CATALOGUE Surgical anl> fclcrinarn OP INSTRUMENTS, FINE CUTLERY, SYRINGES, &C., MANUFACTUEED BY KINGMAN & 1IASSAM. (At the Old Stand ofN. HUNT,) NO. 128 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. ONLY AGTKOEIZED AGENTS FOR E. Heinisch’s Patent Scissors and Tailors’ Shears. “ The great secret in Manufacturing steel is io have the courage to be honest, a spirit to purchase the best material, and the means and disposition to dojustice to it in manufacturing.” BOSTON: BAZIN & CHANDLER, riilNTEP^. 1855. ADVERTISEMENT. "TJhe subscribers would respectfully invite you to an examination of their extensive Stock of Surgical and Veterinary Instruments, Fine Ta- ble and Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Shears, Scissors, &e., &e, both of their Own and of Foreign Manufacture. We believe we can offer you any article in our line, of as good quality and finish, at as low pri- ces, as can be offered at any establishment. We are prepared to execute orders for any ar- ticle in the Surgical line, or for Cutlery, at short notice. It is our intention and determination to keep an assortment suitable to the various sections of the country. All orders by mail, or otherwise, will be promptly executed. Any article purchased here, if not satisfacto- ry, can be exchanged if returned within 30 day A perusal of this Catalogue, which will give a more general idea of our Stock, is requested by Yours, Respectfully, L. F. KINGMAN. F. F. HASSAM. KINGMAN & HASSAM. ADVERTISEMENT. Apparatus for Fractured Clavicle. DR. FOX’S, IMPROVED BY DR. BARTLETT. This Apparatus has been tested in the Massacliu setts General Hospital, and by several of our best Surgeons, and found to be the most convenient as well as the most efficient Apparatus ever used. The following Note from Henry G. Clark, M. D., City Physician, is proof of its usefulness:— Boston, Jan’y 31, 1855. Dear Sir—I desire to thank you for the Specimen of your Apparatus for Treating Fracture of the Clavicle, which you sometime since sent me; and to say, that from my experience with it in two or three cases since, I consider it by fcur the most convenient and efficient Apparatus I have yet seen. Yours Truly, HENRY G. CLARK. Dr. G. Bartlett. D2P* Sharpening and Repairing, promptly and neatly executed at this Establishment. See last page of cover. CATALOGUE. Amputating Instruments- Combined Cases, containing Amputating, Trepanning, Operating Instruments, Catheters, Bougies, Trocars, &c. Combined Amputating and Trepanning Cases, Amputating Cases, containing 1 Capital Saw, 1 Metacarpal Saw, 1 Capital Knife, 2 Catlines, large and«mall, 1 pair Artery Forceps, with slide or spring, 1 large Scalpel, 1 pair Bone Kippers, 1 Tourniquet, 12 Needles, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Anurissan Needle, Neat Rosewood or Mahogany Case, brass bound. Assolinas Spring Forceps, Improved Artery Forceps, with catch. Plain do. do. with slide. Tourniquets, with strap, Do. Field, Amputating Saws, plain, Do. do. improved, Metacarpal Saws, Liston’s Bone Forceps, Charrier’s do. do. Metacarpal do. do. Sir Astley Cooper’s Minor Operating Case. 4 CATALOGUE. Anatomical and Dissecting Instruments. Post-Mortem Examination Cases, Anatomical Syringes, with stop cock and pipes, Anatomical Glass Tube, with two steel pipes, for in- jecting the absorbents with quicksilver, Dissecting Cases, containing 5 Scalpels, *■1 Single Hook, 1 pair Forceps, 1 pair Scissors, 1 German Silver Blow Pipe, In Morocco and Mahogany Cases. French Dissecting Cases, Dissecting Scalpels, fine, Do. do. common, Chain Hooks, % Dissecting Scissors, large and small, Do. Blow Pipes, Cartilege Knives, Trepanning Instruments. Trepanning Cases, of Mahogany, containing 2 Trephines, 1 Elevator, 1 Heyes’ Saws, 1 Scalpel with Raspitar, 1 Brush. Trephines with handle, Trepanning Elevators, Do. Brushes, Heyes’ Skull Saws. CATALOGUE. 