No. nr. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL. THE NEW YORK PRINTING COMPANY, 81, 83, and 85 Centre Street. 1869. CATALOGUE. A. 6486. Abeille (J.).-Traite des Maladies a Urines Albumineuses et Sucrbes, on de 1'Albuminuric et du Diabete Sucre, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 6549. Acton (Wm.).-The Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs in Youth, in Adult Age, and in Advanced Life. 8vo. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1865. 7127. Adams (W.).-Club-Foot : its Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. Jacksonian Prize Assay,. 1864. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866. 7400. Lectures on the Pathology and Treatment of Lat- eral and other forms of Curvature of the Spine. 8vo. London, 1865. 7128-9. Aitken (Wm,).-The Science and Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo, from the 4th London ed. Notes and additions by Meredith Clymer, M.D. Phila., 1866. 7336-7. The same. 2d American from 5th London ed. Philadelphia, 1868. 6196 Alison (W. Scott).-The Physical Examination of the Chest in Pulmonary Consumption, &c. 8vo. Lon- don, 1861. Ammon (Fred. Aug. von).-Die Angeborenen Cbirur- gischen Krankheiten des Menschen in Abbildungen. Fol. Berlin, 1842 (text imperfect). 7132. Anae<thesia, Modern, an Inquiry into the Origin of. By the Hon. Truman Smith. 8vo. Hartford, 1867. 6197. Anderson (Andrew), M.D.-Ten Lectures introductory to the Study of Fever. 12mo. London, 1861. 7401. (McCall).-A Practical Treatise upon Eczema 2d ed. London, 1867. Anger et Velpeau.-Traite Iconographique des Mala- dies Chirurgicales-Luxations et Fractures. 4to. Paris, 1865. 6577. Anstie (F. C.).-Stimulants and Narcotics: their Mutual Relations, with Special Researches on the Action of Alco- hol, Ether, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1865. 2 6257. Appia (P. L.).-The Ambulance Surgeon; or Practical Observations on Gunshot Wounds. 12rao. Edin- burgh, 1862. 6404. Armand.-Histoire Medico-Chirurgicale de la Guerre de Crimee. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 6233. Army.-Revised Regulations for the Army of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. Arnold (E.).-On Medical Provision for Railroads as a Humanitarian Measure, &c. Pht. 1862. B. 7402. Ballard (E.).-On Vaccination : its Value and Alleged Dangers. Prize Essay. 8vo. London, 1868. 6515. Barker. On Malaria and Miasmata. Fathergillian Prize Essay. 8vo. London, 1863. 6501. Bartholow (R.), U.S.A.-A Manual of Instructions for Enlisting and Discharging Soldiers, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1863. 6178. Barwell (R.).-A Treatise on Diseases of the Joints. 8vo. London, 1861. 6459. Baudens (L.).-On Military and Camp Hospitals, and the Health of Troops in the Field. 8vo. New York, 1862. 6401. La Guerre de Crimee: les Campements, les Abris, les Ambulances, les Hdpitaux, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 6383. Bazin (E.).-Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur la Scrof- ule, &c. 2d ed. Paris, 1861. 7155. Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur les Affections a. Generiques de la Peau. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7406. Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur la Syphilis et les Syphilides. 2d ed. Paris, 1866. 7404. Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur les Affections Cutanees Artificielles et sur la Lepre, les Diatheses, 1c Purpura, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7405. Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur les Affections Cutanees Parasitaires. 2d ed. Paris, 1862. 7403. Lecons Theoriques et Cliniques sur les Affections Cutanees de Nature Arthritique et Dartreuse, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6443. Beale (L. S.).-On Urine, Urinary Deposits, and Calculi. 8vo. London, 1861. 6559. Howto work with the Microscope. 3d ed. 8vo' London, 1865. 3 Beale (L. S.).-A Descriptive List of the Microscopical Specimens illustrating Seven Lectures on the Structure and Growth of Tissues, Ac. Pht. London, 1861. See Archives of Medicine. 6550. Beasley (EL).-The Book of Prescriptions. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1865. 6572. Beck (Jno. B.).-Lectures on Materia Medica and Thera- peutics, delivered in the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York. Edited by C. R. Gilman, M.D. 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1861. 6582. Beclard (I3 .A.).-Elements d'Anatomie Generale. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 6412. Bedford (G. S.).- The Principles and I'ractice of Ob- stetrics. 8vo. New York, 1861. 6583. Behier (J.), M.D.-Conferences de Clinique Medicale, faites a la Pitie (1861-2). 8vo. Paris, 1864. 6481. Bell (J.).-Sanitary Report. See Reports. 6390. Bently (Rob.).-A Manual of Botany, including the Structure, Functions, Classification, lJroperties, &c., of 1'lants. 8vo. London, 1861. 7285. Beraud (B. J.).-Atlas Complet d'Anatomie Chirurgi- cale Topographiquc. 4to. Paris, 1865. 7156-7. Bernard (Claude).-Legons sur la Physiologic et ]a Pathologie du Systeme Nerveux. Avec 65 figs. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 7158. Legons sur les Proprietes des Tissus Vivants. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 7159. Memoirc sur le Pancreas et sur le Role du Sue- Ekincreatique dans les Phenombnes Digestifs. 4to. Paris. 6142a. Bernutz et Goupil.-Clinique Medicale sur les Mala- dies des Femmes. Tome deuxieme. Paris, 1862. 6428. Bertherand (A.).-Campagnes de Kabylie. Ilistoire Medico-Chirurgicale des Expeditions de 1854-6-7. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7410. Bertholle (T.).-Des Corps Etrangers dans les Voies Urinaires. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 7160-1. Bibra (F. E.) mid Geist Lor.-Die Krankheiten der Arbeiter in den Phosph orzund holzfabriken. Erlan- gen, 1847. 6456-7. Bigg (IE. EL).- On the Mechanical Appliances necessary for the Treatment of Deformities. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1858-62. 7330. Billroth (Th.).-Elements de E'athologie Chirurgicale Generale. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 1244a-b. Boerhaave (EIermannus).- Elementa Chemiae, quae Anniversario labore docuit, in publicis, privatisque Scholis. 2 vols. 4to. Lug. Batav. 1732. 4 6560. Bouchut (E.).-Histoire de la Medecine et des Doctrines Medicales. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 7100-1. Du Diagnostic des Maladies du Systeme Ncrveux par 1'Ophthalmoscopie. Avec planches. 1 vol. Texte 8vo. Paris, 1866. 6518-19. Boucher de Perthes.-Antiquites Celtiques et Ante- diluviennes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1849-57. 7350. Bouisson (E. F.).-Tribut & la Chirurgie : on Memoires sur divers sujets de cette Science., tome Ire. 4to. Paris, 1858. Boujalsky(Elie).-Tabulae Anatomico-Chirurgicse, Ope- rationes Lithotomiae et Lithotripsiae exponentes, ad naturam depictae et aeri incisae, addita earum descrip- tione necnon brevi encbiresseos operationum doctrina. (A Russian work in fol.) 1852. Dessins Photographiques des Artfires et des Veines excarnees des Reins humains, du Prof. d'Anatomie, Doct. en Med., et Chir. Conseiller princ. 4to. 1863. Another work in the Russian Language, by the same. 4to 1865. Presented by the Author. Bourgery et Jacob.-Traite complet d'Anatomie de THoinme, &c. Vol. viii. 6477. Bowditch (IL L.).-Consumption in New-England : or Locality one of its Chief Causes. 8vo. Boston, 1862. 6501. Brace (C. L.).-The Races of the Old World. 8vo. New York, 1863. 6517. Briand et Chaude.-Manuel Complet de Med. Legale. 7th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 7411. Brierre de Boismont (A.).-Du Suicide et de la Folie Suicide. 2d ed. Paris, 1865. 6397. Brinton (W.), M.D.-On Food and its LUgestion : being an Introduction to Dietetics. 8vo. London, 1861. 7412. -- Intestinal Obstructions. 8vo. London, 1867. 7162. Briquet (P.).-Traite Clinique et Therapeutique de 1' Ilysterie. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 7102. Broca (P.).-Traite des Tumeurs. tome Ire. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 5074a. Brodie (Sir B.).-Physiological Inquiries. Part II. London, 1862. 7414. Brown (J. B.).-On Ovarian Dropsy. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1868. 6179. Brown-Sequard (C. E.).- Course of Lectures on the Physiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous System. 8vo. Philadelohia, 1860. 5 7413. Bryant (T.).