JOHN l KUEMIRLP SURGICAL & UPBEAT r\N GTN L5 r ; MANUFACTURED AT BELOW CI1ESNUT, DU ROSS. Printer, Bluck Horse Alley, off Second St., bel. Market. 1858. ANATOMICAL AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS. Complete Dissecting Case, - $3 50 Do do do - 3 75 . Do do do - 4 00 Do do do - 4 50 Do do do ferruied handle 5 00 Do do do. do 6 00 Dissecting Scalpes, single, 50c. 75c., to 1 00 Post Mortem Examination Case, each, $10, 815 to 20 00 Post Mortem !Saw. (see Fig. 1) moveable back . . . . .3 00 FIG. i. POCKET INSTRUMENTS, A 1 Large Scalpel, 1 Straight Spear Bistoury, 1 Pair Straight Scissors, 2 Probes, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Spatula, 1 Pair Dressing Forceps, 1 Groove Director, 1 Thumb Lancet, 1 Gum Lancet. 6 Curved Needles, in a Morocco Case, with Lock, - #5 50 POCKET INSTRUMENTS, B 1 Pair Scissors, 1 Pair Dressing Forceps, 1 Pair Dissecting do. 1 Groove Director, 1 Spatula, 2 Probes, 1 Curved Probe, pointed Bistoury, 1 Straight Spear do do. 1 Large Scalpel, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Aneurism Needle, 1 Thumb Lancet, 1 Abscess Lancet, 1 Gum do 6 Curved Needles, in a Morocco Case, with a Lock, - - - 7 75 POCKET INSTRUMENTS, C 1 Pair Crooked Scissors, 1 Pair Straight do 1 Pair Dressing Forceps, 1 Pair Dissecting do 1 Groove Director, 1 Spatula, 2 Probes, 1 Curved Probe, pointed Bistoury, 1 do Spear do do 1 Straight do do 1 Thumb Lancet, l Gum do 1 Physick’s Forceps, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Aneurism Needle, 1 Large Scalpel, 1 Small do 1 Silver Female Catheter, 6 Curved Needles, in a Morocco Case, with a Lock, - - - 8 50 POCKET INSTRUMENTS, D The same number Instruments. With Tortoise Shell or Ivory Handles, instead Dissecting Forceps, Aderien Forceps, and Double Silver Catheter, - - - - - - 12 00 M. KUEMERLE & KOLBE, PHILADELPHIA. 1 Crooked Scissors, 1 Straight do 1 Dressing Forceps, 1 Aderien do 1 Physick’s do 1 Spatula and Tongue Holder, 1 Director, 1 Exploring Needle, 2 Silver Probes, POCKET INSTRUMENTS, E The same Finish as D. 1 Large Scalpel, 1 Straight Pointed Bistoury, 1 Curved Probe Pointed Bistoury, 1 do Spear do do 1 Gum Lancet, 1 Thumb do 1 Tenaculum, 1 Aneurism Needle, 1 Port Caustic, 6 Needles, in a Morocco Case, with Lock, - - - 14 00 1 Male Female Silver Catheter, combined, 1 Crooked Scissors, 1 Straight do 1 Phollippen Forceps, 1 Aderien do 1 Physick’s do 1 Spatula and Tongue Holder, 1 Director, 1 Exploring Needle, 2 Silver Probes, 1 Double Silver Canula, COMPLETE POCKET INSTRUMENTS, F French Pattern, plain. 1 Small do 1 Straight Pointed Bistoury, 1 Curved Probe Pointed Bistoury, 1 do Spear do do 1 Gum Lancet, 1 Thumb do 1 Abscess Lancet, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Aneurism Needle, 1 Seton Needle, 1 Port Caustic, 6 Needles, in a fine Morocco Case, with Lock, - - - 16 00 . Male Female Silver Catheter, combined, 1 Large Scalpel, Same number and pattern of Instruments ns in case F. but. with slides to the Instruments, and different form of case. This case is exhibited in Fig. 2 After the blade is thrown back a small slide A (see the small Scalpel at the top of the cnt ) slips up into the groove R in the blade, thus locking it. (See fig 2 F.) French Fatten, with Slide superior quality, 820 to $25. COMPLETE POCKET INSTRUMENT G, FIG. 2. FIG. 2 F. M. KUEMERLE & KOLBE, PHILADELPHIA 7 Pocket Instruments, Complete. CA.BE 3EX Fig. 3. Fig. 3 R Similar to G in style and number of Instruments but with spring back to Bistouries. This style is shown in fig 3. The catch B at the top of the spring, fits into a correspond- ing aperture in the blade when thrown open, and thus locks it back. Spring Back, superior quality, - $20 to $25. M. KUEMERLE & KOLBE, PHILADELPHIA. Complete and Compact