Y'inneapelis ]V(Jd ical and Q nstitute. 828 First Avenue South. Minneapolis, Minn. W. D. Lawrence, M. D., Prest. and General Manager. CJUhy it Exists. lUhat it Does. CUho Does It. Qffice of Institute Staff. W. IX LAWRENCE, M. I)., General Medicine and Dis. of Children, 10 to 12:30 m.; 3 to 5 p, in. .1. L. STONE, M. IX, Dis. Lungs, Heart and Kidneys, 11:00 to 12:00 m. CHESTER G, IIIGBEE, M. I)., Abdominal Surgery and Dis. of Women, 1:00 to 3:00 p. id. W. I). MYERS. M. D„ General and Orthopedic Surgery, 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. CARTER McV. TOBEY, M. D„ Rectal, Venereal and Shin Diseases, 4:00 to 5:30 p. m. CIIARLFS GRISWOLD, M. D., Mental and Nervous Diseases, 3:00 to 8:00 p. in. H. H. LEAVITT, M. IX, Minor and Oriflcial Surgery, 8:00 to 10:00 a. in. F. F. CASSEDAY, M. D., Dis. of Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose, 9 to 12:30 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. Correspondence and calls solicited for consultation, operatiou or treatment at Institute or anywhere in the Northwest. Minneapolis Medical Surgical Institute, 828 FIRST A VE. SOUTH, Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis Medical and Surgical Institute THlTH the development along all the lines of liter- ature, art, science, law and medicine, and with the great demand for special work in all departments of thought and action, division of labor and organiza- tion of forces have become absolutely essential, in order to accomplish the best results. There was a time in the history of the art and science of medicine when it was customary for each physician to cover the whole field of medicine and surgery, but witli the progress of science and the widening knowledge of the human economy and our grasp upon the diseased conditions of the afflicted, it is impossible for one man to cover all branches of medicine. Hence, with special- ists in art, in law, in literature, and in other branches of science, came specialists in medicine and surgery. The public will not be satisfied with anything short of the very highest order of skill, and to attain this the specialist is a necessity . Admitting then the need of specialists in medicine, it requires no argument to prove that institutes, fur- nished with a complete staff of physicians, who are experts or specialists in different lines of work, are even more a necessity. There are many aids which are indispensable in the treatment of disease, which are supplied in scientific institutions and cannot be ob- tained by the sick in their homes, or be furnished by the general practitioner. This need has given rise to the establishment of Sanitariums, Infirmaries, Health Iiesorts and other institutions of this class, where the public may obtain, not only the most skillful treatment of specialists in different lines of practice, but at the same time, they may receive the benefit of such aids as Electricity, Massage, Movement Cure, Compound Oxy- gen. Compressed Air, the Vacuum Treatment, Baths and other aids and adjuncts of this character. Again, WHY IT EXISTS. 2 there are many cases which haffle the skill of the best physicians obtainable at or near the homes of those af- flicted. Without reflecting in the least upon the ability of said practitioner to recognize the diseased conditions, it is neverthileos true that such cases re- quire the more extended knowledge, skill and facilities of the Institute specialist, to properly treat and bring them to a successful issue. Then, too, an Institution, such as the Minneapolis Medical and Surgical Institute, possesses special con- sultation advantages and instruments, such as are found in chemical and microscopical laboratories and other instruments of the utmost importance, in fact, of prime necessity, for the recognition of diseased con- ditions. which if clearly recognized, successful treat- ment is more than likely to follow. Add to the skill of our staff and the unexcelled facilities and equipment of our Institute, the fact that Minneapolis is the centre of a population of over three millions of people, who naturally recognize her as the source of their sup- plies, in manufactured articles and commerce, and look to her for educational and literary advantages, of the highest order, why should she not also be provided with an Institution in which can be secured not only the highest order of professional skill, but all else that is found in the most complete institutions of the East or in foreign countries? Add further, the advantages of our healthful climate, attractions of our city, un- limited hotel and hospital accommodations, and we certainly furnish not alone abundant reason “ why our Institute should exist,” but also equally good reasons why the invalids and deformed of this Northwest should avail themselves of the advantages which we afford them for relief or cure. In order that persons at a. distance may enjoy perfect confidence in communicating with us, we take pleasure in submitting the endorsement of some of our most prominent citizens and city officials, and we will be pleased to confer or correspond with any who may be interested directly or indirectly in our Institute work. Our specialists are prepared to respond promptly to all reliable calls by wire or letter for consultation or operation in any part of the Northwest. pbdomigal