-Clinical Surgery. Part i. Injuries and Dis- eases of the Nervous System. II. Nose, Larynx, Thorax, and Organs of Circulation. III. Mouth, Pharynx, Abdomen, Rectum, including Hernia. IV. Stricture, Retention of Urine, Stone, &c. V. Tumors, and Tumors of Breast. VI. Testicle, Vesical and Recto-Vesical Fistula, Ruptured Perinseum. VII. Ovariotomy. 8vo. London, 1867. Buck (G.).-History of a Case of Partial Reconstruction of the Face. Pht. Albany, 1864. 6574. Buckle (F.), M.D.-Vital and Economical Statistics of the Hospitals, Infirmaries, &c., of England and Wales, for the year 1863. 8vo. London, 1865. 6398. Bumstead (F.), M.D.-The Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. 7163-71. Burdach (C. F.).-Traite de Physiologic. Traduit de 1' Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 9 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1837-41. 7415. Butcher (R. G.).-Essays and Reports on Operative and Conservative Surgery. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. 6539. Byford (W. II.), M.D.-A Treatise on the Chronic Inflammation and Displacement of the Unimpregnated Uterus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. C. 7172-3. Calmeil, L. F.-De la Folie depuis la Renaissance des Sciences en Europe jusqu'au Dix-neuvieme 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 6181. Camplin (John M.).-On Diabetes and its successful Treatment. 12mo. From 2d London ed. New York, 1861. 6595. Carre (Marius).-Nouvelles Rechcrches sur 1'Ataxie Locomotrice Progressive. Avec figs. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 7416-19. Casper (J. L.).-A Handbook of the Practice of Fo- rensic Medicine. Translated from the German by G. W. Balfour, M.D. 4 vols. 8vo. London, New Syd- enham Soc., 1861-5. Catalogue of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the City of New York. Pht. 1807-1865. of Dr. V. Mott's Surgical and Pathological Museum. 1858. of the Governors, Trustees, and Officers, and of the Alumni and other Graduates, of Columbia College, New York, from 1754 to 1864. 6478. of the Library of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. 6 6509-a. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and Chirur- gical Society of London. 8vo. London, 1865. Sup- plements 1 to 5. 6499. of the Pathological Cabinet of the New York Hos- pital, classified and arranged by Robt. Ray, Jr., M.D., Curator. 8vo. New York, 1860. 6495. of the Army (U. S.) Medical Museum. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1863. 6567 a. of the Surgical Section of the U. S. Army Med- ical Museum. 4to. Washington, 1866. From the Surg. Gen'I. 6497. Essai d'une Bibliographic Universelle de la Mede- cine, de la Chirurgie, et de la Pharmacie Militaires. Nombre I. Paris, 1862. des Sciences Medicales. Tome Ire. Public par ordre de 1'Empereur. 4to. Paris, 1857-61. of Obstetrical and other Instruments. 8vo. Lon- don, 1867. 6467. Census, U. S., 1860. See Report. 6568 a. Mortality and Miscellaneous Statistics. 4to. Wash- ington. 6465. Chambers (T. K.).-The Renewal of Life: Clinical Lec- tures illustrative of the Restorative System of Medicine. 8vo. London, 1862. 6447. Chance (E. J.).-On the Nature, Causes, Variety, and Treatment of Bodily Deformities. 8vo. London, 1862. Part I. 7173 a. Charcot (J. M.).-Le§oris Cliniques sur les Maladies de Vieillards et les Maladies Chroniques. Ease. 1 to 6. No. 1, 2d series. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7309. Charities of France in 1866 : an Account of some of the principal existing Charitable Institutions in that coun- try (author's name not given). 8vo. Boston, 1867. 6384. Chassaignac (E.).-Traite Clinique et Pratique des --- 5. Operations Chirurgicales, ou Traite de Therapeutique 5bis. Chirurgicale. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 6461. Chauffard (P. Em.)-Principes de Pathologic Generale. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7174. De la Spontaneite et de la Specificite dans les Maladies. 12mo. Paris, 1867. 7311. Chassaignac (M. E.)-Clinique Chirurgicale de 1'116- 7311-12-13. pital Lariboisiere. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-513. 7126. Cheever (D. W.).-Two Cases of CEsophagotomy for the Removal of Foreign Bodies. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Chenu (J. C.).-Rapport au Conseil de Sante des Armees pendant la Campagne d'Orient en 1854-55-56. 4to Paris, 1865. 6110. Chevallier (M. A.)-Traite des Desinfectants. 8vo Paris, 1862. 7 7175. Chipault (A.).-Etudes sur les Manages Consanguins et sur les Croisements dans les Regnes Animal et Vegetal. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 7108. Clerc (F. F.).-Traite Pratique des Maladies Veneri- ennes. Fasc. I. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 4721. Cobbold (T. S.).-Entozoa : an Introduction to the Study of Helminthology. 8vo. London, 1864. 7176. Cocteau (T.).- Recherches sur les Alterations des Arteres a la suite de la Ligature. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7106. Collis (M. IL).-On the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer, and the Tumors analogous to it. 8vo. Lon- don, 1864. 7422. Cooke (T. W.).-Cancer: its Allies and Counterfeits. 8vo. London, 1865. 7423. Coote (Holmes).-On Joint Diseases. 8vo. London, 1867. 6195. Coulson (Wm.).-On the Diseases of the Bladder and Prostate Gland. 5th ed. 8vo. London 1857. 7177. Courty (A.).-Traite Pratique des Maladies de 1'Uterus et de ses Annexes. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 6424. Cruveilhier (J.).-Traite d'Anatomie Pathologique 6427 a. Generale. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862-65. Cullerier (M. A.).-Precis Iconographique des Maladies Veneriennes. 18mo. Paris, 1861-66. / D. 6537. Da Costa (J. M.).-Medical Diagnosis, with special ref- erence to Practical Medicine. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. 6540. Damon (H. F.).-Leucocythemia. Boylston Prize Essay for 1863. 8vo. Boston, 1864. 7178. Dangel (F.).-Traite Theorique et Pratique de 1'Obesite. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 6503. Darwin (C.).-The Origin of Species by means of Natu- ral Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. 8vo. New York, 1861. 7179. Davaine (C.).-Traite des Entozoaires et des Maladies Vermineuses de ITIomme et des Animaux Domestiques. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6465. . Davis (Henry G.).-Medical Testimony in regard to the Proper Mechanical Treatment of Joint Diseases. Pht. New York. 7121. -- Conservative Surgery, as exhibited in remedying some of the Mechanical Causes that operate injuriously in Health and Disease. 8vo. New York, 1867. 6478. De Boismont (A. B.).-Hallucinations; or, The Rational History of Apparitions, Visions, Dreams, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. 7314. De Graefe (A.).-Clinique Ophthalmologique. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 8 7180. Demarquay (M.).-Traite des Tumeurs de 1'Orbite. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 7327-8. Demme (H.).-Militar Chirurgische Studien. 2 vols. 8vo. Wurzburg, 1863-4. 7424. Dickinson (W. H.).-On the Pathology and Treatment of Albuminuria. 8vo. London, 1868. Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des Sciences Medi- cales (to be complete in 20 or 25 vols.).-Vols. i. to viii. 2d series, part I. 6521. Diday (P.).-Histoire Naturelle de la Syphilis. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 6502. Didiot (P. A.).-Code des Officiers de Sante de 1' Arraeede a. Terre ; ou Traite de droit administratif, d'hygiene, et de mbdecine legale militaires, complete des institutions qui regisseut le service de Sante des Armees. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Discourses, Anniversary, before the New York Academy of Medicine, vol. i. 6596. Dolbeau.-Traite Pratique de la Pierre dans la Vessie. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 6505. Draper (John W.).-A History of the Intellectual De- velopment of Europe. 7310. Druhen (aine.).-Du Tabac : son Influence sur la Sante, et sur les Facultes intellectuelles et morales. 2d ed. 12mo. Besangon, 1867. 7123., Duchenne (G. B.).-De 1'Electrisation Localisee, et de son Application a la Pathologic et a la Therapeutique. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 7181. Physiologic des Mouvements. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7130. Duncan (J. M.).-Fecundity, Fertility, Sterility and Allied Topics. 7425. Researches in Obstetrics. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868. 7145-6. Duparcque (F.).--Maladies de la Matrice. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 6545. Durkee.-A Treatise on Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. E. 7110. Echeverria (M. Gonzalez.)