GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 97. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, May 26, 1865. Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the United States, made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and by the President alone, since the publication of " General Orders," No. 15, of February 6, 1865. Those made by the President alone are designated by a star.(*) I.. PROMOTIONS. Subsistence Department. * Captain George Bell, Commissary of Subsistence, to be Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Major, April 25, 1865, vice Kellogg' deceased. Assistant Surgeon J. C. McKee, to be Surgeon, December 22, 1864, rice Letterman, resigned. Medical Department. Pay Department. * Paymaster Benjamin W. Brice, to be Paymaster General, with the rank of Colonel, November 29, 1864, vice Andrews, retired. First Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant William Dean, to be Captain, February 6,1865, rice Kellogg, retired. [Company C.] Second Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant Henry E. Noyes, to be Captain, January 25, 1865, vice Smith, resigned. [Company I.] Second Lieutenant James Egan, to be First Lieutenant, January 5, 1865, vice Quirk, retired. [Company H. ] Second Lieutenant Patrick W. Horrigan, to be First Lieutenant, January 25, 1865, vice Noyes, promoted. [Company G.] 2 Third Regiment of Cavalry. Second Lieutenant John Falvey, to be First Lieutenant, January 25, 1865, vice Sachs, resigned. [Company M.] Fourth Regiment of Cavalry. * First Lieutenant Samuel W. Stockton, to be Captain, March 14, 1865, vice Alexander, dropped. [Company M.] * Second Lieutenant Neil J. McCafferty, to be First Lieutenant, February 16, 1865, vice Fitzgerald, deceased. [Company I.] * Second Lieutenant John G. Webster, to be First Lieutenant, March 14, 1865, vice Stockton, promoted. [Company E.] Sixth Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant John B. Johnson, to be Captain, February 3, 1865, rice Gregg, resigned. [Company E. ] * Second Lieutenant John A. Irwin, to be First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 28, 1861, being the Regimental Quartermaster, instead of October 20, 1864, as announced in "General Orders," No. 15, of February 6, 1865. * Second Lieutenant Tulluis C. Tupper, to be First Lieutenant, September 28, 1864, being the Adjutant, instead of October 20, 1864, as announced in "General Orders," No. 15, of February 6, 1865. * Second Lieutenant Louis H. Carpenter, to be First Lieutenant, September 28, 1864, rice Stoll, deceased, instead of October 20, 1864, nice Paulding, promoted, as announced in "General Orders," No. 15, of February 6, 1865. [Company E. J * Second Lieuteutant Joseph H. Wood, to be First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 20, 1864, vice Paulding, promoted. [Company G.] " Second Lieutenant Thomas W. Simson, to be First Lieutenant, February 3, 1865, vice Johnson, promoted. (Since retired.) * Second Lieutenant A. R. Chaffee, to be First Lieutenant, February 22, 1865, vics Simson, retired. [Company I.] First Regiment of Artillery. * First Lieutenant Judson Kilpatrick, to be Captain, November 30, 1864, rice Schofield, appointed Brigadier General. [Company G.] * Second Lieutenant Michael O'Brien, to be First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 30, 1864, vice Kilpatrick, promoted. (Company M.) 3 Second Regiment of Artillery. * First Lieutenant Edward B. Williston, to be Captain, March 8, 1865, vice Smalley, resigned. [Company K.J * Second Lieutenant John Fitzgerald, to be First Lieutenant, August 12, 1864, vice Murray, deceased. [Company F.] * Second Lieutenant Randolph V. Monteith, to be First Lieutenant, February 7, 1865, vice Butler, retired. [Company G.] * Second Lieutenant Melville R. Loucks, to Ire First Lieutenant, February 9, 1865, vice Clarke, resigned, [Company M.] * Second Lieutenant Rezin G. Howell, to be First Lieutenant, March 1, 1865, vice Heaton, resigned. [Company L.] * Second Lieutenant William P. Vose, to be First Lieutenant, March 8, 1865, vice Williston, promoted. [Company D.] * Second Lieutenant Samuel H. Kinney, to be First Lieutenant, March 8, 1865, vice Borrowe, dismissed. [Company H] Third Regiment op Artillery. Second Lieutenant Lewis Smith, to be First Lieutenant. December 30, 1864, rice Wright, dismissed. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant James Chester, to be First Lieutenant, January 14, 1865, vice Medary, resigned. [Company G.] Fifth Regiment of Artillery * First Lieutenant Emory Upton, to be Captain, February 22,1865, vice Hall, retired. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant Homer IL Baldwin, to be First Lieutenant, De- cember, 2, 1864, vice Hickox, resigned. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant William B. Beck, to be First Lieutenant, January 26, 1865, vice Spooner, resigned. [Company H ] * Second Lieutenant Geo. W. Crabb, to be First Lieutenant, February 22, 1865, vice Upton, promoted. [Company M. ] First Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Calvin I). MehatTey, to be Captain, November 26, 1864, vice Phillips, deceased. [Company H.J Second Lieutenant John H. Purcell, to be First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 26, 1864, vice Mehaffey, promoted. [Company I.] 4 Second Regiment of Infantry. Captain Joseph B. Collins, of the Fourth Infantry, to be Major, January 20, 1865, vice Lee, retired. * First Lieutenant William West, to be Captain, February 16, 1865, vice Roy, promoted to the Eighteenth Infantry. [Company E.] * Second Lieutenant Henry Sommer, to be First Lieutenant, February 16, 1865, vice West, promoted. [Company K.] Third Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Henry Asbury, to be Captain, December 31, 1864, rice Whistler, promoted to the Thirteenth Infantry. [Company B.] Secdnd Lieutenant George H. Wallace, to be First Lieutenant, De- cember 24, 1864, vice Mourton, dismissed. [Company D.] Second Lieutenant G. W. H. Stouch, to be First Lieutenant, Decern' her 31, 1864, vice Asbury, promoted. [Company F.J * Second Lieutenant Joseph Hale, to be First Lieutenant, March 21, 1865, vice Pomroy, resigned. [Company E] First Lieutenant Robert P. McKibbin, to be Captain, January 20, 1865, vice Collins, promoted to the Second Infantry. [Company D.] * First Lieutenant William H. Powell, to be Captain, February 2, 1865, vice Dryer, promoted to the Thirteenth Infantry. [Company G.] Second Lieutenant George Atcheson, to be First Lieutenant, January 20, 1865, vice McKibbin, promoted. [Company E.] * Second Lieutenant Thomas F. Quinn, to be First Lieutenant, Feb- ruary 2, 1865, vice Powell, promoted. [Company C.] * Second Lieutenant J. R. Bothwell, to be First Lieutenant, Febru- ary 11, 1865, vice Simons, dismissed. [Company H.J Fourth Regiment of Infantry. Fifth Regiment of Infantry. * Second Lieutenant Charles Porter, to be First Lieutenant, February 20, 1865, vice Cook, resigned. [Company A.] Sixth Regiment of Infantry. * Captain James P. Roy, of the Second Infantry, to be Major, Feb- ruary 16, 1865, vice Wessels, promoted to the Eighteenth Infantry. Second Lieutenant Byron Kirby, to be First Lieutenant, February 1, 1865, vice Drouillard, resigned. [Company D.] 5 * Second Lieutenant James McKim, to be First Lieutenant, March 23, 1865, vice Drake, resigned. [Company A. ] * Second Lieutenant Thomas Britton, to be First Lieutenant, March 28, 1865, vice Bickley, dismissed. [Company H.] * Second Lieutenant John W. Clous, to be First Lieutenant, April 1, 1865, vice Hodges, resigned. [Company E.] Seventh Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Edward C. Woodruff, to be Captain, December 30, 1864, vice Stivers, retired. [Company H.] * First Lieutenant Richard Comba, to be Captain, March 14, 1865, vice McGown, retired. [Company E.] * Second Lieutenant Thomas Wynne, to be First Lieutenant, Decem- ber 30, 1864, vice Woodruff, promoted. [Company E.] Tenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Jesse A. P. Hampson, to be Captain, February 3, 1865, vice Mackay, dismissed. [Company K. ] * First Lieutenant Adolph Luning, to be Captain, March 20, 18G5, vice Gooding, resigned. [Company I.] Second Lieutenant David I. Scott, to be First Lieutenant, February 3, 1865, vice Hampson, promoted. [Company F.] * Second Lieutenant John Hunter, to be First Lieutenant, March 20, 1865, vice Luning, promoted. [Company G. ] Eleventh Regiment of Infantry. * Second Lieutenant John N. Coe, to be First Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Ritner, dismissed. Twelfth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Robert L. Burnett, to be Captain, December 24, 1864, vice J. H. Rathbone, resigned. First Lieutenant Evan Miles, to be Captain, January 20, 1865, rice Quimby, retired. Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry. Captain Joseph N. G. Whistler, of the Third Infantry, to be Major, December 31, 1864, vice Chase, retired. 6 * Captain Hiram Dryer, of the Fourth Infantry, to be Major, February 2, 1865, vice Selden, deceased. Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Charles S, Lovell, of the Eighteenth Infantry, to be Colonel, February 16, 1865, vice Paul, retired. First Lieutenant Alfred Foot, to be Captain, January 18, 1865, vice De Kay, resigned. Second Lieutenant George L. Browning, to be First Lieutenant, De- cember 6, 1864, vice Cushman, resigned. * Second Lieutenant Edmund Burgoyne, to be First Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Douglass, retired. * Second Lieutenant Charles Hartel, to be First Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Footr promoted. * Second Lieutenant Robert C. Lord, to be First Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, rice Moroney, retired. * Second Lieutenant Robertson S. Fergus, to be First Lieutenant, March 23, 1865, vice Doebler, retired. Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Samuel C. Greene, to be Captain, December 21, 1864, vice Stetson, resigned. * First Lieutenant George W. Fetterman, to be Captain, February 25, 1865, vice Gapen, retired. * First Lieutenant Solomon E. Woodward, to be Captain, March 13, 1865, vice McManus, resigned. * Second Lieutenant George Haller, to be First Lieutenant, Decem- ber 23, 1865, vice Greene, promoted. First Lieutenant Thomas J. Durnin, to be Captain, December 8, 1864, vice Ingerton, deceased. First Lieutenant William H. Smyth, to be Captain, December 26, 1864, vice Stanton, cashiered. First Lieutenant William H. Bartholomew, to be Captain, January 4, 1865, vice Robinson, resigned. First Lieutenant John Power, to be Captain, February 11, 1865, vice Goodwin, retired. Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry. 7 * First Lieutenant Edgar R. Kellogg, to be Captain, February 16, 1865, vice Stewart, cashiered. Seventeenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Robert P. Wilson, to be Captain, January 7, 1865, vice Walcott, retired. * First Lieutenant Edward W. Whittemore, to be Captain, March 10, 1865, vice Wales, resigned. Eighteenth Regiment of Infantry. Major Henry W. Wessells, of the Sixth Infantry, to bo Lieutenant Colonel, February 16, 1865, vice Lovell, promoted to the Fourteenth Infantry. First Lieutenant William P. McCleery, to be Captain, December 31, 1864, vice Brand, retired. First Lieutenant Daniel W. Benham, to be Captain, February 8, 1865, vice Eyster, cashiered. * Second Lieutenant William W. Bell, to be First Lieutenant, Feb- ruary 21, 1865, vice Powell, promoted. Nineteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Lewis T. Morris, to be Captain, February 15, 1865, vice Causten, resigned. * First Lieutenant Charles H. Hale, to be Captain, February 20, 1865, vice Noell, resigned. (Since resigned.) * First Lieutenant Walter O. Lattimore, to be Captain, March 18, 1865, vice Phelps, resigned. * Second Lieutenant Janies H. Patterson, to be First Lieutenant, January 23, 1865, vice Jack, resigned. * Second Lieutenant Harry M. Smith, to be First Lieutenant, Feb- ruary 9, 1865, vice Ferguson, dismissed. * Second Lieutenant Theodore A. Baldwin, to be First Lieutenant, February 9, 1865, vice Boyd, resigned. II-APPOINTMENTS Major General George H. Thomas, of the United States Volunteers, and Brigadier General, United States Army, to be Major General, De- cember 15, 1864, vice Fremont, resigned. General Officers. 8 Major General John M. Schofield, of the United States Volunteers, and Captain, First United States Artillery, to be Brigadier General, November 30, 1864, vice Sheridan, appointed Major General. Major General Oliver 0. Howard, of the United States Volunteers, to be Brigadier General, December 21,1864, vice Thomas, appointed Major General. Major General Alfred H. Terry, of the United States Volunteers, to be Brigadier General, January 15, 1865, vice Meade, appointed Major General. Brigadier and Brevet Major General John A. Rawlins, of the United States Volunteers, to be Brigadier General and Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant General Commanding the Armies of the United States, March 3, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. Captain Theodore S. Bowers, Assistant Quartermaster, to be Assist- ant Adjutant General with the rank of Major, January 6,1865, instead of September 1, 1864, as announced in "General Orders," No. 15, of February 6, 1865. Adjutant General's Department. Quartermaster's Department. Captain Richard N. B. Batchelder, Assistant Quartermaster of Vol- unteers, to be Assistant Quartermaster with the rank of Captain, Feb* ruary 1G, 1865, vice Myers, promoted. * Military Storekeeper Theodore J. Eckerson, of the Ordnance De- partment, to be Assistant Quartermaster with the rank of Captain, March 21, 1865, vice Bowers, appointed Assistant Adjutant General. John Craig, of Pennsylvania, to be Military Storekeeper, January 31, 1865, vice Taliaferro, retired. Subsistence Department. * Captain Joseph G. Crane, Commissary of Subsistence of Volun- teers, to be Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Captain, April 25, 1865, vice Bell, promoted. * Captain Charles B. Penrose, Commissary of Subsistence of Volun- teers, to be Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Captain, May 13, 1865, vice Hopkins, resigned. 9 Medical Department. David O. Farrand, of Michigan, to be Assistant Surgeon, February 15, 1865, vice Gouley, resigned. Passmore Middleton, of Pennsylvania, to be Assistant Surgeon, Feb- ruary 15, 1865, vice Colton, deceased. Ordnance Department. * Captain Almon F. Varney, of the Thirtieth Maine Volunteers, to be Second Lieutenant, February 15, 1865, rice Ramsay, promoted. James Dale Johnston, of Michigan, to be Military Storekeeper, Jan- uary 25, 1865, vice Wright, resigned. (Since revoked.) E. Penrose Jones, of Ohio, to> be Military Storekeeper, February 9, 1865, vice Walters, deceased. * William H. Rexford, of Michigan, to be Military Storekeeper, May 16, 1865, vice Johnston, whose appointment has been revoked. Signal Corps. First Lieutenant Edmund H. Russell, to be Captain, February 14, 1865. First Lieutenant William J. Galbraith, of the Seventy-eighth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, to be First Lieutenant, March 3, 1863. (Since resigned.) Second Lieutenant Charles C. T. Keith, of the Twenty-third Battery New York Artillery, to be First Lieutenant, March 3, 1863. (Since resigned.) First Lieutenant George F. Young, of the Fifth New York Artillery, to be Second Lieutenant, February 14, 1865. Sergeant Alonzo V. Richards, to be Second Lieutenant, February 14, 1865. Sergeant William Wallace, of Company I, Sixth Minnesota Volun- teers, to be Second Lieutenant, February 14, 1865. William J. Clark, to be Second Lieutenant, February 14, 1865. Sergeant John D. Colvin, to be Second Lieutenant, February 14, 1865. First Regiment of Cavalry. Sergeant Ernest L. Kinney, to be Second Lieutenant, January 2, 1865, vice Moulton, promoted. [Company B ] 10 • First Sergeant Daniel W. Walcott, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice McDonald, promoted. [Company K.] * First Sergeant William H. Winters, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Barry, promoted. [Company C.] Second Regiment of Cavalry. * Sergeant Oliver O. G. Robinson, of the First Cavalry, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice McKelvey, whose appointment has been canceled. [Company A.] * Sergeant Axel S. Adams, of the Fourteenth Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, April 3, 1865, vice Flynn, retired. [Company M.J Fifth Regiment of Cavalry. * Corporal Augustus H. D. Williams, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Baden, promoted. [Company F.J / * Sergeant James P. Ruggles, of the Second Cavalry, to be Second Lieutenant, May 3, 1865, vice Murphy, promoted. [Company G.] * Sergeant James C. Cooley, to be Second Lieutenant, May 3, 1865, vice Kane, promoted. [Company D.] Second Regiment of Artillery. * Lance Sergeant Charles P. Bissell, of the Fifth Artillery, to be Second Lieutenant, April 9,1865, vice Smith, promoted. [Company K.J Third Regiment of Artillery. * Sergeant Major James B. Burbank, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, vice Tiernon, promoted. [Company G.] * First Sergeant Paul Roemer, to be Second Lieutenant, April 8,1865, rice Davison, retired. [Battery K.] Fifth Regiment of Artillery. First Regiment of Infantry. * Principal Musician John Mills, to be Second Lieutenant, April 6, 1865, vice Cullen, promoted. [Company C.J Third Regiment or Infantry. * Sergeant E. A. Belger, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 18G5, rice Whitney, promoted. [Company K. J 11 * Quartermaster Sergeant Stephen Baker, to be Second Lieutenant, May 3, 1865, vice Bailey, promoted. [Company F.] Sixth Regiment of Infantry. Seventh Regiment of Infantry Ordnance Sergeant Thomas Wynne, to be Second Lieutenant, De- cember 23, 1864, vice Woodruff, promoted. [Company D.] Eleventh Regiment of Infantry. * Quartermaster Sergeant John N. Coe, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry. * Sergeant Edmund Burgoyne, of the Eleventh Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Sergeant Charles Hartel, of the Eighth Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Sergeant Robert C. Lord, of the Eleventh Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Sergeant Robertson S. Fergus, to be Second Lieutenant, March 23, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Sergeant Thomas F. Tobey, to be Second Lieutenant, May 3,1865, to fill an original vacancy. Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Sergeant George Haller, to be Second Lieutenant, December 23, 1864, to fill an original vacancy. Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry. * Ordnance Sergeant Arthur W. Thompson, to be Second Lieutenant, April 13, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Sergeant David Parkinson, to be Second Lieutenant, April 13,1865, to fill an original vacancy. * Quartermaster Sergeant James M. Ingalls, to be Second Lieutenant, May 3, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. Eighteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Sergeant William W. Bell, to be Second Lieutenant, February 21, 18G5, vice Phelps, declined. * Sergeant M. A. Stearns, to be Second Lieutenant, April 13, JS65, vice Phisterer, promoted. 12 Nineteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Sergeant James H. Patterson, to be Second Lieutenant, January 23,1865, to fill an original vacancy. Sergeant Major Harry M. Smith, to be Second Lieutenant, February 9, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. Quartermaster Sergeant Theodore A. Baldwin, to be Second Lieuten- ant, February 9, 1865, to fill an original vacancy. Major Benjamin F. Fisher, of the Signal Corps, to be Chief Signal officer, with the rank of Colonel, December 3, 1864, rice Myer, whose appointment has expired by constitutional limitation. Re-Appointment. Reinstated. William J. L. Nicodemus, as Lieutenant Colonel of the Signal Corps, to date from March 3, 1863. To be Hospital Chaplains. James Drummond, of West Virginia, December 15, 1864. Orville C. Shelton, of Iowa, December 15, 1864. Lewis Eysenbach, of Pennsylvania, December 29, 1864. Simeon W. Harkey, of Illinois, January 17, 1865. Jacob A. Rosenberg, of New York, January 18, 1865. Thomas S. Dewing, of New York, January 23, 1865 Charles V. Kelly, of Wisconsin, January 23, 1865. John H. Lozier, of Indiana, February 2, 1865. John A. Hicks, of Vermont, February 3, 1865. Albert F. Griffith, of New York, February 7, 1865. Joseph H. Leonard, of Illinois, February 10, 1865. A. Constantine Barry, of Wisconsin, February 10, 1865. A. S. Billingsley, of Pennsylvania, February 13, 1865. Orrin H. Sage, of Ohio, February 16, 1865. J. L. Roberts, of Vermont, February 18, 1865. M. Sorin, of Missouri, February 20, 1865. (Declined.) A. S. Ames, of Indiana, February 24, 1865. P. J. R. Murphy, of Illinois, February 27, 1865. E. B. Olmstead, of Illinois, March 18, 1865. J. W. Larimore, of Iowa, March 20, 1865. John Thrush, of the District of Columbia, March 21, 1865. John Woart, of Pennsylvania, March 22, 1865. Henry Hill, of New Hampshire, April 12, 1865. 