GENERAL ORDERS, No. 168. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, December 28, 1865. I..The following named Major Generals and Brigadier Generals of Volunteers are hereby honorably mustered out of the service of the United States, to date from January 15, except those serving in the State of Texas, whose muster-out will date from February 1, 1866: Major Generals. David Hunter. William S. Rosecrans. John G. Parke. Gordon Granger. George Sykes. David S. Stanley. Alfred Pleasanton. Andrew J. Smith. Grenville M. Dodge. John Gibbon. Peter J. Osterhaus. Joseph A. Mower. George Crook. Godfrey Weitzel. William B. Hazen. Wesley Merritt. Charles Griffin. George A. Custer. WTilliam H. Emory. Robert B. Potter. Giles A. Smith. Brigadier Generals. Alpheus S. Williams. Orlando B. Wilcox, (Brevet Major General.) Henry W. Benham, (Brevet Major General.) WTilliam F. Barry, (Brevet Major General.) John G. Barnard, (Brevet Major General.) Innis N. Palmer, (Brevet Major General.) John Newton. John P. Hatch, (Brevet Major General.) Albin Schoepf. 2 Richard W. Johnson, (Brevet Major General.) Zealous B. Tower, (Brevet Major General.) John W. Davidson, (Brevet Major General.) Eugene A. Carr, (Brevet Major General.) Robert B. Mitchell. Rufus Saxton, (Brevet Major General.) Charles Devens, (Brevet Major General.) Samuel W. Crawford, (Brevet Major General.) Henry W. Wessells. John W. Geary, (Brevet Major General.) John C. Caldwell, (Brevet Major General.) Samuel P. Carter, (Brevet Major General.) Washington L. Elliott, (Brevet Major General.) Albion P. Howe, (Brevet Major General.) Benjamin S. Roberts, (Brevet Major General.) August Willich, (Brevet Major General.) William Hays. John H. King, (Brevet Major General.) Israel Vogdes. Lewis C. Hunt. Robert O. Tyler, (Brevet Major General.) A. T. A. Torbert, (Brevet Major General.) Michael K. Lawler, (Brevet Major General.) William Dwight. John D. Stevenson. James Barnes, (Brevet Major General.) Samuel Beatty, (Brevet Major General.) Thomas C. H. Smith. Hugh Ewing, (Brevet Major General.) Charles T. Campbell. Henry H. Sibley, (Brevet Major General.) Joseph J. Bartlett, (Brevet Major General.) John P. Hawkins, (Brevet Major General.) Edward A. Wild. Gustavus A. De Russy. Benjamin H. Grierson, (Brevet Major General.) Alexander S. Webb, (Brevet Major General.) William D. Whipple. John B. Sanborn, (Brevet Major General.) 3 Jasper A. Maltby. Thomas K. Smith, (Brevet Major General.) Manning F. Force, (Brevet Major General.) Augustus L. Chetlain, (Brevet Major General.) Philip R. de Trobriand, (Brevet Major General.) Christopher C. Andrews, (Brevet Major General.) Edward M. McCook, (Brevet Major General.) Edward Hatch, (Brevet Major General.) August V. Kautz, (Brevet Major Genera].) John F. Hartranft, (Brevet Major General.) Samuel S. Carroll, (Brevet Major General.) Selden Connor. Martin D. Hardin. Charles J. Paine, (Brevet Major General.) Joseph A. Cooper, (Brevet Major General.) Charles C. Walcutt, (Brevet Major General.) James D. Fessenden. Eli Long, (Brevet Major General.) Thomas W. Egan, (Brevet Major General.) Joseph R. Hawley, (Brevet Major General.) Isaac H. Duval. John Edwards. Thomas C. Devin, (Brevet Major General.) Alfred Gibbs, (Brevet Major General.) Ranald S. Mackenzie, (Brevet Major General.) James R. Slack. Thomas J. Lucas, (Brevet Major General.) George L. Beal. Henry G. Thomas. Cyrus Hamlin, (Brevet Major General.) Benjamin F. Potts. N. M. Curtis. (Brevet Major General.) Carlos J. Stolbrand. L. C. Baker. James S. Brisbin. Joseph H. Potter. James M. Warner. Oliver Edwards. Joseph E. Hamblin. 4 James W. Forsyth. Richard H. Jackson, (Brevet Major General.) William Wells, (Brevet Major General.) Charles H. Morgan. William T. Clark. William B. Woods. Robert F. Catterson. Americus V. Rice. William H. Penrose. Francis T. Sherman. William Gamble. C. H. Vanwyck. William B. Tibbitts. Morgan H. Chrystler. 11.. of absence for thirty days from the date of muster-out is hereby granted to all officers of the Regular Army going out of the Volunteer service under this order, at the expiration of which time they will report for duty with their proper regiments, or to their Chief of Corps or Department. 111.. All officers belonging to the personal staff of the General Officers above named will immediately return to their appropriate duties, if belonging to the Regular Army or Volunteer forces still retained in the service; all others will be honorably discharged, to date from the time of muster-out of the officers with whom they may be serving. IV-.Generals commanding Military Divisions will report, without delay, to the Adjutant General of the Army, the names of all General Officers of their commands, not included in the above order, whose services can be dispensed with without detriment to the service. By order of the President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.