SUPPLEMENT TO THB CATALOGUE EAISONNE OP THE MEDICAL LIBRARY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. BY AUGUST. F. MULLER, LIBRARIAN. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 105 JAYNE STREET. 1867. CHAPTER I. ANATOMY) including HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. HUMAN ANATOMY. I. AX ATOMY. (a.) systematic works. Bauhinus, 3857, 0. Caspari Bauliini, Basileensis theatrum anatomicum. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Matthew Becker, 1605. Bauhinus, 587, Q. Theatrum anatomicum Caspari Bauliini. Basileen. Archiatti. Infinitis locis anctum admorbos accommodarum et ah erroribus ab autliore repurgatum. Opera sumptibusque Johann Theo- dori De Bry. Basileae, 1621. Beale, 4219, 0. On the structure of the simple tissues of the human body, with observations on their development; growth, nutrition, and decay, and on certain changes occurring in disease. By Lionel 8. Beale, M. B. Lond. 1861. Gray, 3978, 0. Anatomy; descriptive and surgical. By H. Gray, F. R. S. Lond. 1858. Leidy, 4144, 0. An elementary treatise on human anatomy. By Joseph Leidy, M. D. Philad. 1855. Morel, 4129, 0. Precis d’Histologie Humaine. Par C. Morel. Paris, I860. Morgagnus, 588, Q. Johannis Baptist® Morgagni Foroliviensis, in Patavino Gymnasio primarii anatomes professoris et prsesidis, adversaria ana- tomica omnia. Patavii, 1719. Todd and Bowman, 3912, 0. The physiological anatomy and physiology of man. By Robert B. Todd, M. D., and William Bowman, F. R. S. Philad. 1857. Vicary, 3858, 0. The Englishman’s treasure, with the true anatomie of man’s body. By Thomas Vicary, Surgeon to King Henry the 8th. Also many secrets appertaining to cliyrurgerie. Also the rare treasure of the Englishe bathe?. By Wm. Turner, Dr. in Physicke. Gathered for the benefit of the poorer sort of people. By Wm. Bremer, Practi- tioner in Physicke and Cliyrurgerie. And now augmented with reme- dies for plague and pestilent fever. By Wm. Bremer. Lond. 1641. 714 HUMAN ANATOMY. (b.) works on particular textures, c. Brain and Nerve. Culpepper, 872, D. Anatomy of the brain and nerves. Ext. in Last legacy to his wife. Swan, 577, Q. Delineations of the brain in relation to voluntary motion. By Joseph Swan. Lond. 1864. II. DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. (a.) systematic works. Crooke, 252, F. Microkosmographia. A description of the body of man, together with the controversies thereto belonging. By Helkiah Crooke, M. D. Lond. 1615. Galenus, 275, F. Opera omnia in tomi V. Basileie, 1538. Goodsir, 4288, 0. Annals of anatomy and physiology. By John Goodsir, F. R. S. S. Lond. 1850. (b.) works on particular organs. 1. ORGANS OF MOTION. a. Bones. Humphrey, 3985, 0. A treatise on the human skeleton ; including the joints. By Geo. M. Humphrey, M. B., F. R. C. S. Cambridge, 1858. 2. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. a. Teeth. Kempton, 4269, 0. Elements of the anatomy and diseases of the teeth. By H. T. R. Kempton, F. L. S. Lond. 1863. 4. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. a. Heart and Lungs. Steale, 4223, 0. A treatise on the physiological anatomy of the lungs. By James Newton Steale, M. D. Lond. 1862. Waters, 4106, 0. The anatomy of the human lung. By A. T. Houghton Waters. Lond. 1860. HUMAN ANATOMY. 715 b. Arteries and Veins. Power, 905, D. Anatomy of the arteries of the human body, descriptive and surgical; with the description of the heart. By J. H. Power, M. D. Lond. 1860. 5. URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. Cleland, 3931, O. The mechanism of the gubernaculum testis; with an introductory sketch of the development of the testes, and an appendix on the purpose of their descent from the abdomen. By John Cleland, M. D. Edinb. 1856. Goddard, 4177, 0. Recherche teratologique sur l’appareil seminal de l’homme. Par E. Goddard, M. D. Paris, 1860. Mojon, 4293, 0. p. Memoire sur les effets de la Castration dans le corps humain. Par B. Mojon. Montpellier, 1804. a. Male Organs. b. Female Organs, Thomas, 4031, O. p. The hymen; an essay. By T. G. Thomas. New York, 1859. c. Organs Common to Male and Female. Beale, 4200, 0. The anatomy and physiology of the kidney. By Lionel S. Beale, M. B., F. R. S. Lond. 1861. Beer, 4074, 0. Die Bindesubstanz der menschlichen Nieren in gesundem und krankliaftem Zustande. Von A. Beer. Berlin, 1859. Culpepper, 872, D. Anatomy of the reins and bladder. Ext. in Last legacy to his wife. a. The Nervous System in General. 6. ORGANS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DuprS, 537, Q. p. Developpement et structure du systeme nerveux. These. Far M. S. Dupre, M. D. Paris, 1856. b. The Nervous System in Particular. *a. The Brain. Reichert, 546, Q. Der Bau des mensclilichen Geliirnes. Von C. B. Reichert, lstes Theil. Leipzig, 1859. *c. The Nerves. Flower, 265, F. Diagrams of the nerves of the human body. By W. H. Flower, F. R. C. S. E. Loud. 1861. 716 HUMAN ANATOMY. *d. Organs of Sensation. **a. The Eye. Nunneley, 3992, 0. On the organs of vision ; their anatomy and physio- logy. By Thos. Nunneley, F. R. C. S. E. Lond. 1858. III. SURGICAL ANATOMY. (A.) SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Heath, 926, D. Practical anatomy : a manual of dissection. By Christo- pher Heath, F. R. C. S. Lond. 1864. (b.) works on particular regions of the body. Bowman, 3993, 0. Lectures on the parts concerned in the operations on the eye and on the structure of the retina, a paper on the vitreous humor, and a few cases of ophthalmic disease. By Win. Bowman, F. R. S. Lond. 1849. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. I. GENERAL AND COLLECTIVE WORKS ON COM- PARATIVE ANATOMY. Edwards, 3875, 0. Lemons sur la physiologie et Panatomie comparee de Phomme et des animaux. Par H. Milne-Edwards. Paris, 1857. Huxley, 4281, 0. Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy. By Thos. Henry Huxley, F. R. S. Loud. 1864. III. WORKS ON YARIOUS PARTS OF THE STRUC- TURE OF ANIMALS. Browne, Peter, 580, Q. Trichologia mammalium : or a treatise on tlie organization, properties, and uses of hair and wool, together with an essay upon the raising and breeding of sheep. By Peter Browne, LL. D. Philad. 1853. HUMAN ANATOMY. *717 Maclise, 273, F. Comparative osteology; being a morphological study to demonstrate the archetype skeleton of vertebrated animals. By Joseph Maclise. Lond. 1847. Rainey, 4027, 0. On the mode of formation of the shells of animals, of bone, and of several other substances, by a process of molecular coalescence, demonstrable in certain artificially formed products. By Geo. Rainey, M. R. C. S. Loud. 1858. IY. WORKS OX THE STRUCTURE OF DIFFERENT CLASSES OF ANIMALS. (b.) invertebrata. *c. Entozoa. Cobbold, 586, Q. Entozoa: an introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference, more particularly, to the internal parasites of man. By T. Spencer Cobbold, M. D. Lond. 1864. Davaine, 418, 0. Traite des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l’liomme et des animaux domestiques. Par C. Davaine. Paris, 1860. Yon Phelsum, 4203, 0. Historia physiologica ascaridum cum figuris oenis. Auctore M. Van Phelsum, Medicinse Doctore. Lewardise, 1762. CHARTER II. PHYSIOLOGY. PHYSIOLOGY. I. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC TREATISES Bennett, 852, D. Outlines of physiology. By J. H. Bennett, M. D. Edinb 1858. Carpenter, 4306, 0. Principles of human physiology. 6th edition. By Wm. B. Carpenter, M. D. Edited by Henry Power, M. B. Lond. 1864. Dalton, 3991, 0. A treatise on human physiology, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine. With 254 illustrations. By John C. Dalton, Jr., M. D. Philad. 1859. Draper, 4329, 0. Human physiology, statical and dynamical; or, the conditions and course of the life of man. By John William Draper, M. D. With nearly 300 wood engravings. 7th edition. New York, 1865. Galenus, 275, F. Opera omnia. In tomi V. Basilese, 1538. Mapotlier, 915, D. Physiology, and its aids to the study and treatment of disease. By Edward Dillon Mapother, M. D Dublin, 1862. Marshall, 566, Q. A description of the human body, its structure and functions. Illustrated by nine physiological diagrams. In 2 vols. Vol. 1 text, and vol. 2 diagrams, 264 F. 264, F. Physiological diagrams. By John Marshall, F. R. S. Lond. 1860. Meigs, 4097, O. p. Some remarks on the method of studying and teaching physiology. By J. A. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1859. Payne, 4124, O. The institutes of medicine. By Martin Payne, A. M., M. D., LL. D. New York, 1859. Todd and Bowman, 3912, O. Physiological anatomy and physiology of man. By Robert B. Todd, M. D., and Wm. Bowman, F. R. S. Philad. 1857. PHYSIOLOGY. 719 II. COLLECTIVE WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. Graves, 4262, O. Studies in physiology and medicine by the late Robert James Graves, F. R. S., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the School of Physic in Ireland. Edited by Wm. Stokes. Lond. 1863. Goodsir, 4288, 0. Annals of anatomy and physiology. By John Goodsir, F. R. S. S. Loud. 1850. III. WORKS OX PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY. (a.) general physiology. 1. LIFE, OKGANIZATION ; THE ZOONOMIA, ETC. Heale, 4063, 0. A treatise on vital causes. By James Newton Heale, M. D. Lond. 1859. 2. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY ILLUSTRATING NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Ogilvie, 838, D. The master builder’s plan, or the principles of organic architecture as indicated in the typical forms of animals. By G. Ogilvie, M. D. Lond. 1858. Thomson, 832, D. The structure and functions of the eye, illustrative of the power and wisdom of God. By Spencer Thomson, M. D. Lond. 1857. 3. PHYSICAL AND MORAL HISTORY OF MANKIND, AND VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. Darwin, 4088, 0. On the origin of species, by means of natural selections or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. By Chas. Darwin, M. A. New York, 1859. Davis and Thurnham, 242, F. Crania Britannica. Delineations and de- scriptions of the skulls of the early inhabitants of the British Islands, together with notices of their other remains. By J. B. Davis and J. Thurnham. Decades 1, 2, 3. Lond. 1856-8. Gliddon, 530, Q. See Nott and Gliddon. Huschke, 542, Q. Schaedel, Hirn und Seele des Menschen und der Thiere, nach Alter, Geschlecht und Race. Dargestellt nach nenen Methoden und Untersuchungen. Von Emil Huschke. Jena, 1854. Godron, 4119, O. De l’esp&ce et des races dans les etres organises. Par D. A. Gordon, M. D. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. 720 PHYSIOLOGY. Knox, 3900, 0. Man, his structure and physiology popularly explained and demonstrated. By R. Knox, M. D. 8 plates. Lond. 1857. Kiilliker, 4206, 0. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hohe- ren Thiere. Von Albert Kolliker. Leipzig, 1851. Latham, 4086, 0. Descriptive ethnology. 2 vols. By R. G. Latham, M. D., &c. Lond. 1859. Lyell, 4246, 0. The geological evidences of the antiquity of man, with remarks on the origin of species by varieties. By Sir Charles Lyell. Philad. 1863. Lucae, 238, F. Zur Architectur des mensclilichen Schiidels, nebst geo- metrischen Originalzeichnungen von Schadeln normaler und abnormer Form. Von J. C. G. Lucae, M.D. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1857. Meigs, 4097, 0. p. Description of a deformed, fragmentary human skull found in an ancient quarry-cave at Jerusalem. By J. A. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1859. Nott and Gliddon, 530, Q. Indigenous races of the earth, or new chapters of ethnological enquiry. With fresh materials. By J. C. Nott, M.D., and G. R. Gliddon. Philad. 1857. Poucliet, 4159, 0. De la plurality des races hnmaines. Essai anthropo- logique. Par George Poucliet. Paris, 1858. Quatrefages, 912, D. Unite de l’espece humaine. Par A. D. Quatrefages. Paris, 1861. Virchow, 239, F. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Schadel- grundes im gesunden und krankliaften Zustande und iiber den Ein- fluss derselben auf Schadelform, Gesichtsbildung und Geliirnbaus. Von R. Virchow. Berlin, 1857. Williamson, 4006, 0. Observations on the human crania contained in the museum of the army medical department, Fort Pitt, Chatham. By George Williamson, M. D. Dublin, 1857. 5. RELATIONS OF CLIMATE AND PHYSICAL AGENTS TO THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS; INCLUDING ANIMAL HEAT, ELECTRICITY, ETC. Garratt, 4167, 0. Electro physiology and electro-therapeutics, showing the best methods for the medical uses of electricity. 2d edit., with additions. By A. C. Garratt, M. D. Boston, 1861. Johnson, 4105, 0. The influence of the atmosphere on the health and functions of the human frame. By James Johnson, M. D. Lond. 1818. Smith, Edward, 4208, 0. Health and disease, as influenced by the daily, seasonal, and other cyclical changes in the human system. By Ed- ward Smith, M. D. Lond. 1861. Lardner, 820, D. Animal physics, or the body and its functions familiarly explained. By D. Lardner. Lond. 1857. 6. ANIMAL MECHANICS, OR ANIMAL PHYSICS. PHYSIOLOGY. T21 7. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO PHYSIOLOGY. Day, 4150, 0. Chemistry in its relations to physiology and medicine. By Geo. E. Day, M. D. Lond. 1860. Moleschott, 815, D. Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Von Jacob Moleschott. Mayence, 1855. Neubauer, 3872, 0. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse des Hams. Bearbeitet von Dr. C. Neubauer und Dr. J. Vogel. Be- vorwortet von Dr. Fresenius. Wiesbaden, 1856. 8. PROPERTIES OF THE ANIMAL TEXTURES ; MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS UPON THEM, ETC. Procliaska, 3891, 0. De carne musculari tractatus anatomico physio- logicus. G. Procliaska. Vienna, 1778. (b.) special physiology. 1. NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS. a. Nutritive Functions in General. Bennet, 3982, O. Nutrition in health and disease. By James II. Bennet, M. D. Lond. 1858. Enzmann, 3893, 0. p. Die Ernahrung der Organismen, besonders des Menschen und der Thiere im liungernden Zustande. Von C. Enz- mann. Dresden, 1856. b. Particular Parts of the Nutritive Functions. *a. Circulation of the Blood. Functions of the Heart and Bloodvessels. Robinson, 3901, 0. Contributions to the physiology and pathology of the circulation of the blood. By G. Robinson, M. D. Lond. 1857. *c. Respiration. **a. Mechanism and Chemical Changes. Groux, 4006, 0. p. Congenital fissure of the sternum. Opinions in the case of E. A. Groux. Abhandlungen und notizen fiber E. A. Groux’s fissura sterni con- genita. Remarkable case of congenital absence of sternum. Loud. 1855. 722 PHYSIOLOGY. *e. Secretion; Properties of the Fluids of the Animal Body. Beale, 4200, 0. The anatomy and physiology of the kidney. By Lionel S. Beale, M. B., F. R. S. Lond. 1861. Bernard, 4016, 0. Lemons sur les proprietes physiologiques et les altera- tions pathologiques des liquides de l’organisme. Par Claude Bernard. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. Parkes, 4163, 0. The composition of urine in health and disease and under the action of remedies. By Edmund A. Parkes. Lond. 1860. *f. Digestion; including Saliva, Deglutition, &c. Bernard, 529, Q. p. Memoire sur le pancreas et sur le role du sue pan- creatique dans les phenom&nes digestifs. Par Claude Bernard. Paris, 1856. 589, Q. Thfese pour le doctorat en medecine. Presente et soutenue le 7 decembre 1843. Par Claude Bernard. Du sue gastrique et de son role dans la nutrition. Paris, 1843. Corvisart, 4005, 0. p. Sur une fonction peu connue du pancreas ; la di- gestion des aliments azotes. Par Lucien Corvisart. Paris, 1858. Smith, 4006, 0. p. Experiments upon digestion. By F. G. Smith, M. D. Philad. 1856. 2. REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS. a. Reproductive Functions generally. Acton, 3868, 0. The functions and disorders of the reproductive organs in youth, in adult age, and in advanced life, considered in their physio- logical, social, and psychological relations. By Wm. Acton. Lond. 1857. Owen, 3961, 0. On parthenogenesis or the successive production of pro- creating individuals from a single ovum. By Richard Owen, F. R. S., &c. Lond.1849. Parsons, 4079, 0. Philosophical observations on the analogy between the propagation of animals and that of vegetables. By James Parsons, M. D. Lond.1752. Pouget, 4132, 0. Heterogenie ou traite de la generation spontanee, basee sur de nouvelles experiences. Par F. A. Pouchet, M. D. Paris, 1859. Quillet, 861, D. p. Callipoedia seu de pulchrse prolis liabenderatione, poema didacticon. Lond. 1708. 4204, 0. Callipoodia, or an art how to have handsome children, written in Latin by the Abbot Quillet, to which is added . Marthe, 4201, 0. p. Poe lotrophJa, or the art of nursing and breeding up children. Written in Latin. By Monsieur St. Marthe, Physician to Henry III., King of France. Now done into English verse. Lond. 1710. PHYSIOLOGY. 723 Siebold, 3920, 0. On a true parthenogenesis in moths and bees ; a con- tribution to the history of reproduction in animals. By C. T. E. v. Siebold. Translated by W. S. Dallas. Lond. 1857. b. Functions of the Adult Reproductive Organs. Devay, 4104, 0. Traite special d’hygi&ne des families; particuliferement dans ses rapports avec le manage, au physique et au moral, et les maladies hereditaires. Par le Dr. Francis Devay. Paris, 1858. Mojon, 4293, 0. p. Memoire sur les effets de la castration dans le corps humain. Par B. Mojon. Montpellier, 1804. Raciborski, 3909, 0. p. De l’exfoliation physiologique et path’ologique de la membrane interne de l’uterus. Par A. Raciborski. Paris, 1857. 3. ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. b. Functions of the Nervous System; including Phrenology and Mental Physiology. Bernard, 3966, 0. Lemons sur la plivsiologie et la pathologie dn systeme nerveux. Tomes 2. Par M. Claude Bernard. Paris, 1858. Brown-Sequard, 3858, 0. Recherches experimentales sur les voies de transmission des impressions sensitives et sur des phenomenes singuliers qui succMent la section des racines des nerfs spinaux. Par Dr. Brown-Sequard. Paris, 1856. Brown-Sequard, 4355, 0. Course of lectures on the physiology and patho- logy of the central nervous system. Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, in England, in May, 1858. By C. E. Brown-Sequard, M. D. Phila. 1860. Flourens, 867, D. Examen de phrenologie. 3ieme edition, augmentee d’un essai physiologique sur la folie. Par P. Flourens. Paris, 1851. Gall, 3846, 0. On the organs of the moral qualities and the intellectual faculties, and the plurality of the cerebral organs. By F. J. Gall, M. D. Vols. 2 in 1. Lond. Hagen, 3945, 0. Der goldene schnitt, in seiner Anwendung auf Kopf und Gehirnbau, Physiologie und Pathologie. Dr. W. F. Hagen. Leipzig, 1857. Pavy, 3947, 0. Notes on some of the developmental and functional rela- tions of certain portions of the cranium. Selected by F. W. Pavy, M. D., London, from the lectures on anatomy delivered by John Hilton, F. R. S. Lond. 1855. 3 The Passions, Expression, Sf-c. Lavater, 539, Q. Essays on physiognomy designed to promote the know- ledge and love of mankind. By J. C. Lavater, citizen of Zurich and minister of the Gospel. Illustrated by Thomas Halloway. Trans- lated from the French of Henry Hunter, D. D., Minister of the Scot’s Church, London Wall. 3 vols. Lond. 1789. 724 \ PHYSIOLOGY. c. Sleep, Torpidity, Somnambulism, Animal Magnetism, and Odic Force. Boismont, 889, D. On hallucinations: a history and explanation of appa- ritions, visions, dreams, ecstasy, magnetism, and somnambulism. By A. Briere de Boisihont, M. D. Translated from the French by Robt. T. Hulme, F. L. S. Lond. 1859. Carus, 858, D. Ueber Lebensmagnetismus un liber die magischen Wirk- ungen iiberhaupt. Von C. 0. Carus. Leipzig, 1857. Dupuy, 4177, 0. p. L’hypnotisme. Par M. Antonin Dupuy. Paris, 1860. Hammond, 4305 , 0. On wakefulness and the physiology of sleep. By Wm. A. Hammond, M. D. Philad. 1866. Phillips, 4190, 0. p. Cours tlieorique et pratique de braidisme ou liypno- tisme nerveux. Par J. P. Phillips, M. D. Paris, 1860. Thouret, 813, D. Reclierches et doutes sur le magnetisme animal. Par M. Thouret. Paris, 1784. d. Functions of Different Gerebro-Spinal Nerves. *b. Nerves of Special Sensation. **a. Sense of Vision. Mackenzie, 3834, O. The physiology of vision. By Wm. Mackenzie, M. D. London, 1841. g. Muscular Motion. Wundt, 4003, 0. p. Die Lehre von der Muskelbewegung. Vou Dr. Wm. Wundt. Braunschweig, 1858. h. Voice; including works on Stammering. Violette, 4294, 0. p. Traitement du Begayement. Par M. Le Docteur Viollette. Paris, 1800. CHAD TER III. MATERIA MEDICA and PHARMACY, including HYGIENE and THERAPEUTICS. MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. I. HYGIENE, DIETETICS, AND REGIMEN. 1. HYGIENE. (A.) GENERAL TREATISES. Armstrong, 555, Q. The art of preserving health : a poem. By John Armstrong, M. D. Lond. 1794. Arnott, 4232, 0. On the smokeless fireplace, chimneys and valves and • other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventila- tion. By Neill Arnott, M. D. Lond. 1855. Catala, 537, Q. p. Essai sur l’hygiene des gens de lettres. Par Valentin Catala, M. D. Paris, 1857. Cogan, 570, Q. The haven of health ; whereunto is added a preservation from the pestilence, with a short censure of the late sickness at Oxford. By Thomas Cogan, Batchelor of Physick and M. A. Lond. 1636. Dobell, 4212, 0. Lectures on the germs and vestiges of disease, and on the prevention of the invasion and fatality of disease by periodical examinations ; delivered at the Royal Infirmary for diseases of the chest. Lond. 1861. Miihry, 3970, O. Klimatologische Untersucliungen oder grundziige der Klimatologie in ihrer Beziehung auf die Gesundlieits-Verhaltnisse der Bevolkerungeu. Von A. Miihry, M. D. Leipzig und Heidelberg 18.58. Paynell, 914, D. Regimen, Salitatis selerni. This hook teaching all people to govern their health is translated out of the Latin. By Thos. Paynell. Lond. 1575. Pickford, 3956, 0. Hygiene, or health as depending upon the conditions of the atmosphere, foods and drinks, motion and rest, sleep and wake- fulness, secretions, excretions and retentions, mental emotions, cloth- ing, bathing, etc. By James H. Pickford. Lond. 1858. 726 MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. Ridge, 839, D. Health and disease, their laws, with plain practical pre- scriptions for the people. By B. Ridge, M. D. Lond. 1858. Venner, 571, Q. Via recta, A. D. Vitam Lougarn, or a plain philosophical discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishment and dietetical observations make for the preser- vation of health, with their just application unto every age, &c. &c., wherein also the true use of our famous baths of Bath is perspicu- ously demonstrated. By Thomas Venner. Lond. 1620. 3838, 0. First report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of the large towns and populous districts. Vols. 2. Lond. 1844. 3839, 0. Second report do. do. Vols. 2. Lond. 1845. (B.) NAVAL AND MILITARY HYGIENE. Armstrong, 3981, 0. Observations on naval hygiene and scurvy, more particularly as the latter appeared during a polar voyage. By Alex. Armstrong, M. D., R. N. Lond. 1858. Bryce, 3997, 0. England and France before Sebastopol, looked at from a medical point of view. By Chas. Bryce, M. D. Lond. 1857. Hammond, 4265 , 0. A treatise on hygiene, with special reference to the military service. By Wm. Hammond, M. D. Pliilad. 1863. Larrey, 4294, 0. p. Notice sur l’liygiene des hopitaux militaires. Par M. H. B. Larrey. Paris, 1862. Parkes, 4296, 0. A manual of practical hygiene ; prepared especially for use in the medical service of the army. By Edm’d A. Parkes, M. D. Lond. 1864. Perier, 3879, 0. p. Histoire medicale des camps de Boulogne. Par M. Jules Perier. Paris, 1857. 4238, 0. Regulations for the duties of the officers, attendants, and nurses of military hospitals, and sanitary measures and precautions for pre- serving the health of the troops, &c. Lond. 1859. 4347, 0. Documents of the U. S. sanitary commission. 2 vols. New York, 1866. 2. DIETETICS. (A.) GENERAL TREATISES. Brinton, 4207, 0. On food and its digestion ; being an introduction to dietetics, 48 engravings. By Wm. Brinton, M. D. Lond. 1861. Duncan, 4252, O. Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, particularly of coffee, chocolate, tea, brandy, and strong waters. Lond. 1706. (b.) works on particular articles OF DIET. Carpenter, 859, D. On the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors in health and disease. 2d edit. By W. Carpenter, F. R. S. Loud. 1851. MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. 727 (C.) ON THE ADULTERATION OF FOOD. Hassall, 3829, 0. Food and its adulterations ; comprising the reports of the analytical sanitary commission of “ The Lancet,” &c. By Arthur Hill Hassall, M. D. With engravings. Lond. 1855. 3. KEGIMEN, $ Bathing. Turner, 3888, 0. The rare treasure of the English baths. > By Wm. Turner, Dr. in Physicke. Lond. 1641. II. MATERIA MEDICA. (A.) GENERAL, ELEMENTARY, AND SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. Bernard, 4033, 0. Leqons snr les effets des substances toxiques et medi- camenteuses. Par M. C. Bernard. Paris, 1857. Bremer, 3858, 0. A thousand approved waters and remedies for the plague and pestilent fever. By Wm. Bremer. Lond. 1641. Crantz, 4187, 0. Materia medica et chirurgica juxta. Systema naturae digesta. 3 vols. in 1. By H. J. N. Crantz. Vienna, 1762. De Kinder & De Wint, 911, D. Nucleus Belgicus materiae' medicae in quo breviter describuntur medicamenta simplicia et alimenta, &c. &c. Per Joannem De Kinder et Gruillielmum Franciscum De Wint, Medicos Practicos. Bruxellenses. Bruxellis, 1719. Hermann, 565, Q. p. Cynosura materiae medicae. Pauli Hermanni, Med. Doct. Lugdunum Batav. 1726. Marggravius, 569, Q. Materia medica contracta, exibens simplicia et com- posita medicamenta officinalia, ex magno numero selecta, praestautia atque utilia, munita viribus et dosibus, metliodque simplicia deli- gendi praeparandi et componendi, &c. &c. Christiano Marggravio, Med. Doct. Amstelaedami, 1682. Pidoux et Trousseau, 4009, 0. Traite de tlierapeutique et de matiere medi- cale. Par A. Trousseau et H. Pidoux. 6ieme edit. Tomes 2. Paris, 1858. Tully, 3973, 0. Materia medica, or pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol. 1 in 2 parts. By Wm. Tully, M. D. Springfield, Mass., 1857. Vogel, 907, D. Historia materise medicae ad novissima tempora productae. Rudolph A. Vogel, M. D. Frankfort and Leipzig, 1760. Pereira, 4330, 0. Manual of materia medica and therapeutics. Being an abridgment of the late Dr. Pereira’s elements of materia medica. By Frederic John Farre, M. D., assisted by Robert Bentley, M. R. C. S., 728 MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. and by Robert Warington, F. R. S. Edited with numerous references to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and many other additions. By Horatio C. Wood, Jr., M. D. With 260 wood-engravings. Pliilad. 1866. (b.) works on particular departments of the materia medica. Honigberger, 4095, 0. Materia medica of the east, ext. in “ Thirty Years in the East.” 2. MATERIA MEDICA OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES. III. PHARMACY. Dale, 568, Q. Pliarmacologia seu manductio ad materiam medicam. Samuelis Dalei, M. L. Loud. 1737. Dorvault, 4145, 0. L’officiue : ou repertoire de Pharmacie pratique. Par Dorvault. 4ieme edit. Paris, 1855. De Augustis, 256, F. Lumen apotliecariorum cum certis expositionibus noviter impressum. Authore Quirico de Augustis de terdona. Venice, 1495. Man, 256, F. p. Luminare majus; Joliannis Jacobi Manlii Alexandrinii super descriptiones antidotarii et practicas divi. Joliannis Mesue et aliorum illustrum medicorum clarissima interpretatio incipit dicta luminare majus. Venice, 1496. Honigberger, 4095, 0. Pharmacy of the east, ext. in “Thirty-Five Years in the East.” Paulini, 921, D. Neu-vermehrte, heilsame Dreck-Apotheke. Von Kris- tian Frantz Paulini. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1734. 927, D. The same. Stuttgart, 1847. Zwelferius, 267, F. Animadversiones in pharmacopoeiam augustanam ejusque mantissam tertium revisse. Cum appendice annexa quibus accessit pharmacopoeia regia novalocupletata et absoluta. Adjecta mantissa spagyrica cura. Johannes Zwelferi, Palat, M. D. Nori- bergje, 1667. (a.) general and elementary treatises. b. Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, Formularies, dc. Mauchart, Bilfinger, 268, F. Pharmacopoeia Wirtenbergica. Jussu seren- issimi domini ducis adomata et pharmacopoeis Wirtenbergensis in normam prescripta. Accedunt syllabus medicamentorum composi- *a. Of Special Authors. MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. 729 torum in classes divisus et indices necessarii. Editio nova revisa aucta et emendata. Stutgardise, 1760. Squire, 4286. 0. A companion to the British pharmacopoeia, comprising the strength of the various preparations with those of London, Edin- burgh and Dublin, United States and other pharmacopoeias: with practical hints on prescribing. By Peter Squire, F. L. S. Lond. 1864. *b. National Pharmacopoeias. 4277, 0. British pharmacopoeia; published under the direction of the general council of medical education and registration of the United Kingdom, pursuant to the medical act, 1858. § Commentaries on the Pharmacopoeias. Hager, 3865, 0. Die neuesten Pharmacopoeen Nord-Deutschlands. Kom- mentar zu der Preussichen, Sachsiclien, Hauoversclien, Hamburgischen, mid Schleswig-Holsteinschen Pharmacopoe. Von Herman Hager. 2 Biiude. Lissa, 1855-57. IV. THERAPEUTICS (a.) general therapeutics. Bigelow, 876, D. Brief expositions of rational medicine; to which is prefixed the “paradise of doctors : a fable. 2d edit. By J. S. Bige- low, M. D. New York, 1860. C. Vernet, 4096, 0. p. Memoire sur le principe fondamental de la thera- peutique. Par P. A. B. Crevassac-Vernet. Paris, 1859. Stille, 4078, 0. Therapeutics and materia medica. By Alfred Stille, M. D. In 2 vols. Philad. 1860. a. General and Systematic Treatises. \ Homoeopathy and Hydropathy. Conquest, 4194, 0. p. What is homoeopathy? and is there any and what amount of truth in it. By J. T. Conquest, M. D. (Reprinted from the 3d London edition. Philad. 1860. b. Works on the General Modus Operandi of Medicines. Amando, 561, Q. p. De usa idoneo auxiliorum quoedam, ex Johanne de S. Amando. Index de Mesusei et Nicolai, antidotaria mogunt. Mayence, 1534. 730 MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. (b.) special therapeutics. a. General Treatises. Cliampionniere, 4058, 0. Recherche pratique sur la tlierapeutique de la syphilis. Par Lucas Championniere, M. D. Paris, 1836. Acid, Nitric.—4098, 0. p. On the use of nitric acid in haemorrhoids and prolapsus of the rectum. By Henry Smith, F. R. C. S. Loud. 1859. Alcohol.—4096, O. p. De l’alcohol et des composes alcooliques en chi- rurgie. Par M. J. F. Batailhe et M. Ad. Guillet, M. D. Paris, 1859. 875, D. Alcohol, its place and power. By James Miller. Pliilad. 1860. Anaesthesia.—3895, 0. p. L’anestliesie ; histoire de la douleur. Par le Dr. Ozanam. Paris, 1857. 4194, 0. p. Dr. Wells the discoverer of anaesthesia. By Elizabeth Wells. New York, 1860. Beating.—928, D. p. Flagellum salutis oder Heilung durch Schlage in allerliand schweren Krankheiten. Von F. R. Paullini. Stuttgart 1847. Belladonna.—3856, 0. p. Monographic sur la belladonna. Par F. J. Gazin. Paris, 1856. Bloodletting.—877, D. Traite des effets de l’usage de la saignee. Par F. Quesnay. Paris, 1701. Breath of Maidens.—928, D. p. Lebensverliingerung bis auf 115 Jalire durch den Hauch junger Miidschen. Von M. D. J. M. Cohausen. Stuttgart, 1847. Camphor.—817, D. p. Des inconvenients de l’usage du camphre. Par C. E. Bourdin. Paris, 1852. Chloroform.—934, D. Chloroform: its action and administration. A Handbook. By Arthur Ernest Sansom. Lond. 1865. 3984, 0. On chloroform and other anaesthetics: their action and administration. By John Snow, M. D. Edited with a memoir of the author. By Benjamin W. Richardson, M. D. Lond. 1858. Cicuta.—552, Q. Historia cicutae aquaticae et aliorum venenosuin. Joh. Jacob Ilepfer. Basilea, 1716. Electricity.—3887, 0. Traite des applications de l’electricite 5, la thera- peutique medicale et chirurgicale. Par A. Becquerel. Paris, 1857. 4167,0. Electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics; showing the best methods for the medical uses of electricity. 2d edition, with additions. By A. C. Garratt, M. D. Boston, 1861. Ergotine.—3853, 0. p. Sur l’emploi medical de l’ergotine et des prepara- tion dyaloiiques. Par J. Bonjean. Paris, 1856. b. Works on Particular Remedies and their Uses. MATERIA MED1CA, ETC. 731 Ether.—3844, 0. p. Case of Dr. Beale and the physiological effects of ether. (From the Medical Examiner of December, 1854.) By E. Hartshorne, M. D. Pliilad. 853, D. p. On ether and chloroform as anaesthetics. By Chs. Kidd, M. D. 2d edit. Lond. 1858. 4194, O. p. Dr. Wells the discoverer of anaesthesia. By Elizabeth Wells. New York, 1860. Guaiacum.—538, Q. Of the wood called guaiacum that healeth the French pockes and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stone, palsy, lepre, dropsy, fallynge evill, and other diseases. Made in Latin by Ulrich Hutten, Knyght. Translated by Thomas Paynell. Lond.1540. Iodine.—4190, 0. Memoire sur l’iodisme constitutionnel. Par F. Rilliet, M. I). Paris, 1860. Mercury.—891, D. On the injurious effects of mercury in the treatment of disease. By S. 0. Habershon, M. D. Lond. 1860. Music.—928, D. p. Wunderbare Kuren durcli Musik. Yon. F. C. Niedten. Stuttgart, 1847. Opium.—565, Q. p. Opiologia. Geo. W. Wedel, Med. Doct. Jena. 1682. 565, Q. p. De opii virtute diaphoretica. Etmuller, M. D. Leipzig and Jena, 1682. Panacea.—3837, 0. A treatise on the alterative and curative virtues of Swaim’s panacea. By Wm. Swaim. Pliilad. 1833. Strychnia.—4096, 0. p. Du sulfate de strychnine dans le traitement du cholera. Par Dr. Abeille. Paris, 1854. Tea.—552, Q. p. Dissertationes de thee helvetico ac cymbelaria. Theo- dore Zwinger. Basilea, 1716. Tobacco.—4006, 0. p. Practical observations on the use and abuse of tobacco. By John Lizars. Edinb. 1857. 4006, 0. p. Death in the pipe; or the great smoking question. By J. L. Milton. Lond. 1857. 4136, 0. p. The same. 4136, 0. p. A dissertation on the use and abuse of tobacco, wherein the advantages and disadvantages attending the consumption of that entertaining weed are particularly considered. By Adam Clarke. A general history of the tobacco plant. Liverpool, 1805. 4136, 0. p. The tobacco question morally, socially, and physically considered. By J. B. Budget, M. D. Lond. 1857. 887, D. p. Tobacco, its history, cultivation, manufacture, and adul- terations. Its use considered with reference to its influence on the human constitution. By Andrew Steinmetz, Barrister. Lond. 1857. 887, D. p. Tobacco morally and physically considered in relation to smoking and snuff-taking. By J. Browne. Driffield, 1842. Water.—3849, 0. p. The curiosities of common water. By John Smith. Lond. 1723. 3849, 0. p. Febrifugum magnum, or common water the cure for fevers, &c. By John Hancock, D. D. 732 MATERIA MEDICA, ETC. Water, 3849, 0. p. Remarks on the Rev. Dr. Hancock’s Febrifugum mag- num. By James Gardner, M. D. 154, D. rrspi os-sJ?, of drinking water, against our novelists that prescribed it in England. Whereunto is added n=pi 0ip/uo»o«>c of warm drink, and is an answer to a treatise of warm drink printed at Cam- bridge. By Richard Short, M. D. Lond. 1656. c. Works on Particular Classes of Remedies, and their Use. Narcotics.