A- C°DE T3 OF Health Laws, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF The Board of Health, OF Urbana, O. URBANA, O.: CITIZEN AND GAZETTE PRINT. 1885. MEMBERS OF THE Board of h EALTH, OF URBANA, OHIO. Mayor C. H. GANSON, President; Dr. S. M. MOSGROVE, Clerk and Health Officer; Dr. THOS. S. HITT, Dr. J. H. AYERS, Dr. W. J. SULLIVAN, Dr. H. C. HOUSTON, Dr. J. C. BUTCHER. Marshal R. N. MILLER, Sanitary Police. code; ok health caws ' Adopted for the Government of the Board of Health of the City of Urbana, Ohio. Section i. Whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever building, erection, or parts or cellar thereof, is over- crowded in the number of inmates or of families ; or not provided with adequate means of ingress or egress, or is not suffi- ciently supported, ventilated, sewered, drained, cleaned or lighted, or whatever renders the air or food and water, or drink unwholesome, are declared to be a nuis- ance and to be illegal; and every person having aided or contributed to the same, or who may support, continue or retain any of them, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and also be liable for the expense of the abatement and remedy therefor. Sec. 2. No privy vault, cess-pool or reservoir into which a privy, water-closet, 4 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. stable or sink is drained, except it be water tight, shall be established or permitted within 50 feet of any well, spring or other source of water, used for drinking or culinary purposes, and all sewers or drains that pass within 50 feet of any source of water, used for drinking or culinary pur- poses, shall be water-tight. Sec. 3. If any person shall suffer any privy or gutter containing stagnant water on his or her premises within this city, to become offensive to any other inhabitant of this city, if such person after 5 days notice, shall suffer such privy or gutter to remain in its offensive condition, such person on conviction, shall pay a fine of from $r.oo to $10.00 and costs, and shall be liable to an additional fine upon fresh complaint of the continuance of such nuis- ance, until the same shall have been abat- ed. Sec. 4. If any person shall collect or keep any hog or hogs, in any pen, or CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. 5 otherwise confine any hog or hogs, within this city, so that the same shall become noisome or offensive to other persons, or passers-by, or residents in the neighbor- hood, such person on conviction thereof, shall pay a fine not exceeding $10.00 and costs, and shall be liable to arrest and fine for every 5 days thereafter, until said nuisance is abated or removed. Sec. 5. That no person shall erect any stable, pig-pen, privy or other structure, having noisome or offensive waste, or other deposit, over any water course, drain, sewer, or near any culvert, so as to obstruct the free flow of the water or con- taminate said stream, drain, or sewer, with the drainage therefrom, and who shall refuse to remove the same within ten days, after being notified to do so by the Sanitary Officer, acting under the authority of this Board, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $10.00, and may be arrested and fined not more than $5.00 for every 5 days thereafter, until such struc- 6 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. tore heretofore named, shall be removed, and pay all costs of prosecution. Sec. 6. No butchers’ offals, garbage, ashes, or other refuse, or any dead animals, nor any putrid or stinking animal or vegetable matter shall be allowed to re- main on the premises of any person, or be thrown into any street or alley, place or receiving basin, or into any standing water, or upon the grounds or premises of any other person in the city or corporate limits. Sec. 7. No person shall be permitted to burn upon his or her premises, or upon any street, alley, or other place within the corporate limits, any animal, vegetable, or other substance which will create noisome or unwholesome odors. Sec. 8. Any householder, in whose house shall occur a case of cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diptheria, small-pox; or any disease recognized as contagious or infectious, shall immediately notify the Board of Health of the same, CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. 7 and until instructions are received from the said Board, shall not permit any clothing, or other property that may have been exposed to the infection, to be remov- ed from the house, nor shall any occupant change his residence elsewhere, without the consent of said Board during the prevalence of any public danger from such disease; and all physicians and other at- tendants upon any person sick with cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diptheria, or small-pox, or other disease dangerous to the public health, shall forth- with report the same to the Board of Health, and it shall be the duty of such physicians and attendants to avoid expos- ure to the public, of any garments or clothing about their own persons, that may have been infected from exposure to any disease. Sec. 9. No person or article liable to propagate disease, shall be brought with- in the limits of this city, without the special permit and direction of the Board 8 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. of Health thereof, and when it shall come to the knowledge of any person, that such a person or article has been brought with- in said limits, he shall immediately give notice to the said Board. No person shall without a permit of the Board of Health, carry or remove from one building to another, or from any Rail Road depot to any house or through the public streets, any person sick of any contagious disease. Nor shall any person by any exposure of any individual sick of any contagious dis- ease, or of the body of such person, or by any negligent act connected therewith, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by needless exposure of himself, cause or contribute to, or promote, the spread of disease from any such person, or from any dead body, it shall be the duty of this Board to order such separation and isola- tion, or domestic quarantine of the sick- room from other persons, not necessary as attendants, and also such special care and disinfections, as shall be needed in order CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. 9 to prevent the spreading of such disease to others. Sec. io. There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person who has died of small-pox, cholera, diptheria, or scarlet fever, and the family of the deceas- ed is required to limit the attendance to as few as possible, and to prevent the disease, so far as they are able, of those who have not had the disease of which the deceased person died; and it shall be the duty of the householders and all persons concerned, where a death occurs from any contagious or pestilential disease, to pre- vent needless assembling in the apartments where such diseases are, of all persons liable to become infected thereby. Sec. ii. The keeping and slaughter- ing of all cattle, sheep, and swine, and the preparation and keeping of all meat and fish, birds and fowls, shall be in that manner which is, or is generally reputed or known to be, best adapted to secure and continue their safety and wholesome- 10 CODE OE HEALTH TAWS. ness as food, and every butcher or dealer, and every person owning, leasing or occupying any place, room or building where any such meats, fish, birds or fowls are kept for market, shall cause such room, building, stall or market to be kept thoroughly cleansed and purified of all offensive odors and all offal, blood, fat, garbage refuse and unwholesome or offen- sive matter to be removed therefrom, and at all times keep all wood-work, (save floors and counters,) in any building, place or premises aforesaid, thoroughly painted or white-washed. Sec. 12. That no person shall draw off or allow to run, on any ground, street, gutter, or alley of this city, the contents, or any part thereof, of any vault, privy, cess-pool, hog pen, sink, laundry, wash- house or kitchen, (being considered ma- larial poison), nor shall any owner, tenant, or occupant of any building, or premises, permit their premises, alleys or gutters to become offensive, by reason of said dis- CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. 11 charges or waste, or from other causes not named. Sec. 13. That no person shall empty, nor attempt to empty, any vault, sink or cess-pool, in the city, except pursuant to a permit therefor, first received from this Board. Sec. 14. That every owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant of any stall or apart- ment, in which any horse, cattle, or swine, or any other animals shall be kept, or any place in which manure or any liquid dis- charge of such animals shall collect or accumulate, shall cause said liquid and manure to be removed to some proper place, and shall at all times keep or cause to be kept, such stalls, stables, or apart- ments, and the drainage, yard, and appurtenances thereof, in a cleanly and wholesome condition. 12 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. CODE OF HEALTH LAWS. 13 14 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS CODE OF HEALTH LAWS 15 16 CODE OF HEALTH LAWS