OBSERVATIONS RELATIVE TO LYMPHATIC HEARTS. JOSEPH J. ALLISON. M. D. {Extracted from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, for August, 1838.] PHILADELPHIA: E. G. DORSEY, PRINTER, LIBRARY STREET. 1838. OBSERVATIONS RELATIVE TO LYMPHATIC HEARTS. In 1832 Professor Muller of Berlin, discovered that the frog and some other reptiles of the orders Sauria and Batrachia,* are provided with organs, situated immediately under the skin, which exhibit dis- tinct pulsations like the heart? and he ascribes to them the function of propelling the lymph towards the veins. The existence of these organs in the remaining orders, Chelonia and Ophidia, and in the larva; of the Batrachia, was discovered by the author of the present paper in the summer of 1836? and a detailed account of them was pre- sented that year in his Inaugural Essay.t Muller denominates these organs lymphatic hearts, an objection- able term? inasmuch as the existence of a lymphatic system in rep- tiles, though generally admitted, is not absolutely proved. Thus Treviranus, among others, asserts that “all animals below the mam- * Muller found the lymphatic hearts in the frog, toad, green lizard, and sala- mander. (Philos. Transact., 1833, p. 49. Poggend. Annal., 1832, Hft. viii. See also his Physiology translated by Baly, 1837, p. 275.) Professor Panizza of Pavia, has also published an Essay on the subject, entitled “Sopra il Sistema linfatico dei rettili. Pav. 1833, fol.” Not having seen this latter author’s work, I am ignorant of the extent of his investigations; but he seems to have limited his inquiries to the animals in which lymphatic hearts had been discovered by Muller, as we would infer from the following passage in the Encyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, published in 1836. Under the head Amphibia, Mr. Bell says, “These lymphatic ventricles in the amphibia have still more recently received further examination and illustration from Prof. Panizza of Pavia, who published the result of his re- searches in 1833.” The term Amphibia is here used as synonymous with the old order Batrachia, including frogs, salamanders, &c. Panizza has, however, found these organs in the Coluber flavescens-, and Professor E. H. Weber has given an accurate description of the lymphatic hearts in a large species of serpent, the Python bivitatus. (See Muller's Physiol, translated, 1837, p. 275.) I saw a notice of the discovery two years after my own investigations were made. t In several of the mammalia, namely, the dog, cat. mouse, and rat, I have dis- covered pulsations in the ischiadic region, probably analogous to the lymphatic organs in reptiles. The pulsation was not that of an artery, for in young kittens its frequency was twice that of the pulmonary heart. Farther examination how- ever is necessary before I can decide with certainty upon the identity of the pul- sations in question, with those in reptiles. 4 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. malia have no entire lymphatic system.” Magendie* appears to entertain a similar view, and maintains with Spallanzanif that the appearance of lymphatics in reptiles is a deception resulting from the employment of refracted light, since the vessels in question belong to the sanguiferous system. The “Naturalist of Padua,” did not, how- ever, deny the existence of a lymphatic system in reptiles; on the con- trary, he believed, that independently of the blood-vessels, the animal economy is provided with small canals which contain only a serous or mucous fluid, “pourvue de canaux plus petits qui contiennent qv? Un liquid sereux ou mucoux.” I am aware that Professor E. H. Weber of Leipsig, and Panizza, profess to have seen lymphatics in the larvae of frogs. According to the former, they look at first view like a transparent border on each side of the veins; but the globules of blood are never seen to enter these borders, but from time to time, a round lymphatic globule passes along them, and which seems to move from -yLth to of the velocity of the blood—they vary from 0.003 to 0.00519 of a Parisian line. The transparent border referred to has been noticed before, and by Blainville attributed to the inner coat of the vessels being lined by a coat of serum. The same fact was observed by my preceptor. Dr. Darrach, in 1823. Weber’s views in relation to the transparent border referred to, are probably erroneous, since the existence of lymphatics in transparent tissues is often very difficult to prove; indeed Lippi is accused by Fohmann, Panizza, Rossi, Blandin, Cruveilhier, and others of having confounded lymphatics with veins in man; and it may be remarked that Breschet in speaking of the extreme minute ramifications of the * Mem. sur lesvaisseaux hjmphatiques des oiseaux, Journ. de Physiol. Yol. I. p. 47. Magendie found lacteals ramifying upon the mesentery of a sea tortoise, the only reptile, I think, in which he could detect them. What has been said in relation to the lymphatics does not apply to the lacteals, since not only have they been seen by Magendie, but by Hewson, Monroe, (the second,) Cruickshank, and Fohmann. Mr. Bell describes them as terminating in two thoracic ducts, &c.; and speaks also of the lymphatic system being developed to an extraordinary degree in the frog, as well as in some of the genera of this class; being found in numbers, and of considerable size, immediately under the skin.”