the World's industrial and Bolton Centennial Exposition, NEW ORLEANS, LA., 1884-'8g. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, U. S. A. EXHIBIT.-CLASS V. PHOTOGRAPHS ILLUSTRATING RARE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY of the SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE. VOLUME II. Photographs Nos. 67 to 132 Inclusive. WAR DEPARTMENT, L/,9. SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON. 1884. PHOTOGRAPHS OF VOLUME II. FOREIGN PRINTS. L/No, 67. Title page of the treatise on medicine, by Gometius Pereira. 1558. [A very rare book.] No. 68. Title page of the first edition of the " Dix livres de la Chirurgie " of Ambrose Pare. Paris. 1564. No. 69. Commencement of the "Historiall Expostulation against the beastlye abusers, bothe of Chyrurgerie and Physike," by John Halle. Printed with his translation of the " Chirurgia parva Lanpanci, lanfrankeof Mylayne, his briefe." London. 1565. No. 70. Last page of the " Institucion of Chyrurgerie," by Thomas Gale. / London. 1567. /No. 71. Page 65 of " Certaine workes of chirurgerie newlie compiled and published by Thomas Gale." London. 1586. /■ ZNo. 72. Title page of the first edition of the treatise on the pest, small- pox, and measles, by Ambrose Pare. Printed at Paris. 1568. No. 73. Title page of the first edition of the "Deux livres de chirurgie " J of Ambrose Pare. Paris. 1573. / No. 74. Page containing a portrait of Ambrose Pare. Taken from the z folio edition of his works in French published at Paris. 1575. / [The first edition.] / No. 75. Title page of the Manual of Surgery of C. Schylander. Ant- werp. 1577. No. 76. Title page of the "Officinne et Jardin de Chirurgie Militaire " of Le Lievre. Paris. 1583. No. 77. Title page of the English translation of " Arceus." Printed at London. 1588. No. 78. Title page of the "Joyfull Newes Out of the New-found Worlde," being a translation of " Monardus " by John Framp- ton. London. 1596. No. 79. Title page of a volume containing many water color drawings /' of monsters, with MS. descriptions. 1604. /No. 80. Title page of the "Cirugia Universale of Gio. Andrea dalla Croce." Venice. 1605. Ng/ 81. Title page of " De Vulneribus Sclopetorum Tractatus " of Fran- / ciscus Plazzoni. Venice. 1618. 'No. 82. Title page of the first edition of the " Exercilatio Anatomica de Z mortu cor dis et Sanguinis in animalibus," by William Harvey. A Franckfurt. 1628. yNo. 83. Title page of the " Hoplocrisma Spongus, or a sponge to wipe / away the Weapon Salve," by William Foster. London. 1631. >dJsTo. 84. Title page of the "Viaticum, Being the Pathway to the Sur- geon's Chest" of John Woodall. London. 1639. No. 85. Title page of "Speculum Chirurgicum oder Spiegel der Artz- ney," by Joseph Schmidt. Augspurg. 1656. No. 86. Title page of " Het Kleyn Vroetwyfsboeck ofte Vermeerderden Roosengaert Van de bevruchte vrouwen en hare secretin." Amsterdam. [1670.] I/No. 87. Title page of "La grande chyrurgie " of Guy de Chauliac Bordeaux. 1672. No. 88. Title page of " Severall Chiruegicall Treatises," by Richard Wiseman. London. 1676. No. 89. Title page of "Instruction familiere et tres-facile, faite par Questions et Reponses touchant toutes les choses principales qu'une Sage-femme doit sgavoir pour 1'exercise de Son Art," by Margurite du Tertre. Paris. 1677. /No. 90. Title page of the first medical journal printed in German, being a translation of the "Journal des nouvelles decouvertes" of Nicolas de Blegny. 1680. / f [Probably only the volume for this year was printed.] (/No. 91, Title page of the fourth volume of the " Zodiacus medicn-galli- cus." A reprint in Latin of the first French medical journal -the " Journal des nouvelles decouvertes," by de Blegny. 1685. [This reprint continued five years under the supervision of s' Theodore Bonet, at Geneva.] /No. 92. Titlepage of the " Principia Medicinae " of Ossorio. Printed at Mexico in 1685. No. 93. Title page of " Lorbeer-Krantz oder Wund-Artzney " of Mat- thew Godfried Purmann. Franckfurt und Leipzig. 1692. No. 94. Title page of the treatise of Purmann, containing fifty cases of gunshot wounds. Franckfurt and Leipzig. 1721. /ilo. 95. Title page of the Inaugural Thesis of William Bull, of South Carolina, " De colica pictonum." Leyden. 1734. [Bull was the first American graduate of medicine.] No. 96. Title page of the " Reflexions sur les playes," by C. F. Faudacq. Namur. 1735. /'No. 97. Title page of the " Treatise on Wounds "of J. S. Schlichting. Amsterdam. 1748. /No. 98. Title piaffe of the " Traite des plaies d'armes a feu," by M. Des- port. V Paris. 1749. i/No. 99. Title page of the Inaugural Dissertation of John Moultrie, of South Carolina, on the " Yellow Fever." Edinburgh. 1749. [Doctor Moultrie was the first American graduate at Edinburgh. ] No. 100. Title page of the Inaugural Dissertation of John Morgan, " Tentamen medicum de puris confectione." Edinburgh. 1763. No. 101. Title page of Volume I of the " Collection of observations in the Military Hospitals," by Richard de Hautesierck. Paris. 1766. [This is one of the most valuable works in connection with the history of military surgery in France, and is very rare.] No. 1Q2. Title page of the Inaugural Dissertation of Benjamin Rush, y/ " De coctione ciborum in ventriculo." Edinburgh. 1768. /No. 103. Title page of the first edition of the Treatise of Park on Excis- ions of the Joints. London. 1783. AMERICAN PRINTS. No. 104. Title page of "A Friendly Debate; or a Dialogue between Academicus and Sawny and Mundungus, two eminent physi- cians about some of their late performances." Boston. 1722. No. 105. Title page of "An Essay on Fevers," the Rattles, and Canker, by John Walton. Boston. 1732. No. 106. Title page of "An Account of the Number that have Died of Distemper in the Throat within the Province of New Hamp- / shire." Boston. 1736. yNo. 107. Title page of the treatise of William Douglass on " The Practi- cal History of a New Epidemical Eruptive Miliary Fever, with an Angina Ulcusculosa which prevailed in Boston, New England, in the years 1735 and 1736." Boston. 1736. No. 108. Title page of "An Essay on the West India Dry-Gripes; with ' the method of preventing and curing -that cruel distemper," by Thomas Cadwalader. Philadelphia. 1745. No. 109. Title page of the Inaugural Discourse on "Medical Schools in America," by John Morgan. Philadelphia. 1765. No. 110. Title page of the Inaugural Dissertation ["De Hydrope "] of Jacob Tilton, a member of the first graduating class at the Medical College of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1771. No. 111. Dedication from the Thesis of Jonathan Potts, a member of the first-class of graduates of the Medical College at Philadelphia- Printed at Philadelphia. 