Remarkable Cures From Illinois 200,000 Patients Treated During the Last Eight Years $500 REWARD The following testimonials are but a few of the many hundreds which we are constantly receiving from grateful patients who have been cured by our Improved Special Personal Treatments. Many are from patients who took the Special Treatment years ago and are thereby able to judge as to its lasting curative properties. A large number of these patients were afflicted with diseases which had baffled the skill of many able physicians, and, in some instances, even noted specialists had said they were beyond the power of man to cure. We have many testimonials of marvelous cures from every state and territory, but have space to publish only a few in this pamphlet. Send for lists of Remarkable Cures in other states. The Grand Dispensary is at all times open for investigation by visitors. We offer a reward of $500 to any one who finds a single one of our testimonials not to be genuine. In writing to the persons who have given a testimonial, enclose a stamped and addressed envelope for reply. Because you do not always receive a reply to your inquiry, do not conclude that the testimonial is not genuine. Many of our old patients receive so many inquiries from all parts of the country that they get tired of answering. All sick persons are requested to write us, describing their dis- ease, and we will take pleasure in sending them our Books regarding their ailments, and Examination Chart. We will also examine their cases and send them our opinion of the curability of their diseases free of charge. THE DR. MILES GRAND DISPENSARY, ELKHART, INDIANA. Endorsements by Leading Citizens of Elkhart. We, the undersigned citizens of Elkhart, Ind., being personally acquainted with Dr. Franklin Miles, President of The Grand Dis- pensary, take pleasure in stating that he is an unusually well-educated physician of good moral and professional character. His skill as a specialist is acknowledged and has gained for him an extensive practice. E. M. CHESTER, Mayor, City of Elkhart. W. A. GRAY, Treasurer, City of Elkhart. BEN. I. BIXLER, Clerk, City of Elkhart. LOUIS M. SIMPSON, Secretary Citizens Trust Co. W. H. KNICKERBOCKER, Cashier First National Bank. WALTER S. HAZELTON, Cashier St. Joseph Valley Bank. ANDREW U. OGILVIE, Pastor First Congregational Church. SUFFERED SIX YEARS FROM NERVOUSNESS AND PARALYSIS. Albion, Illinois, November 30, 1901. Dear Doctor:—I am perfectly willing to give a testimonial and shall be pleased if I can be the means of others being cured. My advice to any one is: if you are suffering from a disease of which Dr. Miles makes a specialty, consult him. I am sure he can help you. I wish to thank you greatly for your treatment of my case and the wonderful benefit I received. I am entirely well. Yours sincerely, Ada Brown. For six years Miss Brown had suffered from paralysis of the left arm, nervousness, trembling and sleeplessness. She also had a great deal of distress in her heart. After five weeks' treatment she wrote as above. HAD TRIED SEVERAL DOCTORS. Altamont, Illinois, January 10, 1910. Dr. Franklin Miles:—In answer to yours of the 7th inst., I am still feel- ing fine and hope for a continuation of good health. Have had no return of heart trouble since you treated me. I had been out of health for ten years, suffering from heart disease, which caused shortness of breath, weak pulse, throbbing in the head and stomach, palpitation, weak and hungry spells, pains in heart and chest, left side and arm, smothering sensations, etc. I had tried several doctors, but got only temporary relief. They called it valvular heart trouble. After five weeks of your Special Personal Treat- ment my ailments had all disappeared. With best regards, Gilbert Bailie. March 30th, Mr. Bailie writes: “I am still feeling fine—have gained twenty-five pounds in weight. I attribute it all to your treatment.” EDITOR OF “FARMERS’ CALL” ENDORSES DR. MILES. Quincy, Illinois, December 17, 1900. Dear Sirs:—I mail you a copy of the last issue of “Farmers’ Call,” show- ing what I wrote about you. I never did such a thing before, and I think it unlikely that I ever will again. But I was thoroughly impressed that you were doing a good work, that there is a prejudice to overcome, that it is but right that those that know what you are doing should aid in extending your work. Sincerely hoping that any of my subscribers suffering with heart disease may try your treatment, I am, Cordially yours, John M. Stahl, Editor and Proprietor of the “Farmers’ Call.” GREAT PAIN IN THE HEART. Ill Warren Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, August 15, 1909. The Grand Dispensary:—Having just received your letter of inquiry, I hasten to reply. Your Special Treatment certainly did me good. I am entirely cured. I had always been apparently healthy until I worked nights for years in railroad shops and in brass \Vorks, which did not agree with me. I used tobacco incessantly, thinking it would counteract the poison inhaled. At length I noticed the pain in my heart. I was examined by a physician, who said I had heart disease. He could hear the passage of the blood through the heart making a “swishing sound.’’ Resides the great pain in my heart, chest and left arm, I had weak and hungry spells, shortness of breath and dyspepsia. At present I feel no pain or other symptoms mentioned above and am apparently well. I am confirmed in this conclusion by the fact that before beginning your treatment I made an application for life insurance and was rejected, the cause given being heart disease. I again made an application after taking your treatment and after a rigid examina- tion passed through all O. K. This may seem incredible, nevertheless it is true. Gentlemen. I can say. God speed you in your good work and may you benefit every suffering person as you have me. Yours thankfully, Edward Hannon. SLEPT IN HIS CHAIR THREE MONTHS. Elwood, Illinois, R. F. D. No. 21, February 6, 1905. Dear Sir: I would have written you before, but have been waiting- to see if my cure was permanent. I am firmly convinced that it is, and after only one month’s treatment. I had been treated by four doctors and had consulted a specialist. The latter told me he could do nothing for me—to go 2 home and take things easy as long as I could. My worst suffering was from my heart, shortness of breath, smothering, cold limbs, swollen ankles, and dizziness. For three months I had to sleep in my chair at night. I had taken over thirty-six bottles of heart medicine. After taking your Special Treatment only one month, I can do my work and, as I am my own support, that means a great deal to me. 1 am grateful for what you have done for me and if any word of mine can help others to the relief I feel I will gladly give it. John T. Alexander. TREATED BY MANY SPECIALISTS WITHOUT RELIEF. 3703 North St., Galesburg, Illinois, January 30, 1908. Dear Dr. Miles:—For eleven years I was a great sufferer from spasms or falling sickness and was treated by many so-called specialists without permanent relief. My sister persuaded me to try your Special Treatment. After taking but a short course, I seemed completely cured. When I first began taking your medicines, I would have on an average from seven to eight fits in succession and would fall to the floor unconscious. These spells occurred every month and finally became so bad that I did not dare to go out or be left alone. I can truthfully say that I have not had a fit or a symptom of a spell for over one year and I feel stronger and better than 1 have for twelve years. I am thankful to you and your wonderful medicine. Respectfully yours, Mrs. John Potts. SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY. Greenup, Illinois. February 9, 1904. Dear Doctor:—I am willing to be the means of helping the afflicted, as I suffered untold agony from what some of the doctors called neuralgia of the face and head. It came on gradually. I had been troubled in winter for five or six years, and for the last two summers it had bothered me a great deal. The flesh of my face was so sore I could hardly use a towel. The pain would commence in my right upper lip. run up the side of my nose, thence up across my forehead, from there to the back of my head and down my neck. It seemed like some one sawing in my forehead. My face got so bad that the nerves would jerk constantly. The pain would go off and then come back. I was so nervous and sick all over that life was a burden. I believe that I am cured and feel truly thankful to the Giver of all good for giving such wisdom and understanding to Dr. Franklin Miles that he is able to help poor suffering humanity. Long may you live to be a blessing to others as well as myself. Yours very sincerely, Mrs. Lizzie Wickiser. SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY. Hampton, Illinois. August 15. 1905. Dear Doctor:—It is with pleasure that I give you this testimonial to show my gratitude for the care you have taken in my case. I suffered untold agony for many years from heart trouble and various other com- plications. My heart was so weak that the slightest work would tire me. I had severe pains in my back, gas in my stomach after eating and distressing- headaches which made me so nervous that I could not sleep. I was treated by five physicians at different times without benefit. I received your book and concluded to try your Special Treatment. After taking your medicines five weeks, I can truthfully say I am cured of all my troubles and am again able to attend to my household duties. I shall not hesitate to recommend you to any sufferer, as I have the utmost confidence in your ability. Gratefully yours, Mrs. Anna Chick. EPILEPSY CURED AFTER NINE PHYSICIANS FAILED. Irving1. Illinois, June 15, 1903. Dear Sir:—It is with great gratitude for what you have done for me that I write this testimonial. 