, a suitable person to be Registrar of Vital Statistics in and for the Borough of Rutherford in the County of Bergen, who shall serve until the first Friday 15 of June next succeeding his appointment, or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 2. In addition to the duties prescribed to be performed by such officer in and by the act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, approved February 15, 1888, or other laws of the State, the Registrar of Vital Sta- tistics shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be required by the Board of Health. He shall, in addition to transmit- ting all certificates of marriages, births and deaths, received by him, to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, report the same to the local Board of Health, at least once in each month. Sec. 3. The returns of all marriages, births and deaths required by law, or by any ordi- nance of the Board of Health, to be made by physicians, midwives, nurses, clergymen, mag- istrates and other persons professionally offici- ating at such marriage, birth or death, shall be made to the Registrar of Vital Statistics, and for each failure to make return or report of such marriages, births or deaths, said per- son shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars. ARTICLE VIII. Communicable Diseases. Sec. 1. Every physician practicing in the Borough of Rutherford shall report in writing to the Board of Health the name of every pa- tient he or she shall have affected with cholera, smallpox (including varioloid), diphtheria, membranous croup, yellow, typhus, typhoid or scarlet fever, measles, cerebro-spinal menin- gitis, or any other communicable disease that 16 may hereafter be declared by this Board to be dangerous to public health, together with the precise locality where such patient may be found, immediately after such physician shall ascertain the nature of such disease. Sec. 2. Whenever it shall be deemed neces- sary by this Board, or its authorized agents, to establish the true character of any disease which is suspected to be communicable, a medical examination of the person or persons affected by such disease may be ordered by the said Board or its agents. Any person or persons interfering with or refusing to permit such examination shall be guilty of violating this article. Sec. 3. No principal, teacher or superin- tendent of any school shall knowingly permit any child sick with any disease mentioned in Section 1, or any child residing in any house in which such disease, except typhoid fever, shall exist, to attend any school until such time as the Board of Health certifies to such teacher that said child can attend school without dan- ger of communicating the disease to others. Sec. 4. No principal, teacher or superin- tendent of any school, and no parent or guar- dian of any child attending any school, shall knowingly permit any child sick with any con- tagious disease not mentioned in Section 1, or any child residing in any house in which such disease shall exist, to attend any school, until this Board or its authorized agent shall have given a permit therefor. Sec. 5. No person from any dwelling where- in a disease dangerous to the public health exists, shall take any book or magazine to or from the public library without a permit from 17 the Board of Health. The Board will inform the librarian of all cases of said diseases, and until a written permit is given, he shall allow neither books nor magazines to be taken to or returned from the dwelling where such cases exist. Sec. 6. In case communicable disease oc- curs in the Borough of Rutherford any person affected therewith shall, at the discretion of the Board of Health, be isolated, and all build- ings, clothing, property and premises and ve- hicles which may become infected by the pres- ence of persons affected by communicable dis- ease shall be disinfected or fumigated, and said disinfection or fumigation shall be made as the Board of Health or its agents may direct. Sec. 7. No person shall knowingly bring or cause to be brought into the Borough of Rutherford any person infected with any com- municable disease, except upon a permit grant- ed by the Board of Health; and no person shall knowingly bring or cause to be brought into said Borough any article liable to propagate a communicable disease. Sec. 8. Whenever there shall occur in the Borough of Rutherford any case of cholera, smallpox (including varioloid), diphtheria, membranous croup, yellow fever, typhus fever or scarlet fever, the Board of Health or its authorized agent shall place upon the house or houses in which said case or cases are con- fined, a placard naming the disease, and any person or persons removing said placard with- out authority of said Board, shall, upon con- viction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 18 Sec. 9. Whenever a placard shall be placed upon a house as provided in Section 8, no per- son or persons except the medical attendant and nurses shall enter therein or depart there- from without the permission of the Board of Health or its authorized agent. Sec. 10. In case a coach, hack, cab, carriage or other vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers, shall convey a patient suffering from a communicable disease, said coach, hack, cab, carriage or other vehicle shall be disin- fected under the direction of the Board of Health or its authorized agent before being used again. Sec. 11. Every veterinary surgeon who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal within the Borough of Rutherford