—(Cyclopedia Anat. and Physiol., Art. Amphibia, 1836.) Query? How are we to distinguish lymphatics in reptiles—they have no glands —and many veins are colourless when running through transparent tissues even in man? The jorm of Lymph globules had not been discriminated, so as to serve for a test, when the supposed discoveries had been made. t Exp. Sur. La. Circulation. Diss. Seconde, p. 280; and Diss. 1. Exp. XXVIII. LXVill., LXIX., LXX, Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. 5 central artery of the retina, says that there must exist veins which are colourless, and of such extreme tenuity that we shall in vain attempt to distinguish them from lymphatics. How much more diffi- cult then to distinguish lymphatics in such an animal as the tadpole! Since writing the above, I find my doubts in relation to the trans- parent border, strengthened by the observations of the translator of Muller’s Physiology, who, in a note to that work, (p. 286,) states that M. Poiseuille—[Him. ties Seienc. Nat. Fevr., 1836, t. v. iii.) while watching the circulation in the capillaries, perceived that occa- sionally a globule of blood is thrown into the transparent space at the side of the current, and immediately loses its rapid motion; that it becomes quite stationary for a time if wholly without the current, while if only partly immersed in the transparent space, it is rolled along as it were by the blood moving rapidly over it. M. Poiseuille inferred from these observations, that there is in contact with the pa- rietes of the vessels a layer of liquor sanguinis which does not move; and he states that M. Girard has demonstrated, that in case of inert tubes of small diameter, the portion of a fluid moving through them, which is in contact with their parietes,is stationary. The appearances above described have been observed by Prof. Weber, and attributed by him, but less correctly, to the motion of lymph globules in lym- phatics surrounding the blood-vessels. The bodies which move thus slowly and irregularly along the sides of the current of blood are, for the most part at least, globular as he states, but they are certainly within the blood-vessels; they are evidently moved, as Poiseuille describes, by the same force that moves the current of blood, and are occasionally seen to re-enter this current. Miiller bases his doctrine of the function of the pulsating ven- tricles, on the fact, that we can inject the entire venous system from the organs in question. But we are not to infer from this circum- stance that there is a connexion between the venous system and lym- phatic organs, and such as he would imply, inasmuch as it is a well attested fact, that when a fine injection is thrown into the arteries of the belly it readily escapes from the internal substance of the intes- tines; when thrown into the vena portce it returns not only by the veins and hepatic artery, but also through the excretorv ducts; when thrown into the eraulgent artery it soon passes into the eraulgent vein —into the pelves of the kidneys and the ureter. Notwithstanding the above, we do not conclude, says Velpeau, that the blood during life is continually transuding into the alimentary canal, nor that it passes from the vessels of the liver into the hepatic ducts, or from the kidneys into the tubuli uriniferi and ureters. The injections employed are of 6 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. too penetrating a nature not to go wherever it may be desired to send them. Again, Magendie observed that when air was forced into the venous system of animals, the fluid passed from the pulmonary artery into the cellular tissue of the lungs, producing emphysema of these organs; and finally into the arteries of the body. In cases of artificial respi- ration, air is thus sometimes forced into the vascular system. In proof of this assertion, a case is related by Professor Jackson, in his lectures, of a man who died of hydrophobia, in whose arteries were found quantities of air; which fact is accounted for by Dr. J. from the powerful action of the respiratory muscles, at the time when the rima glottidis was spasmodically closed. It has been maintained by Shultz and Broussais, (supported by ob- servation,) that the capillary tissue is a cellular structure to which the arteries and veins perform the office of vasa atterentia, and vasa ett'erentia—and a somewhat similar view in relation to the vascular net-work character of this tissue, is entertained by Breschet, Cru- veilhier and Mascagni, who maintain, however, that the vessels are lymphatics which form the tissue. This view seems to be supported by the microscopical observations of Professor Arnold of Zurich, and the injections of Fohmann in relation to the cellular tissue at the back of the eye. If either of these opinions be correct, we may rfeadily account for the injection passing from the lymphatic hearts into the vascular system. Our knowledge then being still vague in relation to the lymphatic ventricles, it would be better to call them the anterior