GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 39. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office. Washington, March 15, 1865. Order concerning Embalmers. Hereafter no persons will be permitted to embalm or remove the bodies of deceased officers or soldiers, unless acting under the special license of the Provost Marshal of the Army, Department, or District in which the bodies may be. Provost Marshals will restrict disinterments to seasons when they can be made without endangering the health of the troops. They will grant licenses only to such persons as furnish proof of skill and ability as embalmers, and will require bonds for the faithful performance of the orders given them. They will also establish a scale of prices by which embalmers are to be governed, with such other regulations as will protect the interests of the friends and relatives of deceased soldiers. Applicants for license will apply direct to the Provost Marshal of the Army or Department in which they may desire to pursue their business, submitting in distinct terms the process adopted by them, material used, length of time its preservative effects can be relied on, and such other information as may be necessary to establish their proficiency and success. Medical Directors will give such assistance in the examina- tion of these applications as may be required by Provost Marshals. order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.