BY-LAWS AND RULES®;. OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, OF THE Y CITY OF MACON, GEORGIA, TOGETHELl WITH THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MACON CONCERNING THE SAME. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. MACON, GEORGIA: J. W. BURKE & CO., PRINTERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS 1882. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, OF THE CITY OF MACON, GEORGIA, /'/ TOGETHER WITH THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MACON CONCERNING THE SAME. . PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. MACON, GEORGIA: J. W. BURKE & CO., PRINTERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS. 1882. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORGIA, 1882. Chairman—Dr. J. Emmett Blackshear, appointed Janua- ry 1st, 1882—Term four years. Chairman pro tern., Roland B. Halt., from Ward 3—ap- pointed January 1st, 1882—Term four years. John G. Deitz, from Ward 2—appointed January 1st, 1882, Term four years. S. B. Price, from Ward 4—appointed January 1st, 1882— Term three years. Granville C. Conner, from Ward 1—appointed January 1st, 1882—Term three years. George A. Dure, from Ward 2—appointed January 1st, 1882—Term two years. John A. McManus, from Ward 2—appointed January 1st, 1882—Term two years. William Taylor, from Ward 3—appointed January 1st, 1882—Term one year. • Patrick Peyton, from Ward 1—appointed January 1st, 1882—Term one year. FROM COUNCIL: Hon. Felix Corput, Mayor ex officio. Hon. Orlando N. Dana, Chairman Cem. Com., ex officio. H. A. Blue, Clerk of Council, Secretary. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. BOARD OF HEALTH. TEXT OF THE ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE EMPOWERING THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO CREATU THE BOARD, AND DE- FINING ITS POWERS. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the mayor and the couneil of the city of Macon shall, after the passage of this act, create a board of health for said city, the members of said board to be appointed by the mayor, and con- firmed by the council in session, and to consist of eight good and discreet citizens, two to be residents of each ward, and one phy- sicians who shall be chairman of said board. The mayor and chairman of the committee on the cemeteries, for the time being, shall be ex-officio members of said board. The said physician shall be appointed for the term of four years, the eight citizens shall be appointed for one, two, three and four years each, and the successors to those thus appointed shall be for the full term of four years each, and shall hold until their successors are ap- pointed and qualified. Section 2. Be it further enacted, That the said board shall have full power to institute all sanitary measures necessary to the preservation of the public health, and like-wise for the pre- vention of the generation and introduction of infectious and contagious diseases. They shall likewise exercise absolute power over the subject of quarantine (personal or otherwise,) penalties for the violation of which shall be as fixed by this act, or by ordinances of said board of health. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the said board of health shall have full power and authority to declare by ordi- nances what acts and things shall be deemed and considered nuisances, injurious to health, how and within what time the same shall be abated, and likewise to declare by ordinances what- 4 BO ABB OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORGIA. ever may be, by the said board of health, deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health, and for the prevention of the generation and introduction of infectious and contagious dis- eases, and fix penalties for the violation of the same. The or- dinances of said board now of force shall have the force and effect of law until the same shall be amended or repealed by said board. The recorder’s, or if there be no recorder’s, the mayor’s court of Macon shall have jurisdiction to try all per- sons charged with the violation of any ordinance of said board, and the fines arising therefrom shall be paid into the treasury of said city. Section 4. Be it further enacted, That the abatement of nuisances, the policing of premises, and general inspection and enforcement or execution of the ordinances and quarantine regu- lations of the board, shall be done through the municipal au- thorities, the board of health simply declaring what are nuis- ances, and the time when, and the manner in which the acts re- quired shall be done. The appointing power of all officers and employees executing the orders of the board of health shall be vested with the mayor and aldermen, who shall fix their pay; the board of health, nevertheless, determining the number to be selected; and the mayor shall remove from office any of said offi- cers or employees who shall be declared incompetent by the board of health. Section 5. Be it further enacted, That the said board of health shall have control of sinks and water-closets, together with the drainage and sewerage of said city, but no extended system of drainage or sewerage requiring expenditures of money from the city treasury beyond the appropriation made tor said board by council, shall be undertaken until the same shall have been submitted to, and received the sanction and approval of the mayor and council. When the said board and council shall have agreed upon a plan or system of drainage or sewerage, in the manner aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the muncipal au- thorities to have said plans executed, and provide for the ex- penses of the same. Section 6. Be it further enacted, That said board of health shall have full power and authority to inaugurate any system of drainage and sewerage that they may, from time to time, deem necessary for the improvement of the sanitary condition of Macon ; but before putting the same into operation, it shall re- ceive the approval and sanction of the mayor and council; and they are further authorized and empowered, in order to perfect any system of drainage and sewerage determined upon as afore- ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. 