or scapular, and posterior or ischiadic pulsating organs. The following descrip- tions of these organs are drawn up from observations made in nume- rous dissections. Subcutaneous Sacs. [Poches sous-cutanees of Duges.) In the frog and other reptiles, the skin is not, as in most animals, a tight envelope. The lines of adhesion along the back, (one for either side,) commence at the ischiadic region, and pass forwards, diverging so as to form a boundary between the dorsum and flanks. At the head the adhesions are close and strong. The flanks have corresponding adhesions. The two orders of attachments give rise to a free space on either side of several lines in breadth; constituting a subcutaneous sac, termed by Duges the lateral. There are attachments of another character be- tween the muscles and integuments; viz: capillaries, which are especially numerous about the hinge-like process constituting the pelvis. These vessels, in general, pass obliquely outwards and back- wards from the depressed raphe of the back to the integuments, so as to allow considerable looseness to the skin. Many of these capillaries Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. 7 being coloui’less, doubtless owing to refracted light, have probably been mistaken for lymphatics. In the frog there are numerous subcutaneous sacs, which have been delineated by M. Duges;* and according to him are in all twenty-two in number. Of these, four are symmetrical, namely,—the dorso-cra- nienne, sous-maxillaire,thoracique and abdomino-sus-palmaire. Those in pairs are,—the lateral, iliaque, brachiale, femoral, susfemoral, interfemoral, jambiere, sus-plantaire, and plantaire. The subcutaneous sacs are of two kinds—a distinction omitted by our author. The one containing lymph, (lymphraume of Muller,) the other an aeriform fluid; the latter, it is probable, furnished the gas ob- tained by Edwards, when frogs were caused to respire in hydrogen. The volume of gas thus procured, is said to have equalled the animal’s bulk in a very short time; and could the entire bulk have been exhaled from the blood? Cutaneous sacs exist in the tadpole, and in all those animals in which the lymphatic hearts are found, the same general arrangement prevails. Subcutaneous Fluid.—Muller views the subcutaneous fluid as identical with lymph; but it has not been analysed. He alludes to its coagulability—and this only. Until better acquainted with its office, I shall name this the subcutaneous fluid, not to add to the am- biguity in relation to the term lymph. According to Brande’s analy- sis, the subcutaneous fluid must be viewed as a distinct fluid, as it contains a notable portion of albumen, while lymph has so little as not to coagulate except by galvanism. The former has a decided alkaline reaction, which the latter has not. On the contrary, accord- ing to M. Raspail’s analysis, the analogy is more close. The subcutaneous fluid may be obtained in considerable quantity. At first it presents the appearance of an aqueous fluid, which soon becomes viscous, and finally coagulates. It separates into a coagulum and serum. The former is jelly-like, and nearly colourless. The taste of lymph is slightly saline, and restores colour to reddened litmus, a circumstance, however, which does not imply that a free alkali exists, for, according to Dr. Stephens, the supercarbonated alkalies as they exist in the blood, have the above effect, at the same time acting as salts in giving to blood its arterial hue. O o A quantity of the subcutaneous fluid having been received into a watch glass, was examined with the microscope. In about five minutes crystals were noticed forming rapidly across the mass, no correspond- ing motion, however, being observable among the globules themselves; * Recherches sur L’ Osteologie et Myologie du Batraciens, a lew differences ages, if-c. Avec 20 planchas. Par Ant. Duges, Prof, ala Faculte de Medecin de Montpellier, &c. 1835. Paris. 8 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. but as the crystallization shot forwards, the globules of the fluid be- came separately a new centre of crystallization, forming altogether a beautiful appearance. These crystals resemble those of the hydro- chlorate of ammonia, depicted in Raspail’s Organic Chemistry. (Plate VI., fig. 12.) They have been detected in the saliva before eating—in urine, and in the serum of the blood. These crystals bear no resem- blance to those represented by Sir E. Home, (Comp. Anat., Vol. VI., p. 8,) which were found deposited in the coagulable lymph of an aneurismal tumour, since the latter approached the rhomboidal form, &c. The subcutaneous fluid exhibits under the microscope innumerable particles, which Muller has not noticed, and of no uniform size; in this respect resembling those of the blood; for according to Milne Edwards, the blood globules of the Eana temporia vary from TiTth to Ty:o-th of a line in diameter. They may be seen by a lens of very moderate power. These particles are not those of air—there is a pe- culiar hyaline aspect in the one, which the other has not; a circum- stance by which the practised eye can never be deceived. Air bub- bles moreover seldom assume the regular elliptical form; other points of