GENERAL, ORDERS, No. 85. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, May 8, 1865. Ordered: That all Prisoners of War, except officers above the rank of Colonel, who, before the capture of Richmond, signified their desire to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, and their unwilingness to be exchanged, be forthwith released upon their taking the said oath, and transportation furnished them to their respective homes. In respect to all other Prisoners of War, further orders will be issued. The Commissary General of Prisoners will issue the necessary regu- lations for preserving the requisite record of the Prisoners of War to be released under this order, the record to set forth the name of the pris- oner, his place of residence, the organization to which he belonged, the time and place of capture, etc. The oaths of allegiance will be admin- istered by the Commanding Officers of the prison camps and forts, who will send, by telegraph, daily reports of the prisoners released to the Commissary General of Prisoners. These reports will be consolidated for each day and transmitted to the Secretary of War. ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.