No. V SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS ■ ■ I BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE New York Hospital NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, PRINTERS 182 Fifth Avenue 1880 No. of Volumes, ' . . . . 12,060 Current Journals, Transactions, etc., . g5 No. V SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE B O O K S BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE New York Hospital NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, PRINTERS 182 Fifth Avenue 1880 Press of G. P. Putnam's Sons 182 Fifth Avenue New York CATALOGUE. A 5327 Abeille. Traitement des Maladies Chirurgicales de 1'Uter- us. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7658 Adams (Wm.) A New Operation for Bony Anchylosis of the Hip-Joint, Etc. 8vo. London, 1871. 5680 A Treatise on Rheumatic Gout. 2d ed. 8vo. a London, 1873. Plates. 4to. Agnew (C. R.) Ophthalmic Notes. Pht. On Otitis. Am. Clin. Lee., Vol. i, No. 6. Cantho-Plasty as a remedy in certain diseases of the eye. P., 1875. 555O_I Agnew (D. Hayes) The Principles and Practice of Surgery. Roy. 8vo. Vol. i. Phila., 1878. 5522 Allen (T. F.) The effects of Lead upon healthy individu- als, compiled and arranged from 592 selected authorities 8vo. Phila., 1878. 5809 Allingham (Wm.) Diseases of the-Rectum. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1879. 5416 Althaus (J.) Diseases of the Nervous System. 8vo. New York, 1878. 5538 Alvarenga (P. F. Da Costa) Lemons Cliniques sur les Maladies du Coeur. Tradt. du Portugais. 8vo. Lis- bonne, 1878. 5266 Amussat eils. (A.) Memoires sur la Galvano-Caustique Thermique. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5826 Anderson (McCall) On the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. 8vo. Phila., 1873. 5395 Arlt (F.) Des Blessures de 1'CEil au point de vue prati- que et medico-legal. i2mo. Paris, 1877. 5209 Armand. Traite de Climatologie Generale du Globe. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5500 Atkinson (W. B.) The Physicians and Surgeons of the U. S. 8vo. Phila., 1878. 4 Atlee (W. L.) A Retrospect of the Struggles and Tri- umphs of Ovariotomy, in Philadelphia. Pht. 1875. Introductory to Course of Medical Chemistry. Pennsylvania College. 1845. Pht- 5617 Augier (A. C.) Recherches sur le Developpement des Parietaux a la Region Sagittale. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5618 (G.) De 1'Anemie Artificielle (methode d'Es- march). Pht. Paris, 1874. 5548 Auzias-Turenne. La Syphilisation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5833 Avezou (J. Ch.) De quelques phenomenes consecutifs aux Contusions des Troncs Nerveux du Bras, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1879. B Bache (F.) Introductory Lecture to Course of Chemistry. Jefferson Medical College. Pht. 1841. 5463-4 (B.) The Science of Therapeutics, on Homeo- pathic Principles. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1875. 5126. Baillarger (M. J.) Des Hallucinations. 4to. Paris, 1846. Baker (H. B.) Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. Pht. Rept. Lansing, 1875. The Cause of Cholera. Pht. Rept. Lansing, 1876. 5253 Balfour (G. W.) Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. 8vo. London, 1876. 5503-6 Bardeleben (A.) Lehrbuch der Chirurgie und Opera- tionslehre 4 Bd. 8vo. Berlin, 1874-6. Barker (F.) The Age of Women when Child-bearing ceases. Pht. 5255 Bartholow (Rob.) Spermatorrhoea : its Causes, Symp- toms, Results and Treatment. 3d ed. 121110. New • York, 1871. 5254 A Practical Treatise on Mat. Med. and Therapeu- tics. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5405 Manual of Hypodermic Medication. 2d ed. 8vo. Phila., 1873. 5147 Bastian (H. C.) On Paralysis from Brain Disease in its common forms. 8vo. New York, 1875. 5619 Baudon. L'Ovotomie Abdominale ou Operation Cesari- enne. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Bauer (L.) On the Dressing of Stumps, comparison of 5 different methods with the results. Rept. St. Louis Clin. Rec. 1877. 5810 Beale (L. S.) Disease Germs: their Nature and Origin. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1872. 5811 Beard (G. M.) Hay-Fever; or Summer Catarrh: its nature and treatment. 121110 New York, 1876. 5620 Beclu (H.) Nouveau Manuel de 1'Herboriste. i2mo. Paris. 1872, 5554-5 Beigel (H.) Die Krankheiten des weiblichen Ge- schlechtes, 2 Bd. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1874-5. 5533 Pathologische Anatomie der Weiblichen Unfrucht- barkeit. (Sterilitat) deren Mechanik und Behandlung. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1878. Bell (A. N.) Malignant Pustule in the U. S. Rept. Albany, 1862. 5777 Bell (Sir Chas.) The Hand: its mechanism and vital endowments, etc. 8th ed. 121110. London, 1877. 5771 Bellingeri (C. F. J.) Dissertatio Inauguralis. 8vo. Augustae Taurinorum, 1818. 5560 Bergeret (L. F. E.) Des Fraudes dans les accomplisse- ments des Fonctions Generatrices. 5th ed. i2mo. Paris, 1877. 5591 Berkart (J. B.) On Asthma : its Pathology and Treat- ment. 8vo. London, 1878. 5621 Bermond (A.) Etude sur la Lithotritie Perineale. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5121 Bernard (M. Claude) Lepons sur les Anesthesiques et sur 1'Asphyxie. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5247 Leqons sur la Chaleur Animale et sur la Fievre. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5802 Lepons de Physiologic Operatoire. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5372 Bernheim (H.) Leqons de Clinique Medicale. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7627 Berthier. Des Nevroses Menstruelles. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5328 Bez (J.) De la Contemporaneity des Fievres Eruptives et de leur coexistence avec la Fievre Typhoide chez le meme individu. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7669 Biddle (J. B.) Materia Medica. 6th ed. 8vo. Phila., 1874. 7734 Bigg (H. H.) On Artificial Limbs, the Construction and Application. i2mo. London. 1855. 6 5373 Bigot (V.) Des Periodes Raisonnantes de 1'Alienation Mentale. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7150-g.h. Billroth (Th.) Lectures on Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics. Translated from 8th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877-8. New Syd. Soc. 5622 Binet (J. L.) Du Cornage Broncho-Tracheal et de ses rapports avec la mort subite. 8vo. Paris, '875. 5396 Blackley (C. H.) Experimental Researches on the Causes and Nature of Catarrhus zEstivus, (Hay-Fever). 8vo. London, 1873. 5623 Blanc (H.) Des moyens de prevenir et de traiter le Cholera. Pht. Paris, 1874. 5197 Blum (Alb.) Des Arthropathies d'origine nerveuse. These. Paris, 1875. 5851 Blyth (A. W.) The Analysis of Foodsand Poisons. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5845 Bobceuf (P. A. F.) Memoire sur 1'Acide Phenique. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 5501 Bodenhamer (Wm.) An Essay on Rectal Alimentation. 8vo. New York, 1878. 5624 Botkin (S.) De la Fievre. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 5196 Bouchardat (A.) De la Glycosurie ou Diabete Sucre. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 7628 Boujon (G.) Genese et Etiologie des Hemorrhagies Uterines. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5329 Bourneville. Recherches Cliniques et Therapeutiques sur 1'Epilepsie et 1'Hysterie. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Bozeman (N.) On Kolpokleisis and other allied proceed- ings as means of treating Vesico-Vagina Fistula. Rept. 1877. 5281 Braun (C. R.) The Uraemic Convulsions of Pregnancy, Parturition and Child-bed. umo. New York, 1858. 5256 Bristowe (J. S.) A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5625 Brochard. Des Bains de Mer chez les enfants. 121110. Paris, 1876. 5171-2-3 Brodie (B. C.) The works of Sir Benj. C. Brodie, with an autobiography. Edited by Chas Hawkins. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. 5170 Autobiography of the late Sir B. Brodie. 121110. London, 1865. 6180 Brown-Sequard. Lectures on the Diagnosis and Treat- 7 ment of the Principal Forms of Paralysis of the Lower Extremities. 8vo. London, 1861. 7600 Bryant (T.) The Practice of Surgery. 8vo. Phila., 1873- 5713 Buchheim (R.) Lehrbuch der Arzneimittelehre. 3d Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. 5248 Buck (G.) Contributions to Reparative Surgery : showing its application to the treatment of Deformities. 8vo. New York, 1876. The Migration of Purulent Matter. Rept. 1876. 5626 Bucquoy (J.) La Pleurisie dans la Gangrene Pulmonaire. Pht. Paris, 1875. 5559 Budin (P.) Des Lesions Traumatiques chez la Femme dans les accouchements artificiels. Thlse de Concour. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5456 Buhl (Prof, v.) Mittheilungen aus dem Pathologischen Institute zu Miinchen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1878. Bull (C. S.) Syphilis on the Conjunctiva and Syphilitic Gummata of same. Rept. 1878. 5803 Bulteau (Alf.) De 1'occlusion Intestinale au point de vue du Diagnostic et du Traitement. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5840 Bumstead (F. J.) and Taylor (R. W.) The Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases. 4th ed. 8vo. Phila., 1879. Burge (J. H. H.) Hygienic Influences : an Address de- livered before the Med. Soc. of the County of King's, 1868. New York, 1871. Burggraeve. Monument a Edw. Jenner ou Historic de la Vaccine a 1'occasion du premier centenaire de son in- vention. 4to. Bruxelles, 1875. 5431 Burnett (C. H.) The Ear : its Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases. 8vo. Phila., 1877. 5457 Buss (Emil) Ueber Wesen und Behandlung des Fiebres. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1878. 5528. Buzzard (T.) Clinical Aspect of Syphilitic Nervous Af- fections. 121110. Phila., 1874. c 5627 Calderon (A. G.) Irido-Choroiditis. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Callisen (A. C. P.) Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon der jetz lebenden Aerzte, Wundarzte, Geburtshelfer, Apotheker, und Naturforscher aller gebildeten Volker. 33 Bd. bound in 17. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1830-45. 53°6 5322 8 5507'8 (H.) Systema Chirurgie Hodiernae in usum publi- cum et privatum adornatum. 2 vols. 8vo. Hafniae, 1798-1800. 5628 Caminhoa (J. M.) Des Quarantaines. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5163 Cammann (H. J.) and Camp (H. N.) The Charities of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. 8vo. New York, 1868. 5164 Campbell (Wm.) A Memoir on Extra-Uterine Gestation. 8vo. Edinb., 1840. 7679 (H.) A Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion and th£ Diseases induced by it. 6th ed. i2mo. London, 1874. 5297 Cantani (A.) Le Diabete Sucre et son traitement diete- tique. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5523 Carrieu (M.) De la Fatigue et de son Influence Patho- genique. These d'Agregation. Paris, 1878. 5139 Carter (R. B.) A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. 8vo. London, 1875. 5113 Catalogue, illustrated, of Surg. Instruments and Appliances. By W. F. Ford. 8vo. New York, 1875. 5588 of Shepard and Dudley, of same. 8vo. New York, 1878. 5145 of Surg. Instruments. By G. F. Tieman & Co- Roy. 8vo. New York, 1875. of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Soc. 8vo. London, 1839. 5248 Caternault (S.) Essai sur la Gastrotomie dans les cas de Tumeurs Fibreuses Peri-Uterines. 4to. Paris, 1866. 5127 Cerise. Determiner 1'Influence de 1'Education physique et morale sur la production de la surexcitation du Sys- teme Nerveux. qto. Paris, 1841. Chadwick (J. R.) Amputations at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Pht. Boston, 1871. Report on the Medical Libraries of Boston. Pht. Cambridge, 1876' 5138 Chambers (T. K.) A Manuel of Diet in Health and Dis- ease. 8vo. Phila., 1875. 5795 The Renewal of Life. From 3d London ed. 8vo. Phila., 1865. Chandler (C. F.) Report upon the Sanitary Chemistry of Waters. Rept. Cambridge, 1875. 7629 Charcot (J. M.) Lemons sur les Maladies du Systeme Nerveux. 2d s. comp. 1877. 9 The same. Translated for the New Sydenham Soe. London, 1877. 5758 Lectures on Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. Translated by H. B. Millard, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1878. 5708. Lectures on Localization of Diseases of the Brain,, translated. 8vo. New York, 1878. Chenu (J. C.) Aperpu Historique, Statistique et Clinique sur le service des Ambulances et des Hopitaux de la Soc. Francaise de secours aux blesses des armees de terre et de mer, pendant la guerre de 1870-1. 2 tom. qto. Paris, 1874. 5452 Chevalier (G.) Etude Clinique sur les Paralysies Hy- sterique des quatre membres. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5629 Chipault (A.) Fractures par armees a feu. 8vo. Paris,. 1872. 5561 Choisil (J. P. Z.) Les Vices de Conformation du Bassin. These, qto. Paris, 1878. 5165 Churchill (F.) The Diseases of Children. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. 5267 Clymer (M.) The Annual Oration delivered before the Society of the Alumni of the Med. Dept, of the Univ, of Penn., March, 1876. "Life and Character of Dr. B. Rush." 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5338 Cohen (J. Solis) Inhalation in the Treatment of Disease. 2d ed. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5407-8 Cohnheim (J.) Vorlesungen fiber allgemeine Pathol- ogic. Bd. i. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. 5439 Conolly (J.) On the Treatment of the Insane without Mechanical Restraints. 8vo. London, 1856. 5440 Construction and Government of Lunatic Asylums. 8vo. London, 1847. 5243 Contamin (Fr.) Etude sur les Hemorrhagies qui sur- viennent pendant les suites des couches. 8vo. Paris,. 1876. 5123 Copello (J.) Memoria sobre la profilaxis de la Tisis Pul- monar Tuberculosa. 8vo. Lima, 1867. 5778 Cornil (V.) Leqons sur la Syphilis. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5513 Cotting (B. E.) Medical Addresses. 8vo. Boston, 1875. 5630 Courmont (F.) Des operations applicables au Bec-de Lievre compliquee. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5384 Courtenay (C. B.) An Historical and Practical Treatise 10 on Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Seminal Weakness, etc. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1825. 5631 Cousot (Dr.) Etude sur la Nature, 1'Etiologie et le Traite- ment de la Fievre Typhoide. 4to. Bruxelles, 1874. 5734 Couty (L.) Les Terminaisons des Nerfs dans la Peau. These de Concours. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5263 Etude Experimentale sur 1'entree de Fair dans les Veines et les gaz intra-vasculaires. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 7891 Coze et Feltz. Recherches Cliniques et Experiment- ales sur les Maladies Infectieuses. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 5174-5 Craigie (D.) Elements of the Practice of Physic. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1837. 5558 Creighton (Chas.) Contributions to the Physiology and and Pathology of the Breast and its Lymphatic Glands. 8vo. London, 1878. Culbertson (H.) Excision of the Larger Joints of the Extremities. Prize Essay. American Med. Association, 1876. Phila., 1876. 