MAINE kqd G^ei\eklo^idkl RECORDER. Vol. IV. 1887. No. 4. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY AND MEDICINE. Massachusetts Historical Society, 7 Boston, October 10, 1887. ) S. M. Watson, Esq., Editor of the “Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder.” Dear Sir: I send you the following advertisement, taken from the “ Columbian Centinel” (Boston), June 25, 1808, which may interest some of your medical anti- quaries. It was, probably, the earliest attempt, within the District of Maine, to teach the science of medicine on so large a scale. Samuel A. Green. Fryburg (District of Maine), June 4, 1808. R. RAMSEY, formerly teacher of anatomy and physiology I pil I in Edinburg, and lately teacher of the same branches in Columbia College, New York, for the accommodation of such gentlemen as may not find it convenient to attend the minu- tiae of his public course of lectures, will commence a private course of instructions, on Monday the first of August next, at Fryburg, on the contents of the Cranium, Thorax, Abdomen, and Pelvis, so important to be comprehended by the medical practitioner, where the Dissections, Physiology, and Pathology will be ‘ clearly demon- Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. 285 strated from the subjects of which the museum is composed. And those gentlemen of the Law, Divinity, or the speculative philoso- pher, who may be desirous to become acquainted with these most useful branches of science, relating to the animal economy, may be informed, that this knowledge may be acquired, by strict attention to six lectures. This private course, each ticket, 20 dollars. In pursuance of his proposals of last year, he will commence his public course of demonstrations on Anatomy, and lectures on Phy- siology, Surgery, and Medicine, founded on anatomical data, on Thursday the first day of September next. The course to consist of a lecture of one hour and a half, each lawful day, during the months of September and October. It is hoped, in this short space of time, the advantages presented the pupil may not only meet the convenience of practitioners, but students likewise, who may reach their colleges previous to commencement. The proposed system of instructions will embrace the doctrines of Anatomy, Physiology, &c., in their full extent. A.Library will also be furnished, composed of the school books on Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Physic, Midwifery, and Chymis- try; accompanied with a Museum, as in the Doctors’ school in Edinburgh, comprising anatomical preparations of the human sys- tem, and paintings, conveying a correct idea of recent appearances in dissections, referred to in a book published by Dr. R. for his pupils in Europe. Particular attention will be paid to initiating gentlemen into a knowledge of the elegant and dexterous use of the Scalpel, forming anatomical preparations, &c. This course, each ticket, 20 dollars. Both courses, 30 dollars. The local circumstances connected with the retired situation of Fryburg, as friendly to habits of virtue and study, as well as health, are too evident to require animadversion.