—4284, O. Stimulants and narcotics, their mutual relations. With special researches on the action of alcohol, ether, and chloro- form on the vital organism. By Francis E. Anstie, M. D. London, 1864. d. Works on Particular Modes of Applying Medicines. Fumigations.—3852, 0. Metnoire et rapports sur les fumigations sulfu- reuses. Par J. C. Gales. Paris, 1816. CHAPTER IY. GENERAL PATHOLOGY and PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. I. HYGIENE. (Vid. Materia Medica, Part I., Chap. III., and Medical Police, Part I., Chap. VII.) II. MORBID ANATOMY. (a.) MORBID ANATOMY GENERALLY. Duchenne, 573, Q. Album des photographies pathologiques complemen- taire du livres intitule de l’electrisation. Par le Dr. G. B. Duchenne. Paris, 1862. Engel, 3936, O. Specielle pathologische Anatomie, mit vorziiglicher Be- riicksichtigung der Bediirfnisse des Arztes und Gerichtsanatomen. Dr. Joseph Engel. Wien, 1856. Froriep, 532, Q. Klinische Kupfertafeln. Eine auserlesene Sammlung von Abbildungen in Bezug auf innere Krankheiten. Weimar, 1828. Monneret, 3851, O. Traite de pathologie gfiuerale. Par M. Ed. Monneret. 2 vols. Paris, 1837. Virchow, 4042, 0. Die Cellularpatliologie. Von Rudolph Virchow. Ber- lin, 1859. 4313, 0. Cellular pathology as based upon physiological and patho- logical histology. Twenty lectures delivered in the pathological institute of Berlin during the months of February, March, and April, 1858. By Rudolph Virchow, Prof, in ordinary of Pathological Ana- tomy, &c. Translated from the 2d edit, of the original. By Frank Chance, B. A. With notes and numerous emendations, principally from MS. notes of the author, and illustrated by 144 engravings on wood. Lond. 1860. * 4342, 0. The same. 734 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Virchow, 4332,0. Die krankhaften Grescliwiilste. Dreissig Vorlesungen, gehalten wahrend des Wintersemesters 1862-63 an der Universitat zu Berlin. Von Rudolph Virchow, M. D. In 3 Banden. Berlin, 1863-65. ler und 2er Band. Wilkes, 4064, 0. Lectures on pathological anatomy. By Samuel Wilkes, M. D. Lond. 1859. (b.) morbid anatomy of particular parts. Wepfer, 906, D. Joh. Jacobi Wepferi, M. D., observationes anatomies ex cadaveribus eorum quos sustulit apoplexia. Amsterdam, 1681. Wise, 3954, 0. Essay on the pathology of the blood and its containing vessels. By Tlios. A. Wise, M. D. Edinb. 1858. (C.) MONSTROSITIES AND MALFORMATIONS. Forster, 574, Q. Die Missbildungen des Menschen systematisch darge- stellt. Von Dr. August Forster. Jena, 1861. May, 925, D. A most certain and true relation of a strange monster or serpent found in the left ventricle of the heart of John Pennant, gen- tleman, of the age of 21 years. By Edward May, M. D. Lond. 1639. III. CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO PATHOLOGY. \ Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of Diseased Fluids and Solids. Beale, 4200, 0. The urine, urinary deposits, and calculi; their micro- scopical and chemical examination. With upwards of sixty original analyses of urine in disease, and general remarks on the treatment of certain urinary diseases. Illustrated. By Lionel S. Beale. Lond. 1861. Meckel, 3883, 0. p. Mikrogeologie. Ueber die Concremente im thierischen Organismus. Von Dr. H. Meckel v. Hemsbach. Berlin, 1856. Thudicum, 3979, 0. A treatise on the pathology of urine, including a complete guide to its analysis. With 7 plates. By J. L. W. Thudi- cum, M. D. Lond. 1858. IT. PATHOLOGY. (a.) GENERAL PATIIOLOGY. Estor, 3876, 0. Be l’application de l’analyse clinique h la patliologie cliirurgicale, ou plan d’une patliologie chirurgicale anatomique. Par Eugene Estor. Tome ler. Montpellier, 1856. 1. SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 735 Gairdner, 4226, 0. Clinical medicine : observations recorded at the bed- side, with commentaries. B. W. T. Gairdner. Edinb. 1862. Morel, 3862, 0. Traite des degenerescences, physiques, intellectnelles et morales, de l’espece liumaine. Par Dr. B. A. Morel. Paris, 1857. Avec un atlas de 12 planches, 531, Q. 2. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF GENERAL PATHOLOGY. a. Etiology. Balme, 3921, 0. De setiologia generali contagii pluribus morbis, e. g. luis veneriae etc., proprii C. Balme. Lugduni, 1809. Barker, 4258, 0. On malaria and miasmata and their influence in the production of typhus and typhoid fevers, cholera, and the exanthe- mata. By Thos. Herbert Barker, M. D. Lond. 1863. Boudin, 3877, 0. Traite de geographie et de statistique medicales et des maladies epidemiques, comprenant la meteorologie et la geologic medicales, les lois, statistiques de la population, et de la mortality, la distribution ggograpliique des maladies, et la pathologie comparee des races humaines. Avec cartes et tableaux. Par J. Ch. M. Boudin. Tomes 2. Paris, 1857. Craig, 4020, 0. On the influence of variations of electric tension as the remote cause of epidemic and other diseases. By Wm. Craig. Lond. 1859. Fenwick, 845, D. p. A popular treatise on the causes and prevention of diseases. By Samuel Fenwick, M. D. Lond. 1857. Forbes, 3935, 0. Of nature and art in the cure of disease. By Sir John Forbes, M. D. Lond. 1858. Jacquot, 3965, 0. De l’origine miasmatique des fievres endemo-epide- miques dites intermittentes, palustres ou 5, quinquina. Pathologie, topographie, meteorologie, climatologie, statistiques et geographie medi- cales. Par Felix Jacquot, M. D. Paris, 1855. Knapp, 3937, 0. Researches on primary pathology, and the origin and laws of epidemics. In 2 vols. By M. L. Knapp, M. D. Philad. 1858. Lee, 3880, 0. p. The effects of climate on tuberculous disease. By Edwin Lee. Lond. (Fiske fund essay.) 1857. Lombard, 845, D. p. Les climats des montagnes, consideres an point de vue medical. Par Dr. H. C. Lombard. 2de edit. Geneve, 1858. Miihry, 3884, 0. Die geographisehen Verbaltnisse der Krankheiten, oder Grundzeuge der noso-geographie. Yon A. Miihry. Leipzig, 1856. Warren, 3880, 0. p. The influence of pregnancy on the development of tubercles. By Edward Warren, M. D., of North Carolina. (Fiske fund essay.) Philad. 1857. Williman, 3914, 0. p. Report on the origin of the yellow fever in Norfolk during the summer of 1855. Richmond, Va. 1857. 736 general pathology. b. Semeiology and Symptomatology. *a. Diagnosis. **a. Diagnosis in General. Barclay, 3897, 0. A manual of medical diagnosis, being an analysis of the signs and symptoms of disease. By A. W. Barclay, M. D. Pliilad. 1858. 821, D. The same. Lond. 1857. Bertrutio, 561, Q. p. Metliodi cognosandorum tarn particulam quam uni- versalium morborum, &c. Autore Nicolai Bertrutio Bononieusi. Da Costa, 4327, 0. Medical diagnosis with special reference to practical medicine. A guide to the knowledge and discrimination of diseases. By J. M. Da Costa, M. D. With engravings on wood. 2d edit, re- vised. Philad. 1866. Dobell, 3925, 0. Demonstrations of diseases in the chest and their physi- cal diagnosis. By Horace Dobell, M. D. Lond. 1858. Flint, 4328, 0. A practical treatise on physical exploration of the chest, and the diagnosis of diseases affecting the respiratory organs. By Austin Flint, M. D. 2d edition, revised. Phila. 1866. Hartshorne, 4201, 0. Memoranda medioa, or note-book of medical princi- ples ; with a glossary for the use of students. By Henry Hartshorne, A. M., M. D. Philad. 1860. **b. Special Means of Diagnosis. ***a. Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation, Spc. Barth & Roger, 873, D. A manual of auscultation and percussion. By B. Barth and Henry M. Roger. Translated, with additions, by F. 0. Smith, M.D. 2d edit. Pliilad. 1849. Corson, 4031, O. p. A paper on the management of the shoulders in exa- minations of the chest; including a new physical sign. By J. W. Corson, M. D. New York, 1859. Mailliot, 3856, O. p. Auscultation appliquee a l’etude de la grossesse. Par Dr. Mailliot. Paris, 1856. Parkes, 4163, 0. The composition of urine in health and disease, and under the action of remedies. By Edmund A. Parkes. Lond. 1860. ***c. Examination of Secretions. 1. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC TREATISES. Aitken, Wm., 4170, 0. The science and practice of medicine. By Win. Aitken, M. D. Lond. 1866. Alsaharavius, 276, F. Liber theoricse necnon practice Alsaharavii in prisco arabum medicorum conuecum facile principis : qui vulgo aqa- (b.) special pathology and practice of medicine. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 137 rarius dicitur: iara summa diligentia et cura de promptus in lucem. Cum privilegio surami pontificis emperatoris Romani. Agustse, 1519. Barrough, 553, Q. The method, of pliysick, containing tlie causes, signs and cores of inward diseases in man’s body from the head to the foote, whereunto is added the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, which our physicians use at this day. By Philip Barrough. Lond. 1624. Bennett, 4038, 0. Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicine. 3d edition, with 500 illustrations on wood. By J. H. Bennett, M. D. Edinb. 1859. Chambers, 4320, O. Lectures, chiefly clinical. By Thos. K. Chambers, M. D. 4th edit. Lond. 1865. Flint, 4336, 0. A treatise on the principles and practice of medicine ; de- signed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine. By Austin Flint. M. D. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Philad. 1867. Culpepper, 872, D Culpepper’s last legacy to his dearest wife for the public good. The sixth impression; whereunto is added an exact and perfect treatise of the anatomy of the reins and bladder, brain and nerves of all the parts of the body, never published before the year 1685. By Nicholas Culpepper, Gent., student in astrology and physick. Lond. 1685. Galenus, 275, F. Opera omnia. In tom. v. Basilese, 1538. Haly-Abbas, 561, Q. p. Liber totius medicinse necessaria continens quern sapientissimus Hali filius Abbas discipulus Abimeher moysi filii Seiar edidit; regique inscripsit, unde et regalis dispositiones nomen assump- sit. Et a Stephano philosophise discipulo ex arabica lingua in latinas satis ornatum reductus. Lugdunum, 1523. Heyll, 561, Q. p. Artiflcialis medicatio, constans paraphrasi in Galeni librum de artis medicse constitutione. Autore Cliristoplioro Heyll, Medico. Hyppocrates, 865, D. imroxparovs Lugdunum, 1543. 865, D. Aphorismorum Hyppocratis sectiones septem. Ex F. Rabe- lasi. recog, Lugdunum, 1543. 866, D. The prognostics and crises of Hippocrates. Translated from the Greek, with notes. By H. W. Ducachet, M. D. New York, 1819. Lyons, 856, D. A handbook of hospital practice, or an introduction to the practical study of medicine at the bedside. By R. D. Lyons. Lond. 1859. Paracelsus, 271, F. Aur Philip Theopli. Paracelsi, Bombast ab Holien- heim Medici et philosoplii celebrimi, chemicorum que principis, opera omnia, medico, chemico, chirurgica. Tribus voluminibus compre- bensa. Editio novissima et emendatissima. Geneva, 1658. Reynolds, 4343, 0. A system of medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds M. D. In 3 vols. Vol. I. Lond. 1866. Sennert, 245, F. Danielis Sennerti Vratislaviensis doctoris et professoris medicinse in academia Wittenbergiensi operum. 4 vols. bound in 2. Lugdunum, 1656. 738 GEXERAL PATHOLOOty. Taylor, 908, D. Theory and practice of the movement cnre, or treatment by the Swedish system of localized movements. By C. F. Taylor, M. D. Philad. 1861. Tanner, 4326, 0. The practice of medicine. By Thomas Hawks Tanner, M. D. From the 5tli London edition, enlarged and improved. Philad. 1866. Todd, 883, D. Clinical lectures on certain acute diseases. By Robert Bentley Todd, M. D. Lond. 1860. Turisanins, 274, F. Plus quatn commentum in parvam Galeni artem Turisani Florentini Medici prsestantissimi, cum duplici textus inter- pretatione, antiqna sellicet et Leonicini, et ejusdem libello de hypo- stasi, opus non solum Medicis utile ac necessarium, verum etiam philosophis valde accominodatam : Quodolim guidem Jul. Martianus Rota Artiam et Medic. Doctor pluribus auxit et emendavit. Nunc vero magna diligentia recognitum, atque aptius exornatum, additis quibusdam ad eandem rem pertinentibus, denus imprimeudum cura- vimas. Ea autem sunt. Hali, qui eandem Galeni artem primi exposuit. Joannitti ad eandem introductio. Gentilis, qui primum ejusdem artis librum partim explicando, partim dubitando declaravit. Nicolai Leoniceui qusestio de tribus doctrinis, in capita devisa. Venetii, 1557. Watson, 4040, O. Lectures on the principles and practice of physic. By Thos. Watson, M. D. With additions by D. F. Condie, M. D. Philad. 1858. 4325, 0. Lectures on the principles aud practice of physic. By Thos. Watson, M. D. New American from the last revised and en- larged English edition. With additions by D. Francis Condie, M. D. With 185 illustrations on wood. Philad. 1866. Wesley, 885, D. Primitive pliysick, or an early and natural method of curing most diseases. The 8th edition, corrected and enlarged. By .John Wesley. Bristol, 1759. Wood, 4337, 0. A treatise on the practice of medicine. By George B. Wood, M. D., LL. D., etc. etc. 6tli edit. 2 vols. Philad. 1866. 2. COLLECTIVE WORKS, MEDICAL ESSAYS, REPORTS, CASES, ETC. Alexis, 564, Q. The secretes of the Rev. Master Alexis of Piedmont, con- taining excellent remedies against divers diseases, wounds, and other accidents, &c. &c. Newly corrected and amended and somewhat enlarged in certain places which wanted in the first edition. Trans- lated out of French into English by Wm. Warde. 1st and 2d pts. Lond. 1568. 3d pt. Lond. 1566. By Rev. Androse from Italian into English, the 4th pt. 1569. Begbie, 4235, 0. Contributions to practical medicine. By James Begbie, M. D. Edinb. 1862. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 739 Begbie, 4247, 0. The same. Carlisle, 4186, 0. On the disorders of old age, and on the means for pro- longing human life. By Anthony Carlisle, F. R. S., &c. Pliilad. 1819. Chambers, 4234, 0. The renewal of life. Clinical lectures illustrative of the restorative system of medicine, given at St. Mary’s Hospital. By Thomas K. Chambers. Lond. 1862. Fracastorius, 549, Q. H. Fracastorii Veronensis omnia opera in vol. unum. Venetiis, 1555. Machlachlan, 4276,0. A practical treatise on the diseases and infirmities of advanced age. By Daniel Machlachlan, M. D. Lond. 1863. Mitchell, 870, D. Five essays. By J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Edited by S. W. Mitchell, M. D. Pliilad. 1850. Todd, 4048, 0. Clinical lectures on certain acute diseases : rheumatic fever, continued fever, typhus and typhoid fevers, erysipelas, pneu- monia, pyaemia, &c. By Robert B. Todd, M. D. Philad. 1860. Ward, 262, F. Some account of Mary Thomas, of Sanyralt in Merioneth- shire, who has existed many years without food ; and of Ann Moore, commonly called the fasting woman of Tutbury. By James Ward. R. A. Lond. 1813. 3. DISEASES OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES AND PLACES. Daniel, 4253, 0. Observations upon the autumnal fevers of Savannah. By W. C. Daniel, M. D. Moore, 4237, 0. Health in the tropics, or sanitary art applied to Europeans in India. By W. J. Moore. Lond. 18(52. 713, D. A manual of the diseases of India. By W. J. Moore. Lond. 18(51. Murchison, 4241, 0. A treatise on the continued fevers of Great Britain. By Charles Murchison. Lond. 18(52. 559, Q. Medicinse iEgyptorum accedunt hiric editioni ejusdem. Auctoris libride Balsamo et Rhapoutici ut et Jacobi Boutii medicina Indorum. Lugduni Bat. 1719. 4. DISEASES OP THE ARMY AND NAVY. a. Diseases of the Army. Baudens, 3895, 0. p. Souvenirs d’une mission medicale it l’armee d’Orient. Par M. L. Baudens. Paris, 1857. 833, D. La guerre de Crimee ; les campements, les abris, les ambu- lances, les liopitaux, &c. &c. Par L. Baudens. Paris, 1858. Brinton, 4292, 0. p. A consolidated statement of gunshot wounds. By J. H. Brinton, Surgeon U. S. V. Crimea.—247, F. Medical and surgical history of the British army which served in Turkey and the Crimea during the war against Russia in the years 1854-5-6. 2 vols. Parliamentary Blue Books. Lond. 1858. Davy, 4228 , 0. On some of the more important diseases of the army, with contributions to pathology. By John Davy, M. D. Lond. 1862. 740 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Eymery, 816, D. p. Les sepulcres de la grande armee. Administration generale des hopitaux militaii’es. Compagnie. Par A. Eymery. Paris, 1814. Guthrie, 890, D. Commentaries on the surgery of the war in Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands, fiom 1808 to 1815. By G. J. Guthrie. 6tli edit. Revised to Oct. 1855. Lond. 1855. Jacquot, 3972, 0. Du typhus de 1’armee d’Orient. Par Felix Jacquot, M. D. Paris, 1858. Macleod, 834, D. Notes on the surgery of the war in the Crimea, with remarks on the treatment of gunshot wounds. By G. H. B. Macleod, M. D. Loud.1858. Pincoffs, 823, D. Experiences of a civilian in Eastern military hospitals ; with observations on the English, French, and other medical depart- ments, &c. By P. Pincoffs, M. D. Lond. 1837. Rebellion.—583, Q. Reports of the extent and nature of the materials available for the preparation of a medical and surgical history of the rebellion. Circular No. 6. By George A. Otis, M. D., and J. J. Wood- ward, M. D. Washington, 1865. Scrive, 3938, 0. Relation medico-cliirurgicale de la campagne d’Orient. Par Dr. G. Scrive. Paris, 1857. WTilliamson, 4279, 0. Military surgery. By George Williamson, M. D. Loud. 1863. 