13 Appointments by Brevet. Brigadier General Robert Anderson, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious service in the harbor of Charleston, S. C., in the defense of Fort Sumter, to date from February 3, 1865. To be Major General by Brevet. To be Brigadier Generals by Brevet. Brevet Colonel Robert Allen, U. 9. Army, to date from July 4, 1864. Brevet Colonel Daniel H. Rucker, U. S. Army, for diligent and faith- ful services during the war, to date from July 5, 1864. Colonel William A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant General, for merito- rious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Colonel George Wright, of the Ninth Infantry, for long, faithful, and meritorious services, to date from December 19, 1864. Brevet Colonel Bennett H. Hill, U. S. Army, to date from January 31, 1865. Colonel Gabriel R. Paul, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., to date from February 23, 1865. Colonel James A. Hardie, Inspector General, U. S. Army, for diligent and faithful services during the war, to date from March 3, 1865. * Brevet Colonel John C. Kelton, U. S. Army, for most valuable and arduous services during the war, both in the field and at Headquarters, to date from March 11, 1865. * Brevet Colonel Marcus D. L. Simpson, U< S. Army, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Brevet Colonel James M. Robertson, U. S. Army, for distinguished service while Chief of Horse Artillery attached to the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac during the campaign from May to August, 1864, including the battles of the Wilderness, Coal Harbor, Hawes' Shop, and Trevillian Station, to date from March 13, 1865. * Brevet Colonel James Oakes, U. S. Army, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Colonel Thomas Swords, Assistant Quartermaster General, to date from April 25, 1865. 14 To be Colonels by Brevet. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Robert Allen, U. S. Army, to date from July 4, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Daniel II. Rucker, U. 3. Army, for diligent and faithful services during the war, to date from July 5,1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Michael R. Morgan, U. S. Army, for dis- tinguished services as Chief Commissary of Subsistence of the Armies operating in the campaign of 1864, before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. • Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James L. Donaldson, U. 8. Army, for dis- tinguished and important services in the Quartermaster's Department in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia, to date from September 17, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Richard C. Drum, Assistant Adjutant General, for meritorious and faithful services during the war, to date from Sep- tember 24, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel John M. Cuyler, Medical Inspector, U. S. Army, to date from November 29, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Orlando M. Poe, U. S. Army, for gallant services in the capture of Savannah, to date from December 21, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Chauncey B. Reese, U. S. Army, for gal- lant and distinguished services during the campaign through Georgia, and ending in the capture of Savannah, to date from December 21,1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Crane, U. S. Army, to date from January 1, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Julius Hayden, U. S. Army, for services in action at Chancellorsville, to date from January 23, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Bennett II. Hill, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, to date from January 31, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Francis N. Clarke, U. S. Army, to date from February 1, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Henry D. Wallen, U. 8. Army, for merit- orious services rendered by him in New Mexico during the war, to date from February 23,1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Zealous B. Tower, V. 8. Army, for the zeal and efficiency displayed by him during active operations in front of Nashville, especially on the fortifications around that city, to date from March 2, 1865. 15 Lieutenant Colonel Abner Doubleday, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, to date from March 10, 1865. * Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department, in 1863, 1864, and 1865, to date from March 11, 1865. * Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John C. Kelton, U. S. Army, for most valuable and arduous services during the war, both in the field and at headquarters, to date from March 11, 1865. * Lieutenant Colonel Marcus D. L. Simpson, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistance, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Duncan, U. S. Army, to date from March 21, 1865. * Lieutenant Colonel James Oakes, of the Fourth U. S. Cavalry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Townsend, of the Ninth U. S. In- fantry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Lieutenant Colonel William H. Sidell, of the Tenth U. S. Infantry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Robertson, U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, to date from May 3, 1865. To be Lieutenant Colonels by Brevet. * Brevet Major Charles H. Tompkins, U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the campaign of Generals Banks and McDowell, in 1862 and 1863, to date from May 24, 1862. Major Robert Allen, Quartermaster, to date from July 4, 1864. Major Daniel H. Rucker, Quartermaster, for diligent and faithful services during the war, to date from July 5, 1864. * Brevet Major Oscar A. Mack, U. S. Army, for gallant and distin- guished services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn., to date from July 6, 1864. Brevet Major Francis Fessenden, U. S. Army, for gallant services at Montell's Bluff, on Red River, to date from July 6, 1864. Brevet Major Michael R. Morgan, U. S. Army, for distinguished 16 services as Chief Commissary of Subsistence of the armies operating in the campaign of 1864 before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Major Julius Hayden, of the Tenth Infantry, for faithful and merit- orious service to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Nathaniel Prime, U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major James M. Cutts, U. S. Army, for distinguished services in the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major William H. Harris, U. S. Army, for gallant and efficient service in the battles from the Rapidan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Surgeon George E. Cooper, U. S. Army, to date from September 1, 1864, the date upon which the campaign against Atlanta, Ga., terminated. Brevet Major Orlando M. Poe, U. S. Army, for gallant services in the capture of Atlanta, to date from September 1, 1864. Major Chauncey McKeever, Assistant Adjutant General, for merito- rious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Major Samuel F. Chalfin, Assistant Adjutant General, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Major Elmer Otis, of the First U. S. Cavalry, for industry, zeal, and faithful services, to date from October 19, 1864. Brevet Major Henry A. DuPont, U. S. Army, for distinguished services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19,1864. Brevet Major Thomas G. Baylor, U. S. Army, for gallant services in the capture of Savannah, to date from December 21, 1864. Brevet Major Chauncey B. Reese, U. S. Army, for gallant and dis- tinguished services during the campaign through Georgia and ending in the capture of Savannah, to date from December 21, 1864. Surgeon Charles H. Crane, U. S. Army, to date from January 1, 1865. Major Francis N. Clarke, of the Fifth Artillery, to date from Febru- ary 1, 1865. Major Henry D. Wallen, of the Seventh Infantry, for meritorious services rendered by him in New Mexico during the war, to date from February 23, 1865 Major Charles S. Stewart, of the Corps of Engineers, for long, faith- ful, and efficient services, to date from February 25, 1865. * Major John C. Kelton, Assistant Adjutant General, for most valua- 17 ble and arduous services during the war, both in the field and at Head- quarters, to date from March 11, 1865. * Major Beekman Du Barry, Commissary of Subsistence, for merito- rious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Brevet Major George Bell, U. S. Army, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Major Thomas Duncan, of the Third Cavalry, to date from March 21, 1865. * Major Charles C. Gilbert, of the Nineteenth Infantry, for merito- rious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Major Richard I. Dodge, of the Twelfth lufantry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Brevet Major James M. Robertson, U. S Army, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, to date from May 3, 1865. * Brevet Major Edward Haight, U. S. Army, to date from May 5, 1865. To be Majors by Brevet. * Captain Charles H. Tompkins, Assistant Quartermaster, for gallant conduct at Fairfax Court-house, Va., May 31, 1861, to date from May 31, 1861. * Captain Oscar A. Mack, of the Thirteenth Infantry, for gallant services at the battle ofCarnifex Ferry, Va , to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Francis Fessenden, of the Nineteenth Infantry, for gallant services at Shiloh, to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Michael R. Morgan, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Army, for distinguished services as Chief Commissary of Subsistence of the armies operating in the campaign of 1864 before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain William J. Moorhead, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant during the war, especially at the battles of Fred- ericksburg, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Orlando M. Poe, of the Corps of Engineers, for gallant services in the siege of Knoxville, to date from July 6, 1864. Brevet Captain W. Neil Dennison, U. S. Army, for gallantry and good conduct in the battle of Antietam and the Maryland campaign of September, 1862, to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Kilburn Knox, of the Thirteenth Infantry, for gallant and G. O. No. 97-2 18 efficient services in the attack on Atlanta, to date from July 22, 1864. Captain Thomas M. Anderson, of the Twelfth Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Henry R. Rathbone, of the Twelfth Infantry, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the late campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Guido Ilges, of the Fourteenth Infantry, for gallant services at the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain J. C. Paine, of the U. S. Signal Corps, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the late campaign from the Rap- idan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain William H. Harris, of the Ordnance Department, for gallant and efficient services in the battles from the Rapidan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Henry C. Morgan, of the Twelfth Infantry, for gallant ser- vices at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George E. Head, of the Eleventh Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. * Brevet Captain Harry C. Egbert, U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Captain Charles W. Howell, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign from the Rapidan to the James, and in front of Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Miles D. McAlester, of the Corps of Engineers, for highly meritorious services as Chief Engineer of the Military Division of West Mississippi, and especially as Supervising Engineer of the siege ot Forts Gaines and Morgan, Alabama, to date from August 23, 1864. Captain John C. Palfrey, of the Corps of Engineers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the sieges of Forts Gaines and Mor- gan, Alabama, and especially the latter, where he had Ahe immediate charge of the location and construction of the siege works, to date from August 23, 1864. Captain Thomas G. Baylor, of the Ordnance Department, for gallant services in the capture of Atlanta, to date from September 1, 1864. Captain Henry A. DuPont, of the Fifth Artillery, for gallant services at the battles of Opequan and Fisher's Hill, Va., to date from Septem- ber 19, 1864. 19 Captain James McKnight, of the Fifth Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Spottsylvania, Coal Harbor, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1804. Captain WalteP S. Franklin, of the Twelfth Infantry, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Edward Moale, of the Nineteenth Infantry, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2,1864. Captain William E. Merrill, of the Corps of Engineers, for meritori- ous services in his department in the Department of the Cumberland, to date from December 5, 1864. Captain Chauncey B. Reese, of the Corps of Engineers, for gallant and distinguished services during the campaign through Georgia end- ing in the capture of Savannah, to date from December 21, 1864. Brevet Captain William Ludlow, U. S. Army, for meritorious ser- vices in the campaign through Georgia in 1864, to date from December 21, 1864. * Brevet Captain Byron Kirby, U. S. Army, to date from February 17, 1865. Captain John Rziha, of the Nineteenth Infantry, to date from February 27, 1865. Captain Henry Keteltas, of the Fifteenth Infantry, to date from March 2, 1865. Captain James Thompson, of the Second Artillery, to date from March 11, 1865. * Captain George Bell, Commissary of Subsistence, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Captain William B. Lane, of the Third Cavalry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Captain William Silvey, of the First Artillery, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Captain James McMillan, of the Second Infantry, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies qf the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Captain Frank P. Muhlenberg, of the Thirteenth Infantry, for faith- 20 ful and meritorious services connected with the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from April 21, 1865. * Captain Samuel A. Russell, of the Seventh Infantry, to date from April 22, 1865. * Captain James M. Robertson, of the Second Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, to date from May 3, 1865. * Captain Edward Haight, of the Sixteenth Infantry, to date from May 5, 1865. To be Captains by Brevet. First Lieutenant W. Neil Dennison, of the Second Artillery, for gal- lantry and good conduct in the battles of Gaines' Mills and Malvern Hill, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant William S. Beebe, of the Ordnance Department, for gallant and meritorious services, and for intrepidity, daring, and skill in handling men in the face of the enemy, to date from July G, 18G4. First Lieutenant John II. Calef, of the Second Artillery, for gallantry and good conduct in the battle of Gettysburg and in the campaign from the Bapidan to Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Frederick Van Vliet, of the Third Cavalry, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battles of the late campaign from the Bapidan to Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant John McIntosh, of the Eleventh Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant George F. Adams, of the Seventeenth Infantry, for gallant services at the battle on the Weldon Bailroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant William C. Cuyler, of the Third Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Henry C. Wharton, of the Corps of Engineers, to date from December 5, 1864. First Lieutenant William S. Stryker, of the U. S. Signal Corps, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from December 5, 1864. First Lieutenant Adin B. Capron, of the U. S. Signal Corps, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from December 5, 1864. First Lieutenant George J. Clarke, of the U. S. Signal Corps, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from December 5, 1864. 21 First Lieutenant Valentine H. Stone, of the Fifth Artillery, to date from January 23, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles M. Pyne, of the Sixth Infantry, to date from January 23, 1865. * First Lieutent Byron Kirby, of the Sixth Infantry, to date from February 17, 1865. * First Lieutenant Henry W. Howgate, of the U. S. Signal Corps, for efficient services rendered during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 19, 1865. * First Lieutenant Hardman P. Norris, of the First Artillery, to date from March 27, 1865. * First Lieutenant James R. Kemble, of the Third Cavalry, for mer- itorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * First Lieutenant David E. Porter, of the First Artillery, for merito- rious services in the campaign against the Rebel Army of Northern Viginia, commencing in front of Petersburg, Va., March 29, 1865, and ending April 9, 1865, to date from April 9, 1865. * Brevet First Lieutenant John W. French, U. S. Army, for long and faithful services during the war, to date from May 11, 1865. To be First Lieutenants by Brevet. Second Lieutenant Charles Simon, of the Fifth Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Coal Harbor and in the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant Henry Sommer, of the Second Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant Robert Catlin, of the Fifth Artillery, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Second Lieutenant John Elliott, of the Second Artillery, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 21, 1864. Second Lieutenant William J. Broatch, of the Tenth Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from Octo- ber 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant John Hunter, of the Tenth Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1,1864. 22 Second Lieutenant William B. Beck, of the Fifth Artillery, for gal- lant services at the battle of Boydton Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. * Second Lieutenant John W. French, of the Eighth Infantry, for long and faithfnl services during the war, to date from May 11, 1865. III..APPOINTMENTS MADE IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE CALLED INTO SERVICE UNDER THE ACTS APPROVED JULY 22 AND 25, 1861; JULY 17, 1862; AND JULY 5, 1838. General Officers. To be Major Generals. Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox, of the United States Volunteers' December 7, J 864. . Brigadier General William B. Hazen, of the United States Volunteers, December 13, 1864. Brigadier and Brevet Major General Alfred H. Terry, of the United States Volunteers, January 15, 1865. Brigadier General Thomas J. Wood, of the United States Volunteers, January 27, 1865. * Brigadier and Brevet Major General Wesley Merritt, of the United States Volunteers, April 1, 1865. * Brigadier and Brevet Major General George A. Custer, of the United States Volunteers, April 3, 1865. Colonel Joshua B. Howell, of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania Volun- teers, September 12, 1864. (Since dead.) Colonel Patrick H. Jones, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New- York Volunteers, December 6, 1864. Colonel John M. Oliver, of the Fifteenth Michigan Vounteers, Jan- uary 12, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General R. K. Scott, Colonel of the Sixty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, January 12, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General James S. Robinson, Colonel of the Eighty- second Ohio Volunteers, January 12, 1865. Colonel B. F. Potts, of the Thirty-second Ohio Volunteers, January 12, 1865. Colonel John G. Mitchell, of the One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio Volunteers, January 12, 1865. To be Brigadier Generals. 23 Brevet Brigadier General James A. Williamson, Colonel of the Fourth Iowa Volunteers, January 13, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General N. Martin Curtis, Colonel of the One Hun- dred and Forty-second New York Volunteers, January 15, 1865. Colonel Charles C. Doolittle, of the Eighteenth Michigan Volunteers, January 27, 1865. Colonel Stephen Thomas, of the Eighth Vermont Volunteers, Feb- ruary 1, 1865. Colonel James J. Gilbert, of the Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteers, February 9, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Green B. Raum, Colonel of the Fifty-sixth Illinois Volunteers, February 15, 1865. (Since resigned.) Brevet Brigadier General G. Pennypacker, Colonel of the Ninety- seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, February 18, 1865. Major Carlos J. Stolbrand, of the Second Illinois Light Artillery, February 18, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Wager Swayne, Colonel of the Forty-third Ohio Volunteers, March 8, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Ewing, Assistant Inspector General, Captain, Thirteenth U. S. Infantry, March, 8, 1865. * Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris, Colonel of the Tenth West Virginia Volunteers, March 29, 1865. * Brevet Colonel Frederick T. Dent, U. S. Volunteers, and Major, Fourth U. S. Infantry, April 5, 1865. * Brevet Brigadier General James S. Brisbin, Colonel U. S. Colored Troops, May 1, 1865. * Brevet Brigadier General Thomas O. Osborn, Colonel of the Thirty- ninth Illinois Volunteers, May 1, 1865. * Colonel J. H. Potter, of the Twelfth New Hampshire Volunteers, May 1, 1865. * Brevet Brigadier General James M. Warner, Colonel of the First Vermont Artillery, May 8, 1865. * Colonel Lewis B. Parsons, Quartermaster's Department, May 11, 1865. Aides-de-Camp under the Act of July 17, 1862. Majors. Captain E. E. Graves, of the Eighth Connecticut Volunteers, De- cember 27, 1864, for the Twenty-fifth Army Corps. 