CONSULTATION CHART OF THE Eye-Symptoms and Eye-Complications of teal Diseases ARRANGED AFTER FOERSTER AND OTHERS, BY HEISTE,IT GT. CORNWELL, M. D„ COLUMBUS, OHIO, Clinical Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology, Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio I. EXCESSIVE VENERY.— Photopsia, conj., infl., blepharospasm. contract when object is carried to eye). Atrophy opt. nerve (may be first symptom.—Charcot). Marked insensibility to red and green, nystag- mus when object is observed closely. VARIOLA HEMORRHAGICA. Sub-conj. hem. RESPIRATION AND CIRCULATION. TYPHOID FEVER.—Corneal ulcers,2 paralysis of accommodative ap. and oc. muscles,2 dil. of pu- pil, atrophy opt. n.2 CORYZA.—Acute conjunctivitis. Robertson’s pupils are sometimes observed in other diseases of cord. CHRONIC PULMONARY CATARRH.—Chronic conjunctivitis. V TETANUS.—Strab. (precursor of death.—Wunder- lich.) KELAPSING FEVER.—InH. of choroid, cil. body and iris, opacities of vitreous, alternating pupils in convalescence.—! Peltzer.) NASAL CATARRH—Blennorrhoea, lach. sac. CEREBRAL CONGESTION.—Muscse volitantes, conjestion of fundus oculi.1 Opt. neuritis.1 NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIPHTHERIA.—Paresis of accommodation (also in slight diph. angina) of oc. muscles, conjunctivitis, metastatic tenonitis. {Am. Journ. Med Sci., Apr.. ’BO.)3 WHOOPING COUGH.—Sub-conj. hemorrhage, ex- ophthalmos, luxation of lens, retinal hem. (IMed- ical and Surgical Rep., Sept. 18,’80.)3 EMBOLISM CEREBRAL ARTERIES. Pupils dil., or contr., or alternating. APOPLEXY.—Pupil dil. (hem. into Pons contract- ed.—Nothinagle.). Atrophy optic nerve. PARALYIS OF CERV. SYMPATHETIC.—SIight ptosis and contr. of pupil, eye ball slightly soft.3 MALARlA.—Longitudinal infiltrations of cornea followed by ulceration. {Trans Med. Soc., N, J., ’Bl.)3 Ischemia of retina.2 Iritis.2 EMPHYSEMA. Intra-ocular hem. (Retina or vitreous, etc.)2 Retinal apoplexy precedes cerebral apoplexy fre- quently. SUFFOCATION.—Sub-conj. hem., retinal hem.2 CEREBRAL MILIARY ANEURISMS.—MiI. an. in retina. (Have only been recognized post mortem). IRRITATION OF CERVICAL SYMPATHETIC FROM ABSCESSES, TUMORS, ETC.—Pupils dil. CHOLERA.—Cyanosis of lids. Paresis of orbicu- laris. Diminished secretion of tears. Sub conj. and choroidal hem. Retinal art. very small, veins dark. During cold stage pupils smaller. TUBERCULOSIS.—Tubercle in choroid, iris, and ocular conj.2 PARALYSIS OF THIRD NERVE.—AII ocular muscles, except sup. oblique and ext. rectus, ptosis, loss of accommodation and pupil dil. PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, PNEUMONIA, PLEURO PNEUMONIA. —Pupils dil. (from irritation, sympathetic.) PACHYMINGITIS. Pupils contr. later dil. and fixed. TRICHINOSIS.—Par. oc. muscles, from migration of parasites 2 Dil. and fixed pupils.—(Kittee.)3 In impeded respiration, dilated pupils indicate effect of carbonic acid on medula. MENINGITIS AND CEREBRO SPINAL MEN.— Pupil contr. in first stage, dil. in second, opt. neuritis, neuro-retinitis, ptosis, paralysis ocular muscles; later, opt. nerve atrophy, or choroiditis, irido choroiditis, panophthalmitis (chiefly in children).1 FOURTH.—Movements of globe restricted downward and inward. PUERPERAL DISEASES.1 ABSCESSES.2 ERYSIPELAS (phlegmonous).2 DISSECTING WOUNDS.2 Septic embolism of eye. SlXTH.—Movements restricted outward. VENOUS OBSTRUCTION IN HEART OR LUNGS.—Intra-ocular hem.2 FAClAL.—Paralysis of orbicularis. THROMBOSIS, CAVERNOUS SlNUS.