4292, 0. p. Report of a committee of associate medical members of the sanitary commission on the treatment of fractures in military sur- gery. 1862. c. Fever. *a. Fever Generally. Anderson, 4202, 0. Ten lectures introductory to the study of fever. By Andrew Anderson, M. D. Lond. 1801. Daniel, 4253, 0. On the autumnal fevers of Savannah. By W. C. Daniel, M. D. Lyons, 4196, 0. A treatise on fevers, or selections from a course of lec- tures on fevers. By R. D. Lyons, M. D. Lond. 1861. Reed, 3840, 0. Fever physiologically considered. Considerations on yellow fever, typhus fever, plague, cholera, and sea scurvy, the questions of contagion and quarantine, and on the popular treatment of cholera. By David McC. Reed. Loud. 1846. *b. Individual Fevers. **a. Continued Fevers. Bertulus, 3977, 0. p. Des preparations de quinquina considerees comme base du traitement des fievres dites typhoides ; et compte-rendu des maladies observees dans les salles de clinique internes de l’ecole de medecine de Marseilles, pendant le semestre d’ete de 1857. Par Dr. E. Bertulus. Marseilles, 1858. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 741 Delafond, 3856, 0. p. Typhus de l’espece bovine. Par M. 0. Delafond. Paris, 1856. L’Huillier, 3893, 0. p. Recherches critiques et pratiques sur la nature et le traitement de la fievre typhoi'de. L’Huillier. Nancy, 1856. Murchison, 4241, 0. On continued fevers. Lond. 1862. Tweedie, 4236, 0. Lectures, on the distinctive characters, pathology, and treatment of continued fevers, delivered at the Royal College of Phy- sicians of London. By Alexander Tweedie. Lond. 1862. **b. Intermittent Fever. Burdell, 855, D. p. Recherches sur les fievres paludeennes suivies d’etudes physiologiques et medicales sur la Sologne. Par Dr. E. Burdell. Paris, 1858. Fleury, 3940, 0. Du traitement hydrotlierapeutique des fievres intermit- tentes de tous les types et de tous les pays. Par L. Fleury. Paris, 1858. **c. Remittent Fever. ***b. Remittent Fevers in Particular. ***a. Remittent Fever Generally. **** Yellow Fever. Anderson, 932, D. Handbook for yellow fever: describing its pathology and treatment, as observed in unintermitted practice during half a century ; to which is adjoined a brief history of pestilential cholera, and a method of cure. By Thomas Anderson, M. D. Lond. 1866. Armstrong, 888, D. A history of the ravages of yellow fever in Norfolk, Va., A.D. 1855. By G. D. Armstrong, D. D. Philad. 1856. Guyon, 4030, 0. p. Un mot sur la fievre jaune de Lisboune en 1857. Par Dr. Guyon. Paris, 1858. Jorg, 3903, 0. Darstellung des naclitheiligen Einflusses des Tropenklimas auf Bewohner gemassigter Zonen und des Verlaufes und Behandlung der Tropenkranklieiten, des gelben Fiebers und der asiatischen Cho- lera. In 2 Abtheilungen. E. Jorg. Leipzig, 1851. Lallemant, 3894, 0. Das gelbe Fieber, nacli dessen geographisclier Yer- breitung, Ursachen, Verschleppbarkeit, Haupterscheinungen, Behand- lung und anderen wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen. Dr. R. C. B. A. Lallemant. Breslau, 1857. McWilliam, 3835, 0. Medical history of the expedition to the Niger during the years 1841-2, with an account of the fever which led to its termination. By J. 0. McWilliams, M.D. Lond. 1843. Manzini, 3968, 0. p. Histoire de l’inoculation preservative de la fievre jaune, pratiquee par ordre du gouvernement espagnol it l’hopital militaire de la Havaune. Redige par Niels. B. L. Mazini, M. D. Paris, 1858. Mercier, 4293, 0. p. La fievre jaune ; sa maniere d’etre. A Regard des Strangers 5, la Nouvelle Orleans et dans les campagnes. Par Je Dr. Alfred Mercier. Paris, 1860. 742 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 4292, 0. p. Some practical observations on yellow fever: published for the use of the surgeons of the volunteer forces in the department of the gulf. New Orleans, 1862. **d. Fevers with Eruption. ***b. Eruptive Fevers in Particular. Exanthemata Vera. Scarlatina. Buttura, 3886, 0. p. Des fievres eruptives sans eruption et particuliMe- ment de la scarlatine sans exantlieme. Par Dr. Ch. A. Buttura. Paris, 1857. Hood, 3902,0. The successful treatment of scarlet fever: also observa- tions on the pathology and treatment of crowing inspirations in infants. By P. Hood, Surgeon. London, 1857. Morris, 3974, 0. An essay on the pathology and therapeutics of scarlet fever. By Caspar Morris, M. D. Philad. 1858. Nebinger, 4292, 0. p. Variola ; its nature and treatment, with an ad- dendum. By Andrew Nebinger, M. D. Pliilad. 1862. Toner, 4319, 0. p. Inoculation in Pennsylvania. By J. M. Toner, M. D., of Washington, D. C. Variola. Lalagade, 3909, 0. p. Etudes sur la revaccination. Par Dr. P. D. Lala- gade. Paris, 1857. Marquez, 3909, 0. p. De la pretendue influence de la vaccination sur la production de la fievre typhoide. Par Dr. Omer Marquez. Strasbourg, 1857. 4148, 0. Rapport du comite de vaccine. Paris (An. XI.), 1805. 4340, 0. Reviews on cow-pox: being a collection from journals and re- views. 2 vols. Vaccinia. Simple Eruptive Fevers. Borchard, 3853, 0. p. Commentaires sur la suette. Par Marc Borcliard. Paris, 185G. Miliaria. Brooks, 4137, 0. p. A history of the most remarkable pestilential dis- tempers that have appeared in Europe for three hundred years last past; with mention of prevention and cure. By R. Brooks, M. D. Loud. 1721. Defoe, 4137, 0. p. A journal of the plague year in London, 1665. By Daniel Defoe. London, 1722. 4137, 0. p. A collection of valuable pieces relating to the last plague in the year 1665, and an account of the plague at Naples in 1656. Loud. 1721. Plague. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 743 Deidier, 4137, 0. p. The nature of the plague at Marseilles, with present state of that city ; being a letter from Mr. Deidier to Mr. Fizes. Lond. 1722. Michon, 4192; 0. Documents inedits de la peste de 1348. Par L. A. Joseph Michon, M. D. Paris, 1860. Scarborough, 4137, 0. p. A practical method as used for the plague in London in 1665. By Sir Clias. Scarborough, Knt. Lond. 1722. 4137, 0. p. A succinct account of the plague at Marseilles ; its symptoms and the methods used for curing it. From the French. By a phy- sician. Lond.1721. An abstract of the different methods that have been used towards the infected, as they are included in the five classes mentioned in the book. d. Diseases of the Blood. Hughes, 4082, 0. Blood disease. By J. Vaughan Hughes, M. D. Lond. 1859. f. Dropsy. Basham, 4285, 0. The Croonian lectures for 1864, delivered before the president and fellows of the royal college of physicians of England. The significance of dropsy as a symptom in renal, cardiac, and pul- monary diseases. By W. R. Basham, M. D. Lond. 1864. g. Gout. Adams, 3918, 0. A treatise on rheumatic gout, or chronic rheumatic arthritis of all the joints. By Robert Adams, M. D. Loud. 1857. 241, F. Atlas to the above. Bazin, 4147, 0. Lemons theoriques et oliniques sur les affections cutanees de nature artliritique et dartreuse. Par Bazin, M. D. Paris, 1860. Garrod, 4083, 0. The nature and treatment of gout and rheumatic gout. By A. B. Garrod, M. D. Lond. 1859. Neufchateau, 4293, 0. p. Les trois nuits d’un goutteux. Poeme en trois chants. Par M. C. Framjois de Neufchateau. h. Rheumatism. Alexander, 3929, 0. Rheumatism ; its nature, causes, and cure. Gout; its nature, causes, cure, and prevention. By Jas. Alexander, M. D. Lond. 1858. i. Obesity. Wadd, 4049, 0. Comments on corpulency. Lineaments of leanness. Mems. on diet and dietetics. By Wm. Wadd, F. L. S. Lond. 1829. 744 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 6. WORKS ON DISEASES OF PARTICULAR ORGANS. a. Diseases of the Skin. *a. Diseases of the Skin Generally. Cazenave, 241, F. Leyons sur les maladies de la peau. Par A. Cazenave. Paris, 1856. Fox, 4297, 0. Skin diseases; their distribution, pathology, diagnosis and treatment, with a copious formulary. By Tilbury Fox, M. D. Lond. 1864. Gibert, 4146, O. Traite pratique des maladies de la peau et de la syphilis 2 tomes. Par C. M. Gibert. 3me edit. Paris, 1860. Hebra, 237, F. Atlas der Hautkrankheiten. Text von Dr. Ferdinand Hebra. Bilder von Dr. A. Elfinger. lste lieferung. 10 tafeln. 2te 7 taflen. Wien, 1856-58. Hardy, 3977, 0. p. Leyons sur les maladies de la peau. Par Dr. Hardy. Paris, 1858. 4070, 0. The same. Jordan, 902, D. Skin diseases and their remedies. By Robert J. Jordan, M. D. Lond. 1860. Logan, 933, D. On certain obstinate diseases of the skin. By David Duncan Logan, M. D. Lond. 1864. Wilson, 3923, 0. On diseases of the skin. By Erasmus Wilson, F. R. S. Lond. 1857. *b. Particular Diseases of the Skin. Anderson, 4213, 0. On the parasite affections of the skin. By T. McCall Anderson, M. D. Lond. 1861. 4271, 0. A practical treatise on eczema, including the lichenous, impetiginous and pruriginous varieties. By T. McCall Anderson, M. D. Lond. 1863. Bazin, 4147, 0. Lemons theoriques et cliniques sur les affections cutanees de nature arthritique et dartreuse. Par Dr. Bazin. Paris, 1860. Danielssefi, 3939, 0.' Traite de la spedalskhed ou elephantiasis des drees. Par C. Dauielssen & Wm. Boeck. Traduit du Norwegien, par L. A. Crosson (de Nogaret). Avec un Atlas de 24 planches coloriees. 246, F. Guerault, 537, Q. p. Observations medicales recueillSes pendant le voyage scientifique de S. A. I. le Prince Napoleon dans la mer du nord. ler. Essai sur l’elephantiasis grec (l£pre du moyen age) en Norwege. 2d. Note sur la maladie liydatique des Islandais. 3ieme. Observations sur la syphilisation en Norwege. Par J. H. Gerault. Paris, 1857. Netter, 816, D. p. De ITitiologie et de la nature du bouton de Biskara. Par A. Netter. Strasbourg, 1856. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 745 Mahon, 4116, 0. Recherches sur le siege et la nature des teignes. Par M. Mahon, Jr. Paris, 1829. Fox, Tilbury, 4270, 0. Skin diseases of parasitic origin : their nature and treatment. Including the descriptions and relations of the fungi found in man. By W. Tilbury Fox, M. D. Lond. 1863. b. Diseases of the Nervous System. *a. Diseases of the Nervous System in General. Bernard, 817, D. p. Trait6 des maladies nerveuses et de leur rapport avec l’electricite. Par J. Bernard. Paris, 1857. Bouchut, 4133, O. De l’etat nerveux aigu et chronique, ou nervosisme, appele nevro-pathie aigue cerebro-pneumo-gastrique, diatliese ner- veuse, &c., et confondu avec les vapeurs, la surexcitabilite nerveuse, &c. Par E. Bouchut. Paris, 1860. Inman, 3928, 0. The phenomena of spinal irritation and other functional diseases of the nervous system explained and a rational plan of treatment deduced. By Tlios. Inman, M. D. Lond. 1858. Jones, 924, D. Clinical observations on functional nervous disorders. By C. Handfield, Jones. Lond. 1864. 4344, 0. The same. Philad. 1867. Leubusclier, 4176, 0. Die Krankheiten des Nervensystems. Von Dr. Rudolph Leubusclier. Leipzig, 1860. Lobb, 3924, 0. On some of the more obscure forms of nervous affections: their pathology and treatment. With an introduction on the physi- ology of digestion and assimilation, and the generation and distribu- tion of nerve force ; based upon original microscopical observations. By H. W. Lobb. Lond. 1858. Radcliffe, 922, D. Lectures on epilepsy, pain, paralysis, and certain other disorders of the nervous system. Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in London. By Charles Bland Radcliffe, M. D. Lond. 1864. *b. Diseases of Particular Parts of the Nervous System. ***a. Diseases of the Brain Generally. **a. Diseases of the Brain. Calmeil, 4069, 0. Traite des maladies inflammatoires du cerveau. Par L. F. Calmeil, M. D. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. Clieyne, 3848, 0. The English malady, or a treatise on nervous diseases of all kinds. By George Cheyne, M. D. Bond. 1733. Teissier, 4097, 0. p. Du ramollissement cerebral 5, forme lente. Par M. Teissier, M. D. Lyons, 1859. Rowland, 3832, 0. On the nature and treatment of softening of the brain. By Richard Rowland, M. D. Lond. 1851. Van der Kolk, 4215, 0. p. On the atrophy of the brain. By Shroeder Van der Kolk. New Sydenham Society, 1861. 746 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Winslow, 4138, 0. On the obscure diseases of the brain and disorders of the mind : their incipient symptoms, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. By Forbes Winslow, M. D. Lond. 1860. Diseases of the Brain in Particular. *****c. Delirium Tremens. Marcet, 886, D. On chronic alcoholic intoxication, or alcoholic stimulants in connection with the nervous system. By W. Marcet, M. D. Lond. 1860. Valentin, 3865, 0. De delirio tremente. Dissertatio inauguralis quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum udinis in alma literarum universitate Ruperto Catola. Conscripsit F. G. Valentin. Mseno- Francfurtanus, M. D. Frankfort, 1847. Wilson, C., 860, D. The pathology of drunkenness. A view of the opera- tions of ardent spirits in the production of disease. By C. Wilson, M. D. Edinburgh, 1855. Austin, 4081, 0. A practical account of general paralysis, its mental and physical symptoms, statistics, causes, seat, and treatment. By Thos. J. Austin. Lond. 1859. Echeverria, 4335 , 0. Reflex paralysis: its pathological anatomy, and relation to the sympathetic nervous system. By M. Gonzalez Eche- verria, M. D. New York, 1866. Landry, 4035, 0. Traite complet des paralysies. Par 0. Landry. Paris, 1859. Mallat, 3885, 0. p. Guerison des douleurs et des paralysies par une me- tliode speciale externe. Par Dr. Mallat, de Bassilan. Paris, 1857. Meryon, 4282, 0. Practical and pathological researches on the various forms of paralysis. By Edward Meryon, M. D. Lond. 1864. Roberts, 3986, 0. An essay on wasting palsy. (Cruveilhier’s atrophy.) By Wm. Roberts, B. A., M. D. Lond. 1858. Apoplexy and Paralysis. Mental Diseases. Belhomme, 2791, 0. Quatrieme memoire sur l’appreciation de la folie. Paris, 1845. Cinquifeme do. Paris, 1848. Bucknill & Tuke, 3946, 0. A manual of psychological medicine ; contain- ing the history, nosology, description, statistics, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of insanity. With an appendix of cases. By Charles Bucknill, M. D. Lond., and Daniel H. Tuke, M. D. Lond. 1858. Burgess, 3926, 0. The medical and legal relations of madness ; showing a cellular theory of mind and nerve force, and also of vegetative vital force. By Joshua Burgess, M. D. Lond. 1858. Conolly, 4199, 0. The treatment of the insane without mechanical re- straint. By John Conolly, M. D. Lond. 1856. Faber, 552, Q. p. Strychnomania explicans. Strychni manici antiquorum vel solani furiosi resentiorum. Joh. Matth. Faber. August* Vindeli- corum, 1677. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 747 Georget, 4047, 0. De la folie. Considerations sur cette maladie. Par M. Georget. Paris, 1820. Hill, 3998, 0. History of the non-restraint system in the treatment of the insane. By R. G. Hill, F. S. A. Lond. 1857. Leuret, 4071, 0. Des indications it suivre dans le traitement moral de la folie. Par F. Leuret. Paris, 1846. Loiseau, 529, Q. p. Memoire sur la folie sympathique. Par Charles Loi- seau. Paris, 1856. Madden, 3917,0. Phantasmata or illusions and fanaticisms of protean forms productive of great evils. 2 vols. By R. R. Madden. Lond. 1857. > Moreau-Christophe, 4071, 0. p. De la mortality et de la folie dans le regime penitentiaire. Par L. M. Moreau-Christophe. Paris, 1839. Moreau, J., 4071,0. p. Memoire sur le traitement des hallucinations par le datura stramonium. Par J. Moreau. Paris, 1857. Morel, 4120, O. Traitement des maladies mentales. Par B. A. Morel, M. D. Paris, 1860. Parchappe, 4045, O. Alienation. Reclierches sur l’encephale, sa structure, ses fonctions et ses maladies. Par M. Parchappe. Paris, 1836. 4071, 0. p. De la folie paralytique et du rapport de l’atrophie du cerveau it la degradation de l’intelligence dans la folie. Par M. Parchappe. Paris, 1859. Reclierches liistoriques et critiques sur la demonologie et la sorcel- lerie au 15me siecle. Par M. Parchappe. Rouen, 1843. Petit, 4071, 0. p. Memoire sur le traitement de l’alienation mentale. Par Dr. A. Petit. Paris, 1843. Pritchard, 4155, 0. A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind. By James C. Prichard, M. D. Lond. 1835. Bobinson, 851, D. On the prevention and treatment of mental diseases. By G. Robinson, M. D. Lond. 1859. Thurman, 4125, 0. Observations and essays on the statistics of insanity, and on establishments for the insane. To which is added the statis- tics of the retreat near York. By Thomas Thurman, M. D. Lond. Velscliium, 552, Q. p. J. M. Faber, super strychnomanium suam. G. H. Velscliium, 1677. \ Melancholia and Hypochondriasis. Mandeville, 3847, 0. A treatise on the hypochondriack and hysteric dis- eases. By B. Mandeville, M. D. Lond. 1730. Michea, 4061, 0. Traite pratique, dogmatique et critique de l’hypochon- drie. Par C. F. Michea, M. D. Paris, 1845. Wittmaack, 3895, 0. p. Die Hypochondrie (liyperaesthesia psychica—Rom- berg) in patliologischer und therapeutischer Bezieliung, nebst einigen vorgangigen Bemerkungen liber die Bedeutung der psychischen Heil- mitteL Dr. Th. Wittmaack. Leipzig, 1857. 