Surgery ai?d Diseases of C. G. HIGBEE, M. D, Ex-Vice President American Institute, Ex-President State Institute, and long Eminent as a Gynaecologist. YNECOLOGY, or diseases of women, is one of the 'x most important branches of our work, involv- ing as it does, the treatment and cure of many diseases which were formerly considered incurable. It brings blessings, unknown to past generations. Tumors of all kinds, and of any of the organs, if they have not already become malignant, are successfully and permanently cured by the modern treatment. It is now well known that many neuralgic pains are caused by some injury a mother has received in bear- ing her children. Our specialist has cured a case of Epileptic fits by a surgical operation upon the womb. Cancer of the womb, if operated upon before it has become so large that other organs are implicated, is permanently curable. So it is very important that any disease of this organ should be properly attended to, as a few months may place it beyond cure. It is the same with tumors of the breast. Have them cured in time. All of them do not need to be operated upon; some can be cured by medicine, or electricity properly ap- plied. Much harm may be done by the improper use of electricity, but it is a blessing to women when rightly used. When you feel an “all goneness” and don’t know the cause of it, nine chances out of ten you have some displacement that is doing all the mischief. Again, a woman has spells of palpi- tation of the heart, or dizziness, and the cause of it is all out of sight, but can be found and cured by a doctor who has the requisite knowledge and skill. Backache, sideache, headache, bloating, pains in legs, and a bearing-down feeling are among the most common symptoms of these concealed diseases. Even fits and insanity are caused by them and are cured when the cause is removed. Dysmenorrhea or pain during the monthly period, is curable in nearly all cases. Women in America suffer more than other women and are brighter and happier when well. They are entitled to all the help that science can render them. We are prepared to give such aid in the most careful, conservative and successful manner. 4 (ieqeral ffledieiqe ai)d Disease of Qtyildr^. W. D. LAWRENCE, M. D. Ex-Pres. St. Paul and Minneapolis Academy of Medicine. TSTiTH an experience of more than twelve years in successful general, family and office practice in this city, we feel confident that the interest of the sick coming under the above heading will receive prop- er attention. A physician will he in constant attendance at the Institute, and we have arranged that all “emer- gency” and other calls, by messenger, telephone, or wire, day or night, will be promptly attended to, and ambulance and Hospital accommodation furnished on short notice. Telephone, 1399-2, for Medical and Surgical Institute, or 453-2 for Dr. Lawrence, residence 1811 Park avenue; or if our “lines” are out of order, call 220-2 for A. D. T. messenger who will deliver message at our expense. Mental and Nervous Diseases. CHAS. GRISWOLD, M. D. Ex-Vice-President State Institute. fHIS department is provided with the most modern and approved Electrical apparatus and every facility for the successful treatment of this large class of ailments. In no field is the work of the skilled specialist of more importance, for the hurry and hustle of modern civilization, the demands of modern society, attempts to crowd the work of many days into one, have all combined to make serious inroads upon the general public and the individual in the matter of health. Mental and nervous sufferers abound, many of whom have become complete wrecks. The various disorders with which they are afflicted are multiform and often difficult of diagnosis, and a mistaken diagnosis may not only result in the loss of precious time, but also in irreparable disaster to the patient, while prompt and permanent relief will often result from a correct un- derstanding of and proper treatment of the case in hand. These facts, the medical profession has come to recognize, and hence the specialist for the treatment of mental and nervous diseases. The various forms of rheumatism, neuralgia, sleep- lessness, headache, spinal irritation, backache, nerv- ous dyspepsia, nervous prostration, paralysis of dif- ferent forms, chorea, goitre, &c, &c., are being daily treated and cured. Tumors can be destroyed, facial blemishes removed and diseases of every organ of the human economy, having for their origin some peripherial or central nerve derangement, are yielding to our treatment. Persons suffering from any of the forogeing, or from chronic dizziness, confu- sion of thought, rush of blood to the head, loss of memory, melancholia, hypochondria, hysteria, demen- tia, &c., will find our facilities ample and our treat- ment satisfactory. Foetal, l/ei}ereal ai}d 5K>9 Diseases CARTER McV. TOBEY, M. D. mE appreciate the fact that of allthediseases which human flesh is heir to, none cause greater dis- tress of body and mind, than do those of the Rectum, Sexual Organs, and Skin, and perhaps no class of dis- eases are less thoroughly understood by the gen- eral practitioner. The physical suffering caused by Piles, Rectal Ulcers, Fissures and Fistulas, alone, makes one shudder to contemplate; yet, another form of disease of the rectum, namely, Pockets