New York Society FOR THE Relief of Widows and Orphans OF MEDICAL MEN. INCORPORATED 1843. Constitution and Laws. TO WHICH IS ANNEXED A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY, AND A COMPLETE LIST OF MEMBERS AND BENEFACTORS. NEW YORK: BAKER & GODWIN, PRINTERS, PRINTING-HOUSE SQUARE. 1870. HISTORICAL SKETCH. The History of this Society may be written in few words: At one of a series of social gatherings of the profession, at the house of Dr. Edward Delafield, in the winter and spring of 1842, the idea of founding a society for the aid of the destitute widows and orphans of medical men, which had for some time been a favorite notion with the host, was formally suggested to his guests, and by them cordially received. The subject was fully discussed, and a committee was appointed to bring it to the notice of the profession. This was on the 30tli of March, 1842. The committee, which consisted of Drs. Delafield, Thos. Cock, J. Kearney Rodgers, F. U. Johnston, and H. D. Bulkley, addressed a circular to the profes- sion, and called a meeting, which was held on the 12th of May, in the Library of the Lyceum of Natural History. At this meeting a plan or provisional basis of organization was presented by Dr. Delafield, and adopted; but this was shortly after superseded by a more elaborate code of laws, which was established (after discussion) at the meeting of November 26, 1842. Somewhat more than one hundred signatures were obtained; but of the signers, nearly one half failed to complete their membership; so that, at the close of the year 1843, when the first additions were made by election, the total num- ber of members was only sixty. No new members were chosen in 1844, though in September of that year a circular was addressed to every regular member of the profession in the city and vicinity, calling attention to the objects of the Society, and soliciting co-operation. Only four new members were obtained in 1846, and the same number in 1846; while the deaths and withdrawals were about as numerous. In 1848 the membership numbered only eighty, and it scarcely rose above this figure for eight years more, at the end of which period it numbered ninety. After 1868 the number ranged between one hundred and one hundred and ten, till 186*7, when, at the close of a quarter of a century, the Society only numbered one hundred and one. At the anniversary dinner of that year, however, a good deal of interest was manifested, which resulted in a con- siderable increase of members; and, at the present date, the roll of members amounts to one hundred and twenty-five. Of these, one hundred and three are members for life. Up to this time the entire number of those who have ever belonged to the Society is two hundred and twenty-four. The Society has received but little aid from any but its actual members. The first contribution to its funds from a layman was from Augustus Henry Ward, Esq., who made himself a benefactor in 1851. Mr. Ward continued to take an interest in the Society up to the time of his death, having on several occasions 4 made donations, and given the requisite sums to constitute new life members, and in his will leaving it a legacy of three thousand dollars. Only four other laymen have thus far constituted themselves benefactors, viz.: A. Macdonald, Esq. ; Edward B. Little, Esq.; John Alstyne, Esq.; and Eleazar Parmelee, Esq. Mr. Ward’s legacy, and one of one thousand dollars from Miss Catherine Eckert, are the only legacies the Society has yet received from persons outside of the medical profession; and, with the handsome bequest of ten thousand dollars from Dr. Jacob Harsen (who, though he had never practised medicine, always kept up his interest in the profession, and at the time of his death was Vice-President of the Society), and the legacy of three hundred dollars from Dr. John A. Swett, to make three life members, constitute the only bequests the Society has received from any source. The handsome donations of one thousand dollars from Dr. Delafield, and of three hundred dollars from Dr. A. Dubois, deserve to be recorded. Dr. Dubois has further contributed to the funds of the Society the sum of seven hundred dollars, to constitute seven new life members. Since the year 1852, when the first application was received for relief, the Society has constantly afforded its aid to several of the families of its deceased members; and, as its funds increased, has enlarged the sphere of its beneficence and increased the amounts of its allowances. If we may trust the uniform and grateful testimony of the annuitants, these payments have effected an immense amount of good. Some facts connected with these appropriations