24 First Lieutenant George C. Tichenor, of the Thirty-ninth Iowa Vol- unteers, February 2, 1865, for the Department of the Missouri. Captain Emmor B. Cope, Aide-de-Camp, February 9, 1865, for the Fifth Army Corps. * Captain John S. Hoover, Aide-de-Camp, February 17,1865, for the Fifteenth Army Corps. Captain Arthur McClellan, Additional Aide-de-Camp, March 7,1865, for the Sixth Army Corps. * Captain William L. Avery, Aide-de-Camp, March 15, 1865, for the Thirteenth Army Corps. * Captain Ross Wilkinson, of the Fifth Minnesota Veteran Volun- teers, March 15, 1865, for the Sixteenth Army Corps. * Brevet Major A. H. Embler, U. S. Volunteers, Captain of the Fifty-ninth Veteran Volunteers, March 21, 1865, for the Twenty-fourth Army Corps. * Brevet Captain H. H. Humphreys, U. S. Volunteers, First Lieu- tenant of the One Hundred and Twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 5, 1865, for the Second Army Corps. * Henry W. Wells, late Major of the First Tennessee Light Artillery, April 21, 1865, for the Twenty-third Army Corps. Captains. * Lieutenant B. S. Calef, of the U. S. Sharpshooters, September 14, 1864, for the 10th Army Corps. (Since cancelled.) Captain H. B. Fitch, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth New York Volunteers, December 27,1864, for the Twenty-fifth Army Corps. Captain Lewis Weitzell, of the First U. S. Volunteers, December 27, 1864, for the Twenty-fifth Army Corps. Brevet Major William P. Wilson, Captain of the One Hundred and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, January 23, 1865, for the First Army Corps. Captain James W. Wadsworth, of New York, January 24, 1865, for the Fifth Army Corps. Captain George E. Ford, of tho Fourth Iowa Volunteers, February 2,1865, for the Department of the Missouri. Second Lieutenant Edward Jonas, of the Fiftieth Illinois Volunteers, February 2, 1865, for the Department of the Missouri. Lieutenant Thomas G. Welles, of the First Connecticut Cavalry, February 17, 1865, for the Department of Virginia. 25 * First Lieutenant Lewis B. Mitchell, of the First Illinois Artillery, February 17, 1865, for the Fifteenth Army Corps. Hunn Hanson, late Lieutenant of the Fourth Missouri Cavalry, Feb- ruary 21, 1865, for the Sixteenth Army Corps. * Lieutenant C. S. Sargent, Aide-de-Camp, March 15, 1865, for the Thirteenth Army Corps. * Lieutenant John B. Pannes, of the Seventeenth New York Volun- teers, March 23,1865, for the Sixteenth Army Corps. * Henry C. Christiancey, of Michigan, April 5, 1865, for the Second Army Corps. * Captain Hobart Ford, of the One Hundred and Fourth Ohio Volun- teers, April 21, 1865, for the Twenty-third Army Corps. * Lieutenant William L. Hulbert, of the One Hundred and Seven- teenth New York Volunteers, April 21,1865, for the Tenth Army Corps. * Louis A. Stimson, of New Jersey, April 21, 1865, for the Tenth Army Corps. Assistant Adjutants General. Major Thomas L. Motley, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, No- vember 25,1864. * Captain Henry M. Cist, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 13, 1864. Captain George Clendenin, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 24, 1864. Captain Enos B. Parsons, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 24, 1864. Captain D. D. Wheeler, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 27,1864. Captain Alfred Fredberg, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 31, 1864. Captain Lewis M. Dayton, Aide-de-Camp, January 12, 1865. Captain Charles H. Graves, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, January 15, 1865. Captain Charles A. Carleton, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, January 15, 1865. Captain Adrian Terry, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, January 16, 1865. Majors. 26 Captain Robert H. Ramsey, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, January 27, 1865. Lieutenant Alexander Von Schrader, of the Seventy-fourth Ohio Volunteers, February 1,1865. Captain Henry C. Weir, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 2, 1865. Captain L. G. Estes, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 2, 1865. Captain William H. Wiegel, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, February 2, 1865. Captain William T. Forbes, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, February 2, 1865. Captain Frederic W. Emery, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, February 6, 1865. Captain Theodore Cox, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 6, 1865. Captain David G. Swaim, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 7, 1865. Captain Frank Eno, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 8, 1865. Captain Samuel L. Woodward, Assistant Adjutant General of Vol- unteers, February 11,1865. Captain Murray Davis, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 15, 1865. Captain A. Sidney Alden, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 21, 1865. Captain F. W. Taggard, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 23, 1865. Captain Almon F. Rockwell, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, February 23, 1865. Captain Carroll II. Potter, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 25, 1865. Captain George K. Leet, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, February 25,1865. Captain William L. M. Burger, Assistant Adjutant General of Vol- unteers, February 28,1865. * Captain Benjamin M. Piatt, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, March 2, 1865. Major Charles A. Whittier, Aide-de-Camp, March 7, 1865. 27 Captain Thomas W. C. Moore, Aide-de-Camp, March 8,1865. Captain D. C. Wager, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, March 9, 1865. * Captain Henry R. Rathbone, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, March 11, 1865. * Captain Clinton A. Cilley, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, March 21, 1865. * Captain Phineas A. Davis, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, March 21,1865. * Captain Jacob M. Howard, jr., Assistant Adjutant General of Vol- unteers, March 29, 1865. * Captain Cornelius Cadle, jr., Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, April 3, 1865. * Captain Thomas H. Bradley, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, May 1, 1865. * William G. Moore, of the District of Columbia, May 1, 1865. James H. Stokes, of New Jersey, August 22, 1864. Captain Thomson P. Ogden, of the One Hundred and Thirty-third New York Volunteers, December 12, 1864. Captain Thomas G. Colt, of the Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Vol- unteers, December 12, 1864. Captain Dennis H. Williams, of the Thirty-third Ohio Volunteers, December 17, 1864. Francis W. Noblett, of Indiana, December 17, 1864. First Lieutenant Edward G Dike, of the Thirty-eighth Massachu setts Volunteers, December 24, 1864. Captain Merritt Barber, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, December 31, 1864. Horace D. B. Cutler, of Iowa, January 21, 1865. Captain Edward K. Buttrick, of the Thirty-first Wisconsin Volun- teers, January 25, 1865. Captain J. H. Rider, of the Fourteenth West Virginia Volunteers, February 1, 1865. First Lieutenant C. Mason Kinne, of the Second Massachusetts Cav- alry, February 1, 1865. Second Lieutenant W. J. Sanborn, of the Second Washington Ter- ritory Volunteers, February 1, 1865. Captains. 28 First Sergeant William B. Hart, of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, February 1, 1865. Captain Frederick H. Wilson, of the Seventy-sixth Ohio Volunteers, February 2, 1865. John B. Burt, late Major, Aide-de-Camp, February 2, 1865. Captain William W. McCammon, of the Twenty-fourth Missouri Volunteers, February 3, 1865. Captain J. D. Fegan, of the Twenty-sixth Iowa Volunteers, Febru- ary 3, 1865. Captain O. J. Fast, of the One Hundredth Indiana Volunteers, Feb- ruary 3, 1865. First Lieutenant Samuel W. Snow, of the Twenty-fifth Iowa Volun- teers, February 3, 1865. First Lieutenant Frederick Mott, of the Thirty-ninth Iowa Volun- teers, February 3,1865. First Lieutenant S. M. Cambern, of the Seventh Missouri Cavalry, February 3, 1865. First Lieutenant William T. Clarke, of the First Nebraska Cavalry, February 3, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles H. Trott, of the Seventh Iowa Volunteers, February 3, 1865. First Lieutenant William Pittman, of the Eighty-first Ohio Volun- teers, February 3, 1865. Hubert S. Brown, Volunteer Aide-de-Camp,'February 3, 1865. Private George W. Howard, of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, February 8, 1865. Captain Charles D. Rhoades, of the Ono Hundred and Third Ohio Volunteers, February 9, 1865. Private Henry D. Bean, of the Seventy-second Illinois Volunteers, February 9, 1865. Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, February 11, 1865. Captain Josiah Bankerd, of the Fourth Maryland Volunteers, Feb- ruary 14, 1865. Brevet Captain Henry Gawthrop, U. S. Volunteers, First Lieutenant of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, February 14, 1865. First Lieutenant James B. Comstock, of the Twenty-first Missouri Volunteers, February 14, 1865. First Lieutenant James R. Campbell, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers, February 14, 1865. 29 Captain William Fowler, of the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York Volunteers, February 22, 1865. Captain Will A. Coulter, of the One Hundredth United States Col- ored Troops, February 27, 1865. Lieutenant Albert S. Kendrick, of the Twenty-eighth Wisconsin Vol- unteers, February 27, 1865. William Atwood, of Pennsylvania, March 2, 1865. William H. Dimond, of New York, March 3, 1865. Edward J. Harrington, of the District of Columbia, March 7, 1865. Private Sherwood H. Stilson, of the One Plundred and Third Ohio Volunteers, March 11, 1865. * Lieutenant William L. Porter, of the Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, March 13, 1865. * Captain Andrew H. Bibber, of the First Maine Cavalry, March 18, 1865. * Captain E. J. Meyers, of the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, March 18, 1865. * Lieutenant George W. Butterfield, of the Eighth Minnesota Volun- teers, March 18, 1865. * Augustus R. S. Foote, of Connecticut, March 22, 1865. * Lieutenant Hervey A. Colvin, of the Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry, March 28, 1865. * Lieutenant Leonard B. Perry, of the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Vol- unteers, March 28, 1865. * * Captain Charles E. Howe, of the Twelfth Michigan Volunteers, March 28, 1865. * Sergeant William E. Church, of the Eleventh New York Cavalry, March 29, 1865. * Captain Samuel R. Adams, of the Sixty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, April 7, 1865. * First Lieutenant William M. Dunn, jr., of the Eighty-third Indiana Volunteers, April 9, 1865. To be Judge Advocates with the rank of Major. Judge Advocates. Major Francis E. Wolcott, of the Twentieth Kentucky Volunteers, December 17, 1864, for the Army of the Ohio. 30 Captain Edgar W. Dennis, Additional Aide-de-Camp, January 19, 1865, for the. Department of Kansas. Captain William E. Furness, of the Forty-fifth United States Colored Troops, February 22, 1865, for the Twenty-fifth Army Corps. Thomas F. Barr, of Massachusetts, February 26, 1865, for the Thir- teenth Army Corps. William M. Hall, of Pennsylvania, March 1, 1865, for the Sixteenth Army Corps. To be Assistant Quartermasters with the rank of Captain. Quartermaster's Department. Jesse Healy, of Ohio, November 26, 1862. Jacob Cook, of Michigan, November 26, 1862. (Since declined. Thomas F. Purnell, of Kentucky, May 8, 1863. Aaron Gurney, of Indiana, December 3, 1864. (Since declined.) First Lieutenant James E. Fuller, of the Eleventh Connecticut Vol- unteers, December 8, 1864. Lieutenant Charles H. Reynolds, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, December 12, 1864. Valentine Saxton, of Pennsylvania, December 12, 1864. Lieutenant David J. Williamson, of the Fourth California Volunteers, December 15, 1864. George W. Hall, of Indiana, December 19, 1864. R. C. Rutherford, of Illinois, December 20, 1864. Frank H. White, of Michigan, January 3, 1865. Lieutenant E. B. Boyd, of the Sixty-third Ohio Volunteers, January 12, 1865. James D. Henderson, of Michigan, January 19, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles W. Ford, of the First Maine Cavalry, Jan- uary 21, 1865. J. Lee Knight, of Indiana, January 21, 1865. George E. Atwood, of Maine, January 21, 1865. A. Jerome Stockwell, of California, January 21, 1865. David B. Corwin, of Ohio, January 21, 1865. Erasmus C. Gilbraith, of Indiana, January 23, 1865. Samuel D. Burchard, of Missouri, January 24, 1865. Samuel D. Childs, of Illinois, January 24, 1865. Charles W. Holt, of Massachusetts, January 24, 1865. 31 Merritt B. Jones, of Pennsylvania, January 26, 1865. Alexander McKenzie, of Kentucky, January 27, 1865. Major E. Wilmot, Quartermaster, Missouri State Militia, January 28, 1865. William II. Purse, of Missouri, January 28, 1865. John P. Owens, of Minnesota, January 30, 1865. Lieutenant Edwin B. Burrows, of the Eighth U. S. Colored Infantry, January 31,1865. Darwin H. Barnes, of Michigan, January 31, 1865. Charles B. Stevens, of Connecticut, January 31, 1865. George H. Mower, of Maine, February 2, 1865. Joseph S. Elwell, of Wisconsin, February 2, 1865. Robert T. Knox, of Pennsylvania, February 4, 1865. Lieutenant T. Franklin P. Crandon, of the First Maryland Cavalry, February 6, 1865. First Lieutenant Stuart Barnes, of the Fifteenth Connecticut Vol- unteers, February 7, 1865. First Lieutenant Frank A. Mitchell, of the Fifty-Sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, February 7, 1865. Abner P. Lockerby, of Wisconsin, February 7, 1865. G. D. Cudlip, of Missouri, February 7, 1865. (Rejected by the Senate.) Lieutenant William H. Barlow, of the Thirty-first Missouri, Volun- teers, February 9, 1865. Anson Rood, of Michigan, February 9, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles Bridges, of the Eightieth U. S. Colored Troops, February 10, 1865. First Lieutenant John C. Grierson, of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, February 11, 1865. Lieutenant Edward Dewey, of the Eighth Vermont Volunteers, February 11, 1865. Marquis F. Cutting, of Wisconsin, February 13, 1865. Frank S. Balch, of , February 13, 1865. First Lieutenant John C. Gerard, of the One Hundred and Fifty- eighth New York Volunteers, February 15, 1865. Lieutenant John E. Johnson, of the First New Hampshire Heavy Artillery, February 15, 1865. Lieutenant Milton Dana, of the One Hundred and Forty-third Penn- sylvania Volunteers, February 16, 1865. 32 First Lieutenant Dellwyn V. Purington, of the Seventh U. S. Colored Troops, February 19, 1865. Lieutenant James T. Woodall, of the One Hundred and Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, February 20, 1865. Chandler B. Beach, clerk in the Quartermaster's Department, Feb- ruary 21, 1865. William B. Lapham, of Maine, February 21, 1865. Captain J. C. Whitney, of the Sixth Minnesota Volunteers, February 23, 1865. Warner H. Carnochan, of Pennsylvania, February 25, 1865. Franklin S. Bruner, of Kansas, February 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Samuel Munson, of the Ninth U. S. Infantry, Feb- ruary 27, 1865. Henry E. Luther, of Indiana, February 27, 1865. Charles M. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, February 27, 1865. Lieutenant F. B. Landis, of the Sixty-ninth Ohio Volunteers, Feb- ruary 28, 1865. Griffith O. Evans, of Minnesota, February 28, 1865. Theodore B. Fisher, of Ohio, February 28, 1865. First Lieutenant Alexander Goslin, of the One Hundred and Six- teenth New York Volunteers, March 1, 1865. Morris J. Gilbert, of New York, March I, 1865. Henry C. Tracy, of Pennsylvania, March 1, 1865. David W. Curtis, of , March 1, 1865. John W. Ferris, of New Jersey, March 1, 1865. Lieutenant J. W. Bradley, of the Missouri Volunteers, March 2,1865. Lieutenant La Tour M. Crist, of the Seventh Wisconsin Veteran Volunteers, March 3, 1865. Charles A. Cottrell, of Minnesota, March 3, 1865. Lieutenant David McKinney, of the Seventy-seventh Illinois Volun- teers, March 5, 1865. First Lieutenant Edward P. Farr, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, March 6, 1865. Lieutenant C. S. Sauvinet, of the Seventy-fourth Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, March 6, 1865. Charles Weave, of Iowa, March 6, 1865. Lieutenant Benjamin E. Fish, Acting Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, March 8, 1865. Edward S. Kendall, of Iowa, March 8, 1865. 33 Edward P. Taylor, of Illinois, March 8, 1865. John A. Prentice, of Ohio, March 9, 1865. W. P. McCulloch, of Pennsylvania, March 9, 1865. H. C. Marston, of Missouri, March 9, 1865. Captain Charles B. Stoddard, of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry, March 11, 1865. Lieutenant Theodore S. Peck, of the Ninth Vermont Volunteers, March 11, 1865. C. A. Lake, of , March 11, 1865. Joseph Peters, of , March 11, 1865. Ernest H. Wardwell, of Maryland, March 11, 1865. H. A. Royce, of the District of Columbia, March .11, 1865. Charles C. V. Vandergrift, of Pennsylvania, March 11, 1865. * Lieutenant C. W. Folsom, of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volun- teers, March 13,1865. * Captain Charles W. Davis, of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Vol- unteers, March 23, 1865. * Lieutenant Joseph C. Kitchen, of the Forty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, March 24, 1865. * Lieutenant John S. Hay, of the Ninth Maine Volunteers, March 28, 1865. * Lieutenant Charles W. Nash, Independent Battalion Minnesota Volunteers, April 5, 1865. * John J. Willoch, of Cincinnati, April 5, 1865. * Lieutenant Gilbert C. Morton, of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteers, April 7, 1865. * Lieutenant Hiram F. Gerrish, of the U. S. Colored Troops, May 1, 1865. To be Commissaries of Subsistence with the rank of Captain. Subsistence Department. First Lieutenant Mortimer A. Higley, of the Fifteenth Iowa Volun- teers, September 28, 1864. (Since cancelled.) Ambrose L. Doyle, of Ohio, November 19, 1864. (Declined.) First Lieutenant Charles S. Allen, of the Twenty-first U. S. Colored Troops, December 7, 1864. First Lieutenant William H. Kellogg, of the Tenth Missouri Volun- teers, December 8, 1864. Daniel B. Miller, of Pennsylvania, December 12, 1864. G. O. No. 97-3 34 William F. Johnson, of Pennsylvania, December 21, 1864. Addison Barrett, of Massachusetts, December 21, 1864. Dumont Bunker, of Maine, January 20, 1865. Charles M. Walker, of Michigan, January 20, 1865. Horatio D. Wood, of Missouri, January 21, 1865. John C. King, of Pennsylvania, January 21, 1865. Laurens A. Hascall, of New York, January 21, 1865. William H. Copp, of Illinois, January 21, 1865. Captain John F. Skelton, of the Seventeenth Iowa Volunteers, Jan- uary 23, 1865. Captain Henry J. Adams, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth New York Volunteers, January 23, 1865. First Lieutenant Henry W. Kingsley, of the Tenth Vermont Vol- unteers, January 23, 1865. Captain John D. Gray, of the Twenty-third U. S. Colored Troops, January 25, 1865. Edwin Harlan, of Illinois, January 25, 1865. N. S. McKeen, of Illinois, January 26. 1865. Sergeant Major John Hartley, of the Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, January 27, 1865. Hospital Steward Hollis Stedman, U. S. Army, January 27, 1865. Lieutenant Ferdinand Shaw, of the Ninety-eighth New York Volun- teers, January 28, 1865. Lieutenant J. Frank Cummings, of the Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, January 28, 1865. William H. Tubbs, of Connecticut, January 28, 1865. George Garfield, of Ohio, January 30, 1865. Harrison G. Cole, of Maine, January 30, 1865. Evarts S. Ewing, of Iowa, January 31, 1865. Edward Z. Lawrence, of New Jersey, January 31,1865. Koger Conant, of the Seventeenth New York Volunteers, February 1,1865. (Since resigned.) First Lieutenant Jerome J. Shedd, of the Ninety-fourth New York Volunteers, February 2, 1865. First Lieutenant Samuel V. Templin, of the Sixty-third Indiana Volunteers, February 2, 1865. Stephen Meredith, of the Second Pennsylvania Artillery, February 2, 1865. (Since resigned.) John E. S. Cooper, of Wisconsin, February 2, 1865. 