resemblance may indeed be sufficiently striking to deceive the most experienced eye. We see here and there in the midst of the clot, patches of serum, the particles of which have a free motion among themselves; a fact which supports the opinion advanced by Berzelius and substantiated by Muller, that the coagulation of the blood results from the fibrin dissolved in the serum, and is wholly independent of its globules; a theory opposed to that entertained by Home, Prevost and Dumas, and others. Between the particles of the coagulum and those of the serum, no sensible difference could be discovered. The globules of the subcutaneous fluid have a tendency to collect into clusters; but I have not detected any arborescent arrangement, as has been affirmed to take place in the blood of reptiles and that of man. It is true we can cause a sort of mesh-work, when the lymph is placed between slips of glass, as recommended by Lister and Hodgkin; but a similar appearance forms in water under like circumstances; the appearance being wholly unlike that of the blood.* * Muller in his Physiology, which we have seen since the preceding observa- tions were made, gives more definite information respecting the lymph. He ob- serves that by drying the fibrinous coagulum of a known quantity of lymph, and then weighing it, eighty-one parts of frog’s lymph contain one part of dry fibrine. a proportion which seems remarkably large. If frogs are kept for a long time, their lymph ceases to be coagulable; the same is more or less true of the blood. He speaks also of the globules, which he says are one-fourth the size of those Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. 9 The author has studied, with some attention, the structure of these globules, but as the accuracy of his observations require to be further tested, he defers publishing his researches till a future period, when he will offer a theory as to the nature of the fluid itself, illustrating the capability of the animal economy of resisting those external in- fluences, which would otherwise prove its destruction. Pulsating Organs in the J,arvx of the Frog.—These become visi- ble in the tadpole about the period when the external branchiae ap- pear; they lie immediately under the skin, on either side of the dorsal line of the body. The following figure (1) represents these organs in a tadpole immediately after the absorption of the external branchial apparatus; the anterior a, and posterior b, seem continuous, which renders it difficult to appreciate their respective motions, but the distinction becomes obvious as the animal grows. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. The distinction between the two sets of organs is well seen in a tadpole of the size represented by the accompanying figure (2), of which a are the anterior and b the posterior organs. The following cut {fig. 3) represents the anterior organs in a larva advanced in its developement, the legs being about to appear. After skinning the ani- mal, we see behind the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra, at the point a, a black diaphanous space, which pulsates regularly. The posterior pulsating organs are situated along the caudal vein, and generally at those points where the four or five anterior branches are received. Their general appearance is that of gelatinous bub- bles, probably cellular substance in the amorphous state of Meckel, and not assuming the type of that tissue till the animal is fully developed. This fact supports Tiedemann’s assertion, that cellular tissue possesses a contractile power differing from elasti- city. The following figures exhibit the posterior organs in tadpoles during their different stages of develope- Fig. 3. of the blood, and are round and not flattened; thus differing from those of the blood. Muller’s observations likewise confirm our remark in relation to the globules of the lymph having no share in the coagulation. (Muller's Physiology, 1837.) 10 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. ment, showing that as the tail disappears the relative space occupied by the pulsations becomes proportionately lessened. Fig. 4, represents a full grown larva of the Ranapipiens, the hinder legs of which have just protruded. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. In the opposite spe- cimen {Jig- 5) all four legs are out, the lungs are considerably ad- vanced towards their function, being partly tubulated, and partly cellulated. Fig. 6. Fig. 6, represents a tadpole, the tail of which is nearly gone. In all the above figures, letter a refers to the posterior pulsating organs. Fig. 7 is intended to repre- sent the motion communicated bj the pulsations to the maculx scat- tered throughout their substance; showing, in fact, their own motion. a, Caudal vein; b, situation of the pulsations, being mostly below the vessel. The pulsations give rise to corresponding locomotion of the branches sent off'from the caudal vein, and frequently to the main trunk itself, which is represented in the cut by featherless arrows. The pulsating organs present black maculx, which, as they recede from the organs in question, become more and more scattered; and it is by their presence that we are enabled to study the motions of the pulsations, which, from their transparency, would have been difficult. During the dilatation of the hearts, these maculae rush from a circum- Fig. 7* * Figs. 7 and 8 are magnified views. Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts, gl 11 ference towards the centre, and the light is simultaneously reflected as by a bubble of air. These motions are exhibited by Tig. 7, which also shows a magnified view of some of these maculae. When viewed in the direction of the animal’s length, the lymphatic ventricles become prominent during each dilatation, and when viewed in a certain light a depression will be noticed to follow the contrac- tion. The pulsations are not always synchronous with those of the same pair, nor with the opposite pair; this is seen in Fig. 8, for when a contracted b dilated. The pulsation of the caudal vein I noticed but once, although sought for with different lights and powers, and in one specimen for two hours; the contraction is represented in the accompanying figure by the dotted semicircle at c.* Hence, it must be evident that the pulsations of the lymphatic organs are not dependent upon those of the caudal vessel, t Fig. 8. interior pulsations in the Frog.—Marshall Hall, in his Essay on the Blood, describes a vessel of the frog which pulsates independently of the heart, and brings forward this fact as proof of arterial contrac- tility. Professor Muller proves the supposed artery to be a vein, and its action to depend, not upon an irritability of its own, but on that of the adjacent cellular tissue. He views the pulsation as produced by a distinct organ, which he calls the ‘ ‘■anterior lymphatic heart.” The anterior pulsating organs are two in number, one. for either side, and are situated beneath the posterior angle of the scapula at * There was extravasated blood in the pulsations which diminished in bulk simultaneously with the contraction. The curve of the vessel would become nearly straight during the continuance of the pulsation, and locomotion commu- nicated at the same time to the branch d. + The following figures are intended to represent the rela- tive position which the lym- phatic organs assume in dif- ferent stages of the tadpole’s growth. The horizontal line exhibits the entire length of the tadpole, while a repre- Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 sent the situation of the eyes, h of the anterior and c of the posterior pulsating organs. The figures 1 and 2, though not lettered, will be readily understood by comparing them with figure 3. I should have stated elsewhere that the lymphatic organs in the early stage of the tadpole must not be confounded with the “ciliary motion” spoken of by Sharp- less and others. 12 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. the extremity of the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra. Each “heart” consists of two portions, the posterior of which is the greater and of a triangular form. To obtain a good view of the anterior pulsating organs, it is neces- sary to expose the abdominal cavity, and reflect back the triangular membrane, which lies over and obscures its motion; several layers of cellular tissue bound firmly over the heart may also be dissected off. The pulsations then become very distinct. Another view may be ob- tained by reflecting the skin from the back, and cutting away a por- tion of the scapula, which Muller considers the better view. In the toad the anterior hearts are remarkably distinct, and in order to ob- tain a doi’sal view of them the scapula need not be removed. Hall describes the vessel emerging from the scapular pulsations as a branch of each of the arteries, which, after separating a short dis- tance from the pulmonary heart, rejoin, and form the aorta. A favour- ite theory has evidently misled our author. The vessel, in fact, which proceeds forwards from the organ parallel to the vertebral column, is a vein, which unites with another from the occiput; the small trunk produced by this union, namely, the jugular vein, now descends, receives branches from the scapula and axilla, and finally from the region of the throat, then ends in the vena cava superior, at the place where the great veins of the arm enter the latter. In order to observe to advantage the supposed artery of Dr. Hall, we must dissect away the tissues exterior to the vessel; a good view may also be obtained from the back by cutting off a portion of the scapula. The blood in the trunk and auxiliary branches will be found to oscil- late at each dilatation of the organ, and then resume the venous cur- rent; simultaneously with the dilatation, the vessel in question is drawn towards the organ itself with considerable force, becoming at the same time contracted and pale. Marshall Hall, then, is correct when he asserts this fact, but his inference is erroneous. He views the contractions as that of an artery resulting from an inherent con- tractile power; whereas it arises from tension of the vein, exerted by an exterior force. The same remarks apply with equal force to Muller’s views. He conceives the vessel to dilate simultaneously with the contractions of the lymphatic organs. True, but the dilatation depends