YET ANOTHER CASE!! That must convince tlie most sceptical tliat DR. JO HR BULL’S SARSAPARILLA will curt Scrofula and fairly drive it OUT OF THE SYSTEM. * IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC! I would most earnestly solicit all persons to read the plain unvarnished statement made by Mr. Joseph Leathermann, of the most remarkable cure on record. This wonderful case was eured alone by the use of DR. JOIIR" BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, and the cure was produced by the blood beivtg effectually purified. This one instance alone will establish the reputation of Bull’s Sarsaparilla beyond competition, as the best purifier of the blood the world ever produced. The original certificate, with the Clerk of Jefferson county’s official seal attached, can be seen at my office, No. 1 Fifth-street. JOHN BULL.' Jeffersontown, Jefferson County, Ky., February 25, 1850. Mr. John Bull :—I cannot repress the joyou/s gratitude I feel in the recovery of my child, so long afflicted with one of the most distressing diseases that fallen nature is heir to. For six long years I have watched the ravages of the Scrofula in my child’s constitution, and felt as a father feels for his suffering offspring. The disease at times attacking the eye until blindness succeeded, and at the came time emitting an acid water, that would blister the cheek, and after a time these blisters would become running sores, giving the intensest pain, and discharging quantities of this scalding water the same as that from the eyes, and beset with this kind of misery, the poor creature at times confined, to the bed, and at others groping and feeling her way about the room, entirely blind. She was treated by the best physicians I could get, both in the city and the county. Pre- scription after prescription, blister upon blister, setons, ointments, &c., she submitted to for six lung years, and nothing could arrest the violence of the disease. I gave over all hopes of ever seeing my child but in the misery then upon her. Prejudiced against patent medicines, I couild not give my consent to listen to the swollen ac- counts of their advertisements, until, by acaident, being at the house of my friend and neigh- bor, S. r. Miller, who had purchased some half-dozen bottles of your Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, he handed me one of your Journals, and seeing the frequent and numberless certificates testifying to the high repute of your medicines, I was induced, but, I assure you, with little faith, to administer it to my daughter, and soon I saw she was benefited. I con- tinued it, and am free to say to you and everybody, that it accomplished a complete cure ; and the daughter of Mr. J. D. Hastings, of Shertvyville, who was similarly affected, has been re- lieved, and also another, the daughter of J.- N. Wright, of Louisville. This medicine will certainly cure Scrofula when in its wmrst form. I send you this as a testimony of the success of your medicine in this disease, and although unable to account for the manner in which this medicine effects its cure, still I have seen with my own eyes the perfect cure made, and know it. Respectfully, JOSEPH LEATHERMANN. P. S. If you think proper, you may publish this. State of Kentucky, Jefferson County, Sct. Joseph Leathermann personally came before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, and made oath to the truth of the foregoing statements, and I do further certify that the said Joseph Leathermann is personally known to me, -and entitled to credit. Given under my hand this 25th day of February, 1850. J. W. EARICK, J, P. &c f State of Jefferson County, Sct. I, Curran Pope, Clerk of the County Court of the county aforesaid, do certify that J. W. Earick, who has signed the foregoing certificate, is an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said county, duly commissioned and sworn, and that full faith and credit arc due to his official acts In testimony whereoC I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of - office, this 25th day «(f February, 1850 ..and in the 58th year of the Common- i wealth. ** ' CURRAN POPE. Li Si 10th month. OCTOBER, 1857. 