HAND BOOK OF THE ASSOCIATION OF Military Surgeons OF THE UNITED STATES 1901-1902. CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA THE ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS 1901 association of fllMlltary> Surgeons of tbe Clnitefc States. ELEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING. WASHINGTON, J). C. •JUNE 5. e A XI) 7, 1802. Officers anb Committees, 190U1902. OFFICERS. ( EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.) president. Lieutenant Colonel JOHN VAN R. HOFF, CHIEF SURGEON, U. S. V.; MAJOR, SURGEON, U. S. ARMY. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, I). C. jflrst Dice president. Brigadier General ROBERT A. BLOOD, SURGEON GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS, CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Second Dice president. Surgeon General WALTER WYMAN, UNITED STATES MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Secretary. Major JAMES EVELYN PILCHER, BRIGADE SURGEON, U. S. V.; CAPTAIN, RETIRED, U. S. ARMY. CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA. treasurer. Lieutenant HERBERT A. ARNOLD, ASSISTANT SURGEON, PENNSYLVANIA, N. G. ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA. 3 4 ASSOCIA TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Standing Committees. Executive Committee. THE OFFICERS, Ex Officio, and Lieutenant Colonel GEORGE RYERSON FOWLER, Brigade Surgeon, N. G. N. Y. Lieutenant Colonel BENJAMIN FRANKLIN POPE, Deputy Surgeon General, U. S. A. Medical Inspector (Commander) PRESLEY MARION RIXEY, United States Navy. Lieutenant Colonel CHARLES F. W MYERS, Medical Director, N. J. N. G. Lieutenant Colonel HENRY Mcl. W. MOORE, Chief Surgeon, O. N. G. and the Ex-Presidents, Ex Officio1 viz.: Colonel NICHOLAS SENN, Surgeon General Illinois N. G. Brigadier General GEORGE M. STERNBERG, Surgeon General, United States Army. Medical Director (Commodore, Retired) ALBERT LEARY GIHON, United States Navy. Brigadier General JEFFERSON DAVIS GRIFFITH, Surgeon General, Retired, N. G. Mo. Colonel CHARLES HENRY ALDEN, Assistant Surgeon General, Retired, U. S. A. Brigadier General ALEXANDER J. STONE, Surgeon General Minn. N. G. Publication Committee* Major JAMES EVELYN PILCHER, Brigade Surgeon U. S. V.; Captain Retiied, U. S. A , CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA. Lieutenant Colonel CHARLES ADAMS, Assistant Surgeon General, 111. N. G. Lieutenant ANGELO FESTORAZZI, Assistant Surgeon, S. T. Ala. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. 5 Literary Committee. Colonel CHARLES H. ALDEN, Assistant Surgeon General, Retired, U. S. Army. NEWTONVILLE, MASS. Colonel WILLIAM WEST GRANT, Surgeon General of Colorado. Colonel WILLIAM DANIEL MCCARTHY, Chief Surgeon of Division, N.G. Cal. Lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH K. WEAVER, Chief Surgeon of Division, N. G. Pa. Surgeon (Lt.) FRANCIS WILLIAM FERDINAND WIEBER, United States Navy. surgeon GEORGE TULLY VAUGHAN, United States Marine Hospital Service. Captain MYLES STANDISH, Ambulance Corps, M. V, M. Nominating Committee. To be selected at the next Annual Meeting. Special Committees. Sander Prize Committee. Honorable WILLIAM CARY SANGER, Assistant Secretary of War. Major General WESLEY MERRITT, U. S. Army, Retired. Brigadier General GEORGE MILLER STERNBERG, Surgeon General U. S. Army. Necrology Committee. Medical Director {Captain) GEORGE PERLEY BRADLEY, United States Navy. Lieutenant Colonel LEONARD BALLOU ALMY, Medical Director, Retired, Conn. N. G. Major JOHN STEWART KULP, Surgeon, U. S. V.; Capt, and Asst. Surg., U. S. A 6 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Post Exchange Committee. Brigadier General GEORGE COOK, Surgeon General Retired, of New Hampshire. 16 CENTKE ST., CONCORD, N. H. Brigadier General JEFFERSON DAVIS GRIFFITH, Surgeon General, Retired, of Missouri. Colonel JAMES TAGGART PRIESTLEY. Surgeon General of Iowa. Colonel ROBERT HARVEY REED. Surgeon General of Wyoming. 1 Major THOMAS CHALMERS CLARK, Surgeon Minn. N. G. Major LOUIS LIVINGSTON SEAMAN, Surgeon U. S. V. E. Major ARTHUR LEE WRIGHT, Surgeon N. G, la. Transportation Committee. Major ALBERT HENRY BRIGGS-, Surgeon N. G N. Y. 267 HUOSON ST., BUFFALO-, N. Y. Auditing Committee. To be appointed at the next Annual Meeting. Committee of Arrangements for the Eleventh Annual Meeting. (So far as completed at date of publication,) Major GEORGE HENDERSON. Surgeon General, N. G. D. C. 817 T ST., N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Major LOUISA. LaGARDE, Surgeon United States Army. Surgeon (Lt. Comdr.) SAMUEL H. DICKSON, United States Navy- Major WILLIAM C. BORDEN, Surgeon United States Army. Surgeon LOUIS L. WILLIAMS, United States Marine Hospital Service. Major FREDERICK P. REYNOLDS, Surgeon United States Volunteers. Dr. GEORGE M. KOBER. Professor in Georgetown University. Captain EDWARD L. MUNSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Army. Dr. J. FORD THOMPSON, Professor in Columbian University. Dr. WALLACE NEFF, Washington, D. C. Constitution anb B^Xavrn Revised June \f J 901 * PREAMBLE. The Military Surgeons of the United States, in order to ■promote and improve the science of Military Surgery, have asso- ciated themselves together and adopted the following Constitution and By-Laws: CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. The organization shall be known as “The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States.” NAME. ARTICLE II. MEMBERS. Section 1. There shall be Active, Associate, Honorary, Corresponding, and Life Members. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Section 2. Commissioned medical officers of the United States Army, of the Navy, of the Marine Hospital Service, of the National Guard or Volunteer Militia of the several States, of the United States Volunteers and acting- assistant or con- tract surg-eons of the United States Army, are elig-ible for active membership. Active members may retain their mem- bership should they be honorably discharged from the service in which they were commissioned. Active members only shall be eligible for office or entitled to vote. 7 8 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Section 3. Ex-medical officers and other officers of either of the above-mentioned services, and of the Marine Hospital Service, ex-medical officers of the United States Volunteer Service, and ex-medical officers of the Confederate Army and Navy, whose service was honorably terminated, are eligible for associate membership. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. HONORARY MEMBERS. Section 4. Persons who are not qualified for active mem- bership, but who have achieved distinction in the military service, are eligible as honorary members. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Section 5. Military Surg-eons living-outside of the United States who are prominent in the literature of military medi- cine and hyg-iene, are eligible as corresponding- members. Section 6. On payment of the sum of Fifty Dollars any active member may become a life member and be exempt from further dues. LIFE MEMBERS. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Section 1. The officers shall be a President, two Vice- Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall hold their respective offices until their successors are elected and qualified. OFFICERS. STANDING COMMITTEES. Section 2. There shall be the following- Standing- Com- mittees: An Executive Committee, to consist of the officers and ex- presidents, and five (5) members. A Publication Committee, to consist of three (3) members, one of whom shall be the Secretary as ex-officio Chairman. A Literary Committee, to consist of seven (7) members,— four (4) members from the National Guard, State Troops or Militia, and one (1) each from the Army, Navy and Marine Hospital Service. A Nominating- Committee, based upon a representative or CONSTITUTION AND BY-LA TVS. 9 one vote for each State, Territory, the Army, the Navy and the Marine Hospital Service, and for every additional ten (10) members or major fraction thereof an extra representative or vote; said vote or votes to be cast by a member or members, present from each State, Territory, Army, Navy and Marine Hospital Service, to be designated by the members present from each State, Territory, Army, Navy and Marine Hospital Service at the time of meeting. ARTICLE IV. QUORUM. Thirty-five (35) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn. ARTICLE V AMENDMENTS. All amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall be proposed in writing at one annual meeting, and voted on at the next. A three-fourths vote of all the members present at the annual meeting shall be necessary for adoption. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Election to active or associate membership shall be by the Executive Committee, to whom the Secretary shall refer all applications, together with such credentials as may be presented. Section 2. Election to honorary or corresponding mem- bership shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Association, after the unanimous recommendation of the Executive Committee. EXPULSION FKOM MEMBERSHIP. ARTICLE II. Any member who may be dismissed from the service for conduct unbecoming- an officer and a g-entleman shall be ex- pelled and debarred from any further rights or privileges when proper proof has been furnished the Secretary. 10 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS. The Association shall meet annually, the time and place to be fixed at each meeting- for the one ensuing-. Special meetings may be called by the President at an}’ time. At the annual meeting the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for the term of one year, the stand- ing committees appointed, and the annual reports received. ARTICLE IV. DUES AND DELINQUENTS. The dues to be paid bj active and associate members shall be five dollars ($5.00), due at the time of election; thereafter on January 1 of each year, in advance. Delinquents in the payment of dues will not be entitled to the Proceeding’s or other publications of the Association. De- linquency for two years shall terminate membership, after due notice by the Treasurer. No one formerly a member of the Association, who shall have allowed his membership to lapse by non-payment of dues, shall be reinstated before paying- all arrears. Honorary, Corresponding and Life members shall be ex- empt from the payment of dues. ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. THE PRESIDENT. Section 1. The President shall preside at all meeting’s, appoint all committees, unless otherwise provided for, approve all proper bills, and perform such other duties as are usually incumbent upon such an officer. Section 2. The Vice-Presidents, in order of seniority, shall perform the duties of President in the absence or inabil- ity of that officer. THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. THE SECRETARY. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep the records and archives, issue certificates of membership to honorary and cor- CONSTITUTION AND BY-LA WS. 11 responding members on election, to active and associate mem- bers when notified by the Treasurer that the proper dues have been paid. He shall present to the Committee on Publication a syn- opsis of the proceedings, and such papers as the authors desire to have published by the Association. He shall receive all applications for membership and refer the same to the Execu- tive Committee. He shall notify the Treasurer of the election of active and associate members, and shall prepare an annual report. At each annual meeting he shall appoint an Assistant Secretary. THE TREASURER. Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due the Association, collect all assessments, and pay all bills which have been properly approved. He shall have charge of all publications, and distribute the same to those who are en- titled to them. He shall notify the Secretary when new ac- tive and associate members have paid and are entitled to certificates of membership. The accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited by a com- mittee appointed for that purpose on or before the annual meeting-. He shall present an annual report. He shall execute such bond of $2,000 as may be approved by the Executive Committee for the faithful performance of his duties; the Association to bear the cost of this insurance. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. ARTICLE VI. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Section 1. The Executive Committee shall perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws, and such other administrative or executive duties as may be referred to it, and for which provision has not otherwise been made. The President shall be ex-officio chairman. THE PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. Section 2. The Publication Committee shall determine what portions of the proceeding's are of sufficient g-eneral in- terest to be printed. 12 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. It shall also decide on the advisability of publishing the various papers presented at the annual meeting, and shall prepare for publication, contract for printing and see through the press all such papers in a volume of Annual Transactions; but all contracts for printing must first have the approval of the President and Treasurer. THE LITERARY COMMITTEE. Section 3. The Literary Committee shall outline the literary work for the annual meeting- in advance, making- the necessary arrangements for the reading and discussion of papers. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE. Section 4. The Nominating- Committee shall, at the an- nual meeting, present a list of candidates for the various offices for th? ensuing- year. The vote, or votes, of the Nominating- Committee shall be cast by a member, or members, who shall be designated by the members present from each State or Territory, the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Hospital Service. ©fficers of tbe Bssoctafton from Hts ©rgant3afton. 1891. First Meeting held at CHICAGO, ILL., in the Leland Hotel, Sept. 17-18,1891, Brig. Gen. Nicholas Senn, Surgeon General of Wisconsin, Presiding. 1891-1892. Second Meeting held at ST. LOUIS, flO., in Memorial Hall, April, 19, 20 and 21, 1892. President—Nicholas Senn, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Wis. First Vice-President—Nelson H. Henry, Major and Surgeon, N. G. N. Y. Second Vice-President—E. Chancellor, Lt. Col., Med. Director, N. G. Mo. Secretary—Frederick L. Matthews, Col. and Surg. Gen., 111. N. G. Cor. Secretary—Ralph Chandler, Lt. and Asst. Surg., Wis. N. G. Treasurer—Francis J. Crane, Col. and Surg. Gen., Colorado. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 1892—Eustathius Chancellor, Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N. G. Mo. 1892-1893. Third Meeting held at CHICAGO, ILL , in Rush Medical College and the U. S. Government Building, World’s Fair, .. Aug. 8, 9 and 10,1893. President—Nicholas Senn, Col. and Surg. Gen., 111. N. G. HoJiorary President—C. R. Greenleaf, Lt. Col., Dep. Surg. Gen., U. S. A. First Vice-President—Nelson H. Henry, Major and Surgeon, N. G. N. Y. Second Vice-President—C. M. Woodward, Lt. Col. and Surg. Gen., Mich. Secretary—E. Chancellor, Lt. Col. and Med. Director, N. G. Mo. Cor. Secretary—Ralph Chandler, Lt. and Asst. Surg., Wis. N. G. Treasurer—Francis J. Crane, Col. and Surg. Gen., Colorado. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 1893—Charles Adams, Major and Surg., 111. N.G. 13 14 ASSOC/A TWN OF MILITARY SURGEONS. 1893-1894. Fourth Meeting held at WASHINGTON, D. C., in the National Theatre and the National Museum, May i, 2 and 3, 1894. President—Nicholas Senn, Colonel and Surg. Gen. N. G. 111. First Vice-President—B. J. D. Jrwin, Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. U. S. A. Second Vice-President—Louis W. Read, Col. and Surg. Gen., N. G. Pa. Secretary—E. Chancellor, Lt. Col. and Med. Director, N. G. Mo. Treasurer— Lawrence C. Carr, Major and Surg., Ohio N. G. Assistant Secretary—Julian M. Cabell, Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S. A. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 1894.—George Henderson, Major and Surg. Gen. D. C. N.G. 1894-1895. Fifth Meeting held at BUFFALO, N. Y., in the Star Theatre, and Alumni Hall University of Buffalo, May 21, 22 and 23, 1895. President—George M. Sternberg, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., U.S. A. First Vice-President—Louis W. Read, Col. and Surg. Gen., N. G. Pa. Second Vice-President-— Albert L. Gihon, Med. Director (Capt.), U. S. N. Secretary-— E. Chancellor, Lt. Col. and Med. Director, N.G. Mo. Assistant Secretary—Julian M. Cabell, Capt. and Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Treasurer—Lawrence C. Carr, Major and Surg., Ohio N. G. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 189s—Albert H. Briggs, Major and Surg., N.G. N. Y. 1895-1896. Sixth Meeting held at PHILADELPHIA, PA., in the Broad Street Theatre, Hotel Walton, University of Pennsyl- vania, and Union League Club, May 12, 13, and 14, 1896. President—Louis W. Read, Col. and Surg. Gen., N. G. Pa. First Vice-President—Albert L. Gihon, Med. Director (Com. Ret.,) U. S. N. Second Vice-President—Charles H. Alden, Asst. Surg. Gen., U.S. A. Secretary—E. Chancellor, Lt. Col. and Med. Director, N.G. Mo. Treasurer—Lawrence C. Carr, Major and Surg., Ohio N. G. Editor—Philip F. Harvey, Major and Surgeon U. S. A. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 1896—J. Wilks O’Neill, Major and Surg., N. G. Pa. OFFICERS FROM ORGANIZA TION. 15 1896-1897. Seventh Meeting held at COLUITBUS, OHIO, in the High Street Theatre, the Ohio Senate Chamber, Starling Medical College and Columbus Barracks, May 25, 26 and 27, 1897. President—Albert L. Gihon, Medical Director (Commodore, Ret.), U.S. N. First Vice-President—Edward J. Forster, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. M. V. M. Second Vice President—John Van R. Hoff, Major and Surgeon U. S. A. Secretary—Herman Burgin, Major and Surgeon, N. G. Pa. Treasurer—James J. Erwin, Captain and Asst. Surg., Ohio N. G. Editor—Charles C. Foster, Major and Surgeon, M. V. M. Assistant Secretary—James Evelyn Pilcher, Capt, Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for i8gj—Henry M. W. Moore. Major and Surgeon, Ohio N. G. 1897-1899 Eighth Meeting held at KANSAS CITY, no., in Convention Hall, and Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce Building, Sept. 27, 28 and 29, 1899. President—Jefferson D. Griffith, Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N. G. Mo. First Vice-President—John Van Rensselaer Hoff, Maj. and Surg., U.S. A. Second Vice-President—John C. Wise, Med. Insp. (Comdr.), U.S. N. Secretary and Editor—-James Evelyn Pilcher, Capt., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Treasurer—James J. Erwin, Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ohio N.G. Assistant Secretary—W. A. Westervelt, Capt. and Asst. Surg., O. N.G. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for i8qq — Blencowe E. Fryer, Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen, (Ret.) U. S. A. 1899-1900. Ninth Meeting held at NEW YORK CITY, in the Academy of Medicine, May 30, 31, and June i, 1900. President— Charles H. Alden, Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., U. S. A. First Vice-President—Geo. Cook, Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), N.G. N. H. Second Vice-President—George W. Woods, Med. Director (Capt.), U. S. N. Secretary—Charles Adams, Lt. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., I. N. G. Treasurer—Herbert A. Arnold, Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Pa. Assistant Secretary—S. C. Stanton, Lt. and Asst. Surg, I. N. G. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for igoo—Albert H. Briggs, Maj. and Surg. N. G. S. N. Y. 16 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. 1900-1901. Tenth Meeting held at ST. PAUL, niNN., in the Chamber of the Minnesota House of Representatives, May 30 and 31, and June i, 1901. President—Alexander J. Stone, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Minn. First Vice-President—John C. Wise, Med. Director (Capt.), U. S. N. Seco?id Vice-President—J. Francis Calef, Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen., Conn. Secretary—Charles Adams, Lt. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., I. N. G. Treasurer—Herbert A. Arnold, Lt. and Asst. Surg. N. G. Pa. Assistant Secretary—S. C. Stanton, Lt. and Asst. Surg., I. N. G. Chairman Committee of Arrangements for 1901—John F. Fulton, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. Retired, of Minnesota. IRecjister of Members. REVISED TO AUGUST 15, 1901. Significance of Figures:—The figures preceding each name in this list, of Life, Active, Associate, Corresponding and Honorary Members, indicate the year of election to such membership. The corresponding figures in the list of De- ceased Members indicate the year of decease. Significance of Dfsignations.—The designations after the names indicate (1) the grade of Military or Naval prece- dence, (2) the corps title, and (3) the service, National or State, in which commissioned. A star (*) before the grade indicates that the officer is not now in active service as such. Military Rank.—In the Army and National Guard, com- missioned medical officers have actual rank and are officially addressed by their military grades,their corps titles being-sub- ordinate. Contract and acting- assistant surgrons have rela- tive, not actual, rank and are addressed officially by their official desigmation, and socially as “Doctor.” Naval Rank.—In the Navy, medical officers also have actual rank, but are officially addressed by their corps titles, althoug-h in social intercourse it is customary to address them simply as “Doctor”; the titles, indicating- the military grades, are therefore included in parentheses in this Reg-ister. Marine Hospital Rank.—Officers of the marine hospital service have the same corps titles as naval medical officers, and similarly are addressed officially by the corps titles and social!}’ as “Doctor.” 17 18 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Volunteer Rank.—The Act of Congress, “to Increase the Efficiency of the Permanent Military Establishment of theUnited States,’’providingthat “all officers, whohaveserved during the war with Spain or since as officers of the Regular or Volunteer Army of the United States, and have been hon- orably discharged from the service by resignation or other- wise, shall be entitled to bear the official title and, upon occasions of ceremony, to wear the uniform of the highest grade-they have held by brevet or other commission in the Regular or Volun- teer service,’*—such rank has been duty inserted in this Regis- ter in connection with the names of officers entitled thereto. Correspondence of Military and Naval Grades.— The following table exhibits the correspondence of grades and titles in the military and naval services: ARMY. NAVY. Grades. Titles. Grades. Titles. Brig. General. Surg, General. Rear Ad mira . Surg. General. Commodore. / Surg. Gen. and (Med. Dir. Retired. Colonel. Asst Surg. General. Captain. Med. Director. Lieut. Colonel. Dep. Surg. General. Commander. Med. Inspector. Major. Surgeon. Lt. Commander. Surgeon. Captain. Asst. Surgeon. Lieutenant. Surgeon. 1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon. Lt.j.[unior]g.[rade.] Pd. Asst. Surg. Ensign. Asst. Surgeon. In addressing- communications to military commissioned medical officers both the grade and title are used ; in address- ing military contract surgeons, and naval and marine hospital medical officers, the latter only is employed, e. g.: Major A***B***C***, Surg-eon, U. S, Army, Fort D***, Ariz. Surgeon F***G***H***,U.S.N. U.S. S.I*** Naples, Italy. REGISTER OE MEMBERS. 19 ELECTED. 1892 Adams, Charles, Secretary, 1899-1901. 1891 Alden, Charles Henry, President, 1899-/900. Second Vice-Prest, 1895-96 1891 Chancellor, Eustathius, Secretary, 1892-96 Second Vice-Prest. 1891-92. 1891 Griffith, Jefferson Davis, President 1897-99. 1894 Pilcher, James Evelyn, Secretary, 1901-02. Secretary and Editor, 1897-99 Assistant Secretary, 1896-97. 1891 Senn, Nicholas, President, 1891-94. 1899 Wesley, Allen A., LIFE MEMBERS. Lt. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., 1. N. G., Major and Brigade Surgeon, U. S.V., ioo State St., Chicago, Ill- Col., Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A., 33 Washington Park, Newtonville, Mass. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir. (Ret.), N.G.Mo., Oriel Bldg., Sixth and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N. G. Mo., Maj. and Chief Surg. U. S. V., 9th and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Major and Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V., Captain, Retired, U. S. A., 259 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Col. and Surg. Gen., I. N. G., Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U. S. V., 532 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111, Maj. and Surg. 111. V. I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., I. N. G., 3102 State St., Chicago, 111. ACTIVE MEHBERS. ELECTED. 1894. Abbe, Edward Harper, 1895 Adair, George William, 1891 Adams, Charles Francis, 1898 Allen, Arthur West, 1900 Allers, Henry, 1891 Almy, Leonard Ballou, 1895 Altree, George Herbert, 1899 Ames, Azel, 1894 Ames, Howard Emerson, Lt. (j. g.) and Asst. Surg., N. B., M. V. M., 405 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Maj. and Surg., U. S. A., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg., N. J. V. I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N. G., N. J., 229 Union St., Hackensack, N. J. Maj. and Surg. N. G., Minn., Austin, Minn. Maj. and Surg. N. G., N. J., Maj. and Surg. N. J. V. I., 300 Davis Ave., Harrison, N. J. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir. (Ret.), C. N. G., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S. V., 173 Washington St., Norwich, Conn. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. M. H. S., Port Tampa, Fla. Maj. and Brig. Surg., U. S. V., Wakefield, Mass. Surg. (Lt. Comdr.), U. S. N., Care Navy Dept,, Washington, D. C 20 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1894 Anderson, Frank, 1901 Anderson, Winslow, 1900 Angney, William Muir, 1893 Anthony, Frank, 1893 Appel, Daniel Mitchell, 189b Archibald, O. Wellington, 1895 Arnold, Herbert Alonzo, Treasurer 189Q-IQ02. 1896 Arnold, Will Ford, 1898 Artaud, Frank Edward, 1895. Ashenfelter, William J., 1897 Ashley, Maurice Cavileer, 1897 Ashmun, George C., 1897 Austin, Charles Sterne, 1900 Austin, Hiram William, 1894 Bache, Dallas, 1895 Baker, John Walter, 1892 Baker, Washington Hopkins, 1894 Balch, Lewis, 1896 Banister, John Monroe, 1895 Barber, George Holcomb, 1892 Barker, Christopher F., 1892 Barnes, Algernon S., Surg. (Lt. Comdr.), U. S. N., Naval Dispensary, Washington, D. C. Col. and Surg. Gen. of California, 1025 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. 1 st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Pa., 423 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg. I. N. G., Maj. and Surg., 111. V. I., First Ave., Sterling, 111. Maj. and Surg., U. S. A., Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Col. and Surg. Gen., N. D. N. G., Jamestown, N. D. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Pa. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Pa. V. C. Ardmore, Pa. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D: C. Maj. and Surg. U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg. N. G. Pa., Maj. and Surg., Pa. V. I., Pottstown, Pa. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. N. Y., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. Y. V. I., Middletown, N. Y. Maj. and Surg. O.N.G., 94 Republic St-, Cleveland, O. Maj. and Surg. N.G.Mo., Carrollton, Mo. Surg. U.S.M.H.S. 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Surg. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. Surg. (Lt. Ret.), U.S.N., Aurora, Ind. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), N.G.Pa., 1610 Sumner St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Brigade Surg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.Y., 14 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., West Point, N. Y. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N. Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., R.I.M.,, 32 Bull St., Newport, R. I. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), N.G.Mo., 5434 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. REGISTER OF MEM BIERS 21 ELECTED. 1898 Barney, Reuben, Jr., 1900 Barns, Cass Grove, 1897 Barry, William Francis, 1899 Bars tow, James Mason, 1894 Battle, Samuel Westray, 1894 Bayles, George, 1896 Belcher, William Nathan, 1895 Bell, Robert Eddy, 1893 Benedict, John Mitchell, 1901 Bentley, Edwin, 189$ Benton, Frederick Leslie, 1900 Berkley, George Carlton, 1893 Bertolette, Daniel Nicholas, 1895 Beyer, Henry Gustav, 1895 Birmingham, Henry P., 1894 Blackwood, Norman Jerome, 1900 Blakeman, Robert Sylvester, 1901 Block, William IL, 1895 Blood, Robert Allen, 1901 Bloodgood, Delavan, 1897 Blubaugh, Charles B., 1900 Bogart, Arthur Henry, 1895 Borden, William Cline, 1894 Boyd, John C., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Mo., Chillicothe, Mo. Col. and Surg. Gen., N.G.,Neb., Albion, Neb. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., R.I.M., Woonsocket, R. I. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen. N.G.Ia., Council Bluffs, la. Maj. and Asst. Surg. Gen., N.C., P. A. Surg. (Lt. j. g., Ret.), U.S.N., Asheville, N. C. Ex-Maj., Surg, N.Y.V.H.A.(Civil War), 408 Main St., Orange, N. J. Capt. and Asst. Surg. N.G.N.Y., 25 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 2d Lt. Amb. Corps, M.V.M., Lowell, Mass. Ex-Maj. and Surg., Conn. N.G., 81 N. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), U.S.A., Little Rock, Ark. Asst. Surg. (Lt. j. g.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Vt., 130 Main St;, St. Albans, Vt. Medical Inspector (Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept, Washington, D. C. Surg. (Lt. Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. P. A. Surg., (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. (Lt. j. g.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Medical Supply Depot, Havana, Cuba. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., M.V.M., 39 High St., Charlestown, Mass. Med. Dir. (Capt. Ret.), U.S.N., 320 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., W. Va. N.G. 1010 Murdock Ave., Parkersburg, W. Va. Maj. and Surg. N.Y.V.I. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 139 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Maj. and Surg. U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V. Washington Barracks, D. C. Medical Inspector (Comdr.) U.S.N. Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS- 22 ELECTED. 