Narragansett machine co., Providence, R.I. Catalog of medical and anthropometric apparatus. £Providence, R.I., 1904 t CATALOG OF MEDICAL m ANTHROPOMETRIC APPARATUS. It MADr BY THE * flARRARANSETT MACHINE CO. I providence, r. i. Presented to the Statistical Division, Surgeon-General's Library, United States Army Washington, D. C. BY The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Newark, New Jersey CATALOG I. J CATALOG O F MEDICAL and ANTHROPOMETRIC APPARATUS. M A V I. 1 1 O- DISCOUNT 15% K. D., F. 0: B: Providence, B: I: MADE BY THE NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO. Providence, R. I. ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARTS. Charts, Record Cards and books may be obtained from the authors or pub Ushers as below: Amherst Charts: Dr. E. Hitchcock. Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. Dr. Sargent's Charts: Dr. D. A. Sar- gent, Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Seaver's Charts: Dr. Jay W. Seaver, Lynwood Place, New Haven, Conn. University of Nebraska Charts: Annie Barr Clapp, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Oberlin Charts: Dr. Delphine Hanna, Oberlin, Ohio. Y. M. C. A. Charts: International Committee, 124 East 28th Street, New York, N. Y. Dr. Hastings Charts: F. A. Bassette & Co., Springfield, Mass. Copyright, 1904, by the Narragansett Machine Co., Providence. R. I. In the year 1885 the American Associa- tes the Advancement of Physical Edu- cation appointed a committee on An- thropometry, consisting of Drs. D. A. Sargent, E. Hitchcock and W. G. An- derson. The report of this committee, made in 1886, has been the basis of anthropometry since that date, and nearly all the apparatus here described is designed for taking the tests and measurements prescribed by that com- mittee. The apparatus was formerly made in Europe, and when its manufacture was commenced here by Instrument Makers, it was on the lines of the im- ported instruments. They made single instruments to order or in small lots, the demand being limited; and as the work required the expert workmen, the price was high. In some of the apparatus improvement has been made, both in design and cost. There is much, however, yet to be done. In the instruments we have made, we have placed the price low as possible, hoping thus to popularize them and increase their use. This policy has been successful and the increased sale has enabled us to reduce the cost of manufacture. Several instruments, such as scales, sense tests, etc., are made specially to order for us, and we take great care to keep them up to the standard required by the best authorities. Anthropometric Apparatus. 3 HORIZONTAL BAR. For Pull Up's. This bar is made with an adjustable support and brace to go in the corner of a room. In ordering give height of room and required length of horizontal brace. The bar is 3 feet long. No. 583 Bar for Pull Up's 7.50 4 CHEST DEPTH CALIPER. Self - Reading. This caliper was designed specially for taking maximum and minimum chest depths at the same time. It is light and easy to handle, being made, of aluimnum and weigh- ing only seven ounces. The tips are made of ebony which is not as cold to the touch as metal, and are. large so as not to depress soft flesh. The pressure is constant, being ap- plied by a spring, hence the indications are independent of the observer. Its capacity is from 5 to 11 inches or 13 to 27 centimeters. The scales are Interchangeable. The scale is white celluloid with black graduations, and the index finger is black. In use the caliper is held horizontal with the arm of the subject in the bow. No. 585 Chest Dept Caliper12.00 5 CHEST DEPTH CALIPER. Nickeled Metal. Quick Acting Screw. Ca- pacity 0 to 12 inches. No. 592 Chest Depth Caliper 4.00 CHEST CALIPER. For Chest and Abdomen. Made of bent hickory, practically unbreakable. No. 588 Chest Caliper. Hickory 2.00 6 No. 587 ANTHROPOMETRIC TAPE, 5 ft. Metric and Inches 25 0^e absorb "eing painted does not different deV'Sed ** GullCk t0 eliminate the eaua- NO. 586 TAPE, With 6-oz. Spring (Gulick) 75 ANTHROPOMETRIC TAPE. 7 A Nickel Plated Steel Tape in German Silver case with return spring, 60 inches long, graduated to 1-16 inches on one side and