are sufficiently interesting to be mentioned here. In one case, the family of a member, the whole amount of whose contributions to the funds of the Society was forty dollars, received in benefits during a series of years fully two thousand five hundred dollars. This helped to sustain them in a respectable position, until the children were all settled in life. In another instance, a member had died leaving his widow a handsome competence. But about ten years after his death, owing to unfortunate investments, her property had all been lost; and she claimed and received aid from the Society, and still derives a considerable sum annually from its funds. The Society is thus quietly fulfilling the beneficent purposes of its founders. Its funds have been husbanded with careful economy, until their gradual accumu- lation is sufficient to insure its continued existence. The expense of its manage- ment is insignificant. As it grows older, like all other similar institutions, it may be expected that it 'null have larger demands upon its funds, as every year will probably increase the number of those who become members with a view to its prospective benefits. In view, therefore, of what it has already accomplished, and of what it will doubtless perform in the future, the Medical Profession of New York may well cherish this Society as an object of pride and affection. November 1, 18*70. Constitution, AS BY ACT OF INCORPORATION, PASSED APRIL 18th, 1843. The people of the Slate of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Edward Delafield. Francis U. Johnston, John Revere, Isaac Wood, Henry D. Bulkley, and such other persons as now are, or who may hereafter be, associated with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of “The New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men.” Sec. 2. The objects of said Society are benevolent, and to afford Relief to the Widows and Orphans of Medical Men. Sec. 3. The said corporation may purchase and hold real and personal estate; but the annual income of the said real and personal estate, which the said corporation may at any one time hold, shall not exceed ten thousand dollars. Sec. 4. All the affairs, concerns, and business of the Society, shall be managed and conducted by or under the direction of the follow- ing officers, to wit: a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and twenty-one Managers, who shall be elected annually by the members of the Society, in such manner and at such time and place, in the city of New York, as the Society, by its By-Laws, may direct. And, until the first Thursday in October next, after the passage of this Act, the following-named persons shall compose the officers of the Society: that is to say, Edward Delafield, President; Francis U. Johnston, John Revere, and John Stearns, Vice-Presidents ; Isaac 6 Wood, Treasurer; James C. Bliss, Henry D. Bulkley, William P. Buel, George P. Cammann, Thomas Cock, Joel Foster, John II. Griscom, Alexander N. Gunn, Richard K. Hoffman, Abraham T. Hun- ter, Moore Hoit, Jared Linsly, James Macdonald, John B. McEwen? William W. Miner, Valentine Mott, Willard Parker, Alfred C. Post, J. Kearney Rodgers, Hugh Sweeney, and James A. Washing- ton, Managers. Sec. 5. The said corporation shall possess the general powers and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities prescribed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 6. This Act shall take effect immediately. LAWS. ADOPTED MARCH 17, 1869. CONFIRMED JUNE 17, 1869. Article 1. NAME, COMPOSITION, MEETINGS. Section 1. This Society, known as “The New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men,” shall be composed of regular practitioners of Medicine and Surgery residing in the Counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Richmond, and Westchester. Sec. 2. A general meeting of the members shall be held on the last Wednesday in November in each year, and three days at least previous to such meeting a notice shall be sent by the Secre- tary to every member of the Society residing within its limits; and the said general meeting shall also be advertised in two or more of the daily newspapers. Sec. 3. At all meetings of the Society, fifteen members shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article 2. officers and government. Sec. 1. The officers of the Society shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. Sec. 2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Board of Managers, to consist of the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and twenty-one members, to be chosen as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer shall be elected at the general meeting of the Society in November in each year, and shall hold their respective offices for one year from the first day of December next ensuing, and until their successors shall be chosen. 