THE INFLUENCE OF CERT.AIM ENDOCRINE SECRETIONS m AMINO ACID OXIDASE* by Ralph N. Cagan, Capt., M.C., John L. Cray, Biochemist and K. Jensen, Ph.D., Chief Biochemist from Medical Department Field Research Laboratory Fort Knox, Kentucky 16 Lay 1949 under Study of the Physiological Effects of Cold* Approved 24 Sept. 1942. M.D.F.R.L, Project No. 6-64-12-02-(9). Project No, 6-64-12-02 Sub-project MDFHL 02-(9) MEDEA 16 1949 ABSTRACT THE INFLUEN CL OF CERTAIN ENDOCRINE SECRETIONS ON AMINO ACID OXIDASE OBJECT In the course of studies designed to investigate the effects of stress (hypothermia, shock and irradiation) on the amino acid oxidase system of the liver and kidney, it became necessary to know the influence of the blood amino acid level and of certain endocrine secretions on the activity of this enzyme system. Alterations in the oxygen uptake, as measured by the Warburg manometric technique, were used as indices of the changes in the enzyme activity. RESULTS AMD CONCLUSIONS Intraperitoneal administration of an amino acid mixture (casein hydrolysate) to normal rats produced an enhancement of the amino acid oxidase activity in the liver and kidney. Accelerated amino acid oxida- tion was simultaneously associated with increased blood urea and frequently increased glucose levels. In adrenalectomiaed and hypophysectomized ani- mals, similarly treated, the liver amino acid oxidase activity was not augmented. Administration of an adrenal cortical extract to normal and adrenalectomized animals accelerated the activity of the enzyme in the liver and kidney, An accelerating effect of the secretion of the adrenal cortex was also observed in vitro. The increase in enzymic activity of the liver observed in normal animals after amino acid administration is apparently mediated through the pituitary-adrenal cortex system. The nature of the mechanism of the? stimulation remains a matter for investigation. The pituitary may also inhibit liver amino acid oxidase activity by way of its growth hormone, for the liver of hypophysectomized animals showed increased amino acid oxidase activity. Thyroideeternized animals showed a decreased amino acid oxidase activity of the liver but an increased oxidase activity of the kidney. Administration of amino acids led to a stimulation of the liver oxidase. Epinephrine was found to inhibit amino acid oxidase activity of the liver. The effect of insulin was doubtful. The results obtained also indicate that while the activity of the liver amino acid oxidase is mainly under endocrine control, the kidney araino acid oxidase activity, at least partly, can be influenced directly by the amino acid level in the blood* RECCimiDATIONS Similar experiments should be carried out -with castrated animals in order to determine the regulatory effect of gonadal secretions on the amino acid oxidase activity. Additional studies should be carried out with hypo- physes tomized animals. It also is suggested that the possibility of an amino acid tolerance test be investigated in cases of either liver or certain endocrine (pituitary-adrenal cortex) insufficiencies. It is postulated that amino acid metabolism in patients with liver disease or certain endocrine (pituitary- adrenal cortex) deficiencies might be sufficiently impaired to decrease significantly the rate of disappearance of the amino acids from the blood. If such proved to be the case, the rate of removal of intravenously admin- istered amino acids may serve as an index of the degree of the liver or pitui- tary-adrenal cortex disfunction. Submitted by: H, h. Cagan, Capt., M.C. J, L. Gray, Biochemist H. Jensen, Ph.D,, Chief Biochemist /CtLij f/Ad q Approved: RAY ijU Director of Research Approved FREDERICK' J ./KNOBLAUCH Lt. Col«f *“ • c • Commanding THE INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN ENDOCRINE SECRETIONS ON MONO ACID OXIDASE I. INTRODUCTION The problem of intermediate protein metabolism has been studied for many years. Research during these years has answered many of the questions but many still remain unanswered. It is known that amino acids can either be converted into body protein, "anabolism”, or can be deaminated to form energy producing intermediates, "catabolism". The first step in the catabolic process is the deamination of amino acids. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme, amino acid oxidase, MAAO". There are two distinct amino acid oxidase systems (l): (a) 1-amino acid oxidase which specifically deaminates 1-amino acids and (b) d-amino acid oxidase which specifically deaminates d-amino acids. The activity of amino acid oxidase may be considered a measure of amino acid catabolism. The reaction is as follows: R - CK - COOH -f i Or, ► R - C - COOH -f NH~ I » nh2 0 It may be observed that ammonia results from this reaction. In the liver, the ammonia participates in the formation of urea and in the process of transamination. The deamination of amino acids in the liver is accompanied by an increase in the urea of the blood. Changes in the level of blood urea therefore may be used as a partial index of the amino acid oxidase activity. It was the object of this study to investigate the interrelation of the influence of amino acid concentration in the blood and the secretion of the anterior pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands on the rate of activity of the liver and kidney amino acid oxidase systems. Alterations in the oxygen uptake, as measured by the Warburg manometric technique, were used as criteria for changes in the enzymic activity. H. EXPERIMENTAL White male rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain weighing between 250-300 grams were employed. They were starved for 18 hours before the experiment, but were permitted water. Four groups of animals were employed: normal, adrenalectomized, thyroidectomized and hypophysectomized. Within each group a series of experiments was carried out in each of which two animals were injected intraperitoneally with a 10 per cent solution of an enzymic casein hydrolysate* while one animal was simply pierced with a needle. For purposes of convenience, the latter procedure will be called "dry needle". * Amigen, prepared by Mead Johnson & Company, Evansville, Indiana, We wish to express our appreciation to Dr, Warren Cox of that company for generously supplying us with this preparation. 1 Hie liver extracts were prepared by cutting out approximately three grams (weighed to the nearest 0*1 of a milligram) of tissue from the animals (killed by decapitation) and by homogenizing the tissue with 6 ml. of phosphate buffer (pH 7*35) for five minutes/ The buffer employed was a modified Krebs* buffer containing NaCl (0.95 per cent), MgSO, (3*32 per cent), KC1 (l,15 per cent) and made to pH of 7.35 with HCl and Na2HP0/+. After homogenization, the minced-tissue mixture was centrifuged at high speed for ten minutes. The supernatant was decanted and 2 ml. portions were used for the enzyme activity assay. Kidney was processed in a similar manner with approximately 1,2 grams of tissue being homogenized with 10 ml, of the same buffer for ten minutes. Samples of each tissue were taken to deter- mine the ration of wet to dry weights so that correction could be made for variation in water content of the tissue. It was necessary to attain a constancy of the tissue processing condi- tions so that the enzyme activity would vary only with the animal and its experimental environment. Accordingly, a specific number of minutes was allotted from the time the animals were killed until the tissue was homog- enized and from homogenization until the first readings were taken. The effect of amino acid injection on AAO activity was determined after periods of | hour and lj- hours from the time of injection. Animals were sacrificed at these time intervals and their tissue processed as related. In the Warburg manometric technique, employed for the determination of oxygen uptake, the flasks were filled as follows: Main Chamber - 2 ml. of buffered supernatant homogenate. Side Arm - flask - 0.2 ml. of a 0.1 molar dl-alanlne solution in buffer. - Control flask - 0,2 ml. of buffer. Central Well - 0,2 ml, of a 10 per cent sodium hydroxide solution. After replacing the air in the flasks with oxygen, they were placed in the water bath and equilibrated for 10 minutes at 36.8°C, After tipping the