hav- ing the glanders or farcy, or any contagious disease, shall within twenty-four hours there- after report in writing to the Board of Health of said Borough the following facts, viz: First, a statement of the location of such diseased animal; second, the name and address of the owner thereof; third, the type and character of the disease. Sec. 12. Every animal which is mad or has had the hydrophobia, or shows symptoms thereof, shall be at once killed; and every animal that has been exposed to such disease shall be at once confined to some secure place for such length of time as to show that such exposure has not given such animal said dis- ease, and the body of any animal that died of such disease or being suspected to have such disease has been killed shall be disposed of as may be directed by the Board of Health. Sec. 13. Any person, corporation or asso- 19 ■ciation of persons violating any of the pro- visions of this article, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE IX. Burial of the Dead. Sec. i. No body of an adult person shall be buried in the Borough of Rutherford so that the box or coffin containing it shall be nearer than four feet to the surface of the ground, or in the case of any person deceased under the age of fourteen years, not less than three and one-half feet, and no disinterment shall take place between the first day of May and the first day of the following November of any year, nor shall any disinterment take place at any time without a permit from the Board of Health or its authorized agent. Sec. 2. There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person who has died of small- pox, .diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, measles, yellow fever, typhus fever, lep- rosy or Asiatic cholera, but the funeral of such person shall be private, and held within twenty-four hours after the death of said per- son, and it shall not be lawful to permit at the funeral of any person who has died of any of the above named diseases, or at any services connected therewith any person whose attend- ance is not necessary. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every under- taker having notice of the death of any person within the Borough of Rutherford of smallpox, 20 varioloid, diphtheria, membranous croup, scar- let fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, Asiatic cholera, leprosy, measles, or any other com- municable disease dangerous to the general health of the community, or of the bringing of the dead body of any person who has died of any such disease into said town, to give im- mediate notice thereof to the Board of Health. Sec. 4. No public coach, hack, cab or car- riage, or any upholstered vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers shall be used to con- vey the body of a person who has died from any communicable disease. Sec. 5. Any person, corporation or associa- tion of persons violating any of the provisions of this article, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE X. Regulating the Construction of Plumbing. Sec. 1. Every person engaged in the busi- ness of a master and foreman plumber in the Borough of Rutherford shall appear in person at the office of the Board of Health and regis- ter his name, residence and place of business (blank forms to be furnished for this purpose), and in case of removal to make change in said register accordingly. Sec. 2. Before any portion of the plumbing and drainage system of any building, public or private shall be constructed there shall be filed in the office of the Board of Health a plan •thereof, showing the said plumbing and drain- age system entire from its connection with the 21 sewer, cesspool or vault throughout the entire building, together with the location of all fix- tures, traps, ventilating pipes, etc. Said plan must be approved and the name of the plumber attached thereto before any portion of the work shall be executed. Before any changes are made in the direction of pipes or location of fixtures they must first be approved, and said charges made on the original plan on file. This regulation also applies to any extensions or alterations of existing systems, with the ad- dition that in such cases a plan of the old sys- tem, as well as a plan of the proposed changes, must be filed in the office of the Board of Health. Drawings and descriptions of the plumbing and drainage of buildings erected prior to the passage of this regulation may be placed on file in the office of the Board. Sec. 3. When the plan of any plumbing and drainage system is filed in the office of the Board of Health a fee of two dollars will be charged to defray the expenses of inspecting the plans, or filing and superintending the testing of the work, as provided in Section 40. Sec. 4. The Health Officer or Inspector shall be notified promptly by the plumber when the plumbing and drainage work of any building, or any portion thereof, is completed and ready for inspection and testing. All in- spections and testings shall be made as soon as possible after such notification. Any such system put in and covered without due notice to the Health Officer or Inspector must be un- covered for examination at the direction of said officer. Sec. 5. No building or premises will be al- lowed to be connected with any sewer, cess- 22 pool or vault without a permit first obtained from the Board of Health; and it is further required that permits shall be kept on hand during the progress of the work to which they relate, and that they shall be exhibited when- ever required by the proper