8 %xiith 3. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Sec. 1. The twenty-one managers shall be divided into three classes of seven each, of which one class shall go out of office annually, according to seniority, but shall be reeligible. They shall be elected at the general meeting in November, and shall serve for three years from the first day of December next ensuing. Sec., 2. The Board shall hold stated meetings on the third Wednesdays of March, June, September, and December. Sec. 3. On the written requisition of any five managers, special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary, on some day to be fixed by the President, within fourteen days after the date of such requisition. Sec. 4. The Board shall have power to call special meetings of the Society, notices being served in the same manner as for regular annual meetings. Sec. 5. At all meetings of the Board, seven members shall con- stitute a quorum. Article 4. PRESIDENT. Sec. 1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Soci- ety and of the Board of Managers, appoint all committees not other- wise ordered, give the casting vote, sign all satisfaction pieces and discharges under the direction of the Standing Committee, and per- form such other duties as pertain to his office. 5. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Sec. 1. In the absence of the President, his duties shall be per- formed by a Vice-President in the order of rank, which shall be de- termined by seniority of service or of years. 9 Article 6. TREASURER. Sec. 1. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Society, dues of members, interest on investments, and when authorized by the Standing Committee, the proceeds of sales of stocks and bonds, payment of mortgages, bequests, &c. Sec. 2. He shall have power to employ a person to collect the annual dues, at a compensation not exceeding ten per cent on the sums collected. Sec. 3. He shall prepare and furnish to the Secretary a printed statement of the affairs of the Society for distribution, with the notices of the annual meeting and at the anniversary dinner, wiiich statement shall comprise an account of the receipts and dis- bursements during the year, and balance in the Treasury; a schedule of the property; the number of annuitants, omitting their names ; and a list of officers, members, and benefactors. Sec. 4. He shall pay all bills ordered paid by the Board of Managers and signed by the presiding officer, and all drafts of the Standing Committee made in conformity with the provisions of the Laws. • Sec. 5. He shall render an account to the Standing Committee quarterly, and oftener if required. Sec. 6. He shall submit to the Managers, at their regular meet- ing in September of each year, the names of all members who shall have forfeited their membership by non-payment of dues. Sec. 7. He shall deliver up, when legally called upon to do so, all moneys, bonds, papers, books or other property of the Society in his possession, to his successor in office, or to such person as the Board of Managers shall appoint. Sec. 8. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall execute a bond to the Society for the faithful performance of his trust in a sum of not less than five thousand dollars, with two sure- ties, to be approved by the Standing Committee. gtrtick 7. secretary. Sec. 1. The Secretary shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers from their own number, at the stated meeting in De- 10 cember. He shall be Secretary of the Society, and of the Board, and of the Standing Committee. He shall notify officers and members of their election, give notice of the meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, inserting in said notices the names of any candi- dates to be balloted for; shall attend all meetings of the Society, of the Board, and of the Standing Committee, and shall enter into books kept for the purpose, the minutes of the transactions of each meeting ; shall receive all applications made to the Society for relief, and give notice of the same to the Standing Committee and to the next quar- terly meeting of the Board of Managers; and as soon as any sum or sums of money shall be ordered to be paid to applicants, or to those persons who are properly authorized to receive the same, he shall in- form them by letter of the exact time and place, when and where the Treasurer will be ready to make such payments; and transact such other business in his office as may be directed by the Society