35 David C. Buchanan, of Indiana, February 6, 1865. A. V. Simpson, of Pennsylvania, February 8, 1865. Eli P. May, of Wisconsin, February 8,1865. (Declined.) Dudley E. Cornell, of New York, February 9, 1865. James Sawyer, of Wisconsin, February 9, 1865. Second Lieutenant Vespasian Warner, of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteers, February 10, 1865. David II. Laughton, of Ohio, February 13, 1865. Charles H. Gardner, of New Hampshire, February 15, 1865. First Lieutenant Chester W. Houghton, of the Twenty-seventh Michigan Volunteers, February 15, 1865. James Harris, of Pennsylvania, February 15, 1865. William Letcher, of Ohio, February 16, 1865. Junius M. Palmer, of Tennessee, February 17, 1865. W. W. Lander, of Massachusetts, February 17, 1865. First Lieutenant John S. Beazell, Acting Commissary of Subsistence, Third Cavalry Division, Army of Potomac, February 20, 1865. Thomas M. Banbury, of Iowa, February 20, 1865. Milton J. Cook, of Kentucky, February 21, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles S. Shattuck, of the Sixth Vermont Volun- teers, February 22, 1865. Commissaiy Sergeant Francis K. Jenkins, of the Sixth Wisconsin Veteran Volunteers, February 22, 1865. Mark H. Wooster, of Vermont, February 22, 1865. Captain M. J. Daniels, of the Ninth Minnesota VoJunteers, February 23, 1865. First Lieutenant John L. Meserve, jr., of the Eightieth U. S. Col- ored Troops, February 23, 1865. Mandeville T. Ludden, of Maine, February 24, 1865. Lucius E. Smith, of Vermont, February 25, 1865. Lucien McMillan, of Pennsylvania, February 25, 1865. Nelson Z. Strong, of Kansas, February 25, 1865. Captain Frederic W. Alexander, Light Battery of Maryland Vol- unteers, February 28, 1865. Webster Thomas, of Ohio, February 28, 1865. Adam Ferguson, of Pennsylvania, February 28, 1865. George Gilbert, of Ohio, February 28, 1865. Anthony C. Simpson, of Pennsylvania, February 28, 1865. (Since resigned.) Nathan R. Gardner, of Massachusetts, February 28, 1865. 36 First Lieutenant M. G. Stapleton, of the One Hundred and Sixty- fourth New York Volunteers, March 1, 1865. Orla C. Richardson, of Illinois, March 2, 1865. P. H. Lyden, Clerk in Subsistence Department, March 2, 1865. John T. Clements, jr., of Missouri, March 2, 1865. Harry L. Gilmour, of Pennsylvania, March 2, 1865. Lowell Hall, of Michigan, March 3, 1806. Jeremiah M. Shepard, of Connecticut, March 3, 1865. Lieutenant Emmet Headington, of the 30th Ohio Volunteers, March 6, 1865. Lieutenant Charles W. Folsom, of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteers, March 6, 1865. John F. Wilson, late Commissary of Subsistence of Volunteers, March 6, 1865. Algernon S. Seaton, of Ohio, March 6, 1865. Henry C. Patterson, of Pennsylvania, March 7, 1865. John W. Hopkins, of Oregon, March 7, 1865. Charles F. Lynn, of Illinois, March 7, 1865. William L. Campbell, of Indiana, March 8, 1865. D. D. Holdridge, of Iowa, March 8, 1865. (Declined.) William B. Sprinkle, of Missouri, March 8, 1865. Captain Benjamin W. Wells, of the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, March 9, 1865. Lieutenant Dwight W. Hakes, of the Eighteenth Connecticut Vol- unteers, March 9, 1865. Henry E. Rives, of Illinois, March 9, 1865. George T. Bassett, of the District of Columbia, March 9, 1865. Frank C Emery, of Maine, March 9, 1865. Evans Blake, of Illinois, March 9, 1865. Benjamin J. Levy, of Michigan, March 11, 1865. Robert Lincoln, of Illinois, March 11, 1865. (Since resigned.) William II. Hanford, jr., of New York, March 11, 1865. (Since cancelled.) * Slater B. Russell, of Pennsylvania, March 11, 1865. (Declined.} * Samuel B. McCall, of Iowa, March 11, 1865. * Joseph L. Moore, of Pennsylvania, March 23, 1865. * Lieutenant Augustus Hubbell, of the Fifty-ninth New York Volun- teers, March 23, 1865. George H. Bonebrake, of Indiana, March 24, 1865. 37 Medical Department. Assistant Surgeon Mason F. Cogswell, U. S. Volunteers, January 3, 1865. (Since dead.) Assistant Surgeon E. Griswold, U. S. Volunteers, January 6, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Frederick Wolf, U. S. Volunteers, January 12,1865. Assistant Surgeon Theodore Artand, U. S. Volunteers, January 13, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Daniel Stahl, U. S. Volunteers, January 13, 1865. Assistant Surgeon William S. Ely, U. S. Volunteers, January 20,1865. Assistant Surgeon John S. McGrew, U. S. Volunteers, January 20, 1865. Assistant Surgeon William S. Woods, U. S. Volunteers, January 24, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Joseph W. Applegate, U. S. Volunteers, January 26, 1865. Assistant Surgeon James Collins, U. S. Volunteers, February 7,1865. Assistant Surgeon John F. Huber, U. S. Volunteers, February 9,1865. Assistant Surgeon James M. Study, U. S. Volunteers, February 10, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Thomas C. Henry, U. S. Volunteers, February 23, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Edward M. Powers, U. S. Volunteers, March 10, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon J. B. Petherbridge, U. S. Volunteers, March 18, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon Joseph B. Cutts, U. S. Volunteers, March 18, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon Harley P. Mathewson, U. S. Volunteers, March 28, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon Charles F. Haynes, U. S. Volunteers, March 31, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon Joseph H. Ledlie, U. S. Volunteers, April 8, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon J. P. Prince, U. S. Volunteers, May 3, 1865. To be Surgeons. To be Assistant Surgeons. Seymour D. Carpenter, of the District of Columbia, February 19, 1863. (Since appointed Surgeon.) 38 Richard D. Lynde, of New York, February 19, 1863. (Since ap- pointed Surgeon.) Joseph W. Applegate, of Indiana, February 19, 1863. (Since ap- pointed Surgeon.) Robert L. Braden, of Connecticut, February 19, 1863. (Since dis- charged. ) John D. Johnson, of New Jersey, February 19, 1863. Alexander M. Speer, of Kentucky, February 19, 1863. (Since ap- pointed Surgeon.) James Reily, of New Jersey, December 8, 1864. Abial W. Nelson, of Kentucky, December 13, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon J. Victor De Hannd, U. S. Army, Decem- ber 21, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. G. Elliott, U. S. Army, December 21, 1864. Surgeon J. P. Prince, of the Ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, Decem- ber 27, 1864. George E. Stubb, of Maine, January 9, 1865. John H. Frizell, of Ohio, January 9, 1865. J. M. Jenkins, of Illinois, January 9, 1865. Acting Assistant Surgeon J. H. Bartholf, U. S. Army, January 12, 1865. R. W. Coale, of Missouri, January 18, 1865. Acting Assistant Surgeon O. P. Sweet, U. S. Army, January 20,1865. James H. Armsby, of New York, January 24, 1865. John Parsons, of New York, January 26, 1865. John Ward, of Pennsylvania, January 26, 1865. Surgeon David G. Rush, of the One Hundred and First Pennsylvania Volunteers, January 30, 1865. H. A. Buck, of Illinois, February 2, 1865. Rev. T. B. Meacham, Chaplain of the Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery, February 7, 1865. Byron Stanton, of Ohio, February 9, 1865. Park H. Loring, of Ohio, February 9, 1865. Richard B. Brown, of New Hampshire, February 9, 1865. F. E. Martindale, of New York, February 17, 1865. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. K. Cleveland, U. S. Army, February 28, 1865. E. C. Seguin, of New York, March 3, 1865. 39 Henry K. White, of Pennsylvania, March 3, 1865. John Van Duyn, of New Jersey, March 3, 1865. Charles S. Robert, of New York, March 3, 1865. * John Bennett, of Michigan, March 18, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon J. Q. A. Hudson, U. S. Army, March 18, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. Lilly, U. S. Army, March 28, 1865. * Samuel Birdsall, of New York, March 31, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon Thomas Turner, U. S. Army, April Q, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles A. Leale, U. S. Army, April 8, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon Thomas W. Johnson, U. S. Army, April 17, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. May, U. S. Army, April 20, 1865. * Assistant Surgeon T. E. Wilcox, of the Sixth New York Volunteers, April 25, 1865. * Acting Assistant Surgeon D. Williams, U. S. Army, May 3, 1865. Pay Department. To be Additional Paymasters. Captain Butler Fitch, of the Eighth New York Battery, December 12, 1864. James Burgess, of Indiana, December 19, 1864. Theophilus Snyder, of Pennsylvania, January 20, 1865. Morris B. Brown, of Illinois, January 23, 1865. Captain John B. Dennis, of the Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, January 25, 1865. Lafayette A. Lyon, Clerk, Paymaster General's Office, January 25, 1865. Frank North, of New York, January 25, 1865. James II. Noteware, of Colorado Territory, January 25, 1865. George Means, of Pennsylvania, January 28, 1865. William A. Thornton, of Connecticut, January 28, 1865. A. Frank Vance, of New York, January 30, 1865. Benjamin W. Norris, of Maine, February 2, 1865. David Crumbacker, of Indiana, February 6, 1865. (Since dead.) Archibald M. Hayes, of Minnesota, February 6, 1865. 40 Monroe Hall, of New York, February 13, 1865. Captain William A. Smiley, of the Twelfth West Virginia Volunteers, February 17, 1865. D. Ira Baker, of New York, February 24, 1865. John J. Colton, of Vermont, February 24, 1865. George T. Blair, of New York, March 3, 1865. John R. Vernam, of New York, March 3, 1865. Jacob Bugh, of Wisconsin, March 3, 1865. George F. Emery, of Massachusetts, March 3, 1865. (Declined.) J. S. Davis, of Ohio, March 3, 1865. Lieutenant Benjamin W. Brunson, of the Eighth Minnesota Volun- teers, March 3, 1865. D. W. C. James, of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1865. George A. Batchelder, of Massachusetts, March 7, 1865. Jesse W. Elliott, of Indiana, March 8, 1865. Charles T. Yoder, of Pennsylvania, March 11, 1865. * John Speed, of Kentucky, March 22, 1865. (Since resigned.) * Sidney Keith, of Indiana, March 29, 1865. * Edmond H. Brooke, of Maryland, April 1, 1865. * Hayden McLellan, of Massachusetts, April 25, 1865. Veteran Reserve Corps. To be Lieutenant Colonel. John B. Callis, to date from February 11, 1865. George E. Scott, to date from February 11, 1865. * Aquila Wiley, to date from April 27, 1865. * Robert Avery, to date from April 27, 1865. To be Majors. To be Captains. Ira Ayer, to date from January 19, 1865. William Arthur, to date from January 19, 1865. John H. Bassler, to date from January 19, 1865 John Knox, to date from January 19, 1865. James E. Eldredge, to date from January 30, 1865. Nathan Cole, to date from February 10, 1865. John W. De Forest, to date from February 10, 1865. 41 Joel A. Fife, to date from February 10, 1865. Thomas McDonough, to date from February 10, 1865. S. O. Burnham, to date from February 21, 1865. John F. Cleghorn, to date from February 21, 1865. Joseph M. Durkee, to date from February 21, 1865. Richard Goebel, to date from February 21, 1365. Thomas H. Hay, to date from February 21, 1865. Joseph C. Rodriquez, to date from February 21, 1865. •James A. Bates, to date from March 15, 1865. •Franklin Johnson, to date from March 15, 1865. * Fred'k Von Schirach, to date from March 25, 1865. * William B. Dick, to date from March 25, 1865. * Henry D. Waters, to date from March 25, 1865. •William Stone, to date from March 25, 1865. * Thomas H. Hopwood, to date from March 25, 1865. •Irving F. Wallace, to date from March 25, 1865. * Henry C. Brandt, to date from March 25, 1865. * F. W. Liedtke, to date from March 25, 1865. •Mortier L. Norton, to date from March 25, 1865. * William Shields, to date from March 25, 1865. * Aquila Wiley, to date from March 25, 1865. (Since appointed Major.) •John O'Dwyer, to date March 25, 1865. * William W. Dudley, to date from March 25, 1-865. * Henry R. Jones, to date from April 3, 1865. * Joseph M. Kelley, to date from April 3, 1865. * Leonard J. Whiting, to date from April 3, 1865. * James W. Brockway, to date from April 3, 1865. * William Linn Tidball, to date from April 8, 1865. * William S. Schoonmaker, to date from April 21, 1865. * James H. Long, to date from April 21, 1865. * Orpheus S. Woodward, to date from May 2, 1865. * Charles S. Greene, to date from May 8, 1865. •James M. Davenport, to date from May 10, 1865. To be First Lieutenants. Patrick Callaghan, to date from January 19, 1865. George W. Debevoise, to date from January 19, 1865. James Joyes, to date from January 19, 1865. 42 William O. Sides, to date from January 19, 1865. Henry B. Livingston, to date from January 30,1865. (Since revoked.) William F. Martins, to date from January 30, 1865. Joseph H. Sylvester, to date from January 30, 1865. Isaac M. Beebe, to date from February 9, 1865. Byron S. Fitch, to date from February 10, 1865. Edward Murphy, to date from February 10, 1865. Charles S. Schaeffer, to date from February 10, 1865. Martin L. Stover, to date from February 10, 1865. Isaiah S. Taylor, to date from February 10, 1865. Asa B. Gardner, to date from February 11, 1865. Joseph F. Allison, to date from February 21,1865. William H. Bower, to date from February 21, 1865. Amos S. Collins, to date from February 21, 1865. Aurora C. Keel, to date from February 21, 1865. Orlando F. Lemen, to date from February 21, 1865. Stevens E. Longyear, to date from February 21, 1865. James K. Warden, to date from February 21, 1865. Charles E. Joslyn, to date from February 21, 1865. * Mortier L. Norton, to date from March 15, 1865. (Since appointed Captain.) * Thomas W. Eobertson, to date from March 15, 1865. * York A. Woodward, to date from March 15, 1865. * John A. Laing, to date from March 15, 1865. * Julius E. Quentin, to date from March 15, 1865. * Warrington G. Eoberts, to date from March 15, 1865. * Troilus H. Tyndale, to date from March 25, 1565. * Sidney B. Smith, to date from March 25, 1865. * W. H. H. Holton, to date from March 25, 1865. * Charles H. Burd, to date from March 25, 1865. * William H. Campion, to date from March 25, 1865. * Frank A. Osbourn, to date from March 25, 1865. * James Hough, to date from April 3, 1865. * Patrick M. Haverty, to date from April 3, 1865. * Alexander Cameron, to date from April 8, 1865. * William Baldwin, to date from April 21, 1865. * Jacob C. Brubaker, to date from May 6, 1865. * Charles E. Campbell, to date from May 10, 1865. 43 Silas W. Edgerton, to date from January 19, 1865. Charles W. Dodge, to date from January 30, 1865. William P. Hogarty, to date from January 30, 1865. Edgar H. McQuigg, to date from January 30, 1865. Lewis D. Williams, to date from January 30, 1865. J. Arnold Yeckley, to date from January 30, 1865. John Exton, to date from February 10, 1865. Alexander McL. Crawford, to date from February 21, 1865. * William N. Thompson, to date from March 15, 1865. * Dexter S. Munger, to date from March 25, 1865. * John Anderson, to date from March 25, 1865. * Marcellus L. Stearns, to date from March 25, 1865. * Martin J. De Forest, to date from April 8, 1865. * Fielding Neale, to date from May 2, 1865. * Louis W. Stevenson, to date from May 2, 1865. * Frank W. Foot, to date from May 8, 1865. * Enos G. Budd, to date from May 11, 1865. * Daniel Eldredge, to date from May 15, 1865. To be Second Lieutenants. Reinstated. Captain Isaac H. Baker, June 24, 1863. (Since resigned.) First Lieutenant Francis A. Young, February 20, 1864. Second Lieutenant Mortier L. Norton, October 1, 1863. (Since ap- pointed First Lieutenant.) Second Lieutenant P. J. Campion, November 23, 1863. To be Major Generals by Brevet. * Brigadier General Seth Williams, of the United States Volunteers, for highly meritorious and faithful services in the field on the several campaigns from Gettysburg, Pa., to Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Gersham Mott, of the United States Volunteers, for distinguished services during the war, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Robert O. Tyler, of the United States Volunteers, for great gallantry at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Joseph J. Bartlett, of the United States Volunteers, 44 for meritorious and distinguished services during the campaign of this year before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General John R. Brooke, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General William F. Barry, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the campaign of Atlanta, to date from September 1, 1864. Brigadier General Absalom Baird, of the United States Volunteers, for faithful services and distinguished conduct during the Atlanta campaign, and particularly in the battles of Resaca and Jonesboro', and for general good conduct in the command of his division against Savannah, to date from September 1, 1864. Brigadier General M. D. Leggett, of the United States Volunteers, for long and continued services and for gallantry and completeness as an officer during the Atlanta and the Savannah campaigns, to date from September 1, 1864. Brigadier General Giles A. Smith, of the United States Volunteers, for long and continued service and for special gallantry and complete- ness as an officer during the Atlanta and the Savannah campaigns, to date from September 1, 1864. Brigadier General John W Turner, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, on several occasions before the enemy, to date from October 1, 1864. Brigadier General Henry E. Davies, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished conduct during the present campaign before Richmond, and more particularly in the battle on the Vaughan Road, to date from October 1, 1864. Brigadier General John M. Corse, of the United States Volunteers, for long and continued service and for special gallantry at Allatoona, to date from October 5, 1864. Brigadier General Lewis A. Grant, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Charles R. Woods, of the United States Volun- teers, for long and continued service and for special gallantry at Gris- woldville, Ga., to date from November 22, 1864. Brigadier General Thomas H. Ruger, of the United States Volun- 45 teers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., to date from November 30, 1864. Brigadier General John McArthur, of the United States Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry and efficiency during the battle of the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 15, 1864. Brigadier General Edward Hatch, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 15, 1864. Brigadier General Kenner Garrard, of the United States Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry and efficiency during the battle of the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 15, 1864. Brigadier General A. S. Williams, of the United States Volunteers, for marked ability and energy, &c., to date from January 12, 1865. Brigadier General Rufus Saxton, of the United States Volunteers, to date from January 12, 1865. Brigadier General John W. Geary, of the United States Volunteers, for fitness to command and promptness to execute, to date from Janu- uary 12, 1865. > Brigadier General John E. Smith, of the United States Volunteers, for faithful and efficient services and for gallantry in action, to date from January 12, 1865. Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick, of the United States Volun- teers, to date from January 12, 1865. Brigadier General Adelbert Ames, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Brigadier General Charles J. Paine, of the United States Volunteers, for meritorious and valuable services, to date from January 15, 1865. Brigadier General John M. Brannan, of the United States Volunteers, to date from January 23, 1865. Brigadier General Nathan Kimball, of the United States Volunteers, to date from February 1, 1865. Brigadier General Benjamin H. Grierson, of the United States Vol- unteers, to date from February 10, 1865. Brigadier General John B. Sanborn, of the United States Volunteers, to date from February 10, 1865. 46 Brigadier General William T. Ward, of the United States Volun- teers, to date from February 24, 1865. Brigadier General John A. Eawlins, of the United States Volunteers, and Chief of Staff, for faithful and meritorious services, to date from February 24, 1865. Brigadier General H. W. Birge, of the United States Volunteers, to date from February 25, 1865. Brigadier General Charles Cruft, of the United States Volunteers, to date from March 5, 1865. Brigadier General James W. McMillan, of the United States Volun- teers, to date from March 5, 1865. (Since resigned.) Brigadier General Alfred Sully, of the United States Volunteers, to date from March 8, 1865. Brigadier General C. C. Andrews, of the United States Volunteers, to date from March 9, 1865. Brigadier General Eugene A. Carr, of the United States Volunteers, to date from March 11, 1865. * Brigadier General Frederick Salomon, of the United States Volun- teers, to date from March 11, 1865. * Brigadier General James D. Morgan, of the United States Volun- teers, for gallant services at the battle of Bentonsville, N. C., to date from March 19, 1865. * Brigadier General John F. Hartranft, of the United States Volun- teers, for conspicuous gallantry in repulsing and driving back the enemy from the lodgement made on our lines March 25, 1865, to date from March 25, 1865. * Brigadier General Charles Devens, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from April 3, 1865. To be Brigadier Generals by Brevet. Lieutenant Colonel John E. Mulford, of the Third New York Volun- teers, for special services and highly meritorious conduct, to date from July 4, 1864. Colonel John F. Ballier, of the Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania Volun- teers, for distinguished gallantry throughout the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 13, 1864. Brevet Colonel William T. Clark, of the United States Volunteers, 47 for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Atlanta, to date from July 22, 1864. Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, of the First Rhode Island Light Artil- lery, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel James M. Warner, of the First Vermont Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, and at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel J. Howard Hitching, of the Sixth New York Artillery, for meritorious and distinguished services during the campaign of this year before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Edward H. Ripley, of the Ninth Vermont Volunteers, to date from August 1,1864. Colonel George P. Foster, of the 4th Vermont Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Colonel Charles G. Loring, United States Volunteers, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Read, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, for gallantry before the enemy, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864. Colonel E. D. Osband, of the Third United States Colored Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services, to date from October 5,1864. Colonel Oliver Edwards, of the Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Spottsyl- vania Court-house, Va., and for meritorious conduct in the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel William H. Ball, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19,1864. Colonel John W. Horn, of the Sixth Maryland Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel S. H. Roberts, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth New 48 York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack upon the enemy's works at Fort Harrison, Va., to date from October 28,1864. Colonel William J. Palmer, of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, for valuable services, to date from November 6, 1864. Colonel Thomas J. Henderson, of the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the late Campaigns in Georgia and Tennessee, and especially at the battle of Franklin, to date from November 30,1864. Colonel B. D. Fearing, of the Ninety-second Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services as commander of his regiment during the long campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and from Atlanta to Savannah, to date from December 2, 1864. Colonel John H. Ketcham, of the One Hundred and Fiftieth New York Volunteers, to date from December 6, 1864. (Since honorably discharged.) Colonel W. P. Richardson, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, to date from December 7,1864. Colonel A. F. Stevens, of the Thirteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, to date from December 8, 1864. Colonel A. C. Voris, of the Sixty-seventh Ohio Volunteers, to date from December 8, 1864. Colonel J. S. Robinson, of the Eighty-second Ohio Volunteers, to date from December 9,1864. Colonel George P. Este, of the Fourteenth Ohio Volunteers, to date from December 9, 1864. Colonel James H. Ford, of the Second Colorado Cavalry, to date from December 10,1864. Colonel Isaac C. Bassett, of the Eighty-second Pennsylvania Volun- teers, for gallantry and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 12, 1864. Colonel E. F. Winslow, of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, to date from December 12, 1864. Colonel James S. Brisbin, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from December 12, 1864. Colonel William Gamble, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, to date from December 14, 1864. Colonel Henry D. Washburn, of the Eighteenth Indiana Volunteers, to date from December 15, 1864. Colonel S. G. Hill, of the Thirty-fifth Iowa Volunteers, for gallant 49 and distinguished services in the action of December 15, 1864, to date from December 15, 1864. (Since dead.) Colonel Thomas II. Benton, of the Twenty-ninth Iowa Volunteers, to date from December 15, 1864. Colonel William Cogswell, of the Second Massachusetts Volunteers, to date from December 15, 1864. Colonel Thomas T. Heath, of the Fifth Ohio Cavalry, to date from December 15, 1864. Colonel P. Sidney Post, of the Fifty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the battles before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 16, 1864. Colonel W. L. McMillan, of the Ninety-fifth Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the actions of December 15th and 16th, before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 16, 1864. Colonel L. F. Hubbard, of the Fifth Minnesota Volunteers, for gal- lant and distinguished services in the actions of December 15th and 16th, before Nashville, Tenn., to date from December 16, 1864. Colonel S. L. Glasgow, of the Twenty-third Iowa Volunters, for good conduct in the campaign against Vicksburg, to date from December 19, 1864. Colonel J. P. C. Shanks, of the Seventh Indiana Cavalry, to date from December 19, 1864. Colonel James A. Williamson, of the Fourth Iowa Volunteers, for gallantry and good conduct in the campaigns against Vicksburg, Chat- tanooga, and Atlanta, to date from December 19, 1864. Colonel G. II. Sharp, of the One Hundred and Twentieth New York Volunteers, to date from December 20, 1864. Colonel Benjamin J. Sweet, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from December 20, 1864. Colonel A. S. Hartwell, of the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Honey Hill, S. C., to date from December 30, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel R. H. Jackson, Assistant Inspector General of the Twenty-fifth Army Corps, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from January 1, 1865. Brevet Major Peter S. Michie, of the U. S. Army, for meritorious services in 1864, to date from January 1, 1865. Brevet Colonel Andrew J. Alexander, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from January 5, 1865. G. O. No. 97-4 50 Colonel Amos Beckwith, Additional Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel George P. Buell, of the Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers, for long, faithful, and most valuable services, and for able management of pontoon train, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel Smith D. Atkins, of the Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel Henry A. Barnum, of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth New York Volunteers, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel Isaac M. Kirby, of the One Hundred and First Ohio Volun- teers, to date from January 12, 1§65. Colonel William B. Woods, of the Seventy-sixth Ohio Volunteers, for faithful and continued service and completeness as an officer during the Atlanta and the Savannah campaigns, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel Ane Parded, jr., of the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, for special gallantry and noble conduct at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel II. C. Hobart, of the Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteers, to date from January 12, 1865. Colonel Edwin L. Hays, of the One Hundredth Ohio Volunteers, to date from January 12. 1865. Colonel John W. Ames, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel J. C. Abbott, of the Seventh New Hampshire Volunteers, for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel Elias Wright, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel G. Pennypacker, of the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel Rufus Daggett, of the One Hundred and Seventeenth New York Volunteers, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel George S. Dodge, Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the James, for valuable services in the movement against Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel J. S. Littell, of the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, to date from January 15, 1865. 51 Colonel Alonzo Alden, of the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers, to date from January 15, 1865. Brevet Colonel Cyrus B. Comstock, United State Volunteers, for gal- lant services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Colonel Nathan A. M. Dudley, of the Thirtieth Massachusetts Veteran Volunteers, to date from January 19, 1865. Colonel Benjamin Harrison, of the Seventieth Indiana Volunteers, for ability and manifest energy and gallantry in command of a brigade, to date from January 23, 1865. Colonel Morgan H. Chrysler, of the Second New York Veteran Cav- alry, to date from January 23, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel William Hartsuff, Assistant Inspector General, Twenty-third Army Corps, to date from January 24, 1865. Colonel Jack L. Casement, of the One Hundred and Third Ohio Vol- unteers, to date from January 25, 1865. Colonel R. K. Scott, of the Sixty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, to date from January 26, 1865. Brevet Colonel George W. Schofield, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious service during the late campaigns in Georgia and Tennessee, to date from January 26, 1865. Colonel Thomas J. Harrison, of the Eighth Indiana Cavalry, to date from January 31, 1865. Colonel W. F. Lynch, of the Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteers, to date from January 31, 1865. Colonel S. B. Brown, of the Eleventh Michigan Cavalry, to date from January 31, 1865. Colonel Israel N. Stiles, of the Sixty-third Indiana Volunteers, to date from January 31, 1865. Colonel Wager Swayne, of the Forty-third Ohio Volunteers, to date from February 5, 1865. Colonel Emerson Opdyke, of the ©ne Hundred and Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, to date from February 7, 1865. Colonel David Shunk, of the Eighth Indiana Volunteers, to date from February 9, 1865. Colonel Clark R. We ver, of the Seventeenth Iowa Veteran'Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from February 9, 1865. 52 Colonel Minor T. Thomas, of the Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, to date from February 10, 1865. Colonel Thomas M. Bowen, of the Thirteenth Kansas Volunteers, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel J. M. Williams, of the First Kansas Colored Volunteers, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel Charles W. Blair, of the Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel Thomas Moonlight, of the Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel James F. Wade, of the United States Colored Troops, for gallant services in the campaign in Southwestern Virginia, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel Charles W. Adams, of the Twelfth Kansas Volunteers, to date from February 13, 1865. Major Verplanck Van Antwerp, Additional Aide-de-Camp, to date from February 13, 1865. Colonel Charles E. Lippincott, of the Thirty-third Illinois Volunteers, to date frdm February' 17, 1865. Colonel Jonathan B. Moore, of the Thirty-third Wisconsin Volun- teers, to date from February 18, 1865. Colonel Thomas E. Champion, of the Ninety-sixth Illinois Volun- teers, to date from February 20, 1865. Colonel Benjamin Dornblaser, of the Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteers, to date from February 20, 1865. Colonel D. Moore, of the Twenty-first Missouri Volunteers, to date from February 21, 1865. Colonel John Ritchie, of the Second Indian Home Guards, Kansas Volunteers, to date from February 21, 1865. Colonel II. M. Plaisted, of the Eleventh Maine Volunteers, to date from February 21, 1865. Colonel William Wells, of the First Vermont Cavalry, to date from February 22, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Francis M. Drake, of the Thirty-sixth Iowa Vol- unteers, to date from February 22, 1865. Colonel James F. Hall, of the First New York Engineers, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel S. E. Chamberlain, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, to date from February 24, 1865. 53 Colonel C. D. McDougall, of the One Hundred and Eleventh New York Volunteers, to date from February 25, 1865. Colonel George W. Cole, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from February 25, 1865. Colonel Thomas J. Jourdan, of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, to date from February 25, 1865. Colonel Isaac E. Sherwood, of the One Hundred and Eleventh Ohio Volunteers, to date from February 27, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Henry S. Commager, of the Sixty-seventh Ohio Volunteers, to date from February 27, 1865. Colonel James S. Martin, of the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteers, to date from February 28, 1865. Colonel Edward Bouton, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from February 28, 1865. Colonel Wlademier Kryzanowski, of the Fifty-eighth New York Volunteers, to date from March 2, 1865. Colonel Adrian E. Boot, of the Ninety-fourth New York Volunteers, to date from March 2, 1865. Colonel Harry White, of the Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, to date from March 2, 1865. Colonel Thomas W. Bennett, of the Sixty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, to date from March 5, 1865. Colonel James M. True, of the Sixty-second Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 6, 1865. Colonel George M. Love, of the One Hundred and Sixteenth New York Volunteers, to date from March 7, 1865. Colonel Ambrose A. Stevens, of the Veteran Eeserve Corps, to date from March 7, 1865. Colonel John L. Beveridge, of the Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry, to date from March 7, 1865. Colonel W. W. Henry, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, to date from March 7, 1865. Colonel Charles Albright, of the Two Hundred and Second Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, to date March 7, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel James A. Hall, of the Maine Artillery, to date from March 7, 1865. Colonel James Wood, jr., of the One Hundred and Thirty-Sixth New York Volunteers, to date from March 8, 1865. 54 Colonel Datus E. Coon, of the Second Iowa Volunteers, to date from March 8, 1865. Colonel Herman Biggs, of the Quartermaster's Department, to date from March 8, 1865. Colonel James A. Ekin, of the Quartermaster's Department, to date from March 8, 1865. Captain Paul A. Oliver, of the Fifth New York Volunteers, to date from March 8, 1865. (Since honorably discharged.) Colonel B. G. Farrar, of the Fifth U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery, to date from March 9, J 865. Colonel Thomas 0. Osborn, of the Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 10, 1865. Colonel John Tillson, of the Tenth Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 10, 1865. Colonel Isaac C. Pugh, of the Forty-first Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 10, 1865. Colonel Henry D. Kingsbury, of the One Hundred and Eighty-ninth Ohio Volunteers, to date from March 10, 1865. * Colonel Isaac S. Catlin, of the One Hundred and Ninth New York Volunteers, to date from March 11, 1865. * Colonel Ulysses Doubleday, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from March 11, 1865. * Colonel Samuel C. Armstrong, of the United States Colored Troops, to date from March 11, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F. Wildes, of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio Volunteers, to date from March 11, 1865. * Colonel E. P. Fyffe, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from March 13, 1865. * Colonel Daniel Dustin, of the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Vol- unteers, for gallant services in the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 16, 1865. * Colonel William Hawley, of the Third Wisconsin Volunteers, for gallant services in the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina to date from March 16, 1865. * Colonel James L. Selfridge, of the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, for gallant services during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 16, 1865. * Colonel George Spaulding, of the Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry, to date from March 21, 1865. 55 * Brevet Colonel William E. Strong, United States Volunteers, for gallant and efficient services during the campaign in South Carolina, to date from March 21, 1865. * Colonel Loren Kent, of the Twenty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 22, 1865. * Colonel E. H. Murray, of the Third Kentucky Veteran Cavalry, to date from March 25, 1865. "Colonel Moses B. Walker, of the Thirty-first Ohio Volunteers, to date from March 27, 1865. * Colonel N. L. Jeffries, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, for meritorous and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Colonel John E. Bennett, of the Seventy-fifth Illinois Volunteers, to date from April 6, 1865. * Colonel Samuel Ross, of the Twentieth Connecticut Volunteers, to date from April 13, 1865. * Colonel Benjamin C. Tilghman, of the U. S. Colored Troops, to date from April 13, 1865. (Since honorably discharged.) * Colonel C. R. Thompson, of the U. S. Colored Troops, to date from April 13, 1865. * Colonel Felix Salm Salm, of the Sixty-eighth New York Volunteers, to date from April 13, 1865. * Brevet Major Theophilus F. Rodenbough, U. S. Army, to date from April 13, 1865. * Colonel Alexander Cumming, U. S. Volunteers, to date from April 19, 1865. * Major William H. Morgan, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Vol- unteers, to date from April 20, 1865. * Colonel Stephen McGroarty, of the Sixty first Ohio Volunteers, for gallant services during the war, to date from May 1, 1865. * Brevet Colonel John G. Hazard, U. S. Volunteers, to date from May 3, 1865. * Colonel George W. Gile, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from May 6, 1865. To be Colonels by Brevet. Lieutenant Colonel William T. Clark, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Atlanta, to date from July 22, 1864. 56 Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, at the siege of Knoxville, and in the battles of the late campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. Hamilton, of the Sixty-second New York Volunteers, for gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel M. T. McMahon, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for highly meritorious service in the cam- paign from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel George L. Montague, of the Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry in the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel John G. Parr, of the One Hundred and Thirty- ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James L. Van Buren, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William Cutting, United States Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from August 1, 1864. (Since resigned.) * Lieutenant Colonel William E. Strong, Assistant Inspector General, for distinguished and gallant services during the campaign against Atlanta, Ga., to date from September 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Janies Patchell, of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallantry at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Edward L. Campbell, of the Fifteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel J. Ford Kent, Assistant Inspector General, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Egbert Olcott, of the One Hundred and Twenty- 57 first New York Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Moses M. Granger, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious service in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Otho H. Binkley, of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel E. D. Holt, of the Forty-ninth New York Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilder- ness and Spottsylvania Court-house, and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel H. W. Floyd, of the Third Vermont Volunteers, for gallantry and good conduct throughout the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Milliken, of the Forty-third New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Eckman, of the Ninety-third Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services throughout the campaign before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Major Charles Mundee, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major Hazard Stevens, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel B. J. Hickman, of the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct throughout the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from December 5, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Edward W. Smith, Assistant Adjutant General, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, for meritorious services in the campaigns of 1863 and 1864, to date from January 1, 1865. 