5 said, to construct a canal or canals, drain or drains from said city to the Ocmulgee river, or such stream or streams as said board, in the exercise of a sound discretion, may determine, for the purpose of emptying said drain or drains. All claims for right of way, or for damage or damages, flowing to any person, natural or artificial, from the construction of said system or sys- tems of drainage and sewerage, or from the outlet or outlets thereto, shall be against the mayor and council of Macon, who are hereby charged with providing the ways and means for con- structing the same. Section 7. Be it further enacted, That the damages, if any, sustained by the owner or owners of the land or property, by reason of the construction of the system of drainage or sewerage, or outlet or outlets to the same, herein provided for, shall be ascertained and assessed by three appraisers, one of whom shall be nominated by said owner or owners, one by the mayor of said city, and these two shall select a third, whose award, or that of a majority of them, certified in writing under their hands and seals in duplicate, one for each of the parties in in- terest—the said mayor and council of Macon, and the owner or owners of said land or other property, shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court in Bibb county. The appraisers appointed for the purpose aforesaid, shall, in all cases, in making up their award consider the benefits from the construction of said system or systems of drainage or sewerage, or the outlet or outlets thereto, accruing to the owners of such land or other property, and set-off such benefits against such damages; but in no event giving an award against such owner for the excess of benefits over damages. In case either party shall be dissatisfied with the award, he, she or they, may within ten days after the recording of the same, enter an appeal to the Superior Court of said county, as in other cases of appeal, when the question of damages shall be determined by a jury; but the award of the appraisers, if not appealed from, shall operate, and have the effect of a judgment, upon which the clerk of the Su- perior Court of said county shall issue execution. Section 8. Be it further enacted, That the construction of said system or systems of drainage and sewerage, and the outlet or outlets thereto, by the mayor and conncil of the city of Macon, shall not be interfered with by any court, pending the action of said appraisers, or pending the appeal from their award. Section 9. Be it further enacted, That the small pox hospi- tal, (or other temporary hospital for contagious and infectious diseases,) shall alone be under the management of the said board 6 BO ABB OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORGIA. of health. The board ef health shall examine all public insti- tutions within the city of Macon, and compel such sanitary reg- ulations as they may deem necessary. Section 10. Be it further enacted, That the necessary ex- penses of said board of health shall form a legitimate item in the administration of the city government, to be met as in the case of other expenditures, by such appropriations of money as the city council in the exercise of a sound economy, deem proper. Section 11. Be it further enacted, That the said board of health shall make annually to the city council of Macon, at the last meeting of said council in November, a full report of its acts, particularizing its expenditures and making recommenda- tions touching the public health and welfare, as they in their judgment may see fit and proper, and shall also make such other reports on the same subject from time to time, as the said city council may require. Section 12. Be it further enacted, That the said board of health shall hold at least two sessions in each month, during the time from April to October, and after that they shall meet as often as the chairman may call them together, and shall declare a vacancy in the board when any member, except the city council members of said board, shall fail to attend three consecutive meetings without sufficient reason, and report such vacancy to the mayor and council of Macon, to be filled as prescribed in sec- tion 1st, of this act; the person thus appointed holding for the re- mainder of the unexpired term. And said board shall be further empowered to pass such by-laws and regulations as may be necessary to secure the efficiency of the organization. Section 13. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That five members of said board of health, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, (except in times of epi- demic visitation, when three members shall have power to act.) A record of their proceedings, open to the city council, shall be carefully kept and filed among the archives of the city govern- ment. Section 14. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the mayor and council of the city of Macon shall be ex-officio sec- retary of said board of health, and shall perform such duties as the said board may prescribe. His compensation for such duties shall be fixed by said board and paid out of the city treas- ury. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. 7 Section 15. Beit further enacted, That the mayor and coun- cil of Macon shall have the power and authority to provide and fix such pay and compensation of the members and officers of said board, and those serving under the board, with the excep- tion of the secretary aforesaid, as they may deem just and proper. Section 16. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That said board of health shall have the power to declare what are infected parts or places, on information satisfactory to them, public notice of which shall be sufficient to give legal effect to all their subsequent acts. Section 17. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this board is further authorized aud empowered to estab- lish such quarantine regulations as are prescribed by the gen- eral law of the State on that subject. Section 18. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws conflicting with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. AUGUSTUS O. BACON, Speaker House of Representatives. JAMES S. BOYNTON, President of the Senate. Approved September 16th, 1881. ALFRED H. COLQUITT, Governor. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, OF MACON, GEORGIA. RULE I. MEETINGS. The regular Meetings of the Board of Health shall be held at the City Hall on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at eight o’clock, p. m., from the first day of April to the thirtieth day of September, inclusive, and at half-past seven o’clock, p. M., from the first day of' October to the thirty-first day of March, inclusive : Provided, That the Chairman may convene the Board at any time he may think necessary, and al- ways4 upon the application of the Mayor or any two of the mem- bers. At a Special Meeting no Ordinance or Regulation shall be repealed or changed without the unanimous consent of all members present, and no action shall be taken upon any measure or matter touching the general policy or duty of the Board, or its officers, except to refer the same to the next meeting of the Board, except by unanimous consent of all present. RULE II. The Secretary shall issue a summons to each member of the Board, notifying him of each Regular or Special Meeting thereof; and these summons shall be delivered to the members, or left at a place designated by them, by an officer detailed by the Mayor, at least three hours before the hour for the meeting of this Board. MEMBERS TO BE SUMMONED. RULE III. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER—QUORUM. The Chairman shall take the chair not later than ten minutes after the appointed time of meeting, and call the members to BY-LAWS AND RULES. 9 order, and if a quorum be present, cause the Minutes of the proceeding meeting to be read. By the act of the Legislature, a quorum of the Board of Health is constituted by the presence of five members for the transaction of business, except in times of an epidemic visita- tion, when three members shall have power to act. RULE IV. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN. The Board shall, at its first meeting in January of each year, elect a temporary chairman to serve for one year. In the ab- sence of both the Chairman and Chairman pro tern, the Board shall designate some one to preside. RULE V. The following shall be the order of business : 1. Reading of the Minutes. 2. Communications. 3. Reports of Officers and Committees. 4 Sanitary recommendations of Members. 5. Special and unfinished business. 6. Miscellaneous business. 7. Adjournment. ORDER OF BUSINESS RULE VI. MOTIONS, ORDINANCES, AND RESOLUTIONS TO BE WRITTEN. All motions shall be reduced to writing, if the Chairman or any Member desires it. All Ordinances or Resolutions shall invariably be reduced to writing at the time of their adoption. RULE VII. ADJOURNMENT. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order. RULE VIII. The Chairman, being a Member, is entitled to vote on all questions. If his vote, when given to the minority, makes an equal division, the question shall be considered lost. CHAIRMAN ENTITLED TO VOTE. 10 BOARD OF HEALTH, MAC OH, GEORGIA. RULE IX. THE CHAIRMAN. The duties of the Chairman shall be to preside at all meetings of this Board, to preserve proper order and decorum, enforce the Rules thereof, and discharge all the duties usually incum- bent upon such an officer. During the interim of sessions of this Board he shall have full power to act for it in all matters requiring immediate attention. He shall report at the next meeting of the Board all his acts during the interim, and his acts are subject to the revision of this board. The term of office of the Chairman shall be four years. The Chairman shall be ex officio a member of all Committees of this Board. RULE X. The duties of the Secretary of this Board shall be as follows : He shall attend all meeting of this Board, and keep full and accurate minutes of the transactions thereof. He shall also keep all records, books and property of this Board; and issue such orders and regulations as he may from time to time be directed to do. He shall also perform such additional duties as this Board may direct. ' THE SECRETARY. RULE XI. INSPECTORS AND OTHERS OFFICERS The Inspectors and other officers under this Board shall discharge all duties imposed upon them by the Ordinances, Rules and By-Laws of the Board, and shall perform such other duties as shall be in the future directed. RULE XII. MEMBERS. It shall be the duty of each member of this Board to faith- fully discharge all the duties incumbent upon him as such member. He shall endeavor to study all the subjects of sani- tary science, so as to form proper and enlightened opinions upon public sanitation ; he shall be prompt and regular in attendance upon all meetings of this body; he shall bring to the attention of the officers of this Board all nuisances known to exist, and shall strive to inform himself as to the sanitary condition of this BY-LAWS AND RULES. 11 City. Should any member of this body know of any violation of any of its Ordinances, Rules or By-Laws, he should report the same to the Chairman, who will refer the matter to the proper officer for investigation. It is desired that the members of this Board offer, from time to time, original papers upon questions of sanitation affecting this City. Such papers, when read, shall become the exclusive property of the Board, and shall be filed among its archives. In short, the members of this Board should do all in their power to advance, by united action, the sanitary interests of this City. RULE XIII. TIME OF SPEAKING. Members shall rise from their seats and shall address the Chairman. A member shall not speak longer than ten minutes, nor more than twice on the same question without consent. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, except to call him to order. RULE XIV. QUESTIONS OF ORDER. The Chairman shall decide questions of order. Any mem- ber shall have the right to appeal to the Board, if dissatisfied with his decision. RULE. XV. A motion to reconsider will not be entertained unless made by a member of the majority. RECONSIDERATION. RULE XVI. ALTERATIONS OF RULES. No alteration of a Rule shall be made except by a majority of the entire Board. RULE XVII. BOARD TO SIT WITH CLOSED DOORS. The Board shall sit with closed doors, but a condensed state- ment of such part of its proceedings as may be judged valuable or necessary for general information, as in case of an epidemic appearing, shall be made by the Secretary, under direction of the Board, for publication in the City papers. 