or Board of Managers. Article $. STANDING COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. Two Managers shall be chosen by the Board at their stated meeting in December of each year, who, together with the President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall constitute a Standing Com- mittee. They shall serve from the date of their election until their successors are chosen. Sec. 2. They shall exercise a general supervision over the financial affairs and property of the Society, audit all bills presented for payment, and direct the investments of the funds, and no change of investment shall be made except by their order. Sec. 3. They shall hold stated quarterly meetings within one week prior to each quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers, and special meetings as occasion may require. Sec. 4. They shall inquire into the circumstances of all who apply for assistance, and report their cases to the Board of Managers. Sec. 5. They shall give drafts upon the Treasurer to all persons who shall be authorized by the Board of Managers to receive assist- ance from the Society, and no payment shall be made for such pur- pose without such draft. 11 Sec. 6. They shall have power to grant immediate relief toper- sons entitled thereto, in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and draw on the Treasurer for the same ; reporting thereon in writing to the Board of Managers at their next stated meeting Sec. 7. Three members shall constitute a quorum of the Com- mittee. 0. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. Sec. 1. Three Managers shall be chosen by the Board at their stated meeting in December of each year, who shall constitute a Committee on Admissions. They shall serve from the date of their election until their successors are chosen. Sec. 2. They shall consider all applications for admission to the Society, and report thereon at the next stated meeting of the Board. Sec. 3. They shall furnish to the Secretary the names of candidates to be balloted for at any meeting, at least one week be- fore such meeting, for insertion in the notices. Article 10. AUDITING COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. A committee of not less than five members, two of whom shall be of the Board of Managers, shall be appointed by the Board at their meeting in June in each year, whose duty it shall be to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and inspect the securities of the Society, and to make a written report thereon to the Board at their quarterly meeting in September. Jlrtklc 11. VACANCIES. Sec. 1. All vacancies resulting from failure to elect, or error in election at an annual meeting, or occurring from any cause between two annual meetings, shall be filled by the Board of Managers, and members thus chosen shall serve for the full or unexpired term, as the case may be. 12 %xtixk 12, ADMISSION AND QUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS. Sec. 1. Every person desirous of becoming a member of the Society shall sign a declaration stating his wish and setting forth his place of abode, whether he is single or married, and the names and ages of his children, to which declaration shall be annexed a cer- tificate signed by at least two members of the Society, vouching for the good character and standing of the applicant. Sec. 2. All applications for membership shall be referred to the Committee on Admissions, and no candidate shall be balloted for until reported on by said Committee. Sec. 3. All elections of new members shall be by ballot of the Board of Managers, and a three-fourths vote of all members pres- ent. Sec. 4. Candidates may be proposed at any meeting of the Society or of the Board of Managers. Sec. 5. No member shall forfeit any of the rights, privileges, or benefits of membership, by change of residence, or relinquishment of the practice of medicine. Sec. 6. Membership of the Society shall date from the first day of January or first day of July nearest to the date of election, but no one whose initiation fee remains unpaid shall be held to be a member. 