5 Ear Instruments. Ear Speculums, silver plated, Eustachion Tubes, Wilds, Ear Syringes, with Ivory Tube, Do, do. with metalic do. Forceps for extracting foreign bodies, Dupuytrans Polypi Forceps, Billoc's Instruments for arresting hemorrhage of the nasal fossae, Caoutchouc Bottle with stop-cock and valve, for in- jecting sulpheric ether, Lint Forceps, Cataract Needles, Couching do. Strabismus Knives, Iris Hooks, Cornea Knives, Tendon Knives, Delicate Scissors for artificial pupil. Some are curv ed on their edges, with extremity of one blade probe pointed; others are curved" flat wise. Hooked Forceps, . Eye do. Forceps, curved Blades, Eye Speculum and Lid Elevators, Lachrymal Bistouries, for opening tumors, the lach- rymal sac, and nasal duct, Silver Probes, Anell's Syringe, silver and white metal, Laugiers Trocar, for perforating the maxillary sinus, styles and Canulas. Eye Instruments. CATALOGUE, Char Tier’s Cases, Lithotomy Instruments. Obstetrical Instruments. Forceps, various patterns, Vectis Folding, Do. Plain, Blunt Hooks and Crotchets, Perforators, Craniotomy Forceps, Placenta Hooks, Do. Forceps. Pocket Instruments. Complete rocket Cases, from .¥10 to ¥25, according to number of Instruments, size of case, and finish. Silver male and female Catheter and Porte Caustic combined, Combined Catheters, Silver male do. Do. female do. Crooked, curved and straight Seissors, Dressing and Artery Forceps, roly pi Forceps, Straight probe and spear-pointed Bistouries, Curved do. do. do. do. Large Scalpels, double and single edge, Tendon Knives, Hernia Knives, Seaton Needles, Do. Strings, Exploring Needles. CATALOGUE. 7 Gum, Abscess, Vaccinating and Bleeding Lancets, Tenaculums, Spatulas, Directors, Silver Probes. Needles, Stiver Porte Caustics, double, Do. do. do. single, Ivory do. do. Ebony do. do. double, Do. do. do. single, Pocket Cases, 4 fold, fine, Do. do. 3 do. do. Do. do 2 do. do. Do. do. 4 do. common, Do. do. 3 do. do. Do. do. 2 do. do. Do. do. Porte Monaie style, Double Pocket Instruments, spring back. Tracheotomy Instruments. Camilas of various patterns, Curved and straight Trocars, Brushes for cleaning Canulas, Dilating Forceps. Tonsil and Palate Instruments- Tonsil Forceps, Scissors and Knives, Fahnestock’s Tonsil Instruments, Do. do. improved, Angular Scissors, Needles and Needle Carriers. 8 CATALOGUE. Throat Instruments. (Esophagus Catheter, for administering nourishment. Do. Forceps, for removing- foreign bodies, Do. Probang, with double moveable hook for catching foreign bodies. Cupping, Stomach and Injecting Instru- ments. Cupping Cases, containing 1 Breast Glass, 3 Glass Cups with valves, 1 Brass Pump, 1 Scarificator, in mahogany case. Cupping Cases, with Horn Cups, and stop-cock and scarificator, Small Cases, with 6 glasses, torch and scarificator. Horn Cups, with stop-cock, Glass do. do. valves, Ho. do plain for repairing, Scarificators of aH the various patterns, ' Tiemann’s patent oblique Cutting Scarificator, Thomas’ Cupping Apparatus, Turnbull’s Cups for Dry Cupping, Weis's patent Brass Stomach Pump and Catheter. Maw’s do. white metal, Do. Enemas do. do. Do. do. do. do. fine. Do. Enemas Brass Telescopic, 1 to 24 oz. Self Syringes, in cases, P. P. Syringes, P. F. do. P. F. do. long. CATALOGUE. 