officers of the Board. The condition of this permit must be strictly complied with. This regulation ap- plies to all sewers, whether on private prop- erty or in public streets or alleys. Before lay- ing the drain from the building to the sewer, cesspool or vault, and after the trench is grad- ed, the bottom of the trench must be carefully rammed to avoid unequal settling of the drain. After the pipe is laid, as the trench is filled the earth must be tightly rammed as near as pos- sible to its original compactness. Tunnelling is prohibited. Sec. 6. When the ground is made or filled in, the drain, extending from the sewer cess- pool or vault to the foundation wall, must be of extra heavy cast-iron pipe of such diameter as may be approved. Such pipes should be laid with the joints properly corked with lead. Sec. 7. Where the soil consists of a natural bed of loam, sand or rock, the drain may be of hard, salt-glazed and cylindrical earthenware pipe, laid on a smooth bottom, free from all projections of rock. Each section must be wetted before applying the cement, and the space between each hub and the small end of the next section must be completely and uni- formly filled with the best hydraulic cement. Care must be taken to prevent any cement be- ing forced into the drain to become an ob- struction. No tempered-up cement shall be used. A straightedge must be used inside the 23 pipe, and the different sections must be laid in perfect line on the bottom and sides. Sec. 8. Where a building is to be connected with a sewer, cesspool or vault, it must be con- nected by a drain not less than four inches in diameter, having a fall of not less than one- quarter of an inch to the foot. Old drains can be used for new houses only when found by an inspector of this Board to conform in all respects to the foregoing regulations govern- ing new drains. Sec. 9. Where there is no sewer in street on which a building faces and it is necessary to construct a private sewer to connect with a sewer on an adjacent street or avenue, it must be laid outside of the curb, under the roadway of the street, and not through yards or under houses without a special permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 10. Pipe sewers must not be cut; house drain connections with pipe sewers must be made with Y branches. Where connection is made with brick sewers, a terra-cotta junction block must be used. Sec. 11. All horizontal drains within and to a distance of six feet beyond the walls of build- ings shall be of cast-iron, with caulked, leaden joints, or wrought-iron screwed joints, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection. The house drain within build- ings shall be securely hung on the cellar-wall or properly suspended from the cellar-ceiling, unless this is impracticable, in which case it must be laid in a trench, cut at a uniform grade, the bottom of which must be covered with hydraulic concrete, and walled upon the sides with brick, laid in hydraulic cement; said 24 trench must also be provided with movable covers. The house drain shall have a fall of at least one-quarter inch to the foot, and more, if possible. When a pipe passes under the wall of a building there shall be a relieving arch to prevent the pipe being broken by set- tling of the foundation. Said drains shall be provided with openings for cleansing purposes, the same to be closed by screw plugs. Sec. 12. A running or one-half S trap must be placed on the house drain at an accessible point near the house-wall. This trap must be furnished with a hand-hole for convenience in cleansing, the cover of which must be properly fitted, and made gas and air-tight with some suitable cement, properly applied. Sec. 13. Every house-drain shall have an inlet for fresh air, not less than four inches in diameter, entering on the house side of the trap and leading to the outer air, opening at some place shown on the approved plans, not less than ten feet from the nearest window. No cold-air-box for a furnace shall be so placed that it can by any possibility draw air from this inlet pipe. , Sec. 14. All cast- or wrought-iron pipes must be sound, free from holes, and when laid under ground shall have a uniform thickness of one-quarter of an inch; when placed above ground said pipes shall have a uniform thick- ness of one-eighth of an inch. Where the building is over sixty feet high above the curb, pipes of the following weights shall be used, with extra heavy fittings : 2- 5% pounds per lineal foot. 3- pounds per lineal foot. 25 4- 13 pounds per lineal foot. 5- 17 pounds per lineal foot. 6- 20 pounds per lineal foot. 7- 27 pounds per lineal foot. 8- pounds per lineal foot. 10-inch, 45 pounds per lineal foot. 12-inch, 54 pounds per lineal foot. Sec. 15. All drain, soil, waste, vent and sup- ply pipes shall be as direct and concentrated as possible, protected from frost and readily accessible for inspection and convenience in repairing. When necessarily placed within partitions or in recesses in walls, soil and waste pipes must never be covered except with wood- work, said woodwork to be so fastened with screws (never nails) as to be readily removed. Sec. 16. Every vertical soil and main waste- pipe must be of cast- or wrought-iron, and when it receives the discharge of fixtures on two or more floors it must extend at least two feet above the highest part of the roof or cop- ing, except in the case of flat-room tenement houses, in which case it shall extend at least 6 feet above the roof when said pipe shall have a diameter above the roof at least one inch