-Reflex Paralysis : its Patho- logical Anatomy and Relation to the Sympathetic Ner- vous System. 8vo. New York, 1866. 6026 c. d. Edwards (H. Milne).-Legons sur la Physiologic, &c. Vols. vi., vii. Vol. viii., parts I, II. 9 6514. Ellis (B.).-Medical Formulary. 11th ed. Philadel- phia, 1864. 6420-1. Ely (Rev. R. S.).-Visits of Mercy; or The Journals written while Preacher to the Hospital and Almshouse. 6th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1829. 7335. Emmet (Th. A.).-Vesico-Vaginal Fistula from Parturi- tion and other causes, with cases of Recto-Vaginal Fistula. 8vo. New York, 1868. 6584. Empis (G. S.)-De la Granule ; ou Maladie Granuleuse, connue sous les noms de Fievre Cerebrale, d'Hydroce- phale Aigue, <fcc. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 7331. Esmarch (F.).-On Resections in Gunshot Injuries : Statham on Resection in Civil Practice. Stromeyer on Fractures of Bones in Gunshot Injuries. 8vo. London, 1856. 7182. Eulenberg Albert.-Die Hypo-dermatische Injection der Arzneimittel. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. 7329. Evans (T. W.).-Sanitary Institutions during the Austro- Prussian Italian Conflict; Conferences of the Interna- tional Societies of Relief for Wounded Soldiers. 3d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1858. F. 7144. Falck (N. D.).-A Treatise on the Venereal Disease. 8vo. London, 1772. 7183. Falret (J. P.).-Des Maladies et des Asiles d'Alienes. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 7114-15. Fano.-Traite Pratique des Maladies des Ycux. 2 vols. 8 vo. Paris, 1866. Fisher (Geo. J.).-Biographical Sketches of the Deceased Physicians of Westchester Co., N. Y. Pht. New York, 1861. Case of Double Monstrosity. Pht. On the Animal Substances employed by the An- cients as Medicines. Pht. 7131. Flint (A.).-A Treatise on the Principlesand Practice of Medicine. 2d ed. 8vo. 1867. 7148-9. Flint, Jr. (A.).-The Physiology of Man : designed to represent the existing state of Physiological Science as applied to the Functions of the Human Body. Vol. I. The Blood, Circulation, Respiration. Vol. II. Ali- mentation, Digestion, Absorption. To be completed in 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 10 7276. Flourens (P.).-Theorie Experimentale de la Formation des Os. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 7286. ■ Memoires d'Anatomie et de Physiologic Com- parees. 8 plates. 4to. Paris, 1844. Flower (W. IL).-Diagrams of the Nerves of the Human Body. Fol. London, 1861. 7184-5. Foissac (P.).-De 1'Influence des Climats et des Agents Physiques sur le Moral. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 6597. Follin (E.).-Legons sur 1'Exploration de 1'CEil, et en particulier sur ]es applications de I'Ophthalmoscope an diagnostic des Maladies des Yeux. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 7186-7. Traite Elementaire de Pathologic Externe. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1865-7. Foulke (W. P.).-Remarks on Cellular Separation. Pht. Philadelphia, 1861. 7116. Fournie (E.).-Physiologic de la Voix et de la Parole. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 7426. Fox (W.).-On the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Varieties of Dyspepsia. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1867. 6410. I Francis (V. M.).-A Thesis on Hospital Hygiene. 8vo. New York, 1859. 7340. Fraser (P.).-A Treatise upon Penetrating Wounds of the Chest. 8vo. London, 1859. 7104-5. Frerichs.-A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver. Translated by Charles Murchison, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1860. Pathologisch-Anatomischer Atlas zur Klinik der Lieberkrankheiten. Colored plates. 4to. Braun- schweig, 1861. 6466. Fuller (II. W.).-On Diseases of the Chest, including Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels. 8vo. Lon- don, 1862. 6578. On Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. G. 6434. Gairdner (W. T.).-Public Health in relation to Air and Water. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. 6535. £ Clinical Medicine. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. 6483. - Gannal (J. N.).-History of Embalming and of Prepara- Y tions in Anatomy, Pathology, and Natural History. J Paris, 1838. Translated by R. Harlan, M.D. Philadel- - phia, 1840. 11 6182. Garratt (Alf. C.).-Electro-Physiology and Electro- Therapeutics : showing the best methods for the Medi- cal Uses of Electricity. 8vo. Boston, 1861. 7427. Gau jot (G.).-Arsenal de Chirurgie Contemporaine. 1st vol. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7288-92. Gintrac (E.).-Cours Theorique et Clinique de Patholo- gic Interne et de Therapie Medicale tom. 7. 8vo. Paris, 1853-69. 7342. Goldsmith (M.).-Report on Hospital Gangrene, Ery- sipelas and Pyaemia. Pht. 1863. 6551. Goodfellow (S. J.).-Lectures on the Diseases of the Kidneys generally known as " Bright's Disease," and Dropsy. 8vo. London, 1861. 6598. Gosselin (L.).-Lemons sur les Hernies Abdominales. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 6552. Grace (Wm.)-The Army Surgeon's Manual: containing the Regulations of the Med. Department, all General Orders of the War Department and Circulars from the Surg. Gen.'s Office, from January, 1861, to July, 1864. 12mo. Washington, 1864. Gray (John F.).-The Early Annals of Homoeopathy, in New York. Pht. New York, 1863. 7193. Griesinger (W.).-Traite des Maladies Mentales. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7428. The same, translated from the German (New Syd- enham Society). 8vo. London, 1867. 6082-3. Gross (S. D.).-A System of Surgery, Pathological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Operative. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. 6183. Lives of Eminent American Physicians and Sur- geons of the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. 6382. A Manual of Military Surgery; or, Hints on the Emergencies of Field, Camp, and Hospital Practice. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1861. 7194. Guerin (A.).-Maladies des Organes Genitaux Externes de la Femme. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 7195. Guersant (M. P.).-Notices sur la Chirurgie des Enfants. 8vo. Paris, 1864-7. 7359-64. Gunther (G. B.), Dr.-Lehre von den Blutigen Opera- tionem am Menschlichen Korper. 6 vols. 4to. Leip- zic and Heidelberg, 1853-66. 7429. Guyon (F.).-Des Tumeurs Fibreuses de 1'Uterus. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 12 H. 6451.'' Habershon (S. 0.).-Pathological and Practical Obser- vations on the Diseases of the Abdomen. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1862. 6408. Hall (M.).-See Memoirs. 6380. Hamilton (F. H.).-A Practical Treatise on Military Surgery. 8vo. New York, 1861. 6565. A Treatise on Military Surgery and Hygiene. 8vo. New York, 1864. 6482. Hammond (W. A.).-Physiological Memoirs by W. A. Hammond, Surg. Gen. U.S.A. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. 6500. A Treatise on Hygiene, with special reference to the Military Sendee. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. 7201. Hardy (A.).-Legons surla Scrofule et les Scrofulides, et sur la Syphilis et les Syphilides. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 7430. Lemons sur les Maladies de la Peau. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6435. Harris, (T. W.).-A Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation. Colored plates. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1862. 4912. Headland (W. F.).-On the Action of Medicines in the System. 5th American ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. 6446. Heale (J. N.).-A Treatise on the Physiological Anatomy of the Lungs. 8vo. London, 1862. 7457. Heath (Chr.).-Injuries and Diseases of the Ja-ws. Jacksonian Prize Essay. 8vo. London, 1868. 6391. Heath (C.).-A Manual of Minor Surgery and Band- aging. 12mo. London, 1861. 7202. Hemey (L.).-De la Peritonite Tuberculeuse. Pht. Paris, 1867. 7203. Herard et Cornil. De la Phthisie Pulmonaire. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7315. f Hewitt (G.).-The Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treat- ment of Diseases of Women, including the Diagnosis of Pregnancy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. 6522. Heyfelder (O.).-Traite des Resections. Trad, de 1' Allemand par E. Boeckel. 8vo. Strasbourg et Paris, 1863. 7431. Hilton (J.).-On the Influence of Mechanical and Phy- sological Rest in the Treatment of Accidents and Surgical Diseases, and the Diagnostic Value of Pain. 8vo. London, 1863. 13 Hippocrates.-(Envies Completes, par Littre. Vols. ix. and x. Complete. Hippocratis Opera Omnia.