SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE e BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL. NEW YORK; ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, PRINTER, 81, 83, and 85 Centre Street. 1861. 2 4705. Agassiz and Gould.-Principles of Zoology; touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, living and extinct. Part I. Comparative Physiology. By L. Agassiz and Aug. A. Gould. 8vo. Boston, 1848. 318 a. Africanus.-Joannis Leonis Africani, de totius Africa} Descriptione. Lib. ix. 12mo. Antverpiae, 1556. 6058. Alard.-Histoire de 1'Elephantiasis des Arabes, avec quatre planches. Par M. Alard, D.M.P. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Albucasis.-Albucasis de Chirurgia. Arabice et Latine. 2 vols. 4to. Oxonii, MDCCLXXVHL 4642. Alderson.-Practical Observations on some of the Dis- eases of the Stomach and Alimentary Canal. By James Alderson, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Allin.-Retro-Pharyngeal Abscess; its Medical History and Treatment; with a statistical table of 58 cases. By Charles M. Allin, M.D. Pht. New York, 1851. From the author. 4672. Almanac.-American Medical Almanac. 1848. 6078. Althaus.-A Treatise on Medical Electricity, Theoretical and Practical; and its use in the treatment of Paralysis, Neuralgia, and other diseases. By J. Althaus, M.D. 8vo. London, 1859. * Ammon.-Klinische Darstellungen der Krankheiten und Bildungsfehler des menschlechen Anges der Augen- liderund der Thranenwerkzeuge nach eigenen Beobach- tungen und Untersuchungen herausgegeben. Von Dr. Fred. Aug. von Ammon. Folio, plates. Berlin, 1838. 4889. Amussat.-On the Employment of Water in Surgery; translated by Frank H. Hamilton, Prof, of Surgery, University of Buffalo. 8vo. Buffalo, 1851. From the translator. Anaesthesia.-An Examination of the Question of Anaes- thesia, arising on the Memorial of Chas. T. Wells, pre- sented to the U. S. Senate, 2nd session, 32nd Congress, and referred to a Select Committee, of which,the Hon. Isaac P. Walker is Chairman. Prepared for the infor- mation of said Committee, by the Hon. Trueman Smith, U. S. Senator from Connecticut. 1858. » 4906. Ancell.-A Treatise on Tuberculosis, the Constitutional Origin of Consumption and Scrofula. By Henry Ancell. 8vo. London, 1852. 6202. Andral.-Medical Clinic. Translated by D. Spillan, M.D. R. 3 6154. Aretceus.-The Extant Works of Aretoeus the Cappado- cian. Edited and translated by Francis Adams, LL.D. 8vo. London, 1856. Pub. by the Sydenham Society. 6113-16. Aristotle.-Aristotelis de Animalibus Ilistoriae. Graece et Latine. T. 4. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1811. 5045. Ashton.-A Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Mal- formations of the Rectum and Anus. By T. J. Ashton, Esq. 8vo. London, 1854. 4719. Ashwell.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases peculiar toWomen. By Samuel Ashwell, M.D.; with Notes by P. B. Goddard, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1845. 4556. Atkins.-Medical and Surgical Cases and Observations, with plates. By Dudley Atkins, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1834. Atlee.-Introductory Address to the Class of the Medi- cal Department of Pennsylvania College; Session 1850-51. By W. L. Atlee, M.D., Prof. Med. Chemis- try. Pht. 1850. Valedictory Address; Session 1846-47. By the same. * Auvert.-Selecta Praxis Medico-Chirurgicae quam Mos- quae exercet. Alex. Auvert, M.D. & P. Typis et Figuris expressa Parisiis moderante Amb. Tardieu. Parisiis et Mosquse. 2 vols. fol. B. Bache.-Reports on the Coast Survey. See Reports. 4605-6. Baillie.-The Works of Matthew Baillie, M.D.; to which is prefixed an account of his Life, collected from authentic sources. By James Wardrop, M.D. 2 vols. Lond. 1825. 4748. Balfour.-A Collection of Treatises on the Effects of Sol-Lunar Influence in Fevers; with an improved me- thod of curing them. By Francis Balfour, M.D. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1815. 4759. Ballard.-The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Ab- domen. By Edward Ballard, M.D. 12mo. Lond. 1852. 4607. Ballard and Garrod.-Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By Edward Ballard, M.D., and Alf. B. Garrod, M.D., with additions and alterations by R. E. Griffith, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1846. 4946. Baly and Gull.-Reports on Epidemic Cholera, drawn up at the desire of the Cholera Committee of the Royal College of Physicians. 8vo. London, 1854. 5080. Barclay.-A Manual of Medical Diagnosis; being an Analysis of the Signs and Symptoms of Disease. By A. W. Barclay, M.D., F.R.C.P. 8vo. Philad. 1858. 4 6140-1. Barrier.-Traite Pratique des Maladies de 1'Enfance. Par F. Barrier, D.M.P. 2 tomes 8vo. 3d ed. Paris, 1861. 6282-3-4. Barthez and Rilliet.-Traite Clinique et Pratique des Malad. des Enfans. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. 1853. R. 4669. Bartlett.-The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Fevers of the U. S. By Elisha Bartlett, M.D. & P. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 6203. The same, 3d ed. 1852. R. 4721. An Inquiry into the degree of Certainty in Medicine, and into the Nature and Extent of its power over disease. 12mo. Philad. 1848. 4963. Barton.-The Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever, contained in the Report of the Sanitary Commission of New Orleans. By C. H. Barton, M.D., Chairman, &c. 8 vo. 1855. 4900. Bascome.-A History of Epidemic Pestilences from the earliest ages, 1495 years A.C. to 1848; with researches into their Nature, Causes, and Prophylaxis. By Ed. Bascome, M.D. 8vo. London, 1851. 6032. Basham.-On Dropsy connected with disease of the Kid- neys (Morbus Brightii), and on some diseases of those organs associated with Albuminous and Purulent Urine. By W. R. Basham, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. Batchelder.-Pathology and Treatment of the Paralysis of Motion. By J. P. Batchelder, M.D. Pht. N. Y. 1858. Thoughts on the Connection of Life, Mind, and Mat- ter in respect to Education. Pht. Utica, 1845. Inflammation ; its symptoms, causes, and treat- ment philosophically considered. Pht. N. York, 1848. Cholera ; its causes, symptoms, and treatment con- sidered and explained. Pht. New York, 1849. 5081. Bazin.-Legons Theoriques et Cliniques sur les Affections Cutanees Parasitaires professees par le doct. Bazin, etc. 8 vo. Paris, 1858. 5039. Beale.-On some points in the Anatomy of the Liver of Man and Vertebrate Animals. By Lionel S. Beale, M.B. Plates. 8vo. London, 1856. 6118. The Microscope in its application to Practical Medi- cine. By Lionel Beale, M.B., F.R.S. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1858. 6079-80. Beck.-Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. By T. R. and J. B. Beck. 11th ed., with notes by an association of friends of Drs. Beck; the whole revised by C. R. Gilman, M.D. and Prof. Medical Jurisprudence. 2 vols. 8vo, Philad. 1860. 5 Beck.-On the Effects of Opium on the Infant Subject, By John B. Beck, M.D., Pht. An Historical Sketch of the State of American Medicine before the Revolution. 2d ed., much enlarged. New York, 1851. 4612. Adulterations of Various Substances used in Medicine and the Arts; with the means of detecting them. By Lewis C. Beck, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1846. 5034-5. Beckman.-A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and their Origins. By John Beckman, Professor. Trans- lated from the German, by Win, Johnston. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. 5063. Becquerel.-Traite des Applications d'Electricite a la Therapeutique Medicale et Chirurgicale, par M. Bec- querel. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 6005. Des Climats, et de 1'Influence qu'exercent les Sols Boises et non Boises. Par M. Becquerel de 1'Acad. des Sciences, de 1'Institute de France, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1853. 6016-17-18. Traite Clinique des Maladies de 1'Uterus et de ses Annexes. Par L. A. Becquerel, Med. de I'Hopital de la Pitie. 2 t. 8vo. Atlas de 18 planches. Paris, 1859. 5064. Becquerel et Rodier.-Pathological Chemistry, in its Application to the Practice of Medicine. Translated from the French, by S. T. Speer, M.D. 8vo. London, 1857. 5082. Bedford.-Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women and Children. By Gunning S. Bedford, M.D. & P. 5th ed. 8vo., New York, 1857. 4734. Bell.-On Baths and Mineral Waters. By John Bell, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. 5083. Bellingham.-A Treatise on Diseases of the Heart. By O'Bryen Bellingham, M.D. 8vo. Dublin, 1857. 4731. Bennett.-On Cancerous and Cancroid Growths. By John Hughes Bennett, M.D., F.R.S.E., illustrated by drawings from Nature. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849. 5084. Clinical Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. By John H. Bennett, M.D., &c. 2d ed. 8 vo. New York. 4749. A Practical Treatise on Inflammation of the Uterus and its Appendages; and on Ulceration and Induration of the Neck of the Uterus. By James Henry Bennett, M.D. 2d Amer, from 2d Lond. ed. 8vo. Philad. 1850. 5033. , Nutrition in Health and Disease. By James H, Bennett, M.D. 12mo, London, 1858. 6 4771-2. Bernan.-On the History and Art of Warming and Ventilating Rooms and Buildings by open Fires, Hypo- causts, Stoves, Hot Water, &c. By Walter Bernan, i Civil Engineer. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1845. 4750 Bernard.-Lecons de Physiologie Experimentale appli- -- a, quee a la Medicine, faites an College de France. Par M. Claude Bernard. 22 figs. 2 t. 8vo. Paris, 1855-6. 5065. Lemons sur les Effets des Substances Toxiques et Medicamenteuses. 32 figs. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 0019-20, Logons sur les Proprietes Physiologiques, ct les Alterations Pathologiques des Liquides de 1'Organisme, avec fig. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 6142. Bernutz et Goupil.- Clinique Medicale sur les Maladies des Femmes. Par M. G. Bernutz, M.D., et E. Goupil, M.D., tome premibre. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6105. Besnier.- Des Etranglemens Internes de 1'Intestin, Anatomie, Pathologique, Diagnostic. Traitement, Par le Dr. H. C. Besnier. 8vo. Paris, 1860. Bibliotheque de Medicine. See Fabre. Bibliotheca Chemica. See Mangetus. 6098. Bigelow.-Nature in Disease; illustrated in various Lectures and Essays ; to which are added miscellaneous writings, chiefly on medical subjects. By Jacob Bige- low, M.D. 2d ed. 12ino. New York. 1860. 4769. Billard.-A Treatise on the Diseases of Infants. Trans- lated by James Stewart, M.D. 3d ed. New York*, 1850. 4951. Billing.-Practical Observations on Diseases of the Heart and Lungs. By Archibald Billing, M.D. 8vo. London, 1852. 4651. Bird.-Urinary Deposits, their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Therapeutical Indications. By Golding Bird, M.D., F.R.S. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1846. 6204. The same. American ed. from 4th London. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. R. 4899. Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism, in their Physiological and Therapeutical Relations, delivered at the Royal College of Physicians. By Golding Bird, M.D. i2mo. London, 1849. 4556. Birkett.-The Diseases of the Breast, and their Treat- ment. By John Birkett, F.R.C.S. Jacksonian Prize Essay for 1848. 8vo. London, 1850. Bischoff.-Tracts on Generation. Translated from the German, by C. R. Gilman, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Coll. P. & S. N. Y., and Theodore Tellkampf, M.D., Gebhard, Prof. Columbia Coll. Pht. N.Y. 1847. 7 Blackman.-On the Reduction of Strangulated Hernia in Mass. By George C. Blackman, M.D., F.R.M.C.S. London. Pht. New York, 1851. - On the Claims of Priority in the Exsection and Dis- articulation of the Entire Lower Jaw, &c. Pht. 1852. 5027. Blair.-Some Account of the Last Yellow Fever Epi- demic of British Guiana. By Daniel Blair, M.D. Edited by John Davy, M.D. 3d ed. 8vo. Lond. 1852. 4712. Blakiston.-Practical Observations on Certain Diseases of the Chest; and on the Principles of Auscultation. By Peyton Blakiston, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 5059. Blodget.'-Climatology of the United States, and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent; embracing a Full Comparison of these with the Clima- tology of the Temperate Latitudes of Europe and Asia, Ac. By Lorin Blodget. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. * Bock.-Atlas der Pathologischen Anatomie mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf Diagnostick. Von Der Carl Ernst Bock, Prof, der Pathologischen Anatomie an der Universitat Leipzig. 4to. Leipzig, 1854. 6119. Bodenhamer.-A Practical Treatise on the Pathology, and Treatment of the Congenital Malforma- tions of the Rectum and Anus. By Wm. Bodenhamer, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1860. 5028. Boggie.-Observations on Hospital Gangrene ; with refer- ence chiefly to the disease as it appeared in the British Army, Ac. By James Boggie, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1848. 6106. Bonnafont.-Traite Theorique et Pratique des Maladies des Oreilles et des Organes de 1'Audition. Par le doct. J. P. Bonnafont. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 4632-3-3a. Bonnet.-Traite des Maladies des Articulations, accom- pagne d'un Atlas de 16 planches. Par A. Bonnet. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 4983. Traite de Therapeutique des Maladies Articulaires, Pl. 97. 8 vo. Paris, 1853. From R. L. Kennedy, Esq, 6022. * Methode Nouvelle de traitement des Maladies Articulaires, exposition et demonstration faites a Paris en 1858. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 4975. Bouchut.-Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children and Infants at the Breast; including the Hygiene and Physical Education of Young Children. Translated from the French, with notes. By Peter Hincken Bird, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1855. 5098. Boudin.-Systeme des Ambulances des Armees et Anglaise. Par M. Boudin, Officier de la Legion d'Honneur. Pht. 3 pl. Paris, 1855. 8 6006-7. Boudin.-Traite de Geographic et de Statistique Medicales, et des maladies endemiques, comprenant la Meteorolo- gic et la Geologic Medicales, les lois statistiques de la population et de la mortalite, la distribution geogra- phique des maladies et la pathologic comparee des Races Humaines. Par J. C. H. M. Boudin. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1856, 6205-6. The Same. R. 4340. Bouillaud.-Nouvelles Recherches sur le Rheumatisme Articulaire, &c. Translated, and bound with Curling, &c. Bouley.-Discours prononce a la distribution des Prix faites sous la Presidence de M. Dittmer, directeur de 1'Agriculture et des Habas. Aout 1835. Par M. H. Bouley. Prof, de Clinique et de Chirurgie. Pht. Paris, 1845. Presented by M. Vattemare. 6133. Bourgeois.-Traite Pratique de la Pustule Maligne et de I'CEd&me Malin ou des deux formes du Charbon Externe chez 1'homme. Par J. Bourgeois, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1860. * Bourgery and Jacob.-Traite Complet de 1'Anatomie de 1'Homme, comprenant la medicine operatoire, avec planches lithographiees nature. Tomes 1, 2, 4. 6, 7, complete. 3 & 5 as pub. Folio. Paris, 1833. 4758. Bourguignon.-Traite Entomologique de la Gale de 1'Homme. Par H. Bourguignon, M. D. 4to. Paris, 1852. 4755. Bousquet.-Nouveau Traite de la Vaccine et des Erup- tions Varioleuses. Par J. B. Bousquet, ouvrage couronnepar 1'Acad. des Sciences. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 5071 Bouvier.--Lemons Cliniques sur les Maladies Chroniqucs --. a. de 1'Appareil Locomoteur professees a I'hopital des Enfants malades. Par le doct. H. Bouvier. 8vo. pl. xx. fol. Paris, 1858. 4684. Bowditch.-The Young Stethoscopist; or, the Student's Aid to Auscultation. By H. J. Bowditch, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. 1848. • 4756. A History of the Massachusetts General Hospital. By N. J. Bowditch. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Bozeman.-Remarks on Vesico-Vaginal Fistula; with an account of a new mode of Suture and Seven successful Operations. By N. Bozeman, M.D. Pht. 1856. 4690. Bradley.-A Treatise on Worms and other Animals which infest the human body ; with the most speedy, safe, and pleasant means of cure. By T. Bradley, M.D. 12mo. London, 1813. 9 4317. Bretonneau.-Des Inflammations Speciales des Tissus Muqueux, et en particulier de la Diphtherite, on Inflam- mation Pelliculaire connue sous le nom de Croup, d'Angine Maligne, &c. Par P. Bretonneau. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 4681. Brigham.-Remarks on the Influence of Mental Cultiva- tion and Mental Excitement upon Health. By Ama- riah Brigham, M.D., Supt. & Phys, of the State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. New York. 16mo. 1845. 6041. Brinton.-The Diseases of the Stomach, with an Intro- duction to its Anatomy and Physiology; being Lec- tures delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital. By Wm. Brinton, M.D. 8vo. London, 1859. 4946. Broca.-Des Aneurysmes et de leur Traitement. Par Paul Broca. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 5029. Brodhurst. - On the Nature and Treatment of Club- Foot, and analogous distortions involving the tibio- tarsal articulation. By Bernard E. Brodhurst, Assist- ant Surgeon to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. 8vo. London, 1856. 5074. Brodie.-Mind and Matter ; or, Physiological Inquiries, in a Series of Essays intended to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization, and the mental faculties. By Sir B. Brodie, Bart. 12mo. N.Y., 1857. 4595. Clinical Lectures on Surgery, delivered at St. George's Hospital. By Sir B. Brodie, Bart. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 4613. Lectures, illustrative of various Subjects in Patho- logy and Surgery. 8vo. London, 1846. 4936. Brown.-On Some Diseases of Women admitting of Surgical Treatment. By J. B. Brown, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1854. 6046. Brownlow.-The History and Design of the Foundling Hospital, with a Memoir of the Founder. By John Brownlow. 8vo. London, 1858. Buck.-On the Surgical Treatment of Morbid Growths within the Larynx, illustrated by an original case. By Gurdon Buck, Jr., M.D. Pht. New York, 1853. 5092. Bucknill and Tuke. - A Manual of Psychological Medicine; containing the History, Nosology, Descrip- tion, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. By J. C. Bucknill, M.D., and D. H. Tuke, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. 4559. Budd.-On Diseases of the Liver. By Geo. Budd, M.D. F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1845. 6207. The Same. 2d American edition. Philadelphia, 1853. R. 10 5006. Budd.-On the Organic Diseases and Functional Disorders of the Stomach. 8vo. New York, 1856. 6208. The Same. R. 6117. Buez.-Du Cancer et de sa Curabilite. Par le doct. A. Buer. 4 pls. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 5055. Burgess.-Eruptions of the Face, Head, and Hands; with the latest improvements in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. By T. H. Burgess, M.D. 8vo. London, 1849. 4909. Climate of Italy, in Relation to Pulmonary Con- sumption ; with remarks on the influence of foreign climates upon invalids. 8vo. London, 1852. 4458. Burne.-A Treatise on the Causes and Consequences of Habitual Constipation. By John Burne, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4634. Burrows.-On Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation ; and on the Connection between Affections of the Brain, and Diseases of the Heart. By Geo. Burrows, M.D.P. 8vo. London, 1846. 6209 Bushe.-On Diseases of the Rectum, &c. R. a. C. 6059-60. Calmeil.-Traite des Maladies Inflammatoires du Cer- veau, ou Histoire Anatomo-Pathologique des Conges- tions encephaliques, du delire aigu, de la paralysie generale, ou periencephalite chronique diffuse a 1'etat simple ou complique, &c. &c. Par le Dr. L. F. Calmeil. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 4761. Carnochan.-A Treatise on the Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Congenital Dislocations of the Femur. Plates. By Jno. Murray Carnochan, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1850. Author. 4760. Amputation of the Entire Lower Jaw, with Disarticu- lation of the Condyles. Pht. New York, 1852. Author. 4658. Carpenter.-Elements of Physiology, including Physio- logical Anatomy. By Wm. B. Carpenter, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 4885. On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health and Disease. Prize Essay. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 4750. Principles of Physiology, General and Comparative. 3d ed. re-written. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 6210. Principles of Human Physiology, with their chief applications to Pathology, Hygiene, &c. 5th Am. ed. By F. G. Smith, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. R. 5007. The Microscope and its Revelations. 8vo. Lon- don, 1856. 11 Carson.-Illustrations of Medical Botany', consisting of colored figures of the Plants, affording the important articles of the Materia Medica, and descriptive letter- press. By Joseph Carson, M.D. Prof. Mat. Med. 4to. 1847. *6366. Carswell.-Illustrations of the Elementary Forms of Disease. 4to. R. 4560. Catalogue.-A Catalogue of the Anatomical and Zoolo- gical Museum of Joshua Brookes, Esq., F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1828. Of the Library of the Young Men's Association. Albany, 1848. Of the Cabinet -of Natural History of the State of New York; and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 8vo. Albany, 1853. G. C. Verplanck, Fsq. Alphabetical and Analytical Catalogue of the American Institute Library. 8vo. New York, 1852. Amer. Inst. Catalogue Raisonne of the Medical Library of the Pennsylvania Hospital. By Emil. Fischer, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. From the Managers. 6120. Cazalas.-Maladies de 1'Armee d'Orient. (Campagne de 1854-5-6.) Statistique Med. de 1'Hopital de 1'Ecole Militaire a Constantinople. Par le Dr. Louis Cazalas. 8vo. Paris, 1860. Cazenave and Schedel. See General Catalogue. 4909. The same ; with Notes and Additions. By T. H. Burgess, M.D. 2d Am. ed. By II. D. Bulkley, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1852. Dr. Bulkley. 6211. The same. R. 5054. Cazenave.-Traite des Maladies du Cuir Chevelu snivie de Conseils Hygieniques sur les soins a donner a la Chevelure. Par le Dr. P. L. Alphee Cazenave. 8vo. Paris, 1850. 4711. Celle.-Hygiene Pratique des Pays Chands, on Recher- ches sur les Causes et le Traitement des malades de ces contrees. Par Eugene Celle, M.D. Paris, 1848. 5000. Chambers.-Digestion and its Derangements. The Piinciples of Rational Medicine applied to disorders of the alimentary canal. By Thomas K. Chambers, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1856. 4718. Channing.-A Treatise on Etherization in Childbirth. Illustrated by numerous cases. By Walter Channing, M.D. & P. 8vo. Boston, 1848. 12 6008. Chapelle.-Traite d'Hygiene Publique. Par M. A. Chapelle, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1850. 6044-45. Chassaignac.-Traite Pratique de la Suppuration, et du Drainage Chirurgical. Par E. Chassaignac, M.D. & P. 2 vols. 8vo., 1859. 5019. Traite de 1'Ecrasement Lineaire; nouvelle methode pour prevenir 1'effusion du sang dans les operations Chirurgicales. Par M. E. Chassaignac, M.D. 40 figs. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 4600-1. Chelius.-A System of Surgery. By J. M. Chelius. Translated from the German ; with notes and observa- tions. By John F. South, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1846. 6212-14. The same. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. R. Cholera.-See Report. 4700. Chomel.-Elements of General Pathology. Translated from the French. By F. C. Oliver, M.D., and W. W. Morland, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1848. 6215. Christison.-A Treatise on Poisons. R. 4643. Churchill.-On the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. By F. Churchill, M.D. With notes and additions. By Robt. M. Huston, M.D. 2d American Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 6217. The same. R. Essays on the Puerperal Fever, and other Diseases peculiar to Women; selected from the writings of British authors, previous to the close of the 18th century. 8vo. London, 1849. Published by Syden- ham Society. 4332. On the Diseases of Women ; including those of Pregnancy and Childbed. Edited by D. Francis Condie, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. 6216. The same. R. 4665. Civiale.-Traite Pratique et Historique de la Lithotritie. Par le doct. Civiale. 7 pls. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 6218. Clark.-A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption ; com- prehending an Inquiry into the Causes, Nature, Pre- vention, and Treatment of Tuberculous and Scrofulous Diseases in general. By James Clark, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. R. 4563. Cloquet.-Anatomical Description of the Parts con- cerned in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Translated from the French of J. Cloquet. By Andrew M. McWhinnie. 8vo. London, 1835. Cock.-Inaugural Address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, April, 1852. By Thomas Cock, M.D. President Elect. Pht. New York, 1852. 13 Code.-Code of Medical Ethics, adopted by the American Medical Association, and New York Academy of Medi- cine. Oct. 1847. Pht. 4611. Coley.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. By James M. Coley, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 4564. Colles.-Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Sur- gery. By the late Abm. Colles, M.D.& P. Edited by Simon McCoy, Esq. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 4596. Colombat.-A Treatise on the Diseases and Special Hygiene of Females. By Colombat de 1'Isere. Trans- lated from the French, with additions. By Charles D. Meigs, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Communications.-Communications faites & 1'Acad. Na- tionale de Med. sur des plaies a feu. Par Baudens, Roux, Malgaigne, Amussat, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Compendium.-Compendium de la Med. Pratique. Com- plete in 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-39. De Chirurgie Pratique, ou Traite Complet des Maladies Chirurgicales, et des Operations que ces Maladies reclament. Par MM. Berard et C. Denon- villiers et L. Gosselin. Tom. 1 & 2, and of t. 3d liv. 11, 12, 13, 14. 4686. Condie.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Child- ren. By D. Francis Condie, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 6038. Cooper.-On Wounds and Injuries of the Eye. By Wm. White Cooper, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1859. 6219-21. Lectures of Sir A. Cooper. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1831. R. 4713. The Anatomy and Diseases of the Breast, with numerous plates ; to which is added his Surgical Papers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 4776-77. The Life of Sir A. Cooper, Bart.; interspersed with sketches from note-books of distinguished contemporary characters. By B. B. Cooper, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. 6223. On Dislocations and Fractures. R. 6222. A Dictionary of Practical Surgery. R. Cooper and Suckley.-The Natural History of Washing- ton Territory; with much relating to Minnesota, Ne- braska, Kansas, Oregon, and California ; being parts of the final Reports of the Survey of the Northern Pacific Railroad Route, &c. By J. G. Cooper, M.D., and D. G. Suckley, U. S. A., Naturalists to the Expedition. 4to. New York, 1859. Presented by the Authors. 14 913. Copeland.-Observations on some of the Principal Dis- eases of the Rectum and Anus, particularly Stricture of the Rectum, Haemorrhoids, &c. By Th. Copeland, M.D. 8vo. London, 1810. 4883. Copland.-On the Causes, Nature, and Treatment of Palsy and Apoplexy ; of the forms, seats, complications, and morbid relations of Paralytic and Apoplectic Dis- orders. By James Copland, M.D., FLR.S. 8vo. Lond. 1850. A Dictionary of Practical Medicine. 3 vols. 8vo. 5052.. Corrigan-Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Fever. By D. J. Corrigan, M.D. 12rno. Dublin, 1853. 6040. Cotton.-On Consumption ; its Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment. By Richard Payne Cotton, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1858. 4952. Coulson.-On Lithotrity and Lithotomy. By W. Coulson. 4620. Coxe.-An Inquiry into the claims of Dr. Wm. Harvey to the discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, with an introductory lecture, &c. By John Redman Coxe, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1834. 4636. The Writings of Hippocrates and Galen epitomized from the original Latin. 8vo. Philad. 1846. 4728. Crisp.-A Treatise on the Structure, Diseases, and Injuries of the Blood-Vessels; with statistical deductions. Prize- Essay. By Edwards Crisp, M.R.C.S. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 4714. Cruveilhier.-The Anatomy of the Human Body. By J. Cruveilhier, P. 1st Amer, from last Paris ed. Edited by Granville Sharp Pattison, M.D. 8vo. N. Y. 1844. 4902. Curling.-Observations on Diseases of the Rectum. By T. B. Curling, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1851. 3911. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Testes, and of the Spermatic Cord and Scrotum. 2d ed. Revised and enlarged. 8vo. London, 1846. 6224. The same. Philad. R. 6225-33. Cuvier.--Lemons d'Anatomie Comparee de Georges Cu- vier, recueillies et publiees par M. Dumeril. 2d ed. 8 tomes 8vo. Paris, 1835. R. 6051-6. Cyclopaedia.-The Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physio- logy. Edited by Rob. B. Todd, M.D., F.R.S. 6 vols. royal 8vo. London, 1835-1859. D. 6009. Dalton.-A Treatise on Human- Physiology, designed for the use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. By John C. Dalton, Jr.,, M.D. and P. 8vo. Philad. 1859. 15 6234. The same. R. 4958. Danielssen and Bceck.-Traite de la Spedalkshed cm a. Elephantiasis des Grecs. Par D. C. Danielssen and W. Boeck. Ouvrage publie aux frais du Gouvernement Norwegien. Texte 8vo. pl. fol. Darrach.-Introductory Lecture delivered to the class of Pennsylvania College, session 1844-5. By Wm. Dar- rach, M.D., Prof. Theory and Practice. Pht. Philad. 1844. 6121. Davey.-The Ganglionic Nervous System ; its structure, function, and diseases. By James G. Davey, M.D. &c. 8vo. London, 1858. Davis.-History of the American Medical Association, from its organization up to June, 1855. By N. S. Davis. To which is prefixed biographical notices and portraits of the Presidents, &c. Edited by S. W. Butler, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1855. 6368-9. The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine in a series of systematic dissertations on Midwifery, and on the Diseases of Women and Children: illustrated by numerous plates. By David D. Davis, M.D., M.R.S.L. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1836. R. 6010. Day.-Juvenile Crime; its Causes, Character, and Cure. By Samuel P. Day. 8vo. London, 1858. 6122. Chemistry in its relation to Physiology and Medi- cine. By George E. Day, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1860. 4722. A Practical Treatise on the domestic management and most important diseases of Advanced Life ; with an Appendix containing a series of cases illustrative of a new and successful mode of treating Lumbago and other forms of Chronic Rheumatism. By Geo. E. Day, M.D., F.R.C.P. 8vo. London, 1849. 892. De Haen.-Antonii de Haen, quondam S.C.R., Apostol. a. Majistati a Consiliis et Archiatri Medicinse in Alma et Antiquissima Universitate Vindobonensi Professoris Primarii, &c. Praelectiones in Hermanni Boerhaave Institutiones Patho- logicas. Collegit, recensuit, additamentis auxit, &c. Edidit F. de Wasserberg. Tom. 3 in 2. 8vo. Viennae, 1780. Delafield.-Biographical Sketch of J. Kearny Rodgers, M.D., F.C.P. and S. Surg. to N. Y. Hospital. By Ed. Delafield, M.D. Read before the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, Oct. 6, 1852, and published under its autho- rity. Pht. N. Y. 1852. 16 6009. Delafond.-Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du Gros Betail, connue sous le nom de Peripneumonie Con- tagieuse. Par 0. Delafond, Prof. &c. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Presented by M. Vattemare. 6009. Instruction sur la Pleuro-Pneumonie ou Peripneu- monie Contagieuse des Betes-Bovines de la Vallee de Bray (Seine Infericure). Pht. Paris, 1844. Vatte- mare. 5099. Delasiauve.-Traite de 1'Epilepsie; Histoire, Traitementy Medicine Legale. Par le doct. Delasiauve. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 4984-5. Desmarres.-Traite Theorique et Pratique des Maladies des Yeux. Par L. A. Desmarres, M.D. et P. 2d ed. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 6235. D'Espine.-Essai Analytique et Critique de Statistique Mortuaire Comparee renfermant les Monographies etio- logiques des accidents et de la plupart des maladies mortelles, &c. &c. Par le doct. Marc d'Espine. 8vo. Paris, 1858. R. 5046-7. Devergie.-Medicine Legale, Theorique et Pratique. Par Alf. Devergie, D.M.P. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4670-1. Dickson.-Essays on Pathology and Therapeutics; being the substance of a Course of Lectures delivered by Samuel H. Dickson, M.D.P. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y. 1845. Dictionary.-German Medical. See Scholl, Gabler. R. 472-3-4. Dictionnaire.-Dictionnaire Portatif de Sante, dans le- quel tout le monde pent prendre une connoissance suf- fisante de toutes les maladies, &c. Par M. L**, Ancien Medecin des Armees du Roi, et M. de B**, Med. des Hopitaux. Cinq. ed. 3 tom. 12mo. a Paris, 1770. M. Vattemare. 6333-62. Dictionnaire de Medecine. Par Adelon et Alii. 2d ed. 30 t. 8vo. 1838. R. 469. Dictionnaire Anatomique suivi d'une Bibliotheque Anatomique et Physiologique. Par M. Tarin, Medecin. 4to. a Paris. 1753. M. Vattemare. 4956. Diday.-Traite de la Syphilis des et des Infants a la Mamelle. Par P. Diday. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 4664. Dispensatory.-Of IT. S. of America. 7th ed. 4568. Dissertations.