milliemetres on the other. Best adapted for anthropometric work of any on the market. NO. 587 STEEL TAPE. 5 FT 1.75 For measuring the stretch of arms. It consists of a rod about 7 ft. long with a fixed arm at one end and a sliding arm at the other. In use one mid- dle finger tip is pressed against the fixed arm and the sliding arm pushed as far away as possible with the other. It is generally fastened to the wall at about 56 inches high. No. 589 ARM STRETCH ROD 8.00 ARM STRETCH Measuring Rod. STEEL TAPE. 8 STADIOMETER. Or Height Stand. This Is made according to the A. A. A. P. E. rule, with the base 18 inches square and 12 inches high. The rod is maple graduated to inches and tenths on one edge and millimetres on the other. The sliding arm is arranged to measure from its upper as well as lower sur- face for knee heights, etc. No. 591 Stadiometer8.00 9 SHOULDER CALIPER; BREADTH. This is the common form of sliding arm caliper, made of maple, graduated to inches and tenths to Inches and millemeties. The brass parts are nickled. No. 593 Shoulder 3.00 10 WALL PARALLEL. For making a test of the "Strength of Upper-arms (triceps) and Chest." Ac- cording to the recommendations reported June, 1904, by the A. P. U. A. commit- tee on revision of physical examination, which requires bars 18 inches apart, 5 feet from the floor, with a screen 18 inchese wide and 30 inches high, erected vertically 18 inches from the ends of the bar or bars projecting 18 inches from a vertical wall with the clear space 30 inches above the bars. There is also a tape stretched 3 inches above the bars. The frame is made adjustable, on wall boards, so it can be lowered 2 feet 3 inches, to take the push-ups. No. 594 Wall Parallel6.00 11 MANUOMETER Or Grip Dynamometer. The Manuometer or Grip Dynamometer is used for testing the muscles of the hand and forearm. This form records correctly all pres- sure applied to it, and cannot be overstrained or made to record high by bringing all the pressure to bear on the centre. The Graduation may be Metric or English. It Is held in the hand, dial towards the palm and top against the fingers. No. 596 Manuometer10.00 No. 596-1 Push and Pull Attach.... 10.00 12 For making any kind of tests not exceeding 200 ibs. (100 kilos). The manuometer may be also used as a scale or weighing device. The above attachment shows the manuometer in a device designed by Dr. D. A. Sargent for recording compression and extension. (Push and Pull). When the handles are drawn apart rhe tension is transmitted through the screws to the opposite plates that hold the manuo- meter, compressing it; and when the handles are pressed together they press directly on the manuometer. The manuometer is loosely held between the plates so that it can be easily slipped out. The instrument arranged in this way is applicable for a chest compression and extension dynamometer. By passing a strap through one handle and securing th > other end to a board or the floor, back and leg tests can be made. By attaching the same strap to a hook overhead and letting the subject hang on the lower handle, clear of the floor, approximate weights may be ob- tained. Other uses will suggest themselves to examiners. Push and Pull Attachment. 13 WET SPIROMETER. No. 595 Wet Spirometer 12.00 No. 595-1 Spirometer Shelf 2.00 14 No. 595 Wet Spirometer. The Wet Spirometer is generally admitted to be the only device for measuring lung capacity that will continue to record accurately. There is no rubber reservoir to leak or harden and crack in two or three years; an air cylinder immersed in water never leaks or wears out. The air cylinder is sheet zinc, and as it is made on an arbor they are exactly the same size and capacity, and record accurately their cubic contents. This cylinder is carefully bal- anced by weights that run in the tubes at the sides. The side tubes are polished brass, and one of them is graduated to measure the height, and consequently the volume contained by the cylinder. One side of the tube is grad- uated to cubic inches, the other to cubic deci- meters. The stopper at the left lets the air out of the cylinder for it to descend, and that at the right has been replaced by a valve to let the water out of the