and Papillae, often effect more seriously the nervous system of their victim. To detect, properly treat and radically cure these ailments it requires the experience and skill of the well equipped specialist. Our method of treating and curing Piles without an operation, gives great sat- isfaction. It is beyond the ken or computation of man to tell the vast number of men, women and children tvho have succumbed to the drain and strain upon their mental faculties and nervous system, by reason of some con- genital or induced deformity, disorder or disease of the sexual organs. It is easy to moralize or philosophize on the questions of self-abuse, spermatorrhea, irn- potency, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and other impurities, but that is not our mission. We recognize the fact of their existence, and that untold thousands are yearly sacrificed by reason of their not being properly treated or effectually cured. Any and all cases of this kind coming to our Institute, will meet with the most considerate and careful treatment. We cannot refrain, at this point, from admonishing parents to have a watchful eye over their children, from infancy to matu- rity, with reference to this common weakness of self abuse or other impurity. Have your family physician carefully examine the children and be assured that no abnormal condition exists. Should trouble at any time be detected deal with it Dromptly. SKIN DISEASES. “Without doubt this very large class of distressing ail- ments, is by common consent, referred to the specialist by all general practitioners whenever they are in a position to do so. The success of our specialist thus far has been very gratifying to all parties interested. We feel confident that all cases coming under his care and that of the Institute will receive that treatment which will prove most effective and satisfactory. General,Orthopedic, Minor and ORIFICIAL SURGERY. W. D. MYERS, M. D. Ex-Surgeon of the Regular and Volunteer Army. H. H. LEAVITT, M. A. M. D. Recently under Billroth, Schrotter and Carl Brown, of Vienna. no branch of art or science is the highest degree of X skill and expert knowledge, of more advantage to operator and patient, than in surgery; anything short of this is liable to cause lifelong suffering, annoy- ance or regret. Not only is it essential that the oper- ator should be expert and skillful, but as well that all his assistants and surroundings should be in harmony and touch, knowing just what is expected of them, and being able to do exactly the right thing at the moment, for ofttimes the work of an assistant determines the success or failure of a critical operation. In no way can all these advantages be secured as well as in an institute such as ours. Too much cannot be said in favor of our surgeons; they have successfully per- formed about every operation ever made or possible to be made upon the human body—therefore their judg- ment is that of ripe experience.and actual knowledge. 8 No matter what the magnitude or how delicate may be your ailment or deformity, you will find us equal to the emergency. Among the operations made by our sur- geons we may note the following; Excision of Joint and Shaft of Bone for Fever Sores, Necrosis and Exos- tosis, Contracted Tendons and Stiff Joints, White Swel- lings, Hip-joint Disease, Spinal Curvatures, Club-foot, and for many other deformaties; also Tumors on the Neck, Abdominal Tumors, Cancers, Irreducible Rupture, Circumcision, Stone in the Bladder, Gall Stone, Vari- cose Ulcers, Varicose Veins, Rectal, Urethral and Uterine Stenosis, Hair Lips, Cleft Palate, Plastic Oper- ations on Nose and Face, etc. CANCERS AND MALIGNANT ULCERS. Our facilities for successfully treating this class of cases are unexcelled. Our extensive experience with this much dreaded and certainly dreadful form of dis- ease, has taught us not to be content with the mere extirpation of the ulcer or diseased part, but, after the most thorough use of the cautery knife, paste, or what- ever other agent we may deem most advisable in any given case, we follow up this radical treatment with the most persistent, constitutional, constructive and specific treatment possible, for a period of time suffi- cient in our judgment to free the system of every trace of the original germ of disease for which we operated. Our success thus far has been most flatter- ing, and we will be pleased to correspond or confer with anyone afflicted with cancer in any form, ulcer, lupus, or malignant tumor of any sort, and cite them to cases cured or under treatment. Whatever may be your condition, you can depend upon getting from us a frank and honest opinion as to what we can or cannot do for you. DEFORMITIES. A Deformity is a morbid alteration In the form of some part of the body. We have congenital (those which were present at birth), and acquired (the result of acci- dent or disease). They include such conditions as hair-lip, cleft palate, cleft uvula, double spine (spina bifida), fissure or any irregularity of the genital organs, closure of the anus or vagina, web-fingers, web-toes, supernumerary (extra) fingers and toes, enlarged fingers and toes, phimosis, tumors and growths of all kinds, club feet and club hands, disease of the joints, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist, pseudo- joint disease,