greater than that of the pipe proper; but in no case shall it be less than four inches in diam- eter above the roof. No cap or cowl shall be affixed to the top of such ventilation pipe, but in tenement houses a strong wire basket shall be provided and securely fastened thereto. Each length shall be securely' fastened, and in case of each line of soil pipe it shall rest at its foot on a pier or foundation to prevent set- tling. All joints in cast-iron drain, soil or waste-pipes must be so filled with oakum and 26 lead and hand-caulked as to make them gas- tight, and the amount of lead used shall be not less than twelve ounces to each inch diam- eter of the pipe so connected. Sec. 17. Horizontal soil and waste-pipes are prohibited. Sec. 18. There shall be no traps placed on vertical soil and waste-pipes. Sec. 19. All changes in direction in cast- or wrought-iron pipes shall be made with curved pipes, and all connections with Y branches and one-sixteenth or one-eighth bends, if possible. Sec. 20. Soil, waste and vent-pipes in an ex- tension must be extended above the roof of the main building, when otherwise they would open within twenty feet of the windows of the main house, or the adjoining house. Sec. 21. The least diameter of soil-pipe per- mitted is four inches. A vertical waste-pipe into which a line of kitchen sinks discharge must be at least three inches in diameter, if receiving the waste of five or more sinks, and shall have two-inch branches. Sec. 22. Where lead pipe is used to connect fixtures with vertical soid or waste-pipes, or to connect traps with vertical vent-pipes, it must not be lighter than D pipe. Sec. 23. All connections of lead with iron pipes must be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe, put in the hub of the branch of the iron pipe and caulked with lead. The lead pipe must be at- tached to the ferrule by a wiped or overcast joint. All connections of lead waste and vent- pipes shall be made by means of wipe joints. Sec. 24. Every water-closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash-tray, bath, and every tub or set of 27 tubs and hydrant waste-pipe must be separate- ly and effectively trapped, except where a sink and wash-tubs immediately adjoin each other, in which case the waste-pipe from the tubs may be connected with the inlet side of the sink-trap. In such a case the tub waste-pipe is not required to be separately trapped. Urinal platforms, if connected to drain-pipes, must also be properly trapped and a supply of water so arranged as to always maintain the seal of said traps. In no case shall the waste from a bath-tub or other fixture be connected with a water-closet trap. • Sec. 25. Traps must be placed as near the fixtures as practicable, and in no case shall a trap be more than two feet from the fixture. Each and every trap shall be ventilated either by a special vent-pipe of suitable size extend- ing at least two feet above the highest part of the roof of the house (or into a special pipe erected for ventilating purposes only, in which case the area of the special vent must be in- creased as it passes upward so as to corre- spond to the combined area of all branch vents passing into it), or by some approved auto- matic vent. Approved mechanical traps may be substituted where it is necessary or ad- visable, but only on special permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 26. The vent-pipe for each water- closet trap shall be at least two inches in diameter, and for traps under other fixtures not less than one and one-half inches. In all cases vertical vent-pipes must be of cast- or wrought-iron. Sec. 27. Vent-pipes must extend two feet above the highest part of the roof or coping, 28 the extension to be not less than four inches in diameter, to avoid obstruction from frost, except in cases where the use of smaller pipes is permitted by the Board of Health. These vent-pipes must always have a continuous slope, to avoid collecting water by condensa- tion. Sec. 28. No trap vent-pipe shall be used as a waste or soil-pipe. Sec. 29. Over-flow pipes from fixtures must in each case be connected on the inlet side of the trap of the same fixture. Sec. 30. No safe under any fixture shall be provided with any drip, waste or notice pipe. The waste-pipe from refrigerators shall in no case be directly connected with any soil or waste-pipe, or with any drain or sewer, or dis- charge upon the ground. Sec. 31. The sediment pipe from kitchen boilers must be connected on the inlet side of any trap. Sec. 32. Water-closets must never be placed in an unventilated room or compartment. In every case the compartment must be open to the outer air, or be ventilated by means of a shaft or air-duct. Sec. 33. All water-closets within the house must be supplied with water from separate tanks or cisterns, the water of which is used for no other purpose. A group of closets on the same floor may be supplied from one tank. Pan-closets and hollow plunger-closets are prohibited. Sec. 34. Overflow pipes from water-closet cisterns must discharge into an open sink, or where its discharge will attract attention and indicate that waste of water is occurring; but 29 not into the bowl of a water-closet, nor di- rectly into a soil or waste-pipe, nor into a drain or sewer. Sec. 35. Water-closets, when placed in the yard, must be so arranged as to be convenient- ly and adequately flushed, and their water- supply pipes and traps must be protected from freezing. The compartment of such water- closets must be ventilated by means of slatted openings in the doors and