HEALTH DEPARTMENT, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. KE0-XJLA.TI01TS GOVERNING Plumbing, House Drainage, and the Ventilation of House Sewers. • / O. [AC T authorizing the employment of an Inspector of Phw$iiio' in anc] for the District of Columbia, and for other purpostbsj* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia an Inspector of Plumbing for said District, whose duty it shall be to inspect all houses in course of erection, and pass upon the plumbing and sewerage of said houses. And the Health Officer of the District of Columbia is hereby au- thorized, under direction of the Commissioners, to execute and enforce regulations governing plumbing, house drainage, and the ventilation of house servers ; and any person who shall ne- glect or refuse to comply with the requirements of the said regulations when promulgated shall be punishable by a fine of from twenty-five to two hundred dollars for each and every such offense, or m default of payment of fine to imprisonment for thirty days. Approved January 25, 1881. In accordance with the foregoing act of Congress, and in pursuance of authority thereby conferred, the following reg- ulations are made and promulgated for the information and guidance of all concerned : Section 1. These regulations governing plumbing, house drainage, and the ventilation of house sewers, shall take effect1 ■ Act authoriz- ing appoint- ment ot Inspec- tor and execu- tion and en- forcement of regulations. Regulations to take effect. and be in force in the District of Columbia from and after June 15, 1881, and all work of the character named, placed in or upon any structure in the said District, shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the same. Sec. 2. 1. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing, under direction of the Health Officer, to sign and issue all notices and certificates, to keep a daily record of his work, in- cluding all notices and applications received, violations of these regulations noted, and all other matters which may per- tain thereto ; to make daily, weekly, and quarterly reports, and an annual report of his operations to the Health Officer. 2. He shall inspect all houses in course of erection, altera- tion, or repair, as often as may be necessary, and shall see that all plumbing, drainage, and sewerage work is done in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. 3. He shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office, and shall, be- fore entering upon its duties, execute a bond to the District of Columbia in the sum of five thousand dollars with three sureties, to be approved by the Commissioners, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office and for the benefit of all persons aggrieved by his acts or neglect. * Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every person doing business as a plumber, or engaged in conducting plumbing or house drainage in the District of Columbia, to register his or her name in a book to be provided for that purpose at the Health Department, giving full name, residence, and place of busi- ness, and in case of removal from one place to another, in said District, to make change in said register accordingly. Sec. 4. Before proceeding to lay or construct any portion of the drainage system of any house the plumber shall file with the Health Officer, for the Inspector of Plumbing, a plan thereof, showing the said drainage system entire, from its connection with the main sewer to terminus in house, to- gether with the location of all branches, traps, ventilating pipes, &c. Duties of the Inspector of Plumbing. Report to be made. Houses to be inspected. Oath to be tak- en and bond entered into. Plumbers to be registered. Planofplumb- ing work to be filed at the Health Depart- ment. Sec. 5. 1. Every soil, drain, or waste pipe, aboveground, shall be of metal. All soil pipes above ground shall be of iron, with leaded joints, not less than three inches in diame- ter, and shall be extended, full size, through roof of house. 2. No soil or drain pipe shall be laid under the house, unless absolutely unavoidable ; when necessary to lay a soil or drain pipe under house, said pipe shall be of iron, with leaded joints, and so located as to be accessible for inspection. 3. All soil, drain, waste, and supply pipes shall he concen- trated as much as possible, protected from exposure, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection. 4. All “safes” under basinsor refrigerators shall bedrained bv special pipes not directly connected with the sewer. 5. No rain-water leader shall be used either as a soil pipe or as a ventilator for sewer. 6. No brick or sheet metal flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator. 7. Rain-water leaders, when used in connection with any part of the drainage system of a house, shall be of iron with leaded joints. 