12 PLUMBING REGULATIONS e/ U' OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 15, 1893, BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF SAID DISTRICT. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by an Act of the Congress of the United States, approved April 23, 1892. WASHINGTON, D. C. : JUDD & DETWEILER, PRINTERS. I893- TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. An Act to authorize the appointment of an Inspector of Plumbing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes v Okder of the Commissioners vii Plumbing Regulations : General regulations, sections 1 -19 1-7 Excavations in streets, sections 20-33 8-12 Water service pipes and connections with water mains, sections 34-66 13-20 House sewers and connections with public sewers, sections 67-86 / 21-27 Plumbing and drainage of buildings, sections 87- 138 28-37 Gas mains, subways, and conduits owned by pri- vate companies, sections 139-141 38 Code of Regulations governing the examination, regis- tration, and licensing of master and journeyman plumbers 39-41 Police Regulations—Extract relating to the care of pub- lic sewers 42-43 Ordek of Approval of Gas-Fitting Regulations 44 Regulations Governing Gas-Fitting 45-48 Index .. 49-56 An Act to authorize the appointment of an Inspector of Plumb- ing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia and their successors be, and they hereby are, authorized and empowered to make, modify, and enforce regulations governing plumbing, house drainage, and the ventilation, preservation, and maintenance in good order of house sewers and public sewers in the District of Columbia, and also regulations governing the examination, registration, and licensing of plumbers and the practice of tlie business of plumbing in said District; and any person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requirements of the provisions of said regulations after ten days’ notice of the specific thing required to be done thereunder, within the time limited by the Commis- sioners for doing such work, or as the said time may be extended by said Commissioners, shall upon conviction thereof be punish- able by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars for each and every such offense, or in default of payment of fine, to im- prisonment not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 2. That the said Commissioners and their successors be, and they hereby are, authorized and empowered to require every person licensed to practice the business of plumbing in the Dis- trict of Columbia, before engaging in the said business, to file a bond in such amount not exceeding the sum of two thousand dollars and with such number of sureties as the said Commis- sioners shall determine, conditioned upon the faithful perform- ance of all work in compliance with the plumbing regulations, and that the District of Columbia shall be kept harmless from the consequence of any and all acts of the said licensee during the period covered by the said bond. Sec. 3. That the said Commissioners and their successors be, and they hereby are, authorized to establish and charge a fee for each permit granted to connect any building, premises, or establishment with any sewer, water, or gas main, or other under- ground structure located in any public street, avenue, alley, road, highway, or space; and also to establish and charge a foe for each permit granted to make an excavation in any public street, avenue, alley, highway, road, or space for the purpose of repair- ing, altering, or extending any house sewer, water main, or gas main, or other underground construction. The fees authorized by this section shall be paid to the collector of taxes of the Dis- trict of Columbia and by him deposited in the Treasury of the United States, one-half to the credit of the United States and one-half to the credit of the District of Columbia. Sec. 4. That the Inspector of Plumbing and his assistants shall be under thp direction of said Commissioners, and they are hereby empowered accordingly, to inspect or cause to be in- spected, all houses when in course of erection in said District, to see that the plumbing, drainage, and ventilation of sewers thereof conform to the regulations hereinbefore provided for; and also at any time, during reasonable hours, under like direc- tion, on the application of the owner, or occupant, or the com- plaint under oath of any reputable citizen to inspector cause to be inspected any house in said District, to examine the plumb- ing, drainage, and ventilation of sewers thereof, and generally to see that the regulations hereinbefore provided for are duly observed and enforced. Sec. 5. Thatall laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith be, and they hereby are, repealed. Approved, April 23, 1892. Office of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, February 15, 1893. In accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress ap- proved April 23,1892, entitled act to authorize the appoint- ment of an Inspector of Plumbing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes,” it is Ordered, First: That the following regulations, sections 1 to 141 inclusive, be, and they hereby are, made and declared to be plumbing regulations in and for the said District, applicable as set forth in section 1, except to buildings or premises owned by or under the exclusive control of officers of the United States. Second: That the following regulations, sections A to J in- clusive, be, and they hereby are, made and declared to be regu- lations governing the examination, registration, and licensing of plumbers and the practice of plumbing in and for the said District. PLUMBING REGULATIONS. Section 1. These regulations shall be held to include and govern all work done and materials used (1) in introducing, maintaining and extending a supply of water through a pipe or pipes in any building, lot, premises, or establishment; (2) in con- nectingor repairingany system of drainage whereby foul, waste, or surplus water, gas, vapor, or other fluid is discharged or proposed to be discharged through a pipe or pipes from any building, lot, premises, or establishment into any public or house sewer, drain, cess-pool, pit, box, filter-bed, or other receptacle, or into any natural or artificial water- course flowing through public or private property ; (3) in ventilating any house sewer or any fixture or appurtenance connected therewith ; (4) in excavat- ing in any public street, avenue, highway, road, court, alley, or space, for the purpose of connecting any building, lot, premises, or establishment with any service pipe, house sewer, public water main, public sewer, gas main, subway, conduit, or other underground structure; and generally (5) in per formingall classes of work usually done by plumbers and drain-layers. Sec. 2. These regulations shall take effect and be in force in the District of Columbia from and after March 15,1893, and all work thereafter done, under any of the classes mentioned in section 1, shall be in accordance with the provisions herein specified. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing, under the direction of the Commissioners, GENERAL REGULATIONS Scope. Take e ff e c t March 15,189a. Inspector ot Plumbing, to inspect or cause to be inspected by his assistants, all ltouses when in course of erection in said I )is- triet, to see that the plumbing, drainage and venti- lation of sewers thereof conform to these regulations. It shall be his duty at any time during reason- able hours, under like direction, on ap Pi ication of the owner or occupant, or the complaint under oath of any reputable citizen, to inspect or cause to be inspected any house in said District, and to examine the plumbing, drainage, and ventilation of sewers thereof. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing to sign and issue all notices and certifi- cates of inspection and approval required by these regulations, excepting such permits and notices as are herein directed to be issued by other District officials. (Sections 10, 21, 20, 30, 32, 36, 70, 72, and 139.) He shall keep a daily record of the work of his office, including a statement of notices and certifi- cates issued, applications for inspection received, and complaints of violations of these regulations. He shall make a record of inspections of house sewers outside of the building line, and promptly forward a copy of the same to the Permit Clerk. He shall prepare weekly and annual reports to the Commissioners of the operations of bis office, with such recommendations as to its conduct and methods of increasing its efficiency as lie may see fit to suggest. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing to promptly examine plans and specifica- tions filed in his office for proposed plumbing work and house drainage, and he shall approve the same, if found in accordance with these regulations. It shall be his duty generally to see that these regulations are duly observed and enforced. (Sec- tion 18.) To issue no- tices, Keep daily rec- ord, And make re- ports, To examine plans. Sue. 6. The Inspector of Plumbing shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that he will faith- fully perform the duties of bis office, and shall, be- fore entering upon the said duties, execute a bond to the District of Columbia in the sum of five thou- sand dollars, with three sureties to be approved by the Commissioners, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for the benefit of all persons who may be aggrieved by his acts or neglect. Sec. 7. Every person who shall desire, from and after May 1, 1893, to practice the business of plumbing as a master plumber in the District of Columbia shall, before engaging or continuing in the said business, comply with each of the follow- ing requirements in the order given: He shall apply to the board appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the examination of plumbers, and shall present himself for examination at the time designated by such board. lie shall, if declared competent by the examining board, register his name in a book to be provided for that purpose in the olfice of the Inspector of Plumbing, stating full name, residence and perma- nent place of business in the District of Columbia. In case of removal of said place of business he shall at once notify the Inspector of Plumbing. He shall procure from the Commissioners a license to practice the business of plumbing in the District of Columbia, and shall file in the office of tbe Com- missioners a bond, with three sureties, in the sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance, during the stated period of three years, of all work in compliance with these regulations, and that the District of Columbia shall be kept harmless from the consequence of any and all acts of the said licensee during the period cov- ered by the said bond. Oath and bond Master plumb- ers, To apply forex- amination, To register, To procure li- cense and fiie bond. To display sign It shall be the duty of every such person to dis- play at his place of business, outside thereof, a sign with full registered name in letters not less than four inches high. No permit, certificate or license shall be issued to any person included in the provisions of t his sect ion who shall not have fully complied with all the re- quirements herein specified, and all other require- ments made by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to govern the examination, registration, and licensing of master plumbers, f On and after April 1,1894, it shall not he lawful for any person not a licensed master plumber to employ another person to work at