-Fol. 2 vols. in 1. Pre- sented by Dr. Buck. Hirschfeld, Ludovic.-Traite et Iconographie du Sys- teme Nerveux et des Organes des Sens de 1'Homme. 2d ed. Paris, 1866. History.-Natural History of New York. Vols. xix. xx. (1859), and xxi. (1861). 6566. Hodge (Hugh L.).-The Principles and Practice of Ob- stetrics. 4to. Philadelphia, 1864. 6423. Hodges (R. M.).-The Excision of Joints. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1861. 6198. Holmes (O. W.).-Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science; with other Addresses and Essays. 8vo. Boston, 1861. 6388. Holmes (M.).-A System of Surgery, Theoretical and a. Practical, in Treatises by various authors. 4 vols. 8vo. b. London, 1860-63. c. 6589. Hospital.-A Description of the City Hospital of Bos- ton. Pht. Boston, 1865. 7113. Hospital Diet.-RegIement sur le Regime Alimentaire des Hopitaux et Hospices Civils de Paris. 4to. 1853. 7432. Hudson (A.).-Lectures on the Study of Fever. 2d ed. 8 vo. Dublin, 1868. 6444. Hulke (J. W.).-A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Ophthalmoscope. 8vo. London, 1861. 6188-9. Hunter (J.).-Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, and Geo- logy. Edited by Richard Owen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1861. Hutchison (Jos. C.).-An Address on the Life and Character of the late Charles E. Isaacs, M.D. Pht. 1862. 6487. Hutchinson (J.).-A Clinical Memoir on certain Dis- eases of the Eye and Ear, consequent on Inherited Syphilis. 8vo. London, 1863. / Husson (Amand).-lEtude sur les Hopitaux considers K, sous la rapport de la construction, de la distribution de leurs batiments, de 1'ameublement, de 1'hygiene, et du service de salles des malades. 4to. Paris, 1862. 6558. Huxley ( Th. H.)-Evidences as to Man's Place in Na- ture. 12mo. New York. 1863. 14 I. 6184. Inman (Th.).-Foundation for a New Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1861. / J. 7316. Jaccoud (S.).-Lemons de Clinique Medicale faites a 1'IIopital de la Charite. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 4977 a. Jackson (James).-Another Letter to a Young Phy- sician : to which are appended some other medical pa- pers. 12mo. Boston, 1861. 6422. Jackson (R. E. S.).-Medical Climatology. 8vo. Lon- don, 1862. 7341. Jacquot (F.).-Du Typhus de 1'Armfee d'Orient. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 7204-9. Jamain.-Archives d'Ophthalmologie. 6 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1853-6. 7210. Jaquemet (H.).-Des Hopitaux et des Hospices. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Jarvis (Ed.).-Influence of Distance from and Nearness to an Insane Hospital on its use by the People. Pht. 1866. 6199. Jenner (Wm.).-Diphtheria : its Symptoms and Treat- ment. 16mo. London, 1861. 6544. Jobert de Lamballe (A. J.).-De la Reunion en Chi- rurgie. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Jones (W. A.).-Columbia College Library. Pht. New York, 1861. 6590. Jones (C. II.).-Clinical Observations on the Functional Nervous Disorders. 8vo. London, 1864. 7433. Jones (II. B.).-Lectures on some of the Applications of Chemistry and Mechanics to Pathology and Thera- peutics. 8vo. London, 1867. 7434. Joulin.-Traite Complet d'Accouchements. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 6441. Jukes (J. B.).-The Student's Manual of Geology. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. K. 7435. Koeberle (E.).-De 1'Ovariotomie. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 7439. Krepp (F. C.).-The Sewage Question: general view of all systems and methods for draining cities and utiliz- ing sewerage. 8 vo. London, 1867. 15 L. 6449. Lagneau, Fils (G.).-Maladies syphilitiques du Systeme Nerveux. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 7211. Lancereaux (E.)-Traite historique et pratique de la Syphilis. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 7437. De la Thrombose et de 1'Embolie cerebrales. 4to. Paris, 1862. 7133. Lancisi.-Opera Omnia. 4to. Genevae, 1718. From Dr. Gr. Buck. 7212-20.f Langenbeck.-Archiv fur Klinische Chirurgie. 9 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1860-7. 6387. Langlebert (E.).-Du Chancre produit par la Contagion des Accidents Secondaires de la Syphilis, Ac. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 6419. Larrey (Baron).-See Memoir. 7343. Larrey (D. J.).-Surgical Essays. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. 6468. Lawrence (Wm.).-Lectures on Surgery, delivered in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 8vo. London, 1863. 6185. ■>' Lawson (L. M.).-A Practical Treatise on Phthisis Pul- 'C. monalis. 8vo. New York, 1861. 7438. Lawson (G.).-Injuries of the Eye, Orbit, and Eyelids. 8 vo. Philadelphia, 1867. < Lebert (IL).-Traite d'Anatomie Pathologique gene- 'rale et speciale, &c. Liv. 37 to 41, completing the work. 7197. Lecour (C. J.).-De la Prostitution, et des Mesures de Police dont elle est 1'object a Paris, au point de vue de 1'Infection syphilitique. Pht. Paris, 1867. 6488. Lee (IL).-Lectures on Syphilitic and Vaccino-Syphi- litic Inoculations: their Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1863. 6508. Lee (G.).-Pre-Adamite Man : the Story of the Human Race, from 35,000 to 100,000 years ago. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1863. 7221. Le Fort.-Des Maternites: etude sur les Maternites et les Institutions Charitables d'Accouchement a domi- cile dans les prmcipaux etats de 1'Europe. 4to. Paris, 1866. 6491. Legouest (L.).-Traite de Chirurgie d'Armee. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Lente (F. D.).-A Statistical Account of the Fractures of the Skull occurring in the New York Hospital, from 1839 to April, 1851. Pht. New York, 1852. 16 6571. Lerebouillet (A.).-Recherches d'Embryologie Com- paree sur le developpement du Brocket, de la Perche et de 1'ecrevisse. 4to. Paris, 1852. 7109. Leydig (Franz).-Traite d'Histologie Comparee de 1'Homme et des Animaux. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Lidell (J. A.).-A Case of Neuroma of the Optic Nerve. Pht. New York, 1863. On Gunshot Wounds of Arteries, Traumatic Hem- orrhage, and Traumatic Aneurism. Pht. Washing- ton, 1863. 6588. Liebreich (R.).-Atlas d'Ophthalmoscopie, representant 1'etat normal et les modifications pathologiques du fond de 1'CEil a I'Ophthalmoscope. Fol. Paris, 1863. 7439. Little (W. J.).-On the Nature and Treatment of De- formities of the Human Frame. 8vo. London, 1853. 6188. Lockhart (Wm.).-The Medical Missionary in China: a Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience. 8vo. Lon- don, 1861. 7222. Louvet (A. E.).-De la Periostite Phlegmoneuse. Pht. Paris, 1867. 7277-8. Luys (J.).-Recherches sur le Nerveux Cere- bro-Spinal, sa Structure, ses Fonctions, et ses Maladies. Texte & Atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Lyceum.-Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. 8 vols. 8vo. Vol. ix., Nos. 1-4. 1868. 6507. Lyell (Chas.).-The Geological Evidence of the Anti- quity of Man ; with remarks on Theories of the Origin of Species by Variation. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1863. 6186. Lyons (R. D.).-A Treatise on Fever, or Selections from a course of Lectures on Fever. 8vo. London, 1861. M. 6437. Mackenzie (F. W.).-The Pathology and Treatment of Phlegmasia Dolens. 8vo. London, 1862. 6534. Maclachlan (D.).-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases and Infirmities of Advanced Life. 8vo. London, 1863. 6548. Macleod (G. H. B.).-Outlines of Surgical Diagnosis. 8vo. New York, 1864. 7117. Macnamara (W. C.).-Lectures on Diseases of the Eye. 8vo. London, 1866. 7440. Malgaigne (J. F.).-Legons d'Orthopedie. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 17 7223. Mandon (J. A.).-Histoire Critique de la Folie, instan- tanee, temporaire, instinctive. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7142. Mapother (E. D.).-Lectures on Public Health. 2d ed. London, 1867. 6498. Marce (L. V.).-Traite Pratique des Maladies Montales. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 6516. Marcet (W.).-On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication, with an Inquiry into the Abuse of Alcohol as a»Predispos- ing Cause of Disease. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1862. 7224. Marey (E. J.).-Physiologic Medicale de la Circulation du Sang. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 6585. Martin (F.) et Collineau (Alp.).-De la Coxalgie, de sa Nature, de son Traitement. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 6409. Maunder (C. F.).-Operative Surgery, adapted to the Living and Dead Subject. 12mo. London, I860., 6489. McClintock (A. H.).