-Inaugural Dissertation on Chemical Classification. By Oliver W. Gibbs, A.M., for the degree of M.D. Coll. P. and S. Pht. N. York, 1845. 4724. * Donne.-Cours de Microscopic complementaire des etudes a. medicales. Anat.omie Microscopique et Physiologic des Fluides de 1'Economie. Par A. L. Donne, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Atlas, fol. 17 4886-7. Drake.-A Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological, and Practical, on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America, as they appear in the Cauca- sian, African, Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its Po- pulation. By Daniel Drake, M.D. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1850. Vol. 2 edited by S. Hanbury Smith and F. G. Smith, M.D. Philad. 1854. Draper.-The Indebtedness of the City of New York to its University: an Address to the Alumni of the Uni- versity of the City of New York, at their 21st Anniver- sary, June, 1853. By Prof. J. W. Draper, M.D. Pht. New York, 1853. 5030. Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical; or the Conditions and Course of the Life of Man. 8vo. New York, 1856. 5001. Druitt.-The Principles and Practice of Modern Surgery. By Robert Druitt, F.R.C.S. From the last London ed. 8vo. Philad. 1856. 4715-16. Dublin Dissector; or System of Practical Anatomy. By R. Harrison, MJ). 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. 4696-7. Dubreuil.-Des Anomalies Arteriellcs. 8vo. Atlas, 17 pls. 4to. Par J. M. Dubreuil. Paris, 1847. 4930. Dubreuilh.-Influence de laGrossesse, del'Accouchement, et de 1'Allaitement sur le developpement et la marche de la Phthisie Pulmonaire. Par le doct. Charles Du- breuilh. Pht. Paris, 1852. Dudley Observatory.-The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. Statement of the Trustees. Pht. Albany, 1858. A Key to the "Trustees' Statement," Letters to the majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory, showing the Misrepresentations, Garblings, and Perver- sions of their Misstatements. By George II. Thacher. Albany, 1858. Defence of Dr. Gould, by the Scientific Council of the Dudley Observatory. Pht. Albany, 1858. 4931. Dujardin.-Histoire Naturelie des Helminthes, ou Vers Intestinaux. Par F. Dujardin, Prof, de Zoologie. 12 pls. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 6236. Dunglison.-Influence of Atmosphere and Locality, &c., on Health. Philad. 1844. R. 6237. New Remedies. R. 6238. A Dictionary of Medical Science. 10th ed. 1853. R. 6127. Duparc.-Traite Pratique des Dermatoses, ou Maladies de la Peau. Par L. V. Duchesne-Duparc. 8vo. Paris, 1859.. 18 4694. Dupierris.-Memoire sur les Rctrecissements Organiques du Canal del'Uretre, et sur 1'emploi de nouveaux instru- ments de scarification et d'incision, «fcc. Par M. Du- pierris, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 4694 a. The same. 6155. Dupuytren.-On Lesions of the Vascular System, Dis- eases of the Rectum, and other Surgical Complaints; being selections from the collected edition of the Clini- cal Lectures of Baron Dupuytren. Trans, and edit, by F. Le Gros Clarke, Surg. St. Thomas's Hospital. 8vo. London, 1854. Pub. by Sydenham Soc. 4720. Durlacher.-A Treatise on Corns, Bunions, the Diseases of the Nails, and the general management of the Feet. By L. Durlacher. 12mo. Philad. 1845. >6061. Dutrouleau.-Topographic Medicale des Climats Inter- tropicaux. Par M. le Dr. Dutrouleau. Pht. Paris, 1858. E. 4691. Earle.-History, Description, and Statistics of the Bloom- ingdale Asylum for the Insane. By Pliny Earle, M.D., Phys, to the Institution. 8vo. N. York, 1848. 6145. Eddy.-The Life of Thomas Eddy; comprising an exten- sive correspondence with many of the most distinguished philosophers and philanthropists of this and other coun- tries. By S. L. Knapp. 8vo. New York, 1834. 6023-4-5 Edwards.-Legons sur la Physiologic et 1'Anatomie Com- 6026 a b. paree de I'Hoinme et des Animaux, faites a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Par H. Milne Edwards, O.L.H., C.L.N. 8vo. 4t. t. 5 pts. 1. 2. 1857-9. Edwards et Vavasseur.-Nouveau Formulaire Pratique des Hopitaux, ou Choix de Formules des Hopitaux civile et militaire de France, d'Angleterre, d'AIlemagne, et d'Italie, <fcc. Par M. Edwards et P. Vavasseur. 2d ed. 32mo. 4908. Egan.-Syphilitic Diseases ; their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment; including experimental researches of Inoculation as a differential agent in testing the charac- ter of these affections. By John C. Egan, M.D. 8vo. London, 1853. 4735. Ellis.-The Medical Formulary ; being a collection of Prescriptions derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians in America and Europe. By Benj. Ellis, M.D. 8th ed. 8vo. Philad. 1846. 6229.. The same. 10th ed. 1854. R. 19 6240. Ellis.-A Treatise on the Nature, <fcc., of Insanity. See General Catalogue. R. 6097. Elwell.-A Medico-Legal Treatise on Malpractice and Medical Evidence; comprising the Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. By John J. Elwell, M.D. 8vo. N. Y. 1860. 470. Encyclopedie.-Encyclopedic Methodique; ouparordre de Matieres. Par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, de Savants, et d'Artistes. Tome premier, Medicine. 4to. a Paris, 1687. M. Va tiemare. Encyclopedie Anatomique. See Genl. Cat. tom. 9. 8vo. 1847. 6157. Erichsen.-Observations on Aneurism ; selected from the works of the principal writers on that disease, from the earliest periods to the close of the last century. Trans- lated and edited by John Erichsen. 8vo. Lond. 1844. 5002. The Science and Art of Surgery; being a Treatise on Surgical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations. 8vo. Philad. 1854. 6241. The same. R. 6128. Eve.-A Collection of Remarkable Cases in Surgery. By Paul F. Eve, M.D. and P. 8vo. Philad. 1857. 4910. Eyre.-The Stomach and its Difficulties. By Sir James Eyre, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1852. F. 6131-45. Fabre.-Bibliotlieque du Medecin-Praticien ; on Resume general de tons les ouvrages de clinique medicale et chirurgicale, de tons les monographies, de tous les rae- moires de medecine et do chirurgie pratique, anciens et modernes; publies on France et a I'etranger, par une Societe de Medecins, sous la direction du Doct. Fabre. 15 t. 8vo. Paris, 1844 et sub. ans. 4668. Favrot.-Etudes sur les Maladies des Femmes, qu'on observe le plus frequemment dans la pratique. Par Alexis Favrot. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 4770. Fenner.-Southern Medical Reports ; consisting of Gene- a. ral and Specific Reports on the Medical Topography, Meteorology, and prevalent Diseases in the following states : Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, N. & S. Caro- lina, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas. By Ed. D. Fenner, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1849, New York, 1850. 4745. Ferguson.-Essays on the most important Diseases of Women. By Rob. Ferguson, M.D. Part I. Puerperal Fever. 8vo. London, 1839. 20 4356. Fergusson.-A System of Practical Surgery. 3d Am. from the last Lond. ed. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 6156. Feuchstersleben.-The Principles of Medical Psycho- logy ; being the outlines of a course of lectures by Ba- ron Ernst Von Feuchstersleben, M.D. (Vienna, 1845.) Translated from the German by the late II. Evans Lloyd, Esq. Revised and edited by B. G. Babington, M.D. 8vo. London, 1847. 6108. Fievre Puerperale.-De la Fievre Puerperale, de sa Na- ture, et de son Traitement: communications a 1'Acad. Imp. de Med. Par MM. Guerard, Depaul, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 5048. Fleming.-An Inquiry into the Physiological and Medi- cal Properties of the Aconitum Napelhis; to which are added observations on several other species of Aconitum. By Alexander Fleming, M.D. 8vo. London, 1845. 5003. Flint.-Clinical Reports on Continued Fever, based on Analyses of 164 cases; with remarks on the manage- ment of Continued Fever; the identity of Typhus and Typhoid Fever; Relapsing F., Diagnosis, &c. To which is added a Memoir on the transportation and diffusion by contagion of Typhoid Fever. By Austin Flint, M.D P. 8vo. Buffalo, 1852. 5004. Physical Exploration and Diagnosis of Diseases affecting the Respiratory Organs. 8vo. Philad. 1856. 6081. A Practical Treatise on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart. 8vo. Philad. 1859. 5085. Forbes.-Of Nature and Art in the Cure of Disease. By Sir John Forbes, M.D., D.C.L. 12mo. N. York, 1858. 6107. Forget.-Principes de Therapeutique, Generale et Spe- ciale, ou Nouveaux Elements de i'Art de Guerir. Par C. P. Forget, Prof. &c. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6123. Forster.-The Surgical Diseases of Children. By J. Cooper Forster, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1860. 4597. Fownes.-Elementary Chemistry, Theoretical and Prac- tical. By George Fownes, M.D. Edited by R. Bridges, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1845. Francis.-Anniversary Discourse before the New York Academy of Medicine, delivered in the Broadway Ta- bernacle, Nov. 10, 1847. By J. W. Francis, M.D. Pht. An Inaugural Address, delivered before the N. York Academy of Medicine, Feb. 2, 1848. Pht. 4404. Freckleton.-Outlines of General Pathology. By George Freckleton, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1839. 21 Freind,-Joannis Freind, M.D., Opera omnia Medica, 4to. Parisiis, MDCCXXXV. 4981. Fuller.-On Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica ; their Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment. By W. W. Fuller, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1854. G. 6242, Gabler.-Lateinisch-Deutsehes Wbrterbuch fflr Medicin und Naturwissenschaften bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Gab- ler, Prakt Arzt in Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1857. R. 4911. Gairdner.-On Gout; its History, its Causes, and its Cure. By Wm. Gairdner, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Galen.-Galeni omnia quae extant opera in Latinum ser- monern conversa. Pro quibits illustrandis quid aetuin sit, turn ex praefationc, turn ex labrorum Indice depre- hendes. Quinta editio. 4 vols. folio. Venetiis Apv- divntas, MDLXXVI. 4644. Galt.-The Treatment of Insanity. By John M. Galt, M.D., Phys, of Eastern Lunatic Asylum at Williams- burg, Ya. 8vo. New York, 1846. 4666. Gardner.-A New Medical Dictionary ; containing an Explanation of the Terms in Anatomy, Physiology, <fcc«, on the basis of Hooker and Grant. By D. Pereira Gardner, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1847. 5020. Gamgee.-Researches in Pathological Anatomy and Cli- nical Surgery. By Joseph S. Gamgee. 8vo. London, 1856. 6076. Garrod.-The Nature and Treatment of Gout and Rheu- matic Gout. By Alf. B. Garrod, M.D. Svo. Lond. 1859. 4567. Gavin.-On Feigned and Factitious Disorders, chiefly of Soldiers and Seamen; on the means used to simulate or produce them; and on the best modes of discover- ing Imposters. By Hector Gavin, M.D. 8vo. London, 1843. 5049-50. Gerber.-Elements of the General and Minute Anatomy of Man and the Mammalia, chiefly after original Re- searches. By Fr. Gerber. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. 2806 b. Gerdy.-Memoire sur FEtat materiel ou anatomique des Os Malades. Par Gerdy. Gibbs. See Dissertations. Gilman.-The Relations of the Medical to the Legal Pro- fession ; being the Introductory Address delivered at the fifty-first session of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, Oct 1856. By Chandler R. Gilman, M.D. and P. Pht. N. York, 1856. 22 Gilman.-A Medico-Legal Examination of the case ofChas. B. Huntingdon, with remarks on Moral Insanity, and on the legal test of Sanity. Pht. N. York, 1857. Grant.-Lecture introductory to a course on Anatomy and Physiology. Subject: Life and Character of Samuel George Morton, M.D., delivered in the Medical Depart- ment of Pennsylvania College. By W. R. Grant, M.D., Oct. 1851. Pht. Philad. 1852. 4762. Grantham.-Facts and Observations in Medicine and Sur- gery, with additional memoirs. By John Grantham, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1849. 4723. Gray.-Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia; being a concise but comprehensive Dispensatory and Manual of Facts and Formulae, &c. By Theophilus Redwood, Prof. Chem. and Pharm. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1848. 5061. The Structure and Use of the Spleen. By Henry Gray, F.R.S. Prize Essay. 8vo. London, 1854. 6072. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Drawings by H. V. Carter, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. 5008-9. Graves.-Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine. By Robt. J. Graves, M.D. 2d ed., edited by J. Moore Neligan, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1848. 4630. Green.-A Treatise on the Diseases of the Air Passages; comprising an Inquiry into the History, Pathology, Cause, and Treatment of those Affections of the Throat called Bronchitis, Chronic Laryngitis, Clergyman's Sore- Throat, &c. By Horace Green, M.D. 8vo. N. York, 1846. 4717. Observations on the Pathology of Croup, with Re- marks on its Treatment by Topical Applications. 12mo. New York, 1849. 6175. Greenhow.-On Diphtheria. By Edward H. Greenhow, M.D. 8vo. London, 1860. 6027. See Report. 4763. Gregory.-Lectures on Eruptive Fevers. Edited,"with notes, by H. D. Bulkley, M.D. New York, 1851. 6243. The same. R. 4656. Griffith.-Medical Botany ; or descriptions of the more important plants used in Medicine, with their history, properties, and mode of administration. By R. E. Griffith, M.D. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 6244. A Universal Formulary, containing the method of pre- paring and administering officinal and other medicines. 8vo. Philad. 1856. R. 4707. Griffith, Rees, and Markwick.-On the Blood and Urine. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 23 4569. Griscom.-The Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Popu- lation of New York; with suggestions for its improve- ment : a Discourse. By John H. Griscom, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1845. Anniversary Discourse before the New York Aca- demy of Medicine, Nov. 22, 1854. Pht. N.Y. 1855. 4598. Gross.-Elements of Pathological Anatomy. 2d ed. en- larged. By S. D. Gross, M.D. 8vo, Philad. 1845. 4937. A Practical Treatise on Foreign Bodies in the Air Passages. 8vo. Philad. 1854. 4751. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases and Injuries of the Urinary Bladder, the Prostate Gland, and the Ure- thra. 8vo. Philad. 1851. 6245. The same. R. 4608. Guepratte.-Resections des Extremites Articulaires des Os. Recherches pratiques et raisonnees. Par Alph. Guepratte. Pht. Paris, 1844. 4645. Gully.-The Water Cure in Chronic Disease ; an expo- sition of the causes, progress, and terminations of various chronic diseases of the digestive organs, lungs, nerves, limbs, and skin, and of their treatment by Water and other Hygienic means. By J. M. Gully, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1846. 4976. Guthrie.-Commentaries on the Surgery of the War in Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands, from the battle of Rolica in 1808 to that of Waterloo in 1815; with additions relating to those in the Crimea in 1854-5. By G. J. Guthrie, F.R.S. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond. 1855. H. Hahnemann.-Compte Rendu du Proces de Mme. H. Doct. en Homoeopathic. Question d'exercice illegal de la Medicine. Pht. Paris, 1847. 4570. Hall.-On the Diseases and Derangements of the Ner- vous System, in their primary forms and in their modi- fication by Age, Sex, Constitution, Hereditary Predis- position, Excesses, General Disorder, and Organic Dis- ease. By Marshall Hall, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. Lond. 1841. 4622. Principles of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 1st Amer. ed. By Jacob Bigelow, M.D. and Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 4637-8. Practical Observations and Suggestions in Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. 4933. Synopsis of the Diastaltic Nervous System. 4to. London ; no date. 24 4932. Hall.-The Threatening* of Apoplexy and Paralysis; Inor- ganic Epilepsy; Spinal Syncope; Hidden Seizures; the Resulting Mania, &c. Cioonian Lectures. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Haly.-Haly filius Abbas. Liber totius medicinse neces- saria continens quem sapientissimus Haly filius Abbas discipulus abimeter edidit. 4to. 1523. 4934-5. Hamilton.-The History of Medicine, Surgery, and Ana- tomy, from the creation of the world to the commence- ment of the nineteenth century. By Wm. Hamilton, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Theodoric Ro- meyn Beck, M.D., LL.D. By Frank Hastings Hamil- ton, M.D. Pht. Albany, 1856. 6084. A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations. 8vo. Philad. 1860. 5041. Hardie.-An Account of the Malignant Fever lately pre- valent in the city of New York, 1798. By Jas. Hardie, A.M. 8vo. New York. 5041 a. An Account of the Yellow Fever which occurred in the city of New York in the year 1822; to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the Different Pestilential Dis- eases with which this city was afflicted in the years 1798, 1799, 1803, and 1805, with the opinion of seve- ral of our most eminent physicians respecting the origin of the disease, its prevention, and cure. N. York, 1822. 