GENERAL ORDERS, No. 94. WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant General's Office, Washington, May 15, 1865. The following regulations are announced, and will be observed in discharging from service such Volunteers as are hereafter to be mustered out with their regimental or company organizations : I..Army Corps, or at least the Divisions thereof, will be kept intaet, and, immediately upon receipt of an order directing any portion of the forces to be mustered out, Commanding Generals of Armies and Depart- ments will order the said troops (if not already thereat) to one of the following Rendezvous, viz: 1. Middle Mi itary Division, and troops of other Armies or Depart- ments arriving therein.-Defenses of Washington, D. C., Harper's Ferry, Va., and Cumberland, Md. 2. Military Division of the James.-Richmond and Old Point Com- fort, Va. 3. Department of North Carolina.-Newbern and Wilmington. 4. Department of the South.-Charleston, S. C., and Savannah, Ga. 5. Military Division West Mississippi.-Mobile, Ala., New Orleans, La., and Vicksburg, Miss. 6. Military Division of the Missouri.-Little Rock, Ark., St. Louis, Mo., and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 7. Department of the Cumberland.-Nashville, Knoxville, and Mem- phis, Tenn. 8. Department of Kentucky.-Louisville. 9. Middle Department.-Baltimore, Md. Commanding Generals of Armies and Departments are authorized to change the aforesaid places of rendezvous, should the public interest so demand. For the Departments of the East, Pennsylvania, Northern, North- west, New Mexico, and Pacific, such special orders will be given from the Adjutant General's Office, lelative to the troops therein serving, as may be demanded by circumstances, as the time for discharge is approached. 2 11.. case of one or more regiments of a division being mustered out-the division temaining in the field-said regiment, or regiments, will be mustered out at the place where found serving at the time, and then placed en route to the State, as hereinafter directed. 111.. The Adjutant General of the Army will designate places of ren* dezvous in the respective States, to which the regiments, after muster out, will be forwarded for payment. IV. Upon arrival at the rendezvous where the musters-out are to take place, a critical examination of the regimental and company records, books, &c., will be made; and in case of omissions, the proper com* manders will be made to supply them, and make all the entries as en- joined by the Army Regulations. At the same time the muster-out rolls will be commenced and prepared in accordance with existing regulations, under the direction of the Assistant Commissaries of Musters of Divi- sions, superintended by the Corps Commissaries. Corps and Depart- ment commanders will see that the work is pushed with energy and executed promptly, using to this end Division and Brigade commanders to superintend it, and their respective staff office;s, to aid the Mustering Officers in collecting the data for the muster-out rolls and discharge papers, as well as the preparation of the same. In framing the rolls, particular care must be exercised in stating balances of bounty payable. (See General Orders, No. 84, current series, from this office.) V. soon us the rolls of a regiment are completed, the said com- mand, with its arms, colors, and necessary equipage, will be placed en route to its State, and to the rendezvous therein at or nearest which it was mustered in. En route, and after arrival in the State, the following will be observed: 1. Immediately on arrival at the State rendezvous, the regiment will be reported to, and taken control of, by the Chief Mustering Officer for the State, or his Assistant at the point. The said officers will lend all needful assistance in their power to the Paymasters, with the view to prompt payment of the troops. 2. The regimental officers will be held to a strict accountability for the discipline of their commands and preservation of public property. 3. The Commissary of Musters of the Division to which the regiment belonged in the field, will take possession of the copies of muster-out 3 rolls intended for the Field and Staff, Companies and Paymaster, also the company and regimental records, with all surplus blank rolls, returns, discharges, &c., in possession of regimental and company com- manders, or other officers, and after boxing them wp, place them, whilst en route, under the special charge of a discreet and responsible officer of the regiment. The sole duty of said officer will be to care for and pre- serte said rolls and records whilst en route, and, on arrival at the State rendezvous where payment is to be made, to turn them over to the Chief Mustering Officer, or his Assistant at that place. 4. Paymasters will be designated by the Pay Department to meet regiments at the designated State rendezvous, and there make final payments, obtaining for that purpose the rolls from the Mustering Officer thereat. 5. Whilst troops are awaiting payment, supplies will be furnished by the respective Supply Departments, on the usual requisitions and returns, countersigned by the Chief Mustering Officer or his Assistant. 6. Until after payment and the final discharge of the troops, the Chief Mustering Officer will look to their being kept together and under discipline. 7. The Chief Mustering Officer will, under regulations to be estab- lished by himself, take possession of and carefully preserve the regi- mental and company records, also the colors with the respective regiments, and hold them subject to orders from the Adjutant General of the Army. 8. As soon as practicable after arrival at the State rendezvous, the Chief Mustering Officer or his Assistant will see that the arms and other public property brought to the State by the troops are turned over to the proper officer of the Supply Department thereat. VI. In preparing the muster-out rolls, Corps, Department, Division, and Brigade commanders wfill hold regimental officers to a strict account- ability, in order to insure accurate and complete records of the enlisted men, and the better to establish the just claims of the non-commissioned officers and privates who have been wounded, or of the representatives of those who have died from disease or wounds, or beeu killed in battle. VII. Prior to the departure of regiments from the rendezvous where mustered out, all public property (except arms, colors, and equipage required en route') will be. turned over to, and cared for by, the proper officers of the Supply Departments concerned. 4 VIII. .What is prescribed in the foregoing for a regiment will be applicable to a battery of artillery, or an independent company. IX. At the respective State rendezvous the following is ordered, viz: 1. The Paymaster General will be prepared to have a sufficient force of Paymasters to insure prompt payments. 2. The Quartermaster General and Commissary General of Subsis- tence will be prepared to have a suitable number of officers of their respective Bureaux to provide supplies, transportation, &c.., and receipt for public property. 3. The Chief of Ordnance will arrange to have a suitable number of officers of his Bureau to receive the arms, accoutrements, <fcc. X. attention of Commanding Generals of Armies and Depart- ments is directed to the importance of Regimental and Company officers having their records so completed and arranged, that, at any time, the muster-out rolls may be prepared without delay. order of the Secretary of War: E. 1). TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.