58 Lieutenant Colonel M. P. Small, Commissary of Subsistence, Twenty- fourth Army Corps, for distinguished and meritorious services in the campaigns of 1863 and 1864, to date from January 1, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Barrett, of the Fourth Maryland Volun- teers, to date from January 4, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Andrew J. Alexander, Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral, Seventeenth Army Corps, to date from January 5, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Cyrus B. Comstock, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant services at the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from January 15, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel John H. Howe, of the One Hundred and Twenty- fourth Illinois Volunteers, to date from January 23, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel George W. Schofield, of the Second Missouri Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services during the late cam- paigns in Georgia and Tennessee, to date from January 26, 1865. * Major William M. Wherry, Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 26, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Head, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, to date from February 19, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel D. E. Clendenin, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, to date from February 20, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel John C. Smith, of the Ninety-sixth Illinois Vol- unteers, to date from February 20, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Edwards, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from February 22, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel S. P. Jennison, of the Tenth Minnesota Volun- teers, to date from February 23, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore S. Bowers, Assistant Adjutant General, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Orville E. Babcock, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Frederick T. Dent, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Horace Porter, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Adam Badeau, Military Secretary, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Ely S. Parker, Military Secretary, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24,1865. 59 Lieutenant Colonel John Levering, Assistant Adjutant General, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from March 2, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from March 3, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. F. Meline, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from March 8, 1865. Major Henry L. Burnett, Judge Advocate, for diligent and efficient service, to date from March 8, 1865. * Lieutenant Colonel A. Potter, of the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers, to date from May 1, 1865. * Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. G. Hazard, U. S. Volunteers, to date from May 3, 1865. * Captain Charles H. Irvin, Assistant Quartermaster, for distinguished and faithful services in the Quartermaster's Department, to date from May 8, 1865. To be Lieutenant Colonels by Brevet. Major Richard T. Auchmuty, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from July 6, 1864. Major J. W. Crosby, of the Sixty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallantry in the engagements of the Wilderness and Fort Stevens, to date from July 12, 1865. Major S. S. Seward, Additional Aide-dc-Camp, for gallant and merit- orious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from July 30, 1864. Major J. A. Tompkins, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1,1864. Major Charles Mundee, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious services throughout the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Major Hazard Stevens, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallantry and distinguished services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Major D. C. Keller, of the Ninety-third Pennsylvania Veteran Vol- unteers, for distinguished services throughout the campaign before Richmond, Va., to'date from August 1, 1864. Major Robert Munroe, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19,1864. 60 Major Charles W. Kempf, of the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteers, for gallantry in the present campaign before Richmond and in the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19,1864. Major Placidus Ord, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant conduct in the campaign of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864. Major C. A. Whittier, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Surgeon S. A. Holman, of the U. S. Volunteers, for highly distin- guished services in his department and in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major Jeffery Skinner, of the Second Connecticut Artillery, for gal- lant and meritorious conduct throughout the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major Aaron Spangler, of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Major Enoch E. Johnson, of the Second Vermont Volunteers, for gallantry in all the battles since Cold Harbor, and especially at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major William H. Long, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Major John Harper, of the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct throughout the campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major Rufus P. Lincoln, of the Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Volun- teers, for distinguished gallantry during the present campaign before Richmond and for meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Major A. F. Walker, of the Eleventh Vermont Volunteers, for dis- tinguished gallantry in the several engagements in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Brevet Major George Clendenin, jr., U. S. Volunteers, for distin- guished gallantry during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 22, 1864. Surgeon D. W. Hand, U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services ren- 61 dered during the war, and more particularly for the skill, energy, and fidelity displayed by him as Medical Director of the Military District of North Carolina during the prevalence of a fatal epidemic (yellow fever) at Newbern, N. C., in the autumn of 1864, to date from November 1, 1864. Surgeon Thomas W. Fry, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from December 8, 1864. Major F. A. H. Gaebel, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from December 10, 1864. Major W. H. H. Beadle, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from December 13, 1864. Major Adam E. King, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallantry and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Monocacy, to date from January 23, 1865. Major William R. Price, Assistant Adjutant General, for industry, zeal, and faithful services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from January 23, 1865. Brevet Major William J. Twining, of the U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the late campaigns in Georgia and Tennessee, to date from January 26, 1865. Brevet Major J. S. Crosby, U. S. Volunteers, to date from February 15, 1865 Major George Hicks, of the Ninety-sixth Illinois Volunteers, to date from February 20, 1865. Brevet Major Ira Ayer, U. S. Volunteers, to date from February 20, 1865. Brevet Major Arthur Edwards, U. S. Volunteers, to date from Feb- ruary 22, 1865. Major John F. Anderson, Aide-de-Camp, to date from March 1,1865. Brevet Major W. H. Paine, U. S. Volunteers, to date from March 2, 1865. Major J. F. Meline, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from March 8, 1865. Brevet Major James Curry, U. S. Volunteers, for long, faithful, and arduous services, to date from March 9, 1865. * Brevet Major James Vandeventer, U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Major E. W. Guindon, Aide-de-Camp, for efficient services rendered 62 during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 19, 1865. * Brevet Major Albert G. Lawrence, U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from March 21, 1865. * Surgeon J. II. Baxter, of the U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Major Robert M. Littler, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, for merito- rious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the United States, to date from March 30, 1865. * Brevet Major Duncan A. Pell, U. S. Volunteers, to date from April 18, 1865. * Major A. H. Embler, Aide-de-Camp, to date from May 1, 1865. * Captain Edward J. Strang, Assistant Quartermaster, for long and faithful services during the war, to date from May 11, 1865. * Captain William T. Howell, Assistant Quartermaster, for long and faithful services during the war, to date from May 11, 1865. Captain Luther Brown, of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Monocacy, to date from July 10, 1864. Captain Benjamin W. Richards, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for con- spicuous gallantry throughout the campaign under General Grant, at the Monocacy, and in the Shenandoah Valley under General Sheridan, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain E. G. Ballou, of the Second Vermont Volunteers, for gal- lantry in the battles of the Wilderness and subsequent engagements, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Daniel D. Wiley. Commissary of Subsistence, for faithful and efficient services in his Department, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George H. Selkirk, of the Forty-ninth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the various battles throughout the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Elijah Wales, of the Second Vermont Volunteers, for gal- lantry in the battles of the Wilderness and subsequent engagements, to date from August 1, 1864. To be Majors by Brevet. 63 Captain R. H. I. Goddard, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritori- ous services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George Clendenin, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, for gal- lant conduct at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain D. R. Lamed, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, at the siege of Knoxville, and in the battles of the late campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John A. Morris, Assistant Quartermaster, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain C. G. Hutton, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, at the siege of Knox- ville, and in the battles of the late campaign from the Rapidan to Peters- burg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Franklin W. Wombacker, of the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for distinguished services in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain William B. Rhodes, of the First Rhode Island Light Ar- tillery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain W. J. Warner, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallantry in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Andrew Cowan, of the First New York Independent Battery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and Gilbert's Ford, on the Opequan Creek, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Louis F. Prenot, of the Eighty-second Pennsylvania Volun- teers, for meritorious actions and gallantry at the battles of Cold Harbor and Winchester, Va., and universal good behavior under fire, to date from September 17, 1864. Captain Albert M. Tyler, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, for meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864 64 Captain J. E. Eldridge, of the Eleventh Vermont Volunteers, for especially gallant conduct at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain John Duncan, of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, for distinguished bravery at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain William H. Terrill, of the Forty-third New York Volunteers, for meritorious conduct while commanding the Sharpshooters at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain John Snodgrass, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for meritorious conduct in the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., and particularly at the battle of Winches- ter, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain Robert W. Lyon, of the One Hundred and Second Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for distinguished services in the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain M. L. Butterfield, of the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteers, for gal- lantry through the Wilderness campaign and in the battle of Winches- ter, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain Mason W. Tyler, of the Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Vol- unteers, for distinguished gallantry in the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Captain William Clark, of the Eighty-second Pennsylvania Volun teers, for gallantry at the battles of Cold Harbor and Winchester, and for universal good behavior under fire, to date from September 19,1864. Captain Robert L. Orr, of the Sixty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Va., to date from September 22, 1864. Captain H. G. Brown, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Har- rison, September 29, 1864. Captain D. D. Wheeler, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864. Captain E. E. Graves, of the Eighth Connecticut Volunteers, for gallant conduct during the campaign of the summer of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864. Captain J. K. Scofield, Commissary of Subsistence, for faithful and meritorious services in his Department during the present campaigns 65 before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Arthur McClellan, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain J. M. Rice, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battles of the Wilderness, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain George B. Damon, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Opequan and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain David J. Caw, of the Seventy-seventh New York Volunteers, for meritorious conduct at the Angle, also at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Smith, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second New York Volunteers, for especial acts of gallantry and meritorious services at the battles of Opequan and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain J. A. Saulsbury, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain S. H. Manning, Assistant Quartermaster, for faithful and meritorious services in his department during the present campaigns before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19,1864. Captain Baldwin Hufty, of the Fourth New Jersey Volunteers, for meritorious conduct at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19,1864. Captain George W. Adams, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain William P. Roome, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of the Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain R. F. Halsted, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaigns before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain E. K. Russell, of the Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers, for G. O. No. 97-5 66 faithful and meritorious services in the line of his duty and as a staff officer in the field, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain James W. Cronkite, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, for meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Charles H. Leonard, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign before Richmond, and more especially in the battles of Cold Harbor, Monocacy, Md., and in the several engagements in the valley of the Shenandoah, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain C. H. Whittlesey, Assistant Adjutant General, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain G. H. Stevens, of the Fifth Battery, Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Cold Harbor, Win- chester, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain C. T. Wetherill, of the First Maine Veteran Volunteers, for gallant conduct during the whole campaign before Richmond, and especially at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain A. H. Clapp, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second New York Volunteers, for gallantry at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain A. A. Nickerson, of the First Maine Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of the Wilderness, and also for gallantry at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain H. W. Farrar, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain F. L. Haydn, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Sullivan B. Lamareaux, of the 9th New York Heavy Artil- lery, for distinguished gallantry and meritorious conduct at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain D. D. Jackson, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New 67 York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of the Wilderness, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Nehemiah Tunis, of the Fifteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for gallantry at the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19,1864. Captain Merritt Barber, of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers, for having borne himself with distinguished gallantry in every engagement since May 5, and particularly in the engagement at Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain A. H. Fenn, of the Second Connecticut Volunteers, for gal- lant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19,1864. Captain Walter D. Wilder, of the Forty-ninth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, and also for gallantry at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain S. C. Bailey, of the Fourteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the present cam- paign before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Solomon W. Russell, of the Forty-ninth New York Volun- teers, for meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain C. M. Bartruff, of the Fourteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign before Rich- mond, and more especially in the battles of Cold Harbor, Monocacy, Md., and in the several engagements in the Valley of the Shenandoah, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Jonathan T. Rorer, of the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Osgood V. Tracy, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the bat- tles of Opequan and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Ebenezer W. Davis, of the Fifteenth New Jersey Volun- teers, for gallantry at the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. 68 Captain J. C. Patterson, of the Fourteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the present campaigns before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain Charles R. Paul, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, First Brigade, First Division, Sixth Corps, for gallantry throughout the campaign before Richmond, Va., and particularly in the engagements at Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, in the Valley of the Shenandoah, to date from October 19, 1864. Captain H. W. Day, Assistant Inspector General, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign before Richmond, and more especially in the battles of Cold Harbor, Monocacy, Md., and the several engagements in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant J. C. Robinson, of the One Hundred and Sixth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field dur- ing the present campaign before Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant William McElhaney, of the Fourth New Jersey Volun- teers, for bravery at the battle of Spottsylvania, Va., and at the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, in the Valley of the Shenandoah, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Captain E. A. Landell, of the One Hundred and Nineteenth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Winchester, Va., and for his habitual good conduct and deportment on all the battle-fields of the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 5, 1864. Captain James W. Latta, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Winchester, and for his habit- ual good conduct and deportment on all the battle-fields of the cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 5, 1864. Captain E. H. Rhodes, of the Second Rhode Island Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Winchester, and for his habitual good conduct and deportment on all the battle-fields of the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 5, 1864. Captain W. L. James, Assistant Quartermaster, for meritorious and faithful services, to date from January 1, 1865. Captain T. E. Lord, of the Third New York Volunteers, for gallant 69 and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from Janu- ary 1, 1865. Captain P. A. Davis, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from January 1, 1865. Captain C. E. Walbridge, Assistant Quartermaster, for meritorious and faithful services, to date from January 1, 1865. Captain John F. S. Gray, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from January 4, 1865. (Since resigned.) Captain George W. Nichols, Additional Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 12, 1865. Captain S. W. Saxton, Additional Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 12, 1865. Captain Joseph C. Audenried, Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 12, 1865. Captain George E. Gourand, Aide-de-Camp, to date from January 12, 1865. Captain Thayer Melvin, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from January 23, 1865. Captain Walter Burnham, of the Second Connecticut Heavy Artil- lery, for gallant and meritorious conduct, to date from January 23,1865. Captain Charles J. Mills, Assistant Adjutant General, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania, Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from January 23, 1865. Captain Lyman Bridges, of the First Illinois Light Artillery, to date from January 23, 1865. Captain M illiam A. Lord, of the Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services during the late campaigns in Georgia and Tennessee, to date from January 26, 1865. Captain William J. Twining, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and merit- orious services during the late campaign in Georgia and Tennessee, to date from January 26, 1865. Captain Jacob M. Howard, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, to date from January 27, 1865. Captain J. Schuyler Crosby, Aide-de-Camp, to date from February 15, 1865. Captain D. C. McVean, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from February 20, 1865. 