N F. W - Y 0 R K SOCIETY FOR THU BELIEF OF T H E WIDOWS AND ORPHANS O F MEDICAL MEN, INSTITUTED IN T H EYtfXK T8 4 2. INCORPORATED IN 1843 1L A W @ OF THE NEW-YORK SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS O F MEDICAL MEN G£N'L8 INSTITUTED IN THE YEAR 1842; INCORPORATED IN APRIL, 184S. NEW-YOEK K. > . / V *' PRINTED BT «. LUDWIG AND CO, T 0 Ve Bey-Street. 1 84 9. Hist of ©fScet*. President: EDWARD DELAFIELD, M.D. Vice Presidents : J. C. BLISS, M. D., VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. F. U. JOHNSTON, M. D. Treasurer : ISAAC WOOD, M. D. Secretary : H. D. BULKLEY, M. D. Managers: John G. Adams, M. D. James Anderson, M. D. Luke Barker, M.D. E. L. Beadle, M. D. William N. Blakeman, M. D. J. H. Borrows, M. D. William P. Buel, M. D. H. D. Bulkley, M. D. James Cameron, M. D. G. P. Cammann, M. D. Abraham Dubois, M. D. Joel Foster, M. D. S. T. Hubbard, M. D. Jared Linsly, M. D. *James Macdonald, M.D. J. T. Metcalfe, M. D. Willard Parker, M. D. Alfred C. Post, M. D. William Power, M. D. Oliver White, M. D. James R. Wood, M. D. • • Daceued. LAWS OF THE NEW-YORK SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF MEDICAL MEN. CHAPTER I. QUALIFICATIONS AND ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Seo. 1. The Society shall consist of Physicians and Surgeons, residing in New-York and Kings counties, and holding regular licenses to practise, under the laws of the State of New-York; and of Physicians and Sur- geons in the Army and Navy of the United States. Sec. 2. Every person desirous of becoming a member of the Society, shall sign a Declaration, stating his wish, and setting forth his place of abode, and also whether he is a single or married man, and the number, names and ages of his children. To this declaration shall be annexed a certificate, signed by at least two members of the Society, vouch- ing for the good character and standing of the applicant. The candidate, thus recommended, shall be proposed at one meeting of the Board of Managers, and balloted for at the next; and in every notice to attend such meet- ings, the names of the persons to be balloted for shall be expressed. 4 Sec. 3. Any person, qualified as above, may be pro- posed as a member by the Chairman of the annual gene- ral meeting of the Society, and may be balloted for and elected by the same general meeting. Sec. 4. Every member of the Society shall pay the sum of ten dollars, as his initiation fee; and an annual subscription of ten dollars—Jive dollars payable half- yearly; every annual subscriber being considered a member from the day upon which his initiation fee has been paid. Sec. 5. The sum of one hundred dollars, paid at one time, within three months after the date of his election, shall be considered as a composition for premium and annual payment; and shall constitute the subscriber a member for life. Sec. 6. A member who is an annual subscriber of ten dollars, shall not be called upon (unless by his own de- sire) to pay the said subscription for a longer time than twenty years; and when the said term of twenty years is expired, he shall be considered a member for life. Sec. 7. A member who is a subscriber of ten dollars annually, may, by making up the sum of his subscrip- tion one hundred and twenty-five dollars, exclusive of his initiation fee, at any time within ten years from the date of his admission, become a member for life; and, as such, be exempt from future payments. 5 Sec. 8. When a new subscriber pays his initiation fee at any other time than on 1st January or 1st July, it shall be optional with him to date the commencement of his membership from the regular semi-annual time of payment, immediately preceding or immediately succeed- ing the payment of his initiation fee. Sec. 9. Every annual subscriber who shall marry oftener than once, shall pay one year’s contribution ex- traordinary on every such marriage. Sec. 10. If any member remove out of the limits of the Society, or relinquish the practice of medicine, he shall nevertheless continue to be a member, and be en- titled to all the privileges of the Society, so long as he shall continue to pay his subscription, as above named. Sec. 11. No person shall be admitted a member of this Society who publicly advertises any medicine as a secret, or publicly advertises to cure any disease. CHAPTER II. BENEFACTORS. The payment of one hundred dollars or upwards, by a person not belonging to the medical profession, shall constitute such person a Benefactor of the Society ; and the payment of one hundred, and fifty dollars, by a mem- ber of the medical profession, at one time, shall entitle him to the same distinction. 