4702. Hardy and McClintock.-Practical Observations on Midwifery, and the Diseases incident to the Puerperal State. By Alf. H. McClintock, M.D., and Samuel L. Hardy, M.D., Ex-Assistants of Dublin Lying-in House. 8vo. Dublin, 1848. 6246. Harrison.-A Text Book of Practical Anatomy. By Robt. Harrison, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1848. R. 468. Hartenkeel.-Joannis Jacobi Hartenkeel, M.D. Trac- tatus de Vesicie Vrinarise Calculo; cum iv. fig. 4to. Bamborgse et Wirceburgi, 1785. 4657. Harvey.-The Works of Wm. Harvey, M.D., Physician to the King, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to the College of Physicians. Translated from the Latin, with a Life of the Author. By Robert Willis, M.D. 8vo. London, 1847. Published by Sydenham Soc. 4880-1. Hassall.-The Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Body in Health and Disease. Illustrated with nume- rous drawings in color. By Arthur Hili Hassall, M.B. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 of plates. London, 1849. 4947-8. The same. With notes and additional plates. By H. Van Arsdale, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1851. 25 4610. Hasse.-An Anatomical Description of the Diseases of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration. By Charles E. Hasse, M.D. <fc P. Translated by W. E. Swaine, M.D. 8vo. London, 1846. Published by Sydenham Society. 4703. Hastings.-Lectures on Yellow Fever, its Causes, Patho- logy, and Treatment. By John Hastings, M.D., U.S.N. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 6028. Haviland.-Climate, Weather and Disease; being a Sketch of the Opinions of the most celebrated Ancient and Modern Writers, with regard to the influence of climate and weather in producing disease. By Alfred Haviland, M.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1855. 5011. Hayward.-Surgical Reports and Miscellaneous Papers on Medical Subjects. By George Hayward, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1855. 4912. Headland.-An Essay on the Action of Medicines on the System ; or on the mode in which Therapeutic Agents introduced into the Stomach produce their peculiar effects on the animal economy ; being the Prize Essay to which the Med. Soc. of Loudon awarded the Gold Medal for 1852. By Win. Headland, B.A.M.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1852. 4571. Heberden.-Commentary on the History and Cure of Diseases. From the last Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1845. * Hebra and Elfin ger.-Atlas der Ilautkrankeiten. Text, von Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Hebra. Bilder von Dr. Anton Elfinger. Herausgegeben Dnrch Die Kaisertiche Akadernie der Wissenschaften. Wien, 1856. 1st fascic. Lupus, 10 pls. 2d fasc. Favus, Herpes, 7 pls., 1858. 3d fasc. Ichthyosis, pls. 10. 466-7. Heister. - Institutiones Chirurgicae. Opus triginta annorum. 2 vols. 4to. Amstelaedami MDCCXXXIX. M. Vattemare. 6247. Hennen.-Principles of Military Surgery. Philadelphia, 1830. R. Henry.-An Address before the Association of the Alumni of the University of the City of New York, June, 1852. By C. S. Henry, D.D. Pht. New York, 1853. 6011. Heurteloup.-Lettre a 1'Acad. des Sciences. Examen Critique de 1'ouvrage de M. C. doct. Civiale intitule "De la Lithotritie ou Broiement de la Pierre dans la Vessie et appreciation des faits presentees par ce Medicin." Par M. C. Baron Heurteloup, M.D. Pht. Paris, 1827. Af. Vattemare. 6158. Hewson.-Experimental Inquiries, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Published by Sydenham Society, 1846. 26 509*7. Hexamer.-Die Kinder Cholera, oder Summer Complaint in den Bereinigten Staaten. Von Dr. Adolph C. Hexamer. 12mo. New York, 1858. Hildamus. - Gylhelmi Fabricii Hildani. Illustrissimi Marchionis Badensis et Hochbergensis, &c. Opera quae extant omnia. Fol. Francofurti ad Mcenvm, 1646. Hippocrates.-(Euvres Completes d'Hippocrate, &c. See Gen. Cat. 8 vols. 8vo. The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. Translated from the Greek; with a preliminary discourse and annotations. By Francis Adams, LL.D, Surg. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Published by Sydenham Society. 6248-9. The same. R. 6250. Hirsch.-Handbuch der historisch-geographischen Patho- logic. Bearbeitet von Dr. A. Hirsch. 8vo. Erlangen, 1859. R. 5043-4. Histoire.-Histoire des Membres de 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. on Recueil des Eloges lus dans seances publiques. Par E. Pariset, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1850. History.-Natural History of New York, embracing Zoology, Mineralogy, Botany, Geology and Palaeon- tology, Agriculture. By sundry Authors. 4to. 18 vols. 1842-1853. Medical and Surgical History of the British Army, which served in Turkey and the Crimea, during the War against Russia in 1854-5-6. 2 vols. fol. London, 1858. 5042. Hittell.-A New System of Phrenology. By John S. Hittell. New York, 1857. 6176. Hodge-On Diseases peculiar to Women, including Dis- placements of the Uterus. By Hugh L. Hodge, M.D. & P. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. 4572-3. Hodgkin.- Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes. By Thomas Hodgkin, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836-40. 5021. Holden.-Human Osteology ; comprising a Description of Bones. With delineations of the attachment of the muscles; the general and microscopic structure of bone and its development, &c. By Luther Holden, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1855. 6095. Holland.-Chapters on Mental Physiology. By Henry Holland, M.D.F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1852. 4773. Hood.-A Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water; on Ventilation, and the various methods of distributing artificial heat, and their effects on Animal and Vegetable Physiology, &c. By Charles Hood, F.R.S. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1844. 27 5088. Hood.-The Successful Treatment of Scarlet Fever ; also Observations on the Pathology and Treatment of Crowing Inspiration in Infants. By P. Hood, Surgeon. 12mo. London, 1857. 4884. Hooker.-Physician and Patient; or a Practical View of . the mutual duties, relations, and interests of the Medical Profession and the Community. By Worthington Hooker, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1849. 4915. Home.-Observations on Cancer, connected with Histories of the Disease. By Everard Home, Esq., F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1805. 4774. Hosking.-A Guide to the Proper Regulation of Build- ings in Towns, as a means of promoting and securing the health, comfort, and safety of the inhabitants. By Wrn. Hosking, Architect. 8vo. London, 1848. Hospital.-An Account of St. Luke's Hospital. Pht. New York, 1860. Foundling. See Brownlow. Hough.-Results of a Series of Meteorological Observa- tions, made in obedience to instructions from the Regents of the University, at sundry academies in the State of New York, from 1826 to 1850, inclusive. Compiled from the original returns, and the annual reports of the Regents of the University. By Franklin B. Hough, M.D. 4to. Albany, 1855. G. C. Verplanck. 4619. Hughes.-A Clinical Introduction to the Practice of Auscultation, and other modes of physical diagnosis. By H. M. Hughes, M.D. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1846. H unter.-The Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus. By Wm. Hunter, F.R.S. Fol. London, 1851. Pub- lished by Sydenham Society. A Treatise on the Venereal Disease. By John Hunter, F.R.S. With copious additions, by Dr. Philip Ricord. Ed. with Notes. By F. G. Bumstead, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. 4397. A Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation, and Gun- Shot Wounds. Ed. by J. F. Palmer. Philad. 1840. 6251. The Same. R. 5012. Huss.-Statistics and Treatment of Typhus and Typhoid Fever, from twelve years' experience gained at the Sera- phim Hospital in Stockholm (1840-52). By Magnus Huss, M.D., &c. Translated by Ernst Aberg, M.D. 8vo. London, 1855. 1917a.-b. Huxham. - Huxhami Joannis Opera Physico-Medica. T. 2. 8vo. Lipsise, 1785. 28 6252-3. Hyrtl.-Handbuch der Topograph ischen Anatomie, und Hirer praktish medicinisch-chirurgischen anwerdungen von Joseph Hyrtl, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1857. R. I. 4689. Ingleby.-Fadts and Cases in Obstetric Medicine. With observations on some of the most important diseases incident to Females. By J. T. Ingleby, M.R.C.S. 8vo. London. 6088. Ink.--History of, including its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography. 12mo. New York, 1860. F.Prime. 6134. Inman.-On Myalgia; its Nature, Causes and Treatment; being a Treatise on painful and other affections of the muscular system. By Thomas Inman, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1860. Isaacs-Researches into the Structure and Physiology of the Kidney. By C. E. Isaacs, M.D. Read before N. Y. Acad, of Med., March, 1856. J. 4621. Jackson.-A Report founded on the Cases of Typhoid Fever; or the common continued Fever of New Eng- land, which occurred in the Massachusetts General Hospital, from the opening of that Institution in Sep- tember, 1821, to the end of 1835. By James Jackson, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 4977. Letters to a Young Physician just entering upon Practice. 3d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1855. 4639-40. Jacquemier.-Manuel des Accouchements et des Maladies des Femmes Grosses et Accouchees. Par J. Jacque- mier, M.D. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 4964. Jameson.-A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. By Hora- tio G. Jameson, Sen., M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. 4778-9. Jenner.-The Life of Ed. Jenner, M.D., LL.D., Physician Extraordinary to his Majesty George IV. With illus- trations of his Doctrines, &c. By John Baron, M.D., F.R.S. 2 vols. -8vo. London, 1838. 4959-60a. Jobert.-Traite de Chirurgie Plastique, Par A. J. Jobert (de Lamballe). 2 vols. 8vo. Atlas. 4to. Paris, 1849. 4890. Traite des Fistules Vesico-Uterines-Vesico-Utero Vaffinales, Entero-Vasxinales, et Recto-Vaginales. lOfis. 8 vo. Paris, 1852. 4974. Johnson. - On the Diseases of the Kidney; their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By George Johnson, M.D. 8vo. London, 1852. 29 6047. Johnson.-Life, Health, and Disease. By Ed. Johnson, M.D. 12mo. London, 1857. 6011. Johnston and Sinclair.-Practical Midwifery; com- prising an account of 13,748 deliveries which occurred in the Dublin Lying-in Hospital, during a period of seven years, from Nov. 1847. By Ed. B. Sinclair, T.C.D., and Geo. Johnson, M.D. Edinburgh. 8vo. London, 1858. 4602. Jones.-A General Outline of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. By Th. Rymer Jones. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1841. 4641. A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Oph- thalmic Medicine and Surgery. By T. Wharton Jones, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1847. 4938. Jones and Sieveking.-A Manual of Pathological Anatomy. By C. Handfield Jones, M.B.F.R.S., and Ed. H. Sieve- king, M.D., F.R.C.P. Illustrated. 1st Amer. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. 6254. The same. R. 4752. Jourdain.-A Treatise on the Diseases and Surgical Operations of the Mouth, and Parts adjacent. By M. Jourdain, Dentist & M.C.S. 8vo. Philad. 1851. K. 5051. Kiernan.-The Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver. By Francis Kiernan, M.R.C.S. 4to. London, 1833. Kirk.- Practical Observations on Cholera Asphyxia. By J. B. Kirk, M.D. Pht. New York, 1832. Kirkbride.-Notice of some Experiments on Heating and Ventilating Hospitals and other Buildings, by Steam and Hot Water, with remarks. By T. S. Kirkbride, M.D., Phys, to Pennsylv. Hospital for Insane. Pht. Philadelphia, 1850. Remarks on the Construction and Arrangement of Hospitals for the Insane. Pht. Philad. 1847. 6255. Kirkes and Paget.-Manual of Physiology. By Wm. Senhouse Kirkes, M.D. Assisted by James Paget, F.R.S. 2d Amer. ed. 8vo. Philad. 1853. 6109. Kiwisch.-Chapters on Diseases of the Ovaries. Trans- lated by permission, from Kiwisch's Clinical Lectures on the Special Pathology and Treatment of the Diseases of Women; with Notes and an Appendix on the Operation of Ovariotomy. By John Clay, M.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1860. 30 Knapp.-Discovery of the Cause, Nature, Cure, and Pre- vention of Epidemic Cholera. By M. L. Knapp, M.D. Pht. Cincinnati, 1855. 5086-7. Researches on Primary Pathology, and the Origin and Laws of Epidemics. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1858. 6159-60. Kollikkr.-Manual of Human Histology. By A. Kblliker, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, in Wurzburg. Translated and edited by Geo. Busk, F.R.S., and Thomas Huxley, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Published by Sydenham Society. 4398. Kramer.-The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear. 6161-2. Kuechenmeister.-On Animal and Vegetable Parasites of the Human Body; a Manual of their Natural History, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By Dr. Fred. Kuchen- meister. Translated by Ed. Lankester, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1857. Pub. by Sydenham Society. L. 6256-7-8. Laennec.- Traite de 1'Auscultation Mediate, et des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur. Par R. T. 11. Laennec. 3 tom. 8vo. 4th ed. Paris, 1837. R. 4300. Lallemand.- On Involuntary Seminal Discharges. Trans- lated by II. J. McDougal. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. 6144. Lallemand et Perrin.-Du Role de 1'Alcool et des Ancsthesiques dans 1'Organisme, recherchcs experimen- tales. Par Ludgear Lallemand et Maurice Perrin, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 4916. Lambe.-A Medical and Experimental Inquiry into the Origin, Symptoms, and Cure of Constitutional Diseases, particularly Scrofula, Consumption, Cancer, and Gout. By Wm. Lambe, M.D. 8vo. London, 1805. 4939. La Roche.-Pneumonia, its supposed Connection, Patho- logical and Etiological, with Autumnal Fevers; includ- ing an Inquiry into the existence and morbid agency of Malaria. By R. La Roche, M.D., &c. 8vo. Philad. 1854. 5072-3. Yellow Fever; considered in its Historical, Patho- logical, Etiological, and Therapeutical Relations; in- cluding a Sketch of the Disease as it has occurred in Philadelphia, from 1699 to 1854 ; with an Examination of the connections between it and the Fevers known under the same name in other parts of temperate, as well as tropical regions. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. 6259-60. The same. R. 31 4631. Latham.-Lectures on Subjects connected with Clinical Medicine, comprising Diseases of the Heart. By P. M. Latham, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 6099-6100. Laycock.- Mind and Brain ; or, the co-rclations of Con- sciousness and Organisation ; with their applications to Philosophy, Zoology, Physiology, Mental Pathology, and the Practice of Medicine. By Thomas Laycock, M.D., F.R.S.E. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1860. 6021. Lawrence.-The Diagnosis of Surgical Cancer. By John Z. Lawrence, F.R.C.S. 2d ed. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Anatomico-Chirurgical Views of the Nose, Mouth, Larynx, and Fauces ; with appropriate explanations and references. By William Lawrence, F.R.S. Fol. Lon- don, 1834. 6261. A Treatise on Ruptures. From 5th London edition. Philad. 1843. R. 6262. A Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. New edition. Philad. 1854. R. 4725-6-7. Lebert.-Physiologic Pathologique ou Recherches Cli- niques, Experimentales, et Microscopiques, sur 1'Inflam- mation, la Tuberculisation, les Tumeurs, la formation du Cal, &c. Par II. Lebert, M.D. 2 tom. 8vo. pls. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 4882. Traite Pratique des Maladies Scrofuleuses et Tuber- culeuses. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Traite d'/Ynatomie Pathologique, Generale et Spe- ciale, ou Description et Iconographie Pathologique des Alterations Morbides tant liquides que solides observees dans le corps humain. lllustre de planches dessinees d'apres Nature. Fol. Paris, 1855-60. Liv. 1 to 36. 4940. Lee.-Pathological and Surgical Observations ; including a short course of Lectures delivered at the Lock Hospital ; and an Essay on the Surgical Treatment of Htemorrhoidal Tumours. By Henry Lee, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1854. 4891. On the Origin of Inflammation of the Veins ; and on the Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Purulent Deposits. 8vo. London, 1850. 4905. Memoirs on the Ganglia and Nerves of the Uterus. By Robert Lee, M.D., F.R.S. 4to. London, 1849. 4905. Memoir on the Ganglia and Nerves of the Heart. 4to. London, 1851. 4764. On Tumours of the Uterus and its Appendages. By Thos. S. Lee. 8vo. London, 1847. 32 4299b. Le Clerc.