substrate into the main chamber, readings were taken every fifteen minutes for an hour with the flasks shaking 30 times per minute. The oxygen uptake is expressed in raicroliters of O2 per gram of wet tissue-homogenate extracted. The in vitro and in vivo experiments have been carried out in a sirailar manner in order to determine the effects of insulin, adrenal cortical extract and epinephrine on the AAO system. for the jja vivo experiments: (a) 0,5 I,U, of crystalline Insulin (Squibb) was injected intramuscularly, (b) 1 ml. of aqueous adrenal cortical extract (Upjohn) was injected hourly* intramuscularly, into the respective animal during a four hour period prior to sacrificing, or (c) 0,3 ml. of a 1:1000 adrenalin hydrochloride solution (Parke-Davis) was injected in the same manner as b, depending on the experiment. For the corresponding in vitro experiments, 0,05 I.U. of insulin, 0,1 ml. of adrenal cortical extract~TUpjohn) or 0.1 ml. of 1:25,000 commercial adrenalin solution was used in each of the control and the experimental flasks which were prepared otherwise as described previously. Control determinations were run for each group of the in vivo and in vitro experiments* Blood glucose (2), urea (3), amino acids (4) and hematocrit determin- ations were carried out simultaneously on blood obtained at the time the animals were decapitated. Animals were adrsnalectomized from a single horizontal incision, posteri- orly in the lumbar region, four days, these animals were kept on a normal diet but given 1 per cent saline as drinking water. For the subsequent three days, they were taken off saline and given plain water and for the last eighteen hours, they were starved. These animals averaged a 25 gram weight loss from operation to day of experiment. Hypophysectomized animals were operated via a para-tracheal approach and were kept 14 to 21 days on a milk, chopped meat and bread diet before the experiment. This group had its own control group fed on a similar diet. The hypophysectomized animals averaged 50 grams less in weight than their litter mate controls at the time of sacrifice. Animals were thyroidectomized and maintained for at least 21 days before being subjected to experimental procedures. Only those animals that evinced a minimum of 25 per cent decrease in B.M.R. were used. The average lowering of B.M.R, among the twenty-four animals used was 35*2 per cent (see Table 1). TABLE 1 BASAL METABOLIC RATS IN THYROIDECTOMIZED AND NORMAL ANIMALS Calories Per Square Meter Per Hour Number of Animals % Reduction Normals 38.1 f 3.0 9 Thyroidectoinized 24.7 i 1.83 24 35.52 Another group of animals was operated (neck dissection) in a sham fashion to determine whether any effect on the amino acid oxidase resulted from the operation alone. No changes were found when the results were compared with those of unoperated control animals. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A, Liver Amino Acid Oxidase From Table 2, it is obvious that administration of amino acids to normal animals caused a pronounced increase in the liver amino acid oxidase activity. However, neither adrenalectomized nor hypophysectomized animals similarly treated, showed this increase. The effect of the increased blood amino acid level on the liver amino acid oxidase is probably mediated through the pituitary-adrenal system. The nature of the "priming" mechanism for the pituitary-adrenal cortex stimulation after amino acid administra- tion still must be investigated. The question whether the elevated blood amino acid level causes a direct or indirect stimulation of the anterior pituitary cannot as yet be answered. Paschkis and Schwoner (5) postulated that the pituitary produces a "protein metabolism hormone", which is re- leased on stimulation by a protein meal and may be found in the urine. Thus, they conclude that protein itself furnishes its own trigger mechanism for its metabolism. The effect of the adrenal-cortical secretion on the oxidase activity of the liver was also observed by in vitro and jlji vivo experiments. Table 3 illustrates that normal as well as adrenalectomized animals, given adrenal cortical extracts, showed an increased