6 CHAPTER HI. DISQUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS. Sec. 1. Any person having omitted to make three half yearly payments of his subscription, for two calendar months after the third half-yearly payment shall have become due, ceases, ipso facto, to be a member of the Society, and the subscription which he has paid shall be forfeited; but the Board of Managers may, at their dis- cretion, restore such person to the privileges of member- ship, upon his making payment of all arrears of dues, with the interest thereon. Sec. 2. If any member shall publicly advertise any medicine as a secret, or countenance the same by pub- licly recommending it; or publicly advertise to cure any disease; the Board of Managers, having had due proof thereof, shall order the Secretary to deliver, or cause to be delivered to him personally, or at his usual place of abode, a copy of the Laws of the Society, and also a written notice, setting forth that unless he discontinue such practice, within three months from the service of said notice, he shall be subjected to removal from the Society ; and if, after the expiration of the time allowed, the Board of Managers shall receive proof that the no- tice has been duly served, and that the said member has not discontinued his empirical practice, he shall cease, ipso facto, to be a member, and the subscriptions which he has paid shall be forfeited. 7 CHAPTER IV. GENERAL MEETINGS. Sec. 1. A general meeting, open to all members, shall be held on the last Wednesday in November in every year. And three days at least, previously to such meet- ing, a summons shall be sent by the Secretary to each member of the Society residing within its limits; and the said general meeting shall also be advertised in two or more of the public daily newspapers. Sec. 2. No business shall be transacted at any gene- ral meeting, unless nine members be present; and iu case this number be not assembled within an hour after the appointed time, the majority of the members present shall have power to appoint a meeting on some other day within a fortnight. Sec. 3. At every general meeting, previously to all other business, the minutes of the last general meeting, together with those of all extraordinary general meet- ings, and meetings of the Board of Managers, assem- bled since the last annual general meeting, shall be read; but no new business shall be introduced, unless recom- mended by a resolution of the Board of Managers; or by a committee appointed for the purpose at a previous general meeting. Sec. 4. At the general meeting in 4itay*ei’, the fol- 8 lowing officers shall be elected ; viz : a President, three Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, and seven Managers. Sec. 5. The President, Vice Presidents, and Treas- urer, shall ex-ojficio be members of the Board of Mana- gers. CHAPTER Y. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Sec. 1. The Board shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and twenty-one Managers. Sec. 2. The Managers shall be divided into three classes of seven each ; each class in rotation shall go out of office at the general meeting in October, and their places shall be supplied at the election which then takes place; but such Managers shall be re-eligible at the pleasure of the Society. Sec. 3. Any vacancies which may occur by death or resignation in the Board of Managers, between two an- nual elections, may be filled by the Board at an election to be held for the purpose at a regular quarterly meet- ing. Sec. 4. A meeting of the Board of Managers shall be held year; viz: on the third Wed- nesday of September, and December. 9 Sec. 5. At every quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers, the minutes of the last annual general meet- ing, and of all extraordinary general meetings held since the last quarterly meeting ; of the last quarterly meet- ing of Managers, and of all extraordinary meetings of Managers held since such meeting ; and of the Standing Committee, shall be read and respectively confirmed or amended. Sec. 6. Candidates for admission shall be balloted for; and no candidate shall be deemed a member unless he have three-fourths of the suffrages contained in the ballot box. Sec. 7. The applications of new candidates, and the recommendations in their behalf, shall be read. Sec. 8. Occasional applications for relief may be re- ceived and considered, and assistance may be granted. Sec. 9. At the quarterly meeting in December, the annual declarations of the widows whose claims on the Society have already been examined and approved, shall be read and considered; and such sums shall be voted to them respectively as the Managers may think proper. Sec. 10. At the quarterly meeting in June, a Com- mittee of five members (two of whom may be of the Board of Managers) shall be chosen to audit the ac- counts of the Society; and at the ‘same meeting, the time and place of holding the Anniversary- Dinner, and 10 the price of Tickets, shall be fixed; and the Stewards shall be elected. Sec. 11. At the quarterly meetings in September, the Auditors’ Report of the state of the funds shall be re- ceived and read. Sec. 12. No business shall be transacted at any meet, ing of the Board of Managers, unless five members of the Board be present. Sec. 13. At all meetings, if the President