the plumbing trade as a journeyman plumber, and no person shall be so employed after that date who does not hold a cer- tificate of competency issued by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and setting forth his ability to do work as a journeyman plumber. Skc. 8. Every person who shall desire, from and after November 1, 1893, to work at the trade of plumbing in the District of Columbia as a journey- man plumber, and who does not practice the busi- ness of plumbing (see section 7), shall apply the board appointed by the Commissioners of the Dis- trict oft Columbia for the examination of plumbers, and shall present himself for examination at the time designated by such board. If declared compe- tent by the examining board, he shall register his name in the office of the 1 nspector of Plumbing and receive a certificate of competency to do work as a journeyman plumber. Sec. 9. Before any portion of the water supply or drainage system of any building, premises, or estab- lishment shall be laid or constructed, there shall be filed by the owner, architect, or builder, plans and specifications therefor, with the Inspector of Plumb- ing, showing the said system entire (including Employment of journey men plumbers. Jou r n e y m a n plumbers to apply for ex- am i n at i o n and to regis- ter. Plans and spec- ifications of drainage sys- te m to be filed. traps, supply, waste, and ventilating pipes) from its connection with the public sewer and water main to its terminus inside the building line. The name of the plumber who is to perform the work shall be given, and the plans and specifications must be approved in writing by the Inspector of Plumbing before any portion of the work shall be executed. No subsequent alteration shall be made in these plans and specifications without the written ap- proval of the Inspector of Plumbing. No permit shall be given for the erection of any building until said plans and specifications of the plumbing work shall have been presented and approved. These plans and specifications shall be kept on file in the oliice of the Inspector of Plumb- ing, and in form and matter must be satisfactory to the Commissioners. Sec. 10. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to connect or cause to be connected any building, lot, premises, or establishment with any water main, public sewer, or gas main, or with any service pipe for water or any house sewer, or with any subway, conduit, or other underground struc- ture, without a permit obtained from the Permit Clerk before commencing any part of the work. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all water mains, sewers, and water service pipes, plumb- ing, and systems of drainage or piping, whether on private property or in any public street, and to each separate building, whether situated on the same or different lots, and connected or proposed to be con- nected, directly or indirectly, with any water main, water service pipe, public or house sewer, gas main, subway, conduit, or other underground structure. The conditions of this permit must be strictly complied with, and the work must be done by the plumber in whose name the permit is given. Sec. 11. No person shall run or cause to be run a water or sewer pipe through or from one lot or sub- Permit re- quired. Separate and direct service. lot, or from any structure thereon, into another sep- arate lot or sublot, or structure thereon. Every water service pipe or house sewer must be run from the public street directly into the build- ing, lot, premises, or establishment to be served. Sec. 12. Any licensed plumber who shall neglect or refuse to comply with these regulations, or with the conditions of his permit, shall have his license suspended or revoked, and shall be thereby de- barred from obtaining permits or doing plumbing work for such length of time as the Commissioners may deem just and proper, and shall also be liable to prosecution. (See section 18.) Sec. 13. Bad faith in the performance of work under a permit shall be deemed a sufficient reason for subjecting the plumber so offending to a sus- pension of his license, and every plumber shall be held responsible for the violation of these regula- tions by mechanics, laborers, and helpers employed by him. Sec. 14. No permit shall be issued to any licensed plumber during the time that he shall fail to remedy any defective work, after the sending of a written notice that he has been held responsible therefor under these regulations. Sec. 15. Under no circumstances whatever shall verbal permission given by any one, whether con- nected with the government of the District of Co- lumbia or not, be considered a justification for any deviation from, or violation of, these regulations. Sec. 16. In all cases in which any provision of these regulations requires or prohibits the doing of a certain act, the person actually violating such provision and the employer of such person and all other persons concerned therein shall severally be held liable to the full extent of the prescribed Suspension or revocation of license. Conditions of permits must be observed. Permits with- held. Verbal waiving of regulations insufficient. Workman and employer severally lia- ble. penalty: Provided, That such penalty shall be paid but once. Sec. 17. For the purpose of these regulations the word “ person ” signifies and includes firms, corpo- rations, and companies, and words of one gender signify and include persons of both genders, and words of one number signify and include persons and things of both numbers, and, except when in- consistent with the manifest intent and meaning of these regulations, the word “ street ” signifies each and every place or space mentioned in section 1 of these regulations. Sec. 18. Prosecution for infringement upon the provisions of these regulations shall be made by in- formation filed in the Police Court of the District of Columbia, by the proper officer of the District. Sec. 19. These regulations shall be subject to al- teration or amendment at any time, and all exist- ing regulations or parts thereof, inconsistent with these regulations, are hereby repealed. Words “per- son,’1 gender, number, and “ street,” in- clusive. Prosecutions. Amendments. EXCAVATIONS IN STREETS Permits for ex cnvation. Sec. 20. It is required that each permit for an excavation in a public street be taken out before the work is commenced; that it be kept at the place of excavation while the work is being done and be exhibited whenever called for by the police or other persons having authority to examine the same; that no authorized underground construction be injured or interfered with ; that no asphalt, coal- tar, concrete, granite, or other improved surface be disturbed, unless a deposit shall have been made to cover the cost of repairing the same ; that, subject to the provisions of these regulations, all portions of the street excavated be put in as good condition as before the'excavation was made; that the trench be filled up and thoroughly rammed (and puddled, if required) .within forty-eight hours after making the connections or repairs, the ramming to be done in six-inch layers; and that all rubbish or other for- eign material be removed within the time desig- nated for the completion of the work, after which the permit shall become void and of no effect; that during the execution of the work the trench be suitably guarded during the day, and that it be thoroughly covered or securely barricaded from sunset to sunrise, and that lighted red lamps be so placed before dark, every night, as to pre- vent accidents to persons or animals passing along the street; and that the District of Columbia be protected and saved harmless from the conse- quences of any injury to any person or property, due to the execution of the permit issued by said District of Columbia to any person or corporation, to excavate in any public street. Sec. 21. Applications for permits to excavate in any public street, for the purpose of doing any work Application to Permit Clerk. contemplated in section 10, must be made to the Permit Clerk. (See sections 22, 24, 32, 34, 07, and 139.' Blank forms of application will be furnished to registered plumbers and the representatives of companies having gas mains, subways, or conduits in the streets. One dollar shall be paid as permit fee for each building, lot, premises, or establishment connected, and for each excavation made for repair- ing pipes or other underground structures, and the receipt of this fee must be entered upon each ap- plication. The fee must in all easels be paid before the application is presented to the Permit Clerk. No fee will be required, however, for a permit to make connection with any public sewer, bouse sewer, water main, gas main, or service pipe, when all the work, including the place of connection, lies wholly within the limits of private property, but in every case a permit must be taken out as required by section 10. Every application for a permit for work to be done under section 10, shall be signed by the owner of the premises, whose address shall be written under his signature, and by the regis- tered plumber or other person who is to do the work. Signature by agent shall not be accpted if the owner resides in the 1 )istrict of Columbia. Any licensed plumber presenting a fraudulently signed application shall have his license revoked. Each applicant must state the street and number of the building, premises, or establishment, and also the lot or sublot and square. Sec. 22. Blank forms for emergency permits for repairs to sewer and water pipes, shall be kept at each police precinct station. The senior officer on duty is authorized to issue these permits to licensed plumbers in case of emergency, but only when the permit office in known to be closed ; and the officer issu- ing such emergency permit shall promptly transmit a report thereof, through the proper channels, to the Permit Clerk. The emergency permit shall in no Fee. Work within private prop- erty. Application to be signed by owner and plumber. Emergency permits. case take the place of the regular permit, for which the plumber concerned shall apply during the first succeeding day on which the permit office is open. Sec. 23. All fees and other charges connected with permits issued or to be issued under these regula- tions must be paid to the Collector of Taxes of the District of Columbia, who is the only officer author- ized to receive them. Sec. 24. Every application to connect a building, lot, premises, or establishment, with a water main- water service pipe, public or private sewer, gas main, conduit or subway, or other underground structure, or to repair a house sewer or service pipe for water or gas, must state the exact location and number of the buildingor premises, and the number of the lot and square. (See also sections' 21, 34, 37, 07, and 130). Sec. 25. All cuts in sheet asphalt and coal-tar sur- faces shall be repaired by the contractor doing simi- lar work for the District government, and all cuts in block or similar pavements, by the Superintend- ent of Streets. Sec. 26. As soon as possible after a cut has been made in any paved carriage-way, or in any footway laid with other than ordinary brick pavement, it shall be filled in, as required by section 20, by the plumber or other person making the same, after which it shall be taken in charge by the District authorities. Sec. 27. No person shall, without special written permission from the officer in charge of surface work, tunnel under the carriage-way of any street to a greater distance than four feet from the curb thereof, for the purpose of doing any work governed by these