748 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. **b. Diseases of the Spinal Marrow, and of the Sympathetic System of Nerves. Davey, 3953, 0. The ganglionic nervous system; its structure, functions, and diseases. By Jas. Geo. Davey, M. D. Lond. 1858. Duriau, 4097, 0. p. Etude clinique sur l’apoplexie de la moelle epiniere et sur les paralysies des extremites inferieures. Par Dr. F. Duriau. Paris, 1859. Reeves, 835, D. Diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes, and the various forms of paralysis arising therefrom—chorea and tetanus. By C. E. Reeves, M. D. Lond. 1858. Tuson, 4220, 0. Spinal debility, its prevention, pathology, and cure, in relation to curvatures, paralysis, epilepsy, and various deformities. By Edward W. Tuson. Lond. 1861. **d. Anomalous Diseases of the Nervous System,. Epilepsy. Kussmaul and Tenner, 4112, 0. Selected monograpks. Kussmaul and Tenner on epileptiform convulsions from hemorrhage. Translated by Edward Bronner, M. D. Loud. 1859. N. Syd. Soc. vol. 5. Reynolds, 4211, 0. Epilepsy; its symptoms, treatment, and relation to other chronic convulsive diseases. By J. Russell Reynolds, M. D. Lond. 1861. Scliroeder v. d. Kolk, 4111, 0. On the minute structure of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, and on the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy. Translated from the original (with additions from MS. notes of the author). By Wm. Daniel Moore, A. B., &c. Lond. 1859. Sieveking, 3933, 0. On epilepsy and epileptiform seizures; their causes, pathology, and treatment. By E. H. Sieveking. Lond. 1858. Wittmaack, 3945, 0. p. Die intermittirenden chronischen Cerebral- krampfe, Epilepsia, in patliologischer und tlierapeutischer Hinsiclit. Dr. T. Wittmaack. Leipzig, 1858. Hysteria. Briquet, 4092, 0. Traite clinique et therapeutique de l’hysterie. Par le Dr. Briquet. Paris, 1859. Wittmaack, 3895, 0. p. Die Hysterie (hyperesthesia psychica sexualis) in patliologischer und tlierapeutischer Bezieliung. Dr. Tli. Witt- maack. Leipzig, 1857. Reflex Paralysis. Echeverria, 4335, 0. Reflex paralysis : its pathological anatomy, and relation to the sympathetic nervous system. By M. Gonzalez Eche- verria, M. D. New York, 1866. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 749 c. Diseases of the Respiratory System. *a. Diseases of the Respiratory System Generally. Basham, 4285, 0. The significance of dropsy as a symptom in pulmonary disease. Flint, 4328, 0. A practical treatise on physical exploration of the chest, and the diagnosis of diseases affecting the respiratory organs. By Austin Flint, M. D. 2d edit., revised. Philad. 1866. Fuller, 4240, 0. On diseases of the chest, including the heart and great vessels, their pathology, symptoms, and treatment. By Henry Wm. Fuller, M. D. Lond. 1862. Gerhard, 4041, 0. On the diagnosis of diseases of the chest. By W. W. Gerhard, M. D. 4th edit. Philad. 1860. Gibb, 892, D. On diseases of the throat, epiglottis, and windpipe; their symptoms, progress, and treatment. By Geo. D. Gibb, M. D. Lond. 1860. Seiler, 4190, 0. p. De la galvanization appliquee au traitement des mala- dies de la poitrine, etc. Par J. Seiler, M. D. Paris, 1860. *b. Particular Diseases of the Respiratory System. Hall, 3904, 0. Prone and postural respiration in drowning and other forms of apnoea or suspended respiration. Marshall Hall, M. D. Lond. 1857. Asphyxia. Asthma. Salter, 4140, 0. On asthma, its pathology and treatment. By Hyde Salter, M. D. Lond. 1860. 4289, 0. The same. Philad. 1864. Bronchitis and Laryngitis, including Catarrh and Influenza. Copland, 4180, 0. The forms, complications, causes, prevention, and treatment of bronchitis and consumption. By James Copland, M. D. Lond. 1861. Davasse, 4003, 0. p. Etudes cliniques. La grippe et la pneumonie grip- pale. Par Dr. Jules Davasse. Paris, 1858. Semple, 3958, 0. On cough; its causes, varieties, and treatment, with some practical remarks on the use of the stethoscope as an aid to diagnosis. By Robert H. Semple, M. D. Lond. 1858. Fabre, 3943, 0. Traitfi du goitre et du cretinisme et des rapports qui ex- istent entre ces deux affections. Par Dr. J. P. A. Fabre. 4 planches. Paris, 1857. Bronchocele. Emphysema. Waters, 4249, 0. Researches on the nature and pathology of emphysema, and its relations with other diseases of the chest. By A. T. H. Waters, M. D. Lond. 1862. 750 GENERAL PATHOLOGY, Phthisis. Alison, 4197, 0. The physical examination of the chest in pulmonary consumption and its intercurrent diseases. By S. S. Alison, M. D. Lond.1861. Barral, 3967, 0. Le climat de Madere et son influence therapeutique sur la phthisie pulmonaire. Par F. A. Barral, M. D. Traduit du Portu- gal par P. Garnier, M. D. Paris, 1858. Bird, 4275, 0. On Australasian climates and their influence in the pre- vention and arrest of pulmonary consumption. By S. Dougan Bird, M. D. Lond. 1863. Copland, 4180, 0. The forms, complications, causes, prevention, and treatment of consumption and bronchitis, comprising also the causes and prevention of scrofula. By James Copland, M. D. Lond. 1861. Hastings, 4222, 0. An inquiry into the medicinal value of the excreta of reptiles in phthisis and some other diseases. By John Hastings, M. D. Lond. 1862. Latour, 3886, 0. p. Traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Par Dr. A. Latour. Paris, 1856. Lawson, 4172, 0. A practical treatise on phthisis pulmonalis ; embracing its pathology, causes, symptoms, and treatment. By L. 3VI. Lawson, M. D. Cincinnati, 1861. 4224, 0. The same. Cincinnati, 1861. Lee, 829, D. The effect of climate on tuberculous disease. With notices of several places of winter resort. By E. Lee, M. D. Lond. 1858. MacCormack, 4312, 0. Consumption, as engendered by rebreatlied air and consequent arrest of the consumed carbonaceous waste ; its prevention and possible cure. By Henry MacCormack, M. D. Lond. 1865. Richardson, 3867, 0. The hygienic treatment of pulmonary consumption. By B. W. Richardson, M. D. Lond. 1857. Smith, Edward, 3951, 0. The principles of treatment of chronic phthisis pulmonalis. By Edward Smith, M. D. Lond. 1858. 4221,0. Consumption; its early and remedial stage. By Edward Smith, M. D. Lond. 1862. 4303, 0. The same. Philad. 1865. Tims, 893, D. On consumption ; its true nature and successful treatment. By Goodwin Tims, M. D. Lond. 1860. Turnbull, 4066, 0. An inquiry into the curability of consumption, the prevention and progress of improvement in the treatment. By James Turnbull, M. D. 3d edit. Lond. 1859. cl. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs. *a. Diseases of the Circulatory Organs Generally. Basham, 4285, 0. The significance of dropsy as a symptom in cardiac disease. Bellingham. 3918, 0. A treatise on diseases of the heart. By O’B. Bel- lingham, M. D. Dublin, 1857. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 751 Blakiston, 4309, 0. Clinical observations on the diseases of the heart and thoracic aorta. By Peyton Blakiston, M. D. Lond. 1865. Flint, 4091, 0. A practical treatise on the diagnosis, pathology, and treat- ment of diseases of the heart. By Austin Flint. Philad. 1859. Fuller, 4240, 0. On diseases of the chest including the heart and great vessels; their pathology, symptoms, and treatment. By Henry Wm. Fuller, M. D. Lond. 1862. **b. Particular Diseases of the Circulatory Organs. ***a. Particular Diseases of the Heart. Hypertrophy. Gailhard, 3909, 0. p. Essai sur l’hypertrophie du coeur. Par Dr. G. Gailhard. Montpellier, 1857. Polypus. Armand, 4005, 0. p. Des congretions fibrineuses polypiformes du cceur, developpees pendant la vie. Par Dr. Armand. Paris, 1857. ***b. Diseases of Arteries and Veins. Dusch, 4215, 0. p. Duscli on thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses. New Sydenham Society, 1861. e. Diseases of the Digestive Organs. *a. Diseases of the Digestive Organs Generally. Brinton, 4301, 0. The diseases of the stomach, with an introduction on its anatomy and physiology. By W. Brinton, M. D. Lond. 1859. Delorme & Berne, 3855, O. p. Influences des decouvertes pliysiologiques et cliimiques recentes sur la pathologie et la therapeutique des organes digestifs. Par Drs. H. Delorme et A. Berne. Paris, 1857. Fienus, 825, D. De flatibus humanum corpus molestantibus, commentarius novus, ac singularis. By John Fieni. Sanctandream, 1592. Habershon, 3898, 0. Pathological and practical remarks on diseases of the alimentary canal, oesophagus, stomach, caecum, and intestines. By S. 0. Habershon, M. D. Lond. 1857. 4073, 0. The same. Pliilad. 1859. Smee, 853, D. p. General debility and defective nutrition; their causes, consequences, a,nd treatment. By A. Smee, F. R. S. Lond. 1859. *b. Particular Diseases of the Digestive Organs. **a. Diseases of the Mouth, Throat, and Gullet. Bergeron, 4034, O. p. De la stomatite ulcereuse des soldats et de son identite avec la stomatite des enfants dite couenneuse, diphtheritique, ulcero-membraneuse. Par Dr. Bergeron. Paris, 1859. 752 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Bretonneau, &c., 4110. Memoirs on diphtheria. From the writings of Bretonneau, Guersant, Trousseau, Bouchut, Empis, and Daviot. Se- lected and translated by Robt. H„ Semple, M. D. With a biblio- graphical appendix by John Cliatto. N. Syd. Soc. Vol. 3d. Lond. 1858. Copeman, 4194, O. p. A history of the treatment and pathology of diph- theria. By Ed. Copeman, M. D. Lond. and Norwich, 1859. Czermak, 4215, 0. p. On the practical use of the laryngoscope. By Johann N. Czermak. Leipzig. New Sydenham Society, 1861. 4131, 0. Der Kehlkopfspiegel und seine Verwerthung fur Physiologie und Medizin. Eine Monographic. Yon Dr. Johann N. Czermak. Leipzig, 1860. Greenhow, 4188, 0. On diphtheria. By Ed. H. Greenhow, M. D. Lond. 1860. James, 4189, 0. Sore throat; its nature, varieties, and treatment; in- cluding the use of the laryngoscope as an aid to diagnosis. By M. P. James, M. D. Lond. 1861. Gamier, 562, Q. p. Compte rendu des faits de diphtherie pendant l’annee 1859. Par A. J. Gamier, M. D. Paris, 1860. Gibb, 892, D. On diseases of the throat, epiglottis, and windpipe ; their symptoms, progress, and treatment. By Geo. D. Gibb, M. D. Lond. 1860. 4311, 0. The same. 2d edition, enlarged. Lond. 1864. Jenner, 910, D. Diphtheria; its symptoms and treatment. By William Jenner, M. D. Lond. 1861. Mackenzie, 4316, 0. The use of the laryngoscope in diseases of the throat. With an appendix on rhinoscopy. By Morell Mackenzie, M. D. Lond.1865. Rankin, 4194, 0. p. Diphtheria. (A lecture delivered at Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals.) By W. H. Rankin, M. D. Lond. and Norwich, 1859. Slade, 4194, 0. p. Diphtheria ; its nature and treatment. By Daniel D. Slade, M. D. Philad. 1861. Wade, 4031, 0. p. Observations on diphtheritis. By W. F. Wade, M. B. Lond. 1858. **b. Particular Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines. Abeille, 4096, 0. p. Du sulfate de la strychnine dans le traitement du Cholera. Par Dr. Abeille. Paris, 1859. Anderson, 932, D. Handbook for yellow fever, describing its pathology and treatment, as observed in unremitted practice during half a cen- tury ; to which is adjoined a brief history of pestilential cholera, and a method of cure. By Thos. Anderson, M. D. Lond. 1866. Boucharlat, 869, D. Le cholera morbus, les monati de Milan, et la mort noire. Poemes. Par J. L. Boucharlat. Paris, 1834. Cholera. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 753 Bourgogne, 4034, 0. p. Traite de la medication complete du cholera asiatique considere comme une fievre paludeenne epidemique, &c. Par Dr. Bourgogne. Paris, 1859. ♦ Cartwright, 4324, 0. p. Some account of the Asiatic cholera, cholera asphyxia or pulseless plague. By Samuel Cartwright, M. D. Natchez, Miss. 1833. Chapman, 4324, 0. p. Observations on a letter from Dr. N. Chapman, of Philadelphia, to Dr. W. B. Tyler, of Frederick, Md., on the subject of cholera as appearing in Philadelphia, August, 1832. Ducros, 4324, 0. p. Commission pour observer le cholera morbus a Paris. Par MM. les docteurs Ducros, Giraud, Martin et P. M. Roux. 2de edit. Marseilles, 1832. : Jackson, Meigs & Harlan, 4324, 0. p. Report of the committee appointed by the sanitary board of the city councils to visit Canada for the investigation of the epidemic cholera prevailing in Montreal and Quebec. By Drs. Jackson, Meigs & Harlan. Philad. 1832. Smith, Joseph Mather, 4324, 0. p. Discourse on the epidemic cholera morbus of Europe and Asia. By Joseph Mather Smith, M. D. New York, 1832. Spencer, 4324, 0. p. An essay on the nature of the epidemic usually called Asiatic cholera, &c., with the reasons why it should be regarded as an epidemic diarrhoea serosa, instead of common cholera morbus; and an attempt to found the treatment upon the pathology of the disease, being the annual communication to the medical society of New York. By Thos. Spencer, M. D. Albany, 1833. Stevens, 4324, 0. p. Dr. Stevens’ treatise on the cholera, extracted from his work entitled, “ observations on the healthy and diseased properties of the blood.” New York, 1832. Torrey, 4322, 0. A dissertation on the causes, preventives, and remedies of plague, yellow fever, cholera, dysentery, and other pestilential, epidemic or contagious diseases, &c. By Jesse Torrey, Jr. Philad. 1832. Tanner, 929, D. A geographical and statistical account of the epidemic cholera, from its commencement in India to its entrance into the United States: comprehended in a series of maps and tables, &c. By H. S. Tanner. Philad. 1832. 4053, 'D. General board of health. Letter of the president, with a report from Dr. Sutherland on epidemic cholera in the metropolis. Lond. 1855. 4054, 0. General board of health. Medical council. Appendix to report of the committee for scientific inquiries in relation to the cholera epi- demic of 1854. Lond. 1855. 4051, 0. Report of the general board of health on the epidemic cholera of 1848 and 1849. Lond. 1850. 4323, 0. Reports of the hospital physicians and other documents in re- lation to the epidemic cholera of 1832. Published by order of the hoard of health. Edited by Dudley Atkins, M. D. New York, 1832. 754 GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Colic. Davasse, 4177, 0. Etudes cliniques sur l’emploi de la belladonne dans le traitement de la passion iliaque. Par Dr. Jules Davasse. Paris, 1860. Constipation. Birch, 4191, 0. Constipated bowels ; the various causes and the rational mode of cure. By S. B. Birch, M. D. Lond. 1861. Diarrlicea and Dysentery. Tiedemann, 845, D. p. On dysentery and its treatment. By Henry Tiede- mann, M. D. Philad. 1857. Indigestion. Leared, 895, D. The causes and treatment of imperfect digestion. By Arthur Leared, M. B. Lond. 1860. Lees, 827, D. Lectures on diseases of the stomach and indigestion. By C. Lees, M. B. Dublin, 1857. Ulcer of the Stomach. Brinton, 3841, 0. On the pathology, symptoms, and treatment of ulcer of the stomach. By Wm. Brinton. Lond. 1857. Crisp, 4006, 0. p. On perforating ulcer of the stomach from non-malignant disease. By Edw’ds Crisp, M. D. Worms. Andry, 4254, 0. An account of the breeding of worms in human bodies. By Nicholas Andry, M. D. Lond. 1701. Cobbold, 586, Q. Entozoa: an introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference more particularly to the internal parasites of man. By T. Spencer Cobbold, M. D. Lond. 1864. Davaine, 4118, 0. Traite des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l’homme et des animaux domestiques. Par C. Davaine. Paris, 1860. Kiichenmeister, 3996, 0. On animal and vegetable parasites of the human body; a manual of their natural history, diagnosis, and treatment. Vol. 1. Animal parasites with striped muscular fibres, and vegetable parasites. Vol. 2. By Dr. F. Kiichenmeister. Translated from the 2d German edition by E. Lankester, M. D. Siebold, 3996, 0. On tape and cystic worms, with an introduction on the origin of intestinal worms.. By C. T. v. Siebold. Translated by T. H. Huxley. Sydenham Soc., Lond. 1857. Smith, Wm. Abbott, 4256, O. On human entozoa. By Win. Abbott Smith, M. D. Lond. 1863. **d. Diseases of the Liver. Freriehs, 3963, 0. Klinik der Leberkranklieiten. Von Dr. F. Th. Fre- richs. 2 Biinde. Braunschweig, 1858, 1861. Atlas to the above. 540, Q. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 755 Frericlis 4169, 0. A clinical treatise on diseases of the liver. By Dr. F. Th. Frerichs. Translated by Chas. Murchison, M.D. Lond. 1860. New Syd. Soc., vol. 7. Harley, 4259, 0. Jaundice; its pathology and treatment, with the appli- cation of physiological chemistry to the detection and treatment of diseases of the liver and pancreas. By George Harley, M. D. Lond. 1863. Meckel, 3883, 0. p. Mikrogeologie. Ueber die Concremente im thierisclien Organismus. Yon Dr. H. Meckel v. Hemsbach. Berlin, 1856. Thudicum, 4248, 0. A treatise on gall-stones ; their chemistry, pathology, and treatment. By J. L. W. Thudicum, M. D. Lond. 1863. *a. Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs Generally. g. Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs. Basham, 4285, 0. The significance of dropsy in renal disease. Beale, 4200, 0. Urine, urinary deposits ; their examination. The anatomy of the kidney, physiology of the kidney, with upwards of 60 original analyses of the urine in disease, and general remarks on the treat- ment of certain urinary diseases. Illustrated. By Lionel S. Beale, M.B., &c. Lond. 1861. Hassall, 848, D. The imne in health and disease; the functions of the kidneys, and treatment of urinary disorders. With engravings. By A. H. Hassall, M. D. Lond. 1859. *b. Particular Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs. Bright's Disease. Basham, 3980, 0. On dropsy connected with disease of the kidneys (Morbus Brightii), and on some other diseases of those organs, asso- ciated with albuminous and purulent urine. By W. R. Basham, M. D. Lond.1858. Serda, 817, D. p. Etudes cliniques sur la nephrite granuleuse. Par H. Costa de Serda. Paris, 1855. Camplin, 837, D. On diabetes and its successful treatment. By J. Camp- lin, M. D. Lond. 1858. Mialhe, 4294, 0. p. Notes sur la recherche du sucre dans l’urine. Par M. Mialhe. 1860. Pavy, 4233, 0. On the nature and treatment of diabetes. By F. W. Pavy, M. D. Lond. 1862. Diabetes. CHAPTER Y. SURGERY. SURGERY. I. GENERAL WORKS ON SURGERY. (A.) ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Aibucasis, 560, Q. Albucasis de chirurgia arabice et latine. Cura Jo- hannis Channing Oxonii. E. typographeo Clarendoniano (2 vols. in 1), 1778. Clark, 918, D. Outlines of surgery: being an epitome of the lectures on the principles and practice of surgery delivered at St. Thomas’s Hos- pital. By F. Legros Clark. Lond. 1863. Forster, 4149, 0. The surgical diseases of children. By J. Cooper Forster. Lond.1860. Frank, 4036, 0. Systematisches Lelirbucli der gesammten Chirurgie. Yon Dr. M. Frank. 