GENERAL ORDERS, No. 38. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, March 15, 1865. Modification of Passport Order. The following modification of the President's order concerning pass- ports, published in General Orders, No. 308, of 1864, is promulgated for the information and guidance of all concerned: Department of State, Washington, March 8, 1865. Whereas, pursuant to the order of the President of the United States, directions were issued from this Department under date of the 17th of December, 1864, requiring passports from all travelers entering the United States, except immigrant passengers directly entering an Ameri- can port from a foreign country; but whereas information has recently been received which affords reasonable grounds to expect that her Britannic Majesty's government and the executive and legislative branches of the government of Canada have taken, and will continue to take, such steps as may be looked for from a friendly neighbor, and will be effectual towards preventing hostile incursions from Canadian territory into the United States, the President directs that, from and after this date, the order above referred to requiring passports shall be modified, and so much thereof as relates to persons entering this country from Canada shall be rescinded, saving and reserving the order in all other respects in full force. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.