oxidase activity of the liver while untreated adrenalectomized animals have a decreased AAO activity (Table 4)• In vitro experiments also showed a similar accelerating effect of cortical extracts upon amino acid oxidase activity of the liver (Table 3). It may be observed in hypophysectomized animals that the amino acid oxidase activity of the liver was increased 100 per cent over that of normal animals (see Table 4)• This increase in activity is probably due to the absence of the pituitary growth factor and is in agreement with the concept that the growth hormone may inhibit amino acid catabolism. It has been shown by Szego and ’white (6) that growth hormone produces increased fatty acid metabolism and fat deposition in the liver when administered to normal starved animals. These investigators suggested that the growth hormone may either inhibit amino acid catabolism or accelerate fat metabolism. Our observations support the former postulate, for in our experiments the hypophysectomized animals showed an increased amino acid oxidase activity in the liver, Hussell and Capiello (7) recently reported that when a partially purified preparation of anterior pituitary growth hormone was given to nephrectomized rats, 1 to 2 hours before the periods of observations were begun, the rate of urea formation during the first hour after the administration of a casein hydrolysate was reduced by approximately 40 per cent. In thyroideeternized animals, administration of amino acids resulted in an increase in amino acid oxidase activity of the liver which, however, was not as pronounced as in normal animals (see Table 2). According to Deane and Creep (ft), thyroidectoroy leads to an atrophy of the adrenal cortex. This may explain why the increase in liver amino acid oxidase activity in thyroidectomized animals is not os great as in normal animals. Thyroid- ectomized control animals showed a decreased AAO activity of their liver (Table 4). This finding is in agreement with that of Klein (9) who found that thyroidectomy decreases liver AAO activity. B. Kidney Anlno Acid Oxidase Strictly speaking, comparative results, as found for the liver amino acid oxidase, were not obtained for the kidney amino acid oxidase after amino acid administration (see Table 2). Values were obtained in Hie normal animal’s kidney showing an ft9 per cent increase in oxidase activity after hour but only a negligible increase after ij hours. A similar type of disagreement was also observed in the kidney amino acid oxidase activity of adrenal- ectomized and hypophysectomized animals. There is no increase after hour in the adrenalectomized animals but a 59 per cent increase in the amino acid oxidase activity after hours. Again, peculiarly, an increase in activity of 29 per cent occurs in the kidney of hypophysectomized animals after ij hours. However, in the thyroidectomized animals, the kidney amino acid oxidase activity was distinctly decreased after amino acid,administra- tion, This inhibitory effect has still to be elucidated. Apparently, there is a distinction between the factors influencing amino acid oxidase activity of the liver and the kidney, Lang (ll) and Kochakian (12) found that liver and kidney amino acid oxidase enzymes do not respond similarly, Lotspeich and Pitts (13) reported that the excretion of ammonia in the urine of the dog is proportional to the plasma amino acid level. They concluded that the renal amino acid oxidase is concerned with the formation of ammonia by the kidney which process plays an important role in the regulation of acid-base balance. Other investigators (14) have also found that the administration of certain amino acids produces an increased excretion of ammonia in the urine of the dog. If the ammonia is considered as a measure of the activity of AAO, since it is a product of the reaction of the enzyme, one may theorize that the amino acid oxidase activity in the kidney not only is dependent upon the various aforementioned endocrine factors, but may also vary in accordance with the amino acid level of the blood. Thus, the initial increase (Table 2) | hour after injection and subsequent decrease after hours in AAO activity