tank. All parts ex- cept the brass tubes are finished in alu- minum. It has a capacity of 400 cubic inches or 6.5 cubic decimeters (litres). A convenient shelf is made for holding the spirometer when no other support is available. Wood Mouth-Piece. MOUTH-PIECES. No. 593-3 Rubber Mouth-Piece, ea.. .75 No. 595-4 Glass Mouth-Pieces, doz...1.00 595-6 Wood Mouth-Piece, 100 60 595-6 Wood Mouth-Piece, 10003.50 No. 595-5 Extra Rubber Tubes, ea.. .75 15 This gauge was designed by Mr. Thomas Elkinton for measuring the assymetry of the spinal column. It consists of a graduated bar with an index in the centre of the two sliding arms that measure the distance from the centre. 593-1. ASSYMETRY GAUGE (Elkinton) 8.00 ASSYMETRY GAUGE. 16 MANOMETER. The Manometer, or lung pressure gauge, is designed to record the maximum pressure ex- erted by the expiratory muscles. It may be graduated grammes per sq. centermeter. Ca- pacity of GOO to 700 or lbs. per cubic inch. No. 597. Manometer25.00 17 Back, Leg and Chest Dynamometer. (Tieman). The capacity is 1500 pounds or 700 kilos. The dial may be graduated metric or English, but not both on one dial. Back, Leg and Chest Dynam'ter.. .50.00 18 DYNAMOMETER CHAIN AND HANDLE. Designed to meet the requirements ot the A. P. E. A. rules. The chain is nickeled. No. 598-2. Dyn'r Chain and Handle, 4.00 18a BACK AND LEG DYNAMOMETER. (Upham). Similar in form to one on the preceding page without the side knobs. Capacity 2000 pounds or 900 kilos. Back and Leg Dynamometer 44.00 Used in connection with the Back and Leg Dynamometer, according to the recommenda- tions of the A. P. B. A. committee on re- vision of physical examination, which requires a platform 20x12 inches, with a box to pro- tect the Dynamometer 5x4 inches and 9 Inches high. DYNAMOMETER BASE. No. 598-1 Dynamometer Base 4.00 19 "SEAVER" MEASURING ROD. Designed by Dr. J. W. Seaver of Yale Uni- versity to simplify and facilitate the taking of measurements. It will take all of the height and breadth measurements, being prac- tically a shoulder caliper with an extension for taking height measures. The rod con- sists of a gauge rod one metre long, having a fixed, a sliding arm and an extension also one metre long. In using for height measurements of more than a metre, the end of the gauge rod oppo- site the fixed arm rests on the extension rod and is held by one hand while the other moves the sliding arm. Heights of less than a metre are taken wi a the gauge rod. No. 599 Seaver Rod4.00 Graduated in Metric and English. 20 SEAVER ROD CALIPER. This is a modification of the Seaver Meas- uring Rod to enable Chest Depths to be taken. On the ends of the Caliper Arms are hinged blades that may be set as shown in the cut or folded down into the slot on the inside of the arm. As these blades project one-half decimeter from the arm, the Chest Depth is read on the Shoulder Breadth Scale by deducting one deci- meter. When the blades are folded into the arms they do not interfere with the taking of shoulder breadths or height measurements, making this a practical instrument for taking all anthropometric heights, breadths and depths. No. 599-1. Seaver Rod Caliper6.00 21 ANTHROPOMETRIC SCALE. The scale, shown above is made specially for Anthropometric work, and Is very sensitive. The platform side of the beams Is grad- uated metric to 155 Kilos by 30-gram divi- sions. and the other side English to 310 pounds by tenths of a pound. No. 590-B Anthropometric Scale, $32.00 22 ANTHROPOMETRIC SCALE. The platform side of the beams are grad- uated metric to 100 Kilos by 50-gram divi- sions, and the other side English to 200 pounds by tenths of a pound. No. 590-F Anthropometric Scale... .26.00 23 UNIVERSAL DYNAMOMETER. 