1771. No. 112. Title page of the Dissertation of Jonathan Elmer, one of the first-class of graduates of the Medical College at Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1771. No. 113. Title page of "A Vindication of his Public Character in the Station of Director General of the Military Hospitals, and Physician in Chief of the American Army," Anno 1776, by John Morgan. Boston. 1777. /No. 4-L47 Title page of the Inaugural Dissertation of Peter de Sales la Terriere, on " Puerperal Fever." Boston. 1789. [Being the first printed Medical Dissertation of the University f of Cambridge.] No. H5. Title page of the first number of the Medical Transactions of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. 1790. / //'f f No. H6. Title page of a "Journal of the Practise of Medicine," &c., printed at New York about 1790 (?). Being a reprint of a portion of the " Military Medical Journal " of De Horne. No. 117. Specimen page from a pamphlet of " Certificates of the efficacy of Doctor E. Perkins' patent metallic instruments." Printed z at Newburryport. 1796. ' No. 118. Title page of the Treatise of James Tilton on Military Hospitals. Wilmington. 1813. No. 119. Title page of "A narrative of the Rise and Fall of the Medical College of Ohio," by Daniel Drake. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1822. No. 120. Title page of the first volume of the " Ohio Medical Repository." Cincinnati. 1827. [A very rare medical journal.] /No. 121. Title page of the "Journal de la Societe M4dicale de la Nou- velle-Orleans." New Orleans. 1839. [The first medical periodical published in the South ; very rare.] L' No. 122. First page of the " Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal." Richmond. 1864. [This was the only Medical Journal published in the' South at this date.] AMERICAN PRINTS ON SMALL-POX. No. 123. Thomas Thatcher's "Brief Rule to guide the Common People of New England how to order themselves and theirs in the Small Pocks or Measles." Boston. 1677. [From an autotype reproduction of the original broad-side sheet in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society.] No. 124. Title page of "Some Observations on the New Method of Re- ceiving the Small-Pox by ingrafting or inoculation." By Mr. Colman. Boston. 1721. t No. 125. Title page of " The Abuses and Scandals of Some late Pamphlets in favour of Inoculation of the Small-Pox, modestly obviated, and Inoculation further considered in a letter to A- S-, M. D. and F. R. S., in London." Boston. 1722. No. 126. Title page of " Inoculation of the Small-Pox as practised in Boston, considered in a letter to A- S-, M. D. and F. R. S., / in London." Boston. 1722. /No. 127. Title page of "An Historical Account of the Small-Pox Inocu- lated in New England, upon all sorts of persons, whites, blacks, and of all ages and constitutions," by Zabdiel Boylston. London. 1726. Reprinted at Boston, 1730. No. 128. Title page of " The Method of Practice in the Small-Pox, with Observations on the Way of Inoculation. Taken from a manuscript of the late Dr. Nathanael Williams." Boston. 1752. No. 129. Titlepage of the " Essay on the Expediency of Inoculation," by Laughlin Macleane. Philadelphia. 1756. No. 130. Title page of "Recommendation of Inoculation according to Baron Dimsdale's Method," by John Morgan. Boston. 1776. No. 131. Title page of " The new method of Inoculating for the Small- Pox," by Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia. 1781. No. 132. Title page of "An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolas Vaccinae, a Disease discovered in some of the western countries of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the Cow-Pox," by Edward Jenner. London. 1798. «NjO V AEV ERAEQ VE&? M E D I C I NAE , E X P_E R I M E N T IS ET EVL ' D E N TIB VS RATH) N IB VS C O m'PR OB A T AE, ' Prima pars : Per Gometium Pereiram, medicum Methymn.T Duelli (qux Hifpanoru nomi- ne , Medina del Campo nominatur) Nunc primum in lu - cem edita. QVAE IN HOC VOLVMINE TRA- clantur 9 Elenchus yerfa pagina docebit. METHYMNAE DVELLI. Excudebat Francifcus a Canto, WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph JVo,..hy„_. Library . DI X L D E LA CHIRVRGIE, A V E C Lc *IMagaJin des In- strument necefirtires ' aicelle. Pat AMBROISE PARE, ptemier ChirurgKn du Roy, E T I V R E A PARIS. DeTlmprhnertc de lean lc R.Ojer',- Imprimcwr de fit Maiesiefi aw ■vray Pottier. Auec privilege., . K , / WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No.-bi-..? Library NoJdtydb On ijtJtonall tppo= STTLJTIOK : JGJ1KST THE beaftlye abnfers, I otbe of C )yrnrt>erie1dncl i'7>» fjphe j in cure tpmc: feltb a gooblpeoortrpne, ano tnCrurtion,ncaffjrve to be marheo> ano foloUJco,of all true rbh urgtcns: gathcrco bp Huiie Cbpjurgsem Orasmuche as in tbe Epiflleand defaces, 3 bane beclarcb t be otfbonoj that tbe noble arte of mebiepne fallen netb, bp oeceaupngc /ugitiues, ano other falfc abufers: 3 thinite it gcoo here to blafen tbebebes of fome,in tins our tpmc, that tt maps apcre, that net Witbotite a fufficiente caufe , 3 baue fo there of them ccnv there came Into the icWnc of spapoffone < 3n tbe Jh vere of our itoibe. * W* a Woman Wbicbe ttameb bir A fdfe 3one,baupng With bit a Walking mate, Wbome he calico her bufbanoe, «is Wickeo beaft tofce birgnne at tbc fpgne of tbc fficll,in tbe totone afojefapoe. Wbcre tliecanfeo Within ib°»t fpace to be publiCjco,that tbe couio beale all manor, botbe intoaro anb outtuaro mfeafes. Wne ouoer (be carieo in a blaoer, maoc of tbc berbe des, ano 2nife febetogether, Wchefljee (as anonelpe fufficient remebiefo; allgvefe$)abmfntfircbbmo all bit folilbe patientesjin Ipbe quantite to all people, neptber re* aaropng tpme>firengtbe,no: age* SI tbe tpme of her being bere,(Wbicbe teas about, tit Wettes) thererefojtcb tobcr tompanp,biucrs Kuffians, anb Wuabounoes, Wiocrpje* cnee of being to her foKemeopetfo that Haa.i. bit WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No.