70 Captain John W. Jordan, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from February 20, 1865. Captain Ira Ayer, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from Feb- ruary 20, 1865. Captain William Arthur, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to date from February 20, 1865. Captain II. M. Stinson, Aide-de-Camp, to date from February 21, 1865. Captain Arthur Edwards, Assistant Quartermaster, to date from February 22, 1865. Captain Peter T. Hudson, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious service, to date from February 24, 1865. Captain Benjamin M. Piatt, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from March 2, 1865. Captain Harry Elder, of the One Hundred and Forty-second Penn- sylvania Volunteers, to date from March 3, 1865. Captain Charles E. Rowan, of the Ninety-sixth Illinois Volunteers, to date from March 6, 1865. Captain Alexander Moore, Aide-de-Camp, to date from March 6,1865. Captain James Curry, Commissary of Subsistence, for long, faithful, and arduous services, to date from March 9, 1865. Captain II W. Smith, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from March 11, 1865. * Captain William W. Moseley, Aide-de-Camp, for efficient services during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 19, 1865. * Captain Charles B. Penrose, Commissary of Subsistence, for merit- orious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Captain Wenzel Holy, Commissary of Subsistence, for meritorious service during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. * Captain James Van Deventer, Commissary of Subsistence, for meritorious service during the war, to date trom March 13, 1865. * Captain William G. Tracy, Aide-de-Camp, for efficient services rendered during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 19, 1865. * Captain Albert G. Lawrence, of the Second Colored Cavalry, for gallant and distinguished services in the capture of Fort Fisher, to date from March 21, 1865. 71 * Captain Isaac K. Casey, Additional Aide-de-Camp, to date from April 4, 1865. * Captain Henry C. Robinett, Aide-de-Camp, for meritorious services in the campaign against the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia, com- mencing in front of Petersburg, Va., March 29, 1865, and ending April 9, 1865, to date from April 9, 1865. * Captain Amos Webster, Assistant Quartermaster, for meritorious services in the campaign against the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia, commencing in front of Petersburg, Va., March 29, 1865, and ending April 9, 1865, to date from April 9, 1865. * Captain John A. Wright, Assistant Adjutant General, to date from April 20, 1865. * Captain W. E. Potter, of the Twelfth New Jersey Volunteers, to date from May 1, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles Paysen, of the Second Massachusetts Cav- alry, for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Coal Harbor, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Henry E. Hindmarst, of the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court- house, Va., and for gallantry at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James P. Smith, of the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for distinguished and voluntary services at Coal Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. w First Lieutenant Thorndike S. Smith, of the Second Rhode Island Volunteers, for gallant conduct at the battles of the Wilderness, Coal Harbor, and Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles W. Gleason, of the Second Rhode Island Volunteers, for gallantry during the entire campaign before Richmond, Va., and especially at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from Sep- tember 19, 1864. First Lieutenant David Small, of the Second Rhode Island Volun- teers, for gallantry during the entire campaign before Richmond, and especially at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thomas G. Welles, of the First Connecticut To he Captains hy Brevet. 72 Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864. First Lieutenant John K. Bucklyn, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant, meritorious, and oftentimes distinguished service throughout the campaign before Richmond and in the Valley of the Shenandoah, to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant J. H. Lamb, of the First Rhode Island Light Artil- lery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Ya., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant E. N. Whittier, of the Fifth Battery, Maine Volun" teers, for faithful, gallant, and meritorious services throughout the entire campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Valley of the She- nandoah, to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles H. Woodman, of the Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Ope- quan and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant 0. R. Van Etten, of the First New York Independ- ent Battery, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Win- chester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles V. Scott, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the battles of Coal Harbor and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant William Kaiser, of the Forty-ninth New York Vol- unteers, for gallant conduct in all the battles during the campaign before Petersburg, Va., and for gallantry at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Henry C. Baxter, of the Eleventh Vermont Volun- teers, for conspicuous gallantry in every engagement since May 16, 1864, in the campaign before Richmond, Va., and especially at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant R. H. Moses, of the One Hundred and Twenty- second New York Volunteers, for meritorious conduct at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19,1864. First Lieutenant Tenereck C. Howland, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the bat le of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant John M. Gregory, of the Second Connecticut Heavy 73 Artillery, for gallant and meritorious conduct, to date from January 23, 1865. First Lieutenant E. C. Weaver, of the One Hundred and Twenty- first New York Volunteers, to date from January 23, 1865. * First Lieutenant Joseph B. Foraker, of the Eighty-ninth Ohio Volunteers, for efficient services during the recent campaigns in Georgia and South Carolina, to date from March 19, 1865. Reappointment. Joseph Bailey, late Brigadier General of Volunteers, to be Brigadier General of Volunteers, November 10, 1864. IV.. RETIRED. For incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Colonel Gabriel R. Paul, Fourteenth Infantry, February 16, 1865. Captain William F. Goodwin, Sixteenth Infantry, February 11,1865. Captain Henry C. Gapen, Fifteenth Infantry, February 25, 1865. Captain Norman J. Hall, Fifth Artillery, February 22, 1865. Captain James S. Hall, Signal Corps, March 9, 1865. Captain Josiah H. Kellogg, First Cavalry, February 6, 1865. Captain George McGown, Seventh Infantry, March 14, 1865. First Lieutenant John H. Butler, Second Artillery, February 7, 1865. First Lieutenant Thomas S. Doebler, Fourteenth Infantry, February 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Edward Murphy, Fifth Cavalry, April 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Thomas W. Simson, Sixth Cavalry, February 22, 1865. First Lieutenant Thomas W. Sullivan, Fourth Cavalry, February 6, 1865. First Lieutenant Alfred Townsend, Eighteenth Infantry, February 1, 1865. Second Lieutenant and Brevet First Lieutenant Robert Catlin, Fifth Artillery, April 26, 1865. Second Lieutenant and Brevet First Lieutenant John Elliott, Second Artillery, February 1, 1865. Second Lieutenant Luke Clark, Second Infantry, February 28, 1865. 74 V.. CASUALTIES. Lieutenant Colonel John B. Frothingham, Additional Aide-de-Camp, March 2, 1865. Major Delozier Davidson, Fourth Infantry, March 9, 1863. Major Charles T. Dix, Additional Aide-de-Camp, March 15, 1865. Major Frank W. Marston, Signal Corps, February 10, 1865. Major William Painter, Additional Aide-de-Camp, September 14,1864. Captain Davis W. Cheek, U. S. Army, May 4, 1865. Captain Manuel C. Causten, Nineteenth Infantry, February 15, 1865. Captain James P. Drouillard, Additional Aide-de-Camp, and First Lieutenant Sixth Infantry, February 1, 1865. Captain David McM. Gregg, Sixth Cavalry, February 3, 1865. Captain Oliver P. Gooding, Tenth Infantry, March 20, 1865. Captain Franklin Havens, Additional Aide-de-Camp, May 11, 1865. Captain John R. Howard, Additional Aide-de-Camp, February 1, 1865. Captain Charles II. Hale, Nineteenth Infantry and Additional Aide- de-Camp, April 28, 1865. Captain Charles H. Ingraham, Fourteenth Infantry, May 6, 1865. Captain Stephen E. Jones, Additional Aide-de-Camp, March 13, 1865. Captain William S. McManus, Fifteenth Infantry, March 13, 1865. Captain Thomas E. Noell, Nineteenth Infantry, February 20, 1865. Captain Egbert Phelps, Nineteenth Infantry, March 18,1865. Captain and Brevet Major Sartell Prentice, Twelfth Infantry, May 3, 1865. Captain Benjamin W. Richards, Additional Aide-de-Camp, March 10, 1865. Captain Claude S. Robertson, Tenth Infantry, June 10, 1865. Captain Henry A. Smalley, Second Artillery, March 8, 1865. Captain Edward McB. Timoney, Fifteenth Infantry, April 6, 1865. Captain John P. Wales, Seventeenth Infantry, March 10, 1865. Captain Robert G. Welles, Tenth Infantry, May 2, 1865. First Lieutenant Robert Clarke, Second Artillery, February 9, 1865. First Lieutenant Franklin Cook, Fifth Infantry, February 20, 1865 First Lieutenant Edgar M. Cullen, First Infantry, April 9, 1865. First Lieutenant George B. Drake, Sixth Infantry, March 23, 1865 First Lieutenant William Ewing, U. S. Army, February 28, 1865. First Lieutenant Edward Heaton, Second Artillery, March 1,1865. Resigned, (49.) 75 First Lieutenant Sumner Howard, Seventeenth Infantry, Septem- ber 25, 1863. First Lieutenant Samuel S. Holbrook, Fifteenth Infantry, March 18, 1865. First Lieutenant Richard W. Hargrave, Seventeenth Infantry, March 29, 1865. First Lieutenant George T. Hodges, Sixth Infantry, April 1, 1865. First Lieutenant Robert P. King, jr., Fifteenth Infantry, January 30, 1865. First Lieutenant George K. Pomroy, Third Infantry, March 21,1865. First Lieutenant Edmund D. Spooner, Fifth Artillery, January 26, 1865. First Lieutenant John Whitney, Third Infantry, April 25, 1865. Second Lieutenant Joseph Bould, Sixth Cavalry, February 25, 1865. Second Lieutenant James B. Duff, Signal Corps, April 6, 1865. Second Lieutenant Abraham C. Merritt, Signal Corps, February 20, 1865. Second Lieutenant Edward Walsh, Fifth Infantry, February 2, 1865. Assistant Surgeon John C. C. Downing, March 27, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Havilah M. Sprague, May 5, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Robert F. Weir, March 1, 1865. Hospital Chaplain William H. Corkhill, March 21, 1865. Hospital Chaplain Stephen S. Morrill, March 13, 1865. Medical Storekeeper Henry N. Rittenhouse, February 13, 1865. Commissions vacated by new appointments, (7.) By Major General George H. Thomas, United States Army, his com- mission as Brigadier General, December 15, 1864. By Brigadier John M. Schofield, United States Army, his commission as Captain in the First Artillery, November 30, 1864. By Brigadier General Lewis B. Parsons, U. S. Volunteers, his commission as Additional Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Colonel, May 11, 1865. By Brigadier General Cyrus Hamlin, U. S. Volunteers, his commis- sion as Additional Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, December 3, 1864. By Major Theodore S. Bowers, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, his commission as Quartermaster with the rank of Captain, January 6, 1865. 76 By Medical Inspector General Madison Mills, United States Army, his commission as Surgeon, December 1, 1864. By Major Edgar W. Dennis, Judge Advocate, his commission as Additional Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, January 19, 1865. Declined, (2.) By W. C. Magner, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By M. Sorin, the appointment of Hospital Chaplain, February 20, 1865. Died, (15.) Major Henry 11. Selden, Thirteenth Infantry, at Fort Union, New Mexico, February 2, 1865. Major John Kellogg, Commissary of Subsistence, at City Point, Fa., April 25, 1865. Captain William II. Ingerton, Sixteenth Infantry, at Knoxville, Tenn., December 8. 1864. Captain Thomas Drummond, Fifth Cavalry, April 1, 1865, of wounds received in action at Five Forks, Fa. First Lieutenant John T. Cantwell, Corps of Engineers, at Fort Tompkins, N. Y. Harbor, April 18, 1865. First Lieutenant Samuel J. Dick, Eighteenth Infantry, at Nashville, Tenn., December 28, 1864. First Lieutenant Edward Fitzgerald, Fourth Cavalry, at Nashville, Tenn., February 16, 1865. First Lieutenant Albert M. Murray, Second Artillery, in Military Prison at Macon, Ga., August 12, 1864. First Lieutenant Andrew Stoll, Sixth Cavalry, in Military Prison at Charleston, S. C., September 28, 1864. Second Lieutenant Henry II. Baldwin, Fifth Artillery, November 8, 1864, of wounds received in battle near Winchester, Fa. Second Lieutenant Davis D. Cordrey, Eighteenth Infantry, January 24, 1863. Second Lieutenant Robert Floyd, Third Artillery, September 23, 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Military Storekeeper Luther Leonard, U. S. Army, at Somerville, Mass., February 11, 1865. 77 Hospital Chaplain Henry C. Henries, at Philadelphia, Penn., March 29, 1865. Hospital Chaplain Nathaniel West, at Philadelphia, Penn., Septem- ber 7. 1864. Appointment expired by Constitutional limitation, not having been con- firmed by the Senate. Benjamin F. Fisher, as Chief Signal Officer with the rank of Colonel, March 4, 1865. (Since reappointed.) Revoked, (1.) The appointment of David H. Vinton, as Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. Army, April 29, 1865. Dropped, (1.) Captain Thomas B. Alexander, Fourth Cavalry, March 14, 1865. Dismissed, (12.) Colonel Amos B. Jones, Additional Aide-de-Camp, May 8, 1865. Captain Uniacke C. Mackay, Tenth Infantry, February 3, 1865. First Lieutenant George F. Adams, Seventeenth Infantry, February 22,1865. First Lieutenant Edward L. Appleton, First Artillery, May 10, 1865. First Lieutenant Abram W. Bickley, Sixth Infantry, March 28, 1865. First Lieutenant William Borrowe, Second Artillery, March 8,1865. First Lieutenant Jacob L. Stough, Twelfth Infantry, February 11, 1865. First Lieutenant John Simons, Fourth Infantry, February 11, 1865. First Lieutenant George M. Wright, Third Artillery, December 30, 1864. Second Lieutenant Eugene Clyde, Signal Corps, March 8, 1865. Hospital Chaplain Paul Wald, April 8, 1865. Hospital Chaplain Charles M. Blake, May 10, 1865. Cashiered, (2.) Captain William J. Stewart, Sixteenth Infantry, February 16, 1865. Captain Jacob M. Eyster, Eighteenth Infantry, February 8, 1865. 78 VI..CASUALTIES IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE RAISED UNDER THE ACTS APPROVED JULY 22 AND 25, 1861; JULY 17, 1862; AND JULY 5, 1838. Resigned, (205.) Major General Ambrose E. Burnside, April 15, 1865. Major General Franz Sigel, May 4, 1865. Major General Julius H. Stahel, February 8, 1865. Major General Carl Schurz, May 6, 1865. Brigadier and Brevet Major General David McM. Gregg, February 3, 1865. Brigadier and Brevet Major General James W. McMillan, May 15, 1865. Brigadier General Thomas Ewing, jr., February 23, 1865. Brigadier General William Harrow, April 20, 1865. Brigadier General Andrew Johnson, March 3, 1865. Brigadier General Albert L. Lee, May 4, 1865. Brigadier General John McNeil, April 12, 1865. Brigadier General N. C. McLean, April 20, 1865. Brigadier General Gilman Marston, April 20, 1865. Brigadier General Thomas Francis Meagher, May 15, 1865. Brigadier General Frank S. Nickerson, May 13, 1865. Brigadier General Eleazer A. Paine, April 5, 1865. Brigadier General Halbert E. Paine, May 15, 1855. Brigadier General James W. Reilly, April 20, 1865. Brigadier General Green.B. Raum, May 6, 1865. Brigadier General William H. Seward, jr., June 1, 1865. Brigadier General Jeremiah C. Sullivan, May 11, 1865. Brigadier General John C. Starkweather, May 11, 1865. Brigadier General Henry D. Terry, February 7, 1865. Brigadier General Max Weber, May 13, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Alexander S. Diven, Major, Assistant Adju- tant General, April 5, 1865. Major and Brevet Colonel William Cutting, Aide-de-Camp, May 8, 1865. Major John F. Anderson, Aide-de-Camp, March 27, 1865. Major William M. Este, Aide-de-Camp, April 1, 1865. Major John R. Hotaling, Aide-de-Camp, February 10, 1865. 79 Major Charles H. Howard, Aide-de-Camp, April 5, 1865. Captain and Brevet Maior Charles G. Hutton, April 25, 1865. Captain and Brevet Major Addison G. Mason, May 2, 1865. Captain Alfred F. Puffer, Aide-de-Camp, March 18, 1865. Captain Alexander B. Sharpe, Aide-de-Camp, January 28, 1865. Captain Dickinson P. Thruston, Aide-de-Camp, May 1, 1865. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Philip M. Lydig, Assistant Adjutant General, April 25, 1865. Major Thomas J. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant General, March 28, 1865. Major Edward C. Baird, Assistant Adjutant General, February 25, 1865. Major George W. Burton, Assistant Adjutant General, March 7,1865. Major Septimus Camcross, Assistant Adjutant General, March 21, 1865. Major George B. Drake, Assistant Adjutant General, March 23, 1865. Major Robert P. Kennedy, Assistant Adjutant General, April 8,1865. Major Carrington H. Raymond, Assistant Adjutant General, February 1, 1865. Major Hiram C. Rodgers, Assistant Adjutant General, January 30, 1865. Major Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant General, April 21, 1865. Major Robert O. Selfridge, Assistant Adjutant General, February 21, 1865. Major Robert R. Townes, Assistant Adjutant General, February 28, 1865. Major Duncan S. Walker, Assistant Adjutant General, May 12, 1865. Captain and Brevet Major John F. S. Gray, Assistant Adjutant General, May 5, 1865. Captain and Brevet Major Charles E. Pease, Assistant Adjutant General, April 20, 1865. Captain William H. Abel, Assistant Adjutant General, February 4, 1865. Captain Charles B. Amory, Assistant Adjutant General, May 9, 1865. Captain Wimer Bedford, Assistant Adjutant General, February 18, 1865. Captain James L. Botsford, Assistant Adjutant General, February 25, 1865. 80 Captain Henry Curtis, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, February JO, 1865. Captain Sidney Clarke, Assistant Adjutant General, February 20, 1865. Captain Henry P. Cooke, Assistant Adjutant General, May 1, 1865. Captain Robert P. Crawford, Assistant Adjutant General, May 1, 1865. Captain John Crowell, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, May 6, 1865. Captain Charles W. Dustan, Assistant Adjutant General, February 18, 1865. Captain Eugene Diven, Assistant Adjutant General, April 5, 1865. Captain Robert M. Goodwin, Assistant Adjutant General, May 11, 1865. Captain Jasper K. Herbert, Assistant Adjutant General, February 11, 1865. Captain George S. Hampton, Assistant Adjutant General, April 25, 1865. Captain Henry L. Johnson, Assistant Adjutant General, April 17, 1865. Captain Charles Kingsbury, Assistant Adjutant General, March 2, 1865. Captain Joseph H. Metcalf, Assistant Adjutant General, March 6, 1865. Captain S. M. Morgan, Assistant Adjutant General, April 1, 1865. Captain John E. Parsons, Assistant Adjutant General, January 30, 1865. Captain John H. Pell, Assistant Adjutant General, March 28, 1865. Captain E. Sparrow Purdy, Assistant Adjutant General, April 12, 1865. Captain Israel R. Sealy, Assistant Adjutant General, February 7, 1865. Captain Louis Siebert, Assistant Adjutant General, February 20, 1865. Captain Henry B. Scott, Assistant Adjutant General, March 17,1865. Captain William R. Thomas, Assistant Adjutant General, May 12, 1865. Captain William S. Whitten, Assistant Adjutant General, February 28, 1865. Captain E. C. Watkins, Assistant Adjutant General, April 5, 1865. 