GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 21. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, February 10, 1865. 1.. The State of Kentucky will constitute the Military Department of-Kentucky. Major General J. M. PALMER, U. S. Volunteers, is assigned to the command of the Department of Kentucky. 11.. The Department of the Cumberland will include the State of Tennessee, and such parts of Northern Georgia, Alabama, and Missis- sippi, as may be occupied by troops under the command of Major General G. H. Thomas. 111.. All troops in the Department of Kentucky and the Cumberland will, in the absence of Major General Sherman, be subject to the orders of Major General Thomas, except the posts on the east bank of the Mississippi river, which will be subject to Major General Canby's orders in movements for protecting the navigation of that river. In all other respects they will be under the direct orders of their departmental com- manders ; and wherever time will permit, General Canby will commu- nicate his orders through such commanders. IV. The Department of Mississippi will embrace so much of that State as may be occupied by the troops of the Military Division of West Mississippi, on the river. V. Department of the Gulf will embrace the States ot Louisiana and Texas. VI. Other military districts on the Gulf of Mexico will report direct to the Commanding General of the Military Division. order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General Official : Assistant Adjutant General,