be absent, the chair shall be taken by the first Vice President; if he be absent, by the second Vice President; or, he also being absent, by the third Vice President. If nei- ther of these officers be present, a chairman shall be appointed pro tempore, from the members present. Sec. 14. All motions shall be delivered to the Chair- man in writing, if the Chairman or any member desire, and shall be read by him before any debate or decision take place thereon. Sec. 15. No member shall speak more than twice on any motion, unless he obtain special permission from the Chairman for that purpose. Sec. 16. All elections shall be by ballot, and be de- cided by a majority; the Chairman having, in all motions vnd elections, a casting vote. 11 Sec. 17. The Chairman shall appoint all Commit- tees, unless otherwise ordered by special resolution. Sec. 18. No resolution tending to alter or repeal any law shall be valid, until approved at one quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers, and confirmed at the next, by a majority of at least three-fourths of the mem- bers present, and voting at each of the said meetings. Sec. 19. The Board of Managers shall have power to call extraordinary general meetings of the members of the Society, notices being served in the same manner as for regular annual meetings. Sec. 20. The Board of Managers shall have power to hold meetings by adjournment, and also appoint ex- traordinary meetings. And any five managers shall also have power to require extraordinary meetings, their requisition being signified in writing to the Secre- tary, who shall call a meeting in conformity therewith upon some day to be fixed by the President, within fourteen days after the date of such requisition. Sec. 21. A general list of the members of the Society shall be published at least once in four years. A supplementary list shall be printed annually, together with a printed statement of the Society’s affairs. 12 CHAPTER VI. SECRETARY. Sec. 1. The Secretary shall be elected by the Board of Managers from their own number. He shall attend at all meetings of the Society, of the Board, and of the Standing Committee, and shall enter into proper books the minutes of the transactions of each meeting. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall receive all applications made to the Society for relief, and shall give notice of the same to the Standing Committee and to the next quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers; and as soon as any sum or sums of money shall be ordered to be paid to applicants, or to those persons who are pro- perly authorized to receive the same, he shall inform them by letter of the exact time and place when and where the Treasurer will be ready to make such pay- ments. CHAPTER VII. TREASURER. Sec. 1. Before the Treasurer enters upon the du- ties of his office, he shall give a bond to the Society, with two suTcient sureties, in a sum of not less than two thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of the trust reposed in him. 13 Sec. 2. He shall collect the interest of all moneys of the Society loaned on bond and mortgage, and the dividends on all stocks held by the Society. Sec. 3. He shall pay all specific orders drawn on him by a resolution of the Society and signed by the presiding officer, and all drafts of the Standing Com- mittee made in conformity with the provisions of the By-Laws. Sec. 4. He shall be required to submit to the Managers at their regular Meeting in September of every year, the names of all members who shall have forfeited their membership. CHAPTER VIII. COLLECTOR. Sec. 1. The Collector shall be elected by the Board of Managers ; and on first entering into office shall give such security for the faithful performance of his duties as the Board may deem sufficient. Sec. 2. He shall be allowed a commission of five per cent, on all sums he shall collect for the Society. Sec. 3. He shall call upon each annual subscriber for his half yearly payment, within one month after it has become due. 14 CHAPTER IX. STANDING COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. The President and two Managers, to be chosen by the Board annually at their quarterly meeting *n December, shall constitute the Standing Committee- Sec. 2. All applications for relief shall be referred to the Standing Committee. Sec. 3. They shall inquire into the circumstances of all widows or orphans of any deceased member who may apply for assistance, and through the Secretary, report their cases to the Board of Managers. Sec. 4. They shall give drafts upon the Treasurer to all persons who shall be authorized by the Board of Managers to receive assistance from the Society, and no payment shall be made for such purpose without such draft. Sec. 5. In cases where applications are made to the Standing Committee, during the recess of the Society, and if on examination it shall appear that the applicant or applicants are entitled to relief by the By-Laws, and that the circumstances of the case are such as to require immediate assistance, it shall and may be law- ful for them to make a donation not to exceed twenty- five dollars, to meet such emergency ; provided always, that they shall report in writing at the next meeting of the Board of Managers, the amount thus advanced, and the name and situation of the persons thus relieved. 