13- DUES. Sec. 1. All members of the Society shall pay an initiation fee of ten dollars, and ten dollars dues, payable in semi-annual in- stalments, on the first days of January and July. Sec. 2. Any member, within three months from the date of his election, may become a member for life by the payment of one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Any member may, within ten years from the date of his election, commute his dues and become a member for life, by making up the amount of his payments to one hundred and twenty- five dollars, exclusive of his initiation fee. 13 Sec. 4. The payment of annual dues for twenty successive years shall constitute a member for life. Sec. 5. Every member who shall marry often er than once, shall, on every such marriage, pay into the Treasury the sum of fifty dollars or forfeit the rights, privileges and benefits of member- ship. Article ‘14. BENEFACTORS. Sec. 1. The payment of one hundred and fifty dollars shall con- stitute a person a benefactor of the Society. Sec. 2. Any benefactor who is a member of the medical profes- sion, on being duly proposed and elected, shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of life membership. Sec. 3. Any life member may constitute himself a benefactor by the payment of the additional sum of fifty dollars. %xixdt 15. DISQUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS. Sec. 1. No person shall be admitted a member of this Society who publicly advertises any nostrum, or to cure any disease. Sec 2. Any member whose dues for three half years remain un- paid on the first day of September in any year, shall forfeit his mem- bership and all sums paid by him; but he may be reinstated by vote of the Board of Managers on payment of all arrears, with in- terest. Sec. 3. Any member who shall advertise or publicly recommend any nostrum, or advertise to cure any disease, shall forfeit his mem- bership and all rights pertaining thereto ; but he may be restored by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Managers, on proof that he has abandoned such empirical practice. 1G. DISPOSITION OF FUNDS. Sec. 1. The funds of the Society shall be invested in stocks of the United States or of the State or City of New York, or in bonds and mortgages on real estate in the cities of New York or Brooklyn, and in no other mode. 14 Sec. 2. All moneys received shall be added to the general fund of the Society, unless a different disposition of them be directed by benefactors or testators, and the same shall have been accepted by the Board of Managers subject to the conditions specified. %xiuh 17. PERSONS ENTITLED TO RELIEF. Sec. 1. The following persons are entitled to receive assistance annually from the funds of the Society, in such amounts and manner as the Board of Managers shall direct: 1. The widow of a member who has no income from invested property, or other fixed provision, exceeding five hundred dollars per annum: Provided, that if said widow shall marry again her annuity shall cease, unless otherwise ordered by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Managers. 2. Children of a member being, if males, under sixteen, and if females, under eighteen years of age, and unmarried, and wholly or in part dependent upon the mother for support, and said mother having not more than one hundred dollars per annum income from invested property or other fixed provision, for each child respectively, in addition to the five hundred dollars above mentioned. 3. Orphans of a member, being, if males, under sixteen, and if females, under eighteen years of age, and unmarried, who have no income from invested property, or other fixed provision, exceeding two hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 2. In special cases, the widowed mother, or aged sister of a deceased member, who had been dependent upon said member for support, may receive assistance at the discretion of the Board of Managers, on a three-fourths vote of the members present. Sec. 3. In cases of prolonged ill health, or other extraordinary cir- cumstances, the assistance granted to the surviving children of mem- bers may be extended beyond the limits of sixteen and eighteen years respectively, by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Managers. Sec. 4. The marriage of the widow of a member shall not inval- idate the claims of the children of said member to assistance from the Society. Sec. 5. No one shall be entitled to claim assistance from the So- ciety unless the person by virtue of whose membership the claim is made had been a member for the two years previous to his death. 15 Article 165. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF. Sec. 1. Applications for relief must be made to the Secretary, and a declaration, signed, certified, and sworn to according to the form hereunto annexed, accompanied in the first instance by proofs of the marriage and death ot the member; and in case the claim is allow- ed, the declaration must be annually renewed and sent to the Secre- tary between the first and fifteenth days of November, so long as the applicant claims assistance. To the Board of Managers of the New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men : I, , residing at County of State of being de- sirous of obtaining assistance from the Society, do hereby make and subscribe the following Declaration as the basis of my claim: 1st. Name of deceased member under whom claim is made. 2d. Relation of party subscribing to deceased member—widow, chil- dren, orphan, guardian, mother, or sister. born 18.. 