of the normal animal's kidney may be attributed to the corresponding rise and fall in amino acid level of the blood. This view may similarly apply for the adrenalectomized and hypophy- sectomized group where the findings are reversed, i.e,, the greater increase in the AAO activity is attained at the hour period. In these instances, since the liver oxidase activity, in the absence of the activating mechanism of the pituitary-adrenal cortex system, cannot partake normally in lowering the amino acid level any longer, the effect of the continued blood amino acid elevation manifests itself in the kidney but not until a period of time has elapsed. Russell and Wilhelmi found (10) that the kidneys of adrenalectomized rats showed a decreased AAO activity, and that administration of adrenal cortical extract to these animals increased AAO activity. Our control adrenal- ectomized animals which were injected with a "dry needle0 did not show this decrease in 30 minutes after "injection0 but did manifest a decreased AAO activity below that of normal animals in hours after injection with "dry needle11, (see Table A.) A possible cause for this discrepancy will be discussed later when the effect of epinephrine on the AAO system is discussed. C, Blood-Amino Acid. Glucose, Urea Hematocrit (see Table 5). AAO activity may be correlated with the level of amino acid nitrogen, urea nitrogen and glucose in the blood. In normal animals (see Table 5), the amino acid nitrogen rose from 12.1 mg. to IB,5 mg, per cent in hour after 5 injection of the amino acid mixture and declined to 15*4 mg. per cent in hours indicating rapid deamination. The changes in the blood amino acid nitrogen level can be linked with the respective changes in urea nitrogen and glucose levels of the blood. While urea nitrogen was not greatly- changed, 4*7 mg. per cent after J hour, it was elevated by 12.5 mg. per cent in ij hours after amino acid injection. Similarly, in normal animals, there was no increase in blood glucose in J hour but a 10.8 rag. per cent Increase after l| hours. These results probably indicate that the increased deamination of amino acids led to an increased formation of ammonia and consequently of urea and that simultaneously increased gluconeogenesis had taken place. Acceleration of these metabolic processes in normal animals had started in J hour and were well established in ij hours after the injection of -the casein hydrolysate. In the adrenalectomized animals, the increase in these transformations seemed to be slowed down or inhibited. For example, there is no decrease in amino acid nitrogen blood level in ij hours (20,5 mg, per cent in \ hour and 22,3 mg. per cent in hours) after the injection of the amino acid mixture. These amino acid nitrogen levels were distinctly higher than those found in normal animals (18,5 and 15.4 rag, per cent respectively). Apparently, the adrenalectomized animals are unable to accelerate properly the metabolism of the injected amino acids. These findings are in agreement with the generally accepted assumption that certain factors secreted by the adrenal cortex enhance protein catabolism. Furthermore, the increases in blood urea hour, 7.9 mg, per cent; li hours, 8,3 mg. per cent) and glucose (J hour, minus 10,5 mg. per cent; hours, minus 20 rag, per cent) of the adrenalectomized animals after the injection of amino acids are, with the exception of urea at J hour, not as great as compared to the increases in the same blood constituents of normal animals (urea, 4.7 mg. per cent and 12,5 mg, per cent; glucose, minus 6.3 mg. per cent, plus 10,8 mg, per cent) subjected to the same treatment (see Table 5). The observation that one gets a significant increase in urea formation at all in the adrenalectomized animals may be surprising at first thought, since the lack of adrenal cortical secretion would lead one to believe that little or no deamination takes place. However, it must be recalled that the ability of the kidney to dearainate was not found to be as impaired as that of the liver in the adrenalectomized animals (see' Table 2). Thus, ammonia formed in the kidneys of these operated animals may be utilized in