31 da ys. J>’t L’KAJtM ]f. Y. CALENDAR FOR CALENDAR FOR Full Moaa '% * 86 t. NEW Y®RK, i_\s serving WASHINGTON, and serving for CHARLESTON, AND SERVING I’OR Last. Quarter IS § 24 B. 1 EASTERN, NORTH- Maryland, va.. the SOUTHERN & New Moon 2'i 1© 18 h. ERN, AN» KMUHIWESXBRN KEN’ Y, MISSOURI, sou T HAVE 3 TERN First Quarter 2© © 87 k. AND CALIFORNIA. sta; Ei. D. D. 1 PHK1\ ©MBNA, BT®. © 0 D H. W. I D © © D o* 3 5 M. W. Eisas. Sals. R. & S. N. Y. jPl.j 10 ses. Sets. R. sted its merits ourself, personally and in our family, and confidently and eheerfully re- commend its use to the afflicted. We say to all, give it a fair trial, and be eonvinaeu of its efficacy.—Charlestown Mirror. ——— By reference to our advertising columns, our readers will discover an advertisement of Dali's Sarsaparilla. We will say for ourselves, that it is a good medicine, for we have tried it; and we have no doubt we could obtain a score of people ia our village, who would testify to the same fact.— Washington Democrat. " Bull’s Sarsaparilla.—We refer the attention of our readers to the lengthy advertisement of John Bull, in another column. This preparation of Sarsaparilla is fast winning its way into universal use, not only among the citizens of our city and State, but throughout the South and West generally. It is recommended by eminent physicians, and must doubtless yield a splendid fortune to the proprietor.—Democrat. Bull’s Fluid Extract of SARSApARfttA.—-We see that our friend Reynolds has received a fresh supply of this valuable medicine. We are well acquagited with Mr. Bull, seen him manu- facture the medicine, and have used it in our family, and can therefore state that it does not come under the head of “patent nostrums,” which are usually pakued off upen the publie. It is what it is represented.—Memphis Mvenvng Herald. Bull’s Sarsaparilla is doing more good in this neighborhood than any medicine of a similar character has accomplished. Many of our acquaintances who have been using it, declare that the good effect it has upon them is so great, that no reasonable sum of money would be an inducement to relinquish its use. We have the genuine article for sale at this office. It is also for sale by Murphy & Robertson, Crabbdi Ewing, and Dr. Grant.‘—Jackson County (fa.) Advocate. The Greatest Medicine op the Age is Bull's Sarsaparilla.—We believe this medicine to be superior to any Sarsaparilla in the country. We know many who have used it success- fully, and some who have been afflicted for years have been relieved, and are now in good health. As the public is convinced of its virtues, it is sought for, and Mf. Bull is receiving orders from all parts of the country.—Louisville Democrat» Bull’s Sarsaparilla.—It will be seen by referring to OUr advertisements, that this most ex- cellent curative is still gaining ground in the estimation of the public. Not a day passes, but brings in fresh testimonials of its triumphs over disease. It is very palatable, and seems more like an agreeable and refreshing beverage, than a highly medicated and potent restorative.— Louisville Journal of Commerce. Bull’s Sarsaparilla.—We have frequently noticed Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, but we are confident that BULL’S is not less deserving of commendation. Its effects in hundreds of cases in this city, prove it to be an invaluable medicine. Very many persons consider themselves wholly indebted to it for the health they enjoy. In numerous complaints, it is undoubtedly the best remedy that can be employed. This medicine is kept constantly on hand by J, B. Wilder & Co.—Louisville Journal. • Bull’s Sarsaparilla.—We refer our readers to the notice of this universally popular medi- cine, found in our columns of to-day. Its virtue having afforded, to all those who have sought it as a curative agent, such universal relief from almost every disease to which the human system is heir to, is creating a demand for the article, having scarcely a parallel in the history of patent postrums. To the sick and afflicted, the great remedy is, BULL ! — Whits Riser (la.) Standard. Wf, copy the following from the Cincinnati Dispatch:—Every word said by it, as well as by our neighbors, in regard to Bull's Sarsapariila, is strictly true. Orders for it are coming in from every State and Territory, by every mail, and such is the rapidly increasing demand for it, that although he has a strong force engaged in its preparation night and day, yet he cannot supply it as rapidly as it is required. One of the best recommendations of Bull’s Sarsaparilla, is the fact, that where it is best known it is most highly prized.—Louisville Courier.