-Ilistoire de la Medecine, oil 1'on voit 1'origine et les progres de cet Art, de siecle en sifecle ; les Sectes qui s'y sent formees; les noms de Medecins, leurs decouvertes, leurs opinions, <kc. &c. Par Daniel Le Clerc. Doct. en Med. 4to. Amsterdam!, 1623. Le Gendre.-Anatomie Chirurgicale Homolograpbique, ou Description et Figures des Principales Regions du Corps Humain, representees de grandeur naturelle d'apres des sections planes pratiquees sur des cadavres congeles. Par le doct. E.Q. Le Gendre. Fol. Paris, 1858. 5067-8 Leuret et Gratiolet.-Anatomie Comparee du Systeme 8 bis. Nerveux consideree dans ses rapports avec 1'Intelligence. Par Fr. Leuret et P. Gratiolet. Pl. 32 fol. texte 2 t. 8vo. Paris, 1839-1857. 5022-3. Levy.-Traite d'Hygiene publiqnc et privee. Par Michel Levy, M.D. 3d ed. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 6263-4. The same. R. 4706. Liebig.-Researches on the Chemistry of Food, and the Motion of the Juices in the Animal Body. By Justus Liebig, M.D. Edited by Wm. Gregory, M.D., and E. N. Horsford, A.M. 8vo Lowell, 1848, 4421. Liston.-Lectures on the Operations of Surgery ; and on the Diseases and Accidents requiring Operations. By Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S.; with numerous additions, by Th os. D. Mutter, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. On a Variety of False Aneurism. By Robert Liston, F.R.S. Pht. London, 1842. Litiiotritie.-Etude Historique de la Lithotritie. Pht. M. Vattemare. 4599. Littell.-A Manual of the Diseases of the Eye ; or, a Treatise on Ophthalmology. By S. Littell, Jr., M.D. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1846. 4576. Little.-A Treatise on the Nature of Club-Foot, and analogous distortions; including their treatment both with and without surgical operation. By W. J. Little, M.D. 8vo. London, 1839. 4577. On Ankylosis or Stiff-Joint; a practical Treatise on the contractions and deformities resulting from diseases of the Joints. 8vo. London, 1843. 4888. Lizars.-A System of Practical Surgery ; including all the recent Discoveries and Operations. By John Lizars. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1847. 5089. Lobb.-On some of the more obscure Forms of Nervous Affections ; their Pathology and Treatment, with an In- troduction on the Physiology of Digestion and Assimi- lation ; and the generation and distribution of nerve force. By II. W. Lobb. 8vo. London, 1858. 33 4765. Lonsdale.-A Practical Treatise on Fractures. By Ed. Lonsdale, Surg. 8vo. London, 1848. 6062. Louis.-Eloges Ins dans les seances publiques de 1'Acad. Hoy. de Chirurgie de 1750 a, 1792. Par A. Louis. Recueillis et publies pour la premiere fois au nom de 1'Acad. Imp. de Med. et d'apres les inanuscrits origin- aux, &c. Par E. Fred. Dubois, d'Amiens. 8vo. Paris, '1859. 6265. Recherches Anatomico-Pathologiques surlaPhthisie. Par C. H. A. Louis, D.M. 8vo. Paris, 1825. R. 6266. Lucas.- Traite Philosophique et Physiologique de 1'Heredite Naturelle dans les etats de sante et de maladie du Systeme Nerveux, avec 1'application methodique des lois de la prevention au traitement general des affec- tions dont elle est le principe. Par le Dr. Prosper Lucas. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1850. R. 4578. Lugol.-Researches and Observations on the Causes of Scrofulous Diseases. By J. G. Lugol. Translated by AV. II. Ranking, M.D. 8vo. London, 1844. Lyceum.-Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Vol. iv. Nos. 5. 6. 7. M. 6124. Macilwain.-Memoirs of John Abernethy, F.R.S.; with a View of his Lectures, Writings, and Character. By George Macilwain, F.R.C.S. 12mo. New York, 1853. 4623. Mackintosh.-Elements of Pathology and Practice of Physic. 4th American edition. By S. G. Morton, M.D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. 6063. Maclean.-Evils of Quarantine Laws, and non-existence of Pestilential Contagion. By Charles Maclean, M.D. Svo. London, 1824. 6042. Macleod.-Notes on the Surgery of the War in the Crimea; with Remarks on the Treatment of Gun-Shot Wounds. By Geo. H. B. Macleod, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6365. Maclise.- Surgical Anatomy. By Joseph Maclise, F.R.C.S. 68 colored pits. Fol. Philadelphia, 1857. R. On Dislocations and Fractures. Fol. Lond. 1858. 4652. Malgaigne.-Manual of Operative Surgery. Translated by F. Brittan, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1846. 6268. The same. R. 4961-2. Traite des Fractures et des Luxations. Par J. F. 2a. Malgaigne, Prof. 2 tom. 8vo. texte, Planches fol. Paris, 1855. 34 6102. Malgaigne.-On Fractures. Translated, with Notes, by J no. H. Packard, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1859. * Mandl.-Anatornie Microscopique. Par le doct. L. Mandi. 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1838-1857. Mangetus.-J. J. Mangeti, medicinm doctoris, et sereniss. ac potentiss. Regis Prussiae Archiatri, Bibliotheca Cheinica Curiosa, &c. 2 vols. Fol. Colonia Allo- brognm, 1702. Manley.-Anniversary Discourse before the New York Academy of Medicine, Nov. 1848. By James R. Manley. Pht. 1849. 4699 Mantell.-The Wonders of Geology ; or a familiar a, exposition of Geological Phenomena. By J. A. Mantell, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. 6001. Markus.-Rapport sur la Cholera Morbus de Moscow. Par F. C. M. Markus, Secretaire de Conseil temporaire de Medecine. 4to. Moscow, 1832. 6064. Martinez.-Considerations Historiques, Theoriques, Pra- tiques et Critiques sur la Fievre Jaune. Par C. V. y Martinez, M.D. Pht. Montpellier, 1857. 6065. Marx and Willis.-On the Decrease of Disease, effected by the Progress of Civilization. By C. F. H. Marx and R. Willis, M.D. 16mo. Lond. '1844. * Mascagni.-Anatoinia Universale del Professore Paolo Mascagni, &c. Fol. Firenze, 1833. Col'd plates. 6269-a. Maygrier.-Nouvelles Demonstrations d'Accouchements, avec planches en folio. 81. 2d ed. tcxte. 8vo. Paris, 1840. R. 6177. Mayne.-An Expository Lexicon of the Terms, Ancient and Modern, in Medical and General Science ; including a complete Medico-Legal Vocabulary, &c., &c. One thick vol. 8vo. London, 1 855-60. 4925. De la Localisation des Bains et de 1'application du froid et de la chaleur sur les diverses parties du corps humain. Par Chas. Mayor, fils, M.D. Pht. Lausanne, 1844. 4926. Quelques Mots sur un precede par 1'administration de 1'ether dans les operations chirurgicales. 1847. 4927. Mayor.-Manuel du Baigneur sans Bagnoire, on moyen simple, economique, et facile de trailer un grand nom- bre de maladies d'aprbs des principes du professeur Ma- thias Mayor, Chir. en Chef de I'hopital de Lausanne. 32mo. Paris, 1846. 4924. Nouveau Mode de trailer les Fractures. Memoire posthume de M. Mayor. Pht. Lyon, 1847. 4928. Principes fondamentaux du Catheterisme. Pht. 35 4922. Mayor.-Sur le Catheterisme simple et force, et sur le traitement des retrecessemens de 1'uretre et des fistules urrnaires. 2d ed. 12mo. Paris, 1836. 4920-1. Nouveau Systeme de Deligation Chirurgicale. 2d ed. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4929. Theorie et principe fondamental du traitement me- canique des Gibbosites. Plit. Lausanne, 1847. 4698. McClellan.-Principles and Practice of Surgery. By the late Geo. McClellan, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 4579. McCormac.-Methodus Medendi; or the description and treatment of the principal diseases incident to the human frame. By H. McCormac, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1842. 4685. Meigs.-Females and their Diseases ; a series of Letters to his Class. By Charles D. Meigs, M.D. & P. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 4941. On the Nature, Signs, and Treatment of Childbed Fevers; in a series of Letters addressed to the Students of his Class. 8vo. Philad. 1854. 4708. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. By J. Forsyth Meigs, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1848. Memoir.-Memoir of John A. Swett, M.D., late Professor of Theory and Practice in the University of the city of New York, Physician of the N. Y. Hospital. By B. W. McCready, M.D. Pht. New York, 1855. Of the late J. Kearny Rodgers, M.D. See Delafield. Memoir of the late Robt. Troup Paine. By his Father. 4to. New York, 1852. Memoires de Med. Militaires, &c. Vide Recueil. Memoir of Desaussure. Vide Senebier. 4709. Memoirs.-Observations on Surgical Diseases of the Head and Neck, selected from the Memoirs of the Royal Aca- demy of Surgery of France. Translated by Dreury Ottley. 8vo. London, 1848. Pub. by Sydenham Soc. 4667. Mendelhall.-The Medical Student's Vade-Mecum, or Manual of Examinations. 2d ed. By George Mendel- hall, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 465. Mercurialis.-Hieronymi Mcrcurialis Foroliviensis, svi secoli Medicorum facile principiis in omnes Hippocratis Aphorismos Praelectiones Patauinse. 4to. Lvgdvni. MDCCXXXI. M. Vattemare. 4580. Miller.-The Principles of Surgery. By James Miller, F.R.S.E. 8vo. Philad. 1845. 4624. The Practice of Surgery. 8vo. Philad. 1846. 36 4732. Mohr, Redwood, and Proctor.-Practical Pharmacy ; the arrangements, apparatus, and manipulations of the pharmaceutical shop and laboratory. By Fr. Mohr, Ph., Dr. Theophilus Redwood, Prof. Chem. and Bot., and edited, with additions, by Wm. Proctor, Jr., Prof. Pharmacy, &c. 8vo. Philad. 1849. 6066. Moir.-Outlines of the Ancient History of Medicine ; being a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabians. By D. M. Moir, Surg. 12mo. Lond. 1831. 4768. Montfalcon et De Poliniere.-Traite de la Salubrite dans les Grandes Villes, suivi de 1'hygiene de Lyons. Par les Doct. J. B. Montfalcon et A. P. J. de Poliniere. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 5024. Montgomery.-An Exposition of the Signs and Symp- toms of Pregnancy ; with some other papers on subjects connected with Midwifery. By W. F. Montgomery, M.D. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1856. 4646. Moore.-The Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. By G. Moore, M.D. 12mo. New York, 1847. 6125. Moorman.-The Virginia Springs, and Springs of the South and West. By J. J. Moorman, M.D. 12mo. Philad. 1859. 6000-1. Morel.-Traite des Degenerescences Physiques, Intellec- tuelles, et Morales de 1'Espece Humaine, et des Causes qui produisent ces varietes Maladies. Par le doct. B. IL Morel. 8vo., plates 4to. Paris, 1857. 6075. Precis d'Histologie Humaine. Par C. Morel. Des- sins d'apr&s Nature, par A. Villermin, D.M. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6135. The same. Translated by Wm. H. Van Buren, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1860. 463. Morgagni.-Joannis Baptistre Morgagni Foroliviensis, in Patavino Gyinnasio Primarii Anatornes Professoris et Praesidis, &c. 4to. Lvgdvni Batavorum. M. Vattemare. 6012. Morland.-Diseases of the Urinary Organs; a Compen- dium of their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment. By W. AV. Morland, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1858. 5031. Morris.-Lectures on Scarlet Fever. By Caspar Morris, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1851. Mott,-An Inaugural Address, delivered before the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, Feb. 1849, by V. Mott, M.D.; to which is prefixed an Address, by J. W. Francis, M.D., to the President elect. 1849. 37 Mott.-An Address, introductory to a Course of Lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N.Y. 1850-1. " Reminiscences of Medical Teaching and Teachers in New York." 4923. Munaret.-Notice sur Mathias Mayor; sa vie et ses tra- vaux. Par le Dr. Munaret. Pht. Paris, 1847. 4625. Murphy.-Lectures on Natural and Difficult Parturition. By Ed. W. Murphy, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1846. N. 4663. Negrier.-Recherches et Considerations sur la Constitu- tion et les Fonctions du Col de 1'Uterus, dans le but d'eclairer 1'etiologie des insertions placentaires sur cette region, et de conduire a un choix de moyens propres a combattre les hemorrhagies qui en sont les conse- quences. Par C. Negrier. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Neison.-Contributions to Vital Statistics ; being a deve- lopment of the Rate of Mortality and the Laws of Sick- ness, from original and extensive data, &c. By F. G. P. Neison, F.L.S. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1857. 4409. Nelaton.-Elemens de Pathologic Chirurgicale. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844-49. 6104. D'une nouvelle esphce de Tumeurs Benignes des Os, ou Tumeurs a Myeloplaxes. Par le doct. Eugene Ne- laton. 3 pls. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 4913. Neligan.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin. By J. Moore Neligan, M.D. 8vo. Dublin, 1852. 6090. Nightingale.-Notes on Nursing; what it is, and what it is not. By Florence Nightingale. 12mo. N. York, 1860. 6013. Nunneley.-On the Organs of Vision ; their Anatomy and Physiology. By Thomas Nunneley, F.R.C.S.E. 8 vo. London, 1848. 4982. Nysten.-Dictionnaire de Medecine, de Chirurgie, de Pharmacie, des Sciences Accessoires, et de I'Art Veteri- naire. Par P. H. Nysten. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1855. O. 6163. (Esterlen.-Medical Logic. By F. (Esterlen, M.D. Translated and edited by G. Whitley, M.D. 8vo. Lon- don, 1855. Pub. by Sydenham Soc. 4413-17. Orfila.-Traite de Medecine Legale. Par M. Orfila, M.D. 3d ed. 4 tonf. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 38 5075. Otto.-A Manual of the Detection of Poisons, by Medico- Chemical Analysis. By Dr. Fr. Jul. Otto. Translated from the German, by Wm. Elderhorst, M.D. 12mo. New York, 1857. 5025. Owen.-Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Phy- siology of the Invertebrate Animals. By Richard Owen, F.R.S. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1855. 5026. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physio- logy of the Vertebrate Animals. Part L, Fishes. 8vo. London, 1846. P. 4942. Paget.-Lectures on Surgical Pathology. By James Paget, F.R.S. 8vo. Philad. 1855. 6270. The same. R. 4647. Paine.-The Institutes of Medicine. By M. Paine, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1847. 6073. The same. 5th ed. 1859. 6370. Pancoast.-A Treatise on Operative Surgery. 4to. R. Pariset.-See Histoire. 5066. Parish.-Medical Opinions upon the Mental Competency of Mr. Parish to make a Will; case tried before the Surrogate of New York. By John Watson, M.D., D. T. Brown, and others. 8vo. New York, 1857. 4943. Parker.-The Modern Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1854. 6146. Parkes.-The Composition of the Urine, in Health and Disease, and under the action of Remedies. By Ed- mund A. Parkes, M.D. 8vo. London, 1860. 6048. Parkins.-The Causation and Prevention of Disease. By John Parkins, M.D. 8vo. London, 1859. 4978. Parrish.-An Introduction to Practical Pharmacy ; de- signed as a text book for the student, and as a guide to the physician and pharmaceutist. By Ed. Parrish. 8vo. Philad. 1856. Parsons.-Address delivered before the American Medi- cal Association, May, 1854. By Usher Parsons, M.D., V.P. Pht. Patterson.-Lecture, introductory to the course of Ma- teria Medica, in the Medical Department of Pennsylva- nia College, 1851-2. By II. S. Patterson, M.D. Pht. Philad. 1851. 5056. Peirce.-Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., as to their purity and adulterations. By C. H. Peirce, M.D., Ex. of Medicines, Boston. 12mo. Cam- bridge, 1852. 39 6036. Pemberton.-Observations on the History, Pathology, and Treatment of Cancerous Diseases. By Oliver Pem- berton. Part I.: Melanosis. 8vo. London, 1858. 462. Perdulcis.-See Gen. Cat. The same. Lugduni, 1650. 6271-2. Pereira.-Elements of Materia Medica. 3d Am. ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1852. R. 4695. Perreve.-Traite des Retrecissements Organiques de 1'Uretre. Par Victor Perrdve. 3 pits. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Pharmacopceia.-See Gray. 4418. Phillips.-Scrofula; its Nature, its Causes, its Preva- lence, and the principles of Treatment. By B. Phillips, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1846. 4226. Physick.-A Memoir on the Life and Character of Philip Sy ng Physick, M.D. By S. Randolph, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1839. 6629. Pickford.-Hygiene ; or Health as depending upon the Condition of the Atmosphere, Foods and Drinks, Motion and Rest, &c. By James H. Pickford, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. 6273. The same. R. Porcher.-A Medico-Botanical Catalogue of the Plants and Ferns of St. John's Berkly, So. Ca.; an Inaugural Thesis for the degree of M.D. By Francis P. Porcher. Pht. Charleston, 1847. 6274. Porter.-Observations on the Surgical Pathology of the Larynx and Trachea. R. Post.-Anniversary Oration before the New York Aca- demy of Medicine, Nov. 1849. By Alfred C. Post, M.D. Pht. 4682. Pouchet.-Theorie Positive de 1'Ovulation Spontanee et a. de la Fecundation des Mammiferes et de 1'Espece Hu- maine; basee sur 1'observation de tout la sexe animale. Par F. A. Pouchet, M.D. 8vo. 20 plates 4to. Paris, 1847. 6147. Power.-Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, Descriptive and Surgical, with the descriptive Anatomy of the Heart. By John Hatch Power, M.D., &c., with illustrations. 8vo. London, I860. 6274 a. Prichard.-Ethnographical Map, illustrative of the Na- tural History of Man. Folio. 