5672 Curling (T. B.) Observations on Diseases of the Rec- tum. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1876. 5845 Cutter (Geo. R.) A Dictionary of the German Terms used in Medicine. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5838 Cuyer (E.) et Kuhff (G. A.) Le Corps Humain Struc- ture et Fonctions. 4to. Planches coloriees. 1878-9. 5207-8 Cyon (E.) Methodik der Physiologischen Experimente und Vivisectionen. Texte and Atlas. 8vo. Giessen, 1876. 5679 Cyr (Jules) Etiologie et Prognostic de la Glycosurie et du Diabete. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5458 Czerny (V.) Beitrage zur Operativen Chirurgie. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1878. D 5693 Da Costa (J. M.) Harvey and his Discovery-an Ad- dress. 8vo. Phila., 1879. 7980 Dalton (J. C.) Experimentation on Animals as a means of knowledge, etc., in Physiology, Pathology and Practi- cal Medicine. New York, 1875. 7989 A Treatise on Human Physiology. 6th ed. Phila., 1875- 5539 Dambre (A.) Traite de Medecine Legale et de Juris- prudence de la Medecine. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 11 5632 Danet (C.) Etiologie, Prophylaxis et Traitement du Cholera. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5199 Dechaux (Dr.) Des Plaies Penetrantes des Articulations. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5846 Declat (Dr.) Traite de 1'Acide Phenique. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 7687 Defontaine (F. T. L.) Essai sur la Pathologie des Reins Mobiles. Pht. Paris, 1874. 2345 Deggeller (I.) Ueber Hypertrophie der Mandeln nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Tonsillotomes. Pht. Miin- chen, 1864. Delafield (Ed.) An Address at the dedication of the New Building of the New York Eye Infirmary. Pht. 1856. (Frs.) Some Forms of Dyspepsia. Am. Clin. Leet., v. 2, No. 4. 1876. 5633 Delboeuf (J.) La Psychologic comme science naturelle son present et son avenir. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5562 Delefosse. Pratique de la Chirurgie des Voies Urinaires. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5779 Delfau (G.) Manuel Complet des Maladies des Voies Urinaires et des Organes Genitaux. 1st fas. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5239 Demarquay et St. Vel. Traite Clinique des Maladies de 1'Uterus. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 533° (J- N.) Maladies Chirurgicales du Penis. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7632 De la Regeneration des Organes et des Tissus en Physiologie et en Chirurgie. qto. Paris, 1874. 5868 De Mussy (N. G.) Etudes Cliniques sur la Coqueluche. Pht. Paris, 1875. 5869 Etude sur la Transmission des Sons a travers les liquides endopleuretiques de differentes natures par le Dr. Baccelli, de Rome. Pht. Paris, 1876. 5634 Deny (G.) et Exchaquet. De la Forcipressure ou de 1'application des pinces a 1'hemostasie chirurgicale. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5178 Depaul (J. A. H.) Leqons de Clinique Obstetricale. 8vo. Paris, 1872-76. 5635 Depierris (H. A.) Le Tabac et Nicotine. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5636 Desmarres (A.) Leqons Cliniques sur la Chirurgie Ocu- laire. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 12 7633 Despres (A.) Traite Theorique et Pratique de la Syphi- lis ou Infection Purulente Syphilitique. 8vo. Paris, i873- 5385 La Chirurgie Journaliere, lemons de clinique chir- urgicale professees a I'hopital Cochin. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5637 Dianoux (E.) Du Scotome Scintillant ou Amarose Par- tielle temporaire. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5186 Dickinson (W. H.) Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Derangements. Part I. Diabetes. Part II. Albumi- nuria. Cata. of '69, 7424. Dictionary.-Diet. Encyclopedique des Sciences Medi- cales. in 4 series. Vols. 1-47. Paris, 1879. Dictionnaire Nouveau de Medecine et de Chirurgie. In continuation to vol. 27. Paris, 1879. 5380 Diday et Doyon. Therapeutique des Maladies de 1'Uterus. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5589-90 Dieffenbach (J. F.) Operative Chirurgie. Bd. 2, Leipzig, 1845-8. 5692 Dispensatory. The National Dispensatory, containing the Natural History, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions and Uses of Medicines. By Alf. Stille, M.D., and J. M. Maisch, 8vo. Phila., 1879. 5257 Dowell (G.) Yellow Fever and Malarial Diseases, em- bracing a History of the Epidemics of Yellow Fever in Texas. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5761 Dowse (T. S.) The Brain and its Diseases. Part I. Syphilis of the Brain and Spinal Cord. 8vo. London, 1879. 5834 Duboue (Dr.) Physiologic Pathologique et Traitement Rationnel de la Rage. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5326 Dubrueil (A.) Elements de Medecine Operatoire. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Ducachet (H. W.) An Inaugural Essay on the Action of Poisons. Pht. New York, 1817. 5524 Du Castel. Physiologic Pathologique de la Fievre. These d' Agregation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5476 Dudgeon (R. E.) Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy. 121110. Manchester, 1854. Duhring (L, A.) Atlas of Skin Diseases. Nos. 1-5 4to. Phila., 1876-9. 5282 A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin. 8vo. Phila., 1877. 13 7582 Duncan (J. M.) A Practical Treatise on Perimetritis and Parametritis. 8vo. New York, 1869. 5189 Contributions to the Mechanism of Natural and Morbid Parturition. 8vo. Edinb., 1875. Dunglison (Robley) Introductory Lecture to course of Institutes of Medicine and Mat. Med. Pht. 1839. • Introductory Lecture to Course of Institutes of Medicine, Jeff'n Med. Coll. 1841. On Certain Medical Delusions. 1842. Charge to Graduates of Jeff'n Med. Coll. 1854. 5211 Duplay (S.) De 1'Hypospadias perineo-scrotal. Pht. Paris, 1874. 5638 Durand (A.) Essai sur les Cataractes Lenticulaires Spon- tanees de 1'Enfance. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5593-4 Duret (H.) Etudes Experimentales et Cliniques sur les Traumatismes Cerebraux. T. i. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5582. Du Saulle (Le G.) Etude Medico-Legale sur les Epi- leptiques. 8vo. Paris, 1877. E Easley (E. T.) Argument in favor of a contagious dis- eases act (Rept). 7659 Ecker (A.) The Convolutions of the Human Brain. 8vo. London, 1873. 6026 Edwards (Milne). Lemons sur la Physiologie. 8vo. Vol. 10, pt. 2. Vols. 11, 12, 13. 1879. 2170 Eichhorn (H.) Handbuch tiber die Behandlung und Ver- hiitung der Contagios-fieberhaften Exantheme. 8vo. Berlin und Stettin, 1831. 5409 Eichhorst (H.) Die Progressive Perniciose Anamie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. Emmert (Emil) Ueber Refractions- und Accommoda- tions-Verhaltnisse des menschlichen Anges nach eigenen Untersuchungen. Fol. Berne, 1877. 5723 Emmet (T. A.) The Principles and Practice of Gynae- cology. 8vo. Phila., 1879. 5482-3 Erichsen (E.) The Science and Art of Surgery. 7th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1878. 5394 Esmarch (F.) Handbuch der Kriegs-chirurgischen Tech- nik. 8vo. Hanover, 1877. 5394a The same, translated. 8vo. Hanover, 1878. 14 5520-1 Eulenberg (A.) Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. . Thl. i and 2. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. 5810 and Guttmann. Physiology and Pathology of Sympathetic System. 8vo. London, 1879. 5639 Exchaquet (T.) D'une phenomene stethoscopique d'Hy- pertrophie simple du Coeur. 8vo. Paris, 1875. F 5375 Fauvel (C.) Traite Pratique des Maladies du Larynx, precede d'un Traite Complet de Laryngoscope. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Fayrer (J.) The Thanatophidia of India, being a Des- cription of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Penin- sula, etc. 2d ed. Fol. London, 1874. 5422-3 Ferand (L. J. B. B.) Traite Clinique des Maladies des Europeens au Senegal. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875-78. 5380 Ferber (A.) Situsphantom der Organe der Brust und oberen Bauchgegend. Pht. Bonn, 1877. 5283 Ferrier (D.) The Functions of the Brain. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5709 The Localization of Cerebral Disease. 8vo, New York, 1879. 5247 Fischer (G.) Chirurgie von 100 Jahren. Historische Studie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. Fisher (G. J.) Inaugural and Anniversary Addresses de- livered before the Medical Society of the State of New York at its 69th session. New York, 1875. Are Malformations or Monstrosities of the Foetus in Utero ever produced by the power of Maternal Men- tal Emotions (Rept). Utica, 1870. 5449 Fleming (C.) Clinical Records of Injuries of the Genito- urinary Organs. 8vo. Dublin, 1877. 7635-6-7 Fleury (L.) Cours d'Hygiene fait a la Faculte de Med. de Paris. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852-72. 5148 Flint (A.) Phthisis; its Morbid Anatomy, Etiology, Symptomatic Events and Complications. 8vo. Phila., 1875. 5190 A Practical Treatise on the Physical Exploration of the Chest, etc, 2d ed. 8vo. Phila., 1866. 5841 Clinical Medicine ; a Systematic Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases. 8vo. Phila.,. 1879- 15 5434 Flint, Jr. (A.) A Text-Book of Human Physiology. 8vo. New York, 1877. 5565 Flournoy (T.) Contribution a 1'etude de 1'Embolie Grais- seuse. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1878. 5642 Fochier (A.) De la ponction capillaire de la vessie. Pht. Paris, 1875. 7638 Foissac (P.) La Longevite Humaine, ou 1'Art de con* server la sante et de prolonger la vie. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5643 Foix (P.) Des Peritonites Circonscrites de la partie su- perieure de 1'abdomen. Pht. Paris, 1875. 5566-7 Fonssagrives (J. B.) Traite de Therapeutique Appli- quee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris et Montpellier, 1878. 5640 Therapeutique de la Phthisie Pulmonaire. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 5641 Traite d'Hygiene Navale. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5244 Fonssard (E.) De I'Empoisonnement par la Nicotine et le Tabac. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5453 Fontaine (J. A.) Effets Physiologiques et Applications Therapeutiques de 1'Air Comprimee. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5398 Fontan (J.) Du Traitement des Hemorrhoids par ]a dilatation forcee des sphincters de 1'Anus, 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5752 Forster (A.) Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 10th aufl. 8vo. Jena, 1875. 5435 Foster (M.) A Text-Book of Physiology. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1878. 5529 and Balfour. The Elements of Embryology. Part i. 8vo. London, 1874. 5516 Fothergill (J. M.) The Antagonism of Therapeutic Agents. Prize Essay. 8vo. Phila., 1878. 5 joo The Practitioner' Handbook of treatment; or, the Principles of Therapeutics. 8vo. Phila., 1877. 5735 Fournier (Alf.) La Syphilis du Cerveau. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5517 Fownes (G.) A Manual of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. From 12th Eng. ed. 8vo. Phila., 1878. 5339 Frey (H.) The Microscope and Microscopical Tech- nology. Trans, from the 4th German ed. 8vo. New York, 1872. 5284 Compendium of Histology. 8vo. New York, 1876. 16 5no Friedreich (N.) Ueber Progressive Muskelatrophie iiber wahre und falsche Muskelhypertrophie. 4to. Berlin, 1873- Fromentil (E. de) Etudes sur les Microzoaires ou In- fusoires proprement dites, etc. 4to. Paris, 1876. Frommann (C.) Untersuchungen fiber die Gewebsveran- derungen bei der Multiplen Sklerose des Gehirns und Riickenmarks. Fol. Jena, 1878. 5726-7 Funke (O.) Lehrbuch der Physiologic, 6te aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876-78. 5694 Furth (L.) Die Pathologic u. Therapie der Hereditaren Syphilis. Sep. abd. 8vo. Wien, 1879. G 7640 Gallard (T.) Lepons Cliniques sur les Maladies des Femmes. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5644-5 Garnier (M. P.) Dictionnaire Annuel des Progres des Sciences constitutions Medicales. Ann. 11-12,1875-6. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875-6. Garrigues (H. J.) On Gastro-Elytrotomy. Rept. New York, 1878. On Lying-in Institutions, especially those in New York. Rept. 1878. 5212-13 Gautier (E. J. A.) Chimie appliquee a la Physiologic, a la Pathologic et a 1'Hygiene. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5690 Gegenbaur (C.) Elements of Comparative Anatomy. Trans. 8vo. London, 1878. 5804 Gerard (C.) Des Corps Etrangers du Rectum. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5858-63 Gerhardt (C.) Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Bd. 1, 2, 3. 4th, 1st and 3d ab. Tubingen, 1877-9. 5848 Germain. Des Lesions Trophiques et des Troubles Sen- sitifs dans les Gelures Anciennes. These. 1879. Gibney (V. P.) Peri-Nephritic Abscess in Children. Rept. 1876. New York. Spinal Irritation in Children as related to True and False Arthropathies. Rept. New York, 1877. 7641 Girard (J.) Resorption Urineuse et Uremie daps les Malad. des Voies Urinaires. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5736 Golay (E.) Des Abces Douloureux des Os. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 17 5824 Goodell (W.) Lessons in Gynecology. 8vo. Phila., 1879. 5191 Gordon (A.) A Treatise on the Fracture of the Lower Encl of the Radius. On Fractures of the Clavicle, and reduction of Dislocations of the Shoulder-Joint by ma- nipulation. 8vo. London, 1875. 5502 Gorup-Besanez (F. V.) Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1874-5. 5827 Gosselin (L.) Clinical Lectures on Surgery. Selected and translated by L. A. Stimson, M.D. 8vo. Phila., 1878. Gouley (J. W. S.) Perityphlitic Abscess due to perfora- tion of the Appendix Vermiformis. Pht. New York, 1875. 5683-9 Graefe und Saemisch. Handbuch der Gesammten Augenheilkunde. Bd. 1, 2 (2). Anatomie u. Physi- ologic. Bd. 3, 4 (2), 5 (2), 6, 7 (2). 8vo. Leipzig, 1874- 5477 Granier (M.) Des Homeopathes et de leurs droits. 8vo. Paris, i860. 5436-7 Granville (J. M.) The Care and Cure of the Insane. Reports of Lancet Commission on Lunatic Asylums, 1875- 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877. 5595-6 Grasset (J.) Maladies des Systemes Nerveux. 2 tome. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5258 Greenhow (E. H.) On Addison's Disease. Croonian Lectures, 1875. 8vo. Phila., 1875. 5268 Gross (S. D.) History of American Medical Literature from 1776 to 1876. Pht. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5223 An Experimental and Critical Inquiry into .the Nature and Treatment of Wounds of the Intestines. 8vo. Louisville, 1843. 5646 Gudden (B.) Recherches Experimentales sur la Crois- sance du Crane trad'r de 1'Allemand. 4to. Paris, 1876. 5540 Guerin (A.) Leqons Cliniques sur les maladies des Organes Genitaux Internes de la Femme. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5264a Guibout (E.) Nouvelles Leqons Cliniques sur les mala- dies de la Pean. 2d S. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5200 Guillaume (C.) Etudes Cliniques sur quelques tumeurs malignes du Maxillaire Superieur, et principalement sur le Cancer de cet os. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5753-4 Gurlt (E.) Die Gelenk-Resectionen nach Schussver- 18 letzungen ihre Geschichte, Statistik und Resultate. 2 bd. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. 7150m Guttmann (P.) A Handbook of Physical Diagnosis, comprising the Thorax and Abdomen. New Syd. Soc. 8vo. London, 1879. 5192 Guy et Ferrier. Principles of Forensic Medicine. 4th ed. i2mo. London, 1875. H 5468 Hahnemann (S.) The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahne- mann. Collected and translated by R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1852. 5484-88 The Chronic Diseases ; their specific nature and Homeopathic treatment. 5 vols. i2mo. New York, 1845. 5772 Hall (M.) On the Reflex Function of the Medulla Oblongata and Med'a. Spinalis. Ext. Phil. Trans., 1833. 5796 Hamilton (A. McL.) Clinical Electro-Therapeutics- Medical and Surgical. 8vo. New York, 1873. 5647 Hamon (L.) Traite Pratique des Retroceps (Forceps asymetrique). 8vo. Paris, 1873. 7844 Hammond (W. A.) A Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System. 6th ed., enlarged. New York, 1876. On Pigmentary Deposits in the Brain resulting, from Malarial Poisoning. Pht. New York, 1875. 5131 Insanity in its Relation to Crime. 8vo New York. i873- 5132 Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem. 8vo. New York, 1874. 5406 Spiritualism and Allied Causes and Conditions of Nervous Derangement. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5765 Fasting Girls ; their Physiology and Pathology. i2mo. New York, 1879. - The Non-Asylum Treatment of the Insane. Rept. New York, 1879. Neurological Contributions. Vol. 1, No. 1. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5230 Harris (W. P) Lithotomy and Extraction of the Stone from the Bladder, Urethra and Prostate of the Male and from the bladder of the Female. 8vo. London, 1876. 5648 Harris, Austen et Andrieu. Traite Theorique et Pratique de 1'Arat du Dentiste. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5673 Harrison (R.) Clinical Lectures on Stricture of the 19 Urethra and other diseases of the Urinary Organs. 8vo. Liverpool, 1878. 5482-3 HArtmann (F.) Theory of Acute and Chronic Dis- eases and their Homeopathic Treatment-translated from 3d German ed. 8vo. New York, 1847-49. 4 vols. in 2. 5716 Hartmann (J. A. B.) Bemerhungen uber die Lietung der Geburt, die Lagerung der Kreibenden, etc. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1870. 5150 Hartshorne (H.) A Conspectus of the Medical Scien- ces. 2d ed. i2mo. Phila., 1874. 5289 Harvey (W.) On Excision of the enlarged Tonsils and its consequences in cases of Deafness. 8vo. London, 1850. 5530-1 Hayden (Th.) The Diseases of the Heart and of the Aorta. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1875. 5541 Hayem (G.) Recherches sur 1'Anatomie Normale et Path- ologique du Sang. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5649 Hearn (A. W.) Kystes Hydatiques du Poumon et de Plevre. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5536 Heaton (G.) The Cure of Rupture reducible and irre- ducible, also of Varicocele and Hydrocele, by new meth- ods. i2mo. Boston, 1877. 5234-5 Heitzmann (C.) Die Descriptive und Topographische Anatomie des Menschen in 600 Abbildungen. 2bd. 8vo. Wien, 1875. 5737-8 (- and J.) Compendium der Chirurgie. 2bd. Wien., 1876-78. 5509 Helmholtz (H.) Optique Physiologique, text and plates. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 5717 Henke (W.) Topographische Anatomie des Menschen in Abbildung und Beschreibung. Fol. Berlin, 1879. 5270 Henry (M. H.) Specialists and Specialities in Medicine. Pht. New York, 1876. 5471 Hering (C.) Amerikanische Arzneiprufungen. Vorar- beiten, zur Arzneilehre als Naturwissenchaft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1857. 5472 The Homeopathic Domestic Physician. 6th Am. ed. 8vo. Phila., 1858. 5542 Herrgott (A.) Des Maladies Foetales qui peuvent faire obstacle a 1'Accouchement. These d' Agregation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 20 5789-94 Hermann (S.) Handbuch der Physiologic. Bd. 1. 2. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. 5650 Hermant (E.) Aide-Memoire du Medecin Militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 7991 Heubner (O.) Die Deutische Erkrangung der Hirn- arterien, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. 5797 Hewson (A.) Earth as a Topical Application in Surgery. 8vo. Phila., 1872. 5179-80 Hey (Wm.) The Life of Wm. Hey, Esq., F. R. S. by John Pearson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827 5231 Hicks (J. Braxton) On combined external and internal version. 8vo. London, 1864. 5767 Hiller (A.) Die Lehre von der Faulniss. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. 5246 Hodgson (D.) The Prostate Gland and its Enlargement in Old Age. 8vo. London, 1856. 5825. Hoffmann and Ultzman. Guide to the examination of Urine. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1879. 5781 Hood (P.) A Treatise on Gout, Rheumatism and Allied Affections. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1879. Horner (W. E.) Necrological Notice of Dr. Philip Syng Physick, delivered before the American Philosophical Society, May, 1838. Pht. Phila. A brief Review of the.same. Author's name not given. Hospital, Massachusetts General. Two Addresses of the Trustees to the General Public. Pht. 1816-22. Description of the Boston City Hospital, its En- largement and Reconstruction. 8vo. Boston, 1877. 5146 Plans. Five Essays relating to the Construction, Organization and Management of Hospitals, Contributed by their Authors for the use of the Johns Hopkins Hos- pital of Baltimore. 8vo. New York, 1875. Johns Hopkins. Report 5 on Heating and Ventil- 'ation. Pht. 1878. Society of New York and Bloomingdale. An Opin- ion of Attorney General on certain matters concerning them. Pht. 1879. 5142 Howe (J. W.) Emergencies and how to treat them. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1874. Howe (S. G.) Causes and Prevention of Idiocy. Pht. Boston, 1874. Hubbard (O. P.) A Lecture introductory to 83d course of the N. H. Med. Institution at Dartmouth College, July, 1879, 21 54°o-i-2 Hueter (C.) Klinik der Gelenkkrankheiten mit Eins- chluss der Orthopadie. 3 Theil. Leipzig, 1876-78. 5480 Hughes (R.) A Manual of Therapeutics. 8vo. London, 1869. 5479 A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. 2d ed. 12010. London and New York, 1868. 5478 The same. 3d ed. Part I. i2mo. London and New York, 1875. 5698 Huguenin (G.) Anatomie des Centres Nerveux. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5466 Hull's Jahr. New Manuel of Homeopathic Practice. 6th Am. ed. Ed. by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 8vo. New York, 1874. 5467 The same, ed. by F. G. Snelling. 8vo. New York, i860. 5699 Humbert (G.) Des Neoplasmes des Ganglions Lymphati- ques. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Hunt (E. M.) The Lights and Shadows of Medical Science ; an Alumni Address. 1872. Hutchinson (J.) Illustrations of Clinical Surgery. Fol* fas. 1 to 13 inc., 1876-9. 5855 Lectures on Clinical Surgery. Vol. 1. Dis. of the Skin. 8vo. London, 1879. 5225 Huth (Alf.) The Marriage of Near Kin, considered with respect to the Laws of Nations, the results of experi- ence, etc. 8vo. London, 1875. I. 5597 Imbert (P.) De 1'Amputation Utero-ovarique comme complement de 1'operation cesarienne. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5417 Ireland (W. W.) On Idiocy and Imbecility. 8vo. London, 1879. 5399 Isambert. Conferences Cliniques sur les Maladies du Larynx et des premieres voies. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5222 Ivanchich (V.) Kritische Beleuchtung der Blasenstein- zertriimmerung wie sie heute dasteht, etc. 8vo. Wien, 1842-51. 5768 Izquierdo (V.) Beitrage zur Kentniss der Endegung der Sensiblen Nerven. 8vo. Strassburg, 1879. (Inaug. Diss.) 7829 Jaccoud (S.) Traite de Pathologic Interne. Appendice aux quatre premieres editions. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5228 Jackson (J. Hughlings.) Clinical and Physiological 22 Researches on the Nervous System. No. i Localisa- tions of Movements in the Brain. Rept. Lancet, 1873. (S.) Introductory Lecture to Course of Institutes of Medi- cine at University of Pennsylvania, 1841-2 5368 Jacobi (M. P.) The Question of Rest for Women during Menstruation. Boylston Prize Essay, 1876. New York, 1877. Jacobi (A.) The Influence of Menstruation, Pregnancy and Medicines on Lactation. Rept. New York, 1877. On Masturbation and Hysteria in Young Children. Rept. New York, 1876. 5822 Infant Hygiene. 8vo. New York, 1876. Treatment of Infant Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Rept. 1879. 5769 Jacubasch (G. H.) Sonnenstich und Hitzschlag. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. 5700 Jamain (M. A.) Des Plaies du Coeur. These. Paris, 1857. Janeway (E. G.) Points in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Affections. Am. Clinic Lectures, v. 3, No. 5. New York, 1877. 5813 Jeffries (B. Joy) Color-Blindness ; its dangers and its detection. 8vo. Boston, 1879. 5149 Diseases of the Skin. Boylston Prize Essay. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Jewett (C.) Report upon the case of the late Dr. E. A. Groux, of Brooklyn. Pht. 1878. 5739 Joessel (J. G.) Des Thromboses et des Embolies en Chirurgie. These de Concours. 4to. Paris, 1869. 5116 Joffroy (A.) De la Pachymeningite cervicale hypertro- phique. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5674 Jones (H. McN.) A Practical Treatise on Aural Surgery. i2mo. London, 1879. 1386 (John.) Plain Concise Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures. Appendix on Military Hospitals. 8vo. Phila., 1776. 1386a The same. 8vo. New York, 1775. 5481 Joslin (B. F.) Principles of Homoeopathy in a series of Lectures. 121110. New York, 1850. 5241-2 Jourdanet (D.) Influence de la Pression de 1'Air sur la vie de I'homme. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5201 Jullien (L.) De la Transfusion du Sang. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5651 Junod (T.) Traite Theorique et Pratique de 1'Hemos- pasie. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 23 K Key and Retzius. Studien in der Anatomie des Nerven- systeins und des Bindegewebes. 2 vols., fol. Stock- holm, 1875-6. Keyes (E. L.) The effect of small doses of Mercury in modifying the number of the red blood corpuscles in Syphilis. Rept. New York, 1876. 5327 The Tonic Treatment of Syphilis. 8vo. New York, 1877. 5614-15 Kilian (H. F.) Die Operative Geburtshiilfe. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn., 1856. 5514 Klebs (E.) Handbuch Pathologische Anatomie. Lief 1-6. 8vo. Berlin, 1868-76. Klein and Smith. Atlas of Histology. Parts 1-9. 4to. London, 1879. 7616a Klein (E.) The Anatomy of the Lymphatic System. Part 2. Lung., 1875. 5438 Klob (J. M.) Pathological Anatomy of the Female Sex- ual Organs. 8vo. New York, 1868. 5592 Knapp (H.) A Treatise on Intra-ocular Tumors. 8vo. New York, 1869. • Report and Remarks on a 4th and 5th of Cataract Extractions. Rept. New York, 1877. 5424 Koeberle (E.) De 1'Hemostase Definitive par Compres- sion Excessive. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5111-12 Koenig (Fr.) Lehrbuch der Speciellen Chirurgie fiir Aertze und Studirende. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1875-77. 5652 Komorowski (V.) Des Injections intra-uterines et de leurs indications dans les suites des couches. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5653 Krafft-Ebing (R.) La Responsibility Criminelle et la Capacite Civile dans les etats de trouble intellectuel: trad de 1'Allemand. 8vo. Paris, 1875. C774-5-6 Lehrbuch der Psychiatric. Bd. I, II. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1879. 5337 Kulz (Ed.) Beitrage zur Pathologic und Therapie des Diabetes Mellitus. 8vo. Marburg, 1874. L. 5656 Labbe (L.) Lecons Clinique Chirurgicale a 1'hdpital des Cliniques. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 24 5214 Labb£ et Coyne Traite des Tumeurs Benignes du Sein. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5543 Laboulbene (A.) Nouveau Elements d'Anatomie Patho- logique, Descriptive et Histologicpie. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5654 Laget (A.) Etude sur le Purpura Simplex a forme exan- thematique. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5568 Lambert (J.) Etude Clinique et Experimentale sur Tac- tion de 1'air comprime et rarefie dans les maladies des poumons et du coeur. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5272-3 Lancereaux {E.) Traite d'Anatomie Pathologique. Tome 2. 1875-9. 5695 Landois (L.) Lehrbuch der Physiologic des Menschen, einschliesslich der Histologie und Mikroskopischen Ana- tomic. ite halfte. 8vo. Wien, 1879. 5535 Landolt (E.) Manuel d'Opthalmoscopie. i2mo. Paris, 1878. 5426 Lemons sur le Diagnostic des Maladies des Yeux. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5143 Langstaff (C.) Hospital Hygiene: an Address. 8vo. London, 1872. 7150 d. e. Latham (P. M.) The Collected Works of Dr. P. M. Latham, by Sir Thos. Watson. 2 vols. 8vo. New Sydenham Sac. London, 1876. 5655 Laurent (G.) Des Anevrysmes compliquant les fractures. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5441 Layard (D. P.) An Essay on the Bite of a Mad Dog. i2mo. London, 1762. Leaming (J. R.) Significance of disturbed action and functional murmurs of the Heart. Pht., 1875. Physical Signs of Interpleural Processes. Pht., 1878. 5442 Leathes (D.) A Treatise upon the present alarming con- tagion amongst Dogs. 8vo. London, 1760. 5835 Lebert (H.) Traite de la Phthisie Pulmonaire. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5657 LeBret (E.) Manuel Medicale des Eaux Minerales. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5661 LeBlond (N. A.) Manuel de Gymnastique, Hygienique et Medicale. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5294-5 LeClerc (L.) Histoire de la Medecine Arabe, Expose complet des traductions du Grec, etc., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 25 5202 Decorche (M.) Traite des Maladies des Reins et des Al- terations Pathologiques de 1'urine. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5274 Traite du Diabete. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 7549 Lectures. German Clinical, on subjects connected with Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics. New Sydenham Soc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876-77. 5658 LeDouble (A.) Du Kleisis Genital et principalement de 1'occlusion vaginale et vulvaire dans les Fistules Uro- Genitales. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5151 Lee (H.) Lectures on Syphilis and some forms of Local Disease. 8vo. Phila., 1875. 5659 Lefort (J.) Traite de Chymic Hydrologique. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1873 5831 Lemaire. Du Coaltar Saponine, desinfectant energique arretant les fermentations, etc. 8vo. Paris, i860. Lente (F. D.) The Neurotic Origin of Disease, and the action of remedies on the Nervous System. Rept. New York, 1875. Neuralgia and other Neuroses arising from cica- trices of the Scalp, and their surgical treatment. Rept. New York, 1875. Superficial Lacerations of the Perineum. Rept* New York, 1875. 