GENERAL ORDERS, No. 113. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, June 15, 1865. Order in relation to sale of unserviceable Quartermaster's property. I..Chief Quartermasters of Military Departments, the Chief of the Inspection Division, and the regularly assigned Inspectors of the Quartermaster's Department, will immediately cause to be made and forwarded to the Quartermaster General invoices of such articles of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and Quartermaster's stores, as, on personal inspection, they may find unserviceable or worthless to the Government; and also of such articles as it would be more economical to the Government to sell than to ship to other points. The latter invoices will be separate from the former. The sale of the property embraced in these invoices having been approved by the Quartermaster General, they will be submitted to the Secretary of War for his orders. All proceedings subsequent to any order of sale that may be given, will be conducted according to the Regulations, by due advertise- ment, &c. II..No sale of public buildings, barracks, quarters, stables, &c., will be made, except ou an order of the Quartermaster General, approved by the Secretary of War, endorsed upon a report to be made in each case in the usual form. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.