12 BOARD OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORGIA. RULE XVIII. VACANCY—HOW FILLED. In case of the resignation or removal from the City of a member of the Board, or of his absence from three consecutive meetings without a sufficient reason, his place shall be consid- ered vacant, and the City Council requested to fill the same. RULE XIX. Should any officer of this Board have knowledge of the exist- ence of a nuisance in this City, he shall cause the existeuee of such nuisance to be at once certified to the Chairman, according to the blanks of this Board for that purpose. Upon receipt of this notice the Chairman shall forward the same, with his order for abatement of said nuisance, and if the person, or persons, so notified neglect or refuse to obey such order,'the Chairman shall present him, or them, to the Recorder for punishment. NOTIFICATION CONCERNING NUISANCES. ORDINANCES AND ORDERS TO BE SIGNED. RULE XX. All Ordinances and orders of this Board shall be verified by the signature of the Chairman and Secretary. RULE XXI. PURCHASES AND PAYMENTS. The necessary furniture, books, blanks and stationery shall be purchased with the approval of the Mayor, and the bills therefor sent to him for approval and payment. RULE XXII. DUTY OF THE BOARD IN REGARD TO EPIDEMICS. Should an epidemic of any infectious or contagious disease occur in this City, it shall be the duty of this Board to thor- oughly investigate the source and history thereof, and record the same in the archives of this Board. In such records the testimony of all reliable physicians should be carefully re- corded. RULE XXIII. The vital statistics of the City, such as deaths, diseases, &c., shall form a part of the monthly record of the Board. BOARD OF HEALTH REGULATIONS. AN ORDINANCE To Define what are Nuisances Injurious to Health in the City of Macon, Georgia;, and to Provide for the Abatement and Punishment of the same: also, to Establish Sanitary Regulations for said City, and to Enforce the same. Whereas, Under Section Two of an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, entitled “An Act to Authorize the City Council of Macon to Create a Board of Health for said City, ” approved by the Governor, the Board of Health is given “full power to institute all sanitary measures necessary to the preser- vation of the public health, and for the prevention of the generation and introduction of infectious and contagious diseases. They shall likewise exercise absolute power over the subject of quarantine, personal or otherwisetherefore, the Board of Health have adopted the following Sanitary Ordinances, which will, in every instance, be most rigidiy enforced : Section 1. Be it Ordained by the Board of Health of the City of Macon, Georgia, That the following acts and things shall be, and are hereby declared to be, Nuisances, injurious to health, and will not be permitted under penalty as provided by this Ordinance: Filth, the contents of cesspools, offal, foul water, refuse from manufactories, odure, urine, decayed animal matter, or other substance detrimental to health, thrown, placed, or al- lowed to remain, in or upon any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, gutter, public reservation, or open lot, in this City. Sec. 2. The carrying and transporting of bones, hides, fish, oflal, or other animal or vegetable substance, in a decomposing and offensive condition, in any other than covered and inclosed vehicles, through any street, avenue, alley, or public place, within this City. Sec. 3. The filling, leveling, or raising the surface of any street, ground or lot within the City with animal or vegetable substances, filth gathered in cleaning yards or streets, or waste material from mills or factories, or the removal of any ground or lot within said City filled with such offensive matter or substances. Sec. 4. The filling or raising of any street above the level ot the lots fronting thereon, where it is impossible to raise said lots without moving houses thereon. Sec. 5. That any dwelling-house or building, wherein people live, congregate, or assemble, which is deficient in ventilation, 14 B OARD OF HEAL TH, MA CON, GE OR GIA. drainage, or other provision essential to health, or is below grade so as to render the walls thereof damp and the rooms un- healthy, shall he reported to this Board by the Inspectors, and if the Board shall decide said house a nuisance, they shall so declare it, and prescribe the time and manner of its abatement. Any lot which is unclean, filthy, or offensive, shall be abated immediately. Sec. 6. Drain-pipes, soil-pipes, passages into sewers, or con- nections between any sewer and any ground or building, not of adequate and sufficient size to allow the free and entire passage of all the material that enters the same, or not provided with good and sufficient sewer-traps, so as to prevent the escape of noisome odors and noxious gases therefrom. Sec. 7. Any hinderance, impediment orobstruction to the free passage of water or sewage, through any drain or sewer in this City; and His Honor the Mayor shall cause all such nuisances to be removed within twenty days after notification from this Board. Sec. 8. Any underground drains of more than one foot in- ternal diameter now existing, or hereafter to be built, which are not provided with man holes, with closely fitting iron covers, at every two hundred yards of their entire length ; and the Mayor shall abate the same at the time specified by this Board. Sec. 9. Any privy in this City the inside of which is not at least two feet distant from the lines of any adjoining lot, and at least five feet distant from any street, lane, alley, camp, square or public place ; or any privy or water-closet discharging its contents into any lane, alley or street; or any privy so con- structed that it cannot be conveniently approached and