the liver for the formation of urea. In addition, the impaired excretory capacity of the kidneys in these animals may account for retention of some urea and this may account for the apparently greater increase in blood urea after J hour. In hypophysectomized animals, the amino acid nitrogen level, hours after amino acid administration (16,0 mg, per cent) is at the same level found in normal animals similarly treated (see Table 5). The control animals in the hypophysectomized group had an amino acid nitrogen level comparable to the normal controls (l2,5 mg. per cent). The ability of the animals to dearainate injected amino acids at a rate comparable to that observed in the normal animal may be due to the absence of the pituitary growth factor as noted previously. Furthermore, the absence of this factor may explain the 6 apparently accelerated protein catabolism as shown by the findings that blood urea nitrogen is increased 12*6 mg. per cent (46,8 to 59*4) and glucose 16,6 mg. per cent (45*5 to 62.1) during this period (see Table 5). The increases are about the same as those found in normal animals after injection, and are greater than those values found in adrenaleeternized animals. However, the absolute values for blood urea are increased and for glucose are decreased in the hypophysectomized animals. By the same criteria, thyroidectomized animals manifest the ability, although somewhat retarded, to metabolite amino acids. From Table 5> it may be observed that the lowering of the amino acid nitrogen level was not quite as prompt or as effective but eventually, after injection of amino acids, the amino acid nitrogen level decreased from 21.7 mg. per cent in \ hour to 16.0 rag. per cent in hours. Similarly, the urea nitrogen levels, although increased hour, 28.1 to 31.7 mg. per cent; hours to 39.3 mg. per cent) do not quite attain the increase that the normal animals showed in | hour and ij hours. Finally, the blood glucose levels in these animals increased in hour (3.9 mg. per cent) but decreased greatly (12.6 per cent) in ij hours after injection. It can be noted from Table 5, that the hematocrit is increased about 6 to 8 per cent in the injected norml animals. This finding may be explained by the relative dehydration caused by the transfer of water from the hypotonic environment of the vascular compartment into the hypertonic environment of the peritoneal cavity into which a 10 per cent solution of amino acids had been injected. It should also be noted that the adrenalectomized animals showed a greater increase in hematocrit (8 to 12 per cent) after injection, than did normals• D, General Observations From Table k> it can be seen that those control normal and thyroid- eeternized animals, which only ’were pierced with a "dry needle" J hour previous to being sacrificed, showed a decreased amino acid oxidase activity in the liver and kidney whem compared with animals sacrificed 1-J hours after injection. Since this decrease was not manifested in adrenalectomized animals similarly treated and since it is associated with increased blood glucose levels (Table 5), one may suspect that the secretion from the adrenal medulla may be responsible for the transient decrease in amino acid oxidase activity. Hie results of experiments with epinephrine both in vitro and in vivo support this possibility (see Table 3). *Vhen a non-commercial epinephrine solution containing only pure crystalline epinephrine was used, the inhibitory effect lasted only for 15 to 20 minutes. This difference in effect may be due to the presence of antioxidants in the commercial solutions. It is also conceivable that the above mentioned inhibition may be due to the action of insulin on the AAO, The increased blood sugar levels caused by an epinephrine reaction may result in an increased insulin secre- tion. Although certain investigators (15,16) have been able to show insulin inhibition of this enzyme, our technique was unable to demonstrate this effect either in vitro or i£ vivo. (See Table 3). iv. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Data have been presented relating blood amino acid level and certain endocrine secretions to the activity of amino acid oxidase in the liver and the kidney of rats. 2. Administration of casein hydrolysate to normal animals produces an increase in the amino acid oxidase activity of the liver and kidney in these animals. 3. Administration of casein hydrolysate to adrenalectomized or hypo- physectomized animals does not produce this increase in the amino acid oxidase activity of liver. U. Adrenal cortical extract accelerates the activity of this enzyme in the liver in vitro and in vivo and in the kidney in vitro. 5. The piutitary-adrenal cortex complex mediates the stimulus for the acceleration of amino acid oxidase activity of the liver observed after amino acid administration. 6. The nature of the mechanism of the pituitary-adrenal cortex stimu- lation after amino acid administration remains to be investigated. ?• Livers of hypophyseeternized animals show increased amino acid oxidase activity which may be due to the absence of the growth factor of the pituitary. 8, Thyroidectomized animals show a decreased amino acid oxidase activity of the liver but an increased activity of the kidney. Adminis- tration of amino acids stimulates the liver oxidase. 9. Epinephrine Inhibits amino acid oxidase activity of the liver. The effect of insulin is doubtful. 10. The amino acid oxidase activity of the liver and the kidney may respond similarly to certain endocrine stimuli. However, it appears that the blood amino acid level may influence the kidney oxidase activity directly but not that of the liver. V. RECOMMENDATIONS In order to complete the concept of the effect of endocrines on the enzyme, amino acid oxidase, it is suggested that further work be done with hypophyseeternized and castrated animals. These experiments should be carried out similarly to those described in this report. It is further recommended that an investigation on the tolerance of humans to amino acid administration be initiated. The experiments to be carried out on normal humans and on those with either adrenal or liver insufficiency. It has been related in this report that the metabolism of amino acids is inhibited in animals with adrenal deficiency. It is postu- lated that amino acid metabolism in patients with liver or certain endo-* crine. (hypophysis-adrenal cortex) disfunctions might be sufficiently impaired to decrease significantly the rate of disappearance of amino acids from the blood. If such proved to be the case, the rate of removal of intra- venously administered amino acids may serve as an index of either liver or hypophysis-adrenal cortex functions. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1* Blanchard, M,, et 1-Amino Acid oxidase of animal tissue, J. Biol. Chem. 421, 1944. 2, Somogyi, M, D, Determination of blood sugar. J. Biol, Chem. 106: 69, 1945. 3. Van Slyke, D, D, and G. E, Cullen, Determination of urea by the urease method, J. Biol. Chem, £k: 417, 1916. 4« Frame, E, G,, J, A, Russell and A, E. Wilhelmi, The colorimetric estimation of amino nitrogen in blood. J. Biol, Chem, 149: 255, 1943. 5, Paschkis, K, E, and A, Schwoner, Output of protein metabolism hormone of pituitary anterior lobe, .Endocrinology. S>6: 117, 1940. 6, Szego, C, M, and A, Yfoite. The influence of growth hormone on fasting metabolism. Endocrinology, 150, 1949. 7, Russell, J,,A. and M, Cappiello, The effects of pituitary growth hormone on the metabolism of administered, amino acids in nephrec- tomlzed rets. Endocrinology, 333, 1949. 8, Deane, H, W. and R. 0. Greep. Cytochemical study of adrenal cortex in hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Endocrinology. 243, 1947. 9, Klein, J, R, Effect of thyroid feeding and thyroidectomy on the oxidation of amino acids by rat kidney and liver. J, Biol. Chem. 128: 659, 1939. 10. Russell, J. A, and A, E, Wilhelmi. Metabolism of kidney tissue in adrenalectomized rat. J, Biol, Chem, 137: 713, 1941. 11. Lang, K, The effect of the level of protein intake on the activity of oxidation enzymes in the organs, Klin. Wchnschr, 24-25/55-56: 868, 1947. 