5863 Leopold (C. G.) Das Skoliotisch und Kyphoskoliotisch Rachitische Becken, etc. Fol. Leipzig, 1879. 5181-2-3 Lettsom (J. C.) Life and Correspondence, etc. See Memoirs. 5348-9 Leuckart (R.) Die Menschlichen Parasiten und die von Herriihrenden Krankheiten. 2 Bd. 8vo. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1863-76. 5570 Levinstein (E.) La Morphiomanie, Monographic basee sur des observations personelles. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 7i5on. Lexicon of Terms used in Medicine and the Allied Sci- ences. New Sydenham Soc. Parts I, II. 8vo. London, 1878-79. 5291 Libraries. Public Libraries of the U. S. of America, their History, Condition and Management. Published by Bureau of Education, Part I. 8vo. Washington, 1876. 5292 Special Report of same. Pht. Part II. 1876. 5679 Transactions and Proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877. 4to. Lon- don, 1878. 26 5236 Lobo (Manuel de Gama) Etudes sur la Fievre Jaune a Rio de Janeiro. Bresil. Pht, Bresil, 1876. 5598 Loewenberg (B.) Les Tumeurs Adenoides du Pharynx Nasal. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5450 Longmore (T.) Gunshot Injuries ; their History, Char- acteristic Features, Complications and General Treat- ment. 8vo. London, 1877. 5460 Loomis (A. L.) Lectures on Fevers. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5710 Lessons in Physical Diagnosis. 3d ed. New York, 1878. 5510-11 Lorain (P.) Etudes de Medecine Clinique. De la Temperature du Corps Humain et de ses variations dans les diverses maladies. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5599 Lucas-Championniere (J.) Etude Historique et Clin- ique sur la Trepanation du Crane, la Trepanation guidee par les localisations cerebrales. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5117 Lunier (L.) De 1'Influence des Grandes Commotions politiques et sociales sur le Developpement des Maladies Mentales. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Luschka (H.) Die Brustorgane des Menschen in ihrer Lage. Fol. Tubingen, 1857. 5381-2-3 Die Anatomie des Menschen. 3 Bd. 8vo. Tubingen 1862-7. 5428 Lutaud (A.) Manuel de Medecine Legale et du Juris- prudence Medicale. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Luys (J.) Iconographie Photographique des Centres Ner- veux. qto. Paris, 1873. M 5742 Macdonald (K. N.) The Practice of Medicine among the Burmese, with an Historical Sketch of the Progress of Medicine from the earliest times. 5852 (A.) The Bearings of Chronic Disease of the Heart upon Pregnancy, Parturition, etc. 8vo. London, 1878. 121110, Edinb., 1879. 5301 Maclagan (T.) The Germ Theory applied to the ex- planation of the phenomena of Disease. 8vo. London, 1876. 5341 Macnamara (C.) A History of Asiatic Cholera. 8vo. London, 1876. 5593 Clinical Lectures on Diseases of Bone. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. 27 5662 Magitot (E.) Memoires sur les Tumeurs du Perioste Dentaire. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 5298 Magnan (V.) Recherches sur les Centres Nerveux. Pathologic et Physiologic, Pathologique. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5544 Magne (P.) Des Paralysies Diphtheritiques. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5571 Magnin (A.) Les Bacteries. These pour I'Agregation. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 5759 Maisonneuve (J. G.) Derniers Perfectionnements ap- portes a 1'Urethrotomie Interne. Pht. Paris, 1879. 5473 Malaise (L.) Clinique Homeopathique, a I'usage des Medecins gens du monde. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1837. 5740-1 Malgaigne (J. F.) Manuel de Med. Operatoire. 8th ed. 2 vol. i2mo. Paris, 1874-7. 5821 Mallez & Tripier. De la guerison durable des Re- trecissements de 1'Urethre par la galvano-caustique chimique. Pht. Paris, 1867. 5276 Mann (Jas.) Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812. 1813-14, to which are added Surgical Cases, observations on Military Hospitals, etc. 8vo, Dedham, 1816. 5430 March (Alden.) Tribute to the Memory of, being the Funeral Address of Rev. Dr. Sprague, and other ad- dresses. 4to. Albany, 1879. 5331 Marchal (de Calvi) Recherches sur les Accidents Diabetiques et essai d' une theorie generale du Diabete. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 5525 Marchand (A. H.) Des Accidents que peuvent compli- ques la reduction des Luxations Traumatiques. These Paris, 1875. 5475 Marcy (E. E.) Homeopathy and Allopathy. Reply to Washington Hooker, M.D. 121110. New York, 1852. 5204 a b Marey (M.) Physiologic Experimentelle. 8vo. Paris, 1875-6-7. Marsh (E. J.) Hay-Fever or Pollen Poisoning, read be- fore N. J. State Med. Soc., 1877. Pht. 5663 Martel (J.) De la Mort Apparent eechez le nouveau-ne. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5755 Martin (A.) Hand-Atlas der Gynakologie u. Geburtshiilfe 2d ed. 4to. 90 Tafeln. Berlin, 1878. 5664 Marty (J.) Des Accidents Gravido-Cardiaques. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 28 5718 Mason (Fr.) The Surgery of the Face. 8vo. London, 1878. 5572 Masson (A. M.) De la Gastro-Elytrotomie. These. 4to. Argenteuil, 1878. 5489 Materia Medica of American Provings, by various authors. i2mo. Phila., 1853. 5299. Mathieu et Urbain. Causes et Mecanisme de la Coagula- tion du Sang et des Principales Substances Albuminoides. 8vo. Paris, 3875. 5773 Matteucci (C.) Lepons sur les Phenomenes Physiques des Corps Vivants. i2mo. Paris, 1847. 5518 Maunder (C. F.) Surgery of the Arteries. Lettsomian Lectures, Med. Soc., London. 8vo. London, 1875. McBride (T. A.) The Utility of the Sphygmograph in Medicine. Rept. 1879. 5259 Medicine,-Century of American Medicine, 1776-1876, by various writers. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5135 Medico-Legal Society of New York. Papers read before. 1 st series. 8vo, New York, 1874. 5168 Memoirs of Sir Wm. Blizard, F.R.S. By Wm. Cooke. 8vo. London, 1835. 5181-2-3 of the Life and Writings of the late John Coakley Lettsom, M.D. By Thos. J. Pettigrew. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. of Joseph Parrish. By George B. Wood, M.D. Pht. Phila., 1840. of Thomas P. Shepard, M.D. By Geo. I, Chase. Pht. Providence, 1877. 5429 of John Maclean, M.D., the first Professor of Chemistry in the College of New Jersey. Princeton, 1876. of John W. Francis, M.D., LL.D. By A. K. Gardner, M.D. Pht. New York, 1861. of R. S. Kissam, M.D. By the same. Pht. New York, 1863. 5184 Meryon (Ed.) Practical and Pathological Researches on the various forms of Paralysis. 8vo. London, 1864. 5600 Mialhe. Recherches sur la Digestion. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Miles (F. T.) Peripheral Paralysis. Am. Clin. Leet., vol. 2, No, 12. 1876. Miller (J.) Surgical Experience of Chloroform. Pht. Edinb., 1848. 29 5144 Minor (T. C.) Erysipelas and Child-Bed Fever. • 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. 5419 Mitchell (S. W.) Fat and Blood, and how to make them. 2d ed. i2mo. Phila., 1878. Mitchell (S. W.) Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake. 4to. Washington and New York, i860. Smithsonian Institution. Mitchill (J. K.) Introductory Lecture to Course of Practice of Medicine, Jeff. Med. Coll. Pht. 1849. - do. On the Usefulness of the Medical Profession beyond the limits of the Profession. Pht. 1842. 5323 Molliere (D.) Traite des Maladies du Rectum et de 1'Anus. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5154 Moncocq. Transfusion Instantanee du 'Sang. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5526 Monod (Ch.) Etude Comparative des diverses methodes de 1'Exerese. These. Paris, 1875. 5665 Monteils (E.) Histoire de la Vaccination. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5152 Moore (C. H.) Rodent Cancer, with Photographic and other illustrations of its Nature and Treatment. 121110. London, 1867. 5153 Morache (G.) Traite d'Hygiene Militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5427 Moreau (F. A.) Memoires de Physiologic, Vessie Nata- toire Nerfs Vasculaires, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5701 Morer (Eug.) Du Suicide en France. Etude Statistique. These. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5474 Morgan (Wm.) The Homeopathic Treatment of Indiges- tion, Constipation and Haemorrhoids. 8vo. London, 1852. 5844 Morris (E.) A Practical Treatise on Shock after Sur- gical Operations and Railway Accidents. 121110. Phila., 1868. 5724 (H.) The Anatomy of the Joints of Man. 8vo. Phila., 1879. Morton (Hy.) Carbonic Oxyde ; is it a harmless An- aesthetic or a Virulent Poison. Rept. 1878. Mortuary Experience of the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of New York, from 1843 to 1874. 2d ed. 4to. New York, 1876. Vol. 2. 8vo. 1877. Moser (Dr.) Instruction or the method of curing the Venereal Disease without the assistance of others, by 30 means of the sweet and bitter antisyphilitic robs. Pht. Phila., 1815. 5675-6-7 Munk (Wm.) The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London. 3 vols. 8vo. 2d ed. 1518-1825. Mutter (T. D.) A Report on the Operations for Fis- sures of the Palatine Vault. Pht. Phila., 1843. N 5205 Nachtel (H.) De 1'Hematocele Peri-Uterine. Pht. Paris, 1875- 5285 Napheys (G. H.) Modern Therapeutics; a compendium of recent formulae, approved treatment, etc. 4th ed. 8vo. Phila., 1877. 5286 Modern Surgical Therapeutics. 6th ed. 8vo. Phila., 1879. 7i5of Neale (Rd.) The Medical Digest, being a means of ready reference to the principal contributions to medical science during the last 30 years. New Syd. Soc. 8vo. Lon- don, 1877. 5573-6 Nelaton (A.) Elements de Pathologie Chirurgicale. 2d ed. 8vo. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4 complete. Paris, 1868-79. 5666 Netter (A.) Vues Nouvelles sur le Cholera. 8vo. Paris, 1874. New Sydenham Society.-Atlas of Illustrations of Pathol- ogy. Fas. I.-Diseases of the Kidney. Plates 1-4. 4to. London, 1877. Noyes (H. D.) Cases of Disease in the Orbit. Pht. 1875. O 7994 CEsterlen (F.) Handbuch der Medicinischen Statistik. 8vo. Tubingen, 1874. 5461 Ogston (F.) Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1878. 5125 Ordenstein (L.) Sur la Paralysie Agitans et la Sclerose en plaques generalisee. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 5731 Ordronaux (J.) Commentaries on the Lunacy Laws of New York and on the Judicial Aspects of Insanity. 8vo. Albany, 1879. 5667 Ore (Dr.) Resections-Evidements. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 5534 Le Chloral et la Medication Intra-Veineuse. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 31 5552 Orth (J.) A Compend of Diagnosis in Pathological An- atomy, with directions for making post-mortem examina- tions. 8vo. Boston, 1879. Otis (F. N.) Gleet and its relations to Urethral Stricture. Am. Clin. Leets., vol. 1. New York, 1875. 5557 Stricture of the Male Urethra: its Radical Cure. 8vo. New York, 1878. Urethrismus or Chr. Spasmodic Stricture of the; Urethra. Rept. 1879. Chronic Spasmodic Stricture. Rept. 1879. 5278-9-80 Owen (Rd.) On the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Vertebrates. Vol. I. Fishes and Reptiles. Vol. II. Birds and Mammals. Vol. III. Mammals. 8vo. London, 1866-68. P. 7380 Pagenstecher und Genth. Atlas der Pathologischen Anatomic des Augapfels. 4to. Complete in 8 Lief. Wiesbaden, 1874 and sub. ans. 7867 Paget (James.) Lectures on Surgical Pathology. 3rd ed. London, 1870. 5155 Clinical Lectures and Essays. 8vo. London, 1875. Palmer (O. H.) Suicide not evidence of Insanity. Pht. New York, 1878. 5668 Panas (F.) Lemons sur les Keratites. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5669 Lemons sur les Affections de 1'Appareil Lachrymal. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5545 Lemons sur les Retinetes. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Pancaost (Jos.) Introductory Lecture to Course on Sur- gery, Jefferson Medical College. 1839-40. Pht. 5217 (M.) Etudes sur le Goitre et le Cretinisme. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5374 Parrot (J.) Clinique des Nouveau-Nes. L'Athfepsie. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5156 Parry (J. S.) Extra-Uterine Pregnancy, its Causes, Spe- cies, Pathological Anatomy, Clinical History, etc. 8vo. Phil. 1876. Parsons (Usher.) Sketches of Rhode Island Physicians, deceased prior to 1850. Pht. R. Island, 1859. Patterson (H. S.) Valedictory Address delivered before the Graduates of the Medical Department of Pennsylva- nia College. 1843-4. Pht. 32 Pattison (G. S.) Introductory Lecture delivered at Jeff- son Medical College, 1838-9. Pht. Philadelphia, 1838. 5250a Pean (Dr.) Leqons de Clinique Chirurgicale professees a 1'hopital St. Louis, riere semestre, 1874-5. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 2ieme semestre, 1875-6. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5218 Pean et Urdy. Hysterotomie. De 1'ablation partielle ou totale de 1'uterus par la gastrotomie. 8vo. Paris. 1873. 5577 Pelvet (N.) Des Aneurismes du Coeur. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Pepper (Wm.) An Address introductory to the 112th Course of Lectures in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, October, 1877. The Sanitary Relations of Hospitals. Pht. 1874. 5670 Percepied (E.) De la Mydriase. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5410-n Perls (M.) Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Pathologic, Bd. 2. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1877-79. 7647 Pernot (H.) Etude sur les Accidents produits par les piqures anatomiques. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 5783 Perret (S.) De la Trepanation dans les Abces des os et dans 1'osteite a forme neuralgique. These. 4to. Paris, 1876. 5839 Perrin et Poncet. Atlas des Maladies Profondes de 1'CEil, comprenant 1'Opthalmoscope. 2nd ed. 4to. Paris, 1879. 5490 Perrussel (Dr.) L'Homeopathie. Pht. 1862. Paris. 5107 Peter (M.) Leqons de Clinique Medicale. Tome II. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5269 Pharmacopeia Batava. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1805. 5388 Picard (H.) Traite des Maladies de la Prostate. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5389 Traite des Malad. de 1'Urethre. 8vo. Paris. . 1877. 539° Traite des Malad. de la Vessie et de 1'Affection Calculeuse. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5332 Pichot (F. L.) Etude Cliniques sur le Cancer du Corps et de la Cavite de 1'Uterus. 8vo. Paris. 1876. 5847 (A.) The Life and Labours of Sir Charles Bell. 8vo. London, 1876. 5215-16 Picot (J. J.) Lemons de Pathologic Generale. Les Grands Processus Morbides. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1876-78. 33 5836 Pidoux (H.) Les Lois de la Circulation du Sang. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5837 Piffard (H. G.) Bibliotheca Dermatologica. Pht. New York, 1879. 5527 Pinard (A.) Des Contra-Indications de la Version dans la presentation de 1'Epaule, etc. . These. Paris, 1875. 5578 De 1'Action Comparee du Chloroforme, du Chlo- ral, de 1'Opium, et de la Morphine chez ]a femme en travail. These TAgre'gation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5601 Pinet (C.) De 1'etat de nos connaisances sur 1'affection ourlienne ou oreilloms. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5865 Pitres(A.) Recherches sur les Lesions du centre ovale des Hemispheres Cerebraux. These. 4to. Versailles, 1877. Pitha & Billroth. Handbuch der Allgemeinen und Speciellen Chirurgie. Continued. 5232-3 Playfair (W. S.) A Treatise on the Science and Prac- tice of Midwifery. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. 1649-a-b Poincare. Lecons sur la Physiologic normale et pathologique du Systeme Nerveux. Tome 2, 1874. Tome 3, 1876. Politzer (A.) Zehn Wandtafeln zur Anatomie des Ge- hbrorgans. Imp. fol. Wien, 1873. 5681 Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde. 2 Bd. Bd. 1, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1878. 5602 Pollosson (M.) Du Role de la Contagion dans 1'Etiologie de la Fievre Puerperale. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5579 Poncet (A.) De 1'Hematocele peri-uterine. These d'Agre- gation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5714 Poole (T. W.) Physiological Therapeutics: a new the- ory. 8vo. Toronto, 1879. Pooley (J. H.) Points in the Surgery of Childhood. Am. Clin. Leets. Vols. 2-9. Tracheotomy in Diphtheria. Rep't. Louisville, 1877. 5229 Poore (G. V.) A Text Book of Electricity in Medicine and Surgery. 8vo. London, 1876. (C. T.) Pseudo Hypertrophic Muscular Paralysis. Rep't. New York, 1875, Exsection of Hip-Joint. Rep't. New York, 1877. 5133 Pouchet (F. A.) Nouvelles Experiences sur la Genera- tion Spontanee et la resistance vitale. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 34 5425 Pouchet et Tourneux, Precis d'Histologie Humaine et d'Histogenie. 2nd ed. Paris, 1878. 5784 Poulet (Alf.) Traite des Corps Strangers en Chirurgie. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5391-2-3 Pouteau (M.) CEuyres Posthumes : docteur en med- ecine chirurgien en chef de 1'Hotel Dieu de Lyon. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1783. 5671 Powell (O. C.) Essai sur le Pseudo-Rhumatisme Arti- culaire. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5206 Pozzi (S.) De la Valeur de 1'Hysterotomie dans le traite- ment des Tumeurs Fibreuses de 1'Uterus. These. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Proceedings of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine at its first meeting in the New Hall, May 20, 1875. 5556 Profeta (G.) Un Decennio di Clinica Dermo-Sifilopatica dell Universita di Palermo. 8vo. Palermo, 1878. 5387 Proust (A.) Traite d'Hygiene Publique et Privee. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5832 Prudden (T. Mitchell.) Notes on the Practical Course of Normal Histology given in the Laboratory of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. 8vo. New York, 1879. Public Health. Laws of the State of Michigan relating to. Pht. Lansing, 1876. Report of the Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. No. 1, 8vo., 1877. No. 2, 1878. 5704 Puel (G.) Du Mai Vertebral. These de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Purple (S. S.) An Address on the Medical Libraries of New York, delivered before the N. Y. Academy of Med- icine, January, 1877. Pht. Q. 5842-3 Quain (J.) The Elements of Anatomy. 8th ed. 8vo. New York, 1878. 7381 Quatrefages et Hamy. Crania Ethnica. In continuation. Livs. 3 to 7 inc. R 5580 Rafinesque (F. G.) Etude sur les Invaginations Intesti- nales Chroniques. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5498-9 Ranvier (L.) Lemons sur 1'Histologie du Systeme Ner- veux. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 35 5743 Traite Technique d'Histologic, fas. i-v. 8vo. Paris, 1875-8. 5465 Raue (C. G.) Special Pathology and Diagnostics, with Therapeutic Hints. 8vo. Phila., 1874. 5805 Raymond (F.) Etude sur 1'Hemichoree, 1'Hemianes- thesie et les Tremblements Symptomatiques. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Real-Encyclopaedic der Gesammten Heilkunde. 8vo. Bd. i, lief. 1-3. Wien, 1880. To be continued. 5252 Reclus (P.) Du Tubercule du Testicule et de 1'Orchite Tuberculeuse. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Recklinghausen und Meyer. Mikro-Photographien nach Pathologisch-Anatomischen Praparaten. I heft. Fol. Strassburg, 1878. 7995 Reich (E.) Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen und Hygiene. 8vo. Erlangen, 1858. 5118 Renaut (Jos.) Contribution a 1'etude Anatomique et Clinique de 1'Erysipele et des CEdemes de la Peau. These. Paris, 1874. 7540c Retrospect. Biennial, of Medicine and Surgery. Vol. for 1873-4. New Syd. Soc. 5296 Reybard (J. F.) Traite Pratique des Retrecissements du Canal de 1'Uretre. 8vo. Paris, 1855. 5219 Riant (A.) Hygiene Scolaire. Influence de 1'Ecole sur la Sante des enfants. 2d ed. i2mo. Paris, 1875. 5379 Richet (Ch.) Recherches Experimentales Cliniques sur la Sensibilite. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5547 Structure des Convolutions Cerebrates. These d'Agregation.. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5581 Richelot (L. G.) Des Tumeurs Kystiques de la Mamelle. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5744 Du Tetanos. These.* Paris, 1875. Roberts (J. B.) Acute Bronchocele with Cardiac Hyper- trophy occurring during Pregnancy, and producing fatal dyspnoea. Rept. 1876. 5866 Paracentesis of the Pericardium. 8vo. Phila., 1880. 5260 (F. T.) The Theory and Practice of Medicine. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5134 Robin (Ch.) Memoire sur les objets qui peuvent etre conserves en Preparations Microscopiques, transparentes et opaques. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 36 5603 Rollet (A. G. P.) Du Traitement de la Metrite Chron- ique par la cauterisation au fer rouge. These. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Roosa (D. B. St. J.) On Simulated and Hysterical Loss of Sight. Pht. 1875. The Relations of the Medical Profession to the State. Anniversary Discourse before Med. Soc. S. N. Y., Feb., 1879. Rept. The Relations of Blepharitis Ciliaris to Ametropia. Pht. 1879. An Examination, under Atropine, of the refractive state of eyes with normal vision, etc., etc. Pht. 1879. 5221 Rosenstein (S.) Traite Pratique des Maladies des Reins. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5336 Rosenthal (M.) Klinik der Nervenkrankheiten. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1875. 5853 The same, translated. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5819 Rotch (T. M.) The Emigration of the White Corpus- cles in Inflammation. Boylston Prize Essay. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1873. 5459 Rouis (J. L.) Recherches sur la Transmission du Son dans 1'Oreille Humaine. 4to. Paris, 1877. 5515 Rudinger (Dr.) Topographisch-Chirurgische Anatomie des Menschen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873-8. 5350 Rust (J. N.) Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Chir- urgie, mit Einschluss der Syphilitischen und Augen- Krankheiten. 17 vols. 8vo. Register 1 vol. Berlin und Wien, 1830-6. s 5604 Saint-Ange (L.) De la Pneumonic du Sommet. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5455 Sander (F.) Handbuch der Oeffentlichen Gesundheits- pflege. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. Sands (H. B.) On Tracheotomy and Laryngotomy. Am. Clin. Lectures, vol. 2, 7. A Clinical Lecture on Inflammatory and Spas- modic Stricture of the Urethra. Rept. 1879. On Spasmodic Stricture of the Urethra. Reply to Dr. F. N. Otis. 5961 Sanitary Commission of the U. S. History of the, C. J. Stille. 8vo. Phila., 1866. 5962 Investigations in the Military and Anthropological 37 Statistics of American Soldiers. By B. A. Gould. 8vo. New York, 1869. 5275 Sanne (A.) Traite de la Diphtheric. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Satterthwaite (T. E.) On the Structure and Develop- ment of Connective Substances. Rept. New York, 1876. Present Condition of Evidence concerning Disease- Germs. Rept. Phila., 1877. Notes and Practical Studies on the Minute Ele- ments of the Nervous System. Rept. New York, 1878. Clinical Reports of the Demilt Dispensary. Rept. 1878. > 5870 Satterthwaite and Porter. Carcinoma ; its varieties, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Reprint. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5261 Sayre (L. A.) Lectures on Orthopaedic Surgery and Dis- eases of the Joints. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5421 Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature; their treat- ment by suspension, and the use of Plaster of Paris bandage. 8vo. London and Phila., 1877. 5340 Schaper (J.) Ein Fall von Diabetes Mellitus entsanden durch Trauma. Inaugural Dissertation. Pht. Gottin- gen, 1873. 5587 Schede (Max.) Mittheilungen aus der Chirurgischen Abtheilung des Berliner stadtischen Krankenhauses im Friedrichshain. 8vo. Heft i. Leipzig, 1878. 5745 Schmit (Ch.) Des Fractures de 1'Extremite Inferieure du Radius. These. Paris, 1878. 5818. Schrotter (L.) Laryngologische Mittheilungen. Jahresb. der Klinik f. Laryngoskopie an der Wiener Universitat., 1871-3. 8vo. Wien, 1875. 5746 Schutzenberger (C. H.) Fragments d'Etudes Patholo giques et Cliniques. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5747 Fragments de Philosophic Medicale. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5537 Schwartze (H.) The Pathological Anatomy of the Ear. 8vo. Boston, 1878. 5519 Schweigger (C.) Handbook of Ophthalmology. 8vo. Phila., 1878. 5613 Scultetus (J.) Armamentarium Chirurgicum. 8vo. Am- stelaedami, 1741. 5120 Seguin (E.) Idiocy; its treatment by the physiological method. 8vo. New York, 1876. 38 5290 Medical Thermometry and Human Temperature. 8vo. New York, 1876. 7990 (E. C.) Spinal Paralysis of the Adult. Reprint. New York, 1874. 5333 Myelitis of the Anterior Horns, or Spinal Paraly- sis of Adult and Child. 8vo. New York, 1877. The Treatment of Mild of Melancholia at home. Am. Clin. Lectures, vol. 2, No. 3. 5730 Semple (R. H.) A Manual of the Diseases of the Heart. 8vo. London, 1875. 5194 Sestier (F.) Traite de 1'Angine Laryngee CEdemateuse. 8vo. Paris, 1852. 5750 Shaffer (N. M.) Pott's Disease : its Pathology and Me- chanical Treatment. i2mo. New York, 1879. Shaffer (N. M.) The Etiology and Pathology of Chronic Joint Disease. Am. Clin. Leets., vol. 3, No. 6. 1877. On Reflex Muscular Contraction and Atrophy in Joint Disease, etc. Rept. 1877. Sharp (W.) Essays on Medicine ; being an Investigation of Homeopathy and other medical systems. 10th ed. 8vo. London, 1874. 5817 Shattuck (F. C.) Floating Spleen. Pht. Boston, 1878. Shoemaker (J. V.) Ringworm in Public Institutions. Reprint. Phila., 1878. Sibson (F.) Medical Anatomy ; or, Illustrations of the relative positions and movements of internal organs. Fol. London, 1869. 5785-6 Sichel fils (A.) Traite Elementaire d'Ophthalmologie. T. 1. Maladies du Globe Oculaire. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 7901 Simon (G.) Chirurgie der Nieren. 8vo. Erlangen, 1871. a 1 Th. 2 Th. Stuttgart, 1876. 5594 Skene (Alex. J. C.) Diseases of the Bladder and Ure- thra in Women. 8vo. New York, 1878. 5185 Skey (F.C.) Hysteria, Remote Causes of disease in general, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1867. 7150-a.b.c. Smellie. Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. 3 vols. 8vo. New Syd. Soc. 1876-8. Smith (G. M.) Epidemics of the Century. Reprint. New York, 1876. (H. H.) On the treatment of Ununited Fracture by " Pressure and Motion." Rept. 1876. 39 5828 (S.) Manual of the Principles and Practice of Operative Surgery. 8vo. Boston, 1879. (A. H.) Alimentations by Injections of Defibri- nated Blood. Reprint. Smyth (A. W.) Report of a Successful Operation in a case of Subclavian Aneurism, performed in the Charity Hospital, New Orleans. Pht. 1864. 5415 Spiegelberg (O.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe. 8vo. Jahr. 1877-8. 7721 Statham. Cases of Resection in Civil Practice. 8vo. London, 1856. • Statistics. Medical and Anthropological, of the Provost's Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from Records of the Examination for Military Service in the Armies of the U. S. during the late war of the Rebellion. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1875. 5412 Steiner (J.) Grundriss der Physiologic des Menschen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. 5696 (Fr.) Ueber die Modernen Wundbehandlungs- methoden und deren Technik. Sepr-Abdr. 8vo. Wien., 1879. 5447 Stewart (L.) On Tendency to Disease of Body and Mind in Refined Life, and the General Principles of Cure. 121110. London, 1828. Stilling (B.) Neue Untersuchungen uber den Ban des kleinen Gehirns des Menschen. Texte 4to. Atlas. Fol. Cassel, 1878. 5512 Die Rationelle Behandlung der Harnrbhren-Stric- turen. 3 pits. 8vo. Cassel, 1870-72. 5762 Stimson (L. A.) A Manual of Operative Surgery. 121110. Phila., 1878. 5816 Stoerk (K.) Laryngoskopische Operationen. Pht. Wien., 1872. 5497 Stone (J. O.) Clinical Cases, Medical and Surgical. 8vo. New York, 1878. Stuart (T. M.) An Inaugural Essay on Genius and its Diseases. Pht. New York, 1819. 5226 Sturges (O.) The Natural History and Relations of Pneumonia. 8vo. London, 1876. Sussdorff (G. E.) A Contribution to the Differential Diagnosis between hollow uterine polypus and complete inversion of the uterus. Rept. New York, 1874. 5850 Szymanowski (J. von.) Handbuch der Operativen Chir- urgie, 1 Th. 8vo. (all pub.) Braunschweig, 1870. 40 5798 Tanner (T. H.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. 3d Am. ed. 8vo. Phila., 1871. 5748 Tardieu (Amb.) Etude Med. Legale sur les Maladies produites accidentellement ou involuntairement par im- prudence, negligence ou transmission contagieuse. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5605. Etude Med. Legale sur les Blessures. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5532 Taylor (A. S.) On Poisons, in relation to Medical Juris- prudence and Medicine. 3d Am. from 3d London ed. Phila., 1875. 7975 (C. F.) On the Mechanical Treatment of Diseases of the Hip-Joint. 8vo. New York, 1873. (R. W.) On Dactylitis Syphilitica. Rept. New York, 1870. Clinical Notes on Lichen Planus. Rept. New York, 1874. Etiology of Infantile Eczema. Rept. New York, i875- 5122 Syphilitic Lesions of the Osseous System in Infants and Young Children. 8vo. New York, 1875. On a rare form of Idiopathic Localized or Partial Atrophy of the Skin. Rept. 1876. The Danger of the Transmission of Syphilis be- tween nursing children and nurses in Infant Asylums and in Private Practice. Rept. New York, 1875. On the Treatment of Eczema. Am. Clin. Leets, vol. 2-xi. 1876. On the Treatment of the Various Forms of Acne Rosacea. Am. Clin. Leets., vol. 3-xi. 1878. (I. E.) What is the best treatment in Contracted Pelves? Rept. New York, 1876. 5195 Teale (T. P.) Amputation by a Long and Short Rect- angular Flap. 8vo. London, 1858. 5583 Terrilhon (Dr.) Des Ruptures de 1'Urethre. ThPse pour I'Agregation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5324 Testut (L.) De la Symetrie dans les Affections de la Peau. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5728-9 Thiersch (C.) Der Epithlialkrebs. Namentlich der Haut. Texte 8vo. Atlas 11 Tafeln. Fol. Leipzig, 1865. 5413 Thomas (T. G.) Trattato Pratico delle Malattie delle 41 Donne. Prima versione Italiana sulla quarta edizione. 