Philadelphia, November, 1874. Dear Doctor: The movement which was set on foot in 1871 for the establishment of a great General Hospital in connection with the University of Pennsylvania has been very successful up to the present time. The new Medical Hall has been finished and the regular course is delivered there this winter. Close beside it is the University Hospital, which was opened for the admission of patients in July last. Clinical Lectures have been delivered daily, and already the incalculable advantages of having such an institution in connection with the Medical Department of the University are being clearly shown. The Hospital has also been doing a noble work in relieving sick and wounded: the Dispensary service has been far more largely attended than ever previously, and the wards are constantly filled, so far as our means will admit, with cases of serious disease or accident. It will be remembered that the State Legislature has given $200,000 for the erection of this Hospital; and that the City of Philadelphia has given a piece of ground of almost equal value. The additional contributions in aid of the Endowment Fund already amount to over $850,000. The original design was to erect a main central building containing large and small lecture-rooms, and offices of administration ; and tyyo lateral pavilions, each with a capacity of 125 beds. Unfortunately the inflated prices which obtained at the time the contracts were made rendered it impossible to build more than the central building and one pavilion for the sum of $200,000. It is accordingly impossible at present to properly classify the patients in the Hospital for want of a sufficient number of wards; and in addition the constantly increasing pressure for the admission of worthy applicants will very soon absolutely demand extension of our ac- commodations. It is vitally important, therefore, that the remaining pavilion or wing should be erected without delay; and it is designed to apply to the State Legislature at its coming session for an appropriation of $125,000 for this purpose. It has been determined to ask for this dependent upon the securing of an additional $100,000 of endowment. This will complete the building: and thus, for an outlay of $325,000 the State will secure a grand General Hospital with a capacity of 300 beds for the use of the sick from all parts of the Common- wealth. It is unnecessary to press upon you, as a graduate of the University, the great claims and vast importance of this work. No service to your Alma Mater can possibly be rendered which can equal in value any assistance afforded in accomplishing this grand result. We therefore appeal to you most earnestly and confidently to make it your special care to secure a favorable consideration of this subject from the Senator and Member of the House of Repre- sentatives from your district. Represent to them the urgent need of such a General State Hospital free from all local or sectarian bias, in this the great railroad and manufacturing centre of the State. Tell them of the great good work which is already being done for the poor from all parts of the Commonwealth. Explain to them that by voting for an additional appropriation of $125,000, dependent upon securing an additional $100,000 for endowment, this great enterprise will be completed and the State will secure the perpetual use of a Hos- pital with accommodation for 300 patients, with a magnificent site of six acres, and wdth an endowment constantly increasing and already amounting to $450,000. Secure their favorable consideration and support, and rest-assured that in the service done for the cause of humanity, the advancement of medical science, and the prosperity of your Alma Mater, you will be richly rewarded. We will esteem it a personal favor to hear from you in regard to the prospects of the support of this appropriation by your Representatives. JOSEPH CARSON, M.D., ROBERT E. ROGERS, M.D., JOSEPH LEIDY, M.D., FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., R. A. F. PENROSE, M.D., ALFRED STILLE. M.D., D. HAYES AGNEW, M.D., JOHN NEILL, M.D., WILLIAM GOODELL, M.D., WILLIAM F. NORRIS, M.D., GEORGE STRAWBRIDGE, M.D., HORATIO C. WOOD, M.D., LOUIS A. DUHRING, M.D., JAMES TYSON, M.D., WILLIAM PEPPER, M.D.