2 vols. Erlangen, 1849, 1852. Gant, 4278, 0. The principles of surgery; clinical, medical, and operative. An original analysis of pathology systematically conducted, and a critical exposition of its guidance at the bedside and in operations. By F. J. Gant, F. R. C. S. Lond. 1864. Gross, 4028, 0. A system of surgery; pathological, diagnostic, therapeutic, and operative. By Samuel D. Gross, M. D. 2 vols. Philad. 1859. Holmes, 4178, 0. A system of surgery ; theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. In 4 vols. By T. Holmes, M. A. Cantab. Lond.1860. Lawrence, 4242, 0. Lectures on surgery delivered at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. By \Vm. Lawrence, F. R. S. Macleod, 4298, 0. Outlines of surgical diagnosis. By Geo. H. B. Macleod, M. D. Lond.1864. 4299, 0. The same. Paracelsus, 271, F. Chirurgiea. Ext. in Opera omnia. Geneva, 1658. Smith, H. H.,4244, 0. The principles and practice of surgery; embracing minor and operative surgery, with a bibliographical index of American surgical writers from the year 1783 to 1860. By Henry H. Smith, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania. Philad. 1863. SURGERY. 757 Taliacotius, 277, F. Casparis Taliacotii Bononiensis, philosoplii et medici praeclarissimi ; Tlieoricam ordinariam, et anatomen in Gymnasio Bo- nonienso publice profitentis. De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. Venetiis, 1597. (b.) collective works, surgical essays, reports, cases, etc. Ayres, 4319, 0. p. Contributions to practical surgery. By Daniel Ayres, M. D. New York, 1857. Bertlierand, 899, D. Campagne d’ltalie de 1859. Par Dr. A. Bertberand. Paris, 1860. Blackman, 4292, 0. p. A case of removal of tlie lower jaw for osteo- sarcoma of immense size. By George B. Blackman, M. D. 1859. Davis, H. G., 4341, 0. Conservative surgery, as exhibited in remedying some of the mechanical causes that operate injuriously both in health and disease. With illustrations. By Henry G. Davis, M. D. New York, 1867. Elliotson, 4291, 0. Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in the mesmeric state; with remarks upon the opposition of many members of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, and others, to the reception of mesmerism. By John Elliotson, M. D. Loud. 1843. Esmarch, 4215, 0. p. On the uses of cold in surgical practice. Eve, 3896,0. A collection of remarkable cases in surgery. Dr. P. F. Eve. Pliilad. 1857. Guillet & Bataillie, 4096, O. p. De l’alcool et des composes alcooliques en cliirurgie. Par M. F. Bataillie et M. Ad. Guillet, M. D. Paris, 1859. Hayward, 824, D. Surgical reports and miscellaneous papers on medical subjects. By G. Hayward, M. D. Boston, 1856. Hildanus, 261, F. Des weitberulimten Guilhelmi Fabricii Hildani Wund Arznei ganzes Werk und aller Bucher so viel deren vorhanden, welche theils vor diesem getruckt, theils anjetzo erst an das Tageliclit kom- men. Aus dem Lateinische in das Teutsclie iibersetzt durch Frie- dericli Greiffen, Med. Candidat. Frankfort, 1652. Jordan, 842, D. An introduction to clinical surgery, with a method of investigating and reporting surgical cases. By F. Jordan. Lond. 1858. Marchettis, 4017, 0. p. Recueil d’observations rares de medecine et de cliirurgie. De P. de Marchettis. Traduit par A. Warmont, M. D. Paris, 1858. Robert, 4132, 0. Conference de cliniques chirurgicales faites h. l’Hotel Dieu pendant l’annee 1859. Par M. A. C. Robert. Paris, 1860. Simpson, 4307, 0. Acupressure. A new method of arresting surgical hemorrhage and accelerating the healing of wounds. By James Y. Simpson, M. D. Edinburgh, 1864. 4292, 0. p. Some cases of amputation with acupressure. By J. Y. Simpson, M. D. Syme, 4214, 0. Observations on clinical surgery. By Jas. Syme. Edin- burgh, 1861. 758 SURGERY, Topinard, 562, Q. p. Quelques apperqus sur la chirurgie anglaise. Par Paul Topinard, M. D. Paris, 1860. Travers, Jr., 4165, 0. Further observations in surgery. By Benjamin Travers, Jr. Lond. 1860. 257, F. Cyrurgia magni Suidonnis de Cauliaco. Edito anno Dei 1363 ipclaro studio motis pessulani. Venice, 1513. De Balneis porectanis cyrurgia magna. Cyrurgia magna, Bruni Longoburgensis. Cyrurgia Tlieodorici. Libellus de cyrurgia. Editus sive compilatus a Majistro Rolando. Practicse medicinse Majistri Rogerii. Cyrurgia parva Lanfranci Mediolanii. Cyrurgia de Majistro Leonardo Bertrapalia. De oculis Jesu Hati. Leo Canamusali de Buldoch de oculis. 258, F. Cyrurgia parva Guidonis de Gauliaco. Cyrurgia Albucasis cum cauteriis et aliis instrumentis. Tractatis de oculis Jesu Hali. Tractatis de oculis Canamusali. 841, D. Report of the surgical staff of the Middlesex Hospital upon the treatment of cancerous diseases on the plan introduced by Dr. Fell. Lond. 1857. 4098, 0. p. Report of the standing committee on surgery, read before the Kentucky State Medical Society. By J. B. Flint. Louisville, 1853. Y. WORKS OX PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF SURGERY. (A.) GENERAL SURGICAL DISEASES. 1. INFLAMMATION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. d. Gangrene and Hospital Gangrene. Ollivier, 4117, 0. Traite experimental du typhus traumatique, gangrene ou pourriture des hopitaux. Par A. F. Ollivier. Paris, 1822. 2. WOUNDS. a. Wounds Generally. Fraser, 4025, 0. A treatise upon penetrating wounds of the chest. By Patrick Fraser, M. D. Loud. 1859. c. Gunshot Wounds. McSherry, 4098, 0. p. A lecture on gunshot wounds. By R. McSherry, M. D. Baltimore, 1862. SURGERY. 759 5. TUMORS AND MORBID GROWTHS. a. Tumors Generally. Bright, Barlow, 4168, 0. Clinical memoirs on abdominal tumors and intu- mescence. By the late Dr. Bright. Edited by G. II. Barlow. New Syd. Soc., vol. 6. Lond. 1860. Costes, 4192, 0. p. Des tumeurs emphysemateuses du cntne. Par M. le Dr. Costes. Bordeaux, 1858. Saurel, 3944, O. p. Memoire sur les tumeurs des gengives connues sous le nom d’epulis. Par Dr. L. Saurel. Paris, 1858. Virchow, 4332, 0. Die krankhaften Geschwulste. Dreissig Vorlesungen, gelialten wiilirend des Wintersemesters 1862-63, an der Universitat zu Berlin. Von Rudolph Virchow, M. D. In 3 Banden. ler und 2er Band. Berlin, 1863-5. b. Particular Tumors and Morbid Growths. *a. Scirrhus and Cancer. Fell, 3905, 0. A treatise on cancer, and its treatment. By J. Weldon Fell. Lond. 1857. Legrand, 3855, 0. p. De l’ablation des loupes, lipomes, etc., sans opera- tion sanglante. Par M. A. Legrand. Paris, 1856. Laurence, 3983, 0. The diagnosis of surgical cancer. By John Z. Lau- rence. Lond.1858. Lebert, 4032, 0. Traite pratique des maladies cancereuses et des affections curables confondues avec le cancer. Par H. Lebert, M. D. Paris, 1851. Volkmann, 543, Q. p. Bemerkungen iiber einige vom Krebs zu trennende Gescliwulste. Yon Dr. Richard Volkmann. (2 Tafeln.) Halle, 1858. *d. Fibro-plastic Tumors. Larrey, 3855, 0. p. Tumeur de la cuisse presumee fibro-plastique. Juin ’56, Aokt ’56. 2. *f. Melanosis. Pemberton, 4011, 0. Observations on the history, pathology, and treat- ment of cancerous diseases. Part 1. Melanosis. By Oliver Pember- ton. Lond. 1858. (b.) surgery of particular parts of the body. 1. SURGICAL DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND ITS APPENDAGES. a. Diseases of the S/cin and Cellular Tissue. *c. Carbuncle and Boil. Raimbert, 4134, 0. Traite des maladies charbonneuses. Par L. A. Raim- bert. Paris, 1859. 760 SURGERY. Laurentius, 817, I), p. Etude scientifique de la peau, du derme et des bulles piliferes ; leur excitabilite sous l’infiuence electrique. Par Dr. Laurentius. Paris, 1855. b. Diseases of the Epidermis, Hair, and Nails Asliliurst, 938, D. Injuries of the Spine. With an analysis of nearly 400 cases. By John Asliliurst, Jr., M. D. Philad. 1867. (For works on Diseases and Malformations of the Spine, vid. pp. 398 and 428.) 4. INJURIES OF THE SPINE. a. Works on Diseases of the Eye in General. 6. OPHTHALMIC SURGERY. Dixoh. 4331, 0. A guide to the practical study of diseases of the eye, with an outline of their medical and operative treatment. By James Dixon, F. R. C. S. From the 3d London edition. Philad. 1866. Donders, 4304, 0. Anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye. By B. T. C. Donders, M. D. Translated by Wm. Daniel Moore, M. D. Dublin. N. Syd. Soc. Lond. 1864. Grade, 4015, 0. Klinisclie Analyse der Motilitiitsstorung des Auges. Von Dr. Alf. Griife. Berlin, 1858. Travers, Sen., 4165, 0. An original memoir on the nature and treatment of some unusual forms of eye disease. By the late Benjamin Tra- vers, F. R. S. Lond. 1828. Wells, J. S., 4345, 0. On long, short, and weak sight, and their treatment by the use of spectacles. By ,J. Soelberg Wells. Lond. 1864. b. Works on Diseases of the Eye in Particular. Graefe, 4112, 0. p. Three memoirs on iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis, and glaucoma. Translated by Thomas Windsor. N. Syd. Soc., vol. 5. Lond. 1859. *c. Iritis. *e. Cataract. Demarquay, 4173, 0. Traite des tumeurs de l’orbite. Par M. Demarquay. Paris, 1800. *g. Amaurosis. Wilson, 3994, 0. Researches on color blindness. With a supplement on the danger attending the present system of railway and marine colored signals. By Geo. Wilson, M. D. Edinb. 1855. *1. Strabismus. Ilewson, 4031,0. p. On the prominence of the eyeball following the ordi- nary operation for strabismus. By Addinell Ilewson, M. D. Philad. 1858. SURGERY. 761 Holthouse, 828, D. On squinting, paralytic affections of the eye, and certain forms of impaired vision. By C. Holthouse. Lond. 1858. Magne, 3886, 0. p. De la cure radicale de la tumeur et de la fistule du sac lacrymal. Par Dr. A. Magne. Paris, 1857. *n. Diseases of the Lachrymal Apparatus. *0. Wounds and Injuries of the Eye. Cooper, 4019, 0. On wounds and injuries of the eye. By Wm. White Cooper. Lond. 1859. Solomon, 4315, 0. Tension of the eyeball; glaucoma; their operations. Also clinical illustrations of five methods of treatment. By J. Vose Solomon. Lond. 1865. Wells, 4319, 0. p. Glaucoma, and its cure by iridectomy; being four lectures delivered at the Middlesex Hospital. By J. Soelberg Wells. Lond. 1863. *p. Glaucoma. *q. Photophobia. C.astorani, 3853, 0. p. Sur la photopliobie. Par Dr. R. Castorani. Paris, 1856. 7. SURGERY OF THE EAR. Kramer, 4261, 0. The aural surgery of the present day. By Dr. W. Kra- mer, of Berlin. With tables and wood-cuts. Translated by Henry Power, F. R. S. Lond. 1863. Nottingham, 3869, 0. Diseases of the ear. Illustrated by clinical ob- servations. By John Nottingham. Lond. 1857. Rau, 3854, 0. Lelirbucli der Olirenheilkunde fur Aerzte und Studirende. You Dr. Wm. Rau. Berlin, 1856. Toynbee, 3855, 0. p. On the use of artificial membrana tympani in deaf- ness. By Joseph Toynbee. Lond. 1856. 4101, 0. The diseases of the ear; their nature, diagnosis, and treat- ment. By Joseph Toynbee, M. D. Lond. 1860. 8. SURGERY OF NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT, AND LARYNX. Forget, 4161, 0. Dental anomalies and tlieir influence upon the pro- duction of diseases of the maxillary bones. By Am. Forget, M. D. Pliilad. 1860. Tomes, 857, D. A system of dental surgery. By John Tomes, F. R. S< Lond. 1859. lb. Surgery of Mouth and Teeth. 762 SURGERY. e. Surgery of the Larynx, Trachea, and Thyroid Gland. Gibb, 892, D. On diseases of throat, the epiglottis, and windpipe; their symptoms, progress, and treatment. By Geo. D. Gibb, M. D. Lond. 1860. —4311, 0. On diseases of the throat and windpipe, as reflected by the laryngoscope. A complete manual upon their diagnosis and treat- ment. 2d edit. Embellished with 116 engravings. By Geo. Duncan Gibbs, M. D. Lond. 1864. Velpeau, 4008, 0. Traite des maladies du sein et de la region mammaire. Par A. Velpeau. 2d edit. Paris, 1858. 9. DISEASES OF THE MAMMA. 10. SURGERY OP THE INTESTINES. lb. Hernia. *a. Hernia Generally. Broca, 3878, 0. De l’etranglement dans les hernies ahdominales et des affections qui peuvent le simuler. These de concours pour l’agrega- tion en chirurgie ’53. Par M. Paul Broca, 2d edit. Paris, 1857. James, 4093, 0. Practical observations on the operation for strangulated hernia. By J. H. James, F. R. C. S. Lond. 1859. *b. Particular Species of Hernia. **a. Inguinal Hernia. Wood, 4260, 0. On rupture; inguinal, crural, and umbilical. With illus- trations. By John Wood, F. R. S. Loud. 1863. Callender, 4250, 0. Anatomy of the parts concerned in femoral hernia. By Geo. W. Callender. London, 1863. Wood, 4260, 0. On rupture ; inguinal, crural, and hernial. Loud. 1863. **b. Femoral Hernia. d. Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. Ashton, 4230, 0. Prolapsus, fistula in auo, and hemorrhoidal affections ; their pathology and treatment. By T. I. Ashton. London, 1862. Bron, 3855, 0. p. Sur les retrecissements du rectum. Par Dr. F. Bron. Lyons, 1856. Smith, 4098, 0. p. Hemorrhoids and prolapsus of the rectum; their treat- ment by the application of nitric acid. By Henry Smith, F. R. C. S. Loud.1859. surgery, 763 11. DISEASES OF BONES. b. Injuries of Bones, including Fractures and their Consequences. Brainard, 4003, 0. p. MSmoire sur le traitement des fractures non-reunies et des difformites des os. Par Daniel Brainard, M. D., Chicago. Paris, 1854. Gamgee, 4093, 0. On the advantages of the starched apparatus in the treatment of fractures and diseases of joints. By J. S. Gamgee, M. D. Lond. 1853. Hamilton, 4068, 0. A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. By F. H. Hamilton, M.D. (289 wood-cuts.) Philad. I860. Maclise, 270, F. On fractures and dislocations. By Joseph Maclise. Lond. 1859. Malgaigne, 4012, 0. Treatise on fractures and luxations. By J. F. Mal- gaigne. Translated by J. H. Packard, M. D. Philad. 1859. 12. SURGICAL DISEASES AND INJURIES OF JOINTS. Barwell, 4179, 0. A treatise on diseases of joints. By Richard Barwell. Lond.1861. Brodliurst, 4093, 0. On the treatment of anchylosis ; or the restoration of motion in stiff joints. By B. E. Brodhurst. 2d edit. Lond. 1859. Bryant, 871, D. On the diseases and injuries of joints. By Thos. Bryant. Lond. 1859.. Gamgee, 4093, 0. On the advantages of the starched apparatus in the treatment of fractures and diseases of joints. By J. S. Gamgee, M.D. Lond.' 1853. Ravoth, 3861, 0. Klinik der Knochen- und Gelenkkrankheiten. Yon Dr. Ravotli. Berlin, 1856. Sclieving, 4004, 0. p. Considerations medico-chirurgicales sur la tumeur blanche. Par Dr. Sclieving. Lorient, 1858. a. Diseases of Joints. b. Injuries of Joints, including Dislocations. Hamilton, 4068, 0. A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. By F. H. Hamilton. (289 wood-cuts.) Philad. 1860. Maclise, 270, F. On fractures and dislocations. By Joseph. Maclise. Loud. 1859. 13. DEFORMITIES AND DISTORTIONS, INCLUDING DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Bouvier, 3942, 0. Le • Warren, 4121, 0. The life of John Collins Warren, M. D. By Edward Warren, M. D. 2 vols. Boston, 1860. 4059, 0. The gold-headed cane. 2d edit. Biographical sketches of Drs. Radcliffe, Mead, Askew, Pitcairn, and Baillie. Lond. 1828. D. Lives of British physicians. Lond. 1846. 864, D. Anecdotes de medecine. Lille, 1766. YI. OCCASIONAL LECTURES, ORATIONS, AND ADDRESSES. Allen, 4100, 0. p. Valedictory, Pennsylvania Medical College. By J. M. Allen, M. D. Philad. 1855. Bache, 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture, Jefferson Medical College. By F. Bache, M. D. Philad. 1852. Valedictory, Jefferson Medical College. By F. Bache, M. D. Philad. 1852.. Betton, 4099, 0. p. Address before the Philadelphia County Medical So- ciety. By Tlios. F. Betton, M. D. Philad. 1854. Bradbury, 4099, 0. p. The profession, its benefits and rewards. By J. C. Bradbury. Bangor, 1855. Carson, 4100, O. p. Valedictory at the University of Pennsylvania. By Joseph Carson, M. D. Philad. 1853. Coates, Reynell, 3844, 0. p. An address on the history of organic de- velopment. By Reynell Coates, M. D. Philad. 1839. Coates, B. H., 4194, 0. p. Annual address on the events of the year. By B. H. Coates, M. D. Philad. 1860. Coffin, 4099, 0. p. Anniversary oration before the Medical Association. By A. Coffin, M. D. Charleston, S. C., 1853. Dunglison, 4100, 0. p. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical Col- lege. Introductory lecture at Jefferson Medical College. By Prof. R. Dunglison. Philad. 1860. 786 MEDICAL LITERATURE. Everest, 4194, 0. p. A sermon preached in the church of St. Augustine, Old Change, Cheapside, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital. By the Rev. Thomas R. Everest. Lond. 1851. Flint, J. B., 4099, 0. p. Lecture on surgical instruction. By J. B. Flint, M. D. Louisville, 1854. Fussell, 4100, 0. p. Valedictory at the Female Medical College of Penn- sylvania. By E. Fussell, M. D. Philad. 1857. Gilbert, 4100, 0. p. Valedictory at the Pennsylvania Medical College. By D. Gilbert, M. D. Philad. 1852. Gobrecht, 4100, 0. p. Inaugural address at the Pennsylvania Medical College. By W. H. Gobrecht, M. D. Philad. 1859. Hamilton, 4099, 0. p. Address to graduates in medicine. By F. H. Hamilton, M. D. Buffalo, 1853. Hartsliorne, Henry, 4100, 0. p. Valedictory, Pennsylvania Medical Col- lege. By Henry Hartshorue, M. D. Philad. 1856. 4007, 0. p. An introductory lecture on medical education. By Henry Hartsliorne, M. D. Philad. 1857. Holmes, 4194, 0. p. Currents and counter-currents in medical science: an address delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Society, May 10th, 1860. By 0. W. Holmes, M. D. Boston, 1860. Hooker, 4099, 0. p. The treatment due from the medical profession to physicians who become homoeopathic practitioners. By W. Hooker, M. D. Norwich, Conn., 1852. Hughes, 4099, 0. p. Introductory address. By Professor J. C. Hughes. Keokuk, 1852. Huston, R. M., 4100, 0. p. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College. By R. M. Huston, M. D. Philad. 1856. 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at Jefferson Medical College. By R. M. Huston, M. D. Philad. 