regulations. The surface of the pavement shall be removed to the same width as the earth in the trench below the surface. Pees paid to Collector of Taxes. Application to state location, number, lot, and square. Pavement re- pairs. Out to be promptly filled. Tunneling pro- hibited. Sec. 28. All plumbers or others removing valu- able material from the street, such as granite blocks, asphalt blocks, Ac., shall be held accountable for the same until it is relaid by the District, and any of this material lost or injured shall be charged to them. In case the plumber or other person mak- ing the excavation so elects, he may haul the ma- terial to the District property yard and take a re- ceipt for the same, when his responsibility for it shall cease. Sec. 29. Each registered plumber shall, before being granted a permit to make a cut in any paved street, deposit the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) with the Collector of Taxes, which amount he shall keep good whenever called upon by the Engineer Com- missioner to do so, and which shall be used in re- pairing pavements cut. The following rates shall be charged for repairing cuts : Sheet pavement, 35 cents per square foot. Granite-block pa vement, 15 cents per square foot, and five cents for each granite block lost. Asphalt block pavement, 15 cents per square foot and 7\ cents for each asphalt block lost or broken. Granolithic pavement, 25 cents per square foot. Vitrified brick pavement, 15 cents per square foot, and 2 cents for each vitrified brick lost or broken. Macadam and Telford pavement, 15 cents per square foot. Cobble pavement, 5 cents per square foot. Sec. 30. After the filling of any trench in a brick sidewalk, the latter shall be immediately relaid by the person to whom the permit was issued, in ac- cordance with the specifications of the Engineer Department for similar work in force at the time, and snail be kept properly surfaced for two years thereafter. In case the original repairs are not made at once, and any subsequent repairs needed are not made within three working days after the Plumbers held accountable for paving materials re- moved. Advance de posit. Cost of repairs to pavements. Brick pave- ment repairs. receipt of written notice from the Permit Clerk of the necessity for the same, the plumber’s license shall be suspended, and the Commissioners will order the work done in such way as may appear most convenient and expeditious, and charge the sum of the cost of the same to the plumber. The latter’s name shall not be restored to the register until such expense as shall have been incurred is paid. Sec. 31. The work of repairing plumbers’ cuts in any portion of a street for the pavement of which street railroads are responsible, shall be performed by the contractor doing similar work for the District government, or by the Superintendent of Streets, and the cost thereof shall be paid out of the deposit of the plumber concerned. Sec. 32. Every plumber whose balance of deposit has fallen below ten dollars ($10.00) shall be notified by the Engineer Commissioner to make good such balance, and no permit to m ike an excavation in an improved street shall be granted any plumber who shall fail to make good his deposit. No per- mit to do any work contemplated by these regula- tions shall be granted to any plumber who shall fail to settle his indebtedness to the District, after re- ceiving due notice thereof. Sec. 33. Between November 1st and March 1st no permit shall be issued to make an excavation in any street, except for necessary repairs to sewer, water, and gas pipes. In cases of such necessary repairs, the Permit Clerk is authorized, upon presentation of the regu- lar application, to issue the necessary permit. Pavement re- pairs adjacent to street rail- roads. Deposit re- newed. Excavation in winter limit- ed to repairs. WATER SERVICE PIPES AND CONNECTIONS WITH WATER MAINS. Sec. 34. Every application for a permit to make connection with the system of Potomac water mains, or service pipes attached thereto, or to re- pair a service pipe outside the building line, must state upon the blank form furnished for the purpose the number and exact location of the building, premises, or establishment; the number of the square and lot or sublot; the number of stories and front feet; the purpose for which the water is to be used ; and the time at which the tap will he required to be made by the Water Department. Sec. 35. A permit may be issued to lay, in a street in which there is no water main, a temporary gal- vanized iron water service main for building pur- poses, or to supply a building, lot, premises, or establishment with Potomac water. That portion of the service pipe from the building line to the temporary main, must be drawn-lead pipe of standard weight, and have a stop-cock connected thereto with wiped joints made of the best qual- ity of plumbers’ solder. In all cases there must he a separate stop-cock and box, located as pro- vided in section 55, for each building, lot, prem- ises, or establishment, and immediately after a water main has been laid the temporary service pipe must he disconnected at the main from which the supply of water is taken, and that portion of the service pipe laid with drawn-lead pipe must be ex- tended with the same. Sec. 36. No permit shall be issued to a registered plumber to lay a temporary water service pipe to supply a building, lot. premises, or establishment on any street in which there is no water main, until Application for permit to lay water service pipe. Temporary service main. Owner to sign agreement to connect with main. the owner or lawful agent shall sign an agreement that, immediately after a main lias been laid, the temporary service pipe shall he promptly discon- nected and connected directly on the main as herein provided. In case of any failure or delay on the part of the owner or lawful agent, after due notice has been given by the Water Department, to fully and promptly comply with the agreement on which a permit was issued for laying a temporary water service pipe, the Water Department shall cutoff the supply of water from the building, lot, premises, or establishment, and it shall not be turned on until the regulation herein prescribed has been complied with. Sec. 37. Special permits may be issued, without charge, for alterations and repairs of water service pipes inside the building line, and for the lowering and raising of stop-cock boxes. Any plumber who shall take advantage of a permit of this class to do unauthorized work shall have his license revoked and shall be prosecuted for violation of these regu- lations. Sec. 38. One dollar will be charged as a fee for a permit to connect each house, lot, premises, or es- tablishment with the system of Potomac water mains, or to repair a water service pipe outside the building line; and the size of the tap and the charge therefor shall be regulated as follows:— Permit for re- pairs. Fee for permit Water rent. Size of tap. o5 & o Where annual water rent is— \ inch jj inch ij inch $.‘5 00 3 oo $15 to $20 3 00 $25 or more 1 inch 8 oo Size of tap. Sec. 39. No tap or connection of larger size than herein provided shall be allowed, except for prop- erty exempted from the payment of water rent or in cases where a meter is to be used to register the water consumed. Sec. 40. No water main shall be tapped under any circumstances except by the regular tapper of the Water Department. Sec. 41. Hereafter, under no circumstances, shall any water main larger than twelve (12) inches in diameter be permitted to be tapped except by special written permission of the Engineer Commissioner. No tap shall be nearer than six inches to a bell of the water main, and no two taps shall be nearer to- gether than two feet. Sec. 42. No person shall connect or cause to be connected any building, lot, premises, or establish- ment with the water service pipe belonging to or supplying any other building, lot, premises, or estab- lishment : Provided, That this regulation shall not prevent a dwelling and a stable upon the same lot from being supplied by the same service pipe ; but if the stable be converted wholly or partially into a dwelling or place of business a separate service pipe, with independent stop-cock and box, must be laid to supply it. Sec. 43. No person shall lay or cause to be laid any permanent underground water service pipe for the introduction of Potomac water to any building, lot, premises, or establishment, of any other mate- al than drawn-lead pipe of the standard weight hereinafter specified. Sec. 44. Every water service pipe shall be laid at least four feet below the surface of the ground, and must have a slack of six inches at the main to pre- vent undue strain or injury to the tap by the set- tling of the trench. Above one inch prohibited. Tapping mains. Independent service. Material to be drawn-1 e a d pipe. Depth and slack. Replac e m e n t with drawn- lead pipe. Sec. 45. When the replacement of a galvanized iron water service pipe is required, drawn-lead pipe of standard weight must he substituted for iron pipe from the tap in the main to the building served. Sec. 4(5. In case of a defective lead connection at the main requiring repairs there must he substi- tuted a new lead connection of drawn pipe of stand- ard weight, with wiped joints, made of the best quality of plumbers’ solder, and a brass thimble. Sec. 47. If minor repairs are required to a galvan- ized iron water service pipe in a foot-walk, parking, or alley, it maybe repaired with the same material; hut in all cases where repairs are required to a gal- vanized iron service pipe in a roadway, drawn-lead pipe of a standard weight must he substituted therefor from the tap in the main to the inside of the curb. Sec. 48. In connecting the lead waterservice pipe with a corporation tap, the end and the curved por- tion of the tap shall he first carefully filed and tinned, and shall he made to enter the lead pipe at least one-half (4) inch, and he connected therewith by a wiped joint, made with the best quality of plumbers’ solder. Sec. 4i). The lead pipe used for water services shall he of the class known as A A or “ extra strong,” and shall weigh per lineal foot for various diame- ters not less than the following : Lead connec- tions. Repairs, Connection with tup. Diameter pipe (inside). Weight per foot. J inch 3 pounds 8 oz. 4 pounds 12 oz. 1J inches 5 pounds 12 oz. 8 pounds. 8 pounds 8 oz. 9 pounds. 