8vo. Firenzi, 1877. , History of nine cases of Ovariotomy. Rept. New York, i860. Gastro-Elytrotomy a substitute for Caesarian Sec- tion. Rept. 1870. Laparo-Elytrotomy a substitute for the Caesarian Section. Rept. New York, 1878. A case of Abdominal Pregnancy treated by Lapar- otomy. Rept. 1876. A New Method of removing Interstitial and Sub- mucous Fibroids of the Uterus. 2 Repts.. New York, 1878-9. The most effectual method of controlling the high temperature occurring after Ovariotomy. Rept. 1878. The Intra-Venous Injection of Milk as a substitute for the Transfusion of Blood. Rept. 1878. 5712 A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women. 4th ed. 8vo. Phila., 1878. Thomas (Dr.) Verhandlungen der Cholera-Conferenz in Weimar, 1867. Miinchen, 1867. Bound in 9th Bd. Zeitsch. f. Biologie. 1873. 5227 Thompson (Sir H.) Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 4th ed. London, 1876. The same. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1879. W. H. Anniversary Discourse before the N. Y. Acad, of Medicine, Nov., 1878. Pht. New York, 1878. 5705 Tillaux (P.) Traite d'Anatomie Topographique, avec applications a la Chirurgie. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5849 Des Affections Chirurgicales des Nerfs. These d'Agregation. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 5404 Tilt (E. J.) The Change of Life in Health and Disease. 3d ed. 8vo. Phila., 1871. 5584 Tison (E. J. C.) Nouvelles Considerations sur la Recto- tomie Lineaire. These. 4to. Paris, 1877. 5114 Toner (J. M.) Dictionary of Elevations and Climatic Register of the U. S. 8vo. New York, 1874. 5115 Contributions to the Annals of Medical Progress and Medical Education in the U. S., before and during the War of Independence. 8vo. Washington, 1874. Free Parks and Camping Grounds, or Sanitariums for sick and debilitated children. Reprint. 1873. 42 Inoculation in Pennsylvania. Reprint. 1865. Obituary Notice of the late Chas. A. Lee, M.D. Reprint. 1872. The Propriety and Necessity of Compulsory Vacci- nation. Pht. 1865. Address before the American Med. Association, when President. Reprint. 1874. Facts of Vital Statistics in the U. S. Pht. 1872. Natural History and Distribution of Yellow Fever in U. S. Reprint. 1873. Anniversary Oration before the Med. Soc. of the District of Columbia. Pht. 1869. Toner Lectures : Lecture I. Structure of Cancerous Tumors. By J. J. Woodward, U. S. A. 1873. II. Dual Character of the Brain. By C. E. Brown-Sequard. 1874. III. On Strain and Over-Action of the Heart. J. M. DaCosta, M.D. 1874. IV. The Nature and Mechanism of Fever. H. C. Wood, M.D. 1875. V. The Surgical Complications of Continued Fever. W. W. Keen, M.D. 1877. VI. Subcutaneous Surgery. By Wm. Adams, M.D., F.R.S. 1876. Washington, 1877. " VII. The Nature of reparatory inflammation in arteries after ligature, acupressure and torsion. By E. O. Shakespeare, A.M., M.D. 1878. Washington, 1879. 5271 Toner (J. M.) The Medical Men of the Revolution, with a brief history of the Medical Department of the Con- tinental Army, etc., etc. An Address. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5749 Torres (M.) Des Calculs du Rein et de la Nephrotomie. These. 4to. Paris, 1878. 5376-7-8 Traube (L.) Gesammelte Beitrage zur Pathologie und Physiologic. 3 Bd. 8vo. Berlin, 1871-8. 5815 Tripier (A.) Applications de 1'Electricite a la Medecine et a la Chirurgie. 3d ed. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 5691 Tuke (D. H.) Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life, with chapters on its prevention. 8vo. London, 1878. 5854 Turnbull (L.) The Advantages and Accidents of Anaes- thesia. 2nd ed. 8vo. Phila., 1879. 43 57ii Tyson (J.) A Guide to the Practical Examination of Urine. 2nd ed. 8vo. Phila., 1878. V 5129 Van Buren (W. H.) Contributions to Practical Surgery. 8vo. Phila., 1865. and Keyes. Self-Injection of the Bladder in the treatment of the consequences of obstructive enlarge- ment of the prostate, etc. Reprint. New York, 1878. 5820 Veillon (F. T.) Contribution a 1'etude des Tumeurs Malignes Naso-Pharyngiennes. These. Paris, 1874. v 5370 Velpeau (A. L. M.) Maladies de 1'Uterus. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 5386 Verneuil (A.) Chirurgie Reparatrice. Vol. i. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5585 Vincent (F. Eug.) Des Causes de la Morte Prompte apres les grands traumatismes accidentels et chirurgi- caux. These d'Agrdgation. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 5265 Vincent (E.) De 1'Ablation du Calcaneum en general et specialement de 1'Ablation sous-periostee de cet os. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 5829-30 Virchow (R.) Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der Offentlichen Medicin und der Seuchen- lehre. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1879. 7251b Pathologic des Tumeurs. T. iv, fas. 1. 1876. 5706 Voisin (A.) Traite de la Paralysie Generale des Alienes, 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5245 (J.) Contribution a 1'etude des Arthropathies Syphilitiques. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 5109 Vulpian(A.) Lepons sur 1'appareil Vaso-Moteur. T. 2nd. 1875. 5553 Maladies du Systeme Nerveux. 8vo. Paris, 1877-8. Diseases of the Nervous System. A Lecture. Translated by F. D. Beane, M.D. Reprint, '78 ; also in Ohio M. and S. JI., Dec., '78. W Wagner (C.) Syphilis of the Nose and Larynx. Pht. Columbus, O., 1877. A Case of Synovial Bursa of the Hyoid Bone. Reprint. Columbus, O., 1877. On Intra-Laryngeal Growths. Reprint. 1878. 44 5462 (E.) A Manual of General Pathology. 8vo. New York, 1876. 5342-7 Walther (Ph. Fr. von) System der Chirurgie. Bd. 6. 8vo. Carlsruhe und Freiburg, 1843-1852. 7150 i-k Waring (E. J.) Bibliotheca Therapeutica ; or, Biblio- graphy of Therapeutics. New Syd. Soc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878-9. 5249 Warren (J. C.) The Anatomy and Development of Rodent Ulcer. Boylston Prize Essay. 1872. 5719 Waters (A. T. H.) The Anatomy of the Human Lung. 8vo. London, i860. 7812a (H.) A Dictionary of Chemistry. 2nd Supple- ment. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 3d Supplement, 8th vol., part i. 1879. 5287 Watson (W. S.) Diseases of the Nose and its Accessory Cavities. 8vo. London, 1875. 7933-4 (Th.) Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1872. 5549 Wecker (L. De) Therapeutique Oculaire. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. Paris, 1878-9. 5760 Chirurgie Oculaire. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5606-7 et Landolt. Traite Complet d'Ophthalmologie- Anatomie Microscopique par Arnold, Ivanoff, etc. T. 1, partie i. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Weir (R. F.) Icthyosis of Tongue and Vulva. Reprint. White (W. T.) Anniversary Discourse before the N. Y. Acad, of Medicine. Pht. New York, 1876. 5867 (W.) Observations on Strictures, and other affec- tions occasioning a Contraction in the Lower Part of the Intestinal Canal, and the Mode of Treatment. 2nd ed 8vo. Bath, 1815. 5857 Wickes (S.) History of Medicine and Medical Men of New Jersey, from the Settlement of the Province to 1800. 8vo. Newark, 1879. 5451 Wilks (S.) Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. 8vo. London, 1878. Williams (C.) A Case of Tubal Pregnancy. Reprint. New York, 1878. 5720 (Wm.) The Principles and Practice of Veterinary Medicine. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1874. 5721 The Principles and Practice of Veterinary Surgery. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1875. 45 5403 (R.) and Fisher. Hints for Hospital Nurses. i6mo. Edinb., 1877. 5448 (J. AV. H.) On Unsoundness of Mind in its Medi- cal and Legal Considerations. 8vo. London, 1856. 5722 Willis (R.) William Harvey : a History of the discovery of the Circulation of the Blood. 8vo. London, 1878. 5702 Wilson (E.) Healthy Skin ; a popular treatise on the Skin and Hair. 121110. Phila., 1854. 5288 Winckel (F.) Die Pathologic und Therapie des Wochen- betts. Translated by J. R. Chadwick, M.D. 8vo. Phila., 1876. Winiwarter (A. von) and Billroth (Th.) Beitrage zur Statistik der Carcinome mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die dauernde Heilbarkeit durch operative Behandlung. Fol. Stuttgart, 1878. 5610-11 Witkowski (G.) Structure et Fonctions du Corps Humain. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 5157 Wood, Jr. (H. C.) A Treatise on Therapeutics, com- prising Materia Medica and Toxicology. 2d ed. 8vo. Phila., 1876. 5369 Woodman and Tidy. A Hand-Book of Forensic Medi- cine and Toxicology. 8vo. London, 1877. 5707 Worthington (L. S.) De 1'Obesite. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 7992 Wundt (W.) Grundztige der Physiologischen Psycho- logic. 1 bd. in 2 parts. Leipzig, 1873-4. 5764 Wyeth (J. A.) Essays on Surgical Anatomy and Surgery. Prize. 8vo. New York, 1879. 5414 Wylie (W. G.) Hospitals : their History, Organization and Construction. Boylston Prize Essay. 8vo. New York, 1877. Wyman (Jeffries) Fre§h-Water Shell Mounds of St. John's River, Florida. 4to. Boston, 1876. Y Young (N.) Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the Medical Department of Georgetown College. Pht. 1857. Z 5616 Zeis (E.) Handbuch der Platischen Chirurgie. 8vo. Berlin, 1838. Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Am. ed. 8vo. Vols. 1-17 inc. 9. New York, 1874-78. JOURNALS, REVIEWS, ETC. AMERICAN. American Journal of Insanity. Utica. Incomplete series. Current. American Journal of Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. 104 vols. 1827-79. Current. American Journal of Obstetrics. New York. Vols. 1-12, 1868-79. Current. American Journal of Otology. New York. Vol. 1. 1879. Current. American Journal of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. Vols. 25-51. 1853-79. Current. American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven. 117 vols. 1818-79. Current. American Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. New York. Vols. 1-5. 1870-74. American Medical Intelligencer. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-5. 1837-42. American Medical and Philosophical Register. New York. Vols. 1-4. 1810-14. American Medical Recorder. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-15. 1818-29. " Times. New York. Vols. 1-9. 1860-64. American Practitioner. Louisville. Vols. 1-20. 1870-79. Current. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History. New York. Vols. 1-10. 1824-71. Archives of Electrology and Neurology, New York. Vols 1-2. i874-75- Archives of Medicine. New York. Vols. 1-2. 1879. Current. Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology. New York. Vols. 1-8. 1869-79. Current. Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine and Surgery. New York. Vol. 1. 1873. 47 Baltimore Medical and Physical Recorder. Vol. i. 1809. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-101. 1828-79, Current. Bulletin of Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-4. 1843-46. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 4 vols. 1860-71. Chicago Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vols 1-6. 1874-79. Current. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer. Vols. 1-21. 1858-78. " Clinic. Vols. 1-3. 1878-79. Current. Compendium of Medical Science. Philadelphia. Parts 1-25. 1868- Current. Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-4. 1836-40. Eclectic Repertory and Analytical Review. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-10. 1811-20. Index Medicus. Vol 1. 1879. Current. Journal of the Gynaecological Society. Boston. Vols. 1-7. 1869- Journal of Psychological Medicine. New York. Vols. 1-6. 1867-72. Louisville Medical News. Vols. 1-8. 1876-79. Current. Medical Examiner. Philadelphia. 19 vols. 1838-56. Record. New York. Vols. 1-16. 1866-79. Current. Repository. New York. Vols. 1-23. 1797-1824. Medical and Surgical Register. New York Hospital. Vol. 1. 1818-20. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-41. 1858-79. Current. North American Archives of Medical and Surgical Science. Baltimore. Vols. 1-2. 1834-5. North American Journal of Homoeopathy. New York. 9 vols. 1851-61. North American Medical and Surgical Journal. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-12. 1826-31. New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Boston. Vols. 1-16. 1812-27. New England Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery- Boston. Vol. 1. 1842-3. 48 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. N. S. Vols. 1-7, 1873-79. Current. New York Journal of Medicine. 34 vols. 1843-60. New York Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Vols. 1-4, 1839-41. New York Lancet. Vols. 1-2. 1842-43. " Medical Gazette. Vols. 1-2. 1841-42. New York Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. Vols. 1-12. 1850-61. New York Medical Journal. Vols. 1-2. 1830-31. " 1-30. 1865-79. Current. " " Magazine. Vol. 1. 1814-15. New York Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Vols. 1-3. 1809-11. New York Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-9. 1822-30. " Surgical Reporter. " 1-2. 1845-47. Times. Vols. 1-5. 1852-56. New Remedies. New York. Vols. 1-8. 1871-79. Current. Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal. N. S. Vols. 1-3. 1876-78, Philadelphia Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Vols. 1-14. 1820-27. Philadelphia Medical Museum. 7 vols. 1804-11. and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-2. 1804-5. Times. Vols. 1-9. 1870-79. Current. Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal. New York. Vol. i-3- 1874-76. Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal. Vols. 1-28. 1866-79. Current. West Virginia Medical Student. Wheeling. Vol. 1. 1875-76. BRITISH. Anderson's Quarterly Journal of the Medical Science. London Vols. 1-3. 1824-26. Annals of Medicine. Edinburgh. Vols. 1-8. 1796-1804. Archives of Medicine. London. Vols. 1-4. Also No. r, Vol 5- 1859-70. Association Medical Journal. London. 6 vols. 1853-56. Brain. London. Vols. 1-2. 1878-9. Current. 49 British and Foreign Medical Review. London. Vols. 1-25. 1836-48. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. London. Vols. 1-60. 1848-77. British Medical Journal. London. 42 vols. 1857-79. Cur- rent. Dublin Medical Journal. 96 vols. 1832-79. Current. Edinburgh " " 42 vols. 1855-79. " Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-82. 1805- 55- Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary. Edinburgh, Vols. 1-3. 1771. Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Science. London. Vols. 1-58. 1845-73. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. London. Vols. 1-13. 1867-79. Current. Journal of Mental Science. London. Vols. 2-25. 1856-79. Current. Journal of Physiology. London. Vols. 1-2. 1878 9. Cur- rent. Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. London. 16 vols. 1848-63. Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. New Series. London. Vols. 1-5. 1875-9. Current. Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review. London. Vols. i-4- 1855-58. Lancet. London. 117 vols. 1823-79. Current. London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Edinburgh. Vols. 1-20. 1841-55. London Journal of Medicine. Vols. 1-4. 1849-52. Medical Gazette. " 1-48. 1827-51. Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-23. 1799- 1810. Medical Repository. Vols. 1-29. 