1852. 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Jefferson Medical College. By R. M. Huston, M. D. Philad. 1850. Jackson, S., 4099, 0. p. Medical education. By S. Jackson, M. D. Philad. 1853. Lamb, 4099, 0. p. Annual address, Philadelphia County Medical Society. By John F. Lamb, M. D. Philad. 1854. Meigs, C. D., 4292, 0. p. Farewell address to his class. By Charles D. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1861. 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Jefferson Medical College. By Charles D. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1850. 4100, 0. p. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College. By Charles D. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1852. 4100, O. p. Introductory lecture at the Jefferson Medical College. By Charles D. Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1854. Mitchell, J. K., 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Jefferson Medical College. By J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Philad. 1850. 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Jefferson Medical College. By J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Philad. 1851. MEDICAL LITERATURE. V87 Morton, 4292, 0. p. The house of mercy; a sermon preached in the Church of the Epiphauy, Philadelphia. By H. J. Morton, D. D. 1863. Mussey, 4099, 0. p. The trials and rewards of the medical profession. By R. D. Mussey, M. D. Cincinnati, 1853. Naugerius, 549, Q. A. Naugerii patricii Veneti orationes duae carmiaraque nonnulla. Venetiis, 1555. Pancoast, 4100, 0. p. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical Col- lege. By J. Pancoast, M. D. Philad. 1855. Pope, 4099, 0. p. Introductory address. By C. A. Pope, M. D. St. Louis, Mo., 1855. Preston, 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania. By Ann Preston, M. D. Philad. 1855. Remington, 4292, 0. p. Address before the Philadelphia County Medical Society. By Isaac M. D. 1861. Smith, F. G., 4100, 0. p. Valedictory at the Pennsylvania Medical Col- lege. By F. G. Smith, Jr., M. D. Philad. 1853. Smith, H. H., 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture. By H. H. Smith, M. D. Philad. 1859. 4100, 0. p. Address at the University of Pennsylvania. By H. H. Smith, M. D. Philad. 1859. 4100, 0. p. Valedictory at the University of Pennsylvania. By H. H. Smith, M. D. Philad. 1859. 3844, 0. p. A professional to London and Paris: an introduc- tory lecture. By H. H. Smiui, M. D. Philad. 1855. Smith, Jos. M., 4318, 0. p. An address delivered on the occasion of the inauguration of the new south building of the New York Hospital, on the 18th of April, 1855. By Jos. M. Smith, M. D. New York, 1855. Stille, 4292, 0. p. Address before the Philadelphia County Medical So- ciety. By Alfred StillS, M. D. 1863. 4100, 0. p. Introductory lecture at the Pennsylvania Medical Col- lege. By Alfred StillS, M. D. Philad. 1856. Taylor, 4099, 0. p. Annual address before the New Jersey Medical Asso- ciation. By 0. Taylor, M. D. Burlington, 1853. Welford, 4099, 0. p. Address before the Medical Society of Virginia. By R. Welford, M. D. Richmond, 1852. Wood, 4067, 0. p. Introductory lectures and addresses on medical sub- jects ; delivered chiefly before the medical class of the University of Pennsylvania. By George B. Wood, M. D. Philad. 1859. VII. CONTROVERSIES. Atlee, 3844, 0. p. Correction of Dr. H. H. Smith’s erroneous statements relative to a case of gastrotomy in the practice of W. L. Atlee, M. D. Philad. 1855. L61ut, 4062, 0. Rejet de l’organologie phrgnologique de Gall et de ses successeurs. Par F. Lelut. Paris, 1845. 788 MEDICAL LITERATURE. Ludlow, 3844, 0. p. Reply to a pamphlet entitled “ Correction of Dr. H. H. Smith’s erroneous statements relative to a case of gastrotomy in the practice of Dr. W. L. Atlee.” By J. L. Ludlow, M. D. Pliilad. 1855. Richmond, 4293, 0. p. A statement of facts relative to the supposed abstinence of Ann Moore. By Leigh Richmond, A. M. Lond. 1813. Wiltbank, 3844, 0. p. Answer of J. Wiltbank and Wm.- Darracli to a pamphlet entitled “A statement of the facts connected with the reorganization of the faculty of Pennsylvania College. Philad. 1854. 4319, 0. p. Proceedings of the governors of the almshouse of the city of New York, the society of the New York Hospital, the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, and the commissioners of emigration of the State of New York, on the appeal of the medical profession to raise a national testimonial for the benefit of the discoverer of anesthesia. New York, 1859. 3844, 0. p. A statement of the facts connected with the late reorganiza- tion of the faculty of the medical department of the Pennsylvania College. Philad. 1855. Part II.-SCIENCE. CHAPTER I. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, and CHEMISTRY. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. I. GENERAL,' ELEMENTARY, AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Aristotle, 535, Q. Aristotelis de natura aut de rerum principiis. Libri octo Joachimo Perionio interprete et per Nicolaum Grouehium correcti et emendati. Cologne, 1564. II. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (C.) ACOUSTICS AND OPTICS. Iago, 923, D. Entoptics, and its use in physiology and medicine. By James Iago, M. D. Lond. 1864. § Optical Instruments. Beale, 4317, 0. How to work with the microscope. By Lionel Beale. 3d edit., illustrated with 56 plates. Lond. 1865. Frey, 4302, 0. Das Mikroskop und die mikroskopische Technik. Ein Handbuch fiir Aerzte und Studirende. Von Dr. Heinrich Frey, Prof, der Medicin in Zurich. Mit 228 Holzschnitten. Leipzig, 1863. 4321, 0. Dasselbe. 2te Auflage. Leipzig, 1865. Packard, 4031, 0. The present state of microscopical science, medically considered. By J. H. Packard, M. D. Pliilad. 1859. 790 CHEMISTRY. Zander, 4097, 0. p. Der Augenspiegel, seine Formen und sein Gebrauch. Von A. Zander. 50 Holzschnitte. Leipzig, 1859. (D.) CALORIC. Metcalf, 4037, 0. Caloric; its mechanical, chemical, and vital agencies in the phenomena of nature. By Samuel Metcalf, M. D. 2 vols. Philad. 1859. IY. METEOROLOGY. (b.) particular departments of meteorology, meteorolo- gical OBSERVATIONS, ETC. ETC. Blodget, 533, Q. Climatology of the United States and of the temperate latitudes of the North American continent, and a comparison of these with the climatology of the temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia. With isothermal and rain charts, &c. By Lorin Blodget. Philad. 1857. 581, Q. Army meteorological register for twelve years, from 1843 to 1854 inclusive. Washington, 1855. 582, Q. Results of meteorological observations made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smithsonian Institution from 1854 to 1859 inclusive. Vol. 1. Washington, 1861. CHEMISTRY. I. ELEMENTARY AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. Brande and Taylor, 917, D. Chemistry. By William Tlios. Brande and Alfred S. Taylor. Loud 1863. Galloway, 920, D. The second step in chemistry; or the student’s guide to the higher branches of the science. By Robert Galloway, F. C. S. Lond.1864. Graham, 3915, 0. Elements of chemistry, including the application of the science in the arts. By Thomas Graham, F. R. S. 2d edit, in 2 vols. Edited by Henry Watts, B. A. New York, 1857. Griffin, 3932, 0. The radical theory in chemistry. By John J. Griffin, F. C. S. Lond. 1858. CHEMISTRY. 791 Normandy, 240, F. The chemical atlas ; or tables showing the operations of qualitative analysis, accompanied by a dictionary of simple and compound substances and a dictionary of reagents. Lond. 1857. (See 3870, O. Dictionary to the above.) Paracelsus, 271, F. Chemia. Ext. in Opera omnia. Geneva, 1658. Williams, 819, D. A handbook of chemical manipulations. By C. G. Williams. Lond. 1857. II. COLLECTIVE WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. Chalmers, 3949, 0. Electro-chemistry, with positive results and notes for inquiry on the sciences of geology and astronomy, with a tract of miscellanies. By Charles Chalmers, late of Mercliisten Academy. Lond.1858. Faraday, 4010, 0. Experimental researches in chemistry and physics. By Michael Faraday, F. R. S. Lond. 1859. V. WORKS OX SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. (b.) organic chemistry. 2. WORKS ON PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (a.) animal chemistry. a. General Works. Day, 4150, O. Chemistry in its relation to physiology and medicine. By George E. Day, M. D. Lond. 1860. Beale, 3952, O. Illustrations of the constituents of urine, urinary de- posits, and calculi. By Lionel S. Beale, M. B., F. R. S. Lond. 1858. Mulder, 826* D. The chemistry of wine. By G. J. Mulder. Edited by Bence Jones. Lond. 1857. (B.) VEGETABLE CHEMISTRY. 792 CHEMISTRY. YI. WORKS OK PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. (A.) GENERAL WORKS. Noad, 4264, 0. A manual of chemical analysis, qualitative and quanti- tative ; for the use of students. Part 1. Qualitative. By Henry M. Noad. Lond. 1863. (b.) works on chemical analysis in particular. Beale, 4200, 0. Urine, urinary deposits, and calculi ; their microscopic and chemical examination, &c. By Lionel S. Beale, M. B., F. R. S. Loud. 18(51. Neubauer and Vogel, 3872, 0. Analyse des Hams, qualitativ und quan- titativ. Von Drs. C. Neubauer und J. Vogel. Bevorwortet von Dr. Fresenius. Wiesbaden, 1856. 4283, 0. A guide to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the urine, designed especially for the use of medical men. By Dr. C. Neubauer and Dr. J. Vogel. Translated by William 0. Markham, F. R. P. L. Lond. 1863. 1. ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. CHAPTER II. NATURAL HISTORY) including ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINERAL WATERS. NATURAL HISTORY. I. GENERAL AND COLLECTIVE WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. Aristotle, 251, F. Aristotelis omnia opera. Grsece et Latine. 4 vols. Paris (Du Val), 1654. Hancock, 3836, 0. Essay on instinct and its physical and moral relations. By Thomas Hancock, M. D. Lond. 1824. II. NATURAL HISTORY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES AND PLACES. Egypt.—557, Q. Prosperi Alpini Marosticensis. Historic JEgypti naturalis. Pars prima qua continentur rerum iEgyptorum. Lugduni Bat. 1735. 558, Q. Historia naturalis iEgypti, liber auctus et emendatus. Cum observationibus et notis Johanuis Weslingii. Accedunt ejusdem Jo- hannis Weslingii. Lugduni Bat. 1735. Norway.—263, F. The natural history of Norway. Translated from the Danish of the Rt. Rev. Erich Pontopiddan, Bishop of Bergen in Nor- way. Lond. 1755. United States of America.—536, Q. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. By Louis Agassiz. Vols. 1, 2. Boston, 1857. 794 NATURAL HISTORY. III. PARTICULAR DEPARTMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. (a.) zoology. 3. WORKS OX PARTICULAR CLASSES OF ANIMALS. a. Vertebrata. *b. Particular Classes of Vertebrata. **a. Mammalia. Audubon and Bachman, 4181, 0. The quadrupeds of North America. 3 vols. By John James Audubon, F. R. S., and the Rev. John Bach- man, D. D. New York, 1851. Owen, 4123, 0. On the classification and geographical distinction of the mammalia. To which is added an appendix on the gorilla and on the extinction and transmutation of species. By Richard Owen5 F. R. S. Lond. 1859. 554, Q. On generation of marsupial animals; with a description of the impregnated uterus of the kangaroo. By Richard Owen, Esq. Lond.1834. **b. Birds. Cassin, 4182, 0. Illnstrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America; intended to contain descriptions and figures of all the North American birds not given by former American authors, and a general synopsis of North American ornithology. By John Cassin. Pliilad. 1856. Temmiuck & Laugier, 266, F. Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees d’oiseaux pour servir de suite et de complement aux planches enlu- rninees de Buffon. Edition in fo et qto de rimprimerie royale 1770. Par C. J. Temminck et le baron M. Laugier de Chartrouse. les dessins de MM. Huet et Pretre, peintres. 5 vols. Paris, 1838. b. Invertebrata. *b. Particular Classes of Invertebrata **b. Articulata. Cotton, 4156, 0. My bee book. By Wm. C. Cotton, M. D. Lond. 1842. Jaeger, 846, D. The life of North American insects. By B. Jaeger. New York,1859. NATURAL HISTORY. 795 **c. Entozoa. Cobbold, 586, Q. Entozoa : an introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference more particularly to the internal parasites of man. By T. Spencer Cobbold, M. D. Lond. 1864. Davaine, 4118, O. Traite des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l’homme et des animaux domestiques. Par C. Davaine. Paris, 1860. Kiichenmeister, 3996, 0. On animal and vegetable parasites of the human body, a manual of their natural history, diagnosis, and treatment. By Dr. F. Kiichenmeister. Translated from the second German edi- tion by E. Laukester, M. D. 2 vols. Syd. Soc. Lond. 1857. Siebold, 3996, 0. p. On tape and cystic worms, with an introduction on the origin of intestinal worms. By C. T. v. Siebold. Translated by T. H. Huxley, F. R. S. Syd. Soc. Lond. 1857. Smith, 4256, 0. On human entozoa. By Wm. Abbott Smith, M. D. Lond. 1863. 1. GENERAL, ELEMENTARY, AND SYSTEMATIC WORKS. (b.) botany. Coles, 255, F. Adam in Eden, or nature’s paradise. The history of plants, fruits, herbs, and flowers with their several names, whether greek, latin, or englisli, the places where they grow, &c. &c. By Win. Coles, herbalist. Lond. 1657. Darlington, 816, D. p. On the development and modifications of the ex- ternal organs of plants. By W. Darlington, M. D. Westchester, 1839. De Candolle, 3860, O. Geographie botanique raisonnee. Par M. Alphonse De Candolle. Yols. 2. Paris, 1855. 4. DESCRIPTIVE BOTANY. a. General Floras and Catalogues of Plants, Borellus, 552, Q. p. Disputatio botanica de plantis verno tempore efflores- centibus. J. Borellus. Marburg, 1706. Crollius, 552, Q. p. Disputatio botanica quarta de plantis vergente jestate efflorescentibus. J. L. Crollius. Marburg, 1707. De L’Obel, 253, F. Matthiae De L’Obel, medici insulari botanographi sive plantarum historia physic* tam indigenarum et Britannise inquili- narium quam exoticarum scriptoris. M. G. Rondelleti officiuam animadversiones. Lond. 1605. Graffius, 552, Q. p. Disputatio botanica tertia de plantis media restate efflorescentibus. G. W. Graffius. Marburg, 1707. Obermann, 552, Q. P. Disputatio botanica secunda de plantis incipiente restate efflorescentibus. M. Obermann. Marburg, 1707. Rea, 254, F. Flora seu de florum cultura, or a complete florilege furnished with all the requisites belonging to a florist. By John Rea, Gent. Lond. 1676. 796 NATURAL HISTORY. Chester County, 840, D. Flora Cestrica. 3d edit. By Wm. Darlington, M. D. Philad. 1853. Nuremberg, 552, Q. p. Flora Noribergensis sive catalogus plantarum in agro Noribergensi. J. G. Volckamer, M. D. Noribergae, 1700. b. Floras of Particular Countries and Places. c. Descriptions of Particular Classes or Families of Plants, and of Individual Genera and Species. *a. Classes or Families of Plants. Cryptogamous Plants, 935, D. Rust, smut, mildew, aud mould: an intro- duction to the study of microscopic fungi. By M. C. Cooke. Lond. 1865. 936, D. A plain and easy account of British fungi. By M. C. Cooke. Lond. 1862. *b. Individual Genera and Species. Cicuta, 552, Q. p. Historia cicutse aquaticse et alium venenorum. Joh, Jacob Wepfer. Basiliese, 1716. 5. MEDICAL BOTANY. a. General Works. Honigberger, 4095, 0. Medical botany of the East Ext. in Thirty-five years in the East. (C.) GEOLOGY. 2. GEOLOGY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES, Rogers, H. D., 551, Q. The geology of Pennsylvania ; a government sur- vey. By H. D. Rodgers. In 2 vols. Philad. 1858. (e.) mineral waters. a. United States and Canada. 2. WORKS ON PAET1CDLAR MINERAL WATERS. Mutter, 4099, 0. p. The salt sulphur springs, Monroe County, Va. By Tlios. D. Mutter, M. D. Philad. 1840. Smith, 4099, 0. p. Dupont’s artesian well. By Prof. J. L. Smith. Louis- ville, 1859. Wetherill, 4099, O. p. Analysis of the white sulphur water of Lafayette, Indiana, with remarks upon the nature of artesian wells. By C. M. Wetherill, M. D. Lafayette, 1859. CHAPTER III. SCIENCE OF THE MIND j including METAPHYSICS and MORAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL EDUCATION, and POLITICS. SCIENCE OF THE MIND. I METAPHYSICS AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Boismont, 4070, 0. p. De l’ennui (taedium vitse). Par A. Brierre de Boismont. Paris, 1850. Brigham, 812, D. Remarks on the influence of mental cultivation and mental excitement upon health. With notes by Robert Macnish. By Amariali Brigham, M. D. Lond. 1844. Brodie, 850, D. Psychological inquiries. In 2 parts. By Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bart. Loud. 1862. Bucknill, 4022, O. The psychology of Shakespeare. By John C. Bucknill, M. D. Lond. 1859. Cardan, 547, Q. Les livres de Hierome Cardanus de la subtilite et subtiles inventions ensemble les causes occultes et raisons d’icelles. Traduit de latin en franqais par R. Le Blanc. Paris, 1556. Collington, 3850, O. An inquiry into the structure of the human body relative to its supposed influence on the morals of mankind. By Charles Collington, M. D. Cambridge, 1764. Feuchtersleben, 900, D. Hygiene de l’ilme. Traduit de l’allemand sur la 20i6me edition. Par le Dr. E. de Feuchtersleben. Paris, 1860. Fodere, 4070, O. p. Essai theorique et pratique de pneumatologie humaine. Par F. E. Fodere, M. D. Strasbourg, 1829. Hancock, 3836, O. Essay on instinct and its physical and moral relations. By Thos. Hancock, M. D. Lond. 1824. Johnson, 814, D. p. Physiological observations on mental susceptibility; the influence of education on the varieties of the human race and the brute creation. By T. B. Johnson. Lond. 1837. Lelut, 4046, 0. Du demon de Socrate, specimen d’une application de la science psycologique a celle de l’histoire. Par F. L61ut. Paris, 1836. Noble, 3959, 0. The human mind in its relations with the brain and nervous system. By Daniel Noble, M. D. Loud. 1858. 