cleansed. Sec. 10. Fecal matter, not thoroughly deodorized and disin- fected every two weeks, in any privy in this City; and this Board shall, upon receipt of complaint, cause any privy to be inspected, and, if necessary, cleaned or disinfected; and it shall be the duty of any person or persons occupying premises on which any such privy is situated, to permit the same to be in- spected, cleaned or disinfected at the times designated by this Board. Sec. 11. The cleaning or emptying of any privy in this City, without first disinfecting the same in the manner prescribed by this Board. Sec. 12. The deposit of contents of any privy in any place other than such as may be approved by this Board. Sec. 13. The removal of night-soil, cleaning privies, privy- boxes, vaults, sinks and cess-pools within this City, by buckets, or other process agitating or exposing the contents thereof in the open air, and transporting said contents in carts, or other vehicles HEAL TH RE G ULA TIONS. 15 not air-tight, through the streets, alleys and other public places within said City. Sec. 14. The keeping of a hog or hogs, in a pen or otherwise, within the limits of this City : when complained of by the near residents, and the Sanitary Inspectors of this Board shall compel the owners of all hogs found in this City, when complaint is made, to remove them beyond the City limits within ten days after due notice. Sec. 15. Filthy and unwholesome stables, sheds, pens, or places where cows, horses, mules or other animals are kept, within this City. Sec. 16. The boiling of offal, swill, bones, fat, tallow or lard; the crushing, grinding or burning of bones or shells, cleaning guts, making glue from any dead animal or part thereof; mak- ing or boiling varnish or oil ; making lampblack, turpentine or tar; distilling ardent, alcoholic or fermented spirts; storing or keeping scraps, fat, grease or other offensive animal matter ; rendering or drying out dead, undressed and unslaughtered animals, or any other business or trade whereby noisome stenches and odors and noxious gases arise or are generated, within this City; and any person who shall cause, erect,create, maintain or continue any such nuisance, and who shall fail, after due notice from this Board, to abate the same, shall be reported by the In- spector to the Recorder’s Court tor punishment. Sec. 17. All slaughter houses, rooms, buildings or other places where sheep, hogs, cattle or other animals are slaughtered within the City of Macon ; and his Honor the Mayor shall order all such nuisances to be immediately abated. Sec. 18. Throwing or placing any defiling or poisonous sub- stance, decayed animal or vegetable matter, or filth, into, or causing or allowing the same to pass or enter into, any spring, well, or river water, used by the public, for drinking or cooking purposes, or into the water of any public reservoir or water pipe ofjthis City, whereby such water is rendered impure or un- wholesome. Sec. 19. Stagnant water upon any ground or lot within this City, and any low or marshy lot or land, the same being made such by defective drainage or otherwise. Sec. 20. Every street drain or sewer in this City laid or con- structed, unless the levels thereof have been furnished by the City Engineer, and the consent of this Board has been obtained; and the Mayor shall forwith cause the abatement thereof. Sec. 21. The sale, or offer to sell, in this City of any animal, or part of animal, that may be sickly, diseased, or unwholesome, or which may have died from disease or accident, or any fish or vegetables, or fruit, not fresh, sound and fit for food. Upon the 16 B OARD OF HEAL TH, MA CON, GE OR GIA. knowledge of a violation of this section by any Inspector of this Board, or any member of the Police Force of this City, said officer, or officers, shall report the same to the Mayor, who shall cause such nuisance to be abated, and the party dealt with as prescribed bylaw. Sec. 22. Any store, stall, room, or stand, where meats, or fish, or vegetables, or fruit, are sold for food, which is kept in an un- cleanly condition, or which shall emit noisome odors disgusting to the citizens residing near such store, stall, room, or shed ; and upon complaint being rendered, the Mayor shall order the place to be kept clean and free from noisome odors, and if the owner thereof refuse or neglect to obey the orders of the Mayor, the latter shall cause the same to be vacated, and the person so of- fending to be presented to the Recorder’s Court for punishment, as prescribed by law. Sec. 23. From and after the passage of this Ordinance, no water closet shall be connected with any drain or sewer in any street in this City, until a proper flushing of the sewers can be had; therefore, all water closets hereafter connected with any drain or sewer in any of the streets in Macon, shall be deemed nuisances injurious to health ; and any person who shall here- after connect, any such water-closet with any drain or sewer, or any pipe leading into such sewer, shall be presented by the Mayor to the Recorder’s Court for punishment. Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspectors under this Board, upon receiving information or obtaining knowledge of the existence of anything or things herein declared to be nuisances, or anything or things which may hereafter be declared to be nuisances by any Ordinance or Resolution enacted or adopted by this Board, to notify the person or persons com- mitting, creating, keeping or maintaining the same, to remove, or cause to be removed, the same within the time prescribed by said Board, after such notice be duly given in writing ; and if the same be not removed by such person or persons, within the time prescribed in said notice, it shall be the duty of the In- spector aforesaid to report the same to the Chairman, who shall have the nuisance abated, and the party offending dealt with as prescribed by law. Should any Inspector become careless in the discharge ot the duties assigned him by this Board, or should he refuse to obey all orders emanating therefrom, he shall be declared incompetent to fulfill the duties of his office, and upon such finding by this Board, the Mayor shall suspend said In- spector and appoint some one fully qualified to discharge the important trust. Sec. 25. And be it further Ordained, That the following Sanitary Regulations will also be strictly and rigidly enforced: HEAL TH RE G ULA TIONS. 