62-75. Pringle.-Observations on Diseases of the Army. 4th ed. 1764. R. Purple.-Corpus Luteum ; its value as evidence of Con- ception, and its relation to Legal Medicine, &c. By S. S. Purple, M.D. Pht. New York, 1846. 40 Q. 4945 a. Quain.-The Surgical Anatomy of the Human Body, in 87 drawings imperial fol., size of life; drawn from nature, and on stone, by Jos. Maclise, M.R.C.S. Lond. 1847. 4945. The Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, and its application to Pathology and Operative Surgery, explanatory of the above plates. 8vo. London, 1844. 6129-30. Human Anatomy. By James Quain, M.D.; edited by Rd. Quain, F.R.S., and Wm. Sharpey, M.D., F.R.S. t 1st Amer, from 5th Lond. ed. Edited by Jos. Leidy, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1849. 4944. The Diseases of the Rectum. By R. Quain, F.R.S. 12mo. London, 1854. 6371. Quain and Wilson.-Anatomical Plates. 4to. Philad. 1843. R. 6087. Quarantine.-Proceedings and Debates of the Quaran- a. tine and Sanitary Conventions held in Philadelphia, May, 1857 ; Baltimore, April, 1858; N. York, April, 1859 ; and Boston, 1860. 4766. Quekett.-Practical Treatise on the Use of the Micro- scope. By John Quekett, Esq. 8vo. pits., Lond. 1848. R. 6057. Radcliffe.-Epilepsy and other Affections of the Ner- vous System, which are marked by Tremor, Convulsion, or Spasm ; their pathology and treatment. By Chas. B. Radcliffe, M.D. 8vo. London, 1854. 4582. Ray.-A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of In- sanity. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 6278. Education in relation to the physical health of the Brain ; a Lecture, delivered before the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, 1850. By J. Ray, Supt. Butler Hosp, for Insane. Boston, 1851. R. 6074. Recueil.-Recueil de Memoires du Medecine, de Chirur- gie et de Pbarmacie Militaires; publie par ordre de Ministre de la Guerre. 3d serie, tome premier. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 4614. Rees.-On the Analysis of the Blood and Urine, in Health and Disease. By G. O. Rees, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1844. 4957. On the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Kidney connected with albuminous urine. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 41 4904. Register.-Meteorological Register for twelve years, from 1831 to 184 2 inclusive; compiled from observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department of the Army at the Military Posts of the U. S. Prepared under the direction of Brevet Brig. Gen. Lawson, Surg. Gen. U. S. A. 8vo. Washington, 1851. 5094. Reid.-Ventilation in American Dwellings ; with a series of Diagrams presenting examples in different classes of habitations. By David B. Reid, M.D. 8vo. N.Y. 1858. 4615. Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of Ventila- tion, with remarks on warming, exclusive lighting, and the communication of sound. 8vo. London, 1844. 4661-2. Renouard.-Histoire de la Medicine, depuis son origine jusqu'au XIX siecie. Par le doct. P. V. Renouard. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 4662 a. Lettrcs Philosophiques et Historiques sur la Medecine au dix-neuvieine siecie. Paris, 1857. 6279-80. • The same. R. 5032. The same. Translated from the French, by C. G. Come- gys, M.D. & P. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1856. 6012. Reports.-Rapport presente a M. le Ministre de 1'Agri- culture et du Commerce, par 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. sur les Vaccinations pratiquees en France pendant I'annee 1843. Pht. Paris, 1845. M. Vattemare. 6010. Rapport et Discussions a 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. sur le Taille et la Lithotrite. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 6067. Rapport a 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. sur la Peste et les Quarantaines, fait au nom d'une commission, par M. le Dr. Prus. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Local Reports on the Sanitary Condition of the La- boring Population of England and Wales; made by direction of the Poor-Law Commissioners. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Do. for Scotland. 8vo. Lond. 1842. First Report of the Commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts; presented to Parliament by command of her Majesty. Fol. Lon- don, 1844. Appendix to same; part 2d, 1845. Report on Health of Towns. (Effect of Interments of Bodies.) Fol. London, 1842. First Report of the Metropolitan Sanitary Commis- sion ; Minutes of Evidence taken before the Commis- sioners appointed to inquire whether any and what special means may be requisite for the improvement of the health of the Metropolis. Fol. London, 1847. 42 Reports.-First and Second Reports of the Commissioners appointed for the same object. Fol. London, 1847-8. 6027. Report to the General Board of Health (Eng.) on the Sanitary State of the People of England. By Ed. H. Greenhow, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. Third and Final Report on the Experimental School for teaching and training Idiotic Children ; also, the First Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Youth. Pht. Cam- bridge, 1852. Report on the Sanitary Condition of the City of New York; presented to the N. Y. State Senate, by a Com- mittee of that body, Feb. 1859. The same. R. Annual Report of the Registrar-General (Eng.) of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. In continuation, vols. 17, 18, 19, 20. Report to the Right Hon. Lord Panmure, G.C.B., Minister at War, of the Proceedings of the Sanitary Committee dispatched to the seat of war in the east, 1855-56; presented to Parliament, 1857. 8vo. Lond. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Regulations affecting the Sanitary Condition of the Army, the Organisation of Military Hospitals, and the Treatment of the Sick and Wounded ; with Evi- dence, and an Appendix. 2 vols. fol. London, 1858. Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the U. S.; compiled from the Records of the Surgeon General's Office, embracing a period of 16 years, from Jan. 1839, to Jan. 1855. Prepared under the direction of Brevet Brig. Gen. Thomas Lawson, Surg. Gen. U. S. A., by R. II. Coolidge, M.D., Assist. Surg. IT. S. A. 4to. Washington, 1856. Second Report on the same, embracing a period of five years, from Jan. 1855, to Jan. 1860. 6367. The same. R. 6089. Report on the Cholera in Paris, published by author- ity of the French Government. Translated from the original, and printed by recommendation of the Board of Health and the Academy of Medicine of the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 1849. 5015. Reports on Epidemic Cholera, drawn up at the desire of the Cholera Committee of the Royal College of Physicians. By W in. Baly, M.D., and Wm. Gall, M.D., Members of the Com. 8vo. London, 1854. 43 5017. Reports.-Appendix to the Report of the Committee for Scientific Inquiries in relation to the Cholera Epide- mic of 1854, in England. 5016. Report of Registrar General on the Mortality of Cholera in England in 1848-49. Report of the Standing Sanitary Committee of the Board of Health of the City of New York on the subject of Asiatic Cholera, as it prevailed at the Quarantine, Staten Island, N. Y., 1848. Report of same on the Cholera in New York, 1849. Reports of City Inspector (City of New York) for the years 1850, '1, '3, to '59. Report of the Select Committee of the Senate of the State of New York on Charitable Institutions, Poor Houses, &c., made to the Legislature, 1857. Report of the Hon. James Meacham, of the Special Committee of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, on the Distribution of the Income of the Smithsonian' Fund. Pht. Washington, 1854. Report on the same, by the Hon. James A. Pierce. Washington, 1854. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Ex- penditures, and Condition of the Institution for the years 1849, 1857-8. 8vo. Washington. Smithsonian Reports on Public Libraries of the United States. Washington, 1851. Report of the Standing Committee on Medical Lite- rature ; presented to the American Medical Association, May, 1850. Pht. • Annual Report of the Governors of the Alms House, New York, for the years 1851-'2, '4-'5. Reports of Commissioners of Emigration, for the years 1848 to '53, and 1859. Reports of the Managers of the State Lunatic Asy- lum, Utica. 3 to 17 inclusive, 1, 2, 7, 8 wanted. 4896. Report of a General Plan for the promotion of Public and Personal Health, devised, prepared, and recommended by the Commissioners appointed under a resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to a Sanatory Survey of the State, April, 1850. 8vo. Boston. Report of the Committee on the "Incorporation of Cities and Villages" on the Bill entitled an Act con- cerning the Public Health of the Counties of N. York, Kings, and Richmond, March, 1860. Pht. 44 Reports.-Report of the Superintendent of the Poor of the County of Kings to the Supervisors of said county, for the year ending July, 1851 ; also a full Report of the Resident Physician of the Lunatic Asylum and Hospi- tal. Pht. 1851. Report of the Commissioners of Patents for the years 1850 and 1857. ■ Report of the Select Committee of the Chamber of Commerce on Quarantine. Pht. 1859. Report of the Commissioners for the removal of the Quarantine Station ; presented to the Senate Jan. 1860. 4949. First and Second Reports on Quarantine, embracing the subject of Yellow Fever; presented to both Houses of Parliament. 8vo. London, 1842. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey; showing the progress of the work during the year ending Nov. 1851. 8vo. vol. of maps 4to. Also for the years 1852 to 1858 inclusive. 7 vols. 4to. Report of the Chairman of the Committee (N. York Hospital) on Retrenchment; Inquiries presented by the Committee and the Y'isiting Committee to the Super- intendent and the Physicians and Surgeons of the New York Hospital, with their Replies to the same. Pht. New York, 1860. Report of a majority of the Committee appointed to investigate certain Charges against the Commissioners of Emigration, made to the Legislature, Jan. 1859. • Fourth Annual Report of the Officers of the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton, for the 'year 1850." Pht. Reports of Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane; with a Sketch of its History, Buildings, and Organiza- tion. By T. S. Kirkbride, M.D., Phys, to the Institu- tion. 8vo. Philad. 1841-46. Fifty-Seventh Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, made to the Legislature, Feb. 1844. Also the 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, in continuation. • Annual Reports of the Regents of the University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History. 1 to 12 incl. Rapport a S. Exc. le Ministre de I'Interieur sur les Tours, les Abandons, les Infanticides ct les Morts-nes, de 1826 a 1854. Par le Bon. de Watteville, Inspect. Genl, des Etablissements de Bienfaisance. 4to. Paris, 1856. 45 Reports.-Rapport a M. le Ministre de 1'Interieur sur 1'Ad- ministration des llopitaux et des Hospices. Premidre Partie. 4to. Paris, 1851. Rhazes. - Opera parua Albubetri filii Zacharie vel Rhanes. No date. A Treatise on the Small-Pox and Measles. By Abri Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacasii (commonly called Rhazes). Translated from the Arabic, by Wm. A. Greenhill, M.D. 8vo. London, 1848. Published by Sydenham Society. 6096. Ribes.-Traite d'Hygiene Therapeutiqne ou Application des Moyens de 1'Hygiene an traitement des maladies. Par F. Ribes, Prof. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 6014. Richardson.-The Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood ; being the Astley Cooper Prize Essay for 1856 ; with Additional Observations and Experiments, &c. By B. W. Richardson, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6092. On the Medical History and Treatment of Diseases of the Teeth, and the adjacent Structures; being Lec- tures delivered before the College of Dentists, England, 1858-59. 8vo. Lond. 1860. 6077. Richet.-Traite Pratique d'Anatomie Mcdico-Chirurgi- cale. Par A. Richet, M.D.P. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 5069. Ricord.-Lemons sur le Chancre professees par le doct. Ricord, redigees et publiees par Alf. Fournier. Int. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 6049. The same. Translated by C. F. Maunder. 8vo. Lond.' 1859. 4729. Traite Pratique des Maladies Veneriennes. Trans- lated by A. Sidnev Doane, M.D. 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1848. * Clinique Iconographique de I'Hopital des Vene- riennes, &c. Liv. 1 to 22, completing the work. 6015. Ridge.-Health and Disease; their Laws, with Plain Practical Prescriptions for the People. By Benjamin Ridge, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 5057. Rigby. - On the Constitutional Treatment of Female Diseases. By Ed. Rig'by, M.D. 12mo. Philad. 1857. 6093. Robert. - Conferences de Clinique Chirurgiqale, faites a 1'Hotel Dieu pendant 1'annee 1858-59. Par M. A. C. Robert. 8vo. Paris, 1860. Roberton. - A Few Additional Suggestions; with a View to the Improvement of Hospitals for the Sick and Wounded. By John Roberton. Pht. 1858. 46 6043. Roberts. - An Essay on Wasting Palsy (Cruveilhier's Atrophy). By Wm. Roberts, M.D. 4 pls. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6037. Robinson.-The Prevention and Treatment of Mental Disorders. By G. Robinson, M.D. 12mo. London, 1857. 4746. Rogers.-Surgical Essays and Cases in Surgery. By David L. Rogers, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1846. 4659-60. Roget. - Animal and Vegetable Physiology; with Reference to Natural Theology. By Peter M. Roget, M.D. 2d Amer. ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1830. 6164-67. Rokitansky.-A Manual of Pathological Anatomy. By Carl Rokitansky, M.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Translated from the German, by Ed. Sieveking, M.D. London, 1854. Published by Sydenham Society. 6285-6-7. The same. German ed. 3 vols. 1854-9. R. 6168. Romberg.-On Diseases of the Nervous System. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. 1852-53. Published by Sydenham Soc. 6148. Routh.-Infant Feeding and its Influence on Life ; or the Cause and Prevention of Infant Mortality. By C. II. F. Routh, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1860. 4986-7. Roux.-Quarante Annees de Pratique Chirurgicale. Par J. Roux, Chirurgien de 1'Hotel Dieu, &c. 8vo. tomes 1, 2. Paris, 1855. 6030. Rumsey.-Essays on State Medicine. By II. W. Rumsey. 8vo. London, 1856. 6288. The same. R. S. 6126. Salter.-On Asthma; its Pathology ' and Treatment. By Henry Hyde Salter, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1860. 5093. Scanzoni.-Traite Pratique des Maladies des Organes Sexuelles de la Femme. Par F. W. D. Scanzoni, Prof, d'accouchemens, &c„, a 1'Universite de Wurtz- bourg. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 6289. Scholl. - Medicinische Worterbuch. 16mo. Berlin, 1839. R. Schoolcraft. - Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States ; collected and pre- pared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Illustrated by S. Eastman, Captain, U. S. A. 5 vols. 4to. 1847. Presented by Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 47 6171. Schwann and Sohleiden.- Microscopical Researches into the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants. Translated from the German, by Henry Smith, F.R.C.S.E. 8vo. Lend. 184-7. 4735. Sedillot.-De 1'Infection Purulente on Pyaemie. Parle doct. C. Sedillot, Prof. 3 pls. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 4738. Seguin.-Traitement Morale, Hygiene et Education des Idiots, et des autres enfants arriercs ou retardes dans leur deveioppemcnt, Ac. Par E. Seguin. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Senebier.-Memoire Historique sur la Vie et les Ecrits de Horace Benedict Desaussure. Par Jean Senebier. 8vo. Geneve. 4892. Sherrill.-A Review of the Diseases of Dutchess Co., from 1809 to 1825 ; also, an Essay on a Disease of the Jaw-Bones, with an Appendix. By II. Sherrill. 8vo. New York, 1826. 6068-9. Short.-A General Chronological History of the Air, Weather, Seasons, Meteors, Ac., on some places and at different times; more particularly for the space of 250 years; together with some of their most remarkable Effects on Animal (especially Human) Bodies and Vegetables. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1749. * Sichel.-Iconographie Ophthalmologique, ou Descrip- tion, avec figures coloriees, des Maladies de 1'Organe de la Vue, Ac. Par J. Sichel, M.D. 2 tom. 4to. Paris, 1852-59. 5070. Sieveking.-On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures; their Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. By Ed. II. Sieveking, M.D. 12mo. Lond. 1858. 6169-70. Simon. - Animal Chemistry ; with Reference to the Physiology and Pathology of Man. By Dr. J. F. Simon. Translated by J. E. Day, L.M. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Published by Sydenham Society. 4979-80. Simpson.-The Obstetric Memoirs and Contributions of James Y. Simpson, M.D. Edited by W. O. Priestley, M.D., Edinb., and Horatio R. Storer, M.D., Boston. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1855-6. Sims.-Silver Sutures in Surgery. Anniversary Discourse before the N. Y. Acad, of Med., Nov. 1857. 4753. Skey.-Operative Surgery. By F. C. Skey, F.R.S. 8vo. Philad. 1850. Smith.-A Discourse on the Public Duties of Medical Men ; delivered as an Introductory Lecture at the Coll, of Phys, and Surgs., N. Y., Nov. 1846. By Joseph M. Smith, M.D. Pht. 48 Smith.-Anniversary Discourse before the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, Nov. 1850. Pht. An Address delivered on the Occasion of the In- auguration of the New South Building of the N. Y. Hospital, April 18, 1855. Pht. Address to the Graduates of the Medical Depart- ment of Pennsylv. Coll. By F. G. Smith, M.D. Pht. Philad. 1853. The Mutations of the Earth ; or an Outline of the more remarkable Physical Changes, of which, in pro- gress of time, this earth has been the subject and the theatre ; including an examination into the scientific errors of the Author of the Vestiges of Creation. By J. Aug. Smith, M.D. Pht. N. Y. 1846. 4692. A Treatise on Fractures in the Vicinity of Joints; and on Accidental and Congenital Dislocations. By Rob. W. Smith, M.D. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. 6290. The same. R. A Treatise on the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treat- ment of Neuroma. Fol. Dublin, 1849. 4966. The Pathology and Treatment of Leucorrhoea. By W. Tyler Smith, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1855. A Contribution to Statistics of Rupture of the Urinary Bladder; with a Table of 78 Cases. By Stephen Smith, M.D. Pht. N. York, 1851. 6002. Snomz.-On Chloroform and other Anaesthetics ; their Action and Administration. By John Snow, M.D., ed. with a Memoir of the Author, by B. W. Richard- son, M.D. 8vo. Bond. 1858. 4673. Solly.-The Human Brain; its Appendages, Structure, &c. 2d cd. Enlarged and improved. 8vo. London, 1847. Spigelius. - Adriani Spigelii Brvxellensis Anatomia Opervm Omnivm. 2 vols in 1. Fol. Amsterdam!, CIqIqCXLV. 4693. Spratt.-Obstetric Tables ; comprising Graphic Illustra- tions, with descriptions and practical Remarks. By G. Spratt, Surg. Acc. 4to. Philad. 1847. 6291. Spurzheim.-Phrenology ; or the Doctrines of Mental Phenomena. 2 vols. in 1. 5th Amer. ed. New York, 1846. R. 4901. Stanley.-A Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones. By Ed. Stanley, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Pls. 4to. 6292. The same, without the plates. Philad. 1849. R. 49 4648. Steinbrenner.-Traite stir la Vaccine, on Recherches Historique et Critique sur les resultats obtenus par les Vaccinations ct Revaccinations, depuis le commence- ment de leur emploi universel jusqu'a nos jours, &c. Par Cb. Steinbrenner, M.D. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Stevens.- A Plea of Humanity in behalf of Medical Education; the Annual Address delivered before the N. Y. Med. Soc., and the Legislature, Feb. 1849. By A. H. Stevens, M.D., and President. Pht. Albany, 1849. An Address to the Class of Graduates of the Coll, of Phys, and Surgs. of the University of the State of N. Y., March, 1847. Pht. Lectures on Lithotomy, delivered at the N. York Hospital, Dec. 1837. By Alex. H. Stevens, M.D., Surg. of the N. Y. Hospital, &c. 8vo. N. York, 1838. A Clinical Lecture on the Primary Treatment of Injuries ; delivered at the New York Hospital, Nov. 1837. Pht. 4627. Stewart.-A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Chil- dren. By James Stewart, M.D. 8vo. 3d ed. N. Y. A Few Remarks about Sick Children in N. York, and the necessity of an Hospital for them. By Philo- paedas, a Dispensary Physician. Pht. N. York, 1852. Stewart.-Anniversary Discourse before the N. York Acad, of Med., Nov. 1852. By F. C. Stewart, M.D. Pht. 6103. Eminent French Surgeons; with an Historical and Statistical Account of the Hospitals of Paris. 8vo. Buffalo. 4680. Stille.-Elements of General Pathology ; a Practical Treatise on the Causes, Forms, Symptoms, and Results of Disease. By Alf. Stille, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 6085-6. Therapeutics and Materia Medica. A Systematic Treatise on the Action and Uses of Medicinal Agents; including the Description and History. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. 5018. Stokes.-The Diseases of the Heart and the Aorta. By Wm. Stokes, M.D. & P. 8vo. Philad. 1854. 6293. The same. R. 4627. Sweetser.--A Treatise on Consumption ; embracing an Inquiry into the Influence exerted upon it by Journeys, Voyages, and change of climate, &c. By Wm. Sweet- ser, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1836. 4918. Swett.-A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest; being a Course of Lectures delivered at the New York Hos- pital. By John A. Swett, M.D. 8vo. N. York, 1852. 50 6294. Swett.-The same. R. Eulogy on James Macdonald, M.D., late Physician to the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane, &c.; de- livered before the N. Y. Med. & Surg. Soc. Pht. N. Y., 1849. Sydenham.-The Works of Thomas Sydenham, M.D. Translated from the Latin edition of Dr. Greenhill; with a Life of the Author. By R. J. Latham, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Published by Sydenham Society. 6295-6. The same. R. T. 4593. Tamplin.-Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Deformities ; delivered at the Royal Orthopaedic Hos- pital, Bloomsbury Square. By R. W. Tamplin, F.R.C.S.E. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 4*701. Tanquerel.-Lead Diseases; a Treatise from the French of L. Tanquerel des Planches; with Notes and Addi- tions on the Use of Lead Pipe and its Substitutes. By S. L. Dana, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1848. 503*7. Tanner.-A Manual of Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis. By T. H. Tanner, M.D. 12mo. Philad. 1855. 5090. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6137. On the Signs and Diseases of Pregnancy. 8vo. Lond. 1860. 6297-9. Tardieu.-Dictionnaire d'Hygiene Publique et de Salu- brite, ou Repertoire de toutes les questions relatives a la Sante Publique, &c. 3 tom. 8vo. Par Ambroise Tardieu, Prof. Paris, 1852. R. 4674. Taylor.-On Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurispru- dence and Medicine. By Alf. S. Taylor, F.R.S. Edited by R. E. Griffith, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 4616. Teale.-A Practical Treatise on Abdominal Hernia. By Thomas P. Teale, F.L.S. 8vo. London, 1846. 4969. Thenard.-Traite de Chimie Elementaire, Theorique et -73. Pratique. Par L. J. Thenard. 4th ed. 5 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 6070. Th£ry.-De 1'Asthme ; par Thery (Jean-Pierre). 8vo. Paris, 1859. Thompson. - Annals of Influenza, or Epidemic Ca- tarrhal Fever, in Great Britain, from 1810 to 1837 ; prepared and edited by Theophilus Thompson, M.D. 8vo. London, 1852. Pub. by Sydenham Soc. 51 4964. Thompson.-Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption. 8vo. London, 1851. 5091. Thompson.-The Enlarged Prostate; its Pathology and Treatment; with observations on the relation of this complaint to stone in the bladder. By Henry Thomp- son, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1858. 4953. The Pathology and Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra, both in the Male and Female ; being the Jack- sonian Prize of 1852. 8vo. London, 1854. 6003. Thudichum.-A Treatise on the Pathology of the Urine, including a complete guide to its analysis. By J. L. W. Thudichum, M.D. 8vo. London, 1858. 4754. Tilt.-On Diseases of Menstruation and Ovarian Inflam- mation, in connexion with Sterility, Pelvic Tumours, and Affections of the Womb. By A. J. Tilt, M.D. 8vo. 1850. 4965. Todd.-Clinical Lectures on Paralysis, Diseases of the Brain, and other affections of the Nervous System. By Rob. Bentley Todd, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. Philad. 1855. 5053. Clinical Lectures on certain Diseases of the Urinary Organs, and on Dropsies. 12mo. London, 1857. 6091. Clinical Lectures on certain Acute Diseases. 8vo. London, 1860. 5058. Todd and Bowman.-The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man. By R. B. Todd, M.D., and Wm, Bowman, F.R.S. 8vo. Philad. 1857. 6039. Tomes.-A System of Dental Surgery. By John Tomes, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1859. Tourtelle.-Elemens de Medecin, Theorique et Pratique. Par Etienne Tourtelle. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 6094. Toynbee.-On the Diseases of the Ear, their Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By Joseph Toynbee, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1860. 775 a. Trallian.-Alexandri Tralliani. Greek and Latin text. 6390. Travers.-An Inquiry concerning the State of the Vital Functions, &c. R. 6138. Further Observations in several Parts of Surgery. By Benj. Travers, F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1860. 4697. Tucker.-Elements of the Principles and Practice of Midwifery. By David H. Tucker, M.D. 8vo. Phil. 1848. 5076-7. Tully.-Materia Medica, or Pharmacy and Therapeutics. By Wm. Tully, M.D. vol. i., parts 1 & 2. 8vo. Spring- field, 1857-8? 1791. Turner.-Elements of Chemistry; with notes and emen- dations by Franklin Bache, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1840. 52 4617-18. Tyrrell.-A Practical Work on the Diseases of the Eye, and their treatment, medically, topically, and by opera- tion. By Fred. Tyrrell, Prof. Surg., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 6301-2. The same. R.1 U. 6172. Unzer and Prochaska.-The Principles of Physiology, by John August. Unzer, and a Dissertation on the Functions of the Nervous System, by George Prochaska. Translated and edited by Thomas Laycock. M.D. (Gottingen.) 8vo. London, 1851. Pub, by Sydenham Soc. ,5060. Ure.-A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines; by Andrew Ure, M.D., &c.; with supplement. 8vo. New York. 1847. V. 4739. Valleix.-Guide du Medecin Praticien, on Resume 4744. Generale de Pathologie Interne et de Therapeutique Appliques. Par F. L. I. Valleix, M.D. 8 tom. 8vo., bound in 4 vols. Paris, 1841-9. 4767. • Van Amringe.-An Investigation of the Theories of the Natural History of Man, by Lawrence, Prichard, and others, founded upon Animal Analogies, &c., &c. By Wm. F. Van Amringe. 8vo. New York, 1848. 4676-9. Velpeau.-New Elements of Operative Surgery. By Alf. A. L. M. Velpeau, D.M.P. Carefully revised, entirely remodelled, and augmented with a Treatise on Minor Surgery. 3 vols. royal 8vo., plates, 4to. 1st American from the last Paris edition. Translated by P. S. Town- send, M.D., under the supervision of, and with notesand observations by Valentine Mott, M.D. New York, 1847. 6305-8. The same. R. 4955. Traite des Maladies du Sein et de la Region Mam- maire. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 6173. The same ; translated by Mitchell Henry. London, 1856. Pub. by Sydenham Soc. 6011-12. Vernois.-Traite Pratique d'Hygiene Industrielle et Administrative; comprenant 1'etude d'etablissements insalubres, dangereuses et incommodes. Par le Dr. M. Vernois. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 53 948. Vicary.-A Treasure for English Men", containing the Anatomic of Man's Bodie. By Thomas Vicary, Esquier, and Sergeant Chirurgion of King Henry the Eighth. 12mo. (no date.) 4917. Vidal.-A Treatise on Venereal Diseases. By A. Vidal (de Cassis), Surgeon of the Venereal Hospital of Paris. Translated and edited by George C. Blackman, M.D., F.R.M., C.S. 8vo. New York, 1854. 6309. The same. R. 4675. Vincent.-Observations on some of the parts of Surgical Practice; to which is prefixed an inquiry into the claims that surgery may be supposed to have for being classed as a science. By John P. Vincent. 8vo. Lon- don, 1847. 6310. Virchow.-Die Cellular Pathologic in ihrer Begriin- dung auf Physiologische und Pathologische Gewe- belehre, von Rudolph Virchow, Prof. 8vo. Berlin, 1859. R. 6139. The same; translated by Frank Chance, M.B. 8vo. London, 1860. 4649. Vogel.-The Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body. By Julius Vogel, M.D. & P. Translated from the Ger- man, by Geo. E. Day, L.M., Cantab. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 7311. The same. R. 4650. Von Behr.-Handbook of Human Anatomy, General, Special, and Topographical. Translated by John Bir- kett, F.R.C.S. 8vo. Philad. 1847. W. Wachter-Dissertatio Chirurgica de Articulis Exstir- pandis imprimis de Genu exstirpatio in nosocomio Chirurgica Academia?. Groninganae, quam, faventc summo numine praeside viro clarissimo Joanne Mulder, A.L.M., Med. et Philos., Doc., &c. Publice defendet Georgius H. Wachter, P.f. Roterodamensis Auctor. MDCCCX. 4604. Wagner.-Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals; designed especially for the use of students. By Rudolph Wagner, M.D. 8vo. N. York, 1845. Wallace.-A Treatise on the Eye ; containing discove- ries on the causes of near and far sightedness, and of the affections of the retina, &c. By W. C. Wallace, Oculist. New York, 1839. 54 5062. Walker.-Gatherings from Grave-Yards, particularly those of London ; with a concise history of the inodes of interments among different nations from the earliest periods, and a detail of dangerous and fatal results pro- duced by the unwise and revolting custom of inhuming the dead in the midst of the living. By G. A.Walker, Surg. 8 vo. London, 1839. 4553. Walshe.-The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs. By W. H. Walshe, M.D. 12mo. Phil. 1843. 6312. On Cancer. 4968. Walton.-A Treatise on Operative Ophthalmic Surgery. By H. Haynes Walton. F.R.C.S. 1st Amer, from the 1st Lond. ed. Edited by S. Littell, M.D. 8vo. Phil. 1853. 6050. Wardrop.-On the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart; containing also some new views of the cir- culation of the blood, &c. By James Wardrop, M.D. 8vo. London, 1859. 6004. Watson.-Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic. By Thomas Watson. Revised and enlarged. 8vo. Philad. 1858. 6313. The same. R. Watson.-The True Physician : Anniversary Discourse before the New York Academy of Medicine, Nov. 1860. Thermal Ventilation, and other Sanitary Improve- ments, applicable to public buildings, and recently adopted at the N. Y. Hospital. A Discourse, deli- vered at the Hospital, Feb. 1851, by John Watson, M.D. 5014. The Medical Profession in Ancient Times; an Anniversary Discourse, delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, Nov. 1855. 8vo. N. Y. 1856. 4603. Watt.-A Treatise on the Nature, History, and Treat- ment of Chincough. By Rob. Watt, M.D. 8vo. Glas- gow, 1814. 6174. Wedl.-Rudiments of Pathological History. By Carl Wedl, M.D. Translated and edited by G. Rusk, F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1855. Sydenham Soc. 4736. Wells.-An Essay on Dew, and several Appearances connected with it. By Wm. C. Wells. 8vo. Philad. 1838. 4747. West.-Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Child- hood. By Charles West, M.D., F.R.C.P. 8vo. Lond. 1848. 6304. The same. R. 55 496*7. West.-An Inquiry into the Pathological Importance of a. Ulceration of the Os Uteri; being the Croonian Lec- ture for 1834. Part I. 8vo. Philad. 1854. Part II. 1858. 5033. Lectures on the Diseases of Women. Parti. a. Diseases of the Uterus. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Part II. Diseases of Ovaries, Vagina, Bladder, and Internal Organs. 5095. Wharton.-A Monograph of Mental Unsoundness. By Francis Wharton. 8vo. Philad. 1855. 5096. Wharton and Stille.-A Treatise on Medical Jurispru- dence. By F. Wharton and Moreton Stille, M.D. 8vo. Philad. 1855. 5013. Whitehead.-On the Transmission fiom Parent to Offspring of some Forms of Disease ; and of Morbid Taints and Tendencies. By James Whitehead, M.D., F.R.C.S. 8vo. London, 1851. * 6315. The same. R. 4687. - On the Causes and Treatment of Abortion and Sterility. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 5005. Wilde.-Practical Observations on Aural Surgery, and the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear; with Illustrations. By W. R. Wilde, F.R C.S., Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1853. 6316. The same. Philad. 1853. R. 6071. Wilks.-Lectures on Pathological Anatomy ; delivered at Guy's Hospital during 1857-58. By Samuel Wilks, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1859. 4704. Williams.-Principles of Medicine. Edited, with Addi- tions, by Meredith Clymer, M.D. 3d Amer. ed. from 2d Lond. ed. 8vo. Philad. 1848. 4552. The Pathology and Diseases of the Chest; com- prising a Rational Exposition of their Physical Signs. By Chas. J. B. Williams, M.D., F.R.S. 4th ed. Lond. 1840. 4554-5. Elements of Practical Medicine : Morbid Poisons, containing Typhus, Scarlatina, Morbilli, &c. By Rob. Williams, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-39. 6031. Wilson.-An Inquiry into the Origin and Intimate Nature of Malaria. By Thomas Wilson, Esq. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 4903. Lectures on the Structure and Physiology of the Parts composing the Skeleton ; and on the Diseases of the Bones and Joints of the Human Body; preceded by some Observations on the Influence of the Brain and Nerves. By James Wilson, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond. 1820. 