1 had been afflicted, at varying intervals, with that dreadful disease epilepsy since I was six months old. and besides had almost every ache and pain that human flesh is heir to. The attacks would begin with a smothering feeling about the heart, then a rush of blood to the h ad. and I would fall unconscious. My greatest suffering was in my head and back, at times so severe I could not sit up or walk. My spine was so sore that I could scarcely have my clothing touch me and I suffered untold agony. 3 doctored with nine physicians, but I never got permanent relief until I began your treatment. It is now a year since the last attack and I feel perfectly well and strong. I recommend Dr. Miles and his Special Treatment to all my friends. Yours very truly, Mary Graham. March 29, 1905, Mrs. Graham wrote as follows in reply to an inquiry: “I recommend Dr. Miles as honest, trustworthy, and a physician of great merit. I continued about a year and have never had a return of my disease, which had been my burden since infancy. The money I paid him I consider as nothing compared with the benefit received.” GIVEN UP BY SEVERAL DOCTORS. Lamb, Illinois, October 22, 1907. The Dr. Miles Grand Dispensary:—I freely and cheerfully testify to the great benefit I received from a course of your Special Treatment for kidney and bladder troubles. I am now feeling as well as I ever did. Two years ago I was taken with hard chills and hemorrhage from the kidneys, which had continued a month or so when I commenced haying fever and chills at night. The trouble was diagnosed by three specialists respectively as “con- gestion of the kidneys,” “stone in the bladder,” and “Incipient Bright’s disease.” I placed my case in your hands and at the end of seven weeks considered myself cured. It has now been about eighteen months since the treatment was discontinued, and I feel as well as I ever did. I take pleasure in recommending your treatment whenever opportunity offers. L. M. Simmons. July 30, 1908, Mr. Simmons writes: “I was cured of incipient Bright’s disease after being given up by several other doctors. I believe Dr, Miles is honest and gives honest treatment.” SPECIAL TREATMENT THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Longpoint. Illinois, April 11, 1910. Dear Doctor:—I am feeling well and I will tell everybody what you have done for me. My stomach and heart troubles which I have had for several years are gone and I have no more lameness. I think your medicine is the best in the world, for it has cured me. My health is better this spring than it has been for several years. This is from Mrs. A. Wright. HEART DISEASE CURED IN THREE WEEKS. Mulberry Grove, Illinois, April 30, 1909. Dear Sir:—In reply to your letter will say I am so much improved that 1 do not feel it necessary to take any more medicine. I had been out of health two years, suffering from heart disease. After being treated by three physicians, who did me no good, I took your treatment for three weeks. The symptoms changed noticeably from the first dose. After continuing for the above length of time I felt well and did not need more treatment. I cannot say too much for your medicine, and hope it may help some other sufferer as much as it has me. I feel in my heart that after so much suffer- ing there must have been something divine in the cure of my case, and am thankful to our Maker that he has made a man so wise and enlightened that he can cure such diseases. Respectfully yours, Mrs. J. P. Baldwin. SEVENTY-SIX YEARS OLD. CURED BY SPECIAL TREATMENT. Table Grove, Illinois, Box No. 113, July 4, 1905. Dear Doctor:—I gladly Rive you permission to use my name in a testi- monial, as I believe you have cured me of my trouble. I suffered greatly for two years from a severe pain in my side, distress in my head, and frequent attacks of rheumatism, which would confine me to my bed a week at a time. My heart had caused me considerable trouble and pain for the past eight years. My stomach and bowels also seemed affected, for 1 suffered from a low. heavy pain across my abdomen, and had wind and fullness in my stomach. I tried several doctors, but none of them were able to help me. I took three months’ treatment of you and feel that I am cured. I hope you will continue to do as much for others as you have done for me. I eat well, sleep well and, for a person of seventy-six years old, am feeling fine. With kindest wishes, I remain, Yours very truly, Mrs. W. D. Foster. 