CATALOGUE OF DISEASE. PILES! PILES!! The cause of this troublesome, unpleasant disease always arises from impure blood, in- digestion, &c. To cure any disease you piust first remove the original cause that produces it. Bull’s Sarsaparilla not only purifies the blood, but it will make new blood. This may appear strange but nevertheless it is true Mr. Bull has made a discovery, which is! no less than the power of medicine to produce blood, on the same principle that healthy food will produce flesh. His Sarsaparilla creates new, pure, and rich blood, consequently invi- gorates the system. It i3 a great blessing to the weak and debilitated. A gentleman of high standing thus writes— “ I have been distressed for four years with the piles ; my sufferings have been intense, and my physician had recommended an opera- tion as the only means of relief. Bull’s Sarsa- parilla was advised, and I have used one bottle, and so far as I can judge am fully and entirely cured. I cannot refrain from expressing my anxiety to have its qualities more extensively known. Please send me six bottles as there is none in this city. Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 9, 1848. From the Lincoln Journal, Fayettville, Term. WONDERFUL AND ASTONISHING CULL'. Read and be convinced of the wonders that can be performed by the use of thaUtru’y great and extraordinary medical compound Dll. JOHN BILL’S SARSAPARILLA. MORE TESTIMONY. We ask attention to the following certificate of E. E. Dismuckes, testifying to the curative effects of Buff’s Sarsaparilla. Mr. Dismuckes is well known in this community as a highfy respectable and worthy citizen, whose veracity will not be questioned by those who know him. “ This is to certify, that I have been afflicted with the PILES, and have tried every Patent medicine that I have seen recommended for the cure of this disease ; and have also consulted several Physicians, and tried their remedies without obtaining any permanent relief Some time in February last I saw Bull’s Sara -roan, la’ advertised in the Lincoln Journal, and deter- mined as a last resort to try it, I immediately procured of Webb,& Smith the..' ruts at Fayetteville, Tenn , a halt dozen bottles and re- solved to give it a fair trial, end I am happy to say that after using one bottle I was entire- ly relieved of the disease ; it L now two months since I commenced using l his medicine and I have no symptoms of its return. I have also been afflicted with chills for the last !wo years, hut since I commenced usin' the Sar- saparilla I have not had a shill, find mv gene- ral health is very much improved. Having been so much benefited by this valuable medi- cine 1 feel it a duty I owe to the afflicted and the proprietor, to make public the beneficial effects I have derived from it uee. E E. DISMUCKES. Lincoln Co Tenn, Apl 25, 1850. Fort Desmoins, Iowa, Apl. 10, ’51. Dr. John Bull.—Dear Sir.—During the past winter, my wife was afflicted very severe- ly with the Yellow Jaundice ; and after follow-, mg the prescriptions of physicians for several weeks, without any beneficial result, she com- menced taking your Sarsaparilla ; and on tak- ing one bottle, the skin assumed its natural color, and by the time she had taken two bot- tles she was entirely well. Yours trulv, L. D. WINCHESTER. ERUPTION ON THE FACE. A BAD CASE CURED. Dr. John Bull.—Dear Sir.—I-take pleasure in recommending your Sarsaparilla to the public, for I can do so without the least scruple of conscience, especially for the disease with which I was afflicted. I had a breaking out on my face, which persons call the “Barber’s Itch,” for a number of years; and at times a solid scab would form on my chin and face. I tried a great number of remedies, but failed to obtain relief, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. The use ©f two bottles has effected an entire cure. I therefore recommend it to all similarly afflicted. FRANCIS OTTOWELL Louisville, March, 1848. Franklin Co., Sept. 15, 1849. Mr. John Bull.—I have been afflicted with what tiie physicians call dyspepsia, for about three years, i have consulted with and followed the prescriptions of some of the mcst eminent doctors in the country. But alas ! none of them could do me any good. For six or eight months my boweis were either very costive, or very loose, I was much afflicted with alter- nate diarrhoea and costiveness, the former pro- ducing intense griping, sickening' pains in the region of the umbilicus and lower bowels. The latter producing pains hi the head, giddi- ness, arid dimness of sight. Thus I suffered more than I thought man could suffer and live ; am* what was worse, there was no one to sympathize with me, though I was wasted until I was a mere skeleton, being nothing but skin and bones. The doctors would tauntingly say “he has only got the belly ache, and no one ever died with the belly ache, he will get well after a while.” Thus, when I was hardly able to stand alone, when I only weighed ninety pounds, I was persuaded, all ! persuaded, for I had tried every tiling else in vain, to try your compound extract of Sarsaparilla. The first bottle stopped the diarrhoea, producing gentle, and as I think, healthy evacuations of the bowels, I have been using the extract for six weeks ; I have gained some