3d. Name and date of birth of children, if any, of deceased member. 4 th. Amount of income, if any, as widow. 5tli. Amount of income, if any, of children. Signed Dated j- SS. Personally appeared the above named on the day of in the year eighteen hundred and , and made oath that the above Declaration, as subscribed. is true. Before me, Commissioner of Deeds. Note.—The following Certificate must be signed by two members of the Society. CERTIFICATE. The undersigned members of the Society are acquainted with and believe the above statement, as subcribed, to be strictly true. Dated Note—If the applicant resides beyond the limits of the Society—namely, of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Richmond, and Westchester,—the signature of a respectable clergyman acquainted with the applicant will be received, in lieu of signature of members. Article 19. APPROPRIATIONS. Sec. 1. Appropriations for the payment of the regular annuities shall be made by the Board of Managers at their meeting in De- cember of each year; and payment of the same shall be made, one half on the first day of July next ensuing, and the remainder on the second day of January following. Sec. 2. Special appropriations shall be paid by the Treasurer, within twenty days after they shall have been voted by the Board of Managers or Standiug Committee, unless otherwise directed by the Board. Sec. 3. No appropriations of money shall be made unless first considered by the Standing Committee. 17 Article 20. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Sec. 1. At the annual meetings of the Society, the following shall be the order of business : 1. Reading the minutes of the last annual meeting and of all • special meetings, and the questions thereon. 2. Reading the minutes of the Board of Managers. 3. Business proposed by the Board of Managers. 4 Business proposed by Special Committees. 5. Election of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and seven Managers. 6. Proposal of new members. 7. New business. Sec. 2. At meetings of the Board of Managers the following shall be the order of business: 1. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and question thereon. 2. Minutes of meetings of the Society held since the last meeting of the Board. 3. Minutes of the Standing Committee. 4. At the meeting in December, election of Secretary, Standing Committee, and Committee on Admissions. 5. Elections to fill vacancies. 6. Proposal of new members. 7. Report of Committee on Admissions. 8. Election of new members. 9. Business referred to the Board by the Society. 10. Business proposed by the Standing Committee. 11. At the meeting in June, appointment of an Auditing Commit- tee and of a Committee of Arrangements for the Anniver- sary Dinner. 12. At the meeting in September, report of the Auditing Com- mittee. 13. At the same meeting, report of delinquents by the Treasurer. 14. Occasional applications for relief. 15. At the meeting in December, reading of the annual declara- tions of annuitants, and appropriations therefor. 16. Unfinished business. 17. New business. Sec. 3. The order of business may be suspended by a two- thirds vote at meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers. %rt\tU 21. ANNIVERSARY DINNER. Sec. 1. The Society shall celebrate its anniversary by a din- ner on some day in the month of November or December in each year, the expense of which shall be defrayed by the sale of tickets. Sec. 2. A Committee of Arrangements for this purpose shall be appointed by the Board of Managers at their meeting in June of each year, to consist of not less than seven members, with power to add to their number and fill vacancies. Sec. 3. This article may be suspended -by vote of the Board of Managers. %d\dt 22. AMENDMENTS. Sec. 1. Any article or section of these laws may be amended or repealed by resolution adopted at one meeting of the Board of Managers, and confirmed at the next, by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at each of said meetings. LIST OF Members and Benefactors. BENEFACTORS. * Deceased. Adams, John G., M.D. ♦Alstyne, John, Esq. Anderson, James, M.D. Banks, James L., Beadle, Edward L., Bibbins, William B., Bulkley, Henry D., *Caramann, George P., “ ♦Carter, Galen, Clark, Alonzo, Clements, James W. G., “ Cock, Thomas F., Cockcroft, William, Delafield, Edward, Detmold, William, Dubois, Abram, Forrester, James