upon the tension being removed which had contracted the vessel, and not from distension of fluid forced into the vein from the lymphatic heart, as he would imply. In order to destroy the function of the anterior organ it may be- come necessary to dissect away many layers of cellular tissue, when the locomotion of the vessel itself will also generally cease. The Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. neglect of this precaution may in part account for Dr. Hall’s error in asserting that the vessel will be seen plainly to pulsate after the de- struction of the above mentioned tissue. It is possible, however, that the vessel may have pulsated independently of the lymphatic and pulmonary organs, inasmuch as certain veins possess in themselves an inherent contractile power, as I shall endeavour to establish in a future paper. By making an incision into the anterior pulsating organ, we can inject air or mercury into the subcutaneous sacs of the axilla, thence into the vena jugularis, vena cava superior, auricle, ventricle, and finally into the arterial system; the pulsating organs will still continue their function. According to Muller, the anterior lymphatic hearts receive the lymph from the anterior portion of the body, and probably also from the intestinal canal, in order to send into the jugular vein.* This assertion I have not verified, not having been able to detect the actual flow of lymph into the venous system, from either the anterior or posterior pulsating organs. It is proper to remark, however, that having on one occasion pressed my finger upon the anterior heart, that I noticed globules of a fluid to enter the vessel in question, and distend it very much. The lymphatic sac immediately anterior to the organ, became likewise turgid. The distension of the vein, however, probably resulted from accumulation of fluid, from the pressure neces- sarily exerted upon the neighbouring vessels. Posterior Pulsating Organs in the Frog.—These were discovered by Miiller. They are situated in the ischiadic region, and lie imme- diately under the skin. When we remove the integuments, which is generally unnecessary in order to detect them, there are noticed two blackish triangular-like depressions in the region indicated, one on either side, which have distinct pulsations averaging about 80 per minute.t In the Rana fontinalis their length, parallel to the axis of * Muller, estimating the capacity of each of the lymphatic hearts at one cubic line, calculates that the quantity of lymph which they would project into the veins in a minute, supposing that they empty themselves entirely at each con- traction, would he 4x60 = 240 cubic lines, since they contract about sixty times per minute. But they expel only a part of their contents at each contraction.— Elements of Physiology, translated by Baly.—p. 286. t Muscular spasms, ipc. are apt lo deceive, being often mistaken by the inexpe- rienced observer for the pulsations themselves. When we seek for the pulsations in the tadpole through the microscope, the motion of the eyelids is a frequent source of deception, for the least motion being reflected from the glass, seems like a pulsation in the animal itself. 14 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. Fig. 9. the body, is about two lines, and their breadth one line and a half. The ischi- adic artery and vein, accompanied by the crural nerve, in their exit from the pelvis, pass beneath the outer margin of these organs. The accompanying figure (9) repre- sents the lymphatic hearts in the Rana halecina; a, position of the anterior pul- sating organ (dorsal view); b, the pos- terior pulsating organ bounded anteriorly by the coccygeal muscle, which is seen in the figure just above the cloaca. When the ischiadic organs contract, motion is communicated simultaneously to the coccygeal muscles and tissues adjacent, and we often see a perceptible locomotion of the vessels of the thigh as they pass through the organ. Fig. 10. Fig. 10 presents an enlarged view of the posterior organ of the left side. The arrows indicate the irregular dilatation which is ren- dered evident in the animal itself, by the presence of black maculae, scattered here and there through the tissue. The posterior outer angle b, elevated itself with each contraction, and the internal structure of the organ separated into globular por- tions not unlike the rudimental pulsations as they exist in the larvae. In the specimen from which the drawing was taken, a bubble as of air was noticed at the point c, which had a motion corresponding to that indicated by the arrow. Simultaneously with the dilatation of the organ, a brownish-red fluid was also noticed, which disappeared with the contractions—a circumstance not uncommon. We may obtain a posterior view of the organs from the abdomi- nal cavity; and when the pelvic or hinge-like bone is elevated, it be- comes evident that the corresponding hearts are separated from each other by the interposed rectum. The maculae of the pulsating organs consist of two distinct por- tions; the pigment, properly so called, and numerous gritty-like granules enveloped in a cellular capsule. These granules present under the microscope an opaline appearance, and seem to be made up of others, which give to their surface a studded botryoidal appearance. Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. 15 The pulsations of the organs do not depend upon the superficial cellular tissue, for this may be removed, together with the black granules constituting the maculae, so as to leave a line in depth, without the function of the organ being necessarily destroyed; (in one specimen, when the last layer of the tissue had been dissected oft’, colourless globules, suspended in a fluid, passed out in a vortex.) Neither does the pulsation depend upon the ischiadic vessels, since the latter, were it ever so great, would be inadequate, inasmuch as it is one, sui generis—the pulsations continuing when the vessels and pulmonary heart are destroyed. A fact better demonstrated in the tadpole. Anteriorly to the lymphatic hearts there is on either side a subcu- taneous sac termed by Duges iliac, containing a fluid often mixed up with a gas. Pressure on this sac renders the pulsating organs turgid, the fluids accumulating within, and this condition ceases on the removal of the pressure. The distension of the organ does not destroy its func- tion. The fluid in this sac frequently oscillates, owing to an impulse from the lymphatic heart, the oscillation being greater in its vicinity. In order to notice this oscillation, the bubbles of the fluid must be continuous, since if they be isolated by pressure, the motion cannot be communicated from the fluid in the organ to that in the sac, a cir- cumstance which favours the idea of a direct communication between them, which I think I have seen in my dissections. The fluid in the sac could not have been put into motion from mere contiguity of tis- sue. When the sacs are distended, and the pressure removed, the fluid escapes through the medium of the organs into the adjoining sacs. We often see bubbles of gas in the vessels, in the immediate vicinity of the lymphatic organs in the frog, tortoise and other reptiles. I have also detected a free gas circulating in the blood-vessels of several of the mammalia, both in arteries and veins. The inflation of the posterior pulsating organs tills a lymphatic sac lying under the skin at the posterior extremity of the abdomen: another between the abdominal muscles and peritoneum, in the same situation on either side. Muller affirms that a large lymphatic vessel with thin coats becomes filled, leading in an upper direction to the arteria iliaca, and appears to come in contact with that of the oppo- site side, ascends towards the aorta abdominis like the ductus tho- racis, but the vein cannot be further inflated in an upward direction, and thinks that it is possible that lymph of the posterior of the abdo- men goes to the posterior lymphatic hearts, while the lymph of the 16 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. intestinal canal and anterior of the abdomen goes to the anterior lymphatic hearts. If the lymphatic organ be further inflated in an upward direction of the animal, a superficial vessel becomes filled, which proceeds from the back into the organ. The inflation of the posterior heart fills the abdominal sacs generally. We can also inflate the spaces of the thighs, and sometimes those of the legs to the extremity of the toes; several ounces of mercury can thus be forced into a small frog, and by using the coarse injection a pretty preparation of the different subcutaneous spaces may be obtained. The lymph sacs of the ischiadic region, and those of the thigh communicate, inasmuch as we can in- ject the one set from the other. The connection of the posterior lymphatic organs with the venous system merit attention. The veins of the hinder extremities are the vena cruralis and the vena ischiadica, these unite above the thigh by a large transverse anastomosis. The vena iliaca is the continuation of the vena ischiadica; these become the venae renales advehentes Jacob- soni, which pass into the kidneys after receiving branches from the posterior region of the abdomen. The transverse anastomosis of the vena cruralis and vena ischiadica passes in the regio pubis into the vena abdominis anterior impar, so that both cross veins unite in a semicircle, from the middle convexity of which the vena abdominis anterior springs, while the extremities of the semicircle pass behind into the vena ischiadica. The vena abdominis anterior, receives the blood of the abdominal muscles, and, as happens in all amphibia, passes to the vena portse of the liver.* Thus the blood of the poste- rior of the body, says Muller, does not immediately reach the vena cava inferior, but, according to Jacobson, first passes through the vena advehens of the liver and the venae advehentes of the kidneys. The venae advehentes of the kidneys, and the vena advehens anterior cum vena portae become filled with air each time the lymphatic hearts of the regio ischiadica is inflated, while the air passes into the vena ischiadica which lies under the lymphatic heart through the venous branch, and then passes further, partly through the venous semicircle into the venae renalis, and veins of this side, partly through the venous semicircle into the venae renalis advehentes of the other side, and into the venae abdominis anterior;! thus from either organ we can inject * Venous system cited by Muller from Jacobson in Meckel Archiv. fur Physi- ologie, 1817.