-Clinical Memoirs on Diseases of Women. 8vo. London, 1863. 6594. Memoir of Jacob Harsen, M.D., read before the New York Academy of Medicine, June, 1864. By J. G. Adams, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1864. 6393. of Edward Forbes, F.R.S., late Regius Prof, of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. By Geo. Wilson, M.D., and Arch. Geike, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1861. 6408. of Marshall Hall, M.D. By his Widow. 8vo. London, 1861 6419. of Baron Larrey, Surg.-in-Chief of the Grande Armee. From the French. 8vo. London, 1861. 6400. of Geo. Wilson. By his Sister, Jessie A. Wilson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860. of Rev. John Stanford, D.D., formerly Chaplain to the New York Hospital, &c. 12mo. No Title-page, 7354-8. Memoires de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. 5 tomes 4to. Paris, 1847-63. 6191. Meryon (Ed.)-The History of Medicine: comprising a Narrative of its Progress from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, &c., &c. 8vo. Vol. 1st. London, 1861. 6561-2. Miller (James).-A System of Surgery. 2 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1864. ' 6557. Mitchell, Morehouse, and Keek.-Gunshot Wounds and Injuries of Nerves. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1864. 7225-6, 7. Monneret (E.).-Traite Elementaire de Pathologic In- terne. 3 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1864-66. 18 7125. Moore (N. F.).-An Historical Sketch of Columbia College, in the City of New York. 12mo. New York, 1846/ 7442. Mordret (A. E.).-Traite Pratique des Affections Ner- vertses et Chloro-Anemiques. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 7228-9. Morel (C.).-Precis d'Histologie humaine. 2d ed. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1864. 7443. Morgan (C. E.).-Electro-Physiology and Therapeutics. • 8vo. New York, 1868. 6399. Morland (W. W.).-The Morbid Effects of the Retention in the Blood of the Elements of the Urinary Secre- tion. Fiske Fund Prize Essay. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. Mott.-See Catalogue. 6432-2. Munk (W.).-The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London : compiled from the Annals of the College, and from other authentic sources. Vol. i., 1518 to 1700. Vol. ii., 1701 to 1800. 8vo. London, 1861. 6469. Murchison (Chas.).-A Treatise on the Continued Fevers of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1862. 7458. Murchison (C.).-Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Liver, Jaundice, and Abdominal Dropsy. 8vo. New York, 1868. N. Narrative of Proceedings on a False Charge of Murder, against the Rev. Henry Budge, of Greig, New York, &c. Pht. Utica, 186*4. 7134-5. Nenter (G. P.).-Fundamenta Medicinae Theoretico- Practica. 2 vols. 4to. Argentorati, 1718. From Dr. G. Buck. 7230. Neucort (F.).-Des Maladies Chroniques. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 7320-1. Neudorfer (J.).-Handbuch der Kriegs-chirurgie. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1864-7. 7231-2. Niemeyer (F.).-Elements de Pathologic Interne, et de Therapeutique. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1866. 7319. Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Phthisis. Trans- lated by J. L. Parke. 12mo. New York, 1868. 6575. Nightingale (F.).--Notes on Hospitals. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1863. O. 6417. Odling (W.).-A Manual of Chemistry, Descriptive and Theoretical. Part I. 8vo. London, 1861. 19 7444. (Esterlen (F.).-Sur la Rupture du Cal; ou, Methode sure de rompre les Os mal reduits. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 7420. Obstetrical Instruments.-Catalogue and Report of Ob- stetrical and other Instruments exhibited at the Con- versazione of the Obstetrical Society. London, 1866. 8vo. 1867. 7145-6. J Ollier (L.).-Traite Experimentale et Clinique de la Regeneration des Os, et de la Production artificielle du Tissu osseux. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7441. r Oppert (F.).-Hospitals, Infirmaries, and Dispensaries: their Construction, Interior Arrangement, and Manage- ment. 8vo. London, 1867. Ordronaux (J.).-Prophylaxis : an Anniversary Oration delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, December, 1866. Pht. 6546. > Packard (J. II.).-A Manual of Minor Surgery. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1863. Paine (M.).-The Institutes of Medicine. 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1862. From the Author. 6292. The same. 8th ed. New York, 1865. From the Author. 7339. The same. 8th ed. Revised. 1868. 6556. Parkes (E. A.).-A Manual of Practical Hygiene, pre- ■ pared for use in the Army. 8vo. London, 1864. 6534. Parrish (Ed.).-An Introduction to Practical Pharmacy. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1864. p Pallet (V.) et Sarazin (Jules).-Traite d'Anatomie 1 Topographique, comprenant les Principales Applica- tions a la Pathologic et a la Medecine Operatoire. Texte 8vo. fasc. 1, 2, 3. Atlas, Liv. 1 to 32. 6484. Pavy (F. W.).-Researches on the Nature and Treat- ment of Diabetes. 8vo. London, 1862. 7154. A Treatise on the Function of Digestion. 8vo. London, 1867. 7445. r Pemberton (C.).-Clinical Illustrations of various Forms of Cancer. 4to. London, 1867. Percy (S. R.).-An Inquiry into the Physiological and Medicinal Properties of the Veratrum Viride. Pht. Philadelphia, 1864. 6476. Perrin et Lallemand.-Traite d'Anesthesie Chirurgi- cale. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 7236. Perroud (L.).-De la Tuberculose, ou de la Phthisie Pul- monaire. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 20 Pharmacopceia.-The Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 4th Decennial Revision. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. 7322-3. Pirogoff (N.).-Grundziige der Allgemeinen Kriegs- chirurgie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864. 6194. Pirrie (W.).-The Principles and Practice of Surgery. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1860. 7118. Pollock (J. E.).-The Elements of Prognosis in Con- sumption. 8vo. London, 1865. 7136. Post (A. C.).-Eulogy of the late Valentine Mott, M. D., delivered before the New York Academy of Medi- cine, November, 1865. 7446. Power (H.).- Illustrations of some of the Principal Dis- eases of the Eye. 8vo. London, 1868. 6564. Price (P. C.).-A Description of the Diseased Condi- tions of the Knee-Joint which require Amputation of the Limb, and those Conditions which are favorable to Excision of the Joints. 8vo. London, 1865. 7122. Prince (David).-Orthopedics: a Systematic Treatise upon the Prevention and Correction of Deformities. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. R. 6523. Rambaud et Renault.-Origine et Developpement des a. Os. 8vo. Plates 4to. Paris, 1864. 6533. Recueil.-Recueil de Memoires de Medecine, de Chirur- gie, et de Pharmacie Militaires. 3d series. Tomes 2 to 19. 6524. Redfield (J. W.).-Comparative Physiognomy, or Re- semblances between Man and Animals. 8vo. New York, 1852. 6567. Register.-Meteorological Register for 12 years-1843 to 1854. 4to. Prepared under the direction of Brevet Brig.-Gen. Lawson, Surg. General U.S.A. 6542. Medical Register of the City of New York, 1864, a. 1865. 18rao. Reports.-On Food and Diet suited for Almshouses, Prisons, and Hospitals. Pht. New York, 1852. Rapport sur les Hopitaux Civils de la Ville de Lon- dres au point de vue de la comparaison de ces etablisse- ments avec les Hopitaux de la Ville de Paris. Par M. Blondel. 4to. Paris, 1862. 0 Rapport au Conseil de Sante des Armees pendant laCampagne d'Orient en 1854-5-6. Par J. C. Chenu. 4to. Paris, 1865. 21 Reports, Annual, of the Provost-Marshal General (U .S.) for 1864. Pht. An Examination of the question of Anaesthesia, aris- ing on the Memorial of Charles T. Wells: presented to the Senate of the U. S. by the Hon. Truman Smith, U. S. Senator of Connecticut. Pht. New York, 1858. • ■ on same subject, arising upon the claim of Dr Wm. G. Morton, asking for compensation, &c.: pre- sented to the U. S. Senate by Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, 1863. on the Extent and Nature of the Materials available for the preparation of a Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion. 4to. Philadelphia, 1865. on the Pathology of the Diseases of the Army in the East. Fol. London, 1856. of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the Supplies for the British Army in the Crimea. 2 vols. fol. 1 of Index. London, 1856. Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical, relative to the Condition of the British Army for the year 1859. 