4 LIFE DID NOT SEEM WORTH LIVING. Wyanet, Illinois, May 3, 1909. Dear Doctor:—My health began failing about three years ago. Final..,, after having a severe nervous chill, I was confined to bed for two months. My physician had a long and successful practice, but my case seemed to baffle him. He consulted with an eminent doctor, after which I began to mend very slowly, but never fully recovered. I,ast spring the same symp- toms returned, and besides I had bad spells with my heart, which had been weak for twenty-five years. I had great shortness of breath, skipping of beats, throbbing in the neck, sinking or dying feelings and smothering spells. My bowels were much larger than they should have been and caused pressure on my lungs and heart, and suffocation. I believed this enlarge- ment was caused by indigestion. I felt lifeless, my back was lame, I could hardly walk and would have to lie down a good deal. My friends did not think I would recover. I was melancholy and life did not seem worth living. At this time I received one of your circulars, which I think was providential. I sent for your treatment, which helped me greatly. The plasters cured my back, my strength returned, the heart symptoms disappeared and my digestive organs became strong. I am in better spirits and as well as a woman of my age, seventy-three years, expects to be. I advise every one who needs treatment to try yours. 1 have so much faith in it. Yours gratefully, Mrs. Maria B. Edminster. DOCTOR SAID SHE COULD NOT BE CURED. Monmouth, Illinois. June 22, 1909. Mrs. W. H. Luse, Monmouth, 111., had been troubled with sick and nervous headaches since she was fifteen years old. Dunne the attacks she suffered from nausea, dizziness, intense pain and burning in the top and back of her head. She had neuralgic pains in her heart and stomach, and the heart action was very weak. Her physicians said she was incurable. In February, 1894, Mrs. Duse commenced our treatment and took it per- sistently for nine months. After an interval of thirteen years she writes as follows: Dear Doctor:—I can truly say the treatment I took of you was very beneficial—in fact. I was cured and have enjoyed much better health than I ever did before and have recommended your treatment to several friends. I feel very grateful for what your medicine did for me. I wrote to you as a last resort, for my doctor told me I could not be cured and that he could only relieve me. The same doctor was later very much puzzled over the health your treatment gave me. I hope you may be able to do for many what you have done for me. Very gratefully, Mrs. W. H. Luse. OUT OF HEALTH FIFTEEN YEARS. Morrison, Illinois, November 27, 1901. Dear Sir:—Your favor of October 28. making inquiry as to my present condition, has been received. In reply will say that my health and strength are very much improved and I think that your treatment did me a great deal of good. I am feeling as well as ever and further treatment is un- necessary. I will always be ready to recommend your treatment to any one who has heart and stomach troubles. Yours respectfully. J. J. Entwhlstle. Mr. Entwhistle had been out of health for fifteen years. He suffered from weak and irregular heart action, shooting pains in the heart and left side. wind, fullness, heartburn and sourness of the stomach. He was under our treatment four months. SPECIAL PERSONAL TREATMENT CURES HEART TROUBLE. 308 Oak Street. Pana. Illinois. February 10. 1002. Dear Sir:—It is with pleasure I give this testimony as to the benefit you have accomplished for me. About one year ago my heart began to trouble me by palpitating and fluttering. I was treated by my physician three different times, getting only temporary relief, the old trouble always coming back again. Seeing your advertisement in the “Catholic News,’’ I decided to give you a trial, and am fully convinced that your Special Personal Treat- ment will help any one who has heart trouble. I am. Very thankfully, Patrick McCarty. Mr. McCarty was treated by Dr. Miles for nervousness as well as heart trouble. 5 SIX PHYSICIANS FAILED. n „ Percy, Illinois, November 12, 1907. r u„VeiTr 'U0£Jr*'°.r years before taking one month's treatment of you J?ef.n ntflicted with rheumatism of the lower limbs, weak heart, palpita- nt’ "Uttering, shortness of breath and occasional smothering spells. My nervous system was also much run down, I had spells of neuralgia and hoot0*16* my stomach and bowels were in bad condition. Six physicians naa treated me, none of their treatments relieving me but temporarily. fr°m tlrst dose of your medicine I began to improve wonderfully, "w time the month’s treatment was finished my condition was so cnanged for the better that it was unnecessary to take any more medicine. as now been nearly four months since I took the treatment and I am still in good health. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Letzie Mathis. WAS ADVISED TO GO TO A SANITARIUM. T. Grinnell, Iowa, February 8, 1910. Doctor:—I had dropsy four months. My ankles were so badly swollen that 1 could not wear my shoes—had to get a very large pair of siippeij -I also was bothered with my heart. The doctors told me they couia cto but little for me and advised me to go to the sanitarium in Dakota, ihen 1 wrote to Dr. Miles and took treatment for five weeks—after which tne swelling all left me and I can now wear my shoes and feel very well apm 1 would advise any one suffering from dropsy to take treatment of ur. Miles. I will answer all inquiries regarding my case. R. J. Lagrange. HAVE NOT FELT SO WELL FOR FIVE OR SIX YEARS. „ _ i ,• Maxwell, Iowa, April 26, 1910. . „+• r’ franklin Miles:—I am still feeling fine and am glad to give you a testimonial, hoping that it may be the means of helping other sufferers to get well. I have not felt so well in five or six years. My heart and kidneys do not bother me any more—no smothering spells nor hard beating—and I can sleep on my left side without any trouble. I treated with three dif- ferent doctors before I took a six months’ course of your Special Treat- ment, but I must give you all the credit for my cure. I surely will speak a good word for you whenever I can. Yours respectfully, George See. ALMOST HELPLESS FROM RHEUMATISM. North Manchester, Indiana, October 11, 1909. Dear Doctor:- I am sure you will be interested in reading a letter from me. Your treatment for rheumatism did me a power of good. I am now feeling fine and can work all day. I think I shall not need any more medicine and I praise you for it. I shall recommend you wherever I go and when in need of treatment will surely remember you. I had suffered ten weeks from rheumatism when I commenced your treatment. My limbs, arms, shoulders and back became stiff and sore, and the last four weeks I was almost helpless. My heart also troubled me some and my liver was torpid. My physician treated me three weeks, but did not help me. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Homer Hathaway. ONE HUNDRED CONVULSIONS IN A DAY. , Salem, Indiana, September 12, 1891. Gentlemen:—My daughter, aged four years, was afflicted with epilepsy for two years. Her case was most extraordinary. After a spell of illness with her stomach, she began to have spells in which her head would turn to one side. At first she would have four or five in a day, then they became more violent and frequent until at last she would have a dozen attacks a day, in which she would be thrown forcibly to the floor. I have known her to have as many as one hundred attacks in a day. During the convulsions she was sometimes unconscious, stiff and rigid. She had been under the 6 care of several eminent physicians, but all to no purpose. Dr. Kline of Philadelphia, specialist in nervous diseases, after treating her a year, failed to cure her. Our home physicians stated she was incurable. As a forlorn hope, we applied to Dr. Miles. Under his treatment she soon improved and we now regard her as entirely cured. We owe Dr. Miles our heartfelt grati- tude, which we can never fully express, for what he has done for our child. She was a mere wreck when he began to treat her. She is now a bouncing, blooming little girl, full of fun and frolic. Respectfully, Mrs. Thomas P. Baynes. DAUGHTER OF PROMINENT U. B. MINISTER CURED. Union City, Indiana, January 17, 1905. Dr. Miles:—I am glad to testify to the great good your treatment did our daughter, in her complicated case. Her heart beats normal, no more severe headaches, and she has not worn glasses for over a year. She was in excellent health at last report. She was married in June, 1903, and in October, 1904, she and her husband went to the Philippine Islands as mis- sionaries. She is now in San Fernando, Da Union Providence, P. I. When crossing the mountains on her way to San Francisco, Calif., the high altitude did not affect her heart in the least. She was seasick but one day on the vessel. She stood the long voyage excellently and reached her place of work in good health and fine spirits, November 24, 1904. Yours most truly, Mrs. G. P. Macklin. WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD AND FORGOTTEN. Dodge City, Kansas, Nevember 26, 1909. Dr. Franklin Miles;.—I do not hesitate to say I would have been dead and forgotten long ago had it not been for your medicine. My heart had bothered me for twenty years. It seemed to break down all at once and I could not sleep on my left side, my limbs would go to sleep and I would have to get up and walk around. My heart would beat so hard that it shook my body and I had pains all through my chest. So I began to think that my time was near. I doctored with my home doctor, but got no relief, and I gave up all hopes of getting well. One day I was reading the “Kansas City Journal” and happened to notice your advertisement. I thought I would give your medicine a trial to see what it would do. Now I can say that I am cured and feel like a new man. I cannot say too much in regard to your medicine. Yours respectfully, • Fred M. Trent. THANKFUL FOR THE HEALTH SHE ENJOYS. Gardner, Kansas, November 30, 1909. Dear Doctor:—When I commenced your treatment I had been afflicted a long while with rheumatism and stomach trouble. The rheumatism affected my right hip and limb and I suffered badly. My liver and bladder also troubled me very much. Since taking your Special Treatment five weeks I have had no further trouble. I am very thankful for the health I now enjoy and give you credit for it. Very respectfully, Mrs. E. Truman. COULD NOT REST DAY NOR NIGHT. 