sixteen or twenty pounds of flesh, my color is somewhat, improved, and I think I am getting well, and shall continue the use of your truly valuable medicine. I am, sir, respectfully yours, LUTHEH'R. SULLIVAN. CATALOGUE OF DISEASES. THE LETTER. INTERESTING TO THE LADIES. The following beautiful and highly flattering letter, addressed to Dr. Bull, is from the pen of the accomplished lady of Dr John T. Cooke, one of the oldest and most eminent physicians in the State of Indiana. Any one who is curious enough, can see the original by application to the Doctor’s office, 81 Fourth-st. Mount Vernon, Dec. 15, 1849. Dr. John Bull—Sir : Permit me to say to you, for the benefit of the afflicted female com- munity, that about twelve years ago I took a chronic disease of the stomach and digestive organs, and a general debility and derange- ment of the-whole system.—My liver and bowels were in so torpid a state that it was, at all times, with the utmost difficulty that I could get any medicine to act on my bowels, and most generally I had to resort to the most drastic cathartics, which would leave me in a delicate state. I was not often confined to my bed; but my health was always bad; I was very much troubled with the sick head-ache and costiveness, and could not take animal food for five or six years without its producing bad effects; I have had constant cold feet during that time, and was very much troubled with distressing and. violent attacks of cramp. I have also had, for the last five or six years, a distressing cutaneous eruption, from which I never could get any permanent relief, and no female has ever suffered more from Prolapsus Uteri and Fluor Albus than I have, together with the Piles. I have been under the treat- ment of several physicians for the above dis- eases, without any permanent relief—In April last I was persuaded to try S P. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla: I took five bottles of it without the least apparent relief, and took no other medicine for si x weeks, when my health became much worse. Tl was then prevailed upon to try your Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla : with much reluctance I consented to try it, and on taking the first dose I discovered it to be much stronger than any other I had been taking; I could feel a warmth through my whole system, and before I had finished the first bottle I found myself improving in all my complaints ; I have taken five bottles of it, and have not had asingle paroxysm'ofcramp or cold feet since I commenced taking it. I eat animal food without any inconvenience ; my appetite is remarkably good, my bowels perfectly regu- lar, and my digestive organs have as good tone as ever they had. I am not troubled with head-ache or sick stomach as formerly ; my entire health is better than it has been for ten years, and I am well satisfied it has been en- , tirely accomplished by taking your Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. I esteem it as one of the most valuable medicines ever invented for all chronic diseases to which it is Applicable, if taken according to your directions, and con- tinued a sufficient length of time to have the desired effect on the system. ] ANN L. COOKE. AS A FEMALE MEDICINE IT 13 WITHOUT A RIVAL! This Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for incipient consumption, barrenness, prolapsus uteri, or falling of the womb, costive- ness, piles, leuchorrhoea, or whites, obstructed or difficult menstruation, incontinence of urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system, no matter whether the resujt of inherent cause or causes produced by irregularity, illness, or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its in- vigorating effects on the human frame. Per- . sons of all weakness and lassitude, from taking it once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nervclessncss of the female frame, which is the cause of barrenness. It will not be expect- ed of us in cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have beerLreported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been without children, after using a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed with fine and healthy offspring. It has been expressly pre- pared in reference to female complaints. No female who has reason to suppose she is ap- proaching that critical period, “ the turn of life," should neglect to take it, as it is a certain pre- ventative for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at this time of life. This period may be delayed for several years by using this medicine. Nor is it less valuable for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calculated to assist nature by quickening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine is invaluable for all the delicate diseases, to which women are subject. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purifying the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant upon child-birth ever dis- covered. It strengthens both the mother and ■child, and prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the food ; those who have used it, think it indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, as it prevents diseases attendant upon child-birth. In costivc- ness, piles, crainps, swelling of the feet, des- pondency, heartburns, vomitings, pain in the back and loins, false pains, hamiorrhage, and in regulating the secretions, and equalizing the circulation, it lias no equal. The great beauty of this medicine is, it is always safe, and the most delicate use it most success- fully. As a beautifying agent, it is far superior to all cosmetics and lotions in use, producing a clear and beautiful skin, rosy cheeks, removing freckles and pimples. A hint to the young ladies is sufficient. [25] CATALOGUE OF DISEASE. The following communication, giving an account o! a remarkable cure occasioned by the use of Bull’s Sarsaparilla, is fro n James T. Dozier, Esq., one of our oldest citizens. We were aware of the affliction of his d* lighter, and we cannot but regard her cure as the most striking of the many evidences afforded of the rare virtues of Bull’s Sarsaparilla. — Louisville Morning Courier. Louisville, May 15th, 1850. W. N. Hai.reman—Sir: More than three years ago, my daughter, Sally Ann Dozier, was attacked with Scrofula. Every means that promised to subdue the disease were resorted to and used by her, under the directions of the most learned physicians, without yielding even a prospect of success. The disease exhibited, externally, all its horrid ravages, and I lost all hope of any other than a fatal termination. Several months ago, I saw an account of the wretched malady havin*. been cured by-the use of Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. My daughter was anxious to try it, and I purchased two bottles of it. They were used as the labels on the bottles directed, and there was striking change for the better, for several weeks,, when the amendment ceased to be progressive. I had noticed this with regret, and it occurred to me that I would change the quantum. I directed her to take three tedspoonsfnl, three times each day, for eighteen or twenty days, and then abandon its use entirely for eight or ten days. At the expiration of that time, resume its use by teaspoonsful, for the same time—and to give this mode of its administration a fair trial. She adopted my directions, and the effect proved two things—that the medicine would cure ; and, that my mode of usin Dr. John Bull—My dear Sir.—I would not think of writing this letter, and allowing you to give publicity to it, was I not morally certain of the contents, of its strict truth, and which has been demonstrated to me by experience incontrovertible. From the use of the four bottles of your Compound Extract Fluid of Sarsaparilla, I have been healed and relieved of pain so torturous as to be indescribable, and I shall as long as I live, feel a cordial respect and the warmest gratitude to you, as benefactor to your race, by the in- troduction of this great balm to the afflicted. For the last six or eight years my left leg has pained me constantly, but the pain was par- ticularly excruciating in damp weather. The cause for its disease orginated in my receiving upon the shin bone a very severe blow, which gave me great pain at the time, and which is nearly eight years since ; this caused disease of some kind or other to fasten upon the limb, which continued to pass upwards to the hip joint and there seated itself. At times the fleshy parts of the leg would become callous and hard, and the pains arising from it being so excessive caused me to employ physician after physician, and from none could I get the least particle of relief. At last I was induced to take the Sarsaparilla, and in this I have found perfect relief, my limb now possesses its natural feeling, and for one I speak from practical experience. I know your medicine relieved me, and I advise every body who may have a chronic affection of the limbs or body, not to delay the use of the medicine prepared by you, for it will relieve them certain and sure. It seems to make the cure by causing a reaction in the general system, producing general good health; first bringing about a healthy action of the stomach, and cleansing and purifying the blood. I write you this and allow you to publish it, with a wish to do good alone, for I know “ the healthy know not of their health, but only the sick,” and when the latter shall take its advice, they will thank me for it. Yours, respectfully, JOSEPH YOUCE, Copper and Tinsmith, Sixth st. Mr. Youce lias been a citizen of Louisville for many )'ears, and is well known to be a man of great truth. All who are disposed to be convinced of the wonderful virtues of Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, can be satisfied by calling on him at his shop. Mr. Youce has said publicly that he would not be in the condition he was before the use of Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, for thousands of dollars Call and be convinced. % 11th month. NOVEMBER , 1857. 30 days. D’s PHASES for N. Y. D. H. M. Full Moon 1 8 1 e. Last Quarter 8 11 18 m. New Moon 16 10 68 m. First Quarter 24 0 37 e. CALENDAR FOE NEW YOKK, AND SERVING FOR THE EASTERN, NORTH- ERN, AND NORTHWESTERN STATES. CALENDAR FOR WASHINGTON, AND SERVING FOR MARYLAND, VA., KEN’Y, MISSOURI, AND CALIFORNIA. CALENDAR FOR CHARLESTON, AND SERVING FOR THE SOUTHERN & SOUTHWESTERN STATES. D. D. PHENOMENA, ETC. a D H. W. D a # D a a D M. W. Rises. Sets. R.