8vo. London, 1861. of the Committee on the Preparation of Army Medical Statistics. 8vo. London, 1861. of the Commission appointed for Improving the Sanitary Condition of Barracks and Hospitals. Fol. London, 1861. Annual Report of the Metropolitan Board of Health for 1866-7. Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Eng- land. Vols. xxi. to xxv., inclusive, and Supplement to vol. xxv. of a Committee of the Governors of the New York Hospital, on the occasional prevalence of Ery- sipelas in that Hospital: with the opinions regarding it of the Physicians and Surgeons. Pht. New York, 1836. 6576. of the Council of Hygiene and Public Health of the Citizens' Association of New York, upon the San- itary Condition of the City. 8vo. New York, 1865. of a Special Committee of the Board of Governors of the New York Hospital on the Financial Condi- tion and Restricted Charitable Operations of the Hos- pital. Pht. 1867 22 6411. Reports-Reports and Laws of the Commissioners of Emigration of New York, from 1847 to 1860. for 1861-1865. of State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N. Y. No. 1 (1844) reprinted 1861-also 18tli in order. Fifth Annual Report of the Commissioners of Pub- lic Charities arid Correction, 1864. The same for 1865 and '66. Annual Report of the Surg-eon-General U. S. Army for 1865. First, Second, and Third Reports of the Commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the Origin and Na- ture of the Cattip-Plague. Fol. London, 1866. President's Annual Report of Columbia College. New York, 1866. --Reports of the City Inspector of New York for the Years 1860, 61, 62, 63. 6467. Preliminary Report on the Eighth Census (U. S.), 1860. 8vo. Washington, 1862. Nineteenth Annual Report of the Prison Association of New York. 8vo. 1864. on the Condition of the Insane Poor in the County Poor Houses of New York. By S. D. Willard, M.D. Pht. Albany, 1865. of the Commissioners of Quarantine. Pht. 1865. of the Commissioner of Patents for 1859, 60, 61. 8vo. • Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, for the years 1859 to 1863, inclusive. 4to. Washington. Reports of the Regents of the University (S. N. Y.). Nos. 65, 66, 69, 72, 74, 75. Do. on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natu- ral History. 13, 15. on the Art of War in Europe, in 1854, 55, 56. By Major R. Delafield. 4to. 1860. of Major Mordecai, of the Ordnance Department. and Various Papers published by the United States Sanitary Commission, 1861. of the Surgeon-General of the State of New York, 1862. of the Commander-in-chief, relative to Arms and Equipments of the Militia of the State of New York, 1862. 23 Reports.'-Administration Generale de l'Assistance Publique a Paris. 7198. Reglement Administratif sur les secours a domicile dans la Ville de Paris. Pht. Paris, 1860. 7196. Arretes et Circulaires concernant le service medical et pharmaceutique des secours a domicile. Pht. Paris, 1857. 7372. Compte des Recettes et Depenses et Reglement defin- itif du Budget de 1'Exercice, 1866. 4to. Paris, 1867. 7365-6. Recueil des Arretes, Instructions et Circulaires Reglemen- taires concernant 1'Administration Generale de 1'Assist- ance publique a Paris (1849 a 1855) 2 tomes 4to. Paris, 1855. 7367. Instruction sur ]a Comptabilite des Bureaux de Bienfai- sance. 4to. Paris, 1860. 7368. Rapport sur le Traitement des Maladies a Domicile pen- dant les annees 1862, 63, 64. 4to. Paris, 1865. 7369. Renseignments Statistiques sur la Population indigente de Paris, d'aprbs le recensement opere en 1866. 4to. Paris, 1867. 7370. Statistique Medicale des Hopitaux de Paris. Mesures relatives a son Organisation. 4to. Paris, 1860. 7371. Instruction Generale sur le Service des Enfants assistes du Departement de la Seine. 4to. Paris, 1860. 7373. Rapport sur le Service des Enfants assistes du Departe- ment de la Seine, 1866. 4to. Paris, 1867. 7374. Rapport sur le Service des Alienes du Departement de la Seine, annee 1866. 4to. Paris, 1867. 7375. Compte Moral de 1'Administration de 1'Assistance pub- lique pour 1'exercice, 1865. 4to. Paris, 1867. 7351. Rapport sur le Progres de la Chirurgie, par Denonvilliers, Nelaton, Velpeau, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1567. 7407. sur le Progres de la Medecine en France, par Beclard et Axenfeld. 8vo. Pans, 1867. 7408. sur le Progres de 1'Hygiene en France, par Bohcbar- dat. 8 vo. Paris, 1867. 7409. sur le Progres et la Marche de la Physiologic Ge- nerale en France, par Claude Bernard. 8vo. Paris. 1867. Report of the Proceedings of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. Pht. 1867-8. of the Secretary of State of New York, on the Crim- inal Statistics of the State. 1861. 24 6481. Reports.-On the Importance and Economy of Sani- tary Measures in Cities. By John Bell, M.D., of Philadelphia. 8vo. New York, 1861. 6569 a. On Epidemic Cholera in the Army of the U. S. during 1866. Circular 5. 4to. Washington, 1867. 6569 d. On Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the Ar- my of the United States during the Year 1867. 4to. Washington, 1868. Circular No. 1. 6569 c. Amputation of the Hip-joint in Military Surgery. Circular No. 7. 4to. Washington, 1867. 6472-5. Requin (A. P.).-Elemens de Pathologic Medicale. 4 vols. 8vo. 1843-1863. 7447. Reynolds (J. R.).-Epilepsy : its Symptoms, Treat- ment, and Relation to other Convulsive Diseases. 8vo. London, 1861. 7448-9. A System of Medicine. Vols. i., ii. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866-8. 6438. Richardson (B. W.).-Clinical Essays. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1862. 7107. Roberts (W).-A Practical Treatise of Urinary and Renal Diseases, including Urinary Deposits. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. Roberts(W.C.).-Eulogium upon the Life, Professional Labors, and Public Services of Jos. M. Smith, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1867. 7237. Robin (Charles).-Lemons sur les Humeurs normales et morbides du Corps de 1'Homme. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 7279-82. Robin et Verdeil.-Traite de Chimie anatomique et physiologique. 3 tomes 8vo. (1 tome plates). Paris, 1853. 7332. Rogers (S.).-Extra-Uterine Foetation and Gestation. 8 vo. Philadelphia, 1867. 7238. Rollet (J.).-Recherches Cliniques et Experimentales sur la Syphilis. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 7239. Traite des Maladies Veneriennes. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 6579-80. Rush (J.).-Brief Outline of an Analysis of the Human Intellect, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1865. 6389. Russell (J. R.).-The History and Heroes of the Art of Medicine. 8vo. London, 1861. 6460. Ryan (W. B.).-Infanticide : its Laws, Prevalence, Pre- vention, and History. 12mo. London, 1862. S. 7240-1. Sandras et Bourguignon.-Traite Pratique des Mala- dies Nerveuses. 2d ed. 2 tomes, (tome 2 pt. L). 8vo. Paris, 1860-2. 25 7451. Sankey (W. II. 0.).-Lectures on Mental Diseases. 8vo. London, 1866. 6392. Saurel (L.).-Traite de Chirurgie Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 6308. Savage (IL).-Illustrations of the Surgery of the Fe- male Pelvic Organs, &c. 4to. London, 1863. 6193. Scanzoni (F. W. D.).-A Practical Treatise on the Dis- eases of the Female Sexual Organs. Translated from the French by A. K. Gardner, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1861. 7334. Schuchardt (B.).-Handbuchder Allgemeinen und Spc- ciellen Arzneimittellehre und Recepterkunst. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1858. 6587. Schweigger (G.).-Lemons d'Ophthalmoscopic. 8vo. Faris, 1865. 6402. Scrive (G.).-Relation Medico-Chirurgicale de la Cam- pagne d'Orient. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 7242-3. Sedillot (C.).-Traite de Medecine Operatoire. Ban- dages et Appareils. 3d ed. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1865-6. 7244. De 1'Evidement sous-perioste des Os. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 6479. Simpson (J. Y.).-Clinical Lectures on Diseases of Wo- • men. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. 6563. Acupressure: a New Method of arresting Surgi- cal Haemorrhage and of accelerating the Healing of Wounds. 8 vo. Edinburgh, 1864. 6403. Smith (Ed.).-Health and Disease, as influenced by the Daily, Seasonal, and other Cyclical Changes in the Human System. 8vo. London, 1861. Smith (G. M.).-On the Etiology of Bright's Disease : with Remarks on the Prophylaxis. Transactions N. Y. Acad, of Med., 1869. 6581. Consumption : its Early and Remediable Stages. 8vo. London, 1865. ( Jos. M.).-Puerperal Fever : its Causes and Mode of Propagation. Pht. New York, 1857. 