—Exoph- thalmos and panophthalmitis. ATHEROMA.—RetinaI hem. PURULENT MEN.—Ocular chemosis, exophthal- mos. PARALYSIS OF FIFTH.—Neuro paralytic ophth. (haziness, ulcers, and sloughing of cornea). The fatty crescents in cornea, above and below (arcus senilis), indicate fatty degeneration of arterial system only in exceptional instances—chiefly in children. The isolated paralysis of 3d, 4th, sth, 6th, motor br. of 7th—rare in brain disease; in some cases precedes it.2 Paralysis of single nerve with opt. neuritis, indicates brain disease. Auditory branch of 7th frequently becomes affected in brain tumors. Of the 6th and 7th together, al- ways brain disease. Strab., ptosis and wide dil. of pupils point to ventricular and basilar affec- tions.2 Contr. of pupil commencing meningitis, encephalitis and dement, paralytica. SYPHILIS.—Affects all parts of eye, except perhaps, lach. gland. («) Eye lids, chancer,2 ulcers.3 (b) Conjunctiva, gummata,2 mucous patches.2 (c) Cornea, interstitial infl. in the young. (d) Iris, 3or 4 percent, of all cases have iritis, (Four- nier) gum., mydriasis. (e) Sclera, gum. {Arch. Ophth., Dec., ’B2).3 (/) Cil. body, gum.,1 paralysis of accommodative ap. (g) Choroid, gum.,1 infl. of. (h) Retina, gum.,1 infl. of. (i) Opt. nerve, infl. of., gum.,1 atrophy1 from cere- bral affection, “ choked disk1,1 from gum. of the brain.1 (j) Oc. muscles, paralysis. The most frequent and often first sympt. of cerebral syph. (cer. syph. may appear 20 years after innoculation, is usually very late). Relative frequency: First the 3d, then optic, facial and Gth. Paralysis often incomplete, preceded by transient double vision. Seventy-five per cent, of cases of par. of mot. nerves of eye due to syph. 3d, oftenest, dangerous sympt. indicates intra-cranial disease at base of brain, which may involve cerebral cento s. BASILAR TUBERCULAR MEN.—lrregular move- ments of globes, excessive winking, nystagmus ; inequality of pupils, ptosis, strabismus, unilat- eral dil. of pupil, opt. neuritis. Later, dil. both pupils, double ptosis. INCREASED ARTERIAL PRESSURE.—RetinaI hem. H Y PERTROPHY) OF LEFT VENTRICLE.— Retinal hem. PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA.—Retinal hem. CHRONIC BASILAR MEN.—Paralysis of third, fourth and sixth, opt. neuritis and atrophy. INSUFFICIENCY OF AORTIC VALVES.—Pul- sation retinal arteries. HYDROCEPHALOUS. —Pupil dil. opt. neuritis; later, atrophy. LESION OF TUBERCULA QUADRIGEMINI.— Sudden and complete blindness, pupils dil. and fixed, with other symptoms of brain disease, negative ophthalmoscopic results.2 Lesion on one side produces blindness of other eye (Feourens). When right tuberculum is ir- ritated, both eyes deviate to left, and vice versa {“ conjugate deviation.”) ANEURISMS OF CAROTID, INNOMINATA AND AORTA.— Myosis from pressure on sympathetic.1 SEROUS EFFUSION INTO BRAIN.—Pupil dil. ANAEMIA OF BRAIN.--Pupils contr. VALVULAR DISEASES OF HEART, ENDO- CARDITIS AND CAROTID ANEURISMS.— Embolism of central artery of retina,2 or retinal branch.3 CONCUSSION OF BRAlN.—First stage, pupils contr. second, dil. GENERAL CEREBRITIS.—Opt. neuritis. CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES.—ParaIysis of 3d of same side, with par. of facial or of upper and lower extremities of opposite, conj. deviation of globes. EXHAUSTIVE HEMORRHAGES.