Pocket Instruments,-"Case I. Is similar to case G. excepting that there are two blades in one handle, as shown in tig. 4 This makes the case more compact and less heavy than the ordinary style of a handle to each instrument. With Double Bladed Bistouries, ... $20 00 to 25 00 FIG. 4 O’Any description POCKET CASE got up at Corresponding Prices. POCKET INSTRUMENTS, Single. Each. Large or small Scalpels, Buffalo handles, 62£ Bistouries, Straight or Crooked do 62| Seton Needles, do 62| Aneurism Needles, do 50 Tenaculums, do 50 Gum Lancets, Buffalo handles, 50 Thumb or Abscess Lancets, do 37£ The same Instruments as above, with Ivory or Tortoise Shell handles, each, 12£ cents extra. FRENCH PATTERN INSTRUMENT, Single. Scalpels or Bistouries, difFt sizes, each 1 00 Set on Needles ... do. 1 00 Aneurism Needles, - - - do. 75 Tenaculums, - - - do. 75 Gum Lancets, - - do. 75 Thumb or Abscess Lancets, - do. 50 Dissecting Forceps, - - 50 to 75 Tonsil do 50 to 75 Physick’s Needle Forceps, 50, 75 to 1 00 Grooved Exploring Needles, - 50 Do do do in handles, 1 00 Do do do Silver Canula, 1 00 Silver Probes, per pair, - - 37£ Do Female Catheter, - 50 Do Catheter, Male and Female combined, - 2 12£ Silver Catheter combined, Male and Female, French pattern, - 2 50 Bellock’s Canula, silver, 2 25 to 2 50 Double Silver Canula for Extracting, Polypus, * - 62£ to 1 00 Spatula, Steel, - - 37£ to 50 Do. Silver, 1 50 to 1 75 Director’s Steel, - - 37-£ to 50 Do Silver, - - 1 50 Port Caustics, Horn Handle, Silver, Holder, - - 50 to 75 Do Horn Handles, Platina Holder, - - - - 1 50 Silver Port Caustic, - 200 to 4 00 Do do do Platina Holder, 3 00 to 5 00 Scalpels or Bistouries, with Slide, Gum Lancet, do Aneurism Needles, do Tenaculums, do Superintending Knives, each 1 25 Scalpels or Bistouries, with Spring Back, Superintending Knives, Gum Lancets, Aneurism Needles, . Tenaculums, - 1 25 \ to 1 50 (each Double Bladed Bistouries, various sizes, with Slides, each, - - 2 50 Dressing Forceps, each, - - 50 to 75 Phollippen do do - I 00 Do do do (Musseux) 1 00 Liston’s Aderien Forceps, - 1 00 Charriere’s do do croice, 1 50 Luer’s do do with slide, 2 00 Do do do modified, 2 50 M. KUEMERLE & KOLBE, PHILADELPHIA. 9 FIG. 5. 1 Large Circular Knife, Do Catline do Small do do 1 Cartilige Knife, 1 Tenaculum, Steel Handle, 1 Aneurism Needle do 1 Bone Forceps, AMPUTATING INSTRUMENTS, No. 1. Fig. 5 1 Aderien Forceps, 1 Large and Small Saw, 1 Tourniquet, 6 Needles, assorted, in a neat Mahogany Case, - - - 18 00 03” The same set with Ferruled Han- dles, . . . 822 00 COMPLETE AMPUTATING INSTRUMENTS, No. 2. French Pattern. 1 Large Circular Knife, 1 do Catline do 1 Small do do 2 Bistouries, fixed different sizes, 1 Liston’s Bone Forceps with Spring, Fig. 8 1 Aderien Forceps, modified, 1 Large Saw with 2 Blades, different sizes, Figs. 13 and 14. 1 Metacarpal Saw with moveable back, fig 15 1 Tenaculum, 1 Ligature, Needle right and left, 1 Tourniquet, 0 Needles, assorted, in a Brass Bound Mahogany Case, - - $25 00 9 to 10 inch Catline Knife, 4 to 5 do do do 1 Sharp Pointed Straight Bistoury, fixe, 1 do do Curved do do 2 Scalpels, different sizes, do 1 Superintending Knife. do l Hernia do do 1 Director, 2 Silver Probes, Amputating and Minor Operating Instruments, No. 3. 1 Ligature Needle 1 Exploring Needle, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Bone Forceps, (Liston’s), 1 Tourniquet, Amputating saw, 2 blades, dif’t sizes, fig 13, 14 1 Metacarpal Saw with moveable back, fig. 15 6 Needles, assorted, in a Brass Bound Mahogany Case, - - 825 00 The same description of Cases as Nos. 1,2 and 3, with complete set Tre- panning Instruments combined, .... $10 00 extra. The same description of Case as Nos. 1, 2 and 3, with Chain Saw comb’d, 85 50 extra. Fi