56 5034. Wilson.-On Syphilis, Constitutional and Hereditary; and on Syphilitic Eruptions. By Erasmus Wilson, F.R.S. 8vo. Bond. 1852. Winslow.-On Obscure Diseases of the Brain, and Disorders of the Mind; their Incipient Symptoms, Pathology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prophylaxis. By Forbes Winslow, M.D., D.C.L. 8vo. Lond. 1860. Wood.-Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Founding of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1854. By George B. Wood, M.D. Pht. 4653-4. A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1847. 5035-6. A Treatise on Therapeutics and Pharmacology, or Materia Medica. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1856. * 9319-20. The same. R. Wood.-An Inaugural Address, delivered before the N. Y. Acad, ot Medicine, Feb. 1850. By Isaac Wood, „ M.D. To which is prefixed a Valedictory Address. By V. Mott, M.D. Pht. 6321-5. Woodville.-Medical Botany. 5 vols. Lond. 1832. R. 5037. Wright.-Headaches; their Causes and their Cure. By H. G. Wright, M.D. 2d ed. 12mo. Lond. 1856. 6326. The same. R. 4775. Wyman.-A Practical Treatise on Ventilation. By - Morrill Wyman. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Wynne.-Importance of the Study of Legal Medicine ; a Lecture, introductory to the Course of Medical Juris- prudence, at the N. Y. Med. Coll. By James Wynne, M.D. Pht. N. York, 1859. z. 471. Zecchius.-Johannes Zecchii Bononiensis Civis Romani. Consultationum Medicinalium. 4to. Venice. No date. Jf. Vattemare. 6136. Zimmerman.-L'Angine Couenneuse et le Croup. Memoire sur les Affections Diphthcritiques. Par le doct. W. Zimmerman. 8vo. Valenciennes, 1860. 57 PERIODICALS, MEMOIRS, REVIEWS, TRANS- ACTIONS, Ac. Those which are printed in Italics are still published and regularly received : the others have either ceased to exist, or are no longer taken. Annales d'Hygiene Publique et de Medecine Legale. Quarterly. 61 tomes, Paris, 1829 a 1860. The same. 6 tomes, 1854-59. R. Archives Generates de Medecine. Monthly. Paris, 1823 a 1860. Tomes 102. Archives of Medicine. A Record of Practical Observa- tions ; and Anatomical and Chemical Researches connected with the Investigation and Treatment of Disease. Edited by Lionel Beale, M.D., F.R.S. Nos. 1 to 5. Quarterly. London. Bulletin of Medical Science. Philad. 1843-46. 4 vols. Bulletin de I'Acad. Imp. de Med. Tomes 25. tome 26. Nos. 1 to 27. Gazette Medicale de Paris. Weekly. Tomes 17, 1842-59. Paris. Gazette, American Medical. Monthly. 10 vols. London Medical. 48 vols. Complete. Journal.-Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review. Quarterly. 4 vols. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. 84 vols. Index to first 19 vols. 1805-55. Edinburgh Monthly. 24 vols. 1855-59. Provincial Med. and Surg. 14 vols. 1841-53. Name changed to Association Med. 9 vols. 1853-57. Again changed to British Medical. 3 vols. Weekly. 1860. American Journal of Science and Arts. Bi-Monthly. 1845-60. 3 vols. General Index to 54 vols; also to 3d decade. 2d series. Nov. 1860. • American Journal of Medical Sciences. Quar- terly. 1845-60. 30 vols. 58 Journal.-New York Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Bi-monthly. 1845-60. 31 vols. Changed, July 1860, to Amer. Med. Times. Weekly. Dublin Quarterly Journal. 32 vols. General Index to 28. 1845-60. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 19 vols. Monthly. 1841-60. Loud. Journal des Connaissances Med.-Chir. 27 tomes. 1841-60. Bi-monthly. Lancet.- The Lancet (London) Weekly. By Thomas Wakley. 32 vols. 1845-60. Memoirs. - Memoires de I'Acad. Imperiale de Med. 13 tomes, 1845-60. 4003a. Memoires de la. Societe Medicale d' Observation de Paris. Tome 3d. 1856. Reporter.-The New York Med. and Surg. Reporter. 1 vol. 1846. Reports.-Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Quarterly. Nos. 1 to 11. Guy's Hospital Reports, 1845-59. Published Oct. each year. General Index to first and second series. Southern Medical Reports. 2 vols. See Fenner. Retrospect.-The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. 2 yearly volumes. 1845-60. 41 volumes. Lond. Review.-Medico-Chirurgical Review. 1846-7. • British and Foreign Medical Review. 1845-7. 6 vols. And General Index. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. 1848-60. 24 vols. 6110. Transactions.- Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London, vol. 1. 1859. Together with a Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the Society. Transactions of the Coll, of Physicians of Phila- delphia. 6 vols. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1, n. s. 8vo. London, 1846. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London- 10 vols. 8vo. 1859. Of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 1845-51. 6 vols. • Of the American Philosophical Society for promoting Useful Knowledge. 1845-59. Vols. 9, 10, 11, n. s. 4 to. 59 Transactions.- Of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1. Of the American Medical Association, instituted 1847. 12 vols. 8vo. 1859. Of the Medical Society of the State of New York. 14 vols. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 1845-59. 14 vols. 8vo. General Index to first 33. Of the American Institute. 1851. Of the New York Academy of Medicine. Of the Epidemiological Society of London for 1855. 8vo. London, 1856. Of the American Pharmaceutical Association, at the Eighth Annual Meeting, held in Boston, Sept. 1859. 8vo. Boston, 1859. 60 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. A. Abdomen, Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the.-Ballard. Abortion.-Whitehead. Abscess, Retro-Pharyngeal.-Allin. Aconite.-Fleming. Addresses, Anniversary.-Draper, Henry, Wood. Agriculture.-Report of Commissioner of Patents. Air-Passages, Foreign Bodies in the.-Gross. Air, Weather, &c., History of for 250 years.-Short. Ambulance.-Boudin. Anaesthesia.-Lallemand, Snow, Nunneley in Provincial Trans, v. 16, Hayward in Surg. Papers. Anatomy.-Cruveilhier, Gerber, Lebert, Mascagni, Von Behr. " Descriptive.-Diet. Anatomique, Gray, Harrison, Morgagni, Spigelius. " Comparative.-Edwards, Jones. " Microscopic.-Hassall. " Med. Chirurg.-Bourgery and Jacob, Richet. " Pathological.-Bock, Gamgee, Gross, Jones and Sieveking, Lebert, Vogel, Wilks. " of Arteries, Descriptive and Surgical.-Power. " of Man, Physiological.-Todd and Bowman. " of Membranes.-Hodgkin. " Surgical.-Gray, Le Gendre, Maclise. " Topographical.-Hyrtl. Aneurisms.-Broca, Crisp, Dupuytren. " False.-Liston. Animal Chemistry.- Simon. Animals and Plants, Structure and Growth of.-Schwann and Schleiden. Apoplexy.-Copland, Todd. Army, British Med. & Surg. Hist, of, in Crimean War.-See History. Arteries, Plates of.-Quain. " Anomalies of.-Dubreuil. 61 Arts and Manufactures.-Report by Commissioner of Patents. Asthma.-Thery. Asylum, History of Bloomingdale.-Earle. Auscultation and Percussion.-Walshe. Autoplasty.-J obert. B. Bandages.-Smith. Baths.-Assalini, Bell, Mayor. Biography of Physick.-Randolph. " Jenner.-Baron. " Sir A. Cooper.-B. B. Cooper. " M. Mayor.-Munaret. " T. Romeyn Beck.-Hamilton. Blood, Coagulation of.-Richardson. " and Urine.-Griffith, Rees, and Markwick. Body, in relation to the Mind, Use of the.-Moore. " Influence of the Mind on the.-Wilson. Bones, Description of.-Holden. " Resection of Articular Extremities.-Bonnet, Guepratte. " and Joints, Diseases of.-Bonnet, Dupuytren, Nelaton, Stan- ley, Wilson. " " Ankylosis.-Little. " " Deformities.-Tamplin. Botany, Medical.-Carson, Griffith, Porcher. Brain, Diseases of.-Calmed. Breast, Diseases of the.-Birkett. Burials in Cities.-W alker. Burns.-Provincial Transactions, vol. 18. C. Calculi and Calculous Disorders.-Bird, Hartenkeil. Cancer.-Bennett, Home, Laurence, Lambe, Pemberton. Catheter, Introduction of Male.-Mayor. Cattle, Contagious Peripneumonia of.-Delafond. Chancre, Logons sur les.-Ricord. Chemistry.-Fownes. " Pathological.-Becquerel et Rodier, " Animal.-Simon. 62 Children, Sick, Hospital for.-Stewart. Chincough.-W att. Cholera, A.-Baly and Gull, Batchelder, Jameson, Kirk, Knapp, Rep. of Reg. Gen., Rep. of Med. Council, Bond. " Infantum.-Hexamer, Stewart. Climate, of Italy.-Burgess. " Intertropical, Med. Topography of.-Dutrouleau. " Effects of wooded and non-wooded soils on.-Becquerel. " Weather and Disease.-Haviland. " and Soil ofU. States.-Blodget. Club-Foot.-Brodhurst, Delpech, Guerin, Little, Tamplin. Coast Survey.-Bache. Colica Pictonum.-Tanquerel. Consumption, Cure of.-Addison, Lambe. Convulsions, Puerperal.-Ingleby. Corns, Bunions, &c.-Durlacher. Corpus Luteum.-Purple. Crime, Juvenile. Causes, &c. of.-Day. Croup.-Green. Crowing Inspiration in Infants.-Hood. D. Dew.-Wells. Diagnosis.-Ballard, Barclay (Lungs), Walshe. * Dictionary Med.-Gardner, Gabler, Nysten, Mayne. Digestion.-Chambers. Diphtheria.-Zimmerman, Greenhow. Disease, Decrease of.-Marx and Willis. " Feigned.-Gavin. Diseases, of Interior Valley of North America.-Drake. " of Dutchcss Co.-Sherrill. " Nature in.-Bigelow. " Nature and Art, in the Cure of.-Forbes? " Causation, and Prevention of.-Parkin. " of Children.-Barrier, Bedford, Bouchut, Condie, Meigs, Tanner. " of Advanced Life.-Day. " of Females.-Bedford, Brown, Churchill, Colombat, Favrot, Hodge, Rigby, Smith, West, Bernutz et Goupil. 63 Diseases of the Uterus.-Becquerel, Bennet, Favrot, Lee, Negrier, West. " of Pregnancy and Childbed.-Churchill. " of Nervous System.-Lobb, Romberg. of Chest.-Blakiston, Billing, Clark, Cotton, Flint, La Roche, Thompson. " Influence of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Nursing on.- Dubreuil. " of Heart and Large Vessels.-Bellingham, Billings, Flint, Latham, Lee, Stokes. " of the Liver.-Budd. " " Kidneys.-Johnson, Rees. " " Ovaries.-Kiwisch. " " Ear.-Bonnafont, Toynbee, Wilde. " " Eye.-Cooper, Desmarres, Jones, Littell, Ophthal- mic II. Reports, Sichel, Von Ammon, W'allace, Walton. " " Rectum.-Ashton, Copeland, Curling, Dupuytren, Qu aim " and Curvature of the Spine.-Mayor, Tamplin. " of the Skin.-Hebra and Elfinger, Duparc, Neligan, Bour- guignon, Burgess. " " Teeth.-Richardson. " " Urethra (Strictures.)-Dupierris, Mayor, PeriAve, Thompson. " " Urinary Organs.-Acton, Gross, Morland, Todd. Drainage, Chirurgical.-Chassaignac. Dropsy, " Basham, Todd. Drugs, Medicines, &c., Examination of.-Peirce. E. Ear.-See Diseases of. Earth, Mutation of the.-Smith. Education, in Relation to Physical Health of the Brain.-Ray. Electricity.-Althaus, Becquerel, Bird. Elephantiasis.-Alard, Danielssen and Boeck. Epidemics.-Bascome, Knapp. Epilepsy.-Delasiauve, Radcliffe, Sieveking. Ether, Administration of.-Mayor, Snow. " in Labor-Channing. Eye, Anatomy and Physiology of.-Nunneley. " See Diseases of. 64 t F. Fever.-Corrigan, Flint. " Puerperal.-Ferguson, Fihvre Puerperale, Meigs. " Scarlet.-Hood, Morris. " Typhoid.-Flint, Jackson, Huss. " Typhus.-Huss. " Yellow.-Barton, Blair, Hardie, Hastings, La Roche, Mar- tinez, Parliamentary Report. Fistula, Vesico-Vaginal.-Bozeman. Fractures.-Lente, Lonsdale, Malgaigne, Mayor. " and Luxations.-Hamilton, Maclise, Malgaigne, Smith. G-. Gangrene. Hospital.-Boggie. Generation.-Bischoff. Geography, Medical and Statistical.-Boudin. Geology.-Mantell. Gout.-Gairdner, Garrod. " Rheumatic.-Adams, Garrod, Fuller. Gr a ve-Ya rds.-Walker. H. Haemorrhoids.-Lee. Harvey, Defence of.-Coxe. Headaches.-W right. Health of Large Cities.-Montfalcon et de Polini&re. " " Warm Countries.-Celle. " Public and Private.-Chapelle, Levy, Pickford. " and Disease.-Ridge. " " Nutrition in.-Den net. Healthy and Diseased Structure.-Addison. Heart, Nerves and Ganglions of.-Lee. See Diseases of. Heat, Exhaustion by, &c.-Collins' Reporter, p. 11. Hereditary Diseases.'-Lucas, Whitehead. Hernia.-Blackman, Teale. Histology, Human.-Kolliker, Morel. " Pathological.-Wedl. History.-See Natural History. 65 History of Medicine. - Le Clerc, Moir, Renouard. See also Comegys. " " Ancient M.-Watson. " " Members of Roy. Acad, of Med.-See Histoire. Hospitals, History of Mass. Genl.-Bowditch. " Account of.-Lond. Med. Gaz. 1839, p. 71. Edinb. M. & S. JI. General Index. " of Paris.-Stewart. " Foundling.-Brownlow. " Warming and Ventilating. - Kirkbride, Watson, Ann. d'Hygiene. Pub. 2d series, 1857. Grasse. " and Infirmaries, Administration of. - See Rapport par Watteville. Human Species, Degeneration of.-Morel. Hygiene, Industrial and Administrative.-Vernois. " Public and Private.-Levy, Tardieu, Ann. d Hygiene passim. " Therapeutical.-Ribes. " of Hot Climates.-Celle. I. Idiots.-Seguin. See Report on School for. Infanticide and Still-Born.-Report on. See Rapport par Watte- ville. Infant-Feeding.-Routh. Influenza.-Forry (N.Y. JI. Med. vol. 1.), Thompson. Insane Hospitals, Construction, <fcc. of.-Kirkbride. Insanity.-Bucknill and Tuke, Galt, Robinson, Wharton. Intestines, Mucous and Serous Membranes of.-Hodgkin. " Internal Strangulation of.-Besnier, Mem. de 1'Acad. Imp. vol. 24. Pt. 1. Itch.-Bourguignon. J. Jaw, Claims of Priority in Exsection, &c. of Lower.-Blackman.. Joints, Diseases of, Therapeutics of.-Bonnet.. k: Kidney, Structure and Physiology of.-Isaacs. 66 Larynx, Morbid Growths in.-Buck. Lead Poisoning.-Tanquerel de Planches. Letters to a young Physician.-Jackson. Leucorrhcea.-T. Smith, West. Libraries of U. S., Public, Smithsonian Report on. Life, Health, and Disease.-Johnson. Lithotrity and Lithotomy.-Coulson, Stevens, Heurteloup. Liver, Anatomy of the.-Beale, Kiernan. M. Malaria.-Wilson. Mal-practice and Medical Evidence.-Ellwell. Materia Medica.-Stille, Tully, Wood. Medical Literature of U. S.-See Report on. " to Legal Profession, Relations of.-Gilman. " Profession in Ancient Times.-Watson. " Formulary.-Ellis, Griffith. " Jurisprudence.-Dcvergie, Wharton, and Stille. " Topography of Intertropical Climates.-Dutrouleau, Ann. d'Hygiene, 2d s., t. ix. " Association, History of American.-Davis. " Examinations, Manual of.-Mendelhall. Medicine, Certainty of.-Bartlett. " Clinical.-Bennett, Graves, Tanner. " Institutes of.-Paine. " Legal Importance of Study of.-Wynne. " State.-Rumsey. Theory and Practice of.-Aretaeus, Dickson, Drake, Gran- tham, Hildanus, Mendelhall, Wood. Medicines on System, Action of.-Headland. " Adulteration of.-Beck, Pierce. Melanosis.-Pemberton. Menstruation.-Tilt. Meteorology.-U. S. Army Register, Hough. Microscope.-Carpenter, Donne, Hassall, Quekett. Midwifery.-Churchill, Ingleby, Jacquemier, Johnston and Sinclair, Murphy, Simpson, Spratt, Tucker. Mind and Brain.-Laycock. 67 Mortality.-D'Espine. Mouth, Diseases and Surg. Operations of the.-Jourdain. Myalgia.-Inman. N. Natural History of Animals.-Aristotle. " of Turtles of North America.-.Agassiz. " of Fishes.-Agassiz. " of Zoology.-Agassiz and Gould. " New York.-Sundry Contributors. " Washington Territory.-Cooper and Suckley. Necrosis from Phosphorus.-See Bulletin de 1'Acad. Imp. de Med, t. 25, p. 103. Nervous System.-Unzer and Prochaska. " Comparative Anatomy of.-Leuret et Gratiolet Neuroma.-Smith. Nursing.-Nightingale. O. Osteology, Human.-Holden. Ovaries, Diseases of.-Kiwisch. P. Paralysis.-Copland, Todd. " Wasting.-Roberts. " of Motion.-Batchelder. Parish Will Case.-Medical Opinions in.-See Parish. Pharmacopeia, Gray's Supplement to the. Pharmacy.-Mohr and Redwood, Parish, Pharmaceutical JI. Phrenology.-Hittell. Physician and Patient, Relative Duties of.-Hooker. " The True.-Watson. Physiology.-Dalton, Draper, Lebert. " Experimental.-Bernard. " Mental.-Holland. Pneumonia.-La Roche. " Of Cattle, Contagious.-Delafond. Poisons.-Bernard, Taylor. 68 Poisons.-Detection of.-Otto. " Morbid.-Williams. Pregnancy, Signs and Diseases of.-Tanner. Prostate Gland, Enlargement of.-Thompson. Psychology, Medical.-Bucknill and Tuke, Feuchstersleben. Purulent Infection.-Sedillot. Pustule Maligne.-Bourgeois. Q. Quarantine, Parliamentary Reports on.-See also Rapport, Report on Quarantine Laws, Evils of.-Maclean. R. Register, Army, U. S. Meteorological. Reproductive Organs.-Acton. Rheumatism.-Fuller. Rheumatic Gout.-Adams, Garrod. S. Sanitary Reports.-See Reports. Scrofula.-Addison, Glover, Lambe, Lebert, Lugol, Phillips. Skeleton, Lectures on the.-Wilson. Spleen, Structure and Use of the.-Gray. Stomach, Diseases of.-Alderson, Budd, Chambers, Eyre, Parker. Suppuration.-Chassaignac. Surgery, Theory and Practice of.-Chelius, Erichsen, Grantham, Gross, Hayward, Lizars, McClellan, Mutter, Roux, Vin- cent ; Compend. de Chirurg. Prat. " Clinical Researches in.-Gamgee, Robert, Travers. " Dental.-Tomes. " Military.-Macleod ; vide Communications. " Illustrated.-Auvert. " Operative.-Chassaignac, Gross, Skey. " Silver Sutures in.-Sims. Surgical Apparatus.-Mayor. Syphilis.-Egan, Lee, Vidal, Wilson. " in Infants.-Bulkley (N. Y. JI. Med., vol. 3), Diday. 69 T. Tendons, after Tenotomy, Reparative Process of.-Adams. Therapeutics.-Ballard and Garrod, Forget, Ribes,. Stille, Wood. Tuberculosis.-Ancell. U. Urine, Analysis of.-Rees, Parkes. " Pathology of.-Thudichum, Parkes. Uterus,. Nerves of.-Lee. " Tumors of.-Lee. " Ulceration of Os.-Bennet, West. V. Vaccination.-Bousquet, Rapport, Steinbrenner. Veins, Inflammation of.-Lee. " Purulent Deposits in.-Lee. Vesico-Vaginal Fistula.-Bozeman, Brown. Vital Statistics.-Neison. W. Warming and Ventilating Buildings.-Bernanr Hosking, Hood, Kirkbride, Watson, Wyman. Water Cure.-Gully. Worms.-Bradley, Dujardin, Kuclienmeister. Z. Zoology.-Agassiz and Gould.