REGULATORY EFFECT OF TILE BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL ON THE SECRETION OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX* by G. L, Steeples, Jr., Gapt., li.C, and H. F. Jensen, Ph.D,, Chief Biochemist from Medical Department Field Research Laboratory Fort Knox, Kentucky 1 January 1949 under Study of Physiological Effects of Cold, Approved 24 September, 1942, MDFRL Project Mo, 6-64-12-02-(7)* Project No, 6-64-12-02 Sub-project MDFRL 02-(7) MEDEA 1 January 1%9 ABSTRACT REGULATORY EFFECT OF THE BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL ON THE SECRETION OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX OBJECT In the course of studies designed to determine the effects of hypothermia on the control of endocrine secretions it became necessary to know the effects of changes in blood glucose level on the secretory activity of the adrenal cortex. Alterations in the cholesterol content of the adrenals were used as indices of the activity of the gland. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Hyperglycemia induced by oral administration of glucose produced an increase in the adrenal cholesterol indicating an inhibition of the adrenal cortex. After thirty to sixty minutes the adrenal cholesterol returned to normal values. Hypoglycemia induced by insulin injection produced a decrease in the adrenal cholesterol indicating a stimulation of the adrenal cortex. The role of the blood glucose level in the regulation of the secretion of insulin, on the one hand, and of epinephrine, on the other, is a possi- bility. RECOMMENDATIONS Similar experiments should be carried out using adrenodemedullated animals in order to determine whether the regulatory effect of the blood glucose'level is mediated through the anterior pituitary or through the adrenal medulla, Submitted by: G. L, Steeples, Jr., Capt., M.C, H. F. Jensen, Ph.D., Chief Biochemist Approved RAY GJpiffjS U U Director of Eesearc Approved^ FREDERICK J. KNOBLAUCH Lt. Col., Commanding REGULATORY EFFECT OF THE BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL OK THE SECRETION OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX I. INTRODUCTION Investigations in recent years have shown that the adrenal cortex plays an important role in maintaining the resistance of the animal organism to stress (l, 2). In view of this, any study assumes signifi- cance when it contributes to an understanding of the mechanism which regulates the secretion of this endocrine organ. It is now generally accepted that the activity of the adrenal cortex is controlled by the adrenocorticotrophic principle, which is secreted by the anterior pitui- tary.* The mechanism of the secretion of the adrenal cortex is, therefore, mainly associated with the factors influencing the release of the adreno- corticotrophic hormone by the anterior pituitary. Recently, it has been found that epinephrine plays an important role in the control of adrenal cortical activity and that this control is mediated through the anterior pituitary by bringing about a release of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (1, 2). The manner by which epinephrine produces this effect is not known. Since epinephrine and the blood sugar level are so closely inter- related, experiments have been performed to determine whether the blood sugar level per se would influence the activity of the adrenal cortex. Alterations in the cholesterol content of the adrenals have been used as measures of elaboration of cortical hormones by the adrenal cortex. The changes in the cholesterol content of the adrenals observed on induced hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia are presented. II. EXPERIMENTAL A. Lethods and Procedures White adult male rats of the V/istar and Sprague-Dawley strains weighing between 225 to 2B0 grams were used. The animals were starved overnight but allowed water. 1. Oral Administration of Glucose: The rats were intubated with a catheter and 2 ml. of a 50 per cent glucose solution were introduced by means of a hypodermic syringe into the experimental and 2 ml. of distilled water into the control animals. After certain time intervals, the animals were killed by the guillotine method. The adrenal glands were immediately dissected, weighed and analyzed for cholesterol according to the method of Schoenheimer and Sperry (4). The total cholesterol was determined in each case and the amount of cholesterol is reported as mgra. per 100 ngm. of fresh wet adrenal tissue. Blood sugar determinations were carried out * Deane, Shaw and Greep (3), have presented