81 Captain Henry C. Whipple, Assistant Adjutant General, April 26, 1865. Major Ralston Skinner, Judge Advocate, March 20, 1865. Major J. L. Stackpole, Judge Advocate, March 30, 1865. Captain Le Roy Crawford, Assistant Quartermaster, February 25, 1865. Captain Theodore S. Case, Assistant Quartermaster, March 18, 1865. Captain Sylvester H. Dunan, Assistant Quartermaster, February 20, 1865. Captain Albert B. Dunham, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11, 1865. Captain William Finkler, Assistant Quartermaster, May 6, 1865. Captain Samuel F. Gibson, Assistant Quartermaster, May 8, 1865. Captain M. M. Hawes, Assistant Quartermaster, February 25, 1865. Captain Joseph C. Hays, Assistant Quartermaster, March 6, 1865. Captain Lucius H. Holabird, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain William H. Humes, Assistant Quartermaster, March 24, 1865. Captain Gilbert M. Husted, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain W. H. Johnson, Assistant Quartermaster, March 6, 1865. Captain Henry L. Jones, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain John V. Lewis, Assistant Quartermaster, March 25, 1865. Captain John T. Morrison, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11,1865. Captain John A. Morris, Assistant Quartermaster, March 12, 1865. Captain C. K. Mark, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain Joshua Norton, Assistant Quartermaster, March 6, 1865. Captain Vincent Phelps, Assistant Quartermaster, March 10, 1865. Captain Charles H. Peck, Assistant Quartermaster, March 29, 1865. Captain James M. Robinson, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain Benjamin F. Reno, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15, 1865. Captain Tyler P. Rood, Assistant Quartermaster, April 9, 1865. Captain Charles H. Rockwell, Assistant Quartermaster, May 9, 1865. Captain Smith O. Scofield. Assistant Quartermaster. February 3, 1865. G. O. No. 97-6 82 Captain Timothy D. Smith, Assistant Quartermaster, March 27, 1865. Captain Lemuel F. Sheldon, Assistant Quartermaster, November 3, 1865. Captain Andrew J. Van Vorhes, Assistant Quartermaster, March 25, 1864. Captain George F. Warren, Assistant Quartermaster, March 15,1865. Captain George Q. White, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11, 1865. Captain Charles Worms, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11, 1865. Captain Strickland Yardley, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11, 1865. Captain Dwight A. Aikin, Commissary of Subsistence, March 12, 1865. Captain Charles C. Byrne, Commissary of Subsistence, March 15, 1865. Captain Asa D. Baker, Commissary of Subsistence, March 12, 1865. Captain David C. Buchanan, Commissary of Subsistence, June 8, 1865. Captain David Cole, Commissary of Subsistence, February 3, 1865. Captain Jackson H. Chase, Commissary of Subsistence, February 15, 1865. Captain Isaiah R. Clark, Commissary of Subsistence, March 31,1865. Captain Roger Conant, Commissary of Subsistence, May 24, 1865. Captain George W. Cooney, Commissary of Subsistence, May 13, 1865. Captain Nathaniel Ellmaker, Commissary of Subsistence, February 20, 1865. Captain W. Irving Ellis, Commissary of Subsistence, March 17, 1865. Captain William M. Ferry, Commissary of Subsistence, April 24, 1865. Captain Adam Ferguson, Commissary of Subsistence, June 8, 1865. Captain Charles H. Herbert, Commissary of Subsistence, February 24, 1865. Captain Myron C. Hills, Commissary of Subsistence, April 11, 1865. Captain Henry C. Hodgdon, Commissary of Subsistence, April 25, 1865. Captain Edward Harding, Commissary of Subsistence, May 13,1865. Captain Eli F. Jennings, Commissary of Subsistence, April 11, 1865. 83 Captain Henry S. Ketcham, Commissary of Subsistence, April 9,1865. Captain John L. Leech, Commissary of Subsistence, March 6, 1865. Captain Mandeville T. Ludden, Commissary of Subsistence, June 4, 1865. Captain David H. Laughton, Commissary of Subsistence, June 8, 1865. Captain William Letcher, Commissary of Subsistence, June 8, 1865. Captain Robert Lincoln, Commissary of Subsistence, May 12, 1865. Captain Amos B. Mott, Commissary of Subsistence, February 20, 1865. Captain H. Miles Moore, Commissary of Subsistence, February 20, 1865. Captain George W. Mears, Commissary of Subsistence, December 19, 1863. Captain Stephen Meredith, Commissary of Subsistence, May 24,1865. Captain James W. Morrison, Commissary of Subsistence, May 7, 1865. Captain Thomas J. Montgomery, Commissary of Subsistence, May 7, 1865. Captain Charles F. Morse, Commissary of Subsistence, May 10, 1865. Captain James N. Potter, Commissary of Subsistence, February 1, 1865. Captain William R. Palmer, Commissary of Subsistence, March 29, 1865. Captain John L. Roper, Commissary of Subsistence, February 5, 1865. Captain John A. Sheldon, Commissary of Subsistence, February 5, 1865. Captain James O. Stanage, Commissary of Subsistence, February 11, 1865. Captain James M. Sayre, Commissary of Subsistence, March 12, 1865. Captain Cyrus Stark, Commissary of Subsistence, April 16, 1865. Captain Anthony C. Simpson, Commissary of Subsistence, May 1, 1865. Captain James Sullivan, Commissary of Subsistence, May 10, 1865. Captain Andrew C. Shepherd, Commissary of Subsistence, May 10, 1865. 84 Captain Chester Thomas, jr., Commissary of Subsistence, February 9, 1865. Captain William C. Thomas, Commissary of Subsistence, May 10, 1865. Captain Archibald C. Voris, Commissary of Subsistence, May 11, 1865. Captain Benjamin P. Walker, Commissary of Subsistence, February 6, 1865. Captain John E. Whittlesey, Commissary of Subsistence, February 14, 1865. Surgeon Henry Buckmaster, February 1, 1865. Surgeon John H. Brinton, March 9, 1865. Surgeon W. M. Chambers, May 12, 1865. Surgeon Edward D. Dalton, May 12, 1865. Surgeon James McNulty, February 5, 1865. Surgeon Robert L. Stanford, February 18, 1865. Surgeon George G. Shumard, March 11, 1865. Surgeon Solomon S. Schultz, March 28, 1865. Surgeon George Suckley, April 22, 1865. Surgeon Milton C. Woodworth, March 31, 1865. Assistant Surgeon John McCurdy, February 10, 1865. Assistant Surgeon A. M. Sigmund, April 20, 1865. Assistant Surgeon James C. Thorpe, April 17, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Augustus Van Cleef, April 6, 1865. Additi nal Paymaster Davis Alton, May 1,1865. Additional Paymaster James V. Boughner, February 5, 1865. Additional Paymaster N. P. Bowman, February 18, 1865. Additional Paymaster Thomas M. Burt, April 5, 1865. Additional Paymaster George E. Baldwin, April 9, 1865. Additional Paymaster Charles C. Brown, April 25, 1865. Additional Paymaster Lot Chamberlain, November 30, 1864. Additional Paymaster Charles E. Curtice, February 18, 1865. Additional Paymaster John Coon, March 29, 1865. Additional Paymaster Allen A. Craig, April 5,1865. Additional Paymaster James W. Carpenter, June 1,1865. Additional Paymaster Alexander Diven, January 31,1865. Additional Paymaster Samuel S. Drew, April 15, 1865. Additional Paymaster C. C. Ellsworth, May 8, 1865. Additional Paymaster William G. Fullerton, April 1, 1865. 85 Additional Paymaster Elihu Griffin, February 6,1865. Additional Paymaster George W. Hank, February 23, 1865. Additional Paymaster Henry B. Hoffman, April 27, 1865. Additional Paymaster Julius M. Jones, May 12, 1865. Additional Paymaster Joseph Justice, February 8, 1865. Additional Paymaster Obadiah B. Latham, March 15, 1865. Additional Paymaster Malcolm McDowell, February 25,1865. Additional Paymaster Morgan L. Martin, April 28, 1865. Additional Paymaster William E. Norris, March 9,1865. Additional Paymaster George A. Putnam, May 10, 1865. Additional Paymaster Henry V. Sullivan, February 8, 1865, Additional Paymaster Robert Smith, April 9, 1865. Additional Paymaster W. C. H. Sherman, April 27, 1865. Additional Paymaster G. Nelson Smith, June 3, 1865. Additional Paymaster John L. Wilson, March 4, 1865. Additional Paymaster Henry C. Whitney, March 13, 1865. Additional Paymaster Berry S. Young, February 24,1865. Additional Paymaster Norris L. Yarnall, March 8, 1865. By Major General George H. Thomas, United States Army-his com- mission as Major General, December 15,1864. By Lieutenant Colonel David H. Strother, Third West Virginia Cav- alry-his commission as Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captain, June 1, 1862. By Major Charles A. Whittier, Assistant Adjutant General-his com- mission as Aide de-Camp with the rank of Major, March 7, 1865. By Major Lewis M. Dayton, Assistant Adjutant General-his com- mission as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, January 12, 1865. By Major Thomas W. C. Moore, Assistant Adjutant General-his commission as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, March 8, 1865. By Captain Richard N. B. Batchelder, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army-his commission as Assistant Quartermaster, February 16, 1865. By Captain R. C. Rutherford, Assistant Quartermaster-his commis- sion as Commissary of Subsistence, December 20, 1864. By Additional Paymaster George A. Fiske, jr.-his commission as Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captain, June 30,1864. By Additional Paymaster John Speed-his commission as Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captain, March 22, 1865. Commissions vacated by new appointments, (9.) 86 Declined, (12.) By Jacob Cook, of Michigan, the appointment of Assistant Quarter- master, November 26, 1862. By Eli P. May, of Wisconsin, the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, February 8, 1865. By Hugh B. Rex, of Ohio, the appointment of Commissary of Sub- sistence, November 19, 1864. By Slater B. Russell, of , the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, March 11, 1865. By D. D. Holdrige, of Iowa, the appointment of Commissary of Sub- sistence, March 8, 1865. By J. Q. A. Hudson, of , the appointment of Assistant Surgeon, March 18, 1865. By M. H. Salisbury, of , the appointment of Assistant Sur- geon, September 9, 1863. By D. B. Wilson, of , the appointment of Assistant Sur- geon, August 15, 1863. By C. C. Willitts, of Kansas, the appointment of Additional Pay- master, May 28, 1864. By George F. Emery, of Massachusetts, the appointment of Addi- tional Paymaster, March 3, 1865. By Samuel W. Pomeroy, of Pennsylvania, the appointment of Addi- tional Paymaster, April 21, 1864. By William Stanton, of Ohio, the appointment of Additional Pay- master, March 18, 1864. Appointments which have expired by constitutional limitation, not having been confirmed by the Senate. Joseph Bailey, as Brigadier General, March 4, 1865. (Since reap> pointed.) Syria M. Budlong, as Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, March 4, 1865. John H. Harlan, as Assistant Quartermaster, March 4, 1865. Appointment negatived by the Senate. Henry H. Gillum, as Assistant Quartermaster, March 10, 1865. 87 MTokcd, (6.) The appointment of William W. Averell, as Brevet Major General, April 29, 1865. The appointment of Benjamin F. Kelley, as Brevet Major General, April 29, 1865. The appointment of E. O. Brown, as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Major, March 23, 1865. The appointment of Syria M. Budlong, as Assistant Adjutant Gene- ral with the rank of Captain, March 25, 1865. The appointment of John Harlan, as Assistant Quartermaster, March 25, 1865. The appointment of Charles A. Partridge, as Assistant Adjutant General, May 3, 1865. The appointment of Bichard M. Edwards, as Commissary of Sub- sistence, June 30, 1862. The appointment of John P. Finley, as Assistant Quartermaster, February 29, 1864. The appointment of Henry H. Gillum, as Assistant Quartermaster, March 21, 1865. The appointment of William Hooper, as Assistant Quartermaster May 12, 1862. The appointment of William H. Hanford, jr., as Commissary of Sub. sistence, March 11, 1865. The appointment of James H. Johnson, as Commissary of Subsist- ence, February 19, 1863. The appointment of John Le Compte, as Assistant Quartermaster, February 19, 1862. The appointment of Lewis Leland, as Commissary, of Subsistence, November 26, 1862. The appointment of William B. McGrorty, as Assistant Quartermas- ter, February 29, 1864. The appointment of Joshua Tevis, as Commissary of Subsistence, November 26, 1862. The appointment of James P. Wilson, as Commissary of Subsistence, February 19, 1862. Cancelled, (13.) 88 The appointment of A. D. Whiting, as Commissary of Subsistence, June 9, 1862. The appointment of T. P. Seeley, as Assistant Surgeon, October 17, 1864. Died, (16.) Brigadier General Joshua B. Howell, near Petersburg, Va., September 14, 1864. Brigadier General Thomas A. Smyth, April 9, 1865, of wounds received in battle near Farmville, Va. Major Fitzhugh Birney, Assistant Adjutant General, June 17, 1864, at Washington, D. C., of wounds received m battle. Captain and Brevet Major C. J. Mills, Assistant Adjutant General, killed in battle near Boydton Plank Road, Va., March 31, 1865. Captain P. G. Bier, Assistant Adjutant General, October 19, 1864, of wounds received in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. Captain Robert Le Roy, Assistant Adjutant General, at Philadelphia, Pa., March 5, 1865. Captain Robert Lusby, Assistant Adjutant General, at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, February 20, 1865. Captain L. M Brooks, Assistant Quartermaster, October 5, 1864. Captain Horace I. Hodges, Assistant Quartermaster, drowned near Plymouth, N. C., April 19, 1864. Captain Edward A. Fobes, Commissary of Subsistence, February 9, 1865. Captain James H. Latshaw, Commissary of Subsistence, at Pittsburg, Pa., February 17, 1865. Captain Charles Hall, Commissary of Subsistence, at Le Roy, N. Y., November 14, 1863. Surgeon R. M. S. Jackson, at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., January 18, 1865. Surgeon Mason F. Cogswell, at Albany, N. Y., January 21,1865. Additional Paymaster David Crumbacker, at Washington, D. C., March 17, 1865. Additional Paymaster D. Colden Ruggles, in Military Prison at Dan- ville, Va., February 10, 1865. Honorably Discharged, (14.) Brevet Brigadier General Hiram L. Brown, January 16, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Albert M. Blackman, May 16, 1865. 89 Brevet Brigadier General B. G. Farrar, May 8, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General John H. Ketcham, March 2, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Horace B. Sargent, September 29, 1861. Brevet Brigadier General Paul A. Oliver, May 6, 1865. Captain John P. Alden, Commissary of Subsistence, March 20,1865. Captain Joel B. Nott, Commissary of Subsistence, April 18, 1865. Captain Thomas Foster, Commissary of Subsistence, March 15,1865. Captain Henry C. Robinett, Aide-de-Camp, May 8, 1865. Captain A. Shimmel, Assistant Quartermastor, April 22, 1865. Captain James B. Walker, Assistant Adjutant General, April 14,1865. Surgeon James Bryan, March 5, 1865. Surgeon Paul B. Goddard, April 8, 1865. Mustered out of Senice, (5.) Major Charles T. Scammon, Aide-de-Camp, February 8, 1865. Major E. L. Joy, Judge Advocate, February 8, 1865. Captain Frederick Sommer, Aide-de-Camp, March 3, 1865. Captain Jules C. Webber, Aide-de-Camp, March 27, 1865. Captain Wm L. Ellsworth, Assistant Quartermaster, August 14,1863. Dismissed, (11.) Captain Rob't T. Dunham, Assistant Adjutant General, May 11,1865. Captain Richard R. Corson, Assistant Quartermaster, March 27,1865. Captain George W. Carpenter, Assistant Quartermaster, May 12,1865. Captain William D. Earnest, Assistant Quartermaster, March 25,1865. Captain Prince G. D. Morton, Assistant Quartermaster, March 10, 1865. Captain M. T. Sappington, Assistant Quartermaster, March 23, 1865. Captain James C. Slaght, Assistant Quartermaster, March 11, 1865. Captain George May, Commissary of Subsistence, April 21, 1865. Captain Augustus G. Randal, Commissary of Subsistence, May 3, 1865. Captain B. F. Winchester, Commissary of Subsistence, April 9, 1865. Surgeon Elijah A. Clark, April 28, 1865. Cashiered, (2.) Captain Charles W. Lyman, Assistant Quartermaster, March 23,1865. Captain Silas H. Sweatland, Commissary of Subsistence, February 17, 1865. G. O. No. 97-G 90 VII..CASUALTIES IN VETERAN RESERVE CORPS. Resigned, (25.) Lieutenant Colonel Horace G. Thomas, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 8, 1865. Major Audley W. Gazzam, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 21, 1865. Captain Werner W. Bjerg, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 28,1865. Captain G. M. Palmer, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 28, 1865. Captain Wm. C. Kueffner, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 14, 1865. Captain Judson N. Cross, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 16,1865. Captain Urban A. Woodbury, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 27,1865. Captain John S. Hatch, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 25, 1865. Captain Henry H. Stiles, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 17, 1865. Captain Wells W. Miller, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 23,1865. Captain William D. Hall, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1865. Captain Isaac H. Baker, Veteran Reserve Corps, February, 21, 1865. Captain Edward Colman, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 1, 1865. Captain Edwin T. Rowell, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Harry W. Benton, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 1, 1865. First Lieutenant Geo. A. Earle, Veteran Reserve Corps, May 8, 1865. First Lieutenant Wm. W. Fullwood, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 20, 1865. First Lieutenant D. T. Everts, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 3,1865. First Lieutenant Frederick W. Beers, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1865. First Lieutenant Huber Bastian, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 4, 1865. Second Lieutenant Jarvis W. Dean, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 13, 1865. Second Lieutenant Hugh Morrison, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 14, 1865. Second Lieutenant D. Eugene Bigler, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 30, 1865. Second Lieutenant Rufus C. Crocker, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 31, 1865. Second Lieutenant Henry N. Gassaway, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 30, 1865. 91 By William D. Brennan, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 25, 1865, Declined, (1.) Cancelled, (2.) The appointment of Bernard Reilly, jr., as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1854. The appointment of Edward Schueller, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, May 12, 1864. Discharged, (1.) Major Samuel K. Williams, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 18, 1865. Revoked, (6.) The appointment of David Bacon, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. The appointment of Caleb C. Whitson, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. The appointment of John F. Clarke, as First Lieutenant in the Vete- ran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. The appointment of B. R. Sherman, as First Lieutenant in the Vete- ran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. The appointment of Henry B. Livingston, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, May 17, 1865. The appointment of William G. Holden, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. Dismissed, (2.) Captain A. J. Marsh, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 7, 1865. Captain Matthew Marx, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 31, 1865. VIII. Officers have been arranged in the foregoing order to the com- panies which they succeeded in the natural course of promotion or ap- pointment. Should a different assignment, however, have since been made by competent authority, it will take precedence. IX. Acceptance, or non-acceptance, of appointments, and, in case of acceptance, the birthplace of the officer appointed, his age and residence 92 when appointed, and his full name, correctly written, will, in all cases, be promptly reported to the Adjutant General. X-.With the exception of those detached from their regiments on special duty, or unable from some valid cause to comply with the order, the officers promoted and appointed will join their proper regiments, companies, and stations without delay. Those recently appointed who fail to do so within a reasonable time will be considered as having declined their appointments; and those who deem themselves included in the exception just above named will immediately submit a statement of their case, through the proper channel, to this office for further consideration. XI..In case of the death of an officer, it is hereby made the duty of his immediate commanding officer to report the fact at once, direct to this office, stating the cause, date, and place. When an officer away from his command dies in hospital, or under treatment, the medical officer in charge will forward the report as above required; if not under treatment by an army medical officer, the report will be made by any officer having cognizance of the fact. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.