24 DR. KELLOGG'S UNIVERSAL DYNAMOMETER. The cut on the opposite page illus- trates the latest form of Dr. Kellogg's Universal Dynamometer, specially adapted to testing the strength of the individual groups of muscles in the human body. Every important group of muscles in the body can be tested with this instrument, numbering twenty-five, counting only one side. This instrument furnrishes the basis for a scientific study of muscular dyna- mics. By the aid of me percental charts which have been constructed from it, and which accompany the instrument, it is possible to make a graphic represent- ation of the muscular capacity of an in- dividual, such as cannot be obtained in any other way, thus furnishing accurate data upon which to base a prescription for exercise, the lack of which up to the present time, has been the greatest ob- stacle in the way of the scientific appli- cation of gymnastics to the correction of deviations from the normal standard of symmetry. Capacity 1500 lbs. A circular fully describing this instru- ment and its uses will be sent on appli- cation. Universal Dynamometer 176 00 24a SPHYGMOGRAPH. Dudgeon. This is well known as an instrument for recording pulse vibrations and other peculiar curves. It magnifies the movements of the artery fifty times and has a pressure spring regulating from one to five ounces. Size 2y2 by 2 inches, weight 4 oz. In a neat pocket with box for record slips. Sphygmograph (Dudgeon)25.00 25 PRECUSSOR AND PLEXIMETER. These were designed by Dr. Flint for use In sounding the chest, and consist of a rubber hammer with an elastic hard rubber handle and a shoe to be laid on the spot to be sound- ed. Precussor 1.00 Pleximeter 35 26 TIEMAN. FRYE. The above is a well-known form of stetho- scope. It has two sizes of cones and a rubber flange for the smaller one. The connecting tubes are flexible so it can be folded to put in the pocket. £ Stethoscope. Camman (Tieman).... ,-4r5G Stethoscope. Camman (Frye)2.50 CAMMAN'S STETHOSCOPE. 27 PHONENDOSCOPE. The object of this instrument is to render audible all sounds, whether natural or caused by morbid conditions of the human body; they can be heard with much greater inten- sity and within much more narrow limits than it has been possible with the ordinary Stetho- scope. At the same time it conveys with great accuracy the nature of the sound. The Phonendoscope is to sound what the microscope is to light-a magnifier There are several degrees of sensitveness ob- tained by different adjustments. Phonendoscope in Metal Case3.75 A. manual has been written by Prof. Aurelio Bianchi, one of the inventors of the phonendo- scope called "The Phonendoscope and its Practical Applications," with 37 illustrations. PELVIC LATERAL OBLIQU I METER. Dr. Jay W. Seaver. 8his instrument is attached to a Seaver Meas- uring Rod or a Shoulder Caliper. The arms of the rod or caliper are pressed on the top of the iliac crests and the bar with the level raised until the bubble is in the centre. The inclination is then read on the scale. No. 599-1. Seaver Obliquimeter.20.00 28 PELVIC OBLIQUIMETER. An Instrument for measuring the obliquity of the Pelvis, devised by Dr. Eliza M. Mosher. A circular will be sent on application. Pelvic Obliquimeter Mosher, Net...62.50 29 ANTHROPOMETRIC OUTFIT. List of apparatus recommended by the A. P. E. A. committee for colleges, secondary schools. Young Men's Christian Associations, etc. No. 591 Stadiometer $8.00 No. 590-B Scale 32.00 No. 586 Tape and Spring .75 No. 593 Shoulder Breadth Caliper 3.00 No. 585 Chest Depth Caliper 12.00 No. 595 Wet Spirometer 12.00 Dynamometer for Back and Legs 44.00 No. 598-1 Dynamometer Base 4.00 No. 594-1 Wall Parallel 9.00 No. 583 Horizontal Bar 7.50 No. 596 Manuometer 10.00 Total $139.25 List of apparatus recommended by the A. p. E. A. committee for public schools. No. 591 Stadimeter $8.00 No. 590-B Scale 32.00 No. 586 Tape and Spring 75 No. 593 Shoulder Breadth Caliper 3.00 No. 585 Chest Depth Caliper 12.00 No. 595 Wet Spirometer 12.00 Total 67.75 ANTHROPOMETRIC CABINET. Of oak, with glass front, arranged to hold a complete outfit, size 114x4 feet; provided with lock. 590-1 Anthropometric Cabinet 10.00 30 ANTHROPOMETRIC CABINET. 