—Atrophy opt. n. Monocular dil. of pupil, responding to light, indicates threatened brain disease. HEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS. Sub-conj. and intra oc. hemorrhage.1 BRAIN TUMORS (17.) “ A BSC ESSE'' (3 ) “ SOFTENING (2.) “ HEMORRHAGE (1.) Intra-oc. extrem- ity opt. nerve engorged and swollen, “chok- ed disk.” Conjugate deviation of eye often accompanied by rotation of head on its axis, is observed from lesion of different parts of cerebrum,1 often in vicinity of corpus striatum or cerebral peduncles. (Figures indicate relative frequency in twenty- three cases.—ilui 1-nos Jackson.) MIGRAINE.—Scotoma. During attack, globe re- tracted, pupils dil. Toward end, pupils contr. Sometimes these symptoms are reversed. 11. BRAIN TUMORS. —At first vision only slightly affected, later clonic spasm of oc. muscles, strab. and ptosis, pupils dil., vision lost. DIGESTIVE ORGANS. HEADACHE.—Due often to want of spectacles. In weak, nervous persons, pupils frequently dil. IX. VOMITING.— Sub-conj. hem. DISEASE OF CEREBELLUM.—Nystagmus. FRACTURE BASE OF SKULL.—Opt. neuritis, atrophy. HEMORRHAGE FROM STOMACH OR BOWELS.—Atrophy optic nerves.1 EPILEPSY.—Sub-conj., In in., dil. pupil at com- mencement of fit, temporary strab., atrophy opt. n., color nurse (red may be blue, etc.—H. Jackson), rotation of globes. HERPES ZOSTER OPHTHALMICUS.—uIcers of cornea. POISONS. ICTERUS.—Yellow staining of oc. conj. TIC DOLOROUX.—Orbicular spasm, contr. pupil, photophobia lachrymation, congestion or conj. OPIUM NARCOSIS—PupiIs contr., near death dil. SPLENIC LEUKEMlA.—Leukemic retinitis.1 HYSTERIA.—Lid tremor, uj watd rolßng'of globes. Amblyopia2 and temporary strab. {Centl. f. Augenh., May, ’BO.)3 OPIUM SMOKING.—PupiIs contr., puffy lids. ALCOHOL NARCOSIS.—Pup. contr. TEETH.—Very doubtful. (Foeksteb.) Paresis of motor nerves of eye.3 BASEDOW’S DISEASE —Exophthalmos, pupils dil., pulsation of retinal art.; upper lids follow globe only slightly, or not at all ; temporary paralysis of ocular muscles j1 mydriasis,1 necrosis of cornea and panophthalmitis. {Am. Journal Med. Sci., Oct. ’80).3 ALCOHOLISM.—AmbIyopia potatorum, opt. neuri- tis and atrophy. HYPERTROPHY, CIRRHOSIS AND CHRONIC DISEASE OF LIVER.—Night blindness.2 CHOREA.—Spasms of orbicularis or levator palpb , pupils dil., at times sluggish to light. TOBACCO NARCOSIS.—PupiIs contr. CHOLERA INFANTUM.—Eyes closed, pupils dil. CATALEPSY.—Pupils dil. and fixed, anaemia of fun- dus oculi. TOB A CCO S MOK I NG.—Amau rosis.2 INTESTINAL WORMS.—Amblyopia.3 CONVULSIONS OF CHILDHOOD.—(From teeth, worms, etc.)—Pnpils c< nir. strab., upward roll- ing of globes, later dil. of pupils, temporary ptosis. ANAESTHETICS.—PupiIs contr. LEAD POlSONlNG.—Paralysis of accommodative apparatus,1 oc. muscles,1 opt. neuritis,1 late* atrophy,1 pupils dil.1 CONSTIPATION OF BOWELS.—Retinal hem. (CL /. A., iv, 304.)3 VI. PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS. - Sudden strab., contr. pupils, ptosis, later dil. pupils. SKIN. BELLADONNA, HYOSCYAMUS STRAMe, lUM.—Par. of accommodative ap., pupil dil. 111. IDIOCY.—Strab. atrophy opt. n., nystagmus. ECZEMA, PSORIASIS AND IMPETlGO.—Con- junti vitis,even when vicinity of eye is not affected. URINARY ORGANS. CEREBRAL SCLEROSIS. Nystagmus, ptosis, paralysis oc. muscles, mydriasis, atrophy opt. n. ERYSIPELAS.—OrbitaI cellulitis, and atrophy of opt. n, through pressure ;2 abscess of lids, gan- grene;2 lagophthalmos, ectropion;1 septic embo- lism of globe. {Am. Journ Med. Sci. Oct., ’BO.)3 QUININE. (Large doses), hyperajmia of conj and fundus oculi (large repeated doses), visua. and color perception diminished, pupils fixed, anajsthesia of cornea, opt. n. pale, retinal art. contr.3 BRIGHTS’ DISEASE.