15 Sec. 6. The Standing Committee, with the advice of the Treasurer, shall invest all the funds of the Society, and no change of investments shall be made except by their order. CHAPTER X. DISPOSITION OF FUNDS. Sec. 1. The funds of the Society shall be invested in bonds and mortgages on real estate in the cities of New- York and Brooklyn, the borrowers also residing in one of the said cities ; and in stocks of the United States or of the City and State of New-York, and in no other mode. Sec. 2. All payments constituting members for life, all initiation fees, and all benefactions and legacies, shall at all times be added to the capital stock of the Society, unless a contrary disposition of them be directed by the Benefactors or Testators. CHAPTER XI. PROPER SUBJECTS OF RELIEF. Sec. 1. The widow of any member of this Society having no child, and who has no estate, salary, or other provision, exceeding altogether the yearly value of two hundred dollars, is eligible to receive such assistance from this Society annually, as the state of its funds will permit, Provided, that if such widow shall marry again, her annuity shall cease, unless the Board of Managers think proper to continue it. 16 Sec. 2. The widow of any member of this Society who is left with a child or children under fourteen years of age, entirely or in part dependent on such widow for support, and who has no estate, salary or other provision exceeding the yearly value altogether of fifty dollars for each child respectively, in addition to the two hundred mentioned in the preceding section, is eligible to receive such additional assistance from this Society annually, as the state of its funds will permit. Sec. 3. The orphan of any member of this Society who has no estate, salary or other provision, exceeding the yearly value altogether of one hundred dollars, is eligible to receive such assistance annually, as the funds of the Society will permit. Sec. 4. If any member at his death, leave neither widow nor child, but a widowed mother, living with him at the time of his decease, and dependent on him for support, or a sister above the age of fifty years, who had lived with him for at least three years, and was living with him at the time of his death, and dependent on him for support; such widowed mother or such sister shall be deemed eligible to receive assistance from the funds of the Society, at the discretion of the Board of Man- agers. Sec. 5. No widow or child, mother or sister of any medical practitioner, shall receive any assistance from the funds of this Society, unless the person from whom they claim was a member at the time of his death, and had been a member two years at least previously to his de- cease. 17 Sec. 6. Although the general intention of the Society is to relieve the widows and children of medical men ; yet, if it should unfortunately happen, that any member be incapacitated from attending to his business, the said member and his family being involved in distress, it shall be lawful for the Board of Managers to allow him such temporary relief as they shall deem necessary. CHAPTER XII. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF. Sec. 1. All applications for relief from the Society must be made by letter to the Secretary; stating the name and age of the parties applying; the name and relationship of the member through whom they become qualified to receive relief; and the circumstances which make assistance necessary. The applications having been examined by the Standing Committee, must be re- ported to the Board of Managers at their next quarterly meeting, and such relief granted as they may deem proper. Sec. 2. All persons whose claims on the Society shall have been allowed, and who are desirous of receiving regular assistance from its funds, must send to the Sec- retary early in the month of November of each year, the Declaration set forth in the Appendix, properly filled up; and if the Board of Managers shall require it, ve- rified by affidavit; which declaration must be signed by two Members of the Society, if the applicant reside with- in its limits; and if beyond these, the applicant, if a widow, or if an orphan, or orphans, their guardian or 18 nearest friend, must make affidavit of the truth of the statement therein contained, before an officer legally qualified to administer oaths in the county or district in which he or she resides; or shall procure the signa- ture of a respectable clergyman in the town in which he or she may reside, as to his belief in the truth of such declaration. Sec. 3. All sums of money granted by the Board of Managers, shall be paid within twenty