1814-28. Medical Review. Vols. 1-4. 1808-11. Medical Review and Magazine. Vols. 1-8. 1799-1802. Medical and Surgical Journal. 11 vols. 1832-38. Medical and Surgical Spectator. Vols. 1-3. 1808-09. Medical and Chirurgical Review. London. Vols. 1-5. 1795- 99. Vols. 9-15. 1802-07. 50 Medical Essays and Observations. Edinburgh. Vols. 1-6. 1771. Facts and Observations. London. Vols. 1-5. 1791- 94. Museum. London. Vols. 1-3. 1763-64. Observations and Inquiries. London. Vols. 1-5. 1757- 1779. Observer, or London Monthly Compendium of Medical Transactions. London. Vols. 1-7. 1807-10. and Philosophical Commentaries (want vols. 4 and 5, de- cade 2d). London. 20 vols. 1774-95. Times and Gazette. London. 59 vols. 1850-79. Cur- rent. Medico-Chirurgical Review. London. 51 vols. 1820-47. Memoirs, Medical Society of London. Vols. 1-5. 1792-99. Monthly Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. London. 2 vols. 1848-9. Obstetrical Journal of Great Britain and Ireland. London. Vols. 1-6. 1873-79. Current. Parisian Chirurgical Journal. By Desault. Translated by Robert Gosling. London. Vols. 1-2. 1794. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. London. 38 vols. 1842-79. Current. Practitioner. London. Vols. 1-23. 1868-79. Current. Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. London. 14 vols. 1841-52. Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medicine and Surgery. London. Vols. 1-5. 1818-23. Quarterly Medical Review. London. No. 1. Vol. 1. 1827. Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery. London. 80 vols. 1840-79. Current. Veterinary Journal and Annals of Comparative Pathology. London. Vols. 1-9. 1875-79. Current. FRENCH. Annales de Gynecologic. Paris. Tomes 1-12. 1874-79. Cur- rent. " d'Hygiene Publique et de Medecine Legal. Paris. 102 tomes. 1829-79. Current. 51 Ann ales des Maladies de 1'Oreille et du Larynx. Paris. Tomes 1-5. 1875-79. Current. Medico-Psychologiques. Paris. 60 tomes. 1843-79. Current. Archives Generales de Medecine. Paris. Tomes 1-143. 1823- 79. Current. d'Ophthalmologie. Paris. Tomes 1-6. 1853-56. Bulletin de 1'Academie de Medecine. 43 tomes. 1836-79. Current. General de Therapeutique Medicale et Chirurgicale. Paris. Tomes 1-97. 1831-79. Current. et Memoires de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. Tomes 1-5. 1875-79. Current. de la Societe Anatomique de Paris. 53 tomes. 1826- 78. Current. de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 19 tomes. 1860-79. Current. de la Societe de Chirurgie. Paris. 25 tomes. 1848- 74- Comptes-Rendus Hebdomadaires des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences. Paris. Tomes 1-89. 1835-79. Cur- rent. des Seances et Memoires de la Societe de Biologie. Paris. 28 tomes. 1849-76. Gazette Hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie. Paris. 26 tomes. 1853-79. Current. des Hopitaux. 8 tomes. 1872-79. Current. Medicale de Paris. 50 tomes. 1830-79. Current. Journal de 1'Anatomie et de la Physiologic Normales et Patho- logiques. Paris. 15 tomes. 1864-79. Current. des Connaissances Medico-Chirurgicales. Paris. 28 tomes. 1833-52. Hebdomadaire des Progress des Sciences et Institutions Medicales. Paris. 4 tomes. 1834. de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, etc. Paris. 20 tomes. 1801-10. de Medecine Mentale. Paris. Tomes 1-10. 1861-70. de la Physiologic de 1'Homme et des Animaux. Paris. Tomes 1-6. 1858-63. 52 Journal Universel et Hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirur- gie Pratiques et des Institutions Medicales. 13 tomes. Paris. 1830-33. Memoires de 1'Academie Royal de Chirurgie. 5 tomes. Paris. 1761-74. de 1'Academie Royal de Medecine. Paris. Tomes 1- 32. 1828-79. Current. de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 4 Tomes. 1860-78. Current. de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. Tomes 1-7. 1847- 75. de la Societe Medicale d'Emulation de Paris. Tomes 1-9. 1798-1826. de la Societe Medicale d'Observation de Paris. Tomes i-3- 1836-56. Recueil de Memoires de Medecine, de Chirurgie et de Phar- macie Militaires. Paris. 3d series. Tomes 1-35. 1859-79. Current. des Travaux du Comite Consultatif d'Hygiene Publique de France et des Actes Officiels de 1'Administration Sanitaire. Paris. Tomes 1-7. 1872-78. Cur- rent. Repertoire Annuel de Clinique Medico Chirurgicale. Paris. 4 tomes. 1835-36. Revue Photographique des Hopitaux de Paris. Tomes 1-7. Nos. 1-6. T. 8. 1869-76. Revue des Sciences Medicales en France et a 1'Etranger. Paris. Tomes 1-14. 1873-79. Current. Revue de Therapeutique Medico-Chirurgicale. Paris. 26 tomes. 1853-79. Current. GERMAN. Archiv. ftir Anatomie und Physiologic. Anatomische Abtheilung. Jahrg., 1877-79. Current. Archiv. fur Anatomie und Physiologic. Physiologische Ab- theilung. 1877-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig Bande 1-6. 1826-32. Archiv. fiir Physiologie und Wissenchaftliche Medizin. Leipzig. 43 Jahrg. 1834-76. Archiv. fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Prag. Bande 1-5. 1869-73. 53 Archiv. fiir Experimentelle Pathologic und Pharmakologie. Leipzig. Bandei-n. 1873-79. Current. Archiv. fiir die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn. Bande 1-20. 1868-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Gynsekologie. Berlin. Bande 1-14. 1870-79. Current. Archiv. der Heilkunde. Leipzig. Bande 1-19. 1860-78. Archiv. fiir Klinische Chirurgie. Berlin. Bande 1-24. 1860-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie. Bonn. Bande, 1-16. 1865-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Leipzig. Bande 1-15. 1864-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Ophthalmologic. Berlin. Bande 1-25. 1854-79. Current. Archiv. fiir Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologic, und fiir Klinische Medicin. Berlin. Bande 1-78. 1847-79. Cur- rent. Archiv. fiir die Physiologic. Halle. Bande 1-12. 1795-15. Archiv. fiir die Physiologische Heilkunde. Stuttgart. 18 Jahrg. 1842-59. Archiv. fiir Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten. Berlin. Bande 1-9. 1868-79. Current. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift. Berlin. Bande 1-16. 1864-79. Current. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologic. Leipzig. 1856-71. Bound with Zeitschrift fiir Rationelle Medicin. Centralblatt fiir Chirurgie. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-6. 1874-79. Current. Centralblatt fiir die Medizinischen Wissenschaften. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-17. 1863-79. Current. Deutsche Klinik. Berlin. Bande 1-27. 1849-75. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Leipzig. Bande 1-11. 1872-79. Current. Deutsches Archiv. fiir Klinische Medizin. Leipzig. Bande 1-24. 1865-79. Current. Deutsches Archiv. fiir die Physiologic. Halle und Berlin. Bande 1-8. 1815-23. Journal der Chirurgie und Augen-Heilkunde. Berlin. 39 Bande. 1820-50. 54 Journal der Practischen Arzneikunde und Wundarzneikunst. von C. W. Hufeland, Jena. Berlin. Bande 1-98. 1795-1844. Jahrbucher der in-und auslandischen gesammten. von Schmidt. Leipzig. Bande 1-183. 1834-79. Current. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medizin in alien Landen, von C. Canstatt. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-25. 56 Bande. 1841-65. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physi- ologic. von Hoffmann und Schwalbe. Leipzig. Bande 1-7. 1872-78. Current. Jahresbericht uber die Leistungen und Fortschritte der ge- stammten Medizin. von Virchow und Hirsch. Berlin. Jahrg 1-13. 1866-78. Current. Mag azin fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. von. J. N. Rust. Berlin. Bande 1-66. 1816-48. Sammlung Klinischer Vortrage. von R. Volkmann. Leipzig. Serie 1-6. 1874-79. Current. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wein. Bande 1-6. 1874-79. Current. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir die Praktische Heilkunde. prag. Bande 1-144. 1844-79. Current. Wiener Medicinische Wochenschrift. Wein. Bande 1-29. 1851-79. Current. Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Leipzig, Bande, 1-2. 1875-77. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. Miinchen. Bande 1-15. 1865-79. Current. Zeitschrift fiir Klinische Medizin. Berlin. Bande 1, heft 1. 1879. Current. Zeitschrift fiir Rationelle Medizin. Zurich, Leipzig, und Heidel- berg. 54 Bande. 1842-69. REPORTS. Report on Hygiene of the U. S. Army. Circular No. 8. 4to. Washington, 1875. to Surgeon General " " on the Transport of Sick and Wounded by Pack Animals. Circular No. 9. 4to. Washington, 1877. on the Cholera Epidemic of 1873, in the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1875. of the Bureau of Education, for the year 1875. 8vo. Washington, 1876. 55 Report 5302-5. of the Commissioners of the U. S. to the Inter- national Exhibition of Vienna, 1873 4 vols., 8vo. Wash- ington, 1876. of Medical Bureau of the International Exhibition, 1877. of a Medical Commissioner relative to the Sanitary Con- dition of Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1875. on Insanity read before the conference of Public Chari- ties, by John B. Chapin, 1877. of the Building Committee of the New York Hospital, together with an Address by W. H. Van Buren, M.D., de- livered at the Inauguration, March, 1877, and a Description of the Building. New York, 1877. of the Committee on a Village of Cottage Hospitals made to the Governors of the Society of the New York Hospital, February, 1876. Reply to the same, delivered at a meeting of the Gov- ernors of the Hospital, July, 1876. of Investigations into the Pathogeny of Diphtheria, by E. Curtis and T. E. Satterthwaite. New York, 1877. of the Supervising Surgeon of the Marine Hospital Service of the U. S. 5 vols. 8vo. 1872-77. • of the Committee on Public Health relative to Lunatic Asylums. Transmitted to N. Y. Legislature, May, 1879. ■ 5788. of the Scientific Committee appointed by the Royal Medico Chirurgical Society to investigate the relations be- tween Membranous Croup and Diphtheria. 8vo. London, 1879. of State Charities Aid Association. Nos. 1-19. 1872-79. of the State Board of Charities of the State of New York. 3-11. 1870-78. of the Board of Health of the City of Boston. 3-6. i875-79- of the Board of Health of the City of Brooklyn, ■ of the Health Department of the City of Cincinnati. 1-12. 1868-78. of the Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. 1-2. 1877-79. of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. 1-10 1869-79. of the State Board of Michigan. 1-5. 1873-77. of the Secretary of State of Michigan on Births, Deaths, and Marriages. 2-6. 1868-72. 56 Report of the City Inspector, New York City. 17 vols, 1847-64. of the Board of Health, New York City. 9 vols. 1866-75. of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Corrections. 5-19. 1865-78. of the Board of Health. City of Nashville. 3d. 1879. of the American Public Health Association. New York. 4 vols. 1872-78. of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 1828-78. of the Rhode Island Hospital. 1-16. 1864-79. of the Cincinnati Hospital. 6-18. 1867-78. of the Trustees of the Boston City Hospital. 1-15. 1865-79. of the Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble- minded Youth. South Boston. 23 Nos. 1852-79. of the Butler Hospital for the Insane, Providence. 25 Nos. 1848-77. of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. 1841- i875- of the State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. 1-33. 1844-75. of the Willard Asylum for the Insane. 1-10. 1870-77. Also Rules and Regulations for the same, 1869. of the Roosevelt Hospital, New York. 1-7. 1871-78. of the Presbyterian Hospital, New York. i-n. 1869-79. of the Mount Sinai Hospital, " 12 Nos. 1867- 1879- of St. Lukes Hospital, New York. 1-21. 1859-79. of the St. Mary's Hospital for Children, New York. 5 Nos. 1874-78. -i of the Society of the Hospital for the Relief of the Rup- tured and Crippled, New York. 1-16. 1864-79. of the New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. 1-9. 1869-78. of the Orthopcedic Dispensary and Hospital. 3-11. i87i-79- of the New York " 1840-79. of the Demilt " 1-28. 1851-78. of the Eastern " 18-45. 1852-78. of the North-Western " 1-26. 1853-79. 57 Report of the Northern Dispensary3o-52. 1857-78. of the Register-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. London. Vols. 1-39. 1839-78. of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council. Vol. 1-13. 1858-70. of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council. N. S. Vols. 1-8. 1873-76. And Supplement to 6th and also to 7>th Report of Local Govt, for 1877. HOSPITAL REPORTS. Dublin. Vols. 1-5, 1818-30. Guy's. 39 vols., 1836-79. Current. London. Vols. 1-4, 1864-7. Ophthalmic. Vols. 1-8, pt. 1 and 2, vol. 9, 1857-77. Current. St. Bartholomew's. Vols. 1-14, 1865-78. Current. St. George's. Vols. 1-9, 1866-78. Current. St. Thomas'. Vol. 1, 1836. N. S., Vols. 1-9, 1870-78. Current. West Riding Lunatic Asylum. Vols, 1-6, 1871-76. Boston City. Vol. 1, 1870 ; vol. 2, 1877. Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, 1868 ; vol. 2, 1869. Annalen der Stadtichen Allgemeinen Krankenhauser. Current. Miinchen. Band 1, 1878. Charit/e Annalen. Berlin. Bande 1-4, 1874-78. Current. PROCEEDINGS, TRANSACTIONS, ETC. Proceedings of the Royal Society. London. Vols. 1-28, 1800- 79. Current. of the Medico-Chirurgical Society. London. Vols. 1-8, 1856-79. Current. of the American Philosophical Society. Philadel- phia. Vols 1-17, 1840-78. Current. of the Philadelphia County Medical Society. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1878-9. of the King's County Medical Society. 3 vols., 1876-78. Current. Transactions of the King's County Medical Society. Vols. 1-2, 1858-65. 58 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Philadel- phia. 20 vols., 1789-1871. of the American Medical Association. Philadel- phia. Vols. 1-30, 1848-79. Current. of the American Gynecological Society. Boston. Vols. 1-3, 1876-8. of the American Neurological Society. New York. Vol. 1, 1875. of the American Ophthalmological Society. An- nual Meetings 2-11, 1865-75. of the American Otological Society. Annual Meetings 2-11, 1869-78. of the American Dermatological Society. Annual Meetings 1-2, 1877-78. of the Academy of Medicine. New York. 5 vols., 1851-76. of the Pathological Society. New York. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 1876-79. Current. of the Pathological Society. Philadelphia. Vols. 1-8, 1860-78. Current. of the International Medical Congress. Philadel- phia, 1876. of the Connecticut State Medical Society, for the years 1872, '74, '75, '76. of the Illinois State Medical Society, for the years 1864, 1867-72, 1876. of the Massachusetts State Medical Society. Vols. 1-12, 1790-1878. Imperfect. of the Michigan State Medical Society. 1869-71, *873~78, '79- of the New Hampshire State Medical Society. i854, '55, '57-'7o, '72, '73. of the New York State Medical Society. 36 vols., 1807-79. of the New Jersey State Medical Society. 1766- 1800, 1859-79. of the Ohio State Medical Society. 1854, '57, '59, '62, '66-68, '71, '73. of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society. 1852, 1868, 1871, '74, '76. of the Rhode Island State Medical Society. 1859- 72, 1877-78. 