Startling Cures From every portion of the United States 150,000 Patients Treated at Home Many Cured after Physicians Failed The following testimonials are but a few of the many hundreds which we are constantly receiving from grateful patients who have been cured by our Improved Special Personal Treatments. Many are from patients who took the Special Treatment years ago and are thereby able to judge as to its lasting curative properties. A large number of these patients were afflicted with diseases which had baffled the skill of many able physicians, and, in some instances, even noted specialists had said they were beyond the power of man to cure. We have many testimonials of marvelous cures from nearly every state and territory, but have space to publish only a few in this pamphlet. $500.00 Reward We offer a reward of $500 to any one who finds a single one of our testimonials not to be genuine. The Grand Dispensary is at all times open for investigation by visitors. In writing to the persons who have given a testimonial, enclose a stamped and addressed envelope for reply. Because you do not always receive a reply to your inquiry, do not conclude that the testimonial is not genuine. Many of our old patients receive so many inquiries from all parts of the country that they get tired of answering. All sick persons are requested to write us, describing their dis- eases, and we will take pleasure in sending them our Books regarding their ailments, and Examination Chart. We will also examine their cases and send them our opinion free of charge. If we regard their diseases as curable, or if we believe that we can greatly prolong their lives, we will give them an unusually liberal treatment FREE that we may demonstrate the superiority of our treatment at our expense. The Dr. Miles Grand Dispensary ELKHART, INDIANA. Unequaled Testimonials From Nearly Every State Endorsements by Leading Citizens of Elkhart. We, the undersigned citizens of Elkhart, Ind., being personally acquainted with Dr. Franklin Miles, President of The Grand Dispensary, take pleasure in stating that he is an unusually well-educated physician of good moral and professional character. His skill as a specialist is acknowledged and has gained for him an extensive practice. E. M. CHESTER, Mayor, City of Elkhart. W. A. GRAY, Treasurer, City of Elkhart. BEN. I. BIXLER, Clerk, City of Elkhart. LOUIS M. SIMPSON, Secretary Citizens Trust Co. W. H. KNICKERBOCKER, Cashier First National Bank. WALTER S. HAZELTON, Cashier St. Joseph Valley Bank. ANDREW U. OGILVIE, Pastor First Congregational Church. Tapped Every Week. Bannister, Mich., Oct. 31, 1907. The Dr. Miles Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind. Gentlemen:—I very gladly testify to the wonderful results of your treatment in my case. Before L learned of your treat- ment I had been a sufferer from dropsy for eight months. I filled up so rapidly with water that my condition became very serious, and in order to live at all it was necessary for me to be tapped every week. My liver and kidneys were very bad, and I also had heart and stom- ach trouble. I was certainly much sur- prised and delighted at the rapid action of your treatment. Almost from the first dose the bloating decreased, and I have not been tapped sine-. I had been treated by four physicians, but not one of them understood my case or helped me. After taking a six weeks’ course of your Spe- cial Treatment for Dropsy I was so well that I did not think further treatment necessary. I am very grateful and will recommend your treatment to anv one in need. R. BURFFORD. Aug. 27, 1908, he wrote: “I was cured of dropsy by Dr. Miles and believe he is all right and perfectly reliable.” An Unusually Complicated Case. Chase, Kans., Dec. 4, 1907. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Doctor:—It is with much pleasure that I testify to the great benefit I de- rived from a course of your treatment. After suffering .five years from a nervous breakdown, I saw your offer and decided to try your medicine. My condition was one of extreme nervousness, accompanied by constant dull he. dache, loss of mem- ory, sleeplessness, restlessness, melancho- ly, great weakness and trembling of the 1 mbs; I also had some rheumatism with n any aches and pains. My appetite was poor, and I suffet-d much from indiges- tion, heart-burn and sour stomach. I would get up in the morning unrefreshed and so tired that I was unable to per- form my household duties. Since taking a course of your treatment five months ago, my health has so much improved that I can work without be- coming so tired, and my aches and pains have left me. I am very thankful to you for what you have done for me, and when in need of medicine I will send to you. I will always gladly recommend your treatment. Yours trulv, MRS. WILLIAM EASTER. Special Treatment a God-Send. Freeborn, Minn., Sept. 20, 1904. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Sir:—Having been restored to health from a very bad case of heart dis- ease by your great skill and wonderful medicines "I desire to report in brief the full details of my illness. I had returned from a physician after a personal examination and was almost home when my eye caught a circular. Picking it up I saw the advertisement of your Special Treatment for Heart Trouble. It was a God-send to me! I at once ordered a months’ treatment. I had not taken the medicine two weeks when I felt like a new man. I continued the treatment a reasonable length of time until a cure was effected. It was about twelve years ago that I took your treat- ment, and 1 have since considered myself cured of heart trouble. I would most heartily recommend all heart sufferers to take your Special Treatment and be cured of the dreadful affliction. Respectfully, R. E. GOWARD. Dropsy Thirty Years. Pickering, Mo., Nov. 1, 1906. Dear Doctor:—In reply to your kind letter will say that my health is just splendid, not a sign whatever of my dropsical symptoms since I took your medicine. For thirty years I had been a great sufferer from extreme shortness of breath, pain around the heart, smother- ing at night, and dropsy of the limbs, which for some time had been swollen up to the body. I also had very severe sick headaches. The dropsy. I was told, came from my heart and kidneys. I took treatment from several physicians with little or no benefit. One physician told my husband I could last only a short time—that there was positively no help for me. I began the use of your Grand Dronsy Cure and improved from the start. It has now been nearly one year 2 since I stopped the use of the treatment and I feel that my dropsy is entirely cured- People who are familiar with my con- dition think that my case is a perfect marvel. I certainly feel that you have saved my life and cannot find words to express my gratitude for the improve- ment since taking your Special Treat- ment. I do not think that I could pos- sibly be alive today to write this letter had it not been for your life-saving med- icine for dropsy. May God bless and help you in your faithful endeavors to relieve suffering humanity. Respectfully, Mrs. A. J. NASH. Physicians Said Medicine Would Not Help Him. Jarves, N. Dak., June 30, 1908. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind. Gentemen:—I freely testify to the great benefit I received from a five weeks’ course of your improved Special Treat- ment. I now feel as well as I ever did. About seven months ago my health be- gan to fail. I was exceedingly nervous, my stomach and bowels troubled me all the time, and my head ached constantly. I consulted a physician, who said medi- cine would not benefit me and advised a change of climate. I decided to try a course of your treatment, with the result that I am cured. I thank you for your interest and I confidently assure the sick that they will make no mistake in deal- ing witi. the Dr. Miles Grand Dispensary, for they are safe and reliable and treat their patients in the fairest manner pos- sible DENNIE J. DeLONG. A Complicated Case Cured. Bemidji, Minn., March 14, 1912. Dear Doctor:—Your letter of inquiry received and in reply will say that I am certainly cured as I have worked all win- ter and felt fine. I had been ailing for eight months with heart trouble, causing shortness of breath, weak pulse, palpita- tion, pain in chest, left side and arm, sensation of weight, pressure and dis- tress in chest, etc. I was also suffering from bladder and kidney trouble, rheu- matism at times and headaches. I sent for your Special Treatment and was so pleased with its effects that I continued to take the medicine for nine weeks. At the end of this time my symptoms had all disappeared and I was feeling well. Have remained in good health since and am glad to recommend your treatment. Yours very truly, G. W. FROST. Pronounced Incurable. Walker. Ia.. Oct. 2, 1908. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind. Gentemen:—After suffering intense agony for a period of four years, and being pronounced incurable by three phy- sicians, I applied to Dr. Miles for relief. It seems that all my internal organs were affected. My kidneys did not perform their normal functions, and my heart was largely affected. I was experiencing much pain and distress in and around the heart with shortness of breath, skipping of beats, sinking and dying feelings, smoth- ering spells, and fullness and burning in the chest. There was also that feeling of fullness in the stomach, causing me terri- ble misery. It seemed that the Specially Prepared Medicines improved my condi- tion from the very start, for at the end of two months I was completely cured of my troubles. Several months have elapsed since my restoration to health. I have recently been examined by a physi- cian who tells me that there is no sign of my old trouble. I consider my cure complete, and Dr. Miles’ Special Personal Treatment certainly was a God-send to me. I would cheerfully recommend all sufferers to apply to Dr. Miles, for I feel assured that he would be able to relieve them of their sufferings. MRS. MARY MORSE. Heart Would Shake the Chest. National Military Home, Danville, 111., Sept. 14, 1911. Dr. Miles:—I had been out of health for some time, suffering from rheumatism and heart trouble, when I was led to take your Special Treatment. I had palpita- tion of the heart and sometimes it would beat so hard that it shook my chest. My left shoulder and arm pained me a great deal and I often had sinking and dying feelings. I improved rapidly on your medicine and was completely cured after taking the treatment two months. Respectfully, WM. LINDERMUTH. Heart Disease Twelve Years. Neola, Iowa, Feb. 10, 1908. Dear Doctor:—I write to let you know that the three months’ course of your Special Treatment taken in 1905 has en- tirely cured me. I am now feeling better than I have for ten years, and weigh eight pounds more than I have weighed for twenty years. When I began taking your treatment, I had been afflicted for twelve years with heart disease. During the earlier years of this period, I suffered only from heart weakness, with palpita- tion, skipping of beats, etc. Later this condition of my heart seemed to grow gradually worse, and I suffered consider- ably from shortness of breath, choking and smothering spells, hard -beating and pain in the heart and chest. I also had numbness and trembling of the extremi- ties and neuralgic pains in various parts of the body. I became quite nervous. My stomach was sympathetically affected with indigestion, sourness, bloating, and occasionally nausea and vomiting. I also had rheumatism and bronchial trouble. Your treatment was the first from which I had been able to obtain any re- lief. I am very grateful for my cure and am much pleased to make a statement regarding the same. U. McLEAN. Cured at Seventy-Two. Shelburne Falls, Mass., Nov. 4, 1907. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart. Ind. Dear Doctor:—I take the liberty to 3 write you once more, thinking you might like to hear how I am. Considering my age, is seventy-two years, I am enjoying very good health. When I first wrote you I was troubled with a weak heart. It fluttered and skipped beats at times, and its action was nearly always irregular. My stomach also was in bad condition, there was con- siderable irritability of the bladder, I was very nervous, and my system was run down generally. I have taken ten weeks of your Personal Treatment at intervals as I needed it. Now my heart does not trouble me, my stomach is much im- proved, and I am able to rest better at night. With the aid of your treatment, which I appreciate very much, I have succeeded in regaining my health as well as one of advanced age could expect. Yours very truly, MRS. A. A. RICHMOND. Given Up by Several Doctors. Lamb, 111., Oct. 22, 1907. The Dr. Miles Grand Dispensary:— I freely and • cheerfully testify to the great benefit I received from a course of your Special Treatment for Kidney and Bladder troubles. I am now feeling as well as I ever aid. Two years ago I was taken with hard chills and hemorrhage from the kidneys which had continued a month or so, when I commenced having fever in the evening and chills in the night. The trouble was diagnosed by three specialists respectively as “Conges- tion of the Kidneys,” “Stone in the Blad- der,” and “Incipient Bright’s Disease.” I placed my case in your hands and at the end of seven weeks I considered myself cured. It has now been about eighteen months since the treatment was discon- tinued, and I feel as well as I ever did. I take pleasure in recommending your treatment whenever opportunity offers. L. M. SIMMONS. July 30th, 1908 Mr. Simmons writes: “I was cured of incipient Bright’s Disease after being given up by several other doctors. I believe Dr. Miles is honest and gives honest treatment.” Great Pain in the Heart. 