—p. 147. t In the amphibia, as in the mammifera and birds, there is found a vena portal system, only much more extensive, since, from the researches of Bojanus^(Ad- Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. 17 the extreme branches of the toes, the mesentery, liver, kidneys, oeso- phagus, &c. Pulsating Organs in the Sauria.—Their relative situation is the same as in the salamander and larvoe of the frog; but in the Tropi- dolepis undulatus, it is difficult to find the posterior organs, since they are concealed by muscles. Muller found the organs in the green lizard, and he says it is only necessary to skin the animal in order to detect them; hence the facility of distinguishing the pulsations must be greater in some of the Sauria than in others. Fig. 11 represents the Tropidolepis undulatus: a indicates the situation of the posterior organ. Fig. 11. Pulsating Organs in the Ophidia.■—l found it difficult to discover these organs in the snake, owing to the oscillations into which its numerous muscles are thrown when it is skinned. I eventually suc- ceeded, however, by taking advantage of the fact, that water of a certain temperature destroys muscular irritability in the frog, while the functions of the pulmonary heart are not sensibly affected. A snake (Coluber sirtalis) was immersed in water at 120° F., convulsions soon followed, and the animal became permanently rigid; the animal being skinned, the pulsations were readily detected above the cloaca, and presented a cellular appearance of several lines in length. A very good view may also be obtained from the abdominal cavity as in the frog. The pulsations are partly concealed by muscles. After having once seen the pulsations of the lymphatic organs in the snake, they may be readily distinguished from muscular oscilla- tions. In the snake the subcutaneous fluid is not so great in proportion as in the frog and toad. versar Anat. Yol. Y., p. 24), not only the veins of the stomach, the intestinal canal, the spleen and pancreas, but moreover, those of the posterior extremities and integuments of the belly contribute in forming the vena port®. 18 Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. Fig, 12, Pulsating Organs in the Chelonia.—l discovered the lymphatic organs in the Cistuda clausa. In order to obtain a view of the posterior pulsations in this animal, take oft’ the hinder hinge of the plastron, and then skin the thigh till the cellular tissue is fully exposed; this is to be carefully separated from its connections with the carapace, or upper shell, when the pulsations will be found in the ischiadic region, being re- markably distinct and strong. The posterior organs are seen in the annexed cut, Jig. 12, a. The following table exhibits the frequency of the lymphatic organs in seventeen individuals, compared, in some instances, with the pul- monary heart and respiration, in which case they were counted imme- diately after each other, the time thus occupied being about five minutes for each specimen. The lymphatic hearts were counted before the knife was resorted to. Lymphatic Hearts. Throat. Pulmonary Heart. ’100.80.64 58. 120. 160. 100.68. _60.56, 120* 160.t 120. 100.68. In Frogs. 105 *lt is generally thought that cold-blooded animals breathe slowly- In proof of this, Dr. Stevens affirms, that a young alligator, though agitated from having been laid hold of, breathed from three to four times in a minute. (Stevens on the Blood, p. 35.) This by no means holds good in relation to the frog, since their respirations are more frequent than in man: respiration in the latter being, on an average, from 14 to 27 per minute. t Whytt makes pulsations of the pulmonary heart, when exposed, about 65 per minute. Spallanzani and Dr. Edwards, I think, make the same average, and Fontana nearly the same. Allison’s Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. T 60.80. 120.80. 160.120. 80. 120.80.68 100.80, • 100. 200. 160. 200. 160.88. '■‘50.60. 60. 130.120 48.40.60. 120. 120. >ln tadpoles. From the preceding table vve may draw, among other inferences, the following: First. That the pulsations of the lymphatic organs vary in differ- ent specimens from 60 or less to 200 per minute. Secondly. That they vary in the same individual so as sometimes to double themselves in frequency. Thirdly. That the lymphatic pulsations bear no fixed relation to those of the pulmonary heart, or to respiration, the lymphatic hearts being on an average of a greater frequency. At a future period I shall offer a summary of experiments relative to the connection which subsists between the functions of the pulsat- ing organs with the circulation and respiration.* * Since the present paper was in type, I discovered (July 4th) the lymphatic hearts in Fishes; viz. in the sunfish, catfish, perch, &c. They were seen by Professors Jaeger and Henry, of Princeton College, and by Mr. William Rogers, of that institution, who assisted me in my experiments. My investigations rela- tive to the Lymphatic Hearts in Fishes will shortly be published.