59 Transactions of the Tennessee State Medical Society. 1875, '76, '77, '79- of the Virginia State Medical Society. 1871, 1874, 1875, 1877. of the West Virginia State Medical Society. 1870, '7b '72, '73, '74- of the Missouri State Medical Society. 1867, '68, '69, 1875, '78. of the Iowa State Medical Society. 1867-78. of the Indiana State Medical Society. 1868, 1870, '71, '72. of the College of Physicians. Philadelphia. Vol. 1, pt. r, 1793. 11 vols., 1841-78. of the Physico-Medical Society, State of New York. Vol. 1, 1817. of the Clinical Society. London. Vols. 1-12, 1868-79. of the Epidemiological Society. London. Sessions i855-58, 1869-73. of the Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Society. 3 vols., 1824-29. of the Medico-Chirurgical Society. London. Vols. 1-62, 1809-79. of the Obstetrical Society. London. Vols. 1-20, 1860-78. of the Pathological Society. London. Vols. 1-29, 1846-78. of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. London. Vols. 1-19, 1832-53. of the Saint Andrew's Medical Graduates Associa- tion. London. Vols. 1-6, 1867-73. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. A. Abscess, Perityphlitic-Gouley. Perinephritic-Gibney. Absorption of_ Medicine, by the Placenta-Porak. Acid, Phenic-Boboeuf, Declat. Action, Comparative, of Chloroform, Chloral, etc., in labour- Pinard. Address, Introductory. Univ, of Penn. 1877-Pepper. Air, Compressed. Physiological Effects of-Fontaine, Lambert. " Pressure of, on life of Man-Jourdanet. " in Veins-Couty. Ambulance, service of, in war of 1870-71-Chenu. Amputation-Chadwick, Teale. sub-periosteal-L'Aulnoit. Anatomy, Chirurgical and Topographical-Riidinger, Tillaux. " Comparative-Gegenbaur. Anatomy, Descriptive-Cuyer and Kuhff, Heintzmann, Henle, Luschka, Quain, Withtowski. Anatomy, Medical-Sibson. of the Chest-Luschka. " Nervous Centres-Huguenin. " Nervous System-Key and Retzius. Anatomy, Pathological-Forster, Klebs, Laboulbene. Lan- cereaux. Anatomy, Pathological, of Female Organs-Klob. " Topographical-Henke. Anaesthesia-T urnbull. Anemia, Artificial (d'Esmarch)-Augier. Progressive Pernicious-Eichhorst. Aneurism-Maunder, Smyth (Innominata.) 61 Aneurism Cerebral-Durand. " with Fractures-Laurent. Antiseptic Treatment-Little, Weir. Artery Compression-Koeberle. Asthma-Berkart. Atrophy, Progressive Muscular-Friederich, Hayem. Mem. de 1'Acad. de Med. T. 32, pt. 1. B. Bacteria-Magnin. Baths, Sea, for Children-Brochard. Biography-Hey by Pearson, Sir C. Bell (Pichot.) Auto-Sir B. Brodie. Bladder, Capillary puncture of-Fochier. " Diseases of the-Picard. and Urethra in Women, Diseases of-Skene. Blood, Coagulation of-Mathieu and Urban. " History of Circulation of-Willis. 11 Laws " " " Pidoux. " Normal and Pathological Researches of the-Hayem. Bone, Diseases of-Macnamara. " Painful Abscess of-Golay. Botany-Beclu. Brain, Localization of Diseases of the-Charcot, Ferrier, Pitres. Brain, Dual Character of the-Brown-Sequard (Toner Lec- tures 2.) Brain, Pigmentary Deposits in the-Hammond. Breast, Benign Tumors of-Labbe et Coyne. Cystic Tumors of-Richelot. Physiology and Pathology of the-Creighton. Bruit, Broncho-Tracheal-Binet. V C. C/esarean Operation-Bandon. Calculi and Calculous Disorders-Picard. " of Kidneys-Torres. Campaigns of 1812-13-14. Med. Sketches of-Mann. Cancer-Thiersch, Winiwarter, Woodward (Toner Leet. 1.) Satterthwaite and Porter. Cancer, Rodent-Moore. " of Uterus-Pichot. 62 Cantharides-Fumouze. Carbonic Oxyde-Morton. Cataract, of Infancy, Lenticular-Durand. Cataract Extraction-Knapp. Cell Doctrine-T-yson. Cerebral Convolutions. Structure of-Richet. Charities of New York-Cammann. Chemistry-Fownes, Lefort, Watts. " Physiological-Hoppe-Seyler. Chemistry, Physiological and Pathological-Gautier. Gorup- Besanez. Chemistry of Waters, Sanitary-Chandler. Childhood, Points in Surgery of-Pooley. Chloral-Ore. Chloroform. Surgical Experience of. Miller. Cholera-Blanc, Danet, Netter, Thomas. " Asiatic, History of-Macnamara. Infantum-Knapp. Connective Substances. Structure of. Satterthwaite. Convulsions-Braun. Corpus Luteum-Dalton. D. Death, apparent, in New-Born-Martel. " sudden, after accidental and surgical wounds-Vincent. Dentistry-Andrieu. Diabetes-Bouchardat, Catani, Cyr, Dickinson, Kulz, Lecorche, Marchal (de Calvi), Schaper. Diarrhcea and Dysentery. Infant. Treatment of. Jacobi. Dictionary-Cooper, Dunglison, Diet. Encyclopedique, Nouveau Diet., Littre et Robin, Cutter (German Med.) Diet-Chambers. Digest, Medical.-Neale. Digestion.-Mialhe. Diphtheria-Sanne. Paralysis in-Magne. " Pathogeny of-Report on. Tracheotomy in-Pooley. Disease, Addison's-Greenhow. Diseases of the Chest-Copello, Flint, Lebert, Loomis, St. Ange, Ziemssen's Cyclop. " Children-Churchill, Gerhardt, Parrot, Tanner. 63 Diseases Chronic-Hahnemann. of the Ear-Burnett, Politzer. " Eye-Carter, Emmert, Schweigger, Wecker, Wecker and Landolt. " Sympathetic-Reclus. . " Surgical-Desmarres. of Females-Beigel, Guerin, Sinety, Thomas. of the Heart-Alvarenga, Balfour, Exchaquet, Hayden, Latham, Marty, Semple. " Kidneys-Charcot, Lecorche, Rosenstein. " Plates of-New Syd. Soc. " Liver-Charcot. " Nervous System-Althaus, Eulenberg, Richet, Rosenthal, Vulpian, Wilks, Ziemssen's Cyclop. " Nose-Watson. " Skin-Anderson, Diday et Doyon, Duhring, Gui- bout, Hutchinson, Jeffries, Taylor, Testut. " Throat-Browne, Fauvel. " Urethra-Picard. " Urinary Organs - Delfau, Delefosse, Fleming, Harrison. " Germ., Theory of-Beal, Maclagan, Satterthwaite. " Neurotic Origin of-Lente. Infectious-Coze and Felter. Produced Accidentally, etc.-Tardieu. Dislocations, Traumatic, accidents in reduction of-Marchand. Dispensatory, National -See Dispensatory. E. Ear, Transmission of Sound in the-Rouis. Surgery of the-Jones. " Pathological Anatomy of the-Schwartz. " Photographic Plates of the-Riidinger. Electricity-Poore. Embolism (Fatty)-Flournoy. Embryology-Foster and Balfour. Emergencies, Treatment of-Howe. Epilepsy-Bourneville, Du Saulle. Erysipelas-Renaut. Erysipelas and Child-Bed Fever-Minor. Europeans at Senegal, Dis. of-Ferand. Exerese-Comparative study of-Monod. 64 F. Fasting Girls-Hammond. F atigue-Carrieu. Fevers, Botkin-Buss, Loomis. Exanthematous-Bez. Nature and Mechanism of-Wood, (Toner Leets. 4) Surgical Complications and Sequels of-Keen, (do No. 5.) Physiology of-Du Castel. Puerperal-Pollosson, Winckel. " Typhoid-Coussot. Yellow-Dowell, Lobo. Foods and Poisons, Analysis of-Blyth. Forceps in Obstetrics-Hartmann. Fractures, lower end of Radius-Gordon, Schmit. " Gunshot-Chipault. G. Gastro-Elytrotomy-Garrigues, Masson, Thomas. Gastrotomy-Caternault, Pooley. Generative Functions, Frauds in the-Bergeret. Generation-Pouchet. Gleet, as related to Stricture-Otis. Glycosuria-Cyr. Goitre and Cretinism-Baillarger, Parchappe, (Rec. des Tra- vaux v. 4.) Gout-Bouloumie, Hood. Gynaecology-Beigel, Emmet, Leblond, Martin, Sinety. H. Hallucinations-Baillarger Hand-Bell. Hare-Lip-Courmont. Harvey and his Discovery-Da Costa. Heart, Strain and over action of the-DaCosta. (Toner Leet. 2.) " Aneurism of the-Pelvet. " Wounds of the-Jamain " Effects of Chronic Disease of the, upon Pregnancy, etc., Macdonald. Hematocele-Nachtel, Poncet. 65 Hemorrhage, Surg. Forceps in-Deny & Exchaquet. Uterine-Contamin. Hemorrhoids, Treatment by forced dilatation-Fontan. Hemosp asi a-J unod. Hernia-Heaton, Pitha and Billroth. Histology-Frey, Klein & Smith, Pouchet, Ranvier. History of Medicine-Macdonald. " Arabic-Le Clerc. History. Of American Med. Literature-Gross. Of French Surgery-Rochard. Homceopathy-Dudgeon, Granier, Hahnemann, Hartmann, Her ing, Hughes, Hull's Jahr., Malaise, Sharpe. Hospitals, History, Construction, etc., of-Wylie. Military-J ones. Sanitary Relations of-Pepper. Plans of, Essays for Johns Hopkins. Hospitalism-Erichsen. Hydrophobia -Duboue, Layard, Leathes. Am. Med. Assoc 1856. Hygiene-Buck, Burge, Proust, Sander. " Hospital-Langstaff. Infant-Jacobi. Military and Naval-Fonssagrives, Hermant, Morache. " of Schools-Riant. Hypodermic Injection-Bartholow. H yposp adi as-Duplay. Hysteria-Bourneville, Skey. H ysterotomy-Pean. I. Idiocy-Ireland, Seguin. " Cause and Prevention of-Howe. Index Medicus-See Index. Indigestion, etc. Homeopathic Treatment of-Morgan. Infusoria-Fromentil. Inhalation in Disease-Cohen. Injections, Intra-Uterine-Komorowski. Insanity-Morel, Morrison, Williams. " Reasoning Periods in-Bigot? " Suicide not evidence of-Palmer. " in Criminal Cases-Hammond. " in Ancient and Modern Times-Tuke. Judicial Aspects of-Ordronaux. 66 Insanity Report on-Chapin. Insane. Care and Cure of-Granville. Treatment of, without restraint-Conolly. Asylums. Construction, etc., of-Conolly. Intestines. Wounds of-Gross. Intestinal Occlusion-Bulteau. J. Joints. Anatomy of the-Morris. Diseases of the-Blum, Hueter, Sayre, Shaffer. Excision of-Culbertson. Penetrating Wounds of-Dechaux. Keratitis-Panas. Kidneys (Bright's Disease)-Charcot. L. Labour. Traumatic Lesions in-Budin. Lactation. Influence of Menstruation. Pregnancy, etc., on- Jacobi. Laparo-Elytrotomy-Thomas. Larynx, Growths in the-Wagner. Larynx and Pharynx, Diseases of the-Fauvel, Isambert Sestier. Lead, Effects of, on healthy persons-Allen. Libraries of U. S. A., Public. " " New York, Medical-Purple. and Librarians, Transactions of. Libraries. Life, Change of-Tilt. " Refined, Disease in-Stewart. Lithotomy and Lithotrity-Bermond, Harris, Ivanchich. Liver, Diagnosis of Diseases of the-Janeway. Living Bodies, Physical Phenomena of-Matteucci. Lung, Human. Anatomy of-Waters. Lungs and Pleura, Hydatid Cysts of-Hearn. M. Malpractice, Civil, Surgical Jurisprudence of-McClelland. Man-Quetelet. Marriage of near kin-Huth. Materia Medica-Bartholow, Biddle, Buchheim, Wood. Masturbation in Young Children-Jacobi. Maxillary, Superior, Malignant Tumors of-Guillaume. 67 Medicine, Century of American-Medicine. History of-Macdonald. Clinical-Bernheim, Stone, Flint. T. and P. of-Craigie, Hartshorne, Roberts. Homoeopathic-Hull's Jahr., Hering, Sharp. Medical Jurisprudence-Dambre, Guy and Ferrier, Lutaud, Ogston, Woodman and Tidy. Medical Men of Revolution-Toner. Medical Philosophy-Schtitzenberger. Memoirs. Of Blizard, Francis, Lettsom, Maclean, March, Parrish, N. Smith-See Hubbard's Leet. Meningitis, Cerebro-Spinal-Baker, Stille. Menstruation, Rest during-Putnam-Jacobi. Mental Diseases, Influence of Great Commotions on-Lunier. Metritis, Chr. Cauterisation in-Rollet. Microscope-Frey. Midwifery-Depaul, Playfair, Spiegelberg. Mikro-Photography-Recklinghausen and Meyer. Mineral Waters-Le Bret. Mumps-Pinet. Mydriasis-Percepied. N. Nephrotomy-Torres. Nervous Centres, Physiology and Pathology of-Magnan. System, Histology of the-Ranvier, Satterthwaite. " Injuries and Diseases of the-Hammond, Wilks, Vulpian, Ziemssen. Nerves, Physiology and Pathology of the Sympathetic System-- Eulenberg and Gutmann. " of the Skin, Termination of the-Couty. " Surgical Affections of-Tillaux. " Termination of Sensitive-Izquierdo. Neuralgia, Cicatricial-Lente. New Growths of Sympathetic Ganglia-Humbert. Nurses, Hospital, Hints to-Williams & Fisher. O. Obesity-Worthington. Obstetric Operations-Kilian, Pinard. Opium Habit-Levinstein. Ophthalmoscope-Landolt. 68 Ophthalmoscopy-Medical-Gowers. Optics-Physiological-Helmholtz. Orbit-Disease in the-Noyes. Os calcis, Removal of-Vincent. Ovariotomy-Thomas, Bozeman. P. Pachymeningitis-J offroy. Paracentesis Pericardii -Roberts. Paralysis-Bastian, Meryon, Seguin. " Agitans-Ordenstein. of Insane, General-Voisin. Hysterical-Chevalier. Peripheral-Miles. Parturition, Natural and Morbid-Duncan. Pathology-Cohnheim, Peris, Picot, Traube, Wagner, Schutzen- berger. Special-Buhl, Raue. Surgical-Billroth, Nelaton. Pelvis, Vices of Conformation-Choisil. Penis, Surgical Diseases of the-Demarquay. Percussion and Auscultation-Flint, Loomis. Pharynx, Nasal Adenoid Tumors of-Loewenberg. Physical Diagnosis-Guttmann. Physicians and Surgeons, of the U. S.-Atkinson. " Roy. Coll, of-Munk. Phthisis, Therapeutics of-Fonssagrives. Physiology-Bernard, Coyteux, Foster, Funke, Hermann, Marey Milne-Edwards, Moreau, Steiner, Traube. Pneumonia-Sturges, Saint-Ange. Poison, Nicotine and Tobacco-Fonssard. " Rattlesnake-Mitchell. Poisons, Action of-Ducachet, Woodman & Tidy. Prostate Gland, Enlargement of-Hodgson, Picard. Psychology-Delboeuf. Puerperal Diseases-Winckel. Pulmonary Gangrene, Pleurisy in-Bucquoy. Purpura Simplex-Larget. Pustule Maligne-Bell. Putrefaction-Hiller. 69 Q. Quarantine-Carminhoa. R. Rachitis.-Leopold Rectotomy, Linear-Tison. Rectum, Diseases of the-Allingham, Curling, Molliere. Foreign Bodies in the-Gerard. Contractions of the-White. Reflex Functions of Medulla Oblongata and Spinalis-Hall Region, Sagittal, Developement of-Augier. Resections-Gurlt, Ore. Responsibility, Criminal-Knafft-Ebing. Retinitis-Panas. Retroceps-Hamon Rheumatism, Pseudo-Articular-Powell S. Sanitary Commission, History of-Stille. Sclerosis-Frommann. Shock-Morris. Sperm atorrhcea-Bartholow. Spine, Pott's Disease of-Shaffer, Puel, Sayre. " Concussion of the-Erichsen. Spinal Irritation,in Children-Gibney. Spiritualism-Hammond. Spleen, Floating-Shattuck. Sterility-Beigel. Sternum, Fissure of. Case of Dr. Groux-Jewett. Stricture of Urethra-Harrison, Otis, Reybard, Sands, Stilling. " Galvano-Caustic in-Mallez et Tripier. Stumps, Dressing of-Bauer. Suicide (in France)-Morer. Sun-stroke-Jacubasch. Surgery, T. P. and Clinical-Agnew, Bardeleben, Billroth, Des- pres, Callisen, Erichsen, Pouteau, Rust, Schede, Stone, Van Buren, Volkmann, Walther. Military-Esmarch, Longmore. Operative-Bardeleben, Bruns, Czerny, Dubrueil, Heitz- mann, Malgaigne, Stimson, see Congres Szymanowski. 70 Surgery, Orthopaedic-Hueter, Sayre. Plastic, Literature of-Verneuil. of the Face-Mason. Surgical Dressings, Antiseptic-Steiner. Apparatus, see Cat.-Ford, Tiemann, Shepard, and Dudley. Syphilis-Cornil, Diday, Fournier, Lee, Bumstead and Taylor, of the Brain-Dowse, Fournier. " Nose and Larynx-Mauriac, Wagner. Origin of-Bassereau. " of the Skin-Profeta. Hereditary-F firth. of Nervous System-Buzzard. " Osseous " -Mauriac, Taylor. Syphilization-Auzias-Turenne. T. Temperature of Human Body in Disease-Lorain. T et anus-Richelot. Therapeutics-Baehr, Bartholow, Fonssagrives, Fothergill, Hughes, Napheys, Wood. " Bibliography of-Waring. " Physiological-Poole. Surgical-N apheys. Therapeutic Agents-Antagonism of-Fothergill. Throat, Diseases of the-Browne. Thrombosis and Embolism in Surgery-Joessel. Tobacco-Depierris. Tongue, Black-Dessois Tonsils, Enlarged, Excision of-Harvey. Tracheotomy and Laryngotomy-Sands. Trepaning-Lucas-Championniere. " in Bony Abscess-Perret. Tumors, Intra-Ocular-Knapp. " Dental-Magitot. " Malignant, Naso-Pharyngeal-Veilion. U. Uretha, Ruptures of-Terrilhon. Urethrotomy, Internal-Maisonneuve. Urine, Examination of-Tyson, 71 Urinary Fistula-Le Double. " Organs, Dis. of-Delfau, Harrison. Uterus, Diseases of the-Abeille, Demarquay et St. Vel, Pichot, " Amputation of-Imbert. Uterine Fibroids, Removal of-Thomas. V. Vaccination, History of-Burggraeve, Monteils, Varicocele and Hydrocele, cure of by new methods-Heaton. Version, Ext. and Int.-Hicks. Veterinary Medicine-Williams. " Surgery-Williams. Vivisection-Cyon. W. Water-Cure-Beni-Barde. Wills, Contested, Legal Study of-Du Saulle. Worms-Leuckart. Wounds, Cerebral-Duret. Med.-Legal Study of-Tardieu. and Fractures, Treatment of-Jones.