6251. Report on the Medical Topography and Epidemics of the State of New York. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. 7137-41. Scemmering (S. Th.).-De Corporis Humani Fabrica. 6 vols. in 5. 8vo. Traiecti ad Moenum, 1794. 7119. Solly (Samuel).-Surgical Experiences: the Substance of Clinical Lectures. 8vo. London, 1865. 7245. Soulier (H.).-litude Critique sur le Ramollissement Cerebral. Pht. Lyon, 1867. Squibb (E.R.).-On Disinfectants. Pht. New York, 1866. 26 7326. Stellwag (Von Carion Carl).-Treatise on Diseases of the Eye, including the Anatomy of the Organ. Translated from the German by Drs. Hackley &Roosa. 8vo. New York, 1868. 6506. Storer (F. IL).-First Outlines of a Dictionary of the Solubilities of Chemical Substances. 3 parts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1863. 7324. Stromeyer (L.).-Maximen der Kriegsheilkunst. 8vo. Hannover, 1861. 7325. Erfahrungen uber Schusswunden in Jahre 1866 als Nachtragzuden Maximen der Kriegsheilkunst. Pht. Hannover, 1867. Gunshot Fractures of Bones. See Esmarch. Swinburne (J. M.).-Compound and Comminuted Gun- shot Fractures of the Thigh, and means fortheir Trans- portations. Pht. Albany, 1864. 6416. Syme (J.).-Observations on Clinical Surgery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861. T. 6547. Tanner (T. H.).-A Manual of the Practice of Medi- cine. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. 6520. Tardieu (Amb.).-Etude Medico-Legale sur 1'Avorte- ment, suivi d'Observations et de Recherches pour ser- vir a 1'Histoire Med.-Legale des Grossesses Fausses et Simulees. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 7246. Etude Medico-Legale et Clinique sur le Empoi- sonnement. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Taylor (C. F.).-The Pathology of Lateral Curvature of the Spine. Pht. Philadelphia, 1865. 7317. Thomas (T. G.).-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. Thoms (W. F.).-Health in Country and in Cities. Il- lustrated by tables of the death-rates, sickness-rates, &c. Pht. Philadelphia, 1866. 6591. Thompson (H.).-Practical Lithotomy and Lithotrity. 8vo. London, 1863. 6490. Thudichum (J. L. W.).-A Treatise on Gall-Stones, their Chemistry, Pathology and Treatment. 8vo. London, 1863. 6450. Tilt (A. J.).-On Diseases of Menstruation and Ova- rian Inflammation, &c. 3d edition, enlarged. 8vo. 1862. 6492. (Ed. J.).-A Handbook of Uterine Therapeutics. 8vo. London, 1863. 27 6480. Townsend (P. L.).-An Account of the Yellow Fever as it prevailed in the City of New York in 1822.. 8vo. New York, 1823. 7283. Tripier (L.).-Du Cancer de la Colonne Vertebrale et de ses rapports avec la Paraplegic Douloureuse. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 6381. Tripler and Blackman.-Hand-book for the Military Surgeon. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1861. 7284. Triquet.-Legons Cliniques sur les Maladies de 1'Oreille. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 6538. Troltsch (Anton von).-The Diseases of the Ear : their Diagnosis and Treatment. Translated from the German by D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1864. 6439. Trousseau (A.).-Clinique Medicale de 1'IIotel Dieu de a. Paris. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1861-2. 6553-4-5. The same. 2d ed. enlarged. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Tufnell (Jolliffe).-The Successful Treatment of In- ternal Aneurism. Pht. Dublin, 1864. 6471. Tweedie (Alexander).-Lectures on the Distinctive Characters, Pathology, and Treatment of Continued Fevers. 8vo. London, 1862. V. Van der Kolk.-Pathology and Therapeutics of Insan- ity. Translated by J. Workman, M.D. Pht. Utica, 1864. 7247-9. Velpeau (A. L. M.)-Logons Orales de Clinique Chi- rurgicale faites a I'Hopital de la Charite. 2 tomes 8 vo. Paris, 1840-1. 7111. Viennois (A ).-De la Syphilis Vaccinale : Communica- tions a 1'Acad. Imp. de Med. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 7318. Villemin (J. A.).-Etudes sur la Tuberculose. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 7250. Virchow (R.).-Pathologic des Tumeurs. Tome Ire. Paris, 1867. 7252. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaftlichen Medicin. 8vo. Hamm, 1862. Handbuch der Speciellen Pathologic und Therapie. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. 2 to 7. 1855-67. 6429. Voillemier (L.).-Clinique Chirurgicale. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 7456. Traite de Maladies des Voies Urinaires. Tome 1. 8 vo. Paris, 1868. 28 7253. Voisin (A.).-De 1'Hematocele retro-uterine, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 7120. Vulpian (A.).-Lemons sur la Physiologic Generale et Comparee du Syst&me Nerveux. 8vo. Paris, 1866. W. 6452. Walshe (W. H.).-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels: including the Princi- ples of Physical Diagnosis. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. 7124. Waring (Ed. J.).-Practical Therapeutics: considered chiefly with reference to articles of the Materia Med- ica. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. 6395-6. Warren.-The Life of John Collins Warren, M.D. Compiled chiefly from his Autobiography and Jour- nals. By Ed. Warren, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1860. 6599. Wecker (L.).-Traite Theorique et Pratique des Mala- a dies des Yeux. 2 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1864-67. 6513. Weiss (John).-A Catalogue of Surgical Instruments, Apparatus, Appliances, <fcc. 8vo. London, 1863. 6442. Wells (J. Soelberg).-On Long, Short, and Weak Sight, and their Treatment by the Scientific Use of Spectacles. 8vo. London, 1862. 7112. Whitehead (W. R.).-These pour le Doctorat en Mede- cine. Paris, 1860. On Excision of the Superior Maxilla. Pht. New York, 1866. 6458. Wilde (W. Rd.-An Essay on the Malformations and Congenital Diseases of the Organs of Sight. 8vo. London, 1862. 6536. Williamson (George).-Military Surgery. 8vo. London, 1863. 6485. Wilson (E.).-On Diseases of the Skin. 5th Ameri- can from 5th London ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. 7453. Winslow (F.).-Light: its Influence on Life and Health. 12mo. London, 1867. 6440. Wise (Thomas A.).-Essay on the Pathology of the Blood, and its Containing Vessels. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1858. 7454-5. Review of the History of Medicine among the Asiatics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. 29 6593. Wood (John).-On Rupture, Inguinal, Crural, and Um- bilical : with new Methods of effecting a Radical and Permanent Cure. 8vo. London, 1863. 6493. Woodward (Jos. J.).-The Hospital Steward's Manual. CZx. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. 6512. Outlines of the Chief Camp Diseases of the U.S. Armies, as observed during the Present War. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. Workman (J.).-Pathologico-Anatomical Manifestations of Insanity. Translated from the German of Maximi- lian Leidesdorf. Pht. 1865. 7147. Wormley (T. G.).-Micro-Chemistry of Poisons : in- cluding their Physiological, Pathological and Legal Relations. 1 tome 8vo. New York, 1867. 30 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE A. Abortion.-Tardieu. Acupressure.-Simpson. Air-Passages, Foreign Bodies in the.-Bertholle. Alcoholism, Chronic.-Marcet. Albuminuria.-Abeille, Bulletin N. Y. Acad. Med., 1862.-Dickinson. Anesthesia.-Perrin et Lallemand.-Smith. Anatomy, Chirurgical and Topographical.-Beraud, Paulet et Sarazin. " Pathological.-Cruveilhier, Frerichs, Rokitansky. " and Physiology, Comparative.-Flourens. Aneurism, Internal.-Successful Treatment of.-Tufnell. Antiquities, Celtic.-Boucher. Arteries, Gunshot Wounds of.-Lidell. " after Ligature, Changes in.-Cocteau. Asylum, Insane- Falret. Autoplasty.-Buck. B. Bandages.-Heath, Sedillot. Biography (of Eminent Medical Men).-Fisher, Forbes, Gross, Hall, Hutchison, Munk, Warren, Wilson. Blood, Pathology of the.-Wise. " Circulation of the.-Marey. Bone, Origin and Development of.-Flourens, Rambauld et Re- nault. " Reproduction of.-Brit. Med. Jour., 1860.-Ollier. " Sub-Periosteal Emptying of.-Sedillot. Botany, Manual of.-Bentley. Brain, Diseases of the.-Soulier. Breast, Diseases of the.-Bryant. 31 c. Calculi and Calculous Disorders.-Dolbeau. Cancer.-Collis, Cooke, Pemberton. " of Vertebral Column.-Tripier. Cattle-Plague.-See Reports on the -Conger. Chancre.-Langlebert. Census, U. S., 1860.-See Reports. Charities of France, 1866.-See Charities. Chemistry.-Boerhaave, Odling. " Anatomical and Physiological.-Robin et Verdeil. Chest.-Physical Examination of.-Alison. Climate on Man, Effects of.-Foissac. Climatology, Medical.-Jackson. Club-Foot.