8. All ironj soil, and sewer pipes shall be coated inside and out with coal tar pitch, asphalt, or some equivalent therefor, applied hot. 9. The weight of all iron pipe used shall be not less than: For six-inch pipe, pounds per lineal foot. For five-inch pipe, “ “ “ “ For four-inch pipe, u “ “ For three-inch pipe, “ “ “ “ For two-inch pipe, “ “ “ “ 10. All iron pipes before being concealed shall have open- ings stopped, and shall be filled with water and allowed to stand twenty-four hours for inspection. Sec. 6. 1. No traps shall be placed on or at the foot of vertical soil pipes. 2. All water-closets, sinks, basins, wash-trays, &c., shall have suitable and approved traps placed as near as practica- ble to said fixtures. Material of soil, drain, or waste pipes. Soil and drain pipes not to be laid under house. Pipes to be concentrated as much as possi- ble. “Safes” to be drained by special pipes. Rain-water leaders not to be used as soil pipes or venti- lators. No brick or metal flue to be used as venti- lator. Leaders to be of iron when used in connec- tion with drain- age system. Iron pipes to be painted. Weight of pipe to be used. Iron pipes to be tested. No traps on vertical soil pipes. When traps shall be used. Double trap on main drain. 3. A double trap,shall be placed on every main drain at an accessible point. Sec. 7. 1. Every main drain shall have an inlet for fresh air entering between the double trap and carried to such point on the outside of house as may be approved by the Inspector. 2. Each and every trap shall have a special vent pipe, ot cast iron, extending either above roof of house or into soil pipe above highest fixture. 3. The vent pipe for each water-closet trap shall be not less than two inches in diameter, and for traps under other fix- tures not less than one and one-lialf inches. Sec. 8. 1. All underground sewers shall be laid in trenches, cut at a uniform grade, and on a hydraulic base of four inches thickness. % - 2. All sewer pipes shall have a fall of at least one-half inch to the foot. 3. They shall be laid in straight lines. All changes in direction shall be made with curved pipes and all connections with Y-branch pipes. 4. All connections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with brass thimbles, full size of iron pipe, and plumbers/' wiped joints. • Sec. 9. 1. No vault, sink, cesspool, or dry-well shall be in any way connected with the drainage system of any house. 2. All overflow pipes from tanks and cisterns shall be pro- vided with traps as required in section six. 3. All pipes from sinks, wash-trays, &c., shall be provided with strong metallic strainers, the meshes not exceeding one- sixteenth of an inch in diameter. Sec. 10. 1. Where water supply is not ample for proper flushing of water-closets, &c., the Inspector of Plumbing may, in his discretion, order the erection of a tank or cistern into which water may flow at night, or into which it may be pumped. Main drain to be ventilated. Ventilation of traps. Size of vent pipes. Manner in which sewers shall be laid. Fall pre- scribed. Changes in direction and branches. Connections of lead with iron pipes. Vaults, sinks, and cesspools not to be con- nected with the drainage sys- tem. Overflow pipes to be trapped. Strainers to be used. Tanks or cis- terns to be used when necessary 2. Cisterns or tanks erected for purposes described in the foregoing paragraph shall not have an overflow pipe con- nected with any drain, and water supply for domestic purposes shall not be drawn therefrom. 3. Means for thorough flushing of all soil pipes, drain pipes, and water-closets, shall be provided in every case. Sec. 11. Sub-soil drains shall be provided wherever damp- ness of site of any proposed dwelling is known to exist. Sec. 12. 1. The Health Officer shall be notified promptly, in writing, and upon blank forms to be provided for that purpose, when the plumbing work on any house is completed and ready for inspection. 2. The Health Officer shall direct the Inspector of Plumb- ing, immediately upon notification by the plumber, to pro- ceed at once to inspect and pass upon the work, and all in- spections shall be made promptly, not later than twenty-four hours after such notification. 3. No part of the plumbing work of any house shall be covered, or in any manner hidden from view, until after such inspection has been made and a certificate of approval issued by the Inspector. 4. The Inspector shall promptly condemn and order re- moval of any defective material, or of any work done other than in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. Sec. 13. Prosecutions for infringement upon the provisions of these regulations shall be made by information filed in the Police Court of the District of Columbia. Supply for do- mestic pur- poses not to be drawn from tank or cistern. Thorough flushing to be secured. Sub-soil drains to be provided for damp sites. Notification to be given by plumbers. Inspection to be made at once. Work to re- main exposed until after ap- proval. Workxlone not i u accordance with the regula- tions to be con- demned. 1 How prosecu- tions shaii ue instituted.