1£inches i|inches 2 inches. W e i k It t s re- quired. Sec. 50. A water service pipe of greater diameter than two (2) inches must be of cast-iron, and shall be furnished and laid from the main to the build- ing line by the Water Department, at the expense of the applicant or owner. Sec. 51. No person shall drive or cause to be driven any water service pipe of any material. If it is desired to pass a service pipe from one point to another without excavating a trench, it shall be allowed to be done only when a channel is made by a separate instrument, through which the service pipe can be passed without strain, or when a larger pipe is driven and left in place and through this the service pipe is passed. Sec. 52. No person shall lay or cause to be laid a water service pipe in a trench excavated for a house sewer, or within eighteen inches thereof, measured horizontally. Sec. 53. Two service pipes shall be permitted in one trench only when a sheet pavement must be cut; otherwise a separate trench shall be dug for each oipe. In no case shall more than two service pipes be placed in one trench. Sec. 54. No person shall lay or cause to be laid any water service pipe unless the same shall be provided with a stop-cock or gate valve of material and construction approved by the Engineer Com- missioner, and an extension stop-cock box of ap- proved pattern, with a non-detachable cover. Every stop-cock box provided for as above shall have cast upon its cover the words “ Potomac Water.” Sec. 55. In order to remove, as far as possible, all obstacles from the traveled portion of the footway, it is prescribed that, on unparked streets, where the water main lies in the roadway, the stop-cock boxes shall be located just inside the curb; when the Service above two inches diameter. Driving of serv- ice pipes pro- hibited. Separate trench. Cock or valve. Location of stop-cock boxes. water main lies in the footway the stop-cock boxes shall be placed outside of, and as close as possible to, the building line. On parked streets the stop- cock boxes shall lie located in easily accessible sit- uations between the footway and the building line. In every case where a stop cock box is to be platted between the curb and the building line, it shall be located opposite to the building to be served. In alleys the stop-cock boxes shall be placed outside of and as close as possible to the building line, and opposite the premises served. Sec. 5(>. When an old service pipe is repaired the stop-cock and box, if located in the traveled portion of the footway, shall be moved so as to conform to these regulations. Stop-cock boxes for gas shall be located as prescribed for water stop-cock boxes. Sec. 57. If no suitable position for the stop cock box can be found in the footway or parking, an ex- tension box of exceptionally strong construction shall be placed in the carriage-way,as near as prac- ticable to the curb. The location of the street stop- cock in a vault or other inaccessible situation shall not be permitted. Sec. 58. No person shall repair or replace any broken or defective stop cock box, except with a new extension box or part thereof, of the kind above prescribed. The use of non-extension boxes in making new connections or repairs or in replac- ing broken, defective, or worn-out boxes shall not be permitted. Sec. 59. No person shall place or caused to be placed any pavement-washer or hose attachment in any footway or portion thereof. All such fixtures must be connected to the service pipe inside of the front wall of the building and may project there- from above the surface of tin; ground, suitable pre- cautions being taken against freezing. In repair- Location of stop-cock boxes. It in carriage- way. Repairs to stop- cock boxes. 1* si v e in e n t washer. ing or replacing a service pipe having a pavement- washer or hose attachment connected thereto, the fixture must be located as herein prescribed. All new pavement-washers and hose attachments must he of material and construction approved by the Engineer Commissioner. Sec. 60. Every service pipe shall be examined before the trench is filled by the water-tapper or a regular inspector of the Water Department, who shall require all materials and workmanship to be as established by the law and these regulations. Any service pipe laid and covered without inspec- tion must be promptly uncovered by the plumber holding the permit for doing the work. If not so uncovered, the trench shall be opened by the Water Department and the actual cost charged against the plumber responsible for the work, who shall be suspended unless said cost is paid, and shall be liable to prosecution. Appointments for these ex- aminations shall be made in advance, as in the case of tapping sewers. Sec. 61. It shall not be lawful, except in private dwellings,' to connect or have connected a pump directly with a service pipe or street main for sup- plying Potomac water to a steam boiler, tank, or receptacle in a building, premises, or establishment; the water must be drawn from a tank or receptacle into which it has been previously discharged. Sec. 62. All boiler feed-pumps or pumps used for any purpose, except in private dwellings for domes- tic use, which are connected directly with a service pipe or street main, shall be promptly disconnected and made to conform to the foregoing regulations. Sec. 63. Steam-boilers supplied with Potomac water b\r a pump or injector shall be provided with a tank or receptacle of sufficient capacity to hold at least six (6) hours’ supply in case of shutting off of Inspection of service pipe. Pump connec- tions. Size of tank 20 any main or mains for repairs, alteration, or exten- sion. Sec. 64. In order to prevent damage by collapse or explosion when the water is shut olf from the street mains, suitable safety and vacuum valves, or other sufficient device, must be applied to steam- boilers and copper house boilers for domestic use, taking a supply of Potomac water directly from service pipes and depending wholly on the hydro- static pressure in the street mains for supplying such boilers. For accidents resulting from imper- fect action of any such valves, from insecure and imperfect boilers, or from variations in the water pressure, which may cause water-backs of cooking ranges or stoves to be alternately filled with water and steam partly superheated, the Water Depart- ment will in no case be responsible. Sec. 65. It shall be the duty of every licensed plumber to shut off the How of water at the stop- cock immediately after testing the plumbing work of each house connected and to leave it so shut off in every case. Sec. 66. All plumbers are required to notify the Engineer Commissioner, upon blanks to be supplied for the purpose, of any and all extensions of service pipes and of all alterations of water fixtures and pipes made inside of buildings or lots occupied or intended to be occupied, wholly or in part, for man- ufacturing, business, or office purposes. Siifety and vac- uum valves. Plumber to shut oil water. Notice of exten- sions or alter- ations. HOUSE SEWERS AND CONNECTIONS WITH PUBLIC SEWERS. Sec. 67. Every application to connect a building, lot, premises, or establishment with a public or liouse sewer, or to repair a house sewer, must state the exact location and the number of the building or premises, giving the number of the lot and square, the approximate frontage and depth of the lot, whether the building is to he drained toward the front or rear, whether the proposed house sewer is to be of iron or vitrified pipe, and the time when the inspector or sewer-tapper will he required to he present to inspect the house sewer and the connec- tion made with the public sewer. (See sections 10 and 69.) Sec. 68. If a building or premises is to he drained toward the front thereof, the house sewer shall in all cases he constructed from its junction with the public sewer to its terminus in the lol either of extra heavy cast-iron pipe (section 109) or of wrought metal pipe of quality and thickness ap- proved by the Inspector of Plumbing. If a building or premises is to he drained toward the rear thereof, a vitrified pipe sewer may he laid from the public sewer to a point ten ,10) feet from the wall of the building nearest to the public sewer, from which point to and within the building, the house sewer shall he of iron pipe, as specified in section 109. Inside the building line the house sewer must be laid entirely within the limits of the lot proposed to he drained. No vitrified pipe house sewer shall he laid closer than five (5) feet to any exterior wall of a building. Sec. 69. The inspection of vitrified pipe liouse sewers and connections thereof with the public Application to state location. number, size, etc. Wrought metal house sewer. Vitrified liouse sewer. Inspection sewer shall be made by a sewer-tapper or other authorized officer of the Sewer Division, under the direction of the Superintendent of Sewers. The inspection of iron house sewers and connec- tions thereof with the public sewer shall be made by the Inspector of Plumbing or by his assistants. Iron pipe, branches and other material used for iron house sewers shall be inspected by the In- spector of Plumbing. Connecting thimbles, vitrified pipe, Y branches and all other materials used in connecting a vitri- fied pipe house sewer with a public sewer shall In* inspected by a sewer-tapper. In both cases all materials shall be provided by the plumber. Sec. 70. Each house sewer shall consist of a sep- arate drain pipe of iron or vitrified stoneware of the size specified in the following table for the various areas, the total area of the lot to be drained being taken to determine the size of the house sewer: Materials. Area to be drained. Inside diameter of house sewer. Least fall. Square feet. Iron. Vitrified pipe. 100 to 2,500 4" b" 1" in 40" 2,500 to 4,000 5" 6" 1" in 48" 4,000 to 10,000 6" 8" 1" in 60" Size of liou.se sewer. No house sewer greater than six inches inside diameter shall be allowed without the written ap- proval of the Superintendent of Sewers. No house sewer shall he laid with a less fall than required by this table, or with a greater fall at or within four (4) feet of the junction with the main sewer than two (2) inches vertical in three (2) inches horizontal. Fall The limits of grade specified are intended to ap- ply only to extreme and unusual cases; in all ordi- nary cases, a practically uniform grade shall be preserved from a point five (5) feet exterior to the building served or the building line thereof to the junction with the main sewer. All changes in di- rection of a house sewer shall be made by means of curved pipes, and connections therewith by means of Y branches and one-eiglitli bends. Sec. 71. No person shall connect, or cause to be connected, the drainage system of any building, lot, premises, or establishment, otherwise than with that portion of the public sewer system intended for it, as shown by the records in the office of the Sewer Division of the District of Columbia. This restriction shall not prohibit the connection of a house sewer near the bench of a terminal man- hole, at least half of which is opposite to the prem- ises to be served, if such connection be approved by the Superintendent of Sewers. Sec. 72. No person shall cut or tap, or cause to be cut or tapped, any public sewer in which there ex- ists a branch or junction opposite to the building, lot, premises, or establishment to be connected. Information concerning the location and depth of public sewers, and the position of branches or junc- tions, will be furnished, when requested, by the Permit Clerk. All reasonable care will be taken to insure the correctness of such information, but such correctness will not be in any case guaranteed by the Commissioners. Sec. 73. Whenever it shall have been positively ascertained that no branch, junction, or suitable inlet exists to serve the property concerned, a per- mit may be given to make a connection with the public sewer in conformity to sections 74 to 77. Sec. 74. If the public sewer be a pipe sewer ten (10) inches or less than ten (.10) inches in diameter, Connection with public sewer. Y-br,'inches. When no branch exists. Ten-inch pipe sewer. the connection shall he made by taking out a length of pipe and substituting therefor a Y-branch of the proper size, which branch shall be laid, in the pres- ence of the sewer-tapper, in strict accordance with the District of Columbia specifications for pipe sewers. The length of pipe to be replaced may be removed before the arrival of the sewer-tapper, who shall inspect the public sewer and make a record of the condition of the same, and shall see that it has not been damaged ; that no rubbish has been allowed to enter it, and that tlie inserted branch is prop- erly laid. Sec. 75. If the public sewer be a pipe sewer, hav- ing a diameter of