evidence that at least in the rat, the secretion of the electrolyte-regulating hormones of the adrenal gland is not under the control of the anterior pituitary. according to the procedure of Somogyi (5)» It was found that handling and intubation of the animals led to a variable "alarm" reaction, as indicated by a decrease in adrenal chicles- terol. For this reason, it was essential to accustom the animals to the experimental conditions before use. This was done by passing a fine rubber catheter into the stomach twice daily for about eight days. Only healthy, growing rats are suitable for studies of adrenal cholesterol changes inasmuch as inanition or infection markedly influences the adrenal cholesterol levels. The animals were kept as much as possible in a constant temperature environment. 2. Administration of Insulin: The experimental animals were injected subcutaneously with 0,5 I.U. of insulin while the control ani- mals were injected subcutaneously with 0.25 ml. of saline solution. The adrenal cholesterol and blood sugar levels were determined ninety minutes after administration. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 illustrates the mean cholesterol changes in the adrenals as well as the mean blood sugar changes determined simultaneously in rats after oral administration of 2 ml, of a 50 per cent glucose solution in water. Oral administration of glucose produced a distinct increase in the adrenal cholesterol and an elevation of the blood sugar level half an hour after administration. Between thirty to sixty minutes, there was a sharp decline in the adrenal cholesterol content to normal levels. The increase in the adrenal cholesterol level, observed at thirty minutes, was significant inasmuch as the lowest values for cholesterol found at that time were definitely greater than the highest values obtained in the con- trol animals. Elmadjian, Freeman and Pincus (6) found that oral administration of glucose (l ml. of a 50 per cent solution) to rats produced a lymphocytopenia within one to two hours aftesr administration. We also observed a decrease in lymphocytes after oral glucose administration at a time at which the cholesterol levels of the adrenals were normal. The fall in lymphocytes is supposed to indicate a stimulation of the adrenal cortex and would seem to contradict the finding of an increase in adrenal cholesterol level. However, this may be explained by observing that the apparent inhibition of the adrenal cortex was of short duration and that a drop to normal in the adrenal cholesterol occurred within thirty to sixty minutes after glucose administration. The cholesterol content was normal after one hour, indicating an actual outpouring of adrenocortical hormones, thus account- ing for the observed lymphocytopenia. Dohan and Lukens (?5 reported that intraperitoneal injection of glucose into rats produced a decrease in the ascorbic acid content of the adrenals, determined thirty-five to sixty minutes after glucose administration. Abelin (£) observed that, seven to eight hours after oral glucose administration (l gram per 100 grams of body weight) to rats, a reduction of about twenty-five per cent in the adrenal cholesterol occurred. In repeating Abelin1s experiments, similar results were obtained. TABLE 1 Mean Changes in the Cholesterol Content of the Adrenals and in the Blood Sugar Levels in Normal Flats After Glucose Administration. Number of Animals Type of Experi- ment Time of Sacrifice After Injection (minutes) Weight of Fresh Adrenal Glands (mgra.) Cholesterol Blood Sugar Content per Level at 100 mgm. of Termination Fresh Adrenal (mgm. %) Tissue (mgm.) 18 Controls (2 ml. H20) ■*«- 35 3.44 4 0.10 72 12 Glucose* 30 34 4.91 f 0.16 81 12 Glucose 60 36 3.30 4 0.13 99 12 Glucose 120 36 3.83 4 0.11 90 7 Glucose 240 34 3.57 4 0.09 — 8 Glucose 300 36 3.21 4 0.11 70 4 Glucose 360 34 3.70 i 0.07 * 2 ml. of through ’ 50 per cent a catheter. solution introduced by a hypodermic syringe ** The animals were sacrificed at the same time intervals as the glucose injected rats intervals• i. The results are averages for all time Since hyperglycemia led to an increase of the adrenal cholesterol content, investigation was directed toward the determination whether hypo- glycemia would effect a lowering of the adrenal cholesterol. In order to ascertain the effects of hypoglycemia, rats were injected subcutaneously with 0.5 I.U. of insulin per animal. Since the subcutaneous injection per se resulted in some adrenal stimulation, the values obtained with insulin injections should be compared with those obtained