1964 Madison Street, Saginaw, Michigan, December 1, 1909. Dear Doctor:—I will most cheerfully give my testimonial if it will benefit any one suffering as I did. I had been sick twenty years when I began your treatment. My heart was so bad and I suffered so from nervousness and rheumatism that T think I could not have endured it much longer. I had such pain in my heart that I could not rest day nor night, and my nerves and muscles would tremble so I would have to gasp for breath. I must tell you how much good your treatment did me. I have done a big summer’s work, doing all my hous€*work and all the work in a splendid garden, besides doing up five hundred quarts of fruit. Only to think, for twenty years I had not been able to do much of anything. My heart leaps for joy when I think of what I have been able to accomplish this summer. I recommend your medicines to every one in need of treatment. Mrs. Louisa Beemer. 7 DROPSY AND WEAK HEART. Callao, Missouri, October 13, 1909. ur. Miles:—-I am glad to say that your medicine has entirely cured me of dropsy and heart trouble with which I had been troubled twelve years. My aches and pains are all gone, too, and I am so thankful that 1 tried your Special treatment. My whole body was greatly swollen, I was short of breath and my heart beat very irregularly. I know your medicine will cure * as aas me’ I answer any one who wishes to know the trutn. Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker. SUFFERED FORTY YEARS. . Clinton, Missouri, January 27, 1910. Dear Doctor:—It is for suffering humanity that I pen these lines. I nave been a sufferer from heart disease forty years, I was short of breath, had Pain in the left side, fainting spells, irregular beating, etc. In one month Dr. Franklin Miles’ Special Treatment cured me. It worked like a charm. You may doubt this assertion, but it is true. I can truly say I feel better than in forty years. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Jennie Kemper. TREATMENT WORKS WONDERS. Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1909. Franklin Miles, M. D.:—Replying to your letter of November 19th would say that after taking your treatment 1 feel one hundred per cent better, lour treatment has certainly worked wonders in my case. I had tried everything under the sun for my kidney trouble and nervousness. I must say your medicine did me a world of good and I feel entirely well and like a new man. If I ever have a chance I shall be only too glad to praise and recommend your medicine, and if you wish to use my name in a testimonial you are at liberty to do so. Thanking you for the good you have done me and wishing you years of continued success. I beg to remain, Very sincerely, Harry N. Wagner. Mr. Wagner had been suffering for three years from a nervous break- down, with sleeplessness, general weakness and weak heart. He had taken treatment continuously from three physicians without being benefited. Two months' Special Treatment effected a cure. RHEUMATISM FOR TEN YEARS. Edgerton, Wisconsin, December 13, 1907. Dear Doctor:—I had been afflicted with rheumatism for years when my attention was called to your medicine. The disease affected the muscles of the sides and arms and the knee and ankle joints, which were very stiff and sore. Two doctors had treated me at different times, but only helped me temporarily. A five weeks’ course of your Special Treatment seems to have entirely cured the trouble. I have not had any medicine for three months and there has been no return of the rheumatic symptoms. When- ever I have an opportunity I always recommend your treatment. Yours truly, Mrs. Albert Otto. DROPSY CURED IN TWO MONTHS. Spokane, Washington, November 17, 1909. Dear Doctor:—After a lapse of eight months since using your Special Treatment for dropsy and heart trouble, I am pleased to state that I am a well man today. My case was an aggravated one of three years’ standing. The swelling was so bad that 1 could hardly stoop to lace my shoes, and I could scarcely close my hands. My whole body and limbs were so stiff and swollen that I was in great misery. I used only two full treatments of your medicine and I believe it has made a permanent cure. I shall be pleased to write further particulars to any one who may wish to know mor.j of my trouble. Yours very respectfully, Alex Milne. 8