9 2, 4 and 6 oz. Womb Syringes, white metal, Dr.tChase’s Vaginal Syringes, in boxes. Gum Elastic Injecting Bags, large, Do. do. do do. small, Ralph's Syringes, with fiance, Hutchinson’s Apperative Fountain, metalic tube, French Clyso Poche Syringes, Do. Pompi Jumelle, Thier’s Pocket Syringes, Mattison’s do. Vaginal Irrigateurs. Catheters, Bougies, &c. Silver male and female Catheters, Flexible do, do do. Do. metalic Bougies, Steel Bougies, Gum Elastic Bougies, English, Do. do. French, Do. Catheters, Silver Prostatic, do. Rectum Bougies, Stomach Tubes, Lallemand’s Caustic Bougie, for cauterizing the Urethra, French Membrane Perforator, silver Canula, with Lancet for removing Stricture. Double Silver united Canula, for removing Polypi in Utero. 10 CATALOGUE. Pessaries. Pessaries of Glass, Metalic, Ivory, Wood, Gum-Elas- tic, Ilubber, &.C.. of the most approved patterns. French Stem Pessaries, with inflators, Gutta Percha Yaginal Tubes. Speculums. Jo vert’s Ivory Speculum, Kicord’s bivalve and quadrovalve, Glass Mirror, do. Boviaud’s slide Branch, Speculum Ani, silver, Do. do. glass. Vulcanized Rubber Instruments. We are constantly receiving from French Manu- factories, Surgical Instruments & Bandages, comprising the following articles, viz: Sheets, Bandages, Bleeding Bandages, Ice Caps, Bracelets for dressing Sores, &c. Belts for Stomach, Abdomen or Xavel, Umbilical Waist Bands, for new-born infants, Anti llheumatic Belts, Perinail Belt, Pocket Clyster Machine, Apparatus for exercising pressure upon the breast. CATALOGUE. 11 Pads of various models, Air Cushions, Apparatus for keeping up extension and counter ex- tension in case of fracture of the temus, Knee Caps, Cushions for Piles, Hand Air Pumps, Vaginal Syringes, with a continuous flow of water. Apparatus for filling up perforations of the Palate. Permanent Air Pessarie, Pessaries with air reservoirs, Instruments tor the introduction of powders, Artificial Nipple, Bandage for the Arms and Thighs, Urethra Probes, (Esophagus Probes, Suspensary Bandages, Simple Urinals, Urinal, with waist band, Do. do. do. and suspensary, Urinal for Females, &c., &c. Miscellaneous. Metalic Ear Trumpets, Ear Tubes for Deaf persons, metalic, Do. do. do. horn, Do. do. do. ebony, Stethescopes with pleximeter, Do. plain, Do. flexible, Do. double tubes, 12 CATALOGUE. Curved Trocar, Bullett Forceps, Do, Scoops, Hullihen’s Uvela Scissors, Simpson’s Womb Sound, Steel Sounds, Hair Lip Pins, Probangs, Yolscellum Forceps, Pile Tubes, Metalic Nipple Shields, Rubber do. do. Glass do. do. Medicine Spoons, Spermatorrhea Rings, Urinometers, Thermometers, Medicine Pocket Cases, Human Skeletons, Foetal Skulls, Separated Human Skulls, Skinner’s Splints, patent, Hydrocele Trocar and Canula, Large Trocars for Paracentesis Abdominis, Small do. do. do. Flat Trocar and Canulas, Large Curved Trocars, Nursing Tubes, silver, Tongue Spatulas, Physicians’ Pocket Yial Cases, of entirely new style, much more compact than any ever before offered. CATALOGUE. 13 Veterinary Instruments. Spring Lancets, Stick Flemes, Kicking Knives, Docking Knives, Mouth Hasps. Hobbles, Male and female Catheters, Stomach Pumps, Syringes, Castrating Clams, Horse Sandals, Rubber Shoes. Trocars. FINE POCKET CUTLERY. We manufacture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bladed Knives, of every desirable shape and finish, with l’earl, Shell, Ivory, Horn, Buffalo Horn and Stag Horn Handles. Also, Pruning, Budding, Hunting, Bowie, Farriers, Pricking, Fruit, Kail, Corn, Dirk and Sheath Knives> all of which are warranted superior to the imported. Also, an assortment of Pocket Cutlery, from several of the best Sheffield makers, viz: Itodgers & Sons, Jona. Crooks, Wm. Bagshaw, Geo. Wostenholm, and others—the whole making one of the best assort- ments to be found in Boston. 