1895 Boyd, Robert, 1891 Bradbury, Bial Francisco, 1896 Bradley, Alfred E., 1895 Bradley, George Perley, 1891 Brannen, Dennis J., 1892 Briggs, Albert Henry, 1898 Brodrick, Richard Godfrey, 1900 Brokaw, William F., 1897 Brooke, John, 1900 Brooks, Harlow, 1894 Brown, Orland J., 1900 Brownell, Carl DeWolf, (895 Brubaker, John L., 1898 Bruce, Charles E., 1898 Brugman, Albert Ferdinand, 1895 Brush, Edmund Cone, 1891 Bryant, Joseph Decatur, 1893 Budlong, John Clark, 1895 Bunts, Frank Emory, 1900 Burbank, Thomas Sparrow, (896 Burgin, Herman, Secretary, 1896-97. 1895 Byrne, Charles C., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., Me.V.M., Norway, Me. Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Fort Snelling, Minn. Medical Director, (Captain,) U.S.N., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N. G., Ariz., Flagstaff, Ariz. Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.Y., Maj. and Surg., N.Y.V.I., 267 Hudson St., Buffalo, N. Y. P. A. Surg. (Lt. j.g. Ret.), U.S.N., 1037 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Lt. and Surg., N.B.,O.N.G., * J040 Wilson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), U.S.A., Radnor,"Pa. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 7th Regt. Aimory, New York, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., M.V.M., North Adams, Mass. P. A. Surg., (Lt.,) U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., W-ashington, D. C. 1 st Lt. aucl Asst. Surg., N.G., Pa., 1224 4th Ave., Altoona, Pa Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), N.G.N.Y., 176th St., and Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.Y.V.I., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y. Hotel Endicott, New York, N. Y. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., O.N.G., Zanesville, O. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.) N.G.N.Y. 54 W. 36th St., New York, N. Y. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), R.I.M., 604 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Maj. and Surg. O.V.C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., 275 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Lt. and Surg., N.R.,N.G.N.C., Wilmington, N. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G. Pa., Maj. and Surg. Pa.V.I., Germantown, Pa. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 23 ELECTED. 1899 Calef, J. Francis, Second Vice-Pres., igoo-igoi. 1897 Campbell, William Francis, 1897 Carpenter, Dudley Newcomb, 1899 Carr, E. Arthur, 1893 Carr, George Wheaton, 1894 Carrington, Charles Venable, 1897 Carter, Edward Champe, 1893 Cassidy, Patrick, 1896 Castle, Charles Henry 1895 Cawley, Morris Franklin 1891 Chandler, Ralph, Cor. Sec., i8gi-gj, 1892 Clark, Thomas Chalmers, 1897 Clark, Joseph Taylor, 1901 Coffin, John William, 1898 Cogswell, William, 1900 Colby, Charles DeWitt, 1893 Cole, Charles M., 1895 Cook, Charles P., 1898 Cook, Frank Clarendon, 1893 Cook, George, First Vice-President, i8gg~igoo 1899 Coon, George M., 1894 Corwin, Richard Warren, Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., C.N.G., Middletown, Conn, ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 127 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. A. Surg. (Lt. j. g.) U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., Neb. N.G., 1205 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir. (Ret.), R.I.M. 27 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Capt. and Asst. Surg., Va. Vols., 932 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brigade Surg. U.S.V., 1814 G St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Ex-Brig. Gen., and Surg. Gen., C.N.G. Norwich, Conn. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.V.I., 215 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, O. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 31 N. 9th St., Allentown, Pai Capt. and Asst. Surg. Wis.N.G., 13 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Maj. and Surg., N.G.,Minn., Maj. and Surg., Minn.V.I., Stillwater, Minn. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.P. Beaver Falls, Pa. Maj. and Surg., M.V.M., Maj. and Surg., Mass.V.I., 241 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Maj. and Surg., Mich.V.I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., Mich.S.T., Albion, Mich. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., R.I.M. 250 Broadway, Newport R. I. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., N.G.N.Y. 243 Warren St., Hudson, N. Y. P. A. Surg., (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), N.G.N.H. Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., 16 Centre St., Concord, N. H. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg. Minn.N.G.,, no Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., N. G., Colo., Pueblo, Colo. 24 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1895 Cowell, George B., • 1895 Crandall, Rand Percy, 1894 Crispel, Charles Winegar, 1901 Cronyn, William J., 1897 Crooker, George Hazard, 1894 Currier, Edward Hervey, 1898 Czibulka, Alfons Clemens, 1901 Davis, John S. 1895 Dawson, Lewis Reeves, 1895 Day, Frank Leslie, 1894 Dearing, Howard Sumner, 1898 de Forest, Henry Pelouze, 1891 de Niedman, Wladimir Feodor, 1895 Derr, Ezra Z., 1894 Devine, William H., 1897 Dickerson, John Henry, 1897 Dickson, Samuel Henry, 1899 Dillenbeck, Fred E., 1895 Dixon, Charles Henry, 1901 Dorsey, John H. 1898 Dougherty, Arthur C. 1901 Drake, Clarence Eugene, 1900 Drumheller, Francis E., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Conn. N.G. 120 E. Washington Ave., Bridgeport,Conn Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.S.N.Y., Rondout, N. Y. Capt. and Asst. Surg. W.N.G-, 245 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ex-Capt. and Asst. Surg., R.I.M., 159)4 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N.H.N.G., 728 Elm St., Manchester, N- H. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., Warren, 111. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg. I.N.G., 9139 Commercial Ave., Chicago, 111. Lt. Col. and Brig. Surg., N.G., Wash,, Maj. and Surg., Wash. V.I., Box 249, Seattle, Wash. Maj. and Surg., R.I.M., 240 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Maj. and Surg., M.V.M., Maj. and Surg., Mass. V.H.A., 607 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.’ Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.Y., Ex-Acting Assistant Surg., U. S. A., 369 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Medical Inspector, (Comdr.),U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., M.V.M., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., 595 Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.V.I., 225 N. Champion Ave., Columbus, O. Surg. (Lt. Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg. N.G.Kan., El Dorado, Kan. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Mo., 3345 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Minn.N.G. Glencoe., Minn. 2d Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.J., 158 Washington St., Newark, N. J. Maj. and Surg., O.N.G, 324 Putnam Ave., Zanesville, Ohio, ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., Sunbury, Pa. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 25 ELECTED. 1893 Dutton, Charles Elvan, 1893 Eagleson, James Beaty, 1894 Edie, Guy L., 1891 Edwards, John B., 1900 Elliott, Gilbert M., 1895 Emmerling, Karl A., 1895 Erwin, James Jav, Treasurer, i8g6-gg. 1901 Evans, Carroll D. 1891 Evans, Theodore W., 1901 Fairchild, David S., 1897 Fales, Warren Dexter, 1898 Farenholt, Ammen, 1896 Farrell, Patricinne J. H., 1891 Festorazzi, Angelo, 1897 Fish, Earl Hamilton, 1892 Fitz Gerald, Reynaldo Juan, 1897 Flagg, Charles Edward Belin, 1901 Ford, Francis C., 1893 Forwood, William Henry, 1894 Foster, Charles, Chauncey, Editor i8g6-gj. 1892 Foster, Romulus Adams, Capt. and Asst. Surg., Minn.V.I., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Minn., 602 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Col. and Surg. Gen., N.G.Wash., 512 Burke Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brigade Surg., U.S.V., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Wis. N.G., Mauston, Wis. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Me.V.M., Brunswick, Me. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G. Pa., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Pa V.I., 48 S Rebecca St., Pittsburg, Pa. Capt. and Asst. Surg , U S.V., Capt and Asst Surg., O.N.G., 1617 Cedar Ave , Cleveland, O. Col. and Surg. Gen., Nebraska, Columbus, Neb. Maj. and Surg., Wis. N.G., Maj. and Surg., Wis. V I., 3 Pinckney St , Madison, Wis. Maj. and Surg., N.G. Ia., Clinton, Iowa. 1st Lt. Cmdg. Amb. Corps, N.G.D.C. 915 L St., N. W., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Cal., 135 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Ex-ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., S.T.Ala., 153 Government St., Mobile Ala. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Colo., 2535 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N.G.Minn., Maj. and Surg., Minn.V.I., 128 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., Tex. V. G., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U. S. V., Nacogdoches, Tex. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., M.V.M., Maj. and Surg., Mass.V.I. 8 Elmwood Ave., Cambridge Mass. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.D.C 2029 Q St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 26 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1893, Fowler, George Ryerson, 1893 French, Charles Henry, 1897 Frick, Euclid Bernardo, 1897 Fryer, Blencowe E., 1891 Fuller, Charles Gordon, 1895 Gandy, Charles Moore, 1894 Gardner, Edwin Fisher, 1895 Gates, Manley Fitch, 1900 Geer, Edward, 1900 Gettier, Harry Ernshaw, 1897 Gibson, Robert Jackson, 1893 Girard, Alfred C., 1894 Glennan, James D., 1896 Glover, Lawrence Ritchfield, 1892 Godfrey, Charles Cartlidge, 1892 Godfrey, E. L. B., 1894 Godfrey, Guy Charles Moore, 1899 Goodrich, Asa F., 1897 Gotwald, David King, 1891 Grannis, Edward H , 1894 Grant, Thomas Page, 1899 Grant, William West, Lt. Col. and Brig. Surg., N.G.N.Y., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., 301 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., R.I.M., 109 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. Capt. and Asst. Surg-, U. S. A., San Juan, P. R. Lt. Col., Dep. Surg. Gen. (Ret.) U.S.A., 520 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. Maj and Surg., I.N.G., 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. P. A. Surg. (Lt. j. g.), U.S.N., Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Lt. and Surg. N.R.N.G.Md., 1614 Bolton St., Baltimore, Mel. Ex-Act. Asst- Surg., U. S. A., Littlestown, Pa. Maj, and Surg., U.S.A., San Francisco, Cal. Lt. Col., and Dep. Surg., Gen., U.S.A., Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., San Francisco, Cal. Maj- and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Ensign and Asst. Surg., N. R., N.G.N.J. Haddonfield, N. J. Ex-Maj. and Surg., C. N. G., 242 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen , N.G.N.J 400 Linden St , Camden, N. J. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. 1st Lt. and Asst Surg., N.G. Minn., Germania Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Capt and Asst Surg., O N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.V.I., Springfield, O. Maj, and Surg., Wis. N. G., 1st Lt and Asst. Surg., Wis. V. I., Menominee, Wis. Capt. and Asst. Surg (Ret.) K.S.G., 815 Third Ave., Louisville, Ky. Col. and Surg. Gen., of Colorado, Denver, Colo. REGISTER OF MEMBER*. 27 ELECTED. 1894 Green, Charles Montraville, 1896 Greene, Francis V., 1899 Grothan, Ole, 1898 Grunwell, Alfred Gilbert, 1897 Guerin, Lovett T., 1897 Gunsaulus, Fred., 1897 Guest, Middleton Semmes, 1896 Guthrie, Joseph Alfred, 1892 Hake, William F., 1892 Halberstadt, George Howell, 1891 Halley, George, 1900 Hamilton, John, 1895 Hammond, Josiah Shaw, 1896 Hanson, George F., 1901 H aimer, Joseph Randolph, 1899 Harrelson, Nathan O , 1895 Harris, Henry Sutton Tarring, 1901 Harris, Herbert I., 1894 Harvey, Norman Darrell, 1894 Harvey, Philip Francis, Editor 189J-96. 1893 Havard, Valery, 1898 Hayes, Robert Goodloe Harper, 1896 Heizmann, Charles Lawrence, Maj. and Surg., M V,M., 78 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. P. A. Surg. (Lt. Ret.), U.S.N., 33 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg., Neb.V.I., St. Paul, Neb. P. A. Surg. (Lt.j.g.,), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., O.N.G., 578 N. High St., Columbus, O. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., 29 W. Long St., Columbus, O. P A. Surg. (Lt), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept , Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., M.S.T., 47 E Bridge St, Grand Rapids, Mich. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., 218 Market St., Pottsville, Pa. Maj. and Surg , N.G. Mo , 438 New Ridge Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1 st Lt. and Asst Surg. (Ret.), N G.I., 1st Lt and Asst Surg., Iowa V I., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Maj. and Surg , N.G. Mont, Butte, Mont. Lt. Col and Med. Dir , N.G.Cal., 3534 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. Contract Surgeon, U.S.A., Fort Fremont, via Beaufort, S. C. Maj. and Surg. U.S.V., 517 Rialto Bldg., Kanscffs City, Mo. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Contract Surg., U.S.A., Fort Snelling, Minn. Maj. and Surg., R. I. M., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., R. I. V. I., 260 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. 1st. Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., 11 Spring St., Bellefonte, Pa. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. 28 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1892 Hendley, Frank W., 1901 Hendry, William, 1891 Henry, Nelson H., First Vice-President, 1891-9J. 1896 Hersey, Freeman Clark, 1897 Hobbs, Wilbert A., 1891 Hoff, John Van Rensselaer, President, 1901-1902. First Vice-President, 1897-99. Second 1896-97■ 1896 Hoffman, John Raymond, 1893 Hooper, Henry, 1596 Hopkins, William Evelyn, 1S92 Hough, Charles Pinckney, iS95 Howard Deane Childs, 1597 Huddleston, John Henry, 1S99 Huidekoper, Rush Shippen, 1S99 Hunter, Randall R., 1S99 Hutchings, Robert Koehler, 1896 Hyde, James Nevins, 1900 Iglehart, James Davidson, 1894 Ives, Francis Joseph, 1894 Izlar, Roberts Poinsett, 1899 Jackson, Charles Warren 1894 Jackson, Jabez North, Maj. and Surg., O.N.G.. Maj. and Surg., O.V.I., 785 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, O. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., 1327 Cedar Av., Cleveland, Ohio. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., N.G.N.Y., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., 14 E. 10th St.. New York, N. Y. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., M. V. M., 96 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Maj. and Surg., O.V.I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., East Liverpool, O. Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Surgeon General’s Office, Washington, D.C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., 63 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Ex-Capt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., 541 N. State St., Chicago, III. Ex-Col. and Surg. Gen., N.G. Cal., 803 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Ex-Brig.Gen. and Surg. Gen., N.G. Mont.. 415 Atlas Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah, Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Capt. and Asst. Surg.,N.G.N.Y., 126 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Army and Navy Club, 16 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Major and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Fulton, Kans. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Colo., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lt.N. R. 111., Ex-P. A. Surg., U.S.N., 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Md., 211 W. LanvaleSt., Baltimore, Md. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg.,U.S.V., Fort Sheridan, 111. Maj. and Surg., Fla. V.I., 1 st Lt. and Surg., S.T.Fla. Waycross, Ga. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 130 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y. Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N. G., Mo.; 413 Rialto Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 29 ELECTED. 1901 Jacoby, William, 1892 Jarrett, Arthur R., 1895 Jarvis, Nathan Sturges, 1897 Jenne, James N., 1894 Johnston, James, 1895 Johnston, William McCandless, 1899 Jones, George H., 1897 Charles Simonton, 1892 Kaufman, Franklin John, 1896 Kean, Jefferson Randolph, 1899 Keller, James McDonald, 1897 Kemble, Lewis Hasbrouck, 1898 Kemp, Franklin M., 1898 Kendall, Francis Drake, 1897 Kendall, William Pratt, 1897 Kennedy, Robert Morris, 1895 Kenyon, George Henry, 1895 Kilbourne, Henry Sales, 1895 Kimball, James P. 1901 King, Charles F., Maj. and Surg., Minn.N.G., Wells, Minn. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.Y.V.I., 95 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lt. Col., Asst. Surg. Gen., N.G.N.Y., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Capt. (Ret.) U.S.A., 142 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Vermont, Maj and Chief Surg., U.'S.V., 130 Main St., St. Albans, Vt. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., Maj. and Surg., Pa.V.I., Bradford, Pa. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., Maj. and Surg., Pa.V.I., Sewickley, Pa. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Ohio V.I., 2304 Franklin Ave., Toledo, O. Capt. and Asst. Surg., S.G.N.C., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.C.V.I., Asheville, N. C. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.,N.Y., 311 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Lt. Col. and Chief 'urg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Col. and Surg. Gen., Ark.N.G., Hot Springs, Ark. Maj. and Surg., N. G., Colo., Maj. and Surg., Colo. V.I., Aspen, Colo. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., U. S. A., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg., S.C.V.T., 1309 Plain St., Columbia, S. C. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Major and Brig. Surgeon., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., R.I.M., 123 N. Main St., Providence, R. I. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Lt. Col. and Dept. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Omaha, Neb. Capt. and Asst. Surg., Wis. N.G. Hudson, Wisconsin. 30 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1898 Kingston, Robert J., 1895 Kneedler, William L., 1896 Kulp, John Stewart, 1896 Kuyk, Dirk Adrian, 1891 La Garde, Louis A., 1893 La Pierre, Julian, 1896 Leach, Philip, 1898 Ledeboer, Francois S., 1S95 Lee, Edward Wallace, 1900 Lee, George Bolling, 1893 Lee, Simeon Lemuel, 1900 Le Seure, Oscar, 1901 Lippincott, Albert Church 1894 Lippincott, Henry, 1S9S Lippitt, William Fontaine, 1891 Little, Frederick H., 1897 Lowes, Joseph E., 1896 Lowndes, Chas. Henry Tilghman, 1901 Lyster, Theodore Charles, 1900 Mac Evitt. John Cowell, 1895 McCandless, Alexander A. E., 1895 McCarthy, William Daniel, ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 185 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., West Point, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Army Building, New York, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., Va. V., 4 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Maj. and Surg. U.S.A., Soldier’s Home, Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., Conn.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Conn.V. ., 220 Central Ave., Norwich, Conn. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Jst Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.S.D., Spearfish, S. Dak. Col. and Surg. Gen., Nebraska, St. Louis, Mo. Ex-Act. Asst. Surg. U.S.A., 215 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Col and Surg. Gen., Nevada, Carson, Nev. Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., 32 Adams Av., Detroit, Mich. Col. and Surg. Gen. of Idaho, 144 W. 103d St., New York, N. Y. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Governor’s Island, New York, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Mani’a, P. I. Brig. Gen., and Surg. Gen. (Ret.), Iowa. 116 W. 2d St., Muscatine, la. Ex-Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Ohio, Dayton, Ohio. P. A. urg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. ist. Lt. and Asst. Surg. U.S.A., Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Lt. and Surg., N.M., N.G.N.Y., 407 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ex-Lt. Col., Surg. in Chief, N.G.P., Pittsburg, Pa Lt. Col. and Div. Surg., N.G.Cal,, Maj. and Surg. Cal. V.I., hi Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. REGISTER OE MEMBERS. 31 ELECTED. 1894 McCaw, William J., 1900 McClintic, Thomas Brown, 1899 McComb, J. Baldwin, 1898 McCord, Thomas Chester, 1901 McCormick, Louis P., 1894 McDill, John R., 1900 Mahoney, George William, 1S91 Mann, Alban L., 1891 Marion, Otis H., 1594 Marmion, Robert Augustine, 1895 Marsh, William H., 1893 Martin, Edward, 1896 Martin, Frank H., 1894 Mason, Charles Field, 1895 Maus, Louis Mervin, 1595 Maybury, William Jordan, 1897 Mayer, Daniel, 1901 Meacham, Franklin Adams, 1895 Mead, Harry, 1895 Meyer, Robert C. J., Maj. and Surg., 222 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Asst. Surg., U.S.M.H.S., Southport, N. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., 217 E. State St., Columbus, O. Maj. and Surg., I.N G , Maj. and Surg., Ill.V. I., Paris, 111. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G. a., Connellsville, Pa. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Capt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ill.V.I., 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.),I.N.G., 214 Chicago St., Elgin, 111., Lt. Col., and Med. Dir., M.V.M., Maj. and Surg., Mass. V.I., 22 Harvard Ave., Allston Station, Boston, Mass. Medical Director (Capt.), U.S.N., Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Act. Asst. Surg-, U.S.M.H.S., Solomons, Md. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., 415 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Kans. V. I., Topeka, Kans. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst Surg., U.S.A., Fort Sam Houston, San Antonia, Texas. Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Col. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.) of Maine, Saco, Me. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., W. Va., Charleston, W. Va. Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.Y.V. I., 758 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Ensign and Asst. Surg. 111. N.R., Moline, 111. 32 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. EJECTED. 1895 Middleton, Johnson Van Dyke, 1900 Milligan, Samuel Cargill, 1900 Miner, Charles H., 1900 Montelius, Ralph W., 1895 Moore, Henry McIntyre Worthing- ton 1900 Moore, John Miller, 1895 Morris, Lewis, 1898 Morris, Lewis Coleman, 1 1898 Morse, William E. H., 1900 Munson, Edward Lyman, 1 1900 Murray, Frank W., 1894 Murray, Robert Drake, ! 1891 Myers, Charles F. W., 1894 Newgarden, George J., 1 1896 Norton, Oliver Dwight, 1892 O’Neill, James Wilks, 1897 Osborn, Arthur Leland, 1892 Owen, William Otway, 1895 Parkhill, Clayton, 1896 Peck, George, 1900 Peck, Oscar Waite, 1897 Peckham, Charles F., Lt Col., Dep. Surg. Gen. (Ret.),U.S.A. Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Pa.V.I., 609 Smith Block, Pittsburg, Pa. ist Lt. and Asst. Suig., N.G.Pa., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Pa.V.I., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., a.V.I,, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., O.N.G., Maj. and Surg. Ohio V.L.A., 656 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio. P. A. Surg., (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. (Lt), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ala.N.G., Chalifaux Bldg., irmingham, Ala. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Ia., Algona, Kossuth Co., Ia. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Surg. Generals Office, Washington, D. C, Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), N.G.N.Y., 37 W 39th St., New York, N. Y. Surg. U.S.M.H.S., Key West, Fla. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., N.G.N.J., 108 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Fort Mason, Cal. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., (Ret.), N.G.Pa., 2110 Spruce St., I hiladelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg., O.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Ohio V. I., Norwalk, Ohio. Maj. and Surg. U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I Col. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.), N.G. Colo., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., McPhee Bldg., Denver, Colo, Med. Dir. (Capt. Ret.), U.S.N., 926 N. Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. Brig. Gen., and Surg., Gen., Vermont, Winooski, Vt. Lt. and Surg.. N.B.,R.I.M., 176 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 33 ELECTED. 1892 Peckham, Cyrus T., 1897 Penrose, George H., 1895 Percy, Henry Tucker, 1894 Perley, Henry Otis, 1896 Persons, Remus Charles, 1897 Resold, Carl, 1900 Peters, Jacob Mark, 1596 Pettigrew, George Atwood, 1901 Phelan, Henry du R., 1897 Phillips, Albert William, 1900 Phillips, Frank I., 1894 Phillips, John Leighton, 1901 Pierce, Norval H., 1900 Plead well, Frank Lester, 1597 Pope, Benjamin Franklin, 1894 Porter, Joseph Y., 1900 Potteiger, George Frederick, 1899 Powell, Seneca Daniel, 1894 Priestley, James Taggart, 1S92 Pritchett, Gilbert L., 1S95 Purvianctf, William E., 1900 Ralston, B. Stewart, 1897 Rannels, David A., 1900 Raymond, Henry I., Surgeon, U.S.M.H.S., Galveston, Tex. Capt. and Q.M., U.S.A., War Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. (Lt. Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C, Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Medical Inspector (Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Mo., 1502 Wagoner PI., St. Louis, Mo. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., Steelton, Pa. Col. and Surg. Gen., N.G.S.Dak., Flandreau, S. Dak. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), C.N.G., Derby, Conn. Ex-Act. Asst. Surg., U.S.M.H.S., Escanaba, Mich. Maj. and Surg. U.S.A., Maj. and Chief Surg. U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Lt. and P. A. Surg., 111. N. M., 31 Washington St., Chicago, 111. P. A. Surg. (Lt. j. g.), U.S. N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen. U.S.A., Lt. Col. and Chief. Surg. U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg., S. T. Fla., Jacksonville, Fla. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg. N. G. Pa., Maj. and Surg. Pa. V. I., Hamburg, Pa. Maj. and Brig. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 12 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Iowa, 707 E. Locust St., Des Moines, la. Maj. and Surg., N. G. Neb., Fairbury, Neb. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. 1 st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Pa., Penn. Ave.,and Main St., Pittsburg, Pa. Maj. and Surg. O. V. I., Capt and Asst. Surg., O. N. G., McArthur, O. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Pullman Bldg., Chicago, 111. 34 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1S98 Reed, Robert Harvey, 1894 Reed, Walter, 1894 Reynolds, Frederick P., 1898 Rhoads, Thomas Leidy, 1899 Richard, Charles, 1901 Richards, Josiah Williams, 1896 Richards, Theodore W., 1900 Richings, Henry, 1895 Richardson, William Lambert, 1897 Rieg, Philip S., 1900 Ritchie, Harry Parks, 1896 Ritter, F. Horace S., 1895 Kixey, Presley Marion, 1898 Roberts, Thomas Elmer, 1891 Robertson, Charles Moore, 1893 Robins, Robert Patterson, 1900 Robinson, John Franklin, 1896 Rockwell, Thomas F., 1894 Rolfe, William Alfred, 1901 Root, Matt R., 1900 Rothert, William Henry, Col. and Surg. Gen. of Wyoming, Rock Springs, Wyo. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Surg. Gen’l’s Office, Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Washington Barracks, D.C. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Contract Surg., U.S.A., Fort Mott, Salem, N. J. P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., I.N.G., Rockford, 111. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., M.V.M., 225 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Ensign and Asst. Surg., N.B., O.N.G., 338 Summit St., Toledo, O. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G., Minn., St. Paul, Mi-nn, ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 314 E. Church St.. Elmira, N. Y., Medical-Inspector, (Comdr.), U.S.N., Naval Dispensary, Washington, D. C. Capt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ill.V.I., 144 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. Maj. and Surg. N.G.Ia., Maj. and Chief Surg., U.S.V., Davenport, la. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa, 21 10 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), N.G.N.FL, The Kinnard, Manchester, N.H. Maj- and Surg., C.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Conn.V.I., Rockville, Conn. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., M.V.M., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Mass.V.H.A., 549 W. Newton St., Boston, Mass. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Colo., ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V.C., So9 Jackson Block, Denver, Colo. Capt. and Asst. Surg.. O.N.G., 1632 Freeman St., Cincinnati, O. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 35 ELECTED. 1900 Rowe, Jesse, 1901 Rowe, William H., 1900 Runnels, Orange S., 1901 Santoire, Henri Alexis, 1895 Sawtelle, Henry Winchester, 1894 Schuyler, Clarkson C., 1894 Scofield, Walter Keeler, 1900 Seaman, Louis Livingston, 1900 Senn, William Nicholas, 1893 Sevey, Harry Sheldon, 1894 Shannon, William C., 1S94 Shaw, John Bliss, 1896 Shipp, Edward Mansfield, 1899 Shoemaker, John Veitch, 1892 Silliman, James E., 1901 Simonton, Albert H., 1S92 Simpson, James Edwin, 1897 Skene, William H., 1894 Skinner, John O.. 1893 Smart, Charles, 1901 Smart, Robert, 1895 Smith, Allen V., 1895 Smith, French W., Capt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ill.V.I., Abingdon, 111. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., Minn.N.G, St. James, Minn. Col. and Surg. Gen., Ind.N.G., Indianapolis, Ind. Contract Surg., U.S.A., Fort Greble, Jamestown, R. I. Surg., U.S.M.H.S., Chicago, 111. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg. (Ret.), N.G.N.Y., Box 212, Plattsburg, N. Y. Med. Dir. (Capt Ret.), U.S.N., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg. U.S.V.E., 118 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. ist Lt and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., 532 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. Capt. and Asst. Surg. (Ret.), N.G.S.D., Arizpe, Sonora, Mexico. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), U.S.A., Elkhorn, Neb. Maj. and Surg., I.N.G , Maj. and Surg., Ill.V.I., Joliet, 111. P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Col. and Surg. Gen. of Pennsylvania, 1519 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., 137 W. Sdi St., Erie, Pa. Contract Surg., U.S.A., Fort Robinson, Neb. Maj. and Surg., M.V.M., 348 Essex St., Salem, Mass, ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., M.G.N.Y., 143 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), U.S.A., Chambersburg, Pa. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., U.S.A., 2017 Hillyer PL, Washington, D. C. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Fort Monroe, Va. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.V. I., Canton, O. ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., W.Va.S.T., Bluefield, W.»Va. 36 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1895 Smith, George Tucker, 1898 Smith, Reginald K., 1893 Smith, William Lloyd, 1900 Spence, Thomas Bray, 1897 Srodes, J. Lewis, 1893 Standish, Myles, 1898 Stanton, Samuel Cecil, Assistant Secretary i8gg-igoi. 1897 Stark, William T., 1894 Stayer, Andrew Snowberger, 1S98 Stedman, Joseph Cyrus, 1897 Stephenson, Franklin Bache, 1897 Stephenson, William, 1893 Sternberg, George Miller, President i8g4-~gS- 1S98 Steward, Edward Larkin, 1895 Stewart, Walter Scott, 1901 Stieren, Edward, 1894 Stiles, Henry Ranney, 1896 Stitt, Edward R., 1899 Stone, Alexander J., President /goo—01. 1901 Stone, John Hamilton, 1900 Stoner, George W., 1899 Stover, Bruce H., Surg. (Lt), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. (Lt), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Wathington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., I. N. G., 306 S. Park St., Streator, 111. Capt. and Asst. Surg,, N.G. N. Y., Capt. and Asst. Surg. N. Y. V. I«, 139 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y, Maj. and Surg., Pa. V. I., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N. G. Pa., 742 Penna. Ave., Wilksnsburg, Pa. Capt. Com. Amb. Corps, M. V. M., 6 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass, tst Lt. and Asst. Surg., I. N. G., Contract Surg., U.S.A., 9 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. Lt. Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen., N. G. Mo., Kansas City, Mo, Maj. and Surg. N.G. Pa., Maj. and Surg. Pa. V. I., 1501 7th Ave., Altoona, Pa. 2d Lt. Amb. Corps, M. V. M., 116 Sedgwick St., Boston, Mass. Medical Inspector (Comdr.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., U.S.A., Washington, D. C. 1st Lt,, and Asst. Surg., F.S.T., Starke, Fla. Maj. and Surg., Pa.V.I., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 52 S. Franklin St,, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 2196th St., Pittsburg, Pa. Capt..and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), Minnesota Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Matanzas, Cuba. Surg. U.S.M.H.S., Stapleton, Staten Island, N.Y. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Ia., Carroll, Iowa. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 37 EI,ECTEI>. 1891 Streeter, John Williams. 1897 Stroud, Harrison Edward, 1896 Sullivan, Thomas J., 1901 Sweet, Charles F., 1896 Taneyhill, G. Lane, 1894 Taylor, Walter L., 1892 Terribcrry, George W., 1895 Terry, Marshall Orlando, 1893 Thayer, Frederick C., 1893 Thomson, Archibald G., 1900 Thompson, Hiram Benson, 1901 Thornburgh, Robert M., 1899 Torney, George H., 1899 Townsend, Joseph Hendley, 1900 Trecartin, David Munson, 1894 Tuholske, Herman. 1893 Turnbull, Charles Smith, 1896 Turner, William D., 1895 Tuttle, Jay, 1894 Twitched, Herbert Eugene, 1900 Vaughan, George Tully, 1895 Wakeman, William James, Lt. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen., I.N.G., 2646 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. Col. and Surg. Gen. Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz. Maj. and Surg., I.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Ill.V.I., 4709 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Maj. and Surg., R.I.M., 38 N. Union St., Pawtucket, R. I. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), N.G.Md., 1103 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Ex-Capt and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., 933 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, O. Col. and Div. Surg., N.G.N.J., 146 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Ex-Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen., N.G.N.Y., 196 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Col. and Surg. Gen., Me.V.M., 119 Maine St, Waterville, Me. Maj. and Surg. Pa.V.I., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa. 1426 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg. C.N.G., Maj. and Surg. Conn.V.I , New London, Conn. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Fort Slocum, N, Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S A., Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Maj. and Surg., C N.G., 39 College St., New Haven, Conn. Ensign and Asst. Surg., N B.,C.N G , 352 State St , Bridgeport, Conn. Maj. and Surg. N.G.Mo., 410 N. Jefferson St., St. Louis, Mo. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa , 1935 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg., Va.V., Fergusson’s Wharf, Va Act. Asst. Surg-, U.S. M.H.S., Astoria, Oregon. Capt and Asst. Surg., O.N;G., Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ohio V.I., 24 S. B St., Hamilton, O. Surg. U.S.M.H.S., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., 816 17th St , Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Manila, P. 1. 38 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY'SURGEONS. ELECTED. 1894 Wallace, David L., 1896 Wallace, Henry, 1899 Walls, Charles Bruce, 1900 Warbasse, James Peter, 1896 Ward, John M. Broomall, 1897 Warfield, Ridgley Brown, 1896 Waters, William E., 1893 Watson, Wilbur S., 1896 Weaver, Clarence A., 1892 Weaver, Joseph K., 1893 Wertenbaker, Charles Poindexter, 1897 Westervelt, William Alfred, Assistant Secretary, iSgy-gg. 1891 Wheaton, Charles A., 1897 Wheaton, James Lucas, 1899 Whitcomb, Edward H., 1899 White, William Seymour, 1900 Whiting, Joseph B., jr., 1S97 Wieber, Francis Wm. Ferdinand, 1891 Wilkie, Frederick J., 1897 Willard, William G., Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.J., 192 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J. Maj. and Surg., N.Y.V.I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., 183 Congress St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Ill.V.I., 1003 Warren Ave., Chicago, III. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y., Ex-Acting Asst. Surg., U.S.A., 68 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 1 st Lt. and Asst. Surg., Pa.V.I., Quarantine Station, Marcus Hook, Pa. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Maryland, 214 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Lt. Col., Dep. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., C.N.G., 66 West St., Danbury, Conn. Capt. and Surg., N.G.D.C., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., D.C.V.I., 1614 Q. St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Chief Surg., N.G.,Pa., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Norristown, Pa. , P. A. Surg., U.S.M.H.S., New Orleans, La. Maj. and Surg., O.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Ohio V.I., 62 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. Brig., Gen., Surg. Gen., (Ret), Minn., 326 Wabssha St., St. Paul, Minn. 1st Lt. Hosp. Corps, R.I.M., Summer St., Pawtucket, R. I. Maj. and Asst. Surg. Gen., N.G.Minn., 199 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. 1.st Lt. and Asst. Surg., I.N.G., '370 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Maj. and Surg., Wis.N.G., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., Janesville, Wis. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., Wis.N.G., 61 Merritt St., Oshkosh, Wis. Maj. and Surg., I.N.G., Maj. and Surg., Ill.V.I., 544 Washington Boul., Chicago, 111. REGISTER OF MEMBERS 39 ELECTED. 1895 Willcox, Charles, 1897 Williams, John Hey, 1897 Wilson, Charles E., 1898 Wilson, George Brinton, 1897 Wilson, James Sprigg, 1900 Wilson, William Henry, 1891 Wilson, William W., 1894 Wise, John Cropper, First Vice-President igoo-igoi. Second Vice-President. i8gy-gg. 1896 Wood, Frederick John Jennings, 1895 Wood, Marshall, William, 1894 Woodhull, Alfred Alexander, 1893 Woodruff, Charles Edward. 1896 Woodruff, Ezra, 1896 Woods, George Worth, Second Vice-President i8gg-igoo. 1898 Wright, Arthur Lee, 1899 Wright, John William, 1897 Wright, Thompson B., 1894 Wyeth, Marlborough Churchill, 1S98 Wylie, Winfred, 1901 Wyman, Walter, Honorary Member, i8g2-igoi. Second Vice-President, igoi-igo2. 1894 York, George William, Maj. and Surg., U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Col. and Surg. Gen., North Carolina, 53 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. Maj. and Surg., Mo.V.I., Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Mo., 906 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg. U.S.V., Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Fort McDowell, Cal. Ex-Capt., Asst. Surg., Ind. Inf. Legion, 620 3d St., Wausau, Wis. Med. Dir. (Captain), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.Y. 199 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.),U.S.A., Princeton, N. J. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V. Fort Riley, Kan. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen., U.S.A. Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Med. Dir. (Capt. Ret.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Ia., Carroll, Iowa. Maj. and Surg., Pa.V.I., 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 18 E. 8th St., Erie, Pa. Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G., Circleville, Ohio. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Maj. and Brig. Surg., U.S.V., Havana, Cuba. Col. and Surg. Gen., Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz. Supervising Surg. Gen., U.S.M.H.S., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg., N.G.N.Y., 190 Franklin St., Buffalo N. Y. 40 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. 1899 Adams, William Arnold, 1897 Asch, Morris J., 1898 Board of Officers, 1897 Conner, Phineas S., 1901 Fox, Charles James. 1894 Donnelly, Richard A., 1900 Haller, John Frederick, 1897 Hamilton, Charles S., 1897 Hart, Hugh A., 1897 Manley, Thomas H., 1901 Marcy, Henry Orlando, 1892 Moore, Milton, 1896 Morris, Henry, 1896 Osgood, Frederick Huntington, 1894 Sander, Enno, 1899 Southard, William Freeman, 1894 Spencer, Bird Wilson, 1899 Trader, John Wesley, 1894 Truax, Charles, 1896 Van Pelt, Joseph K. T., 1896 Wagner, Clinton, 1897 Whitaker, Hervey Williams, 1900 Wirt, William Edgar, 1896 Younger, William J., Ex-Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., Tex.V.G., Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Ex-Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., 5 W. 30th St., New York, N. Y. Sixty-Fifth Regt., N.G.N.Y., Buffalo, N. Y. Ex-Bvt. Maj. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., 215 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, O. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.) C.N.G., Willimantic, Conn. Brig. Gen. and Q. M. Gen., N. J., Trenton, N. J. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg. (Ret.), R.I.M., 623 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y, Ex-Capt. and Asst. Surg., O.N.G. 142 E. Long St., Columbus, O. Ex-Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., O.N.G., Wooster, O. Ex-Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.V., 115 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir.,U.S.V.(Civil War), 180 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Brig. Gen. Comdg. 1st Brig., N.G.Mo., N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Ex-ist Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa., 313 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1st Lt. and Vet. Surg., M.V.M., 50 Village St., Boston, Mass. Ex-Maj. and Brig. Q. M. Enr. Mo. Mil. 129 S. nth St., St. Louis, Mo. Ex-Maj. and Surg., M. V. M., 1220 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Brig. Gen., Ins. Gen. R. P., N.G.N.J., Passaic, N. J. Ex-Maj. and Surg., N.G.Mo., Sedalia, Mo. 44 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Ex-Maj., Brig. Surg., U.S.V., (Civil War.), 1529 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ex-Bvt. Lt.-Col. and Surg., U.S.A., 19 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. Ex-P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N., 72 Grant Ave., Columbus, O. LcComdr., N.B., O.N'G. Ex-Lt., U.S.N., 477 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Ex-Col. and Med. Dir., N.G.Cal., 200 Stockton St., San Francisco, Cal. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 41 CORRESPONDING HEflBERS. ELECTED. 1899 Sir W. Mitchell Banks, M.D., F.R.C.S., 1899 Surg. Lt. Col. Fred W. Borden, 1897 General Epifanio Cacho, 1897 Captain Hans Daal, 1900 Major Narciso del Rio, 1892 Medicinalrad Edvard Martin Edholm, 1897 Surgeon Captain Rory Fletcher, 1892 General Thien Ho, 1897 Docent Dr. Otokar Kukula, 1 1897 Coronel Fernando Lopez, < 1899 Surg. Col. William McW atters, 1899 Tente. Cor. Zacharias R. Molina, 1900 Surg. Lieut. Col. J. L. H. Neilson, 1896 Professor Nicolaysen, 1897 General William Silver Oliver. 1892 Sir J. O’Neil, C. B., 1892 Dr.Adolph Alexandrovitch Remert, 1899 Dr. Karl Rudberg, 1892 Surg. Lt. Col. George Sterling Ryerson, 28 Rodney St., Liverpool, England. Minister of Militia and Defense, , Ottawa, Canada. General Jefe del Cuerpo Medico Militar Mexicano (Surg.. Gen. Mexican Army), Ciudad Mexico, Mexico. Sanitary Captain, Norwegian Army, Christiania, Norway. Cuerpo Medico Militar Mexicano, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ofverfaltlakare vid armeen, (Surg. Gen. Swedish Army), Stockholm, Sweden. Ex-Surg., Central London Rangers, Care Capt. A. K. Fletcher, Hillcroome, ' Sutton, Surrey, England. Med. Inspector General Siamese Army, Bangkok, Siam K. K. Assistenzarzt, (Asst. Surg., Austro-Hungarian Army), Prague, Austro-Hungary. Coronel Medico Ciruj., Director Hosp. de Mexico (Col. and Dir. Hosp. of Instruc- tion, Mexican Army) Ciuclad Mexico, Mexico. Royal Army Medical Corps, Care Holt & Co., 3 Whitehall Place, London, England. Cuerpo Medico Militar Mexicano, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Dir. Gen., Med. Dept., Canadian Militia, Ottawa, Canada. University of Norway, Christiania, Norway. Dep. Surg. Gen., British Army M. D., 127 South Park St,, Halifax, N. S. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), Indian Med. Service, London, England. , Inspecteur g&idral de service de santd militaire, Inginernaia and Bolchaia Sa- dovaia Streets, St. Petersburg, Russia. Staff Surgeon Swedish Navy, Stockholm, Sweden. Dep. Surgeon General, Canadian Militia, 60 College St., Toronto, Ontario. 42 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. 