108 North Ashland Bvd., Chicago, 111., August 15, 1909. The Grand Dispensary:—Having just received your letter of inquiry, I hasten to reply. Your Special Treatment cer- tainly did me good. I am entirely cured. I had always been apparently healthy un- til I worked nights for years in railroad shops and in brass works, which did not agree with me. I used tobacco incessantly thinking it would counteract the poison inhaled. At length I noticed the pain in my heart. I was examined by a physi- cian, who said I had heart disease. He could hear the passage of the blood through the heart making a "swishing sound.” Besides the great pain .in my heart, chest and left arm, I had weak and hungry spells, shortness of breath and dyspepsia. At present I feel no pain or other symptoms mentioned above and am apparently well. I am confirmed in this conclusion by the fact that before begin- ning your treatment I made an applica- tion fo" life insurance and was rejected, the cause given being heart disease. I again made an application after taking your treatment and after a rigid exam- ination passed through all O. K. This may seem incredible, nevertheless it is true. Gentlemen, I can say, God speed you in your good work and may you benefit every suffering person as you have me. Yours thankfully, EDWARD HANNON. Doctor Said She Could Not Be Cured. Mrs. W. H. Luse, Monmouth, 111., had been troubled with sick and nervous headaches since she was fifteen years old. During the attacks she suffered from nausea, dizziness, intense pain and burn- ing In the top and back of her head. She had neuralgia pains in her heart and stomach, and the heart action was very weak. Her physicians said she was In- curable. In February, 1894, Mrs. Luse commenced our treatment and took it persistently for nine months. After an interval of thirteen years she writes as follows: Monmouth, 111., June 22, 1909. Dear Doctor:—I can truly say the treat- ment I took of you was very beneficial—■ in fact, I was cured and have enjoyed much better health than I ever did be- fore and have recommended your treat- ment to several friends. I feel very grateful for what your medicines did for me. I wrote to you as a last resort, for my doctor told me I could not be cured and that he could only relieve me. The same doctor was later very much puzzled over the health your treatment gave me. I hope you may be able Vo do for many what you have done for me. Very gratefully, MRS. W. H. LUSE. Greatly Surprised at Result Knightstown, Ind., May 28 1910. Dear Doctor Miles:—I am now getting along very nicely for one of my years. My stomach does not bother me any more and I work in the garden, take care of my chicks, and do all my housework. I cannot find words to express my thanks for what your medicine, through the blessing of God, has done for me and shall always feel grateful. When I be- gan your treatment, I was nearly ready to pass over to the other shore. I shall never forget how surprised I was at the end of one week’s treatment to see that I was getting better. I was happy—oh, so happy!—and my family were glad and happy too. If my testimony will be any encouragement to other suffering ones, please publish it, and whenever I find any one suffering as I did, I will urge them to send for your treatment. Yours truly, MRS. MARY A. BRYANT. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. Thorsby, Ala., Dec. 18. 1911. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind.— I am only too glad to inform those who 4 are suffering from Sciatic Rheumatism that relief can be obtained by using Dr. Miles’ Special Treatment. Six years ago *ny back and left hip commenced to hurt me very much, and later the pain went down the muscles of my left thigh and leg into the side of my foot and affected the small toes. I suffered much pain all these years and had been treated by local physicians without much relief. Last May I applied to Dr. Miles for Special Rheumatic Treatment, and, after tak- ing a two months’ course of his medi- cines, I consider myself completely re- stored to health. I am able to work all the time and feel as well as at any time before I contracted the Sciatic Rheuma- tism. JAMES FRANKLIN. October 7, 1912, Mr. Franklin writes: ‘Since taking your Treatment over two years ago, I have felt altogether like a new man and am enjoying good health at this time. Furthermore, will say that I am very grateful to you for your great med- icine and hope you may cure others as you have me.” * Two Physicians Failed. Adamson, Okla., Dec. 21, 1907. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Doctor:—It has been some time since I have written to you. I have been getting along very well since taking your treatment; in fact, my health has been fine. I consider your system of treatment the best in the world. My wife also took a co rse of treatment from you and we believe you have prolonged our lives a great many years. As you doubtless re- memoer. my cffise was a very complicated one. I had suffered for four years from general debility, rheumatism in the right hip shoulder joint and arm, and also had a catarrhal trouble, affecting the head, throat and bronchial tubes. But worse than all, my heart became very badly af- fected, and the trouble was progressing rapidly when I decided to apply for your treatment. I had shortness of breath, pain in the heart or chest, pressure and distress, and my heart sometimes beat so hard that it shook the chest. I had taken treatment from two other physi- cians without any apparent benefit. Although I took but three months’ treatment and it has been three years since I have taken any medicine, there has been no return of my trouble. W. H. WOODARD. Would Have Been in Her Grave. Orlando, Okla., July 7, 1909. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Doctor:—In reply to your letter of recent date I am pleased to inform you that I am still in good health, the best for several years. If I could only have been treated by you when I was younger, now fortunate it would have been for me! .Vlv heart and nervous trouble began after the birth of my first child. I suf- fered from shortness of breath, pain in the heart, sinking and smothering spells, swelling of the limbs, pain and throbbing in the head and stomach. I began taking your Special Treatment in March, 1905. It proved to be the only medicine that had ever helped me. My improvement was gradual, but noticeable. My heart began to get better and I was able to sleep naturally. I continued taking your medicine until I found that I was cured. I belive I would have been in my grave but for you. I will always feel it a privi- lege to tell those who are sick of your skillful treatment of my case. Yours truly, MRS. MARY EDMONSON. Six Physicians Failed. Gainesville, Fla., Oct. 23, 1907. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Doctor:—I had been afflicted with rheumatism for twenty years. It was worse at night and I did not have a good night’s sleep for three years. I was treated by six physicians, but got no re- lief. I began your Special Treatment for rheumatism March 23, 1905, and con- tinued for three months. I can now lie down and sleep ten hours at a time. Your treatment did all that you claimed for it, and much more than I could have believed it would do, as my whole system was a total wreck. I shall always rec- ommend your treatment with pleasure. S. J. SIKES. Her Case a Wonder. Roland, S. Car., April 26, 1905. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind. Gentlemen: My case is a wonder. I feel well, sleep well, eat almost anything, am never nervous, and work all day long. I do not feel like the same person and do not know how to fully express my grati- tude to you for restoring my health. I finu the little book, Golden Rules of Health,” a great help to me, and would not be without it. I hope my testimony will give to others the great happiness I am enjoying. Many thanks for your kind- ness and all you have done for me, and my prayers are that you may long be spared in your good work. MISS LIZZIE MOORE. Afflicted All Her Life. 1717 Columbus Ave., Springfield, Ohio, August 25, 1910. Dear Doctor:—You are certainly de- serving of a testimonial from me for the benefit received from your Special Treat- ment. I am now enjoying very good health. Previous to hearing of Dr. Miles I had been afflicted with heart and stom- ach trouble all my life, and also had blind and dizzy spells, loss of memory, numbness, and severe pains in my eyes which so weakened them that I was un- able to read. The spells kept getting worse until I was compelled to quit work. I was unable to sit up most of the time, and no medicine seemed to benefit me. I treated with one physician ten months and felt worse than when I commenced. 5 One day I happened to hear of the won- derful cures others had received from taking your medicines and decided to give them a trial. After taking the treat- ment four months 1 am entirely cured and can now do a day’s work as easily as any one. I have gained twelve pounds and all symptoms of the heart and stom- ach trouble have left me. If any one doubts the accuracy of this statement, and will write me personally, I will be only too glad to write all about my case. Very sincerely, IVAN MASSIE. Relieved of Terrible Suffering. Tyronville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1907. Dr. Franklin Miles, Elkhart, Ind. Dear Doctor:—I am cured of rheu- matism and do not need to take any more medicine. I can recommend your medicine to every one who is afflicted with rheumatism. After suffering for more than a year, it is wonderful how soon and how effectively your Special Treatment has cured me. I cannot ex- press my gratitude for relief from such terrible suffering. I am anxious that every one who is afflicted with rheuma- tism should hear about it. Gratefully, MRS. L. B. PRICE. Dropsy Has Not Returned. Sunbury, Pa., June 2, 1910. Dr. Miles:—I have not written you in a long time, as 1 was waiting to see if I should have any more signs of dropsy. I am happy to say that not a symptom of dropsy has returned and I seem to be entirely cured. My trouble began with a weak heart, aching and swelling of the limbs which finally extended to the ab- domen. 