twelve (12) inches or more, and the house sewer to be connected be of iron, the connection may be made by the plumber, who shall carefully cut a hole of the least practicable size in the public sewer and insert a connecting thimble of vitrified stoneware of the same size as the house sewer. No other vitrified pipe or fitting shall be used upon an iron lateral. Any connection thus made, and the house sewer to the building line shall, before being covered, be inspected by the Inspector of Plumbing or his as- sistant, who shall inspect and make a record of the condition of the public sewer, and shall make a prompt return of such inspection to the Permit Clerk, as in the case of inspection by the sewer- tapper. No house sewer, either of iron or vitrified pipe, greater than six (6) inches in diameter shall be connected to a twelve (12) inch pipe sewer, ex- cept at a manhole. Sec. 76. If the public sewer be a pipe sewer hav- ing a diameter of twelve (12) inches or more, and the house sewer to be connected be of vitrified pipe, the entrance hole in the public sewer shall be cut by the sewer-tapper and the connection by means Inspection of iron house sewer. Vitrified house sewer. of a thimble of the proper size shall be made in his presence. Sec. 77. If the public sewer be a brick or concrete sewer, or a connection is to be made in a manhole, the entrance hole into the same shall be cut by the sewer-tapper, or other authorized employee of the Sewer Division, whether the lateral be vitrified pipe or iron, and he shall make the connection with such public sewer by means of a short piece of pipe of the prescribed diameter, so cut that the pipe shoulder shall rest against the outer surface of the sewer and no portion extend within it. The inner surface of the public sewer around any connection so made shall be pointed and smoothed by the sewer-tapper, who shall enter the sewer for that purpose, if practicable. Sec. 78. Every house sewer shall be laid true to line and grade, each section of pipe being properly bedded. If laid with iron pipe, the joints must be screwed or leaded; if laid with terra-cotta pipe, the joints must be made with mortar composed of one part hydraulic cement and two parts clean river sand, and the pipes shall be laid upon and embedded in a foundation of hydraulic cement concrete not less than three inches in thickness, and hydraulic concrete shall also thoroughly envelop the joints to a thickness of at least three inches. The concrete shall be composed of one part hydraulic cement, two parts clean river sand, and four parts either of small broken stone, broken hard brick, or clean river gravel, free from loam, and shall be mixed upon a tight mortar-board or yvitliin a suitable tight box. Sec. 79. No person shall cover, or cause to be cov- ered, any house sewer, or connection with a public sewer, without due inspection and approval of the same by the Inspector of Plumbing or sewer-tapper. Connection with brick sewers. Joints. Concrete. Inspection. Tf this rule is violated, the Sewer Division shall make the excavation necessary for an examination at the expense of the plumber, whose license shall be suspended until said expense is paid and for such longer period as the Commissioners may direct, and who shall be subject to prosecution. Sec. 80. If any public sewer be damaged or ob- structed or otherwise left in bad order by a plumber, the necessary repairs and cleaning shall be effected by the Sewer Division, and the cost thereof charged against the plumber responsible for the bad or un- satisfactory work. Sec. 81. No person shall make, or cause to be made or maintained, any connection with any public or house sewer, or appurtenance thereof, for the pur- pose of conveying into the same any suffocating, corrosive, inflammable or explosive liquid, gas, vapor, substance, or material of any kind; and no person shall do any actor thing which may impede or obstruct the flow, or interfere with the free dis- charge or ventilation of, any house sewer, or appur- tenance thereof. Sec. 82. No person shall make, or cause to be made, any opening in a house sewer to drain surface water from any building, lot, cellar, or excavation, unless the same shall he provided with a strainer having holes not exceeding one-quarter inch in their greatest dimension, and all openings of the kind shall be temporary. Sec. 83. No person shall make, or cause to be made, any connection for a portable water-closet or privy with any manhole, basin, trap, or trap lateral. Sec. 84. Where two dwellings are built upon the same lot, one in the rear of the other, or in any other relative positions, each shall have a separate and independent house sewer, and neither dwelling Damage Strainer Portable closet prohibited. Separate house sewer. sliull drain under or through the premises or build- ing of the other. Skc. 85. No person shall make, or cause to he made or maintained, any connection through which steam, hot water, or other hot liquid, or hot gases or vapors, may be discharged into any public or house sewer or appurtenance thereof, except through a condens- ing tank of dimensions and construction approved in each case by the Inspector of Plumbing in advance of the performance of the work. The dis- charge pipe of the condenser must connect with the house sewer on the street side of the running trap. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the ordinary hot-water boiler connected with the range of a dwelling, except that no sediment cock from such a boiler shall he directly connected to any house sewer. Sec. 86. All permits for connecting with public sewers are given on condition that owners take all risk of damages tjiat may result from water setting hack into premises from the main sewers; and in order to prevent, as much as possible, the setting back of water, the owner is hereby required, at his own cost and risk, to put in a self-acting or other valve in all cases where the hack-flow from a sewer is to be apprehended; and it shall be the duty of the owner to keep the valve in order, and he shall he responsible for its action in all cases. When the sewer connection is of iron and carried up within the premises as a closed pipe, without openings or connections of any kind, above the level of any possible hack-flow, the flood-valve may he dispensed with. Condensing tank. Back-water valves. PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE OF BUILD- INGS. Soil pipes. Sec. 87. All soil, drain, waste and vent pipes shall be located inside of buildings. Every soil and vent pipe shall be of iron or lead, with screwed, leaded, or wiped joints, and shall be so located as to be accessible for inspection. Pipes of this kind shall be kept above ground, if practicable. Sec. 88. Vertical soil pipes shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter, and shall extend at least two (2) feet above the highest part of the building or contiguous property. In all buildings having three (.'}) stories the di- ameter of vertical soil pipes shall be one (1) inch greater from a point one (1) foot below the roof than that of the pipe proper, and the increased size of pipe shall continue through and above the roof. In buildings having more than three (3) stories, vertical soil pipes shall be increased one (1) inch in diameter at each twenty-five (25) feet of eleva- tion above the third story. Sec. 89. Each vertical soil pipe shall he provided near its lower end with a Y branch, having a brass trap screw for cleaning purposes, not less than four (4) inches in diameter, and suitably located for ready access. Sec. 90. Every soil and waste pipe shall have a slope or incline of at least 1 in 40, and vent pipes, where not vertical, shall have a continuous slope. Sec. 91. When any soil or drain pipe is intended to be reduced, a proper reducing fitting shall be pro- vided. Tail-end pieces shall not be used for that purpose. Increase. Clean-out Slope. Sec. 92. Soil, drain, and waste pipes and traps ] must, if practicable, be exposed to view for ready inspection at all times and for convenience in re- pairing. Sec. 93. When necessarily placed within parti- tions or in recesses of walls, soil, waste and vent pipes shall be exposed, or cased with wood-work so fastened with screws as to be readily removed. In no case shall they be inaccessible. Sec. 94. When a soil pipe or a house sewer passes under any masonry wall, there-shall be provided a relieving arch to prevent injury from settling of the wall, or there shall be built into the wall during its construction an iron pipe not less than two (2) inches in diameter greater than the pipe proposed to be run. Sec. 95. All soil, drain, waste, vent and supply pipes shall be concentrated and run as directly as possible, shall be protected from exposure to frost, and, wherever practicable, so located as to be acces- sible for inspection. No such pipe shall be built into any masonry wall. Sec. 96. Approved fittings shall be used in all cases where waste pipes from plumbing fixtures are connected with a soil pipe, and no soil or waste pipe shall be tapped. Sec. 97. Subsoil drains shall be provided when- ever dampness of site of any proposed dwelling is known to exist. These may be of drain tile, not to be connected directly with the main or house sewer, but in a manner approved by the Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. 98. Every water-closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash-tray, bath-tub, set of tubs, or fixture of any kind connected with the drainage system of a build- Exposure Relieving arch Location and protection of pipes. Fittings, Subsoil drains- Trapping and venting. ing shall be separately and efl'eetually trapped and vented. Sac. 1)9. Vents shall be taken from the crown of traps, except where located under floors; such trap may be vented on the side, or from lead waste not more than six p>) inches from the trap. Kkc. 100. All traps shall be placed as near the lix- tures as possible. Sec. 101. Vent pipes shall be run separately above the fixtures, and in no case shall a vent pipe be used for a waste. Sec. 102. All vent and ventilating pipes shall be connected with the vertical soil pipe above the highest fixture in a building, or shall be extended through and above the roof. Sec. 103. In every building three (3) stories or more than (3) stories in height, into which more than (3) water-closet traps or more than three (3) fix- tures with’traps of less diameter than those used for a closet are to be placed in the first or second stories, a vertical ventilating pipe shall be provided with which the vent pipes shall be connected. In such cases, the vertical ventilating pipe shall be increased in diameter at each story having additional fixtures, until the area of said pipe at point of connecting the vent pipe of the highest fixture in the building shall be as nearly equal as practicable to the com- bined area of all the vent pipes to be connected with it, or shall at least be ecpial to the area of the vertical soil pipe with which it is to be connected. Sec. 104. No waste or drain pipe shall be of. less size than the trap on the same line, except that lead traps one and one-half inches in diameter may have a waste one and one-quarter (11) inches in diameter. Vents. Traps. Vent pipes. Vent connec tion. I nerease in size of vent pipe. Waste pipes. Sec. 105. In no case shall a waste pipe from a bath-tub or other fixture be connected with a water-closet trap. Sec. 100. When a bath-tub, closet, or other fixture is intended to bo cased with wood, a lead lining of proper thickness shall be placed under it, and shall have an incline to the drip or waste pipe, which pipe shall be run through the exterior wall of the building, or shall be conducted to the basement and be provided with an incline flap valve, con- structed to effectually prevent objectionable air and odors from ascending through the pipe and into the room in which the fixture is located. Sec. 107. Connections of waste or drip pipes with lead linings under fixtures shall be made with brass or lead pipe soldered to the lining and made per- fectly water tight. Sec. 108. When pipes are to be run through lead linings under fixtures lead collars shall be placed around the pipe and soldered to make water-tight joints. Sec. 109. The weight of all cast-iron pipe used for drainage purposes and ventilation shall not be less than: Lead linings. Waste pipes and linings. Collars. Weights of oast iron pipes. Inside diameter. 