in the control animals which were injected subcutaneously with 0.25 ml. of saline solution. As can be seen from Table 2, the choles- terol values of the saline injected controls were lower than those of animals receiving no treatment. This finding indicates again the importance in any study of adrenal functional activity of the employment of control animals which have received handling and treatment similar to the experimental animals. TABLE 2 Mean Changes in the Cholesterol Content of the Adrenals and in Blood Sugar Levels in Normal Eats After Injection of Insulin. Number of Animals Type of Experi- ment Time of Sacrifice After Injection (minutes) Weight of Fresh Adrenal Glands (mgm.) Cholesterol Content per 100 mgm, of Fresh Adrenal Tissue (mgm.) Blood Sugar Level at Terrains tion (mgm. %) 5 Control Uninjected 90 35 2.82 4 0.03 72 a Control 0.25 ml, 90 Normal saline 32 2.61 4 0.16 66 la - Insulin (0.5 I.u.) 90 32 2.04 4 0.11 20 As can be seen from Table 2, insulin induced hypoglycemia effected a stimulation of the adrenal cortex as indicated by the lowered adrenal cholesterol level. This finding is in agreement with that of Qershberg and Long (9) who observed a fall in the adrenal ascorbic acid and with that of Vogt (10) who found a depletion in the adrenal lipids of rats following insulin injection. The findings reported here support the assumption that hyperglycemia leads to a diminished release of epinephrine by the adrenal medulla with a correspendingly lessened stimulation of the anterior pituitary, which then causes an inhibitory effect on the adrenal cortex as indicated by an increase in the cholesterol content. In hypoglycemia, the reverse takes place, It appears that the blood sugar level regulates the secretion of insulin (hyperglycemia, stimulation; hypoglycemia, inhibition) on the one hand and the secretion of epinephrine (hyperglycemia, :- inhibition; hypoglycemia, stimulation) on the other. Epinephrine, in turn, regulates the level of functional activity of the adrenal cortex; this effect is mediated through the anterior pituitary. It appears that epinephrine not only influences the secretion of the adrenocorticotrophia principle, but also the elaboration of the thyrotrophic hormone. The investigations of Rawson and his associates (ll), and of Soffer et al. (12), indicate that epinephrine affects the rate of hormone output of the thyroid; this in- fluence also being mediated through the anterior pituitary. It is well recognized that the physiological functions of insuli# are in general antag- onistic to those elicited by the hormones of the adrenal cortex and thyroid. Whether or not the regulatory effect of the blood glucose level on the secretion of the adrenal cotex and of the thyroid is directly mediated through the anterior pituitary or indirectly through the adrenal medulla is not as yet established. Experiments similar to those reported here, carried out in adrenodemedullated animals, might give an answer to that question. IV. CONCLUSIONS Hyperglycemia induced by oral administration of glucose in rats caused an elevation of the adrenal cholesterol level indicating an inhi- bition of the adrenal cortex. Hypoglycemia induced by insulin injection in rats produced a decrease of the adrenal cholesterol level indicating a stimulation of the adrenal cortex. The role of the blood glucose level in the regulation of the secre- tion of insulin, on the one hand, and of epinephrine, on the other, is a possibility. V. PECO* 1P3«D.\TIQMS It is recctfomended that similar experiments be carried out in adreno- demedullated animals in order to determine whether the regulatory effect of blood glucose is mediated through the anterior pituitar:/ or through the adrenal medulla. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1, Long, C. N, K, The conditions associated with the secretion of the adrenal cortex, F©deration Proc. 6: 461, 1947- 2. Sayers, G. and R. A. Sayers. The pituitary-adrenal system, in Recent Progress in Hormone Research. Mew York, Academic Press, Inc. 2: 81, 1948. 3. Deane, H, V/,, J. H. Shaw and R. 0. Creep. The effect of altered sodium or potassium intake on the width and cytochemistry of the zona glomerulosa of the rat*s adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 43: 133, 1948, 4. Schoenheimer, R. and W, Sperry, A micromethod for the determina- tion of free and combined cholesterol, J. Biol. Chem. 106: 745, 1934. 5. Somogyi, H. Determination of blood sugar. J, Biol. Chem. 106: 69, 1945. 6. Elmadjian, F., H, Freeman and. G. 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