C., Gesclieidt, Anthony, ♦Gibert, James T., Gunn, Alexander N., ♦Harsen, Jacob, Henschel, Charles, Hubbard, Samuel T., M.D. ♦Isaacs, Charles E., Jones, Alan son S., “ ♦Little, Edward B., Esq. ♦Macdonald, Allan, “ Mercer, Wm. N., M.D., New Orleans. ♦O’Reilly, John, M.D. Parker, Willard, “ Parinelee, Eleazer, Esq. ♦Rockwell, William, M.L). Sabine, Gustavus A., “ Sayre, Lewis A., Smith, James O., Smith, Gouverneur M., “ Stone, John 0., Taylor, Isaac E. Underhill, Alfred, Ward, Thomas, ♦Ward, Augustus Henry, Esq. ♦Watson, John, M.D. White, Oliver, Wood, James R., “ MEMBERS. THIS LIST INCLUDES ALL WHO HAVE EVER BEEN MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. * Deceased. + Resigned. X Forfeited membership by non-payment of dues. § Expelled. Adams, John G. Agnew, Cornelius R. Alim, Charles M. Anderson, James. Anderson, W. Cooper. Anderson, James H. * Arden, John B. Arnold, Edmund S. F. Banks, James L. Luke. Barry, Robert A. Beadle Edward L. Beales, John C. Gunning S. George. *Berger, Francis E. Bibbins, William B. Blakeman, William N. *Bliss, John C. Borrowe, Jacob H. |*Bowron, John S. Briddon, Charles K. J *Brown, H. Weeks. Buck, Gurdon. Buck, Albert H. Buel, William P. Bulkley, Henry D. Burke, John. *Cameron, James. *Cammann, George P. James. Galen. John S, *Chapin, John R. Chapin, R. Spencer. *Churchill, Charles W. jClark, Peter F. Clark, Alonzo. Clarke, Patrick J. Clements, James W. G. f*Cock, Thomas. Cock, Thomas F. Cockcroft, William. *Cockroft, James. John W. *Cox, Henry G. Crane, James. Crane, John J. *Creveling, Abraham. Delafield, Edward. Delafield, Francis. Detmold, William. Downs, Henry S. Draper, William H. Dubois, Abram. Dubois, Matthew F. Duggan, Bryan. Joseph W. *Dwigl>t, William W. fEmmett, Thomas A. ■fc*Fields, Edward. Finnell, Thomas C. JFitch, James D. Ford, George. Forrester, James C. Foster, Joel. Foster, S. Conant. Frankel, Julius. Frothingham, William. Garrish, John P. Gescheidt, Anthony. *Gibert, James T. |*Gilman, Chandler R. f*Goldsmith, Alban. James B. *Graham, John. Frank C. *Greene, Isaac. Greene, John W. Griscom, John H. Gunn, Alexander N. Hall, Samuel. *Halsted, Thaddeus M. Stephen R. Harris, Elisha. *Harsen, Jacob. Henschel, Charles. Hinton, John H. Hirsch, Simon. Hodgson, George W. J*Hoffinan, Richard K. fHoit, Moore. Hubbard, Samuel T. *Hunter, Abraham T. *Isaacs, Charles E. Ives, George W. f*Jarvis, Aaron. Jenkins, J. Foster. *Johnston, Francis U. * Johns, Cyrus. Jones, Alanson S. Kammerer, Joseph. Kennedy, James. fKing, Charles R. Knight, James. Krackowizer, Ernst. Lambert, Edward W. Lawrence, Jonathan S. Linsly, Jared. Livingston, Watts C. Christopher R. *McEwen, John B. *McPhail, Leonard. fMcVickar, John A. James. *Macneven, William H. Markoe, Thomas M. Mason, Erskine. Maxwell, William H. *Maynard, Elias F. Metcalfe, John T. *Miller, William E. *Miller, John. *Miller, Jedediah. Mitchell, Chauncey L. Mitchels, James. *Miner, William. *Miner, William W. $*Moffatt, T. Clarkson. Richard L. Morse, Yerranus. *Mott, Valentine.. Valentine, Jun. Mott, Alexander B. fMurphy, William. Nichols, Elias S. Charles II. *0’Reilly, John. *0’Reilly, Francis B. O’Rorke, James. O’Sullivan, Richard J. ‘Ogden, Benjamin. •Olliffe, William J. Parker, Willard, j: Parker, Edward H. Ninian, U. S. N. Post, Alfred C. ‘Power, William. fPurdy, Alfred S. ‘Reese, David M. Remsen, Robert G. ‘Revere, John. Richardson, Haynes L. Roberts, William C. Charles H. ‘Rockwell, William. ‘Rodgers, John Kearney. Rogers, Stephen. Rupprecht, Louis. Sabine, Gustavus A. Sands, Henry B. Sayre, Lewis A. Schilling, Ernst. Schmid, H. Ernst. Schoney, Lazarus. j;*Sheppard, John W. ‘Sherwood, Burritt. ShifF, Henry. JSims, J. Marion, j:*Smith, John Augustine. Smith, James O. ‘Smith, David. Smith, Charles D. ‘Smith, Joseph M. Smith, David A. Smith, Gouverneur M. ‘Stearns, John. Sterling, John W. ‘Stevens, Alexander H. Stillwell, John E. Stirling, Thomas B. Stone, John O. Storer, Ebenezer. j;*Suckley, George. ‘Sweeney, Hugh. Taylor, Isaac E. Teller, Seligman. Thomas T. Gaillard. ‘Thompson, Richard H. Trenor, John. James. §*Tucker, William H. Tully, Marcus C. John Todd. Underhill, Alfred. ‘Van Arsdale, Peter. Van Arsdale, Henry. Van Buren, William H. Vandervoort, John L. Vanderveer, Jacob H. 22 Van Kleek, John R. Van Pelt, Moses D. Van Rensselaer, Alexander Yermilye, William E. Ward, Thomas. Warner, John W. Warner, Everardus B. *Washington, James A. *Watson, John. *Watts, Robert. Watts, Robert. White, Oliver. * White, Samuel P. Wiener, Joseph. Wilkes, George. Williams, Merrill W. |*Wilson, William. *Wood, Isaac. Wood, James R. * Woodward, George F. Woodworth, Robert, U. S. N. Worster, Joseph. ♦Wright, Aron. Wright, Charles.