—Retinitis albumnurica, ure- mic amaurosis, cataract.2 UREMIA OF PREGNANCY AND SCARLET FEVER.—Ret. alb. uremic am,1 GENERAL CEREBRAL PA R A LYSlS.—Pupils unequal, opt. neuritis, later atrophy opt. n. (41 out of 53 cases.—Albutt.) SALICYLIC ACID.—do.3 If, in acute mania, contr. of pupils occurs, general cere- bral paralysis is to be looked for. Other forms of insanity have sluggish pupils, opt. neuritis and atrophy, 60 per cent, have unequal pupils. If pupils react to light in blind persons, disease is beyond tubercula quadragemini. VII. SALICYLATE OF SODA.—Amblyopia.3 LITHMSMIA.—Opt. neuritis, double vision. DIABETES-—Cataract, iritis, retinitis.1 RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. CHLORAL.—Conjunctivitis. SANTONlNE.—Xanthopsia (“yellow vision”). BROMISM AND lODlSM.—Pupils first contr dil. and immovable. Pressure on brain, from whatever cause, produces dil. of pupil. RHEUMATISM.—Iritis, paralysis of oc. muscles. SCURVY'—Night blindness, sub-conj., hem. ERGOT, CONIUM, HYDROCYANIC pupils dil. IV. Irritation of brain from whatever cause, produces contr. of pupil. SEXUAL ORGANS. Dil. of pupil more frequently observed in brain diseases. SCROFULA.—Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, abscesses and ulcers of cornea, etc. JABORANDI AND CALABAR BEAII contr. lEMALE SEXUAL DISEASES.—No part of eye is exempt from influence of female diseases, ex- cept perhaps lach. apparatus. DIGITALIS. Globes prominent, pupils di. fixed. Contr. of pupil frequently observed in spinal diseases, dil. very rarely. If nasal half of right, and temporal of left retina is blind, disease is in left hemisphere, beyond chiasm (and vice versa).2 If one eye is blind lesion in front of chiasm.2 If both, at chiasm, or general brain disease. External halves of re- tina, fat. degen. of circles of Willis,3 Nasal halves ant. part of chiasm.3 VIII. ACONITE.—PupiIs dil., may be contr. PELVIC CELLUTITIS, UTERINE DISPLACE- MENTS, ANOMALIES OF MENSTRUA- TION, M ETRITIS, EN DO-METRITIS. CERVICITIS AND TUMORS.—Asthenopia, retinal hypenesthesia, etc., iritis. ACUTE AND CHRONIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. NITRATE OF SILVER.—Dark staining of e junctiva. ARSENIC.—(Edema of lids, conjunctivitis. CLIMACTERIC PERIOD.—Opt. neuritis, atrophy opt. n., iritis.1 MEASLES.—Conjunctivitis. lODOFORM.—Amblyopia.1 PUERPERAL DISEASE.—Septic embolism of globe.2 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY.—Uni- lateral contr. of pupils.1 SCARLATINA. (Uremic) amaurosis,2 retinitis with sometimes atrophy of opt. n. asthenopia. CHRONIC MYELITIS.—Opt. neuritis, paralysis of eye muscles, pupils contr. X. ANOMALIES OF MENSTRUATION.—Periodi- caIIy aggravate affections of lid and conj. TABES.—More than one-half have eye affections (Cyon). Early symptom, transient double vision (ChABCOT). Robertson’s (Argyll' pupils, (t. e., very small, do not respond to light, but VARIOLV—Lids swollen, abscesses and ulcers at margins, destruction of hair bulbs, conjunctivi- tis, pustules on oc. conj., sub-conj. hem., abscesses and ulcers of cornea leading to panophthalmitis ; interstitial keratitis, iritis (late), choroiditis, infl. lach. sac. INTENSE HEAT. Conjunctivitis, blepua iritis, retinitis, neuro-retinitis. Li ACT ATlON.—Asthenopi a. INTENSE COLD. Conjunctivitis, blepb ulcers and necrosis of cornea.2 CJHLOROSIS.—Opt. neuritis.1 1. Rare. 2. Very Rare. 2. Only a few cases on record- Published by Ji. G. JVicCJCpSDDAHP & CO., Columbus, Oh5- PRICE 25 C^'TS.