30a For testing the eyes the following arti- cles are required: 2 pairs of spectacles, one with convex glasses No. + .75 diop- tric; and the other with concave glasses No. - .75 dioptric; a copy of Dionoyer's test types and a copy of Green's astiga- matic lines. For testing color blindness a set of col- ored worsteds is necessary. In testing for hearing an ordinary watch may be used. A tuning fork is also nec- essary. The instructions for these tests were prepared by Dr. H. H. Seeley and pub- lished in the Anthropometric Manual of Amherst College. Dr. Seaver's "Anthro- pometry" also contains detailed instruc- tions for testing eyes and ears. Test Type, Monoyer 75 Astigmatic Lines (Green) 50 Tuning Fork 1.75 Set of Test Worsteds 4.00 For convenience of examiners we habe had made a pocket rubber case contain- ing the two spectacles used (+.75 and -.75) and a pair having plain glass; all fold into the handle like the blades of a pocket knife, thus making a convenient device to carry and protecting the glass. Spectacles, set of three 5.00 SENSE TESTS. 30b p. 31-34 missing Medical Apparatus. For several years we have made to order for Physicians, Masseurs and others, Plinths, Massage Tables, Booms, Rid-stools, etc. We list herewith such of these as have been found generally useful. We have drawings of and are pre- pared to make the apparatus used by Dr. Anders Wide, and shown in his hand book. If a device is wanted that is not here illustrated, write us; we may be able to supply information regarding it. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO., Providence, R. I. 35 For Massage Treatment, Etc. No. 1962. Leather Covered45.00 The upholstering is deep and firm. It may be covered with plush or corduroy as desired, or for special work with leather or painted can- vas. The frame is oak, well finished. Both ends are adjustable. No. 1962. Massage Plinth40.00 23x60 in.; 18 in. high. MASSAGE PLINTH. 36 MASSAGE PLINTH. Adjustable for Height. This is a modification of No. 19G2 Plinth; a second or auxiliary set of legs to change the height being provided. The upholstery mate- rials, etc., are the same as for No. 1962. No. 1963. Massage Plinth, Adj50.00 No. 1693. Leather Covered55.00 18x60 in.-13 or 19 in. high. 37 GYMNASIUM PLINTH. Made exactly In form and dimensions to the plinths used in Sweden. The top is padded and canvas covered. Leather, Corduroy or Plush will be furnished if desired. The top may be hinged if wanted for office practice. The foot rests slide on sides. Made of oak, it is a fine and substantial piece of apparatus. Packed Wt., 120 pounds. No. 1960. Gymnasium Plinth 35.00 No. 1960. Leather Covered40.00 13%x60 in.-14 and 34 In. high. 38 MASSAGE PLINTH. This Plinth is adjustable for height and has the back adjustable at any angle. The legs fold into the body and the body can be tipped up, so that it stands on end, resting on the iron head frame out of the way. It is substantial, made with a frame of oak and iron legs and head frame. The upholstery may be Plush, Corduroy or any desired material. No. 1964. Folding Plinth50.00 No. 1964. Leather Covered..55.00 18x52 in.-18 and 30 in. high. 39 HOME OR OFFICE APPARATUS. The outfit shown on the three following pages is patterned after those made in Swe- den for Home and Office use. It comprises adjustable Stall Bars, Boom with padded back rest and a Bench. The posts are oak; stall bars, maple; boom, pine; and bench, white wood. The posts are 7 ft. 10 in. high, and the width over all, 3 ft. 3 in. on the regular size. Other sizes made to order at full list price. For Medical Gymnasts, Masseurs and all practicing Swedish Medical Gymnastics, it is a complete outfit at a low price. It is easily set up and can be arranged to be taken entirely down by loosening four hand screws. It can also be made to stand independent of the doorway by making the posts to reach from floor to ceiling. The "Extra" style 919-1 has posts of quar- tered oak and a leather covered padded bench. No. 919. Swedish Outfit25.00 No. 919-1. Sw. Outfit, Quar. Oak....35.00 40 41 42 43 For Medical Gymnastics. APPARATUS As described in the Hand Book of Medical and Orthopedic Gymnastics. By Anders Wide, M. D. 1902 Edition. No. 1974-1 High Plinth, No. 1 (No. 19G0) (a) 35.00 No. 1974-2 High Plinth, No. 2 (No. 1960) (b) No. 1974-3 High Plinth, No. 3 (No. 1960) (c) No. 1974-4 Low Plinth (d) 60.00 No. 1974-4 Low Plinth. No arms 48.00 No. 1974-5 Boom, Padded Bar (e) 20.00 No. 1974-6 Trapeze (Heave Plank (f)).... 3.50 No. 1974-7 Rib Stool or Stall Bars (No. 920) (g) 8.00 No. 1974-8 Peg Post (h) 12.00 No. 1974-9 Pules (Breast Bars) (No. 340) (i) 6.00 No. 1974-10 Ropes, (No. 551) (-) 5.00 No. 1974-11 Table. Padded Top (k) 10.00 No. 1974-12 Stools, Upholstered (1) 10.00 No. 1974-13 Foot Stool (Bench) No. 927) (m) 2.50 No. 1974-14 Forward Drawing Rope (n).. 