12. Kochakian, C, D. and M. N. Bartlett. The effect of crystalline adrenal cortical steroids, di-thyroxine, and epinephrine on the alkaline and acid phosphatases and anginase of the liver and kidney of the normal adult rat, J. Biol, Chem. 176: 243, 1948, 13. Lotspeich, W. D. and R. F, Pitts. The role of amino acids in the renal tubular secretion of ananonia, J. Biol. Chem, 168: 611, 1947. 9 14. Bliss, S, Increased excretion of tirinary araraonia in dog follow- ing intr tvenous injection of both natural and unnatural forms of certain amino acids. J, Biol, Chem, 2311 211, 1941. 15. Bach, S, J. and E, G. Holmes, The effect of insulin an carbo- hydrate formation in the liver, Biochem, J. Jl: 89, 1937* 16. Stadie, 'V, C,, F. D. Lukens and J, A. Zapp, Jr, Effect of insulin upon urea formation, carbohydrate synthesis, and respira- tion of liver of normal and diabetic animals. J. Biol, Chem. 132: 393, 1940. i Tissue ■■■» lonutes After Injection - . Normals Adrenale ctomized Hypophyse c t oraiz ed 1 Thyroide c toiaized LI VSR 30 14 = 50? 0 = (£ 9 = 33? 90 15 = 33? 2-1$ -31 = -38? 3 = 11? KIDNEY 30 119 = 89? ~2U = -9^ — -43 — -14? 90 18 = 7% 107 = 59? 66 - 29^ -53 = -27? i 1 lilCROLITEHS AND % INCREASE III AMINO ACID OXIDASE ACTIVITY AFTER AMHIO ACID INJECTION Values Equal Microliters and % Increase in Microliters of Oxygen Uptake Per Gram of Tissue Homogenate Extract TADLS 2 TABLE 3 EFFECT OF CERTAIN HORMONES ON AMINO ACID OXIDASE OF LIVER m VITRO AND IN VIVO JHCROLITERS OF OXYGEN UPTAKE Figures in Parent theses Equal Number of Animals Buffer Alanine Difference (AAO) Control (AAO) ADRENAL CORTICAL EXTRACT In Vitro 300 425 125 4 is (6) 59 1 S (14) In Vivo ena le c t oi -liz ed) 301 343 42 ± 3 (2) 21 f 3 (2) In Vivo "(Normals) 219 OTTO *• 1 / 60 4 4 (4) 27.5 4 1.5 (2) ADRENALIN In Vitro 232 257 25 4 2.6 (5) 59 ± 8 (U) In Vivo 230 253 23 i 6 (4) 41 4 4.5(20) INSULIN In Vitro 242 274 32 4 9 (13) 59 i & (14) In Vivo 203 246 43 4 4 (3) 57 ± 9 (4) Figures in Parentheses Equal Nuaber of Aniaals Tissue Time After Infection Ury Needle*’ Normals Adrenalectoaized Hypophysectomized Thyroidectoaized Buffer Alanine Oxidase Activity Buffer Alanine Oxidase Activity Buffer Alanine Oxidase Activity Buffer Alanine Oxidase Activity 0 211 270 59 i 8 (10) — ■ — — — — — — — -- LIVER 30 . 208 *235 27 i 3.3 (8) 197 226 29 i 6.1 (9) — — — 205 223 18 * 2.0 (4) 90 235 275 40 i 4.4 (9) 171 196 27 i 5.1 (5) 204 285 81 * 9 (5) 201 228 27 i 3.1 (4) KIDNEY 30 206 341 135 i 13.5 (6) 197 462 265 1 17 (6) — 164 475 311 I 18 (4) 90 220 472 252 i 21 (13) 198 380 182 f 14 (5) *181 412 231 i 15 (5) 201 551 350 f 21 (4) As Above After Injection of 5 cc. Aaigen Intraperitoneally LIVER 30 90 226 224 267 279 41 i 4.5 (20) 55 i 3.1 (21) 225 179 249 207 24 * 4.3 (19) 28 i 4.0 (7) 200 250 50 i 5.7 (5) 219 239 246 269 27 i 5.0 (8) 30 i 4.3 (8) KIDNEY 30 90 205 207 459 477 254 i 36 (19) 270 i 31 (28) 169 187 400 476 221 t 25 (14) 289 i 20 (7) 173 470 297 i 30 (9) 195 194 463 451 268 f 22 (8) 257 * 5 (8) TABLE I TOTAL RESPIRATION AND AMINO ACID OX1IASE ACTIVITY OF CONTROL Am SXFERBSKTAT, AI’B'ALS fcicroliters of Oxygen Uptake Per Gram of Rocogenized Tissue Extract Blood Constituent Minutes After Injection Figures in Parentheses Equal Number of Animals Normals Adrenalectomized Hypophysectomized Thyroidectomized Control Injected Control Injected Control Injected Control Injected HEMATOCRIT % - 30 90 52.5 4 0.6 U) 52.A 4 0.4(4) 55.A 4 1.0(8) 56.5 4 1.5(6) 55.5 4 1.3(3) 55.5 f 0.8(3) 60.0 4 1.4(5) 63.0 f 2.0(5) — — A9.A 4 1.5(A) 50.5 4 0.9(3) 51.2 4 0.8(8) 55.0 4 2.0(6) AMINO AGH?S Mg. % Amino Acid n2 30 90 12.1 4 1.3(5) 12.9 4 1.4(9) 18.5 4 1.6(8) 15.A 4 0.2(12) 12.6 4 1.3 (7) 1A.5 4 0.6 (3) 20.5 4 1.3(13) 22.3 4 1.8(5) 12.5 4 0.5(A) 16.0 4 1.2(7) 11.9 4 .9(3) 12.2 4 .A(A) 21.7 4 3.1(6) 16.0 4 1.6(8) — UBEA Mg. % Urea N2 * sO Vv) o o 18.9 i 0.8(A) 17.7 4 0.3(5) 23.6 4 1.8(9) 30.2 4 .3(8) A0.8 4 2.0(3) AC,3 4 2.6(3) AS.7 4 3.1(A) AS.6 4 2.8(2) 46.8 4 2.2(3) 59.A 4 1.6(6) 28.1 4 0.9(3) 29.1 4 1.5(3) 31.7 4 1.8(7) 39.3 4 2.1(5) GLUCOSE kg. % o o o <*■* 68.2 | 0.2(3) 72.9 4 2.1(3) 66.0 4 3.0(5) 66.6 4 2.4(8) 76.8 4 2.7(10) A6.5 4 2.3(3) A7.8 4 2.0(3) 36.0 4 6,1(5) 27.8 4 1.1(5) A5.5 4 1.5(2) 62.1 4 3.6(A) 58.5 i 3.0(3) 73.7 4 1.0(A) 59.2 4 2.5(A) 77.6 4 0.8(8) 46.6 4 3.4(8) TABLE 5 CHANGES IN BLOOD CONSTITUENTS DURING EXHiRIMENTAL PROCEDURES