GENERAL ORDERS, No 138. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, September 16, 1865. To provide for the transportation required by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands- It is ordered, That upon the requisition of the Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioners of the Bureau, transportation be furnished such destitute Refugees and Freedmen as are dependent upon the Gov- ernment for support, to points where they can procure employment and subsistence and support themselves, and thus relieve the Government, provided such transportation be confined by Assistant Commissioners within the limits of their jurisdiction. 2d. Free transportation on Government transportsand U. S. Military railroads will be furnished to such teachers only of Refugees and Freedmen, and persons laboring voluntarily in behalf of Refugees and Freedmen, as maybe duly accredited by the Commissioner or Assistant Commissioners of the Bureau. All stores and school books necessary to the subsistence, comfort, and instruction of dependent Refugees and Freedmen, may be transported at Government expense, when such stores and books shall be turned over to the officers of the Quartermaster's Department, with the approval of the Assistant Commissioners, Commissioner or Department Commander, the same to be transported as public stores, consigned to to the Quartermaster of the Post to which they are destined, who, after inspection, will turn them over to the Assistant Commissioners or Bureau Agent for whom they are intended for distribution. All army officers traveling on public duty, under the orders of the Commissioner or Assistant Commissioners, within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, will be entitled to mileage, or actual cost of transportation according to the Revised Army Regulations, when transportation has not been furnished them by the Quartermaster's Department. By order of tiif. President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant. General.