14 CATALOGUE. SCISSORS. We manufacture the finest Lace, Embroidery, Flower, Pocket, Button-Hole, Lamp and Surgeon's Scissors. Also, Scissors made to order to fit cases. SHEARS. Bank, Paper, Gold Leaf, Clipping, Cutting-Out, Haii-Cutting and Garden Shears of various qualities. SCISSORS AND SHEARS. R. Heinisch, patent, with Black Handles, the best article yet known in this country, every pair war- ranted for utilitv, viz: Scissors, 3 sizes, Tailors’ Trimmers, 7 sizes, Tailors’ Shears, 8 sizes, Bank Shears, 5 sizes, Paper Shears, 3 sizes, Clipping “ 3 sizes, Gold-leaf t: 3 sizes, Button-hole “ 8 sizes, We caution the public in regard to purchasing the Black Handle variety of Shears and Scissors, as there are many imitations palmed off as a good article. None but of R. HeiniscK’s Patent are really good. Left-handed Shears, 4 sizes. RAZORS, We manufacture forty different patterns of Razors, comprising every possible shape and weight, viz: Heavy Rattlers, Wide and Thin Rattlers, Concave, Frame Back, Chinese Fattern, Silver Steel, Damas- cus Steel, and other patterns in variety, with Tortoise Shell, Pearl, Ivory, Stag Horn, and Buffalo Horn Handles, all of which are warranted, in the strict sense of the term. CATALOGUE 15 Also, the celebrated Swiss Razors, made by Jaques Lecoultre Au Sentier. Also, the celebrated Plantagenet Razors, with safety guard, which renders it impossible to cut a flesh wound. It is a capital article for sea-faring or nervous persons. TOILET ARTICLES In the form of Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Ra- zors in sets. The best quality of Razor Strops, Shav- ing Soaps and Creams, Shaving Brushes, &c., Arc. TABLE CUTLERY. We manufacture a really good article of TABLE CUTLERY, from the best quality Sanderson Bros. &. Co.:s Cast Steel. Also, Sets of Knives and Silver Forks, in Rose- wood, Ebony and Mahogany Cases. We can confidently recommend the above superior to the imported, from the fact that most of the im- ported Table Cutlery is made of Shear Steel, to make it cost lower. Also, Silver Plated Table Cutlery. CORK SCREWS. We manufacture the best Cork Screws that can be found, and we will warrant one of our make to out- wear three of any other manufacture. SARDINE OPENERS, Of the best possible shape and quality. OYSTER KNIVES, Of a variety of shapes and of best spring temper. CATALOGUE. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Pinking Irons, Hand Punches, Boot Hooks, Cleavers, Champagne Openers, Do. Wire Cutters, Kitchen Knives. Quilling Irons, Furriers’ Knives, Hatters’ Knives, Piano Forte Knives, Bread Knives, Crimping Irons, Machine Cork Screws, Pocket Cork Screws, Petrefled Wood Hones, Curling Irons, Scotch Hones, Turkey Hones, Arkansas Stones, Penknife Hones, Thermometers, Putter Trovers, Stucco Trowels, Steel Tweesers, Scissor Cases, Scissor Sheaths, Game Cock Gattics, Finger Nail Cutters, Nut Cracks, Nut Ticks, Twig Cutters, Grape Vine Shears, Stilettoes. 0=We manufacture to order, Toots, Knives, Scis- sors, Shears, Razors, Instruments, and all varieties of small Steel Work. We also Repair and Sharpen all like articles. PRICES For Repairing and Sharpening. Honeing Razors, 0,15 Grinding Razors, 12£ Grinding and Setting Razors,. 26 Concaving ditto, 25 New Handles to ditto, , 25 Sharpening Carvers, 12J Ditto Table Knives, per dozen 75 Ditto and Polishing ditto, ditto, 1,50 Ditto Scissors, 10 Ditto Shears, 18| Ditto Tailors’ Shears, 25 Ditto Pen-Knives, per blade, 6* Ditto Hair-Cutter’s Shears, 12.i Ditto Grass Cutters, 25 Ditto Erasures. Ditto Garden Shears, 25 Ditto ditto ditto, large size, 87J Grinding and Setting Lancets, 12J Ditto ditto Amputating Knives, 25 Ditto ditto Scalpels, 12£ Skates ground flat, 25 Ditto filed, 25 to 50 Ditto filed flat in best style, 50 Pen Knife Blades renewed, large, 5C Do. do. do. do. small, 37t Pruning Knife Blades renewed, 62\ Repacking Syringes, 25 Retubing do 75 Polishing Flat Irons, 25 All kinds of similar articles, in proportion.