INTESTINAL ILLS BY Alcinous 6. Jamison, M.D., Specialist in Rectal, Anal, and Bowel Diseases. This is a hygienic work intended chiefly for the non- professional reader, revealing in plain language what has perplexed even the ablest of physicians—the key to the cause and cure of all forms of bowel trouble, including not only constipation and diarrhea, but also indigestion, in its various manifestations, and biliousness. The book ex- plains the process of self-poisoning (commonly known as auto-infection or auto-intoxication) and its outcome— anemia, emaciation, etc. This portion of the work is espe- cially interesting, for the subject is treated more fully in “Intestinal Ills” than in any work that even physicians have access to. The book also includes a full explanation of piles, fistula, abscess, pruritis (itching of the anus), inflammation, etc. The importance of this work is further shown by the following summary of the chapters: 1. Man, Composed Almost Wholly of Water, is Con- stipated. Why? 2. The Physics of Digestion and Egestion. 3. The Interdependence of the Anus, Rectum, Sigmoid Flexure, and Colon. 4. Indigestion, Intestinal Gas, and Other matters. 5. Key to Auto-infection. 6. How Auto-infection Affects the Gastric Digestion, and Vice Versa. 7. How Auto-infection Affects Intestinal Digestion, and Vice Versa. 8. The Cause of Constipation and How We Ignorantly Treat It. 9. Cures for Constipation “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. ” 10. Biliousness and Bilious Attacks. 11. King Liver and Bile-bouncers. 12. Semi-constipation and Its Dangers. 13. The Etiology of the Most Common Form of Diarrhea, i. e., Excessive Intestinal Peristalsis. 14. Ballooning of the Rectum. 15. Ballooning of the Rectum (Continued). 16. Erroneous Diagnoses and Treatment of Bowel Troubles. 17. Costiveness. 18. Inflammation. 19. Proctitis and Piles. 20. Pruritus, or Itching of the Anus. 21. Abscess and Fistula. 22. The Origin and Use of the Enema. 23. How Often Should an Enema be Taken? 24. Physiological Irrigation. 25. Proper Treatment for Diseases of the Anus and Rectum Very Essential. 26. The Body’s Book-keeping. 27. Selection and Preparation of Food. 28. Diet for Indigestion. 29. Diet for Constipation. 30. Costiveness, Diet, etc. 31. Diet for Diarrhea. 32. A Final Word. The work is so simple and practical that it is admirably adapted to the needs of the family circle. If you follow it3 directions, especially as to “physiological irrigation,” you will probably never need a physician as long as you live. The book is the outcome of over twenty years’ experience in the treatment of intestinal diseases. It is therefore author- itative and of permanent value. The body of nearly every human being is a pest-house of absorbed poisons, due, not to constipation alone, but to indigestion, biliousness, etc.—the result of either ignorance, carelessness, “over-civilization,” or mal-treatment. Suppose you convert your body into a worthy temple of an aspiring soul. Make a present of this book to some individual or family that may be in need of its light. By so doing you will perform an act of unselfish kindness. Price, cloth bound, lettered in gold, $2.00, post-paid to any address. Please write your name and address plainly. Address all communications to A. B. JAMISON, fl.D. 43 West 45th Street, New York City. Special offer to those purchasing; this book from the Author: During the next month a copy of the following work will be sent free to every buyer of “Intestinal Ills”: •• HOW TO BECOiTE STRONG: ” Health Obtained ; 111 Health Prevented. A treatise on the physiology, anatomy, and pathology of the anus and rectum; together with a description of rectal and anal diseases—their diagnosis and treatment without surgery. Eighth and enlarged edition, with over one hun- dred illustrations and one hundred and twenty-five testi- monials. Regular price, 25 cents, post-paid. Free with “Intestinal Ills.” S@“Do not postpone writing; circulars are apt to be mis- laid or lost. Send for “Intestinal Ills'' at once. You will, through its perusal, save both health and money.