-itO comfort of thofe that he dtfeafed andto th honour andglorie of thy boh name.jfndfaMifygtfteVs grace to Hue in thy holy laHns, and to dye thy faithfull feruants9andfoto rifeagain to eternal ioyejfoith the holy famEies,through le/ut Chrift our Lord Jmen. FINIS. V' Thnsweendethe fecondpart, or tome,of bur coltefhos andworke>>finiihed.the.xij.daie oflanuary Anno Domini. I $67. and in the three fcorc yeres of our age, for the whiche. the almighty and blefled Trinitiebc honored and praifed. Amen. y Imprinted at London the to. of Fcbruarie in the yereofour Lordc* 1567. with the Queues moft gracious priuilege. jSabmmfac WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Photograph Library An excellent "Treatife of Wounds made with GunfFiot, in which is confeted both the grofe errour of Hierome Brunfwickejohn Vi go, Al- fence Ferrius,andothers,in that they make the wound* toemmous fwwtieW We tpnimon pouDtr ? fct 0Ht W' fett ano true meWofce of curing $efe Wounaee. $etolie compiles ami pnblifljes bp Thomas Gale, Maiftcr in Chjrurgerie, ; ... lb Icrocofmos (whom Man we call) • - of two right noble parts is made; The Soule, whole life is cternall, ' and bodie eke whidr hence muft vade, This laft part,doth the firft contain?, fo long as it in health indure: Vntill ficknefle and all her traine, doth proclaim? warrc>and death procures. Now ficknefle quite for to expell, Apollo hath the arte out fet: What arte'loe Maifter Gale doth tell, whereby ficknefle force we may let# The Canon (hot (dreadful! and fell like thunder bolts and firie flame) How to remouc the waie, he tell . , in this Treadfe of worthic fame,. His name of right>Gale we may call, for Gala,Milke doth fignifie: And asmilkenourifli aboucall, fedoththis Gale right pcrfcftly# Ik WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library | • T R A I C T V DE LA PES TE, DE LA PETITE Verolle& Rougeolle: A V E C Vne brefae defcription de la Lcprt. PAR 'A MB ROISEPARe', premier Chirurgien du Roy, & lure a Pans. . r> A- A R. I S, . u , z De llrnprimeried' Andre Auec prHliIegc!'$iLR<5y. ry 6 k WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library iN'oS/L^^/ i D E V X LIVRES DE C H1 R \ ' i. De ' ■ . manieie d' les c i hoi du vetrc de la mere , c I 1 ]e ce qri'ilfaut faire pour 1 i faire 1 ' mietix.&plus coll accoucher , a | ifieurs maladies I 1 quiluy peuuentliiruijnir. : i. Des monftres tant terreftres que marins.auec leurs portrais. ■ Pins i n prttt tratrc du [daies faltts aux parties r.erucufis. i- e,premier Chirui- gien du R6y, 8c jure a Paris. >» • A PARIS, Chez Andre Wcchel. L ;s7!: WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No/$y7$. IN EFFIGIEM A. PAR/EI. Qu* tibi Jit facies Jatis hxcpiflura docebit, Uoclnn*Jacientfed tuafcripta /idem. A. G A V D I N I V S. Hununam Am b r o s i ivere h*c pitfura P a r ae i EfigiemjJcd opus confinet IO. HEROARDVS. Tesycuxfepaiftront bicn(Lcfteur)deceft image, Mais fi ton bon efprit a quelqueaffcdion De voirla Chirurgic en fa perfection, LesefcricsdcPARE monftrentl'art &l'vfage. 0 ,■ a . ? p. l. s. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No&?-£ PRACTICA BREVIS ET FACILIS, OMNIBVS HVIVS ARTIS udiolisapprime neceflaria.fingularem & fa- cilein modum extrahendi Olea ex Flo- ribus,Herbisvulnerariis, Ugno Guaiaco ,& Cera continens, Autlore Cornelio Scfylandro Albifanfi a pud Antuerptanot Mt die o. ANTVERP1£, Apud Antonium Tilenium ad infigne s Struthionis. 1577. Cum Priuilqrio WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library certains C2th2jo£?u $ cs oroorcs c-. chacun mcmbrctant fimil .ircsqu'organiqii'*. A PARIS, WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph No.f't.(.Q.. Library < ? A moft excellent and. kOM PEN D IO V S M E T H O D < ", of curing wound cs in the head , and in other ; £ paitesof the body,with other precepts of the - fame Aite,pravfifcd and written by that famous man FRANCJSCVS J A R C E V S, Duftorin Pin- fickc & Chirurgery: and tranflated into Eng* j blh by lohn Read, Chirurgion. • S i ! WHERE VNTO IS ADDED THE? ' exaft cure of the Caruncle,neuer before fet foot th in the Enghfh toung. 3 With a treatifeoftheFiflulae in the fundament, J and other places of the body,transited out of Johannes Ardern. I 3no alfc tfjc oifcnpfton of the emplat&r called < IJia < Jia Iciteos, with his vfe and vertues.With j an apt Table for the better finding of the 4 perticular matters,contayned in J this prefent worke, IMP R IN T ED AT LONDON B Thomas Eaft, for Thomas Cadman. OS,. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library IOYFVLLNE WES Out of the New-found | | - VVorlde. ' | Wherein are declared, the rare and finguler venues of diners Herbs,Trees, I Plantes, Oylcs & Stones, with their ap- ( plications, afjrell to the vfo of Phifocbe, as of CIsirurgtry: which being Vrellapplyed,bring fitch prefent remediejer alldifeafes, as may ' feeme altoget her inert di ble: no twit h* • founding by practice found out to be true. < Allo the portrature of the laid Hearb$? j verie aptly defcnbcd: Englifhed by frhn Frampton MwcXnnLt fte W fojrccteo as bp conference tottb t the olDc copies map appeare.&ltjer* R . imto are aboeo tbrte other booties R treating oftbeBriaar Cane.tbc berb is Efcuerconera ,tbe properties of jron $ ano &tale in > anb tbe be* £ iwfit of &notu. n 2 /'' -2' E ' fc Printed by F.iydllde ,by the afsigneof TZonhcim'sforton. ' ' •i jpc;. £ WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No.3!fb63 Tv s IM V5 WKt j -TV5TH£SAvAj^I; I CT v AA XVAVTojU vs, 1 fl jvt ON 5TAA JlXtlT a I J NisAoXAXNTA AVM I V£ a> vAyMAU ?AXrr vvjvtjAxi4 vjn. TAjvt SI A 2-3 •' | Cl t ♦ JVn -N O SA C vt~z 5 ' .. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library ' V V N. 1 V E R S A L E . E P E R F E T T A I j tutte le parti pertinent! all ottimo Chirurgo. DI GIO- ANDREA DALLA CROCE MEDICO V E NE T I AN O» Ndlaqualo Su nticnda THEORICA, & PR ATTICA di cio , chc, pad cflcrc ndla CiRVGl A ncccffariotcomepiu ampiamcncenel Sommano fi didiiara-. IlNTOVl DI KFOFO JN gTEST' y.LT IM A 1MPRESSI0NE, ■trt t: dtp vu ,ai tutte gt' iftromtntt Ant'uhi * cz Nodernt in tai arte necejdary t k' Pigrereac C A I'T F R II, C' A NAl 0 M 1 A , con'ledichiara- tiu»: del medtjin.o Anttore . Con la 1 auola de Capitoh dixciafcqn Libro. CON P R I V I L E G 1 O. VE NET I A, MDCV. Apprcllo Roberto Meohetti. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph <7Vb.-EO... Library NoS.LLty. F R A N C I S C I PLAZZON1 PAT AVI NI. PHILOSOPHIAE AC VTRIVSQVE Mcdicinx Dodtoris. DE VVLNERIBVS SCLOPETORVM- TRACTATVS- ZA' EORPM NATFRAi ET PERFECT A cHrrtio&hirxrgica methodo Symptomatic qua hAc vulnera c omit ant ur^accur ail corriguntur* Ad Illuftrifs. & Excellentifs. ANDREAM MAVROCENVM- Scnatorem Ampliflitnutn , & Gytnnalij P at a v i n i modcratorcnu. V E N E T I I S, M DC XVIII. A pud Robertum Meglie turn. Cam Liecnt14 Superiorum WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph No....?..!.... Library E X E RC IT AT 10 \NATOMICA DE vloTV CORDIS ET SAN- GVINIS IN ANIMALI- BVS, V IL IE L MI HARVEI ANGLE, E lecUci Re<rit, & Tro[e{[orts ttAnatomix in Col- " - ■ 6 ; - T ■ , WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library WWW! IHOPLOCRISMA- SPONGVS: o<g_, A Sponge to wipe away the Weapon-Salve. A Treatife, wherein is proved, that the Cure late-taken up amongft us,by ap- flying the Salve to the Magi- Qall and unlawful! By W illiam FostbrMr. ofArts^andPar- fon County of Buckingham. D. Auguftinus dcTrinitateiib.a.iri procemio. ero trepidm ad profirendam fentenfiam nt earn, in tjua magii amabs injfici d rcBufiudm timebe marderi a per- verfis. LO3CPO2{. Printed by ThiuM Qottst for bhn arc to be fold at his (hop at Bumivalt Innc Gate in Htlbame. i6yi. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library VIATICUM, THE PATHWAY TO THE SUKGEONS ♦ CHEST- Containing, QHIT^V^qIcAL for the yonger fort of Surgeons, imployed in rhe Service of hrs M a i e s t i e , or for the Commo n-W e a l t h upon any occasion whadoercr. Intended chiefly flor the better curing of Wounds made by Gunshot. Firft publiflied by Authority, Mz 8, and nowrevf fed and inlarged by the Author, John Woodall Mc in Surghy. emnit, tefrena per vices funt aliena. L O N > O N, 7 anted by E. P, for Nicklas t write. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph ,7Vb..„£.6£ Library WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph No,... SST Library No..4.L/W O F 1 Vermeerderden Rooleftgaenv' ©an De betyucgte ©joutoen/tn ya« creten,ontfianatnge23artnoe/ ©pjntawnenjgan- nen vaebt te gijeben bie ono?uthtbaet jjjn : bet smangtre ©routoen (oort aijs fp in barenitf-nodr cube Frin- Ue getegen $ijn) re rcuieOieren. ©ete ge-trperinrentttr&e terne* tuen/inro: ©oeftertf/fainbecen/enbe tnat baer aen Eleefr. Xtleje genomen upt be <$ci)?ifrentoanbeerperfie<Stl)$tttc& "Jtein/ nortj ban mentgerljanbe rot-baHenbtfierftrtn btv jftttu.-sete*. ren ftinbecftenjaf/en ijoe men bit te ijuipefoniediai. T E R D A M » cMfi-berftoper op be Dicin' i Oe QaetUmnwt-flupfav WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph No. SA. Library £A GRANDE CHYRVRGIE DE M AISTRE GVY DE CHAVLIAQ, MEDECIN DE LVNIVERSITE' DE MONTPELLIER. ' Tradvite n ow e l l e me NT cn Yriincois, crrichic depiujieurs re* mat deTheoxie que dePrattL que > en forme de Comment ait ar Maistrr Simon Medccin lure de la Ville de Bourdcaux. FR£.M1ERE EDITION. A BOVRDEAVX, lACqj MoNGlRON MlLLANGSS, P X £ R R E DU CQCq., Simon B o rue >*• lam, mes. J dVEC P KIPI G£ WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library S E V E RALL CHIRURGICALL TREATISES. WISEMAN, Serjeant-Chirurgeon. LONDON, Printed by E. Flefber and J. Macoc{, for R. Rojifton Bookfeller to His Mott Sacred Majefty, andE.7o«fe. at the Ship in St. Paul s Church-yard, Anno Dorn. 1676- WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No..'7-0:3-. INSTRUCTION Amilicre & tres-facile,faite par Queftions & R eponfes touchant routes les chofes principalcs qu vne Sage-femme doit fca- voir pour Pexercice de fon Art, Composes par M aryne rite du Tert re , veuve du S icurde la Marche, Mai* jhajje luree S aye-femme de la Ville de Paris, & del'Hotcl-Dieu de dite Ville, enfaveurdes ApprentifZ Jes Saye-femmes dudit Hotels L)ieu, A PARIS, Chez ladite veuve de la Marche, demeurantc al'Hoftcl-Dica. M. DC. LXXVII. Privilege du Roy, WAS DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library Wlvnatlicfr! . - ■ ntutroffnctc , Uber Me Ifftilc t>» Slrljna;iXinifi Sufnmmen gebratfct im 1679. £>nrcb - NICOLAUS DE BLEGNY, tfbnifll, SBunbarpt unb gtftfwornen 2)Jeiflerju<Pan$. , • Wllentyt ftiU unt) QBuiittorfi* MfluQttbanen ttnbftcbMfrn wfotl Cerb «&n ®t|Mtn aue bun . flfeben me Xeu tfdx u c - , 5Durcb ' ; , P ' J. L. M. C. iBu CbBr eadjfifcber ni<bt ' ' >Mcb5Hl>rudW Hamburg/ 'Jliiff ®0ttfriet> _®cb«l§en« Soffen. • ' OJlerfcbufg / ® tucta (Safpar Sorbergw/ 3. , 1680. \ 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library ZODIACVS MEDICO-GALLICVS S1V E 9 M ISC E L L A NE O R V M Curioforum, Medico-Phyficorum Syilogc • CQNTlNENs CELEBERRIMORVM VIRORVM tvm Medicomm, & aliorum Eruditorum in Gallia. & Phyfica, Gallice emi/Ta & Latinitate donata. N N V S QV A R<T V $ Scilicet DC. LXXXIf. ' ■ - GENE SumptibusLEONARDi Chouct,&Socrj. /L. DG. LXXXrT WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph N0..3.L-- Library PKINCIPIA MEDICINE, EPITOME, Et Totius Humani Corporis Fabrica feu ex Microcofmi Armenia Divinum, *** cermcn, %* <tA T). T>. D.DIDACO OSSORIO, ET'T iam Chirurgica: & Anathomicc & nunc Vefpcrtinae inMexicana Aca- demia Moderatore, S.InquiCitionis Tribunals a Secretis Regalifq; ergaftatuli fideliflimo Medico, & huius Novi-Regni Prothomedico. T /C 2 ; ■ i o o 5 < CVN LICENTIA. Mcxici.apud Heredet Vidus Bcrnitdi Calderoa.' WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph N0.SI&J- Library No WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph, Library No.%3&£. ©onto * unt> tvunOerbabre Mraibto jOurcn/ 3n $omm<rn- £2cr btnen SScldgcninficn / SBoIgdlt/ Skmmin, (Stettin, (Sreiff&wlJc, ©ral)ltunb/ unb SinttfbmunJ bet Snfui •*, ,J $ugcn gefcHew , ' 2Sic folche nod) ben ridjftgfim tmb btftdiv (• bisfien tuictiret/unb cmaret roorben. f SBw bicfcnt Stfnno 1687. nwW$clfftt be* fc^rkbent igo aber nad? viden wllenbs berauS ejegeben? SRcbcn nod? jtvep wimberbarm im& mere!* wivbigen gvempefa unb beren Suren ju $(tf berftabt unb SBrefjkiu geftyefyen. - . ?Bon matthj£o (Sottfrift Chirurgo unb fn / • ?Diit ft&m. Xnpferl. au$ Gburfi. Trivilwo. grandfurt unb ieipjij/ 3n Bering ®2tcbael Stoljrtacfte (M $CBtttib unb: Srben intiegnifj/ Anno 17 if. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library DISS'ERTATIO MEDICA IN AUGURALIS D E COLICA PICTONUM. O_U A M, ANNUENTE DEO TER OPT. MAX. Ex diiElbritate Magnifici Rettoris, HERMANNI OOSTERDYK SCHACHT, A. L. M. PHIL. ET MED. DOCTORIS, HUJUSQUE THEOR. ET PRACTICAL PROFESSORIS. NEC NON Miplijfimi Senatus Academici Ift NobiliJJft* ma Facultatis Medicae PRO GRADU DOCTORATUS, Sumtnisque in Medicina Honoribus & Privileges rite ac legitime confequendis, Ernditorum Examini fnbmittit GULIELMUS BULL, Anglus ex Carolina. Ad diem 18. Augufti 1734. hora locoque folitis. Tentanda via eft qua me quoque poffim ' T'ollere humo. - ■ Virg. LUGDUNl Bn AV 0 RUM, Apud GERARDUM POTVLIET, WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No...3gL„. Library REFLEXIONS SUR' LES P L AYE S> o u METHOD E De proceder i leur curation fuiyant les principes modernes. La StraElare natnrelle des Parties & fears mowvemens Afechanuptes,fondez far ['ex- perience la plas certaine, avec des Rcmar- qaes des plas grands Afahres de P hrt , & tears Obfervations les plus carieufes & les plas infer natives, toaclfanrtes frlayes des trois Ventres, .s- Par C. F. FaudicQChirargien aNamar, A NAMUR, Chez Charles UaMat* Imp. & Marchand Lib. Rue de la Croix a Gardien. 173 $. Aucg permiffien &. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No.SJJzl.. Library TRAUMATOLOGIA NOV. ANT1QUA Ofte Vernieuwde WOND-HEEL-KUNDE, Steunende op oude Grondregels, om ailerly W O N D E N, A!s gefnedene, geftookene , gefcheurde, gefchootene, enz. met derzelver toevallen WEL te KENNEN en te GENEZEN, Zonder dat men prop- flop- en fteek-mieken , of veele: zalven* plaafters, en meer andere kragtloze, zogenaamde bulp- middelen, noodig heeft. Zynde de GENEZINGSWYZE KORT en ZEKER. Alles bekragtigd met veele obfervatien, genoegzaam oor- deel en ligte handgrepen, en op een demonftrative wyze oneenzydig betoogt. DOOR JOHANNES DANIEL SCHLICHTING. Medians Amftelodam. Medic. & Chirur. Do di or , Ac a dem. Cafcir. Leopoldin. N. C. Academ. Reg. Chirurg. Paris. Membr. atq. Cominerc. Utt. Noriberg. Sodal. Te AMSTERDAM, By JACOBUS van II E U Nj Boekverkoper op de Lely-graft, tuflchen de Kel- zers- en Prince-graft. 1748. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No.3.2f.. Library TRAITE DE$ PLAIDS D ARMES A FEU. Bar M. Desport , Mattre en . Chirurgie a Paris, Chirurgien de la Peine , & ancien Chirurgien Major des Camps & Armies du Roy. DE'DIE' A LA REINE; , <hez D'HOU RY pjfe Monfeigneur le v A 11 M. D Q C. ■ A '' r. C A V P R O BA TIO 0 T. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Jfo.3-Z-.. Library DISSERTATIO MEDICA INAUGURALIS, D E Febre maligna biliola Americas; Q.V A M, ANNUENTE DEO TER OPT. MAX. Ex au&oritate mtrendi admodum Vlri £>. GUL I EL MI WISH ART S. T. D. academiae edjnburgenae praefecti, NEC NON Amplissimi SENATUS ACADEMICI consensu, ET NOBUISSIMAE FaCULTATIS MeDICINAE DECRETO; PRO GRADU DOCTORATUS, SVMMIS<LUE ,s MEDICINA honoki.vs ac pkivukgu, RITE ET1BGITIME CONSEQJTENDIS, eruditorum examini subjicit JOANNES MOULTRIE ex Meridional! Carolinae provincia, A. et R. Ad diem decimum Martii, hora locoque Iblitis, c; i- »■ J ■ : • Po/? ignem oetberea ifomo SubduStum, macles et nova febrtam Terris incubuit cohort. Jforat. carm. lib. I. ode 3. rx OFFICINA roberti FLA-MInII. m.dcc.xlix. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library n t o n o i e 2 i 2, S I V E TENTAMEN MEDIC UM D E 7uris Confectione: Q. U A M ANNUENTE SUMMO NUMINE, E* ■duftoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, ■:U LIEt S.S.T.Pa \ C A Q j SH J£ < B 6 I_g jtUfc GEO PREFECT!, ATUS ACADEMICI confenfu, 1ULTATIS MED IC A decrcto-, ADU DOCTOR A TVS, :DlCiN/r HONORIBUS ET PRIVILEGHS LEGITIME CON'SEQJJENDIS ; □ RUM EXAMINI SUBJJCIT JOHANNES MORGAN, A. M. Pennsylvaniensis. i' S mini has leges pofuit in creando, et obfcrvavit, quas nos obfcr- vando detcgiinus. Boe'rh. instit. Ad diem r8 Julii, hora locoque folitis. « EDINBURGI: C v m T y p i s Academic!?. M,DCC,LXUI, WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph N0../..Q.Q Library No.g^i-'^'^// RECUEIL D'OBSERVATIONS DE ME D EC IN E DES HOPITAUX MILITAIRES. Eait dr redige par M. RICHARD DE HAUTESIERCK, Ecityer, Chevalier de I'Ordre de Saint-Michel; Premier Medecin des camps dr armies du Rai; Infpedleur general des Hopitaux militaires de France, dr ay ant la correfpondance des memes Hopitaux dr des autres du. Royaume, oil Con des Soldats malades; Medecin-confultant du Rai, dr ordinaire des grande dr petite Ecuries; de Wniverftte de Medecine de Montpellier, dr des Academies de Gottingue dr de Bejiers. TOME PREMIER. A PARIS, DE L'IMPRIMERJE R O Y A L E. M. D C Q L X V I. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library 1) IS S r. ■' T A T i O F • I T SICA I x'l A U G U R A L I S, D E C O C T I O M E c I 3 O R U M I N V F. N T R I C U L O: U A M . A N U E MT 1; s 'J M 0 S' rJ M I \T E, j.x RcvcrcnTi aJm.Jj.n Vui, . GUL1ELMI HOBPRTSOM, S. S. T. ?. ACADEMIA! EDI N B U R G E N zE P R zE F E C I' I, NEC NON AmplifEmi S E N A T U S AC A D E M I C I conTcnGi, Et neE'.iiEm.e F A C U L T A PIS M E D I C A dccuto; Pro G R A D U D O C T O II I S, 3LMMISQUE IXT MEDICINA HGNGRIBL'S ET PRIVILEGES RITE ET LEGITIME CONsEtTL'ENDlS; Lruditorum examtni fiddicit B E N J A M I N U S II U S H, A. M. Pens y l v a n i e n s i s. Pr:d. Id. Jur.ii, hora loccque lolitis. r ex naturaeluminepcler.dat ncnexantiqui- tat:s cbjcuritate, Nec rejert, quid fafluvi J'uerit tllud zidev.dum, quid Jierip-.Jjit. Verukun. C'per. E D T N B U R G I: A pud B A L F OUR, A U L D, et S M ELL! I', Academiae Typographos. M,D C C,L X V 11 I. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library A N A C COUNT O F A NEW method OF TREATING DISEASES of the JOINTS of the KNEE and ELBOW, IN A BETTER to Mr. PERCIVAL POTT. By H, PARK, of LrvBRPooLE, ONE OF THE SURGEONS Op THE HOSPITAL. LONDON: Printed for J. JOHNSON, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard, Mdccxxxiii. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Jfo,..Z.O\2i. Library A Friendly Debate p OR, 71 DIALOGUE, Between ?/ AC ADEMICUS; And j SAWNY&MUNDUNGUS, Tu'o Eminent PHYSICIANS, , About feme of their Late Performa sces. 9* Uve m JucJj a Mfonu Wbv! the Pr&& 'teats the StaQ WbM Blockheads will claim IFtt ,nMatures Jpight, A„{ DPnce that Starves, preftttnrS to write - . fllf-- OfWAY,- • f ' >-_t - --~ 1 ** ' ' ' * R ' . BOSTON: in jV. E.. .... Printed in the Year, MDCCXXH. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library A N ESSAY O N Fevers, the Rattles, & By John B. A And Praditioner in Phyfick.- Penderc Menfura & Numcro Deus omnia fecit BOSTON- by T Fitct, at the Heart and G-oir» and Sold by T. Hancock, at the B - - and Z'wff Crow in 1*35. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No.J-.QSi. Library A C~' C O 11 \ rP c U U 1X x i C , X' ., r k A» r •- « f I J f ; *.XuI1h wl La.i<1 ( lij \ c c tc of tnc /// the V'k . r. the Pn vines of /; 26. ?• 6 A . ' uf el )•} } crPrr. P*,, WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph JVb,.LQ.h„ Library THE Practical HISTORY OF > ' A New Epidemical Eruptive Mili- ary Fever, with an Angina Ukufculofa ' I •V Which Prevailed in Boflon New-England in the Years 173$ and 1736. By William M. D. B 0 S T 0 N, N. E. Printed and fold by Thomas Fleet, at the Sign of the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Photograph Library Method of 1'rcvcir. '\~ f"' R I 1 R • F* ' i > WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph NO'/.Q£~ Library 0 DISCOURSE Upon the Institution of MEDICAL SCHOOLS In AMERICA; Delivered at a Public Anniversary Commence- ment, held in the College of Philadelphia < Mc'.y 30 and 31, 1765. With a PREFACE Containing, amongft other things, The AUTHOR'S apology ' For attempting to introduce the regular mode of practifmg PHYSIC in Philadelphia : By JOHN MORGAN M.t>. bellow of the Royal Society at London ; Corre- 1 pondent ot the Royal Academy of Surgery at- Paris ; Member of the Arcadian 'Belles Lelfres So- ciety at Rome; Licentiate of the Royal Colleges of Phyficians in London and in Edinburgh ; and Profeflbr of the Theory and Practice of Medicine < in the College of Philadelphia. P II I L A D E L P H i A: Printed and fold by William Bradford, at ti e Corner ot Market and Front-Streets, mdcc.lxv. " WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library No;7l77'/77 dissertatio medica, inauguralis Q_U A M Sub moderamine Viri admodum reverendi GULIELMI SMITH, ST. P. Collegii et Academia: Philadelphiensis Prjefecti, Ex Curatorum Auctoritate PERILLUSTRIUM N E C NON •tplissi mje Collegii et Academic Facultatis decreto, Deo optimo maximo annuente, PRO GRADU DOCTORIS, 'UMMISQUE IN MEDICINA HoNORIBUS ET PrIVI- LEGI1S RITE ET LEGITIME CONSEQUENDIS, Eruditorum Examini Subjectam SUSTINUIT JACOBUS TILTO N, M. B. Doveriensis apud Delaware, Ad Diem 28 Junii hora locoque solitis. Qua prxfenti opufculo defunt, fuppleat aitas. <guint. PHILADELPHIA: fTy?is Gulielmi o' Thgmjb Bradford. M-DCC.LXXI. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library V I R O E R U D I T I S S I M O, PLURIMUM HONORANDO, J O H A N N I MORGAN, M.D. SOCIETATIS REGIfi LONDINENSIS, A T U E COLLEGII MEDICORUM R E G A L I S A P U D EDINfiURGENSES, SODALI ORNATISSIMO; T.HEORIJE ET PRAXEOS MEDICINAL IN ALMA ACADEMIA PHI LAD E L PH IE N Si / PROFESSORI DIGNIS S IMO; OB SUMMAM ERGA SE BENE VOLENTIA M, SEMPER COLENDO; HANC DISSERT A T I 6 N E M, EO QJJO PAR EST OBSEQUIO, D. D. C. JONATHAN POTTS. a WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph No../.LL... Library DISSERTATIO INAUGURALIS, 6 E SITIS in FEBRIBUSCAUSIS et REMEDIIS. AM, Sub Moderamine Viri admodum Reverendi GULIELMI SMITH, S. T. P. COLLEGII et ACADEMIAE PHILADELPHIENSIS PRAEFECTI, Ex perillustrium Curatorum Auftoritate, NECNON ' - ' Ampliffimae Collegii et Academiae Facultatis decrcto, DEO TER OPTIMO MAXIMO ANNUENTE, Pro GRADU DOCTORATUS, SUMMISQUE IN MEDICINA HONORIBUS ET PRIVILEGIIS RITE AC LEGITIME Eruditorum examini fubje&am fuftinuit JONATHAN ELMER, M. B. Novo-Caisariensis. Ad diem 28 Junii, hora locoque / .Aggrediar, non tarn perficiendi fpe, quam, eXpertendi volunlate. Cicero. PHIL ADELPHIAE, Apud HENRICUM MILLER, M DCC LXXI» WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library A V IN D I C A- T I O N OF HIS PUBLIC CHARACTER IH TH1 » T A T I 0 H * OF DIRECTOR-GENERAL r PLI I' A R< HOSPITALS, A It D PHYSICIAN in- CHIEF ✓ i T O THS ' \ M ERICaN AR Y S ' * >776 By JOHN 1 1ORGAN, -M.D. f.r.s. ? *) . C SSCR o'~ the Theory and Practice of PH 7 .SICK in the College of Philadelphia j ; i< .Tiber of fevers! Royal Colleges and Academies, . ar. i PhiLfoplii .• an-.' ■ rary Societies, in Europe Tnd America. BO: . ■■■'■ Printed by POW-ARTS anb WILLIS. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No..^fe)^/$7 PRACTICE O F MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND PHARMACY, IN THE MILITARY HOSPITALS OF FRANCE. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE KING. Reviewed and digelled by M. De HORNE, under the Infpection of the Royal Society. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY JOSEPH BROWN E. NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY J. M'LEAN, AND CO. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library a Z dissertation ON THE Puerperal .F e-v e r, ■ delivered * At a Public Examination for the Degree of BACHELOR IN MEDICINE, BEFORE THE REVEREND a. Joseph Willard, S.T.D, Prefident, The Medical Professors, AND The Governors Of the UNIVERSITY at CAMBRIDGE, In AMERICA. CBy PETER de SALES la TERRIERE, From Canada. Cor dolet admonitu quoties reminifcor amaras quas mifc- randa fubit f3Baiina'"hepa vices. ' " ' - " ' ■ ■_-* ■> * I III. B O S T O Printed by Samuel Hall, at No. MDCCLXXXIX. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library MEDICAL PAPERS. COMMUNICATED TO THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. TO WHICH ARE SUBJOINED, EXTRACTS from various Authors, containing feme of the IMPROVEMENTS, which have lately been made in PHYSIC and SUR- GERY. Publifhed .by the SOCIETY. NUMBER I. r printed at B 0 ST ON, BY THOMAS AND ANDRE W S. At KUST'j Statue, No. 45, Neivbuty Street. MDCCXC. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No,/J..(cl Library CERTIFICATES, &c. Gen. TYLER, and Mr. LORD. X JOHN TYLER, of Prefton, in the county of New-London and State of Connecticut, hereby certify, tint on or about the lyth day of June laft, I was con- fined by a Wound, which I had before that time receiv- ed, by cutting right W tranfruerf'el^i i-n which I had taken cold ; and at that time the fore was in a high ftate of inflammation, and gave me great pain, to fuch «a de- gree that 1 had been obliged to keep my leg in a hori- zontal pofition, in a chair, the moft of that day,-when DoCt. FJiJha P'rkhiSy of Plainfield,, called on me, and having operated on me a few minutes with his patent metallic inftruments, the pain m my leg wholly ccafcd, and the rednels and inflammation of the wound entirely diffippeared. I was free from pain that night, and indeed the pain and inflammation bath ceafed from that opera- tion, and never returned again. And I further certify, that my wife at that time was forely afflicted with rheumatic pains in her hip, which had been upon her a number of years, and had affeClied her to fucli a degree as to render that tide fhorter than the other, and to make her unable at that time to raife herfelf from her chair without the greateft difficulty, or to walk acrofs the room without learning on her ftaff, and with that lupport, not without the greateft inconvenience ; and Doct. Perkins operated upon her a few minutes, when, fhe declared herlelf free from pain, and immediately rofe from her chair, without any affiftance or apparent difficul- ty, aig£ walked leveral times acrofs the room without hoc WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library ECONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS on MILITARY HOSPITALS; AND THE PREVENTION AND CURE Of DISEASES A INCIDENT TO AN ARMY, ADDRESSED ' I. TO MINISTERS OF STATi AND LEGISLATURES* "S' <ST>< i , r ■ ii. to commanding officers, HI, TO THE MEDICAL STAFF, By JAMES TILTON,'M. D.- f-arSICIAN AND SURGEON IN fRE REVOLUTIONABT ARMT OF THS UNITED STAVES*. On mules and dogs the infection first began* s, And last the baneful arrows fixed in man< ILIAD, BOOK E. -5>L'^ljfi'T0N» (BEI-) PBINTin ®¥ J- WILSON* WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No^ife^3 OF THE RISE AND FALL OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OYIIO. BY DJWIEL DRAKE, AL D. \ LAIE PRESIDENT OF THE INSTITUTION, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1822, looker zjS Reynolds, Printers. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library THE \V v ' fl.' v V lltt f @Ijfo IMraical lUiioeitory, OF OR/G/.V.7L -M7I SELECTED ESSAYS, AND EDITED BY GUY W. WRIGHT, M. D. "SPECTEMUR .AGENDO." "The most useful work on the subject of Physic, is a collection of all the facts that relate to the art. Cullen. V OL. I. 1826-7. CINCINNATI; PRINTED BY WILLIAM HILL WOODWARD, 210, MAIN-STREET. NEAR THE UPPER MARKET 1B27 WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library DE LA SOCIETE DE LA NOUVELLE-ORLEANS. N° 1". lre. Annee.- Janvier 1839. umihmu. IMPRIMERIE DE GAUX ET C0., Rue de Chartres, N° 108. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library No.&fe&L C ONEE D E KAT E S T AT E S JOURNAL. ' >r.. 1. RICHMOND, JANUARY, 1861. No. 1. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. At the battle of Sccessionville, on James' Island, 8. C., . June 16th, 1862, whilst standing in a small house, and in the act of taking a cartridge from the box, a Minnie ball passed i through a plank in the side of the bouse, three inches in thickness, and entering the lower part of the anterior fleshy portion of the right fore-arm, passed through the extensor and flexor muscles between the ulna and radius, splintering both bones, without, however, fracturing them across. The wound suppurated freely, and appeared to be doing well, until July 6th, when the suppuration was sensibly dimin- ished, and the patient complained of spasmodic twitchings and painful sensations in the n uaclca of the wounded arm and corresponding side, and along the spine, especially be- tween the shoulders and in the region of the cervical and brachial plexus; stillness and uneasiness about the muscles of the jaws, and painful sense and tightness about the ensiform cartilage; torpor of the bowels, and loss of rest at night. The spasmodic contractions and twitchings of the muscles of the wounded arm were excited and increased by the slightest movements, and were especially aggravated by coughing, which was not only attended with great pain, but also with spasmodic contractions of the muscle? of the thorax and neck. For several days previous the bowels have been constipated; and in like manner with this characteristic symptom, the Art; I.- Traumatic Tetanus. By Prof. Jos. Jones, Surg. !'■ -1. C. S. [ In selecting for publication in this number the following, extracts from a carefully and elaborately prepared paper now ; ■ ■ in the office of the Surgeon-General of the Confederate s, concerning the nature, history, pathology and treatment I • ■ imatic tetanus, it is due to the author, Surg. Jos. Jones, \ C. >8., to say that we hope to publish the entire article ■hc future day; in the meantime, our readers must be with only such portions as we think have a practical on the treatment of this interesting, but usually fatal n .Jy.-Eu.] History of the. case ; Symptoms, de. z federate General Hospital, Augusta, Ga., July, 1862.! ip, a Confederate soldier; age 37; dark complexion;! *' air and eyes; weight 145 pounds; height five feet six inches; and strong in health; mnscles well developed; i > be n in the service of his country six months; previous, time his occupation was farming. 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No...L:^.^ry Library M -^He( whofc nature and ant the MrrftU follow) ' H- * in the blood, endeavouring to recover anew form and ftatc 2* This nature attempts- - I. By Separation of the impure frontthe q pure, thrufting it out from the Veins to the Flc.h. -1. By driving our I 1 . 4 JF the impure fromrhe«Flelh to the Skin. j $. ihcjirft Separation is thctirft four daycs by a Feaveri h boyling ( EbuRi- lioniof the Blood, laying down the impurities in the Flelhy parts which kindly effected : i thcTeavetifh tumult is calmed. 4 The fecund, Separation from the FIcfh to the Skin, or Super faits is done through [ 5 There are feveral Errors in ordering thefe lick onesin both thefe Operation of ; Nat utt-yrtuch prove very dangerous and com n -T"' ea 'v either by overmuch haften | mg Nature beyond its own pace, or in hindering ot it from its own vigorous operation. I j • The Separation by Ebullition iathe Fcavenfh heat is over hcightned by t-'o much • Clotnes, too hot a room hocC»r<*<*Zj, as G- powarr and furb like, i | for hence come Pkr«c/f», dangerous excelBve fweats, or the flowing of the Pock£ in- ' to one overfp reading fore, vulgarly called the Flox. j 7. the famefeperation i^qvermuth hindeed by cooling that heat,b|w/w/.'.*n:3?rwj,n'i. Kouuuttpttr^ti or rufaf un&ciues. For though j thefetnany times haften the coming forth of 'he ?«r yet the\ ta vc away that fupply 1 which (hould keep them out till they are ripe, wherefore they fink in again to the dead* ; !y danger ofthefick. I 8. It a EJsrtnfa happen, or through a Pletburit (that ufuIneS of blood ) the Circu'a* II hero tn no wife be heating, therefore la him lye no otherwife covered in hi, bed then he j was wont in health: Hu Chamber not made ho: •• ith fire it the weather be temperate, l« him drink fnull Beer only warm'd with a Toft let him <up up thin v* psttugf made only of Indian Flour and water, inftcad of 1/; La him cat koi - j But I would not adv ife at this time anv medicine befidcs. By this racanstha: ex- ' ceffive or boyling of has blood ) will by dcgiccs abate, and the Symptom: ceafei Ifnot, but the blood be foinraged that it will imit no delay, then cither ct blood ( if Age will bear it) or die give fome notably cooling medicine, or refre h iimwlth more free Air. 0. But if the boiling of the blood be weak and dull that there is caufe to fc-«r it - not -Mt to work a Separation as it's went to be .n iuch as ha\c been let blood, or arc 1st, or r.cgmattck. or brought low by fomc other fickncis <>r labour oftheK' •»*»- iun-' ningwf the Reins, or lucnc other Evacuation : Infuch Cafes, muft drive .:h«m 0 or, or they muft dy io. In time of driving out the Peeks from the Flch here care muft be had that the out ina right mcafurctill they have attain'd their end Without going in ■'dead I v- 4 1 tale taacheed when the Paappear whilft not vet ripe, Icaftbytoo 1 ' -ir tr£ . info a new £ >»//«• ;•« ( orFeavcrifh boyling ) for this troubles the c ri- ng < ■, - back thelewrmed parts mtoihe blood , or the Fie hv parrs over .vdhare r fdmlu.frnm a right fupptration or jaftlv the temper of the blood and tone J d e Flefo i,fop-ryerted that it canlqet '-erifonic and digeft the matter driven out 14. Yet oh the othfcr hand the waking out muft not be kindred, b\ expofing the kk onto the cold. The d Wee of be Jmuft be fuch as is natural agrees with (I 1- pcrdfthe flefhy ptns : That w.iichclcecdsorfolL-Wr is dangerous ; 1 hereforc the '.cUofl of the year, Agifof the fick, and their manndRm life here require a difcrcct an J ddfcrca: Confxieration requiring theCounfcl of art ttferr Pbyfirian. - 1. Brttf by any error a new Ebullition fame art mull be ufed to allay ir 4$ jsbdor.'cxpreft t«i4 Jf th< Puftkt go in and a flux of the belly 'for elfetbcre is no fuc h danger then are to be ufed,ya moderate and too often for tear of new Ef>* ■ ; 15 tjrr wch flitting ( ay hope all will go well, therefore by no mcaiss hinder it: Only with ,.rn. let their mouths be wafhed. 