1892 Generalmajor Johan Frederik Thaulow, 1899 Lt. Commander Dr. Tomat Suri, 1892 M. G. M. F. Vanderlinden, 1891 General Stabsarzt, Prof. Dr. E. von Bergmann, 1892 Excellenz General Stabsarzt der Armee, Prof. Dr. von Coler, 1891 General Stabsarzt, Prof. Dr. Fr. von Esmarch, 1892 Excellenz Generalarzt, Dr.Eduard von Fichte, 1892 Colonel Adolf Ziegler, ■'anitetsgeneral og Chef, Kongelige Regjerings Forsvars-Department, (Surgeon General Royal War Ministry), Christiania, Norway. Surgeon, Imperial Japanese Navy, Tokyo, Japan. Inspecteur gdndral de service de santd militaire, Saint-Josseten-Noode, Belgium. Geheimer Med. Rath (Surgeon General, i st Class, Brigadier General), Kriegs Ministeriums, Berlin, Germany. Chef der Medizinal Abtheilungdes Kriegs Ministeriums(Surgeon General, German Army, Chief of the Medical Section of the War Ministry, Major General.) Kriegs Ministeriums, Berlin, Germany. Geheimer Med. Rath (Surgeon General ist Class, Brigadier General), Kiel, Germany. Chef der Med. Abtheilung in Konigl. Wiirttembergischen Kriegs Minister- iums, (Surgeon General, ist class, Chief of the Medical Section of the Royal Wiirttemberg War Ministry). Stuttgart, Germany. Mddecin en chef de l’armde fdddrale Suisse, Departement militaire, Berne, Switzerland. REGISTER (IF MEMBERS. 43 HONORARY MEflBERS. ELECTED. 1899 Barton, Miss Clara, 1894 Book, James B., 1894 Brinton, John H., 1900 Byers, Frederick Weils, A dive Member, i8gi-igoo. 1901 Fenger, Christian, 1895 Flint, Austin, 1900 Gihon, Albert Leary, Active Member i8g2-igoo, Second Vice-Presiaent, i8g4~gj, First Vice-President, /8g$-g6, President- i8g6-gj. 1899 Gould, Miss Helen Miller, 1891 Henrotin, Fernand, 1897 Humiston, William Henry, 1891 Irwin, Bernard John Dowling, 1894 Keen, William Williams, 1892 Kimball, Abner D., 1897 Kober, George Martin, 1894 Love, Isaac Newton, 1899 McGee, Dr. Anita Newcomb, 1892 McIntyre, John H., 1899 Merrill, Mrs. John F., 1894 Mills, Hiram R., 1895 Moore, John, 1895 Murray, Robert, 1895 Page, Charles, Prest. Am. National Red Cross Assn., Glen Echo, Md. Lt. Col. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.), M.S.T., 33 Campau Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Ex-Maj., Brig. Surg., U.S.V. (Civil War), 1423 Spruce St., Philadelphie, Pa. Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. (Ret.), Wis.N.G., Monroe, Wis. Lt. and Asst. Surg. (Ret.), Danish Army, 269 Lasalle Ave., Chicago, 111. Ex-Surg. Gen. of New York, Ex-Act. Asst. Surg., U.S.A., (Civil War) 60 E. 34th St., New York, N Y. Medical Director (Commodore Ret.), United States Navy, Reform Club, New York, N. Y. Asst. Dir. Gen. Woman’s National War Relief Association. Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Maj. and Surg. (Ret.), I.N.G., 353 La Salle Ave . Chicago, 111. Ex-Pres. Ohio State Medical Society, 122 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U S.A., Cobourg, Ontario. Ex-Act. Asst. Surg., U.S.A., (Civil War), 1729 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Maj. and Surg., Nat. Mil. Home, National Military Home, Ind. Ex-Act. Asst. Surg., U.S.A., 1819 Q St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir. (Ret.), N.G.Mo., Cor. Euclid and Md. Avs., St. Louis, Mo. Ex-Act. Asst. Surg., U.S.A., (Span. War)., 1620 P St., Washington, D. C. Maj. and Surg. (Ret), Ind. Inf. Leg., 931 N. Sarah St., St. Louis, Mo. Prest. San Francisco Red Cross Society, San Francisco, Cal. Lt. Col. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.), Mich., Port Huron, Mich. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., (Ret.), U.S.A., 903 16th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A., Castle Creek Hot Springs, Ariz. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A., 340 Dolphin St., Baltimore, Md. 44 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS 1895 Park, Dr. Roswell, 1895 Smith, Joseph Rowe, 1895 Tryon, James Rufus, 1900 Van Reypen, William K., 1899 Walworth, Mrs. Ellen Hardin, 1896 Wilson, Dr. Ezra Herbert, Prof, of Surgery, Univ. of Buffalo., 510 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Col. and Asst. Surg. Gen. (Ret.), U.S.A.? 2300 Delaney PI., Philadelphia, Pa. Med. Dir. (Rear Admiral, Ret.), U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. Gen., (Rear Admiral), U.S.N., Washington, D. C. Dir.Gen.Woman’s Nat. War Relief Assn., Saialcgi N. Y. Director of the Hoagland Laboratory, 194 Reap St., Brooklyn, N. Y. REGISTER OF MEMBERS. 45 £)cceasefc flDembers. active Members. DIED. 1898 Adams, Charles W., 1899 Armstrong, Francis Caldo, 1898 Bates, Newton L., 1900 Bergen, Andrew Conover, 1898 Boardman, Walter., 1900 Brooke, Benjamin, 1894 Browne, John Mills, 1901 *Crawford, Samuel K., 1901 *Daly, William Henry, 1891 Eggers, John T., 1901 Egle, William Henry, 1899 Etheridge, James Henry, 1898 Farquhar, Emmer C., 1896 Fisher, Walter Wm. Roscoe, 1896 Forster, Edward Jacob, Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Mo., Maj. and Surg. N.G.Kan. Surg. Gen. (Commodore), U.S.N. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Qen, N.G.Ia. Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Pa. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A., Surg. Gen. (Commodore), U.S.N. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Mo. Maj. and Chief. Surg., U.S.V. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.Mo. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa. Maj. and Brig. Surg., I.N.G. Maj. and Surg., O.N.G. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., M.V.M. First Vice President 1896-97^ 1900 Gauntt, Franklin, 1892 Halbert, J. E., 1898 Hamilton, John B., 1894 Hayes, Charles, 1895 Helm, Scott, 1896 Hope, James Shirley, 1897 Hutton, Wm. Henry Harrison, 1893 Jessup, Robert B., 1893 Leach, Hamilton E., 1897 Lincoln, Frank T., 1896 Macauley, Carter N. Berkeley, 1891 Matthews, Frederick L., Secretary 1892-93. 1898 McElderry, Henry, 1900 Miller, Truman W., 1900 Mudge, Selden J., 1899 Munday, Benjamin, 1894 Murphy, John Henry-, 1896 Ottilie, Charles, 1896 Pickman, H. Derby, 1901 Piggott, Michael Royston, 1901 Porter, Alexander Shaw, *Died since last meeting. Lt. Col. and Surg., N.G.N.J. Col. and Surg. Gen., Mississippi. Surg. Gen., U.S.M.H.S. Lt. Col. and Med. Dir., R.I.M. Col. and Surg. Gen., N.G.Ariz. P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N. Surg., U.S.M.H.S. Col. and Surg. Gen., Indiana. Capt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.D.C. Maj. and Med. Insp., Ga.V. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U S A. Col. and Surg. Gen., Illinois. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A. Maj. and Surg., I.N.G. Lt. and Asst. Surg., N.G.N.Y. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Minnesota- Act.-Asst. Surg., U.S.M.H.S. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., Montana- P. A. Surg. (Lt.), U.S.N. Capt. and Asst. Surg., U.S.A. 46 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. DIED. 1900 Read, Louis W., President, i8gs~g6. First Vice-President Second Vice-President /8gj-gg.. 1899 Robinson, Samuel Quincy, 1899 Rohe, George Henry, 1897 Sanborn, Perley Putnam, 1900 Siegfried, Charles A., 1898 Smith, Lawrence Savery, 1901 *Tesson, Louis S., 1897 Vaughan, Bolivar Alvearr, 1901 *Ward, Milo Buel, 1896 Woodward, Charles Meredyth, Sec. Vice-President i8g2-gj. 1S96 Worthington, James Cheston, Col. and Surg. Gen., Pennsylvania. I, Maj. and Surg., U.S.A. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Md. Capt. and Asst. Surg., Ind. Inf.Legion. Med. Insp. (Comdr.), U.S.N. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Pa., Maj. and Surg., U.S.A., Lt. Col., Asst. Surg. Gen., Miss.N.G. Maj. and Surg., N.G.Mo. Lt. Col. and Surg. Gen., Michigan. Maj. and Surg., U.S.A. associate Members. 1901 Grove, John H., 1897 Ordway, Albert, Brev. Lt.Col.,Surg.,U.S.V. (Civil War). Brig. Gen., Commanding N.G.D.C. Corresponblnfl Members. 1896 M. Feraud Berenger, 1897 Gen. Daroy Bergin, M. P. 1895 M. Leon Jean Colin, 1897 Sir Wm. A. Mackinnon, K. C. B. 1896 Giacomo Pecco, 1897 Frederick William Strange, 1894 M. R. Timmerman, Med. Dir., Marine M. Service, France. Dir. Gen. Med. Dep. Canadian Militia. Med. Inspector General, France. .Maj. Gen. and Dir. Gen., R. A. M. D. Insp. Gen., Army Med. Service, Italy. Dep. Surg. Gen, Canadian Militia. Insp. Gen., Army Med.Serv., Holland. 1894 Abbett, Leon, 1897 Leighton, Walter H. 1893 McClellan, Ely, 1894 Porter, Josiah, 1892 Roth, Wilhelm A., 1895 Sutherland, Charles, *Died since last meeting. 1bonoran> /Members. Governor of New Jersey. Surgeon, Milwaukee Soldiers’ Home. Lt. Col. and Dep. Surg. Gen., U.S.A- Maj. Gen. and Adj. Gen., N.G.N.Y., Surgeon General, of Saxony. Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen., U.S.A. TTopotjrapbtcal list of Members. THIS list is arranged alphabetically primarily by States and services, and secondarily by post-offices. The names of those members residing in the same place are again arranged alphabetically. The names of Associate, Corresponding and Honorary Members are in italics. ALABAMA. Lieut. Angelo Festorazzi, 153 Government St., Mobile, Ala. Capt. Lewis Coleman Morris Chalifaux Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. ARIZONA. Capt. Dennis J. Brannen, Flagstaff, Ariz. Col. Harrison Edward Stroud, Phoenix, Ariz. Col. Winfred Wylie, Phoenix, Ariz. ARKANSAS. Col. James McDonald Keller, Hot Springs, Ark. ARMY. Col. Charles Page, U.S.A., 340 Dolphin St., Baltimore, Md. Major James Evelyn Pilcher, U.S.V., 259 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pa. Gen. Robert Murray U.S.A., Castle Creek, Hot Springs, Ariz. Major John O. Skinner, U.S.A., Chambersburg, Pa. Major Henry I. Raymond, U.S.A., Pullman Bldg., Chicago, 111. Col. B. J. D. Irwin, U.S.A., Cobourg, Ontario. Cont. Surg. S. S. Wilcox, U.S.A., 173 E. State St., Columbus, Ohio. Major William C. Shannon, U.S.A., Elkhorn, Neb. Lieut. W. P. Chamberlain, U. S. A., Fort Adams, Newport, R. I. Cont. Surg. W. E. Sabin, U.S.A., Fort Apache, Ariz. Major Daniel M. Appel, U.S.A., Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Cont. Surg. Joseph R. Harmer, U.S.A., Fort Fremont, via Beaufort, S.C. Cont. Surg. Henri A. Santoire, U.S.A., Fort Greble, Jamestown, R. I. Lieut. Col. Ezra Woodruff, U.S.A., Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Cont. Surg. A. I. Boyer, U.S.A., Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wash. Major Charles Richard, U.S.A., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Capt. William H. Wilson, U.S.A., Fort McDowell, Cal. Cont. Surg. F. A. Hodson, U.S.A. Fort Mackenzie, Sheridan, Wyo. Capt. George J. Newgarden, U.S.A., Fort Mason, Cal. Lieut. Robert Smart, Fort Monroe, Va. Cont. Surg., J. W. Richards, U.S.A., Fort. Mott, Salem, N. J. Cont. Surg. O. H. Buford, U.S.A., Fort St. Philip, La. Major Charles F. Mason, U.S.A., Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. Lieut. Theodore C. Lyster, U.S.A., Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Major Francis J. Ives, U.S.A., Fort Sheridan, III. Cont. Surg. S. S. Turner, U.S.A,, Fort Sheridan, 111. Lieut. Robert M. Thornburgh, U.S.A., Fort Slocum, N. Y. 47 48 ASSOC!A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Major Alfred E. Bradley, U.S.A., Fort Snelling, Minn. Cont. Surg. Herbert I. Harris, U S.A., Fort Snelling, Minn. Major Charles Edward Woodruff, U.S. A. Fort Riley, Kan. Cont. Surg. Albert H. Simonton, U.S. A., Fort Robinson, Neb. Capt. William H. Block, U.S.V., Medical Supply Depot, Havana, Cuba. Lieut. Col. Valery Havard, U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Capt. Deane C. Howard, U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Lt. Col. Jefferson R. Kean, U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Major M. C. Wyeth, U.S.A., Havana, Cuba. Capt. Francis A. Winter, U.S.A., Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Major George H. Torney, U.S. A., Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Lieut. Col. Blencowe E. Fryer, U.S.A-, 520 E. 6th St., Kansas City, Mo. Maj. Edwin Bendy, U.S.A., Little Rock, Ark. Capt. Milton Vaughan, U.S.V., 800 Cumberland .->t., Little Rock, Ark. Major George W. Adair, U.S. A. Manila, P. I. Major Henry P. Birmingham, U.S.A., Manila, P. I' Capt. Robert Boyd, U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Maj. W. F. de Niedman, U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Major Charles M. Gandy, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major Edwin F. Gardner, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Capt. Guy C. M. Godfrey, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major Henry S. T. Harris, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Lieut. Col. Philip Francis Harvey, U.S.A. Manila, P. I. Lieut. Col. Charles L. Heizmann, U.S.A. Manila, P. I, Lieut. Franklin M. Kemp, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major William P. Kendall, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major William F. Lippitt, U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Lieut. Col. Louis M. Maus, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major William 0. Owen, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Capt. Henry du R., Phelan,U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Major John L. Phillips, U.S.A.. Manila, P. I. Lieut. Col. Benjamin F. Pope, U.S.A.. Manila, P. I. Lieut. Thomas L. Rhoads, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major William Stephenson, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Capt. Henry R. Stiles, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major William J. Wakeman, U.S.A., Manila, P. I. Major Charles Wilcox, U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Major James S. Wilson, U.S.V., Manila, P. I. Capt. John H. Stone, U.S.A., Mantanzas, Cuba. Col. Charles H. Alden, U.S.A., 33 Washington Park, Newtonville, Mass. Maj. John S. Kulp, U.S.A., Army Building. New York, N. Y. Col. Henry Lippincott, U.S.A., Governor’s Island, New York, N. Y. Capt. Robert P. Robins, U.S.V., 2110 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Col- Joseph R. Smith, U.S.A., 2300 Delaney PL, Philadelphia, Pa. Major Henry O. Perley, U.S.A., Plattsburgh, N. Y. . Cont. Surg. W. P. Banta, U.S.A., Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Maj. Henry S. Kilbourne, U.S.A., Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 49 Capt. William E. Purviance, U.S.A., Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Col. Alfred A. Woodhull, U.S.A., Princeton, N. J. Major John Brooke, U.S.A., Radnor, Pa. Major Robert J. Gibson, U.S.A., San Francisco, Cal. Lieut. Col. Alfred C. Girard, U.S.A., San Francisco, Cal, Lieut. Col. J. V. D. Middleton, U.S.A., Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Capt. Euclid B. Frick, U.S.A., San Juan, P. R. Cont. Surg. E. Bailey, U.S.A., Skagway, Alaska. Cont. Surg. F. A. Halliday, U.S.A., Sullivan’s Island, Moultrieville, S. C. Col. Dallas Bache, U.S.A., Surg. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. Major John M. Banister, U.S. A., West Point, N. Y. Col. Charles C. Byrne, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Major Edward C. Carter, U.S.A., 1814 G St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Major Joseph T. Clark, U.S.A., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Major Guy L. Edie, U.S.A., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Capt. Charles E. B. Flagg, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Col. Wm. H. Forwood, U.S.A., Washington, D. C. Major James D.Glennan,U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Lieut. Col. John Van R. Hoff, U.S.A., Surg. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. Lieut. Col. James P. Kimball, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Maj. Louis A. LaGarde, U.S.A., Soldier’s Home, Washington, D. C. Gen. John Moore, U.S.A., 903 16th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Capt. Edward L.Munson, U.S.A., Surg. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. Capt. George H. Penrose, U.S.A., Care War Dept., Washington, D. C. Cont. Surg. J. Reagles, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Major Walter Reed, U.S.A., Surg. Genl. Office, Washington, D. C. Lieut. I. A. Shimer, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Col. Charles Smart, U.S.A., 2017 Hillyer PL, Washington, D. C. Gen. George M. Sternberg, U.S.A., Washington, D. C. Lieut. Richard P. Strong, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Lieut. Col. William E. Waters, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Major Marshall W. Wood, U.S.A., Care Surg. Gen., Washington, D. C. Major William C. Borden, U.S.A., Washington Barracks, D. C. Capt. F. P. Reynolds, U.S.A., Washington Barracks, D. C. Major William L. Kneedler, U.S.A., West Point, N. Y. CALIFORNIA. Capt. A. C. Rogers, 1831 Chester Ave.. Bakersfield, Cal. Col. Winslow Anderson, 1025 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Col. William D. McCarthy, in Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. John F. Merrill, San Francisco, Cal. Lieut. Col. George F. Hanson, 3534 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. Col. William Evelyn Hopkins, 803 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Major Will Lam F. Southard, 1220 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Col. William J. Younger, 200 Stockton St., San Francisco, Cal. COLORADO. Col. Richard W. Corwin, Pueblo, Colo. Lieut. E. Hamilton Fish, 2533 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Col. William W. Grant, Denver, Colo. 50 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Lieut. Robert K. Hutchings, Colorado Springs, Colo. Major Lewis H. Kemble, Aspen, Colo. Col. Clayton Parkhill, McPhee Bldg., Denver, Colo. Major Matt R. Root, 209 Jackson Block, Denver, Colo. CONNECTICUT. Lieut. George B. Cowell, 120 E.Washington Ave., Bridgeport,Conn. Major Charles C. Godfrey, 242 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Ensign David M. Trecartin, 352 State St. Bridgeport,'Conn. Lieut. Col. WilburS. Watson, 66 West St., Danbury, Conn. Gen. Albert W. Phillips, Derby, Conn. Lieut. J. B. McCook, 396 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Gen. J. Francis Calef, Middletown, Conn. Major Joseph H. Townsend, 39 College St., New Haven, Conn. Major Hiram B. Thompson, New London, Conn. Lieut. Col. Leonard B. Almy, 173 Washington St., Norwich, Conn. Gen. Patrick Cassidy, Norwich, Conn. Major Julian La Pierre, 220 Central Ave., Norwich, Conn. Major Thomas F. Rockwell, Rockville, Conn. Maj. John M. Benedict, 81 N. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. Gen. Charles J. Fox, Willimantic, Conn. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Lieut. Warren D. Fales, 915 L. St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lieut. R. A. Foster, 2029 Q St. N. W., Washington, D, C. Major George Henderson, 817 T St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Dr. G. M. Kober, 1819 Q St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, 1620 P. St., Washington, D. C. Lieut. B. G. Pool, 945 R. I. Ave., Washington, D. C. Capt. Clarence A. Weaver, 1614 Q St. N. W., Washington, D. C. FLORIDA. Major Joseph Y. Porter, Jacksonville, Fla. Lieut. Edward L. Stewart, Starke, Fla. Major Roberts P. Izlar, Wavcross, Ga. ILLINOIS. Capt. Jesse Rowe, Abingdon, 111. Lieut. Col. Charles Adams, 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. John S. Davis, 9139 Commercial Ave., Chicago, 111. Major. P. J. H. Farrell, 92 State St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. Christian Fenger, 269 Lasalle Ave., Chicago, 111. Major Charles G. Fuller, 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Major Fer?iand Henrotin, 353 La Salle Ave., Chicago, 111. Capt. John R. Hoffman, 63 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Capt. Henry Hooper, 541 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. James Nevins Hyde, 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Capt. George W. Mahoney, 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. Norval H. Pierce, 31 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Col. Nicholas Senn, 532 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. Lieut. William Nicholas Senn, 532 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. Lieut. Samuel C. Stanton, 9 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. Col. John Williams Streeter, 2646 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. Maj. Thomas J. Sullivan, 4709 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 111. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 51 Charles Truax, 44 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Lieut. Charles B. Walls, 1003 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Maj. Allen A. Wesley, 3102 State St., Chicago, 111. Lieut. William S. White, 370 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Maj. William G. Willard, 544 Washington Boul., Chicago, 111. Major Alban L. Mann, 214 Chicago St., Elgin, 111. Major John Bliss Shaw, Joliet, 111 Ensign Robert C. J. Meyer, Moline, 111. Capt. Thomas E. Roberts, 144 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. Major Thomas C. McCord, Paris, 111. Major Henry Richings, Rockford, 111. Major Frank Anthony, First Ave., Sterling, 111. Major William Lloyd Smith, 306 S. Park St., Streator, 111. Lieut. Alfons Clemens Czibulka. Warren, 111. Lieut. H. W. Long, Yale, 111. INDIANA. Col. Orange S. Runnels, Indianapolis, Ind. Major Abner D. Kimball, National Military Home, Ind. IOWA. Capt. William E. H. Morse, Algona, Kossuth Co., Ia. Lieut. Bruce H. Stover, Carroll, Iowa. Major Arthur Lee Wright, Carroll, Iowa, Lieut. John Hamilton, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Major David S. Fairchild, Clinton, Iowa. Lieut. Col. James M. Barstow, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Major Charles Moore Robertson, Davenport, Iowa. Col. James Taggart Priestley, 707 E. Locust St., Des Moines, la, Gen. Frederick H. Little, 116 W. 2d St.. Muscatine, la. KANSAS. Capt. Fred E. Dillenbeck, El Dorado, Kans. Major Randall R. Hunter, Fulton, Kans. Lieut. Frank H. Martin, Topeka, Kans. Capt. Henry D. Smith, Washington, Kans. Capt. William M. Morgan, 705 S. Jefferson Av. Wellington, Kans. KENTUCKY. Capt. Thomas Page Grant, 832 Second St Louisville, Ky. Maj. S. S. Watkins, 211 W. 4th St., Owensboro, Ky. LOUISIANA. Major Frank E. Artaud, New Iberia, La. MAINE. Lieut. Gilbert M. Elliott, Brunswick, Me. Major Francisco Bial Bradbury, Norway, Me. Col. William Jordan Maybury, Saco, Me. Col. Frederick C. Thayer, 119 Maine St., Waterville, Me. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. A. A. Surg. Jay Tuttle, U.S.M.H.S., Astoria, Oregon. Surg. T. B. Perry, U.S.M.H.S. Baltimore, Md. Surg. P. C. Kalloch, U.S.M.H.S., Biloxi, Miss. Surg. J. Vansant, U.S.M.H.S., Charleston. S. C. Surg. H. W. Sawtelle, U.S.M.H,S. Chicago, 111. 52 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURG RONS. P. A. Surg. H. W. Wicks, U.S.M.H.S- Cincinnati, Ohio. A. Surg. A. J. McLaughlin, U.S.M.H.S. Ellis Island, N. Y. A. A. Surg. F. I. Phillips, U.S.M.H.S. Escanaba, Mich. Surg. C. T. Peckham, U.S.M.H.S,, Galveston, Texas. Surg. A. H. Glennan, U.S.M.H.S. Havana, Cuba. P. A. Surg. L. E. Cofer, U.S.M.H.S., Honolulu, H. I. Surg. R. D. Murray, U.S.M.H.S., Key West, Fla. Asst. Surg. M. K. Gwyn, U.S.M.H.S. Louisville, Ky. P. A. Surg. G. M. Guiteras, U.S.M.H.S., Matanzas, Cuba, P.A.Surg.C. P.Wertenbaker, U.S.M.H.S New Orleans, La. Surg. H. W. Austin, U.S.M.H.S., 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Asst. Surg. J. Goldberger, U.S.M.H.S. Port Penn, Del. Asst. Surg. D.E. Robinson, U.S.M.H.S. Port Townsend, Wash. A. A. Surg. G. H. Altree, U.S.M.H.S., Port Tampa, Fla. Serg. D. A. Carmichael, U.S.M.H.S., Angel Island, San Francisco, Cal. Asst. Surg. B. J. Lloyd, U.S.M.H.S., Angel Island, San Francisco, Cal. A. A. Surg. W. H, Marsh, U.S.M.H.S. Solomons, Md. Asst. Surg. T. B. McClintic, U.S.M.H.S Southport, N. C. P. A. Surg. A. C. Smith, U.S.M.H.S., Stapleton, Staten Island,N. Y. Surg. G. W. Stoner, U.S.M.H.S., Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. Asst. Surg. C. Ramus, U.S.M.H.S., Washington, D. C. Surg. G. T. Vaughan, U.S.M.H.S., 1718 I St., Washington, D. C. Surg. Gen. Walter Wyman, U.S.M.H.S. Washington, D. C. MARYLAND. Lieut. Edward Geer, 1614 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. Capt. J. D. Iglehart, 211 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore, Md. Maj. G. Lane Taneyhill, 1103 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Gen. Ridgely Brown Warfield, 214 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Miss Clara Barton, Glen Echo, Md. MASSACHUSETTS. Major Charles C. Foster, 8 Elmwood Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Gen. R. A. Blood, 39 High St., Charlestown, Mass. Lieut. R. E. Bell, Lowell, Mass. Major William Cogswell, 241 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Major Howard S. Dearing, 607 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Major Charles M. Green, 78 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Lieut. Col. Freeman C. Hersey, 96 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Lieut. Col. Henry O. Marcy, 180 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Lieut. Col. Marion H. Otis, 22 Harvard Ave., Allston Station, Boston, Mass. Lieut. Frederick H. Osgood, 50 Village St., Boston, Mass. Lieut. Col. W. L. Richardson, 225 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Lieut. W. A. Rolfe, 549 W. Newton St., Boston, Mass. Capt. Myles Standish, 6 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. Lieut. Joseph C. Stedman, 116 Sedgwick St., Boston, Mass. Lieut. E. H. Abbe, 405 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Major Orland J. Brown, North Adams, Mass. Major James E. Simpson, 348 Essex St., Salem, Mass. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OP MEMBERS. 53 Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Devine, 595 Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Major Azel Ames, Wakefield, Mass. MICHIGAN. Major Charles D. W. Colby, Albion, Mich. Lieut. CoL James B. Book, 33 Campau Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Major Oscar LeSeure, 32 Adams Ave., Detroit, Mich. Major William F. Hake, 47 E Bridge St, Grand Rapids, Mich. Lieut. Col. Hiram R. Mills, Port Huron, Mich. MINNESOTA. Major Arthur W. Allen, Austin, Minn. Lieut. John H. Dorsey, Glencoe, Minn. Capt. C. E. Dutton, 602 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lieut. Col. R. J. Fitz Gerald, 128 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Lieut. W. H. Rowe, St James, Minn. Lieut. G. M. Coon, 110 Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Lieut. Asa F. Goodrich, Germania Bldg., St Paul, Minn. Lieut. H. P. Ritchie, St Paul, Minn. Gen. A. J. Stone, Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Gen. C. A. Wheaton, 326 Wabasha St, St. Paul, Minn. Major E. H. Whitcomb, 199 E. 7th St. St. Paul, Minn. Major T. C. Clark. Stillwater, Minn. Major William Jacoby, Wells, Minn. MISSOURI. Major C. S. Austin, Carrollton, Mo. Capt. Reuben Barney, Jr., Chilicothe, Mo. Gen. J. D. Griffith, 9th and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Major George Halley, 438 New Ridge Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Major N. O. Harrelson, 517 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Major Jabez N. Jackson, 413 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo- Gen. Milton Moore, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Lieut. Col. William T. Stark, Kansas City, Mo. Major Charles E. Wilson, 906 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Lieut. Col. William Arnold Adams, Equitable Bldg.. St Louis, Mo. Gen. Algernon S. Barnes, 5434 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lt Col. Eustathius Chancellor, Oriel Bldg., Sixth and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Maj. Charles Henry Dixon, 3345 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Col. Edward Wallace Lee, St. Louis, Mo. Lieut. Col. Isaac Newton Love, Cor. Euclid and Md. Avs., St. Louis, Mo. Major John H. McIntyre, 931 N. Sarah St, St Louis, Mo. Major Carl Pesold, 1502 Wagoner PL, St. Louis, Mo. Major Enno Sander, 129 S. nth St, St. Louis, Mo. Major Herman Tulholske, 410 N. Jefferson St., St. Louis, Mo. Major John W. Trader, Sedalia, Mo. MONTANA. Major Josiah Shaw Hammond, Butte, Mont NAVY. Surg. John W. Baker, U.S.N., Aurora, Ind. Med. Dir. Delavan Bloodgood, U.S.N., 320 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Med. Dir. Geo. Peck, U.S.N., 926 N. Broad St, Elizabeth, N. J. 54 ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Med. Dir. Albert Leary Gihon, Reform Club, New York, N. Y. P. A. Surg. M. F. Gates, U.S.N., Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va. P. A. Surg. F. V. Greene, U.S.N., 33 S. 16th St.r Philadelphia, Pa. Med. Dir. W. K. Scofield, U.S.N., Philadelphia, Pa. Surg. H. E. Ames, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. Frank Anderson, U.S.N., Naval Dispensary, Washington, D. C. Surg. W. F. Arnold, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept.,Washington, D. C. Surg. G. H. Barber, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Insp. D. N. Beitolette,U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Asst. Surg. F. L. Benton, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. Henry G. Beyer, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg., N. J. Blackwood, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. R. S. Blakeman, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Insp. John C. Boyd, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Dir. George P. Bradley, U.S.N., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. R. G. Brodrick, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P.A. Surg. Carl D.W. Brownell, U.S.N. Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. D. N. Carpenter, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. F. C. Cook, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. R. P. Crandall, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Insp. Ezra R. Derr, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. S. H. Dickson, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. A. Farenholt, U.S.N. Care Navy Dept. Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. A. G. Grunwell, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. M. S. Guest, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D C. P. A. Surg. J. A. Guthrie, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. vSurg. R. M. Kennedy, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. Philip Leach, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. C. H. T. Lowndes, U.S.N. Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Dir. R. A. Marmion, U.S.N., Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg., J. M. Moore, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. Lewis Morris, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. O. D. Norton, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. H. T. Percy, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept, Washington, D. C. Med. Insp. R. C. Persons, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. F. L. Pleadwell, U. S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. T. W. Richards, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Insp., P. M. Rixey, U.S.N., Naval Dispensary, Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. E. M. Shipp, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. G. T. Smith, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. P. A. Surg. R. K. Smith, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Dir. F. B. Stephenson, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. E. R. Stitt, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Rear Admiral J. R. Tryoti, U.S.N, Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Rear Admiral IV. K. Van Reyfien, U.S.N. Washington, D. C. Surg. F. W. F. Wieber, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Surg. G. B. Wilson, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Med. Dir. John C. Wise, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 55 Med. Dir. George W. Woods, U.S.N., Care Navy Dept., Washington, D. C- NEBRASKA. Col. Cass G. Barns, Albion, Neb. Col. Carroll D. Evans, Columbus, Neb. Major Gilbert L. Pritchett, Fairbury, Neb. Major E. Arthur Carr, 1205 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Major Ole Grothan, St. Paul, Neb. NEVADA. Col. Simeon L. Lee, Carson, Nevada. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gen. George Cook, 16 Centre St., Concord, N. H. Lieut. Col. Edward Hervey Currier, 728 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. Major John Franklin Robinson, The Kinnard, Manchester, N. H. NEW JERSEY. Col. E. L. B. Godfrey, 400 Linden St., Camden, N. J. Maj. Charles Francis Adams, 229 Union St., Hackensack, N. J. Ensign Lawrence R. Glover, Haddonfield, N. J. Major Henry Allers, 300 Davis Ave, Harrison, N. J. Lieut. Arthur C. Dougherty, 158 Washington St., Newark, N. J. Major David L. Wallace, 192 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J. Major George Bayles, 408 Main St., Orange, N. J. Gen. Bird JVilson Spe7icer, Passaic, N. J. Lieut. Col. Charles F. W. Myers, 108 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Col. George W. Terriberry, 146 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Gen. Richard A. Donnelly, Trenton, N. J. NEW YORK. Major Lewis Balch, 14 Washington Ave., Albany. N. Y. Capt. William N. Belcher, 25 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Major Arthur H. Bogart, 139 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lieut. William F. Campbell, 127 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Major Henry P. de Forest, 369 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lieut. Col. George Ryerson Fowler; 301 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lieut. John F. Haller, 623 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Capt. Arthur R. Jarrett, 95 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lieut. John C. Mac Evitt, 407 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lieut. William H. Skene, 143 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Capt. Thomas B. Spence, 139 7th Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Major Henry Wallace, 183 Congress St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Capt. James P. Warbasse, 68 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. Ezra Herbert IVilson, 194 Reap St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Major Frederick John J. Wood, 199 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Board of Officers, 65th Regt. N.G.N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Major Albert H. Briggs, 267 Hudson St., Buffalo, N. Y. Capt. Harry Mead, 758 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Roswell Park, 510 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Major George W. York, 190 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lieut. F. Horace S. Ritter, 314 E. Church St.. Elmira. N. Y. Col. Charles P. Cook, 2Ai Warren St.. Hudson. N. Y. ASSOC I A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. 56 Miss Helen Miller Gould. Irvington-on-Hudson, N. V. Lieut. Maurice C. Ashley, Middletown, N. Y. Lieut. Robert J. Kingston, 185 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y. Major Morris J. Asch, 5 W. 30th St., New York, N. Y. Capt. Harlow Brooks, 7th Regt. Armory, New York, N. Y. Major Charles E. Bruce, 176th St. and Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Capt. Albert F. Brugman, Hotel Endicott, New York, N. Y. Gen. Joseph D. Bryant, 54 W. 36th St., New York, N. Y. Gen. Austin Flint, 60 E. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Col. Nelson H. Henry, „ 14 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Capt. John H. Huddleston, 126 W. 85th St.( New York, N. Y. Lt. Col. Rush Shippen Huidekoper, Army and Navy Club, 16 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Lieut. Charles W. Jackson. 130 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y. Lieut. Col. Nathan S. Jarvis, 142 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Dr. George Bolling Lee, 215 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Col. Albert C. Lippincott, 144 W. 103d St., New York, N. Y. Capt. Thomas H. Manley, 115 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. Major Frank W. Murray, 37 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. Major Seneca D. Powell, 12 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Major Louis L. Seaman, 118 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Dr. Henry Tuck, 346 Broadway, New York, N. Y Lieut. Col. Clinton Wagner, 19 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. Lieut. Clarkson C. Schuyler, Box 212, Plattsburg, N. Y. Lieut. Charles Winegar Crispel, Rondout, N. Y. Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Lieut. Franklin J. Kaufman, 311 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Gen. Marshall O. Terry, 196 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. NORTH CAROLINA. Major Samuel Westray Battle, Asheville, N. C. Capt. Charles S. Jordan. Asheville, N. C. Col. John Hey Williams, 53 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. Lieut. Thomas S. Burbank, Wilmington, N. C. NORTH DAKOTA. Col. O. Wellington Archibald, Jamestown, N. D. OHIO. Capt. Allen V. Smith, Canton, O. Major George C. Ashmun, 94 Republic St., Cleveland, O. Lieut. William F. Brokaw, 1040 Wilson Ave., Cleveland, O. Major Frank Emory Bunts, 275 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Major Phineas S Conner, 215 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, O. Capt. James Jay Erwin, 1617 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, O. Capt. William Hendry, 1327 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, O. Dr. William H. Hu7>iiston, 122 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, O. Lieut. Comdr. William E. Wirt, 477 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Capt. Charles H. Castle, 215 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, O. Major Frank W. Hendley, 785 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, O. Capt. William H, Rothert. 1632 Freeman St., Cincinnati, O. Capt. Walter L. Taylor, 933 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, O. Capt. Thompson B. Wright, Circleville, O. Capt. John H. Dickerson, 225 N. Champion Ave., Columbus, O. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 57 Major Lovett T. Guerin, 578 N. High St., Columbus, O. Capt. Fred. Gunsaulus, 29 W. Long St., Columbus, O. Capt. Charles S. Hamilton, 142 E. Long St., Columbus, O. Capt. J. Baldwin McComb, 217 E. State St., Columbus, O. Lieut. Col. Henry M. W. Moore, 656 E. Long St., Columbus, O. Maj. W. A. Westervelt, 62 East Broad St., Columbus, O. Dr. Hervey W. Whitaker, 72 Grant Ave., Columbus, O. Gen. Joseph E. Lowes, Dayton, O Major Wilbert A. Hobbs, East Liverpool, O. Capt. Herbert Eugene Twitchell, 24 S. B St. Hamilton, O. Major David A. Rannels, McArthur, O. Major Arthur L. Osborn, Norwalk, O. Capt. David K. Gotwald, Springfield, O. Lieut. George H. Jones, 2304 Franklin Ave., Toledo, O. Ensign Philip S. Rieg, 338 Summit St., Toledo, O. Gen. Hugh A. Hart, Wooster, O. Gen. Edmund Cone Brush, Zanesville, O. Major Clarence Eugene Drake, 324 Putnam Ave., Zanesville, O. PENNSYLVANIA. Lieut. Morris Franklin Cawley, 31 N. Ninth St., Allentown, Pa. Lieut. John L. Brubaker, 1224 4th Ave., Altoona, Pa. Major Andrew S. Stayer, 1501 7th Ave., Altoona, Pa. Lieut. Herbert A. Arnold, Ardmore, Pa. Capt. John W. Coffin, Beaver Falls, Pa. Lieut. Robert G. H. Hayes, 11 Spring St., Bellefonte, Pa. Major James Johnston, Bradford, Pa. Capt. Louis P. McCormick, Connelsville, Pa. Major James E. Silliman, 137 W. :th St„ Erie, Pa. Major John William Wright, 18 E. 8th St., Erie, Pa. Major Herman Burgin, Germantown, Pa. Major George F. Potteiger, Hamburg, Pa. Dr. Harry Ernshaw Gettier, Littlestown, Pa. Lieut. John M. B. Ward, Quarantine Station, Marcus Hook, Pa. Major Ralph W. Montelius, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Lieut. Col. Joseph K. Weaver, Norristown, Pa. Lieut. William M. Angney, 423 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major W. H. Baker, 1610 Sumrper St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major John H Brinton, 1423 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa Dr William Williams Keen, 1729 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major Edward Martin, 415 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lieut. Henry Morris, 313 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major J. Wilks O’Neill, 2110 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Col. John V. Shoemaker, 1519 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major Archibald G. Thomson, 1426 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major Charles Smith Turnbull, 1935 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Major Joseph K. T. Van Pelt, 1529 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lieut. Karl A. Emmerling, 48 S. Rebecca St., Pittsburg, Pa. Lieut. Col. Alexander A. E. McCandlesi Pittsburg, Pa. Major Samuel C. Milligan, 609 Smith Block, Pittsburg, Pa. 58 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Lieut. B. Stewart Ralston, Penn Ave., and Main St., Pittsburg, Pa. Lieut. Edward Stieren, 2196th St., Pittsburg, Pa. Major William J. Ashenfelter, Pottstown, Pa. Major George H. Halberstadt, 218 Market St., Pottsville, Pa- Major William McC. Johnston, Sewickley, Pa. Lieut. Jacob Mark Peters, Steelton, Pa. Lieut. Francis E. Drumheller, Sunbury, Pa. Lieut. Charles H. Miner, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Major Walter S. Stewart, 52 S. Franklin St., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Major J. Lewis Srodes, 742 Penna. Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. RHODE ISLAND. Major Christopher F. Barker, 32 Bull St., Newport, R. I. Lieut. Charles M. Cole, 250 Broadway, Newport, R. I. Lieut. Col. Charles H. French, 109 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. Major Charles F. Sweet, 38 N. Union St., Pawtucket, R. I. Lieut. James L. Wheaton, Summer St., Pawtucket, R. I. Gen. John C. Budlong, 604 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Lt. Col. George W. Carr, 27 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Capt. George H. Crooker, 1591/ Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Maj. Frank L. Day, 240 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Major N. D. Harvey, 260 Benefif St., Providence, R. I. Gen. George H. Kenyon, 123 N. Main St., Providence, R. I. Major William J. McCaw, 222 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Lieut. Charles F. Peckham, 176 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Lieut. William Francis Barry, Woonsocket, R. I. SOUTH CAROLINA. Major Francis D. Kendall, 1309 Plain St., Columbia, S. C. SOUTH DAKOTA. Capt. Harry S. Sevey, Arizpe, Sonora, Mexico. Col. George A. Pettigrew, Flandreau, S Dak. Lieut. Francois S. Ledeboer, Spearfish, S. Dak. TEXAS. Lieut. Col. Francis C. Ford, Nacogdoches, Tex. UTAH. Gen. Charles Pinckney Hough, 415 Atlas Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah, Major F ranklin A. Meacham, Salt Lake City, Utah. VERMONT. Major George C. Berkley, 130 Main St., St. Albans, Vt. Gen. James N. Jenne, 130 Main St., St. Albans, Vt. Gen. Oscar W. Peck, Winooski, Vt. VIRGINIA. Major William D. Turner, Fergusson’s Wharf, Va. Capt. Charles Venable Carrington, 932 Park Ave„ Richmond, Va. Major Dirk A. Kuyk, 4 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. WASHINGTON. Lieut. Col. Lewis R. Dawson, 402 Bailey Building, Seattle, Wash. Col. James B. Eagleson, 512 Burke Bldg., Seattle, Wash. TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 59 WEST VIRGINIA. Lieut. French W. Smith, Bluefield, W. Va. Gen. Daniel Mayer, Charleston, W. Va. Lieut. Col. Charles B. Blubaugh, 1010 Murdock Ave.,Parkersburg, W.Va. WISCONSIN. Capt. Charles F. King, Hudson, Wis. Major Joseph B. Whiting, Jr., Janesville, Wis. Major Theodore W. Evans, 3 Pinckney St., Madison, Wis. Gen. John B Edwards, Mauston, Wis. Major Edward H. Grannis, Menominie, Dunn Co , Wis. Capt. Ralph Chandler, 13 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Capt. William J Cronyn, 245 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Major John R. McDill, U.S.V., 200 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gen. Frederick Weils Byers Monroe, Wis. Major Frederick J. Wilkie, 61 Merritt St, Oshkosh, Wis. Capt. William W. Wilson, 620 3d St., Wausau, Wis. WYOMING. Col R. Harvey Reed, Rock Springs, Wyo. FOREIGN COUNTRIES Docent Dr. Otokar Kukula, K. K. Assistenzarzt, Prague, Austro-Hungary. M. G- M. F. Vanderlinden, Inspecteur gdndral de service de sante militaire, Saint-Josseten Noode, Belgium General William Silver Oliver, 127 South Park St., Halifax, Canada. Surg. Lt. Col. Fred. W. Borden, Ottawa, Canada. Surg. Lient. Col. J. L. H. Neilson, Ottawa, Canada. Surg. Lt Col George SterlingRyerson, 60 College St., Toronto, Canada. Sir W. Mitchell Banks, M. D. 28 Rodney St, Liverpool, England, Surg. Cal. William Me Watters, Care Holt & Co., 3 Whitehall Place, London, England. Sir J. O'Neill, C. B., >urg. Gen. (Ret ), Indian Med. Service, London, England. Surgeon Captain Rory Fletcher, Care Capt. A. K. Fletcher, Hillcroome, Sutton, Surrey, England. General Stabsarzt, Prof Dr. E. von Bergmann, Kriegs, Ministeriums, Berlin, Germany. Excellenz Generalarzt Prof. Dr. Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel, Germany. Excellenz Generalarzt, Dr. Eduard von Fichte, Stuttgart, Wiirttemberg, Germany. Lt Commander Dr. lomat Suri, Surgeon, Imperial Japanese Navy, Tokyo, Japan. General Epifanio Cacho, General Jefe delCuerpo Medico, Militar, Mexicano, Ciudad Mexico, Mexico. Coronel Fernando Lopez, Coronel Medico Ciruj , Director Hosp. de Mexico, Ciudad Mexico, Mexico. Tente Cor. Zacarias R. Molina, Cuerpo Medico Militar Mexicano, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Major Narciso del Rio, Cuerpo Medico Militar Mexicano, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Captain Hans Daal, Sanitary Captain, Norwegian Army. Christiania, Norway, Prof. Julius Nicolaysen, University of Norway, Christiania, Norway, 60 ASSOC/A TION OF MILITARY SURGEONS. Generalmajor Johan Frederik Thaulow, Sanitetsgeneral og Chef, Kongelige Regjerings Forsvars-Department, Christiania, Norway. Dr. Adolph Alexandrovitch Remert, Inspecteur gdndral de service de sant£ militaire, Inginernaia and Bolchaia Sadovaia Streets, St. Petersburg, Russia. General Thien Ho, Med. Inspector General Siamese Army, Bangkok, Siam. Medicinalrad Edvard Martin Edholm, Ofverfaltlakare vid armeen, Stockholm, Sweden, Dr.KarlRudberg, Staff Surgeon Swedish Navy, Stockholm, Sweden. Colonel Adolf Ziegler, Mddecm enchef del’armdefdddrale Suisse, Departement militaire Berne’ Switzerland.