GENERAL ORDERS, No. 132. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, August 17, 1865. I. Authority is hereby given, under section 5 of the act of March 3, 1865, to commissioned officers of the army serving in the field, to pur- chase subsistence stores from the Subsistence Department on credit, for their own use, on "lists" certified by themselves, (see accompany- ing form No. 1.) II. At the close of each month the Commissaries making such sales will make triplicate " Abstracts of Sales to Officers on Credit," (see accompanying form No. 2,) of which one copy will be filed with each set of his monthly papers, and the third copy will be sent by him direct to the Paymaster General, who will cause the amount due from each officer to be deducted from his pay at the payment next following the purchase. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General. 2 Form No. 1. , 186 . To Captain Commissary of Subsistence. Sir : Please furnish me, for my own use, the following subsistence stores: pounds of pounds of I certify that the above-mentioned stores are required for my own use; that, not being in funds, it is necessary that I purchase them on credit, and that I am now actually " serving in the field."' Lieut.Reg. 3 Form No. 2. Abstract of Provisions sold to Officers serving in the field on credit, at , in the month of , 186 , by Captain , C. S. V. ARTICLES AND QUANTITIES. Dolls. Cts. Pounds of Pork, at cents per pound, " " Beans, at " " " " " Sugar, white, at " " " &c., &c., &c. Total credit sales in month, Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Dolls. Cts. Total credit sales iu month, - NAMES OF OFFICERS AND AMOUNT DUE FROM EACH. I certify that the above "Abstract" is a correct statement of all sales on credit of subsistence stores made by me to officers at this post in the month of , 186 . , Capt., and C. S. Pols. I certify that I have carefully compared the above "Abstract" with the officers' certified lists of purchases made on credit ror their own use, and find the Abstract correct; also, that the officers above named are actually " serving in the field." I!fg- of Commanding Post.