11 'eight per lineal foot. 9 iiuVhfiH 5’ pounds. 9 « 94 “ 4 “ 13 5 17 *6 “ .... 20 * “ 7 “ 97 “ k “ 334 “ 10 “ .45 “ 19 “ 54 “ Marks on oast- iron pipes. Sec. 110. All cast-iron pipe used shall have casl upon it, directly back of the hub of each section the weight per lineal foot and tiie name of the man- ufacturer, in characters not less than one-half (J) inch in length. Sec. 111. When a wrought-iron soil or drain pipe is to he used in a building it shall he of extra heavy galvanized-iron pipe. Sec. 112. All fittings used in connection with iron pipes shall correspond with them in weight and quality. Sec. 113. House sewer pipes, when intended to he laid in a trench and covered with earth, may he coated with coal tar applied hot, or he otherwise treated to prevent corrosion. No cast-iron, soil, drain, or vent pipes to be used above ground shall receive any coating whatever until tested in place and approved by the Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. 114. A running or P trap, of form approved by the Inspector of Plumbing, shall In; placed on every house sewer at an accessible point, if practi- cable within the wall of the building, and a vorti- cal pipe of the same diameter and provided with a brass trap screw shall be constructed over the trap to admit of cleaning the same. Sec. 115. A brick manhole provided with cast-iron frame and air-tight cover may be used in lieu of the vertical pipe to afford easy access to the trap. Sec. llfi. Every house sewer shall have an iidet for fresh air, of form approved by the Inspector of Plumbing, not less than six ((>) inches in diameter, entering on the house side of the running trap. This inlet shall be located either within the park- ing, two feet hack of the edge of the footway or, on unparked streets only, in the footway, not more than two feet from the face of the curb. Sec. 117. For carrying water inside of buildings, or where the service pipe is not buried, it may he Wrought- iron pipe. Fittings Coatings, Running trap. Manhole, Fresh-air inlet Weights of “strong” lead pipe. drawn-lead pipe, of the class known as “strong” and of not less than the following weights per lineal foot: Inside diameter of pipe. Weight per foot. i inch 2 pounds. § inch 2 pounds 8 oz. | inch 3 pounds. 1 inch 4 pounds. 1J inches 4 pounds 12 oz. 1J inches 6 pounds 4 oz. inches 2 inches Sec. 118. There shall be placed on every service pipe, at its lowest point, within the building sup- plied, a gate valve, easily accessible to the occu- pants. The free water-way of said gate valve shall be at least equal to that of the service pipe. Sec. 119. All changes of direction in soil and house sewer pipes shall be made by means of curved pipes, and all connections by means of Y-branches and one-eighth or one-sixteenth bends. All connec- tions of lead pipe with iron branches shall be made by means of brass thimbles, the full size of the iron pipe, caulked into the iron with lead, and plumbers’ wiped joints. Sec. 120. No person shall locate, or cause to be located, any water-closet in any sleeping-room or in any room, apartment, or vault which is not in direct communication with the external air by means of a window or air space having an area of at least four (4) square feet for the admission of light and fresh air. Sec. 121. Means shall be provided for thoroughly flushing all soil pipes, drain pipes and water- Service valve. Bends and con- nections. Location of wa- ter-closets. Water-closets. closets. A copper-lined Hushing tank shall be pro- vided for every water-closet. The flushing pipe of each tank shall not be lass than one and one-quar- ter (lj) inches in diameter. Every water-closet shall have a flushing rim. No long, straight hopper closets shall be used within a building. All water- closets erected in yards or outside of dwellings shall be placed immediately adjacent to the dwelling, and shall be flushed by a tank located within the dwelling. Sec. 122. Flushing tanks for water-closets shall not be used for any other purpose. Sec. 123. All water-closets shall have a lead or brass connection, and shall have a cast brass flange not less than one-quarter (}) of an inch in thick- ness, fitted with a pure rubber gasket of sufficient thickness to insure a tight joint, bolted to the flange on the closet. Sec. 124. A vent pipe of not less than two (2) inches in diameter shall be provided for each water- closet trap, and of not less than one and one-half (1 ) inches in diameter for traps under other fixtures, except that the short connection at the trap may be of lead one and one-quarter (1J) inches in di- ameter. Sec. 125. If a vent pipe exceeds twenty (20) feet in length, the diameter shall in no case be less than two (2) inches. Sec. 126. Where the water sup]fly is not ample for thoroughly flushing water-closets, urinals, and other fixtures, a tank or cistern into which water may flow at night, or into which it may be pumped, shall be provided. Sec. 127. All rain-water leaders shall be connected with the drainage system of the building, and shall Use of flushing tanks. Closet connec- tions. Sizes of vents. Long vent pipes. Storage tanks. Hain leaders. be effectually trapped and provided with a suitable clean-out near the lower end. Whenever thin metal rain-water leaders are connected into cast- iron pipes, the connecting joint shall be made by the plumber. Every rain-water leader, when placed inside of a building, shall be of extra heavy cast- iron pipe not less than three (8) inches in diameter, with leaded and caulked joints. Sec. 128. Traps for rain-water leaders and for draining areas, cellars and yards shall not be less than three (3) inches in diameter. Sec. 129. All drip or overflow pipes from safes under wash-basins, baths, urinals, water-closets, or other fixtures shall be, by a special pipe, run to an open sink outside the house, or to some conspicu- ous point; and in no case shall any such pipe be connected with a soil, drain, or waste pipe. Sec. 130. No waste pipe from a refrigerator or other receptacle in which provisions are stored shall be connected with any drain, soil, or other waste pipe. Such waste pipes shall be so arranged as to admit of frequent flushing, and shall be as short as possible. Sec. 131. The overflow pipes from tanks and the waste pipes from refrigerators shall discharge into an open fixture properly trapped. Sec. 132. The use of wooden wasli-trays is pro- hibited. They shall be of non-absorbent material. Sec. 133. No flue of brick, sheet metal, or earth- enware shall be used as a sewer ventilator or trap vent. Sec. 134. Except upon special written permission of tlie Engineer Commissioner, no privy vault, box, Leader traps. Overflows. Waste pipes. Overflow diS' charge. Wash-trays. Flues. Privies and cesspools. sink, cesspool, or dry well shall be in any way con- nected with the drainage system of any house. All privy vaults, boxes, sinks, or cesspools shall he water-tight. Sec. 135. Where cold-air ducts to heating furnaces or to steam coils are to be drained, the drain pipes shall not be connected directly with the drainage system of the building. Sec. 130. The plumber responsible for the work shall give prompt written notification to the In- spector of Plumbing, upon blank forms to be pro- vided for that purpose, when the plumbing work in any building, lot, premises, or establishment is ready for inspection, and all inspections shall be made as soon as possible after notification. All soil, waste and vent pipes inside of new buildings, and the new work in old buildings, shall have the openings stopped and a test of not less than ten (10) pounds air pressure to the square inch applied by the plumber, in the presence of the Inspector of Plumb- ing or his assistant, and maintained for such a length of time as to satisfy tin* latter that the work is sound and tight. Sec. 137. No part of the plumbing work of any house, including repairs to any portion of the drain- age system, shall be covered or in any manner hid- den from view until such notification, inspection and test shall have been made and a certificate of approval issued by the Inspector of Plumbing. A duplicate of this certificate shall be furnished to the owner or authorized agent, if requested. As far as practicable all plumbing, with its surrounding work in wood, masonry, metal, or plaster, shall be so ar- ranged as to admit of a ready inspection at all times. Colil-air duets. Inspection and test. Certificate o f approval. Sec. 138. The Inspector of Plumbing shall prompt- ly condemn and order the removal of any defective material, bad workmanship, or of any work done otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, lie shall in no case approve or permit the use of any water pipe or fixture which, in his judgment, is not suitably protected against freezing. Defects. GAS MAINS, SUBWAYS, ANI) CONDUITS OWNED BY PRIVATE COMPANIES. Permit, Sec. 139. Permits shall be issued by the Permit Clerk, upon application, on forms provided for that purpose, to the proper officer of each company own- ing gas mains, subways, conduits, or other under- ground structures, to run service pipes or branch conduits .from its mains to private premises, and to make necessary repairs. Sec. 140. The usual fee of one dollar ($1) shall be charged as a permit fee for each house connected by service pipe or branch conduit or for each leak repaired in the main, subway, or conduit. Sec. 141. The conditions governing such permits shall be the general conditions contained in sec- tions 1 to 33, inclusive, of these regulations, and the laws of the District of Columbia in force at the time. Fee Conditions gov erning per mits. O O D HU EOR EXAMINATION, REGISTRATION AND LICENSING OF MASTER AND JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS. Section A. The examination of plumbers provided for in sec- tions 7 and 8 of these regulations shall be under the direction of a board appointed by the Commissioners for that purpose, to consist of six members, including the Inspector of Plumbing, representatives of the Water Department and Sewer Division, two master plumbers, and one journeyman plumber, and to be designated as the Plumbing Board of the District of Columbia. Sec. B. The Plumbing Board shall hold meetings at regular intervals, at least once in each month, and shall consider appli- cations for examinations, notify candidates when to present themselves, conduct the examinations, and transmit to the Com- missioners a recommendation in each case, accompanied by the application and testimonials of the candidate. Sec. C. The preliminary qualifications of a candidate for ex- amination and registration in accordance with the requirements of section 7 shall be the following: He shall not be less than 21 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and certified as a man of intelligence, good habits and character, in separate let- ters