3.00 No. 1974-15 Rods (Wands) 3 (No. 1205) (o) 1.00 No. 1974-16 Cushion, Padded (p) 4.00 Nos. in parenthesis refer to apparatus in our Gymnasium Catalogue F, which will be sent on application. Letters in parenthesis refer to letters in Dr. Wide's book, pages 12 to 15. 1902 edition. Published by Funk & Wagnails, New York. 44 IN ORDERING. In ordering instruments advise if the Metric or English Graduation is required. In some cases both may be had on the same instrument; but it is generally confusing and better to have one only. TERMS. Terms of payment to parties known to us, or of established credit, are 30 days, and unless otherwise arranged for prompt payments are expected. To parties not known to us, goods will be sent C. O. D., provided a remittance sufficient to cover twice the express charge accompanies the order. The ex- pense of collection charged by the ex- press company must be paid by the pur- chaser in all cases. To send the money with the order and have the goods shipped by freight is by far the cheapest way as it saves collection charges. Money sent by cheque, Post Office money order, or registered letter will be sure to reach us. SHIPPING. All goods are shipped F. O. B. (free on board) cars or boat in Providence. Small packages of 100 lbs. or jess will be sent by express, at our discretion, unless other- wise ordered. DIRECTIONS. Please give directions for marking and forwarding goods fully and distinctly. Designate what route to ship, if any one in particular is desired. In all instances where no instructions are given as to forwarding, goods will be sent by the safest, cheapest and most expeditious route. 45 FACTORY OF THE NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO. Floor Area 80,000 Feet. PAWTUCKET, R. I Shed Area 30,000 Feet. 46 The illustration of our factory on the opposite page conveys an idea of our splendid facilities for the manufacture of Gymnastic Apparatus. A complete Wood Working Plant with dry kilns and nearly an acre of sheds for the storage of lumber insures prompt work, and an ample stock of well seasoned and dried wood to work from. Tracks from the main line of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., enter our yard and pass between the sheds and buildings, enabling us to load cars directly from our store rooms or unload into the lumber sheds or dry kilns, thus handling material with economy and dispatch. A large and fully equipped Machine Shop enables us to do the best of machine work, such as Standard Gymnastic apparatus is famous for, and Turning, Mattress and Japanning Shops complete a combination of facilities not to be found elsewhere. Directors of Gymnasiums and others specially interested in Gymnastic ap- paratus are invited to call and see us. We are easily reached from either Prov- idence or Pawtucket, via the Main Street Car line. Our Library of Gymnastk Books is at the service of Directors; our show room contains the latest appara- tus and in our drafting room may be seen the plans of nearly every gymnasium that has been equipped during the last 20 years. If you are in this vicinity givt> us a call. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY. Yours respectfully, Post Office Address, Providence, R. I. 47 I NDEX. Anthropometric Outfit 30 Anthropometric Charts 31 Arm Stretch Rod 8 Assymetry Gauge 16 Bar-Horizontal 4 Calipers, chest 5 Dynamometer B. & L 18 Dynamometer, Kellog 24 Grif. Dynamometer 13 Gymnasium Plinths 38 Height Stand 9 Home Swedish Apparatus 40 Manometer 17 Manuometer 12 Massage Plinths 36 Medical Apparatus 35 Parallel Bar 11 Pelvic Olignimeter 28 Phonendoscope 28 Pleximiter 26 Plinths 36 Precussor . 26 Scales 22 Seaver Rud 20 Shoulder Caliper 10 Spirometer 13 Spbygmograph 25 Stadiometer 9 Stethoscope 27 Swedish Home Apparatus 40 Tape 7 Wilde's app. for Med. Gymnastics 44 Sense Tests ... 3Cb 48 ~ GYMNASIUM OUTFITTERS ZFA//V\ Gymnastic,' Apparatus Playground Apparatus Bowling Alleys Lockers Anthropometric Apparatus Narragansett Machine Coj PROVIDENCE, R.I., U.S.A. Writ* far Catalog* ' 1 ".:7== Pressboard Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAM 21. 1908