1 L—1905 18a-272, ’05, 2,000 (P) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH n THE CITY OF NEW YORK DIVISION OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Sixth Avenue and 55th Street TELEPHONE 1 204- COLUMBUS TO PHYSICIANS : It is the earnest desire of the Department of Health that the service to physicians of the Diagnosis Laboratory be made as perfect and as useful as possible. When specimens are left at any of the depots throughout the city before 4 P. M., in every case a report of the bacteriological examination will be returned on the following day. Reports are mailed before one o’clock, and should be delivered to the physician before the last mail of the day. When the telephone call of the physician is stated or can be ascertained, the result of examination will be telephoned to him as soon as possible. When the bacteriological diagnosis does not harmonize with the clinical facts and the history of the case, and when there are any defects or reasons for complaint regarding the service in any respect, physicians are earnestly requested to report the same promptly to this Department. Knowledge of defects in the service can only reach the Department through such reports, and the desired high standard of efficiency of the service can only thus be attained and maintained. THOMAS DARLINGTON, M.D., President, Board of Health. HERMANN M. BIGGS, M.D., General Medical Officer. EUGENE W. SCHEFFER, Secretary.