HEALTH AND BEAUTY PABST BIG OFFER To Retail Druggists only: You are in business to sell goods and to please your patrons. To enable *you to do both, we make you the following unprecedented offer. Nine exquisite pictures, “ Health and Beauty,” 1 almost life size, the finest art picture ever seen in a drug store. Eight of these are absolutely • without advertising, for you to present to your customers with one dozen “Best” Tonic. One hundred elegant cards, exactly like front 2 of this folder, and showing the picture reduced. Back printed with an offer over your own name • to give a large picture with one dozA “Best” Tonic. 3 A mammoth triple window display figure, in colors, four feet high, six feet long. Can be folded to fit any window, and makes positively 9 the strongest, most striking and attractive window display ever known. All this, provided you purchase a cask (8 dozen) Pabst Malt Extract, the “Best” Tonic, by May ist, of your regular wholesale druggist, who will report your purchase to us. PABST BREWING COMPANY, rbe "Besi" ionic Dept. Milwaukee, Wis. Our “ Health and Beauty ” picture, reproduced on the front of this folder, was painted and copyrighted expressly for “ Best ” Tonic by W. H. flcEntee, one of America’s foremost artists. The large pictures, free from all advertis- ing, which you are to offer your cus- tomers, are almost life size, printed on heavy board panels, with gold bevel edge. They are exquisite works of art, such as are usually sold for $2.00 and upward, and are the most charming and pleasing pictures of the day. Our riammoth Triple Display figure is hinged in three sections, and may be extended to its full length of six feet, or folded to fit any window. It really constitutes three display f igu res in one, each of them life size. It is light, easy to handle, in bright colors, and decidedly thestrong* est win- dow at- traction we have yet pro- The 100 cards show our “ health and Beauty ” picture exactly like this folder. These are printed on elegant, heavy stock, and are the finest adver- tising matter ever distributed free from a drug store. We print an announcement on the back, with your own name, stating that the large picture (which is fully described) will be presented by you with a dozen “ Best ” Tonic. I THE proposition presented in this circular is one we believe will meet with the approval of druggists generally. It will stimulate dozen sales, assist you to obtain full prices and increase the volume of your business. We put forth these attractions at great additional expense, feeling confident that we will be repaid by the increased sales of “Best” Tonic. This offer is made to RETAIL DRUGGISTS exclusively who purchase before April 1st Send your order to your reg- ular jobber, ask him to report the sale to us, and advertising matter will follow by prepaid express. PABST BREWING CO, The “Best” Tonic Dept. ....Milwaukee, Wis. The “Best” Tonic is Absolutely Pure.