17 Any person or persons owning any lot or lots bordering on a public or private sewer, will henceforth be required to drain such lot or lots into the sewer bordering thereon, and also drain all slops, or other matter, as this Board shall decide upon the necessity for so doing. Sec. 26. If any person or persons owning such lot or lots shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requirements of this Ordinance within thirty days after a written notice has been served upon him or them by any officer of this Board, or if such lot or lots be vacant, and no owner or agent can be found within this City, after a written notice has been posted upon the lot or lots for the period aforesaid, by any officer of this Board, then his Honor the Mayor shall cause the said premises to be properly drained to the satisfaction of this Board, and the cost of such work shall be charged to the property so drained, and the Mayor shall enforce the payment of the money so expended as by law authorized to do. Sec. 27. Where it has been found necessary to drain into a private sewer, the party owning or constructing such private sewer shall be entitled to such remuneration as the Mayor may deem just to all parties, and the premises drained shall I>e asses- sed for such remuneration, which shall be collected as provided in Section 26. Sec. 28. Immediately upon notification of this Board that any infectious or contagious disease, dangerous to the public health, exists in any family, a fit and proper person shall be appointed to investigate the matter, under the direction of this Board; and if it is found necessary, such Inspector shall rigidly enforce complete isolation of said person and his nurses, and attendants, and disinfect the place, and also all clothing, bed- ding, &g., of such diseased person before they are taken from the infected house. Sec. 29. Whenever a physician shall know that any person whom he is called to visit is infected with small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, diptheria. puerperal fever, yellow fever, or cholera, or any other infectious or contagious disease dangerous to the public health, such physician shall immediately give notice thereof to this Board ; said notice shall be in writing, and ad- dressed, under seal, to the President of this board. The notice shall also give the full name of the patient so infected, with the number and street of residence. In any of the above class of diseases the physician shall at once cause the case to be isolated. Every physician who shall refuse or neglect to give such notice, in the manner above prescribed, shall be taken before the Recorder’s Court for punishment. 18 BOARD OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORG/A. Sec. 30. No teacher in any private or public school in this City shall permit any scholar therein in whose family small-pox, chicken pox, whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, yellow fever, or cholera is prevailing to attend school until a physician shall certify that there is no longer any danger of such scholar being infected. Teachers shall be diligent in ascertain- ing if or not their scholars comply with this Ordinance. Any teacher refusing or neglecting to obey this Ordinance shall be presented to the Recorder’s Court for punishment. Sec. 31. The upturning of dirt or soil in this City in large quantities is hereby prohibited from May 1st to November 1st in each year, unless the written permission of this Board be first obtained. Any person violating this Ordinance shall be pre- sented to the Recorder’s Court for punishment. Sanitary in- spectors and Members of the Police Force are hereby charged with the enforcement of this Ordinance. Sec. 32. The City Council shall furnish a sufficient number of scavenger carts to have all the trash, garbage, &c., removed from the streets daily from the 1st June to 1st November of each year, and not less than three times a week the remaining months of the year. The Mayor shall employ such additional scaveng- ers as may be neeessary to faithfully perform this all-important service. Sec. 3 h Persons served with any order of this Board, may within the time prescribed by said order, apply to the Board, or the Chairman thereof, to have said order, or its execution, stayed or modified, and every person so applying shall have a full and impartial hearing and the application granted or refus- ed, as the examination shall dictate. This rule, however, shall not operate to cause such suspension in times of universal danger from impending pestilence. All applicants for suspension or modification of the orders of this Board shall have the right to produce their witnesses, and there orally and under oath present the facts upon which their application rests. All witnesses on either side may be fully cross-examined and counsel may also be heard on behalf of said persons, but not to exceed thirty minutes, unless in particular cases, the Board may permit more protracted argument. Sec. 34. The power of the Chairman to suspend execution of an order shall extend to its suspension until the next meeting of the Board, when he shall report every suspension since the last meeting and have the same recorded on the minutes thereof. Sec. 35 The Sexton shall not disinter the body of any person buried in any Cemetery in this City without first obtaining a permit so to do from this Board. HEAL TH RE G ULA TIONS. 19 Sec. 36. It shall not be lawful for any person other than the Sexton to bury any person within the city limits, without first recording the death with the Clerk of Council and obtaining a burial permit from said Clerk. And it shall not be lawful for the Sexton to bury any person dying within this city, in either of the Cemeteries, without first obtaining from the attending physician, provided there be one, a certificate setting forth the cause of death, which certificate shall accompany the order for the grave. The Sexton shall record, or cause to be recorded, in the Clerk’s office, said certificates, together with a report of all interments made, where there was no attending physician, subject to the inspection of all concerned. Sec. 37. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health of this City, whenever, in their judgment, the City is threatened with, or affected by, any formidable epidemic, infectious or contagious disease, to issue or cause to be issued such orders, regulations, and instructions, as may, in their judgment, be deemed effective for the prevention or removal of such disease; which orders, regulations and instructions shall be advertised in a daily paper in this City for a period of one week; said orders, regulations, and instructions to be and remain in full force and effect until by this Board revoked; Provided, That the same may from time to time be modified in such manner as, in the judgment of said Board, shall he deemed necessary. Sec. 38. The orders, regulations and instructions aforesaid shall include orders, regulations and instructions for the speedy interment of the dead; for house to house visitation; for the dispensing disinfectants to the poor, which may be calculated to prevent the spread of such disease; for vaccination ; for the isolation of any person afflicted with such disease, and affording such persons afflicted or threatened with such disease, such aid or hospital accommodations as circumstances may require; said orders, regulations, and instructions shall further include direc- tions for cleansing and purifying, ventilating and disinfecting dwellings, alleys, gutters, privies, cess-pools and the like; cloth- ing, bedding, furniture, and the like, or, in case of necessity, in their judgment, the destruction of such clothing, bedding, or furniture of a textile nature ; Provided, That in the event of the bedding, clothing, or furniture of poor persons being destroyed as aforesaid, they shall be reasonably compensated for the loss of the same, and the said expenditure form a legitimate item of the expenses of the Board. Sec. 39. Whenever, in their opinion, the complete isolation of any person suffering from any such disease (the same being an inmate of any tenement-house, lodging-house, boarding house, or hotel in this City) cannot be secured by other means, 20 B OARD OF HEAL TH, MA CON, GE OR GIA. such person shall be removed as expeditiously as possible, under the direction of the Board of Health, to a public hospital for treatment, and any person suffering from any dangerous infec- tious, or contagious disease, or any person having the care, charge, or control of such diseased person who shall refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, or who shall resist the enforcement thereof by proper authority, shall be liable to such fine as the Recorder may impose. Sec. 40. The proprietor of any tenement-house, lodging- house, boarding-house, or hotel in this City, shall, in the event of any person living in such house becoming afflicted with any such disease, at once notify the Board of Health thereof in writing. For a refusual to give the notice herein provided, the person so offending shall be liable to such punishment as the Recorder’s Court may inflict. Sec. 41. Any person suffering from any such infectious or contagions disease, who shall willfully expose him or herself in any street, public place, or conveyance, or any person having the care, charge or control of such diseased person, or any owner or driver of any such conveyance who does not immediately pro- vide for the disinfection of the same, under directions furnished by this Board, after it has conveyed such diseased person ; and any person who gives, lends, sells, transmits, or exposes any clothing, bedding, rags, or other things which have been exposed to infection, shall, on conviction, be liable to such penalty as the Recorder may inflict. Sec. 42. Any person who shall let to any other person any house, room, or part of a house in which any patient has been confined by reason of such disease, without having such room, house or part of a house completely disinfected to the satisfaction of the Board of Health as certified by them, such person shall be liable to such penalty as the Recorder’s Court may inflict. Sec. 43. Be it further ordained, That there shall be at least one or more Inspecting officers appointed by the Mayor, or the City Council of Macon, as may be judged necessary. One In- spector shall continue his duties from January to January of each year. The duties of the Sanitary Inspectors shall be as follows: Sec. 44. The hours of service of the said Inspector shall be from eight o’clock in tin; morning until twelver, m.; from two p. M. to dusk in the afternoon. He shall wear an Inspector’s badge on left lappel of coat when on duty. Sec. 45. An Inspector shall be assigned to a particular Ward or wards, and shall be held to a strict accountability for the faithful discharge ot the duties assigned him. Sec. 46. The duties of the Inspectors shall be to traverse frequently their respective Wards, and carefully note the pe- HEAL TH REGULA TIONS. 21 culiarities of topography, population, character of occupations or business conducted therein, and of the construction and condition of public buildings, with regard to their sanitary state, or of private dwellings, tenement houses, shops, factories, stables, number of privies, or other buildings; also, the condition of streets, alleys, or sidewalks, pavements, and street gutters, the relative level of lots and streets, and the system of drainage and sewers in every lot, street and alley. Sec. 47. The Inspectors shall promptly report to the Chair- man any nuisance or cause of nuisance found to exist in any street, alley, lane, wharf or vacant place, or upon any lot, yard or grounds, or within any stable, shop, factory, or other building whatsoever ; any offensive or putrefying substance, any oflal or refuse material, kitchen garbage, stable manure, or any manner of filth, noisome to the community, or detrimental to the public health, which may have been cast out, or permitted to accumu- late or remain ; any cess-pool overfull or leaking, stable or place of business ill-kept, or sewer connection defective, or drainage of