-Adams, Chance, Davis, Malgaigne, Prince. Currents and Counter-Currents in Med. Science.-Holmes. D. Diabetes.-Abeille, Camplin, Pavy. Diagnosis.-Da Costa, Macleod. Digestion.-Brinton, Pavy. Diseases of Advanced Life.-Maclachlan. " of the Abdomen.-Habershon. " " Camp.-Woodward. " " Chest.- Fuller, Herard et Cornil, Lawson, Pollock, Smith. " Chronic.--Charcot, Neucort. " of the Ear.-Hutchinson, Triquet, Troltsch. " " Eye.-De Graefe, Fano, Hutchinson, Jamain, Mac- namara, Power, Stellwag, Walton, W7ecker, Wilde. " of Females.-Duncan, Guerin, Hewitt, McClintock, Simp- son, Thomas. " of the Heart and Large Vessels.-Fuller, Walshe. " " Kidneys.-Goodfellow. " " Liver.-Frerichs, Murchison. " " Nervous System.-Bouchut, Jones, Sandras et Bour- guignon. " " Ovaries.-Brown, Bryant. 32 Diseases of the Skin.-Anderson, Bazin, Hardy. " " Spine.-Adams, Little. " " Urethra.-Bryant. " " Urinary Organs.-Bryant, Voillemier. Disinfectants.-Chevallier, Squibb. Dyspepsia.-Fox. E. Electricity.-Duchenne, Garratt, Morgan. Embalming.-Gannal. Embryology, Comparative.-Lereboullet. Enlisting and Discharging Soldiers.-Bartholow. Eye, Exploration of the.-Follin. Excision of the Knee-Joint.-Price. " " Sup. Maxilla.-Whitehead. F. Fever.-Anderson, Hudson, Lyons, Murchison. " Yellow.-Townsend. Fcetation, Extra-Uterine.-Rogers. Food and Digestion.-Brinton. Fractures, Gunshot.-Stromeyer, Swinburne. G. Gall-Stones.-Thudichum. Geology.-Jukes. Granule, ou Malad. Granuleuse.-Empis. H. Haemorrhoids.-Chassaignac. Hallucinations.-De Boismont. Health and Disease.-Smith. Health, Public and Private.-Gairdner, Mapother. Hematocele, Retro-Uterine.-Voisin. Hernia.-Bryant, Gosselin, Wood. Histology, Comparative.-Leydig. 33 History of Medicine.-Bouchut, Meryon, Wise. " and Heroes of Medicine.-Russell. " of Crimean War.-Armand, Baudcns, Scrive. Hospitals, Barracks, &c., Sanitary Condition of.-See Reports, Baudens. " Construction, Management of.-Husson, Jaquemet, Night- ingale, Oppert. " Report on London.-See Rapport. " Boston City, Account of.-See Hospital. " New York, Erysipelas in.-See Report. Hospital Steward.-Woodward. Humors, Normal and Morbid.-Robin. Hygiene, Military.-Chenu, Hammond, Parkes. " Hospital.-Francis. " Therapeutical.-See Rapport. Hypodermic Injections.-Eulenberg. Hysteria.-Briquet. I. Infanticide.-Ryan. Inoculations, Syphilitic and Vaccino-Syphilitic.-Lee, Viennois. Insanity.-Calmcil, Falret, Griesinger, Mandon, Marce, Sankey, Van derKolk, Workman, Jour, de Med. Mentale. Insects injurious to Vegetation.-Harris. Intellect, Human.-Rush. Intestinal Obstructions.-Brinton. J. Jaws, Diseases and Injuries of.-Heath. Joints, Diseases of the.-Coote, Barwell, Martin et Colineau. " Excision of.-Hodges, Heyfelder. " Amputation of Hip.-See Report of Surg. Genl. U.S.A. K. Kidney, Structure of.-Boujalsky. L. Leucocythemia.-Damon. 34 Life, Renewal of.-Chambers. Light: its Influence on Life and Health.-Winslow. Lithotomy and Lithotrity.-Boujalsky, Civiale, Thompson. Living Tissues, Properties of.-Bernard. Lungs, Physiological Anatomy of the.-Heale. M. Malaria.-Barker. Man, Geological Evidences of Antiquity of.-Lyell. " Pre-Adamite.-Lee. Manual, Army Surgeon's.-Grace. Marriages, Consanguineous.-Chipault. Maternities.-Le Fort. Materia Medica.-Schuchardt. Medical Jurisprudence.-Briant et " Missionary, on China.-Lockhart. " Topography and Epidemics.-Smith. Medicine, New Theory and Practice of.-Inman. " Clinical.-Behier, Jaccoud, Trousseau. " Theory and Practice of.-Aitken, Flint, Nenter, Reynolds, Tanner. Memoirs.-Forbes, Hall, Harser, Larrey, Mott, Smith, Wilson. " Physiological.- Hammond. Meningitis, Cerebro-Spinal.-Stille. Microscope.-Beale. Midwifery.-Bedford, Duncan, Hodge, Joulin. N. Nature, Man's Place in.-Huxley. Natural History, &c., Essays on.-Hunter. Necrosis from Phosphorus.-Bibra et Geist. Nervous System, Cerebro-Spinal.-Luys. " " Central, Physiology and Pathology of.-Bernard, Brown-Sequard, Vulpian. " " Diagrams of the.-Flower. " " Injuries and Diseases of the.-Bryant, Mordret. " " Gunshot Wounds, &c., of.-Mitchell. " " Syphilitic Disease of.-Lagneau. " " Herschfeld. 35 Neuroma.-Lidell. Nose, Larynx, Thorax, &c., Dis. and Inj. of.-Bryant. O. Obesity.-Danal. Obstetrical Instruments.-See General Catalogue. CEsophagotomy.-Cheever. Ophthalmoscope.-Hulke, Liebreich, Schweigger. Orbit, Tumors of.-Demarquay. Ovaries, Diseases of the.-Bryant, Brown. Ovariotomy.-Bryant, Koeberle. P. • Pancreas.-Bernard. Paralysis.-Brown-Sequard, Echeverria. " Wasting.-Carre. Pathology, General.-Billroth, Chauffard, Gintrac. " External.-Follin. " Internal.-Monneret, Niemeyer. " and Therapeutics, Chemistry and Mechanics applied to.-Jones. Periostitis, Phlegmonous.-Louvet. Peritonitis, Tuberculous.- Hemey. Pharmacy.-Beasley. Phlegmasia Dolens.-Mackenzie. Phosphorus Disease of Jaws.-Bibra et Geist. Physiology.-Burdach, Flint, Hammond, Rapport. Poisons.-Tardieu, Wormley. Pregnancy, False and Feigned.-Tardieu. Prostitution.-Lecour. Pustule Maligne.-Budd, in British Med. Jour., 1863. R. Races of Old Wtorld.-Brace. Recto-Vaginal Fistula.-Bryant. Rest and Pain.-Hilton. Resections.-Esmarch, Heyfelder, Statham. Rupture of Callus.-CEsterlen. 36 S. Sanitary Institutions, Military.-Evans. Scrofula.-Bazin, Hardy. Sewers.-Krepp. Sight, Long, Short, and Weak.-Wells. Species, Origin of.-Darwin. Statistics, Army Med.-See Report on. Stimulants and Narcotics.-Anstie. Suicide.-Brierre de Boismont. Surgery, Theory and Practice of.-Davis, Solly. " Clinical.-Bryant, Chassaignac, Langenbeck, Syme, Vel- peau, Voillemier. " Illustrated.-Anger. " Military.-Appia, Berthcraud, Demmes, Gross, Legouest, Neudorfer, Pirogoff, Stromeyer, Tripier & Blackman, Williamson. " Naval.-Saurel. " Operative.-Butcher, Gunther, Sedillot. " of Female Pelvic Organs.-Savage. " of Infants.-Guersant. " and Bandaging, Minor.-Heath, Packard. " Reunion in.-Jobert. " in France, Report on Progress of.-See Reports. " Tribute to.-Bouisson. Surgical Apparatus.-Guyot, Weiss. Syphilis.-Bazin, Bumstead, Clerc, Durkee, Falck, Hardy, Lance- reaux, Langlebert, Rollet. Syphilis, Natural History of.-Diday. Syphilitic Diseases of Nervous System.-Lagneau. T. Therapeutics.-Waring. " Uterine.-Tilt. Thrombosis and Embolism.-Lancereaux. Tobacco.-Druhen. Tonsils, Hypertrophy of.-Chassaignac. Tracheotomy.-Chassaignac. Tuberculosis.-Perroud, Villemin. Tumors.-Broca, Bryant, Virchow. 37 u. Ur.emia.-Morland, Richardson. Urine, Urinary Deposits, &c.-Beale. Urinary and Renal Diseases.-Roberts. Uterus, Tumors of.-Guyon. " Elongation of Neck.-Huguier in Mem. de 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. Vol. xxiii. " Ulceration of Os.-Byford. V. Vaccination.-Ballard, Memorial. Vegetation, Insects Injurious to.-Harris. Veratrum Viride, Properties of.-Percy. Vesico-Vaginal Fistula.-Bryant, Emmet. Voice and Speech, Physiology of.-Fournie. W. Warming and Ventilating Buildings.-Reed. Worms.-Cobbold, Davaine. 38 PERIODICALS, MEMOIRS, REVIEWS, TRANS- ACTIONS, Ac.-In continuation. Annates d'Hygiene Publique. Quar. Archives Generates de Medecine. Mo. Archives of Medicine (Beales). Bulletin de 1'Acad. Imp. de Med. Gazette Medicate de Paris. Journals.-American Journal of Medical Sciences. American Journal of Science and Arts. British Medical. Dublin, of Medical Sciences. London and Edinburgh. Mo. Pharmaceutical and Transactions. des Connaissances Med.-Chir. London Lancet. " Medical Times and Gazette. Memoires.-de 1'Acad. Imperials de Med. de la Societe Medicate d'Observation. Reports.-Hospital. Guy's, Ophthalmic. Retrospect.-Braithwaite's. Review.-British and Foreign Med.-Chir. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. of the London Obstetrical Society. of the London Pathological Society. of the American Medical Association. of the Medical Society of the State of New York. of the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society. of the New York Academy of Medicine. of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 39 ADDITIONAL PERIODICALS. Archiv fur Klinische Chirurgie. 9 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1860-7. Bulletin of N. Y. Acad, of Med. Vols. i., ii., iii. Parts 1 to 16. de la Soc. d'Anthropologic. 1st series, 6 vols. 2d series, 2 vols. de la Soc. de Chirurgie de Paris. 1st series, 10 vols. 2d series, 7 vols. Comptes Rendus. Vols. i. to xviii. Journals.-New York Medical. Vols. v., vi., vii., viii. Richmond and Louisville Medical. Psychological Medicine. Quar. de Med. Mentale. American Journal of Pharmacy. Memoires de la Soc. d'Anthropologic. Reports, Hospital.-London, St. George's, St. Bartholo- mew's, Pennsylvania. Transactions.-Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Medical Society of New Jersey, 1862-3, 4, 6.