from at least three responsible citizens of the District, none of whom shall be a relative of the applicant or connected with him in business. Sec. D. Each candidate for examination under the provisions of section 7 shall make application in his own handwriting, if possible, stating his full name, residence, place of business, age 40 and experience in the plumbing business and trade. He shall declare his intention to faithfully conform to the regulations governing plumbing in the District of Columbia. The required testimonials shall accompany each application or be filed before any action of the Board. Sec. E. The examination of applicants under section 7 shall test the ability of the candidates to understand the plumbing regulations ; to comprehend and interpret plans and drawings showing the arrangement and connection of pipes and fixtures; to construct house plumbing and drainage in a skillful and work- manlike manner in accordance with plans and specifications; also his knowledge of such common laws of physics and hygiene as have relation to the proper and safe methods of supplying water to buildings and removing water and sewage therefrom ; and of such other matters as the board shall deem essential to properly qualify him to conduct the business of plumbing. Sec. F. If the application for a license is approved by the Com- missioners the candidate shall at once proceed, upon a receipt of notice of such approval, to register his name and file a bond, as provided in section 7, after which he shall be entitled to receive a license, signed by the Inspector of Plumbing and counter- signed by the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, to prac- tice the business of plumbing in the District of Columbia for a period of three years. Sec. G. In the case of a firm or copartnership for the practice of the business of plumbing, any member of such firm possess- ing the qualifications specified in section C may make applica- tion as a representative of the firm, pass examination, register and receive a license for the firm. The bond required shall be jointly executed by all the members of such firm. Sec. II. The preliminary qualifications of a candidate for ex- amination and registration as a journeyman plumber in accord- ance with the requirements of section 8 shall be the following : He shall not be less than 21 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and certified as a man of intelligence, good habits and character by a responsible citizen of the District. lie shall make application in his own handwriting, if possi- ble, stating his full name, residence, age and experience in the plumbing trade. He shall present with his application, if practicable, a certifi- cate of skill from the master plumber under whom he served his apprenticeship, or, if this be not obtainable, a statement from his present employer that he has proven a competent workman. Sec. I. The examination of applicants under section 8 shall test the skill of the candidate in the practical details of house plumbing and drainage work. Sec. J. Unsuccessful candidates of either grade may repeat their applications after intervals of three months, and, if again unsuccessful, at an interval of not less than six months after the second examination. J. W. Douglass, J. W. Ross, Wm. T. Rossell, Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Attest: William Tindall, Secretary. POLICE REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE CARE OF PUBLIC SEWERS. ARTICLE VIII. Section 8. No person shall, as principal or agent, throw, cast, lay, deposit, drop, or leave in or upon any public sewer in the District of Columbia, or any trap, basin, inlet, grating, manhole, or other appurtenance of any public sewer, any sticks, stones, brick, earth, gravel, dirt, mud, hay, straw, manure, rubbish, lit- ter, sweepings, offal, vegetables, garbage, trees, shrubs, branches, twigs, leaves, papers, cinders, or refuse matter of any kind: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to matter discharged through a house sewer into a public sewer. Sec. t). No person other than those employed in the sewer department, while on duty, shall enter any public sewer or ap- purtenance thereof, without a written permit from the Commis- sioners. Sec. 10. No person shall, as principal or agent, cut, break, pierce, or tap any public sewer or appurtenance thereof, or in- troduce any tube, pipe, trough, or conduit into any public sewer or appurtenance thereof, without a written permit from the Engineer Commissioner. Sec. 11. No person shall, as principal or agent, turn, lift, re- move, raise, or tamper with any cover of any manhole, basin, inlet, or other appurtenance of any public sewer, without a written permit from the Engineer Commissioner. Sec. 12. No person shall, as principal or agent, break or dam- age any appurtenance of any public sewer or part thereof. Sec. 13. No person shall, as principal or agent, make or main- tain any connection with any public sewer or appurtenance thereof whereby there may be conveyed into the same any hot, suffocating, corrosive, inflammable, or explosive liquid, gas, va- por, substance, or material of any kind; and no person shall, as principal or agent, cause to enter or flow into any public sewer or appurtenance thereof any hot, corrosive, suffocating, inflam- mable, or explosive liquid, gas, vapor, substance, or material of any kind: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the ordinary hot-water boiler of a residence. Sec. 14. No person shall, as principal or agent, do any act or thing which may impede or obstruct the flow of any public sewer or interfere with the free discharge or ventilation thereof, or clog up any appurtenance thereof. Sec. 15. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense, or, in default of payment of fine, to imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. , Office of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Washington, March 7, 1893. Whereas it is provided in “An act making appropriations for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, and for other purposes,” approved March 3, 1893, “that the provisions and penalties of the act entitled ‘An act to authorize the appointment of an In- spector of Plumbing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes,’ approved April 23, 1892, are hereby extended to in- clude the practice of gas-fitting in the District of Columbia,” it is therefore Ordered, That the following regulations, sections I to XVII, inclusive, be, and they hereby are, made and declared to be regulations to govern the practice of gas-fitting in the District of Columbia, applicable to every system of pipes used for the purpose of conveying and distributing illuminating gas in any building or premises in said District, except in public buildings owned by the United States or under the exclusive control of officers of the United States. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PRACTICE OF GAS FITTING IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Section I. Every person who shall desire, from and after May 1, 1893, to practice the business of gas-fitting in the District of Columbia as a master gas-fitter shall, unless he has previously received a license as a master plumber in accordance with the regulations adopted February 15, 1893, comply with the follow- ing requirements: He shall apply for examination to the plumbing board of the District of Columbia; he shall present himself for examination at the time designated by said board ; he shall, if declared com- petent, register his name, residence, and permanent place of business in the District of Columbia, in the office of the Inspector of Plumbing ; he shall procure from the Commissioners a license to practice the business of gas-fitting in said District, and shall file in the office of the Commissioners a bond, with two sureties, in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), conditioned upon the faithful performance, during the stated period of three years, of all gas-fitting work in compliance with these regulations, and that the District of Columbia shall be kept harmless from the consequence of any and all acts of the said licensee during the period covered by the said bond. Sec. II. The duties of the plumbing board of the District of Columbia (section A, page 39) are hereby extended to include the examination of master gas-fitters, and the said board is hereby directed, in the examination of candidates for licensing as master plumbers or as master gas-fitters, to ask such questions relating to the projier and safe methods of supplying illuminat- ing gas to buildings, or relating to the planning and workman- like construction of systems of gas-piping in buildings, as said board may deem proper. Sec. III. The preliminary qualifications of a candidate for ex- amination and registration in accordance with the requirements of section 1 shall he the following: He shall be not less than 21 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and certified as a man of intelligence, good habits and character, in separate letters, from at least two responsible citizens of the District of Columbia, neither of whom shall he a relative of the applicant or connected with him in business. Sec. IV. On and after May 1, 1803, it shall not he lawful for any person to construct a system of pipes for the conveyance, distribution, or use of illuminating gas in any building, premises, or establishment in the District of Columbia, or to make exten- sions and alterations of such a system of pipes unless such per- son shall have complied with the requirements of section I and received from the Commissioners of said District a license to practice the business of gas-fitting. Sec. V. In all cases in which any provision of these regula- tions requires or prohibits the doing of a certain act the person actually violating such provision and the employer of such per- son, and all other persons concerned therein, shall severally he held liable to the full extent of the prescribed penalty : Provided, That such penalty shall he paid but once. Sec. VI. Prosecution for infringement upon the provisions of these regulations shall he made by information filed in the Police Court of the District of Columbia. Sec. VII. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requirements of the provisions of these regulations, after ten days’ notice of the specific thing required to he done thereunder, within the time limited by the Commissioners for doing such work, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than $200 for each and every such offense, or, in default of payment of fine, to imprisonment for not to exceed thirty days. Sec. VIII. The inspection of gas-piping within any building, lot, premises, or establishment, from the connection at the gas- meter to the terminus of the system, is hereby directed to he made by the Inspector of Plumbing or his duly authorized assistant. Sec. IX. Upon the completion of any system of gas-piping in a building, and before the floors are laid or the pipes and fittings concealed, there shall be filed in the office of the Inspector of Plumbing, by the plumber doing the work, a detailed plan of the same, showing the location and size of each pipe, with a statement that the system is ready for inspection. Sec. X. Upon the filing of the plan described in section IX, the Inspector of Plumbing shall promptly cause the system to be inspected, and tested with a pressure of not less than six inches upon a mercury gauge. If the test and inspection be satisfactory, a certificate of ap- proval shall be issued by the Inspector of Plumbing. No meter shall be attached to any pipe or system of pipes previous to the issuance* of such certificate. Sec. XI. The sizes of pipe used shall not be less, nor the lengths greater, to the number of burners stated than those specified in the following table : Size of pipe. Greatest length allowed. Greatest number burners. | inch. 6 feet. 1 4 inch. 20 feet. 6 | inch. 40 feet. 20 1 inch. 00 feet. 35 1£ inch. SO feet. 60 1J inch. 150 feet. 100 2 inches. 