lot, street or alley imperfect, or tenement house unfit for occupa- tion or overcrowded, cellars or basement damp or foul, or any instance deserving of attention. Sec. 48. Inspectors shall, upon finding any of the herein enumerated nuisances upon a lot, notify the tenant in possession, or if unoccupied, the owner thereof, if in the City, to abate the same within such reasonable time as the Inspector shall specify. Should the party so notified neglect or refuse to obey said or- der, the Inspector shall, by order of the Mayor, have the said nuisance removed, and the cost of such removal, as well as such fine as the Recorder shall impose upon the delinquent, shall be collected in the manner specified by the Recorder’s Court. All notices served upon owners or tenants to abate nuisances shall be in writing and shall be served in person on such owner or tenant, if possible to do so. The notice served shall specify the nuisance ordered abated and time of abatement. Blanks for this purpose will be furnished all Inspectors* Sec. 49. Each Inspector shall make a report in writing to the Secretary of this Board, in the form directed by the Secreta- ry, on the last regular meeting of each month. For every failure to comply with any of the above specified duties, the Inspector so failing shall be fined not less than five dollars, and in no case shall the fine be remitted. Sec. 50. Inspectors shall, from time to time, perform such other and additional duties as this Board may prescribe. Sec. 51. The Inspectors shall report the number of privies in their Wards, and the character of each ; also the water-closets aud their terminations, whether into cess-pools or side drains 22 BOARD OF HEALTH, MACON, GEORGIA. leading into the main sewers. Also, the number of cellars, their depth and usual condition of dryness, and for what pur- pose used. Also, the relative level of lots as compared with the side drains adjoining, affording good, poor, or no drainage. Sec. 52. Inspectors shall see that all cellars reported foul are white-washed, thoroughly cleaned, and the floors thereof freely limed ,and that every privy and water-closet in his Ward is disinfected twice each month, and oftener if necessary, accord- ing to directions of this Board. Sec. 53. Be it further Ordained, That the following shall be the Quarantine Regulations ofthis Board against Yellow Fever : No close car or boat whatever coming from an infected district shall come nearer than ten miles of the city of Macon. Sec. 54. Passengers and baggage comingfrom any district in- fected with yellow fever will not be permitted to stop at Ma- con, but must continue on in passing through the City. Sec. 55. All packages of whatever nature coming from a dis- trict infected with yellow fever, whether by express, box, pas- senger car or platform car, shall not be opened or detained within this City, but must be stored at some other place until after frost. Sec. 56. Any person coming into this City from any place infected with yellow fever, in violation of the Quarantine Reg- ulations of this Board, shall be subject to the penalty fixed by the Act creating this Board, to-wit: (Section 4,310 of the Code of Georgia), a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, imprison- ment in the Jail not exceeding six months, or employment on the public works or chain gang, not exceeding twelve months— one or all in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 57. Upon the announcement of an epidemic, or threat- ened epidemic, of yellow fever, in any City connected with Ma- con by rail or water, the Board of Health shall have its Quarantine Regulations published in the papers of this City and conspicuous- ly posted in the cars and boats leading into such infected place. Sec. 58. In times of an epidemic in any city connected with Macon, the Mayor shall appoint a Quarantine officer on each railroad so connected with this City, whose duty it shall be to personally enforce the rules and regulations of this Board. Sec. 59. No Railroad Company, Express Company, hack line or individual, shall bring into this Ci y the corpse of any person who died of a contagious or infectious disease, unless the same shall be in an hermetically sealed casket, and the permis- sion of the Chairman of this Board be first obtained : Provided, That a certificate from the Cemetery record of the place of re- moval, or the certificate of the attending physician, shall be pasted on the box containing the corpse. The certificate shall HEAL TH RE G ULA TIONS. 23 give the full name of the deceased, the date of death, the dis- ease causing death, and shall also bear the certificate of the undertaker in attendance upon the funeral, stating that the corpse is in an hermetically sealed casket. Sec. 60. All Ordinances, and parts of Ordinances of this Board, inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Or- dinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 61. Books used or handled by children recovering from infectious or contagions diseases, must not be brought back to school. Teachers must see that this section is enforced. Sec. 62. The following disinfectants are to be used in the cases and under the circumstances herein recited : In the selection of disinfecting agents, the aim has been 1st. To secure such agents which can be relied upon to accomplish the work; 2d. Which can be procured in a state of comparative purity; 3d. So cheap that they can be used in adequate quan- tities. DISINFECTANTS. 1st. Roll Sulphur (brimstone) for fumigation. 2cl. Quick lime. To absorb moisture and putrid fluids, use fresh stone lime finely broken ; sprinkle on the place to be dried or deodorized, and# in damp rooms place a number of plates filled with lime powder, whitewash with pure lime and not with calsomine. 3d. Sulphate of zinc and common salt, dissolved together in water, in the proportion of four ounces of sulphate and two ounces of salt to the gallon, for clothing, bed linen, &c. 4th. Sulphate of iron (copperas) dissolved in water in the proportion of one and a half pounds to the gallon, for disinfect- ing soil, sewers, <&c. 1st. In the sick room, the most available agents are fresh air and cleanliness. The clothing, towels, bed linen,