1 became very much bloated and frequently had severe cramps. The regu- lar physicians told me they could do noth- ing for me. My physician never gave me up, but he did not benefit me, although he treated me for a year. I certainly ap- preciate what you have done for me, and whenever I hear of a case similar to mine, I shall gladly recommend your treatment. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Yours very truly, MRS. C. R. WYNN. Given Up as Hopeless. Greenfield, Ohio. Sept. 6, 1906. The Grand Dispensary, Elkhart, Ind. Gentlemen:—I am very grateful to you for the benefit derived from a three months’ course of your Special Treat- ment. At the time I commenced your treatment, in February, 1906, I had been very ill for over a year and was in a very serious condition. Physicians said my trouble was a general breakdown, following lagrippe. A urinary analysis showed the presence of albumen and there were other indications that the kidneys were becoming seriously affected. I lost flesh rapidly until I was a mere skeleton, my weight, which was 165 pounds, being reduced to 90 pounds. The ablest physicians were employed, but I steadily grew worse and was told that I *muld not get well, Mv case was given up as hopeless. I commenced to get better at once under your treatment and my friends were astonished at the rapid im- provement in my condition. I regained- my strength and a great deal of my flesh. I eat hearty and am able to do my work. I most earnestly recommend Dr. Miles’ Special Treatment to the afflicted, feeling confident that they will not be disap- pointed. I remain yours very gratefully, MRS. SCOTT POWELL. Seven Physicians Failed. Hinton, W. Va., Nov: 13, 1906. Dear Doctor:—I am very glad to state that after suffering from epilepsy for sev- eral years, which seven physicians had failed to benefit in the least, I am now in the best of health, having been cured by a five weeks’ course of your Special Treatment. I honestly believe that my cure is permanent. I am now working every day, which is more than I have done for three vears. If your treatment will heln others as it has me, I want them to know what it has accomplished in my case. I thank you with all my heart for what you have done for me and I will always cheerfully recommend your treatment. CHARLES DEAYER. Not So Well for Eight Years. Wyocena. Wis., April 19, 1910. Dr, Franklin Miles:—I certainly feel very grateful to you for my improved health. I have not been so well for eight years as I am at the present time. I feel that your Special Treatment is all that you recommend it to be. The heart trouble with symptoms of shortness of breath, palpitation, difficult breathing, smothering spells, pains in the left side, etc., have all disappeared. My food di- gests well and in every respect I am greatly improved in health. I had occa- sionally taken treatment of two physi- cians, tut was never permanently bene- fited until I took your Special Treatment. Should I ever feel any symptoms of my old trouble again. I will certainly call upon you for another treatment. Yours respectfully, MRS OSCAR KELLOGG. Not an Ache Nor a Pain. Leonidas, Mich., July 21, 1910. Dr. Franklin Miles:—When I commenced taking your medicine last fall I had no faith in it, as I had tried so many other physicians. But I had been ill for sixteen years with liver and stomach trouble and thought I would try once more, and find I have a great deal to be grateful for. Before taking your treatment I used to have such bad spells of pain in my stom- ach and left side that it was necessary to use anaesthetics. I never got anything to ease the pain until I took your spe- cially prepared treatment. Now I feel so well that I think I shall not need any more medicine. How good it seems to be able to work once more and not have an ache nor a pain! For years I have not been able to ride out. Now it does not hurt me at all. I can hardly realize I am so well and cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. Yours very truly, MRS. MARY OLNEY.' 