roof. See. 36. All waste, overflow or vent-pipes shall be of lead, cast- or wrought-iron. Sec. 37. Rain-water leaders, when placed inside of any building, must be of cast-iron, with leaded joints, wrought-iron screwed joints, or of copper, with soldered joints. When outside of the building and connected with the drain it must, if of sheet metal with slip joints, be trapped beneath the ground or just inside of the wall, the trap being ar- ranged so as to prevent freezing. In every case where a leader opens near a window or a light-shaft, it must be properly trapped at its base. The joint between a cast-iron leader and the roof must be made gas- and water- tight by means of a brass ferrule and lead or copper pipe, properly connected. Sec. 38. Rain-water leaders must never be used as soil, waste or vent-pipes, nor shall any soil, waste or vent-pipe be used as a leader. Sec. 39. No steam-exhaust blow-off or drip- pipe from a steam-boiler shall connect with the sewer or with any drain, soil-pipe or waste- pipe. Such pipes must discharge into a tank or condenser from which a suitable outlet to the drain may be provided. Sec. 40. Every new plumbing system, in- 30 eluding those altered or extended, must be tested by the plumber by the air, water or peppermint test, in the presence of a proper officer of the Board of Health; all defective joints must be made tight and other openings made impervious to gases. Defective pipe must be removed and replaced by sound pipe. Sec. 41. Cellar and foundation walls must be rendered impervious to dampness and the use of asphaltum or coal-tar pitch in addition to hydraulic cement is recommended for that purpose. Sec. 42. Cellars and areas should not be connected to the house-drain. Dry cesspools must be used to care for surface water from cellars and areas, when practicable. Sec. 43. Sub-soil drains must be provided when necessary, and in no case shall these drains have a direct connection with the sewer or drainage system of any building. Sec. 44. Yards and open light courts must always be properly graded, cemented, flagged or well paved, and properly drained; when the drain is connected with the house-drain it must be effectively trapped. Sec. 45. Any person who fails to comply with or who violates or who offends against any provision of this article, or any section thereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE XL Concerning Sewer Connections. Sec. 1. All owners of property along the line 31 of any sewers constructed for the purpose of carrying off sewage matter in any of the streets of this Borough shall connect their houses and other buildings with the sewer in the street adjoining said property upon notice to make such connection from the Board of Health; said notice to be served by delivering the same to the owner of said property, or by leaving the same at the residence of the owner with a member of the family above the age of four- teen years, and explaining the contents there- of ; or, in case of a non-resident owner, by serving the same upon the resident agents, if any, and by mailing the same by registered let- ter to the owner's last known post-office ad- dress. Sec. 2. Any owner of property who fails to make such connection within thirty days after notification from the Board shall, upon con- viction thereof, forfeit a fine of twenty-five dol- lars, and an additional fine of ten dollars for each and every day after the said thirty days in which the provisions of this article and of such notice shall not be complied with. ARTICLE XII. Concerning the Breeding of Mosquitoes. The maintaining of any sunken place or ex- cavation or any receptacle where stagnant water may accumulate or where mosquito larvae are bred or may be bred in any property in the Borough of Rutherford, between April i and November 30 of any year, is a public nuisance. Any owner, agent, lessee or tenant of any property who permits such water where 32 mosquito larvae are bred, or may be bred, to remain in any sunken place or excavation in any lot or any receptacle upon such property shall be liable to penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE XIII. Repealing Old Sanitary Code. All Sanitary Codes heretofore adopted bv the Board of Health of the Borough of Ruther- ford, N. J., are hereby repealed, and this code shall take effect February i, 1902. The fore- going Sanitary Code was passed at a regular meeting of the Board of Health of the Borough of Rutherford, N. J., held on the 3d day of January, 1902. All necessary fumigating after infectious disease cases will be done by this Board upon proper notice from the attending physician, providing the necessary time of quarantine has elapsed. Extra fumigating will be done for house- holders upon notice to this Board at reasonable charges. This Board will also supply fumigating ma- terial for householders use at cost. 33 Physicians, Clergymen, Plumbers, Under- takers, and all persons who have to make re- ports to this Board, or to the Registrar of Vital Statistics, will find blanks for that purpose at this office. Physicians can procure mailing cases or tubes for sending specimens to The State Lab- oratory of Hygiene at this office. Complaints of violation of this code must be made in writing, over the name and address of the person complaining and left with or sent to the Secretary of the Board. Certified copies of Birth, Marriage, or Death certificates can be procured from the Registrar of Vital Statistics upon payment of fee- twenty-five cents. Copies of this code can be procured by ad- dressing the Secretary. 34