798 METAPHYSICS AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Stewart, 814, D. p. On tendency to diseases of body and mind in refined life, and the general principles of cure. By Leonard Stewart, M. D. Lond. 1828. Townshend, 4142, 0. Mesmerism proved true. New edition with a pre- face by the Rev. Cliauncy Hare Townshend, A. M. Lond. 1855. Warren, 3843, 0. A disquisition on the nature and properties of living animals, with an inquiry how far our knowledge of anatomy and physiology is consistent with the belief of a soul and future life—and the intellectual difference between man and brutes. By 0. Warren. Lond.1828. III. POLITICS; INCLUDING POLITICAL ECONOMY, AND LOCAL AND OCCASIONAL POLITICS. Tarr, 3914, O. p. Memorial of the commissioners of the county of Phila- delphia to the legislature upon the subject of the laws exempting certain property from taxation—with a schedule of exempt property. By E. D. Tarr. Philad. 1851. Part III.-LITERATURE. CHAPTER I. GENERAL LITERATURE. Browne, Thos., 260, F. Pseudodoxia epidemica ; or inquiries into many received tenets and commonly received truths. By Thos. Browne, Dr. of Physick. Lond. 1650. CHAPTER II. GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. Squirrel, 901, D. The autobiography of Elizabeth Squirrel, of Shottisham. Lond. 1853. CHAPTER III. HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, and TRAVELS. I. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. Charlevoix, 563, Q. Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France. Par le P. de Charlevoix. (3 tomes.) Paris, 1744. Pliny, 250, F. The history of the world; commonly called the natural history of C. Plinius secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physick. 2 vols. bound in 1. Lond. 1601. 800 LITERATURE. II. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. Bache, 567, Q. Report of the superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey during the years 1851, ’52, ’53, ’54, ’55, ’56, ’57, ’58, and ’59. (Vol. for 1851 is octavo.) With 1 vol. quarto of maps. By A. D. Bache, Prof. Superintendent of the Coast Survey. Washington. De Candolle, 3860, 0. Geographie botanique raisonnee. Par M. Alph. De Candolle. 2 vols. Paris, 1855. Jackson, 896, D. The mountain. By R. M. S. Jackson, M. D. Philad. 1860. McWilliam, 3835, 0. Medical history of the expedition to the Niger during the years 1841 and 1842. With an account of the fever which led to its termination. By J. 0. McWilliams, M. D. Lond. 1843. Miihrv, 3884, 0. Grundzeuge der Nosogeographie. Von A. Miihry. Leip- zig, 1856. 556, Q. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most prac- ticable and economic route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, in 1853, ’54. 11 vols. Washington, 1855-9. CHAPTER IV. THE ARTS. Luffman, 269, F. Physiognomical sketches by Lavater. Engraved from the original drawings. By John Luffman. Loud. 1802. / Part IV.-MISCELLANIES. CHAPTER I. AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE, VETERINARY MEDICINE, and DOMESTIC ECONOMY. II. VETERINARY MEDICINE. Bourgignon, 937, 0. On the cattle plague, or contagious typhus in horned cattle; its history, description, and treatment. By H. Bourgignon, M. D. Lond. 1865. III. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Arnott, 4232, 0. On the smokeless fireplace, cjiimney, valves, and other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventilation. By Neil Arnott, M. D. Lond. 1855. Helmhard, 921, D. Herrn Wolff Helmhard von Holiberg Oesterreicliisches Haus und Wirtschafts Buch. Nebst einen Anhang von Miihlen und Mulilen-Ordnung. Wien, 1745. CHAPTER II. DICTIONARIES and CYCLOPAEDIAS. I. GENERAL DICTIONARIES AND CYCLOPAEDIAS. Cooley, 4217, 0. A cyclopedia of practical receipts and collateral infor- mation in tlie arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, including medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy. Designed as a compre- 802 MISCELLANIES. hensive supplement to the pharmacopoeias, and general book of refer- ence for the manufacturer, tradesman, amateur, and heads of families. By Arnold J. Cooley. 3d edit. Lond. 1856. II. DICTIONARIES OF VARIOUS LANGUAGES. Bailey, 272, F. Dictionarium Brittanicum, or a more complete etymo- logical English dictionary than any extant. Illustrated with near 500 cuts. By N. Bailey. Lond. 1730. Richardson, 394, Q. Illustrations of English philology. By Chas. Rich- ardson, Esq. Lond. 1815. Worcester, 550, Q. A dictionary of the English language. By Joseph E. Worcester, LL. D. Boston, 1860. Y. DICTIONARIES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Delorme, Bouley, Daremberg, Mignon et Lamy, 4295, 0. Nouveau dic- tionnaire lexicograpliique et descriptif des sciences medicales et v6tdrinaires. Par Messieurs Raige-Delorme, H. Bouley, Cli. Darem- berg, J. Mignon et J. Lamy. Paris, 1863. Kraus, 4338, 0. Kritisch-etymologisches medicinisches Lexikon, oder Er- klarung des Ursprungs der aus dem Griechisclien, dem Lateinisclien und aus den Oriental Spraclien in die Medicin und in die zunachst damit verwandten Wissenscbaften aufgenommenen Kunstausdriicke, zugleich als Beispielsammlung fiir jede Pliysiologie der Sprache, entworfen von Ludwig August Kraus, Dr. Philo, et Med. leg. Dritte Auflage. Gottingen, 1844. Nysten, 3859, 0. Dictionnaire de medecine, de cliirurgie, de pharmacie et de Part veterinaire. Par Nysten, E. LittrS et Ch. Robin. Paris, 1855. Thomas, 4287, 0. A comprehensive dictionary of medicine: containing the pronunciation, etymology, and signification of the terms made use of in medicine and the kindred sciences. With an appendix comprising a complete list of all the more important articles of the materia medica, arranged according to their medicinal properties. Also an explanation of the Latiu terms and phrases occurring in anatomy, pharmacy, &c., together with the necessary directions for writing Latin prescriptions, &c. &c. By J. Thomas, M. D. Philad. 1864. MISCELLANIES. 803 Cooper, 4210, 0. Cooper’s dictionary of practical surgery and encyclo- paedia of surgical science. New edition, brought down to the present time. By Samuel A. Lane. In 2 vols. Vol. I. Loud. 1861. Normandy, 3870, 0. The dictionaries to the chemical atlas. Being a dictionary of the simple substances and of their simple combinations, indicating their tests by which they may be identified ; and a dic- tionary of tests and reagents. By A. Normandy. Lond. 1857. 240, F. Atlas to the same. Watts, 4267, 0. A dictionary of chemistry and the allied sciences, founded on that of the late Dr. Ure. By Henry Watts, B. A. In 4 vols. Yols. I., II. Lond. 1863. (b.) particular branches of medical science. CHAPTER III. TRANSACTIONS, LAWS, etc. OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS I. SOCIETIES WITH GENERAL SCIENTIFIC OBJECTS. American. 3845, 0. p. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia. Philad. 1843. 0. p. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1849. Ruschenberger, 3845, 0. p. A notice of the origin, progress, and present condition of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. By W. S. W. Ruschenberger, M. D. Philad. 1852. Smithsonian Reports.—3878, 0. Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution, for 1855-6-7. Washington. II. SOCIETIES FOR CULTIVATING MEDICAL SCIENCE. American. 4056, 0. History of the American Medical Association, from its organiza- tion up to January, 1855. By N. S. Davis, M. D. (Edited by S. W. Butler, M. D.) Philad. 1855. 804 MISCELLANIES. 4098, 0. p. Report of the standing committee on surgery, read before the Kentucky State Medical Society. By J. B. Flint. Louisville, 1853. 4162, 0. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1851 —1865. 4166, 0. Abstracts of the papers printed in tlie philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 to 1830 inclusive. In 2 vols. Lond. 1833. 3713, 0. Epidemiological Society’s reports. Lond. 1855. 3830, 0. Transactions of tlie Medical Society of London. New series. Yol. I. 1846. 4266, 0. Abstracts of the papers printed in the philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 to 1830 inclusive. Printed by order of the president and council, from the journal book of the society. 5 vols. Lond. 1832. 4085, 0. Pharmaceutical journal and transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society. Lond. 4139,0. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. 1860. Vol. I. 3831, 0. Transactions of the associated apothecaries and surgeon-apothe- caries of England and Wales. Yol. I. Lond. 1823. British. YI. BENEYOLEXT SOCIETIES. 4194, 0. p. The Samaritan Society, an appendage to the London Hospital, instituted 1791, for the relief of various distresses among the patients for which no provision is ordinarily made by public hospitals. Lond. 1859 and 1860. CHAPTER IY. CATALOGUES, VALUABLE LISTS, Etc. I. CATALOGUES OF BOOKS. (A.) GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND LISTS OF BOOKS ON PARTICULAR SUBJECTS. Brunet, 4185, 0. Manuel du libraire et de l’amateur des livres. Par J. C. Brunet. Eu 6 vols. Paris, 1860-65. MISCELLANIES. 805 Guild, 541, Q. The librarian’s manual: a treatise on biography; to which are added sketches of public libraries. Illustrated with engravings. By Reuben A. Guild, A. M. New York, 1858. (b.) catalogues of particular libraries. Astor Library, 3922, 0. Catalogue, or alphabetical index of the Astor library. In 2 parts. Part I. Authors and Books. Yol. I. A-E. New York, 1857. 3990, 0. Catalogue raisonne ; or, classified arrangement of the hooks in the library of the Medical Society of Edinburgh, instituted 1737. Edinburgh, 1837. 4055, 0. Catalogue of the library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Lond. 1844. Supplements, 1846, ’47, ’48, ’49. Lond. 1849. 3828, O. Catalogue raisonne of the medical library of the Pennsylvania Hospital. By Emile Fisher, M. D. Philad. 1857. II. CATALOGUES OF COLLECTIONS OF ANATOMI- CAL PREPARATIONS. Brinton, 4292, 0. p. Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum, Surgeon- General’s office. By J. H. Brinton, Surg. U. S. V. Washington, 1863. Meigs, 3909, 0. p. Catalogue of human crania in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. By J. Aitken Meigs, M. D. Philad. 1857. Ray, 4183, 0. A catalogue of the pathological cabinet of the New York Hospital. Classified and arranged by Robt. Ray, Jr., M. D., curator. New York, 1860. III. MISCELLANEOUS. Rhees, 3914, 0. p. An account of the Smithsonian Institution ; its founder; building operations, &c., prepared from the reports of Prof. Henry to the regents, and other authentic sources. By W. J. Rhees. Wash- ington, 1857. 4280, 0. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Washington, 1862. 806 MISCELLANIES. CHAPTER Y. JOURNALS, REVIEWS, Etc. I. MEDICINE. (A.) MEDICAL SCIENCE GENERALLY. 575, Q. The American medical times : being a weekly series of the New York journal of medicine. Edited by Stephen Smith, M. D. Associate editor: Geo. F. Sclirady, M. D. New York. 4333, 0. The medical record: a semi-monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Edited by Geo. F. Schrady. New York, 1866. 4013,0. The medical and surgical reporter: a weekly journal. Edited by S. W. Butler, M. D. Pliilad. 1858. American. British. 4075, O. Archives of medicine. Edited by Lionel S. Beale, M. D. Lond. 1857. 3888, 0. Edinburgh medical journal; combining the monthly journal of medi- cine and the Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh and London,1856. 4227, 0. A year-book of medicine and surgery and their allied sciences. Edited by Drs. Harley, H. Jones, Mr. Hulke, Dr. G. Hewitt, and Dr. Odliug. New Syd. Soc. Lond. 1859. 4209, 0. The British medical journal: being the journal of the British medical association. Edited by Wm. 0. Markham, M. D. Loud. 1861—1866. 4218, 0. The medical critic and psychological journal. Edited by Forbes Winslow, M. D. Lond. 1861. 3920. The Midland quarterly journal of the medical sciences. Birming- ham, 1857. 898, D. Annuaire general des sciences medicales. Par A. Cavasse. Paris, 1857. French. German. 3825, 0. Wochenblatt der Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellscliaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Redigirt von Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Hebra uud Dr. Blodig. 1855-7. Wien. MISCELLANIES. 807 3825, b, 0. Worhenblatt der Zeitschrift der Jc. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Beilage zu den mediz. Jahrhuchern. Redigirt von A. Duchek, J. Klob, A. Sclianenstein. 1861. Wien. 545, Q. Zeitschrift der kaiserl. konigl, Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Unter der Redaction des Gesellschafts-Prasidiums. President: Prof. D. C. Rokitansky. Pras. Stellvertr. : Prof. Dr. C. D. SclirofF. I. Secretiir: Dr. C. Blodig. II. Secretar : Dr. C. Friedinger. 1857-60. (The vol. for 1857 is octavo.) Wien. 4243, 0. Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Redigirt von A. Duchek, J. Klob, A. Schanenstein. Medizinische Jalirhilcher. 1861-65. Wien. (B.) PARTICULAR BRANCHES OP MEDICAL SCIENCE. 4076, 0. Ophthalmic hospital reports, and journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Edited by J. F. Streatfield. Loud. 1857. 4085, 0. Pharmaceutical journal and transactions. Edited by Jacob Bell. Lond. 1841. 4141, 0. The zoist. A journal of cerebral physiology and mesmerism, and their application to human welfare. 13 vols. 1843-56. Lond. 4014, 0. Journal de la physiologie des hommes et des animaux. Public sous la direction du Dr. Brown-Sequard. 1858—1863. 4029, 0. Antiales d'oculistique, fondles par le docteur Florent Cunier. Bruxelles, 1857. 3889, 0. Archiv fur Ophtlxalmologie. Yon F. Arlt, Prag; F. C. Donders, Utrecht; and A. von Graefe, Berlin. Berlin, 1854. 4205, 0. Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie, und wissenschaftliche Medizin. Herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Bogislaus Reichert und Dr. Emil Du Bois Reymond. Fortsetzung von Reil’s, Reil’s und Authenrietli’s, J. F. Meckel’s, und Joh. Muller’s Archiv. Berlin, 1860. 4346, 0. United States sanitary commission bulletin. 1863-65. New York,1866. APPENDIX. Toner, 939, D. Medical register for the District of Columbia, 1867. By J. M. Toner, M. D. Washington, 1867. Meadows, 940, D. The prescriber’s manual. By Alfred Meadows, M. D. London, 1864. Abhumeron Abyuzoar, 278, F. Theicrisi dahalmontana vahalta dabir. Cui est interpretatio rectificatio medicationis et regiminis, editus in Arabico a perfecto viro Abymeron Abynzoar. Venetiis, 1497. Hebra, 4356, 0. On diseases of the skin, including the exanthemata. By Ferdinand Hebra, M. D. Vol. 1. Translated by C. Hilton Fagge, M. D. N. Syd. Soc. Lond. 1866. Bernutz and Goupil, 4357, 0. Clinical memoirs on the diseases of women. By Gustave Bernutz and M. Ernest Goupil. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. Trans- lated by Alfred Meadows, M. D. N. Syd. Soc. Lond. 1866. Disturnell, 4358, O. Influence of climate in North and South America; showing the varied climatic influences operating in the equatorial, tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, cold, and frigid regions, etc. Com- piled by J. Disturnell. New York, 1867. Scultetus, 4359, 0. D. Johannis Sculteti Armamentarium chirurgicum. Hagae, 1662. 4360. St. George's Hospital Reports. Edited by John W. Ogle, M. D., and Timothy Holmes, F. R. C. S. Vol. 1. 1866. Lond. Butcher, 4361. Essays and reports on operative and conservative surgery. By Richard G. Butcher. Illustrated by 62 lithographic plates and several engravings on wood. Dublin, 1865. Owen, 4362, 0. On the anatomy of the vertebrates. Vol. 1. Fishes and reptiles. Vol. 2. Birds and mammals. By Richard Owen, F. R. S. Lond. 1866. Brown-Sequard, 4363, 0. Lectures on the diagnosis, treatment of the principal forms of paralysis of the lower extremities. By C. E. Brown-Sequard, M. D. Edinb. 1861. Montanus, 280, F. Consultationes medicae Johannis Baptistae Montani Veronensis. Olim quidem Johannis Cratonis Vratislaviensis medici cesarei opera atqui studio, correctae, ampliataeq. Viennae, 1564. 810 APPENDIX, Pancoast, 590, Q. A treatise on operative surgery; comprising a descrip- tion of the various processes of the art, including all the new opera- tions ; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition. By Joseph Pancoast, M. D. With SO plates. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Philad. 1866. Yerheyen, 591, Q. Corporis hunaani anatomise liber primus in quo tain veterum quam recentiorum anatomicorum inventa. Method© nova et intellectu facillima describuntur, ac tabulis seneis representantur. Authore Philippo Yerheyen. Editio secunda. Bruxellis, 1710. Albinus, 941, D. Bernardi Siegfried Albini de ossibus corporis hnmani ad auditores suos. Leidae Batavorum, 1746. Althaus, 942, D. On the value of galvanism in the treatment of paralysis, neuralgia, loss of voice, rheumatism, and other diseases. By Julius Althaus, M. D. 4tli edition. Lond. 1866. Beale, 4352, 0. The microscope in its application to practical medicine. By Lionel S. Beale, M. B. 3d edition. With numerous original illus- trations. Philad. 1867. (2 copies.) Yearsley, 4353, 0. Throat ailments ; more especially the enlarged tonsil and elongated uvula, &c. By James Yearsley, M. D. Lond. 1867. Trousseau, 4354, 0. Lectures on clinical medicine, delivered at the Ilotel- Dieu, Paris, by A. Trousseau. Translated and edited with notes and appendices by P. Victor Bazire, M. D. Lond. and Paris. Philad. 1866-7. Parts 1 and 2. .