6 Would Have Been Dead and Forgotten. Dodge City, Kansas, Nov. 26, 1909. Dr. Franklin Miles:—I do not hesitate to say I would have been dead and for- gotten long ago had it not been for your medicine. My heart had bothered me for twenty years. It seemed to break down all at once and I could not sleep on my leit side, my limbs would go to sleep and I would i.ave to get up and walk around. My heart would beat so hard that it shook my body and I had pains all through my chest. So I began to think my time was near. I doctored with my home doctor, but got no relief, and I gave up all hopes of getting well. One day I was reading the Kansas City Journal and happened to notice your advertisement, so I thought I would give your medicine a trial and see what it would do. Now I can say that I am cured and feel like a new man. I can’t say too much in re- gard to your medicine. Yours respectfully, FRED M. TRENT. Saved Her Life. R. R. No. 3, Box No. 36. West Buxton, Maine, Feb. 19, 1901. Dear Doctor:—When I commenced tak- ing your treatment I had suffered for some years with lung complaint, smother- ing soells, pain in the side and chest, in- digestion, nervous prostration, poor cir- culation, and restlessness at night. From the first your medicine helped me won- derfully, and I cannot praise your Special Treatment too highly. This was four years ago and I have had no return of the symptoms. I always feel grateful to you and thank God for giving me so skillful a physician. MRS. MARY BRADEN. Later she wrote: “It seems that your medicine saved my life,” while six years after taking the treatment she added: "From personal knowledge I can say that any words of praise are tame to express the value of your Special Treatment.” Cured of Heart Disease and Asthma After Eight Different Physicians Failed to Give Relief. Jasper, Missouri, Dec. 24, 1911. Dr. Franklin Miles:—I can say that I believe I have been permanently cured by your Special Treatment. I am enjoying good health and think you should have all the praise for accomplishing so much. No other doctor ever seemed to under- stand my ease. After taking your med- icine a few weeks I found myself free from the symptoms of heart trouble and asthma which had troubled me for seven years. I had great shortness of breath, throboing in head and stomach, weak and hungry spells, distress in the chest, sink- ing and dying sensations, smothering spells and wheezing, as a result of asthma. I had consulted eight different doctors during the years of my suffering wiinout receiving any help, but am now well as a result of your treatment. I thank you and gladly give you this testi- monial. Yours very truly, MRS. WM. H. CRABTREE. Cured of Heart Disease at 87. Santa Barbara, Calif., July 20, 1912. Dear Sir:—I take great pleasure in tes- tifying to the wonderful results 1 re- ceived from your Special Treatment. I had been ailing about four years from heart disease complicated with rheuma- tism and bladder trouble. Had great shortness of breath, could not walk a block without great difficulty in breath- ing, had severe pains in my heart, left side and arm, with feeling of weakness, distress and oppression in chest. At the same time was afflicted with rheumaism, nervousness and bladder trouble, the lat- ter caused by my age, 87 years. Two reg- ular physicians pronounced my trouble a bad case of heart disease, which had come on gradually during four years. Their treatment did not help me. I took yours for seven weeks after which I have felt rejuvenated, which I did not expect at my age. My heart gives me no trouble whatever and the complications have disappeared. Very respectfully. JOHN S. TYLER. Gallons of Water Removed—Tapping Was All Doctors Could Do. Marlin. Texas, Oct. 10, 1911. Dr. Franklin Miles:—I think I am en- tirely well of the dropsy for which I took your Special Treatment three months. I have not taken any medicine since last June and not a symptom of dropsy has returned. My case was one of liver dropsy, which caused bloating of the abdomen and from which I was in constant misery. The last time I was tapped the doctor took two and one-half gallons of water from me. I had been sick for about six months, but tapping was all the doctors could do for me. 1 have recommended your medicine to sev- eral people who are in need of treat- ment. Thanking you for your kind at- tention, Yours truly. DANIEL O. HUGHES. Rheumatism Twenty-Five Years—Eight Physicians Failed. Washington, C. H., Ohio, July 5, 1911. Dr. Miles:—Yours of 3rd inst., received. I am glad to say that my health is better now than in thirty years. It has been about five months since I took a short course of your Special Treatment and I cannot say anything too strong about what your special medicine has done for me. I have been gradually improving each day, and am ready to attest and verify all your statements as to what could be expected from your medicine. My trouble was nervous exhaustion and muscular rheumatism. Had been afflict- ed with the latter twenty-five years and treated by eight physicians without suc- cess. Very respectfully yours, G. W. BYBEE. October 4, 1912, Mr. Bybee writes: “I am glad to say to you I am in better health than I have enjoyed in twenty years.” 