200 feet. 200 2\ inches. 300 feet. 300 3 inches. 450 feet. 450 4 inches. 600 feet. 750 Smaller pipe than •] inch shall not be used for ceiling outlets, except for lighting halls, pantries, wash-rooms, bath-rooms, and kitchens. Sec. XII. The pipe used shall be the best quality of wrought- iron pipe, with gal van i zed-iron fittings, and joints shall be made with white lead. 48 All pipes shall be suitably supported and stayed with pipe hooks, straps, and screws. All pipes shall be properly graded. All split pipes must be removed. Sec. XIII. All main risers shall be run in an inside partition. Sec. XIV. Each gas-meter shall be located in accordance with directions given by the Inspector of Plumbing. All meters located in cellars must be set at least four feet above the cellar floor. Sec. XV. The service pipe shall be run, and both connections with the meter shall be made, by the Gas Company. Sec. XVI. No extension or alteration of any existing system of gas-piping in a building shall be made without the inspec- tion and approval of the Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. XVII. Upon the completion of the building in which a system of gas-piping is run, and the hanging of the gas-fixtures, an application for a final test and approval of the entire system shall be made, to be followed by the final inspection and ap- proval. John W. Ross, Myuon M. Parker, Wm. T. Rossele, Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Attest: William Tindall, Secretary. INDEX. Page. Acta of Congress v> “ Applications for license 3, 39, 40, 41, 45 for permit • • • 8, 9, 10, 13, 21, 28 Areas, drains for 85 drained, sizes of house sewers for various -2 Bond, Inspector of Plumbing 8 Master Plumber 3, 40 Master Gas-fitter 45 Branches, Y, position of 23 to be relaid by District specifications 24 Candidates for examination and licensing 89, 40 may repeat application 41 Certificates of competency 4 of approval * -> 80, 47, 48 of skill 41 Cesspools not to be connected with drainage system 35 to be water tight 80 Collars in lead linings 81 Concrete, use of, in laying bouse sewers 25 mixed on board or in box . * - • 25 Condensing tanks 27 Connection of pavement washers 18 of water-service pipe with main 10 of bouse sewers with public sewers 23, 24, 25 of vent pipe with soil pipe >1 of soil and bouse sewer pipes 83 of rain leader with cast-iron pipe 85 of refrigerator waste pipe 85 —- of water-closets 84 of privies, cesspools, etc., with drainage system 35 of cold airduct drains 8t> of gas meters • • • 48 50 Page. Connecting thimbles, use of 24 position of 2;? Cuts in pavements, adjacent to street railroads .... 12 in sheet pavements, by whom repaired 10 in block “ “ “ 10 cost of repairs of 11 sidewalk, repairs of 11 sidewalk, Commissioners may order repairs of 12 Drains, subsoil, not to be directly connected 20 Emergency permits issued at police stations 0 report of issue of, to be transmitted 0 Examinations, scope of 40, 41, 45 Fittings on iron pipes to correspond therewith 32 vitrified, on iron lateral 24 galvanized, for gas-piping 47 Firm or copartnership, any member of, may pass examina- tion 40 Fall of house sewer 22 of soil and waste pipe 2K of gas-pipes 48 Fixtures to be trapped and vented 20 Flues, use of, for ventilation prohibited 35 Fresh-air inlet required 32 Gas-fitting, regulations governing practice of 45-48 Gas-meters not to be attached before approval of piping... 47 location of 48 connections with 48 House boilers to be provided with safety-valves, etc 20 House sewer, application for permit for 21 of extra heavy cast-iron 21 “ “ “ inspection of 22 vitrified pipe may be used for 21 “ “ inspection of 22 within lot to be drained 21 5 feet from exterior walls 21 materials for, provided by plumber 22 sizes of, for various areas drained 22 fall of, maximum and minimum 22 greater than G inches 22 51 Page. House sewer, uniform grade required 23 to be provided with fresh-air inlet 32 connection of, with public sewers 23, 24, 25 bends and connections 33 connection in man-hole 23 cast-iron, coating of 32 joints in, how made 25 embedded in concrete 25 to be provided with running trap 32 I nspector of Plumbing, duties of 2, 36 to inspect gas-piping 46 to inspect and test gas-fitting work 47 reports of 2 to enforce regulations 2 oath and bond 3 to inspect and test house plumbing 36 to issue certificates of approval 36, 47 to condemn defective material, etc 37 a member of Plumbing Board 39 to sign licenses 40 to direct location of gas meters 48 Inspection of plumbing in new buildings 2, 36 of plumbing in any house 2 3(j certificates of 2 of water-service pipe 19 of house sewers and connections 21, 22, 24, 25 of gas-piping 46, 47,48 Joints in house sewers 25 in soil pipes ■ ... 28 in gas pipes 47 Journeymen Plumbers, employment of. 4 examination and registry of 4, 39, 40 to present certificate of skill 41 Lead connection with water-service pipe 16 for water-closets 34 Lead linings, when required 31 collars through 31 License to practice the business of plumbing 3 to practice the business of gas-fitting 45 52 Page. License issued only on compliance with regulations 4 to be approved by Commissioners 40 to a single member of a firm 40 Man-hole, connection of house sewer in 23 in lieu of clean-out pipe 32 cover, etc., not to be removed 42 Master Gas-fitters to apply for license, etc 45 bond of 45 Master Plumbers to apply for examination 3 to register 3 in case of removal to notify office 3 to procure license 3 to give bond 3 to display sign 4 only, to employ journeymen 4 Order of Commissioners approving plumbing regulations and code vii approving gas-fitting regulations 44 Owner to sign application for permit.... 9 to sign agreement to connect with main 14 Pavement washers not to be placed in footway 18 to be of approved materials and construction 1!) Penalties iv, 43, 46 Permit required for connecting with any underground structure 5 to be issued only after compliance with regulations... 4 withheld on account of defective work 6 “ “ “ indebtedness 12 for excavation in a street 8 to be kept on the work and exhibited 8 application for t), 10, 13, 21, 38 for work within private property 9 emergency, for repairs . 9 fees payable to Collector of Taxes 10 fees, amount of 9, 14, 38 issued in winter for repairs only ... 12 to lay temporary water-service main 13 special, to lay water-service pipe 14 void after expiration of time limit 8 Page. Permit to run branch conduits, etc. .... v. 38 Permit Clerk, to furnish position of Y branches 23 to issue permits for branch conduits, etc 38 Pipes to be concentrated, protected from frost, etc 29 how run through lead linings 31 for gas-fitting work 4< soil, located inside of building 28 size of, and increase in size of 28 clean-out for, to be provided 28 slope of 38 size reduced with proper fitting 28 exposed to view or cased 29 run through masonry wall 29 .. to be protected and accessible 29 not to be tapped 39 bends and connection in 33 test of 36 -cast-iron, required weights of 31 , marks on 31, 32 coating of 32 drain, located inside of buildings 28 size reduced with proper fitting 28 exposed to view or cased 29 to be protected and accessible 29 not of less diameter than trap 30 from cold air ducts or furnaces ~ 36 drip, method of connection of 35 overflow, “ “ “ “ 35 vent, located inside of buildings 28 exposed to view or cased 29 from crown of trap 30 run separately. • • 30 connection above highest fixture >0 increase in size of 30 area of 30 , for running trap 32 r- sizes of, required 34 over 20 feet long 34 test of 36 Page. Pipes, waste, not to be connected with water-closet trap ... 31 1 from cased fixture to have valve 31 refrigerator, to discharge into open fixtures 35 wrought-iron, extra heavy galvanized when required. 32 1 sizes of, for gas-fitting 47 Plans of drainage system and house plumbing 4 must be approved 5 alterations in 5 to be kept on file 5 of systems of gas-piping 47 Plumber to promptly fill cuts 10 accountable for street material ... 11 to give notice of extensions and alterations of water- service pipes 20 responsible for employees’ acts C> may be debarred from obtaining permits 6 must remedy defective work 6 to make deposit for pavement repairs 11 to renew deposit 12 to do only work authorized by permit 14 to shut off water after test 20 to connect rain-water leaders 34 to give notification prior to test 36 to make tests 36 Plumbing Board, how constituted 39 meetings of 39 duties of 39, 45 Privies not to be connected with drainage system 35 Prosecutions by information filed in the Police Court 7, 46 Public Sewers, location and depth of, to be furnished 2:5 not to be tapped if branch exists 23 reports of condition of 24 connection with, if of 12-inch pipe or larger 24 connection with, if of brick or concrete 25 flow in, not to be obstructed 43 refuse matter, etc., not to be deposited in 42 not to be entered 42 not to be tapped 42 Pumps not to be directly connected to water main 19 • Page. Pumps to be disconnected 19 Rain leaders to be connected with drainage system 34 to be trapped 34 to be provided with clean-out 35 to be of cast-iron when within building 35 traps for 35 Regulations to take effect 1, 45 scope of 1 alteration or amendment of 7 inconsistent, herewith repealed 7 governing gas-fitting 45-48 Relieving arch, when required 29 Risers, main, in partitions 48 Rubbish to be removed from excavations 8 not to be deposited in public sewers 48 Sidewalks, repairs to brick, in accordance with District specifications 11 “Street,” word, inclusive of road, court, etc 7 Stop-cock for each water-service pipe 17 not allowed to be placed in vaults 18 Stop-cock box, how located 17,18 for gas service 18 in carriage-way 18 repairs to 18 Tanks to be used for pump supply 19 to hold six hours’ supply 19 condensing , 27 flushing, for water-closets 34 water-storage, for flushing fixtures 34 Test of house plumbing 36 of gas-piping 47, 48 Traps required for all fixtures 29 under floors, may be vented on side 30 as near fixtures as possible 30 running, required 32 to be vented 34 Trenches to be filled and rammed 8 to be guarded, barricaded, and lighted 8 Tunneling for service pipe prohibited 10 • Page. Wash-trays, use of wooden, prohibited 35 Valves, safety, required for steam-boilers 20 vacuum, for copper house boiler 20 flap, required on waste from cased fixtures 31 Water-closets, location of, in vaults prohibited 33 flushed by means of tanks 34 1 storage tanks for flushing 34 Water mains to be tapped by regular tapper only 15 12-inch, may be tapped, when 15 location of tap in 15 Water service pipe to he separate and direct 6, 15 application for permit to lay 13 temporary 13, 14 to be of extra strong drawn lead pipe 13, 15, 10 • to be provided with separate stop-cock 13, 17 single, may supply dwelling and stable 15 depth of 15 slack required in 15 replacement of galvanized iron 10 minor repairs to 10 lead connection for 10 cast-iron, if above two inches in diameter 17 not to be driven 17 not to be laid in sewer trench 17 laid separately, when 17 to he provided with stop-cock and stop-cock box 17 not to be covered previous to inspection It) valve required on 33 Water tap, connection of, with service pipe 10 location of, in main 15 size of 14 larger than one inch 15