1 hpi the Pstfiiej aredryed efpccially if it he in j - ,ft ; ' as this difeate by its (igm, let the fick . -/l j fleft ah open Ar, let him hisJWTn -y ik. dera ely when he d; frr* it. Far' . ■gte? ' ;ng< having no manifoft hot quality, eafy of digeftion boild Apples s'tor change, but thdeoldnefs taken off. Let theufe ofliu '■ to, 1 the and c|fc multitude' of the Poekjs or BOSTON.PriifiLj 3.v 1 4-: ! V-e wont. In Sommer let him rife according to c-jflome, yet (b as to be Wrom heat and cold in £jcefs, thO difealc thc lower over and kept in b<;d nouriffictb the FcavcrUh heat .nd the Pare/Iftirt , J 1 pS> a and breauo* orth of a multitude of Pi< forcing thc fiJt to keep his bed. let him be covered : g : i-'-cuft - ueinhe^,!i i inqdcr U 1 in thc a titter txmg kindled in his Chand-er, r,nm - .n I Evcr/ng. neither he kecpho or ly OJ lhc ' r!«e, tv: t tweatwhich»very danjefi»W« r«> s -v ▼!. J, ae Before the fourth das u:c no n t< • et 'ftn'iw tMT ' fick, lor bv how much the more gCTti v thc P .'..ud-. - w !-v to r..t h the ' an--I 1 perfccker will the Separation 5c. 21. On the fourth day .1 gentle Cera.. nuv heln once r -1 22. From 'Mt time aftrallc: urht v: - ■ ■ ► wtach fomerinies caufeth fu.'.den deaths Take miming and cvcnmg tome trmpcrw- I Cur anti as four or five fpoonfolsof tinge.1 ..ith a little j 34 kkhenthe P» ?«/w arc divd and fallen ofll rurge once an"* 2■ efre the X«/». Pwri ne . .ingot the eyes,*- ; gd .-.mering. | | beVf -. u it 'w "'Y : A ■ -'.itchmroitt-cN, J fbortb. . -b,. t's h r'A-n -Aj aodfcr'teofpr v: ? | theirbreaki 2 forth ifthere bt S50on:n\u. ifficukvot bre.ithint', oreat thief- a tun- ■ • nant Feaver,called , v fomethc pcthlentul Pox thc Spots': FeavtrM oft with , ; J Deady Sign, Ytbe H-v of the happen, uhcathevAJkrokc forth, ! Urine be bkocy or black,nr the of that Colour, Orlfo.uc blood bcc.ii the Bcily or Gui. -. Ihcfe Sigusarc ter ihcmoft part death.. i ■■•e Candid Reader., not to r^i.-' • « . r.*,; c r k, . 4 I.. t9 : « ./ t-t to latients '*?;♦, tht Phviitians • 4." • - !cr . Z... i'nv',;:.-., In r, 4 «»<rr 4 Regul.r Regiment. J fr, Phyleian, ft: . v<ll ■». hr B, ; I r-.;w» ibt Lm tt >*m nr btvti, Mfiniu ini I nr X A Friend. Reader to-tiiyi J [>«*. i67;. Thomat TJ/fahtr. '4 WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Photograph No,.'.%h~L. Library No. Some Objervatiorit WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph NoJ__QJ£z. Library No THE 'O Abuses and Scandals -z' O£ fome late Jj Pamphlets fh Favour of Inoculation . or THE .■ ■ >- SMALL POX, Modeftly obviated, ' AND 'O', Inoculation further cotifidefd in & Letter to zZ-.S'-M.D&FRS. In L o N D O N, Things gnod or ill by Circumlancts In you it's Viitue, wbat is Vice in me, Mort haughty and feverc in t Place, n Than Gregory or Boniface: J Tor all Men live ajid judge amifs. Whole Talents jump not juft with bit* Hfidlbras.' BOSTON: Printed and fold by 7. Franklin, at hid. Printing-Houfe in Queen-Street, over againft Mr« tftaf's Sshook 171 z. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No.JSjsL.. Library No^£L\b5, i *NOcriAri * C 11 TA z*"A A~ z' 311 x*7 v / As pradifed in Bojlon. Confider'd in a Letter to 4-J-M.D & F R s I p) f \ xi 4 \ r 1 ' i « z in Opeen-Stree/ WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library A N Hiftorical ACCOUNT OF THE SMALLPOX INOCULATED I N NEW ENGLAND, Upon all Sorts of Perfons, Whites, Slacks, and of all Ages and Conllitutions. W ith fome Account of the Nature of the Infection in the Natural and Inoculated \\ ay, and their different Effudls on Human Bodies. \\ ith fome fhort Directions to the Un* experienced in this Method of Practice. Humbly dedicated to her Royal HighneG thePrincefs of Wales, By Zabdiel Boyfiton, F. r. $. Tie Second Edition} Cor reded LONDON: I lui'rl for S. Chandler, at rhe Croft-Keys in the Pzultrv M. DCC XXVI. 1 i in red at B O 5 T O N in N. F. ,for S. Gerrisw tg and T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns i Amiftreet. M. DCC. XXX WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph NoJ-QlL Library No.J--&/>ib THE method Of Practice in the With Obfcrvations on the Way of Inoculation. Taken from a Manufcript Of the late DlNathanael Williams, Of tn N. E. Publifhed for the Common Advantage, more efpecially of the Country who may be vifited with that Diftemper. BOSTON: Printed and Sold by S. Kneelakb, in Queenftreec oppolice the Trifon. MDCCLII. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph NoJLsLlI.. Library AN ESSAY* ON THE EXPEDIENCE o> I '< O C U L A T I O N AND • be Seafans tno/l proper for iC Humbly inscribed 1* o The Inhabitants of Philadelphia, 3r LAUGHLIN MACLEANE, M. D- • t yat - : if autpiCttnv Hippocrat. T..a res Tgi!ur Paries earn rrrunat i/det. Ho B a T.' PHILADELPHIA,. ,r;'' T WILLI kM BRAPTORD, at th r.M< f h»r''S'rcttf i 7y,j * WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph Library A RECOMMENDATION 0 X INOCULATION, ACCOKD1KG TC Baron DIMS DALE'S METHOD. By JOHN MORGAN, M D, F R S, DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the Hospital S, ANO Physician if. Chiff of the A M E R IC A N A R M Y. B O S. T O N rni.JTED sx J. G I L L, in Qj/een-Street; Ei.rtc rxivi. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Photograph t Library IS E W M E T II O I) I N o c I L A T I N G S M A L L P O X •> n E I. I v r. R r p I N A 1. E C T I R E I •• I J! e u X 1- \ 1. RSI'EY o i PHIL A DELPHI A, l ie. 20th, ;_Sl. by BENJAMIN RUSI I, M. I). Philadelphia, Printed by CHARLES CIST, in Mark it St r i: et. M.DCC.LXXXJ. WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph Library ■ . /. \ ■.! r. k I■ INTO THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE VARIOLtE VACCINE. A DISEASE DISCOVERED IN SOME OF THE WESTERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND * PARTICULARLY GLOUCESTERSHIRE, AND KNOWN BY Ttffe OF the ctyrpox. BY EDWARD JENNER, M. D. F.R.S. &c. -aUID NOBIS CERTIUS IPSIS SENSIBUS ESSE POTEST, QUO VERA AC FALSA NOTEMUS. . LUCRETIUS. - Lennon: PRINTED, FOR THE AUTHOR, y SAMPSON LOW, »°. 7j BERWICK STREET, SOHO: " lake; AND , iJi( „,j;. , , WAR DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Photograph No../3&/-. Library No.JL^-6l6Z