7 What The Newspapers Say The Grand Dispensary Has a National Reputation The Grand Dispensary has been repeatedly visited by representa- tives of most of the well-known newspapers, religious periodicals and magazines, who, after careful investigation, have spoken in glowing terms of what they saw. We give below a few of their comments. “A trustworthy institution.”—Hawkeye, Burlington, Iowa. ‘‘One of the most scientific and reliable Institutions in the country.”—• Up -to-Date, Indianapolis. “The Giand Dispensary has exceptional advantages, ability and ex- perience.”—Quincy, (III.) Farmers' Call. “Dr. Miles has achieved a world-wide reputation in the success of his treatment, which he has given the best years of his life to develop.”— Chicago Live Stock Journal. ‘‘The Grand Dispensary is a reliable factor in the successful treatment of many diseases by mail.”—Des Moines News. “Dr. Miles’ method of treating patients by mail is as efficient as when patients are under personal observation. He has cured many where others failed.”—Cincinnati Weekly Inquirer. “His fame as a successful physician rests upon a foundation made se- cure by a long record of positive cures.”—American Illustrated Methodist Magazine, St. Louis, Mo. “The perfection of medical science, as illustrated by the methods of this institution, is amazing.”—State Register, Des Moines, Iowa. “Dr. Miles’ practice has been conducted on eminently scientific prin- ciples and the statistics regarding remedies, methods, diseases, etc., which the Doctor and assistants have kept, are said to be unsurpassed in the United States.”—Chicago Journal. “To Dr. Miles belongs the honor of discovering a successful method of treating patients by mail. His record of cures is not excelled by any other half dozen physicians in the United States.”—Chicago Inter-Ocean. “The Grand Dispensary has patients in all parts of the United States and is one of the most reliable institutions in the country.”—Milwaukee Sentinel. “We believe that Were this new system, as perfected by Dr. Miles, generally adopted, it would enable physicians to treat their patients much more successfully and would certainly increase their knowledge of the na- ture and peculiarities of their patients.”—Chicago Daily Record. “No institution is doing more to systematize and develop the co-operat- ive study of medicine and treatment of disease than The Grand Dispensary. Dr. Miles’ system, which has been so successful, is not complicated, but is surprisingly effective, and we recommend it to such of our readers as desire careful, scientific treatment. They seientifically treat patients by mail, remedies being prescribed after each case has been exhaustively examined.” —The Lookout, Cincinnati. “A notable achievement has been made by the Grand Dispensary by which advanced medical science is successfully applied for the benefit of the sick. Dr. Franklin Miles, the Physician-in-Chief. is a trained investi- gator. "The results of hundreds of cases, passing along under his notice, have enabled him to apply his knowledge by mail to the cure of many peo- ple he has never seen. In a b,-ief notice, such as this, it is impossible to give details, but the growth of The Grand Dispensary during more than thirty years of good work has evolved a plan which is reliable, scientific, reasonable and economical for the successful treatment of many diseases by mail. This combination of knowledge surpasses the individual work of a specialist or general practitioner, and serves to make charges reasonable.”— Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, Pa. “When an able and experienced physician offers to give away $10,000 worth of a New Personal Treatment for diseases of the heart, nerves, stomach, or dropsy, it is conclusive evidence that he has great faith in it. And when hundreds of prominent men and women freely testify to his unusual skill and the superiority of his improved system of treatment, his liberality is certainly worthy of serious consideration.”—Christian Standard, Cincinnati. We have many more references, but lack space to publish them. 58A-130m-1212-RPCo.