days after such sums are voted, by the Treasurer, to the parties who are properly authorized to receive the -same ; and the Secre- tary shall by letter inform them of the time and place, when and where, the Treasurer will be ready to make such payments. Sec. 4. All annuities shall be paid in two equal semi- annual payments. CHAPTER XIII. 0 ANNIVERSARY DINNER. Sec. 1. A dinner by the Members of the Society shall be held in the month of October or November in every year. Sec. 2. The expenses of the Anniversary Dinner shall be paid by the proceeds of the tickets issued for the same. Sec. 3. A general statement of the affairs of the So- ciety shall be made upon this occasion, and especially the amount expended by the Society for ordinary ex- penditures, other than the sums granted to relieve ap- plicants under its By-Laws. 19 APPENDIX. THE DECLARATIONS OF PERSONS DESIROUS OF RECEIVING REGULAR ASSISTANCE FROM THE FUND. To the Managers of the New- York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans. Mrs Years of Age resident at hereby maketh declaration, that she still continues the Widow of late Member of this Society, having never since been married to any other person ; that she has Chil- dren under fourteen years af age now living and unprovided for, namely, aged That she has no Estate, Salary, or )ther Provision whatever from any source, sxcept Here state the Names and Ages of the Children and their present situation. 20 which, taken together, do not produce more than per annum, and therefore she is still under the necessity of presenting her claims to the Society. Signed Date and Resi- dence. N. B. If the Applicant reside either in New-York or King’s Counties, this Declaration must be certified by the signatures of two Members of the Society; and if beyond these limits, Affidavit of the truth of such Declaration must be made before an Officer legally qualified to administer oaths in the County or District in which the Applicant resides; or the signature of a respectable Clergyman in the town in which she may reside, as to his belief in the truth of such decla- ration. The Board of Managers have the power of re- quiring this Declaration to be verified by the Affidavit of the Claimant. 21 CERTIFICATE. We, whose names are hereunto sub- scribed, certify, that we believe the above Declaration to be strictly true. Dated • Signed. WIDOWS and the Guardians of ORPHANS are requested particularly to take Notice, that it is neces- sary that a Renewal of their Declaration and Cer- tificate, regularly signed as above directed, be sent to the SECRETARY, on or before the Second WEDNESDAY in the Month of November, in every year; in default of which, no Widow or Orphan can receive assistance from the Board of Directors, who meet in December. N. B. With the FIRST Application for Relief there must be sent a Copy of the Certificate of Mar- riage of the Widow with the deceased Member; evi- dence of the Ages of the Children under fourteen years; and also the certificate of the burial of the deceased person. 22 LIST OF MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBERS. Anderson, James Arden, John B. Barker, Luke Beales, John C. Bedford, Gr. S. Berger. Francis E. Bliss, James C. Cammann, George P. Cameron, James Delafield, Edward Halsted, T. M. Linsly, Jared *Macdonald, James /Maynard, Elias F. Mott, Valentine Metcalfe, John T. Olliff, William J. Parker, Willard Taylor, Isaac E. Van Rensselaer, Alexander Wood, Isaac ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS. Adams John Q-. Beadle, Edward L. Blakeman, Wm. N. Borrowe, J. H. Bowron, John S. Buel, William P. Bulkley, H. D. Campbell, James Clark, Peter F. Chapin, John R. Clements, J. W. G. Dubois, Abraham Foster, Joel Garrish, John P. *Graham, John Greene, Isaac Goldsmith, Alban Griscom, John H. Gunn, Alexander N. Harris, Stephen R. Hoffman, Richard K. *Hunter, Abr. T. Hubbard, Samuel T. Jarvis, Aaron Johnston, Francis U. Macneven, Wm. H. * Deceased. 23 Miller, William E. Miner, William Miner, William W. Morris, Richard L. Nichols, Elias S. Ogden, Benjamin Post, Alfred C. Power, William *Revere, John Rockwell, William Rodgers, J. Kearny Sayre, Lewis A. Smith, Charles D. Smith, David *Stearns, John Stevens, Alexander H. Stillwell, John E. Storer, Ebenezer Sweeny, Hugh Trenor, John Trudeau, James Van Kleek, John R. Ward, Thomas *Washington, James A. White, Oliver White, Samuel P. Williams, Merrill W. Worster, Joseph Wright, Aaron Wood, James R. * Deceased. 24 INDEX. Chap. Page I. Qualifications and Admission of Members 3 II. Benefactors ------ 5 III. Disqualification of Members - - - 6 IV. General Meetings ----- 7 V. Board of Managers ----- 8 VI. Secretary - - - - - - 12 VII. Treasurer - - - - - - ib. VIII. Collector - - - - - - 13 IX. Standing Committee - - - - - 14 X. Deposition of Funds - - - - - 15 XI. Proper Subjects of Relief - - - ib. XII. Applications for Relief - - - - 17 XIII. Anniversary Dinner - - - - - 18 Appendix - - - - - - -19 List of Members - - - - - 22