GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 15. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, February 6, 1865. Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the United States, made by the President since the publication of " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. I.. PROMOTIONS. Quartermaster's Department. Captain John C. McFerran, Assistant Quartermaster, to be Quarter- master, with the rank of Major, November 30, 1863, vice Belger, dis- missed, instead of July 17, 186', vice Montgomery, dismissed, as announced in " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Captain Frederick Myers, Assistant Quartermaster, to be Quartermas- ter, with the rank of Major, August 12, 1864, vice Hancock, appointed Brigadier General. Medical Department. Assistant Surgeon Joseph C. Baily, to be Surgeon, December 1, 1864, vice Mills, appointed Medical Inspector General. Corps of Engineers. Major Israel C. Woodruff, to be Lieutenant Colonel, August 15, 1864, vice Woodbury, deceased. Captain John G. Parke, to be Major, June 17, 1864, vice Morton, deceased. Captain Gouverneur K. Warren, to be Major, June 25, 1864, vice Abert, resigned. Captain George H. Mendell, to be Major, August 15, 1864, vice Wood- ruff, promoted. First Lieutenant George Burroughs, to be Captain, June 5, 1864, vice Dutton, deceased. First Lieutenant Charles R. Suter, to be Captain, June 17, 1864, vice Parke, promoted. First Lieutenant Jared A. Smith, to be Captain, June 25, 1864, vice Warren, promoted. 2 First Lieutenant Samuel M. Mansfield, to be Captain, August 15,1864, vice Mendell, promoted. Ordnance Department. Captain John McNutt, to be Major, September 12, 1864, vice Dyer, appointed Chief of Ordnance. First Lieutenant John R. Edie, jr., to be Captain, September 12, 1864, vice McNutt, promoted. Second Lieutenant John A. Kress, to be First Lieutenant, July 16, 1864, vice Field, deceased. Second Lieutenant Otho E. Michaelis, to be First Lieutenant, Sep- tember 12, 1864, vice Edie, promoted. First Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant David Perry, to be Captain, November 12, 1864, vice Haycock, dismissed. [Company F.] Second Lieutenant Robert J. Ward, to be First Lieutenant, June 12, 1864, vice Nichols, deceased. [Company L.] Second Lieutenant Camillo C. C. Carr, to be First Lieutenant, June 28, 1864, vice Hunt, promoted. [Company F.] Second Lieutenant Charles H. Veil, to be First Lieutenant, July 1, 1864, vice Trimble, the Adjutant. [Company*C.J Second Lieutenant Moses Harris, to be First Lieutenant, August 15, 1864, vice Barry, the Regimental Commissary. [Company M. ] Second Lieutenant John F. Small, to be First Lieutenant, August 29, 1864, vice Hoyer, deceased. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant Charles Bendire, to be First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 12, 1864, vice Perry, promoted. [Company D.] Second Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant George O. Sokalski, to be Captain, September 19, 1864, vice McQuesten, deceased. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant Charles McMaster, to be First Lieutenant, Sep- tember 19, 1864, vice Sokalski, promoted. [Company D.] Third Regiment of Cavalry. Second Lieutenant Gerald Russell, to be First Lieutenant, August 4, 1864, vice James, deceased. [Company C.] 3 Fourth Regiment of Cavalry. > Second Lieutenant Edwin J. Conway, to be First Lieutenant, Sep- tember 7, 1864, vice Doolittle, resigned. [Company L.] Second Lieutenant Bird L. Fletcher, to be First Lieutenant, October 12, 1864, vice Baker, resigned his regimental commission. [Com- pany C.] Fifth Regiment of Cavalry. Second Lieutenant Richard Fitzgerald, to be First Lieutenant, June 12, 1864, vice Byrnes, deceased. [Company B. ] (Since dead.) Second Lieutenant Alfred B. Taylor, to be First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 12, 1864, vice Baden, resigned. [Company C.] Second Lieutenant John Trevor, to be First Lieutenant, September 19, 1864, vice Fitzgerald, deceased. [Company B.] (Since dead.) Second Lieutenant Edward Hams, to be First Lieutenant, Septem-. ber 29, 1864, vice Trevor, deceased. [Company B.] Sixth Regiment of Cavalry. First Lieutenant Tatnall Paulding, to be Captain, October 20, 1864, vice Lowell, deceased. [Company K.] Second Lieutenant John A. Irwin, to be First Lieutenant, October 20, 1864, being the Regimental Quartermaster. Second Lieutenant Tullius C. Tupper, to be First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 20, 1864, being the Adjutant. Second Lieutenant Louis H. Carpenter, to be First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 20, 1864, vice Paulding, promoted. [Company G.] First Regiment of Artillery. Second Lieutenant Ballard S. Humphrey, to be First Lieutenant, June 4, 1864, vice Maynadier, promoted. [Company K.] Second Lieutenant Thomas Ward, to be First Lieutenant, July 18, 1864, vice Mason, deceased. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant Jacob H. Counselman, to be First Lieutenant, August 16, 1864, vice Elderkin, resigned his regimental commission. [Company H.] Second Lieutenant Michael Leahy, to be First Lieutenant, October 14, 1864, vice Pike, dismissed. [Company E.] 4 Third Regiment of Artillery. Second Lieutenant William C. Bartlett, to be First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 14, 1864, vice Pendleton, dismissed. [Company G.J Fourth Regiment of Artillery. First Lieutenant Charles B. Throckmorton, to be Captain, July 18, 1864, vice Tannatt, resigned. [Company G.] First Lieutenant Evan Thomas, to be Captain, August 31, 1864, vice Seeley, resigned. [Company H.] Second Lieutenant Terrence Reilly, to be First Lieutenant, July 18, 1864, vice Throckmorton, promoted. [Company H ] Second Lieutenant Nicholas Redmond, to be First Lieutenant, August 31, 1864, vice Thomas, promoted. [Company C.] Fifth Regiment of Artillery. Second Lieutenant Elijah R. Craft, to be First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 22, 1864, vice Harrison, dismissed. [Company K. ] Third Regiment of Infantry Second Lieutenant William Mitchell, to be First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 10, 1864, vice Eckert, resigned. [Company C.] Fourth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Alexander E. Sheldon, to be Captain, August 25, 1864, vice Martin, dismissed. [Company H.] Second Lieutenant John J. S. Hassler, to be First Lieutenant, August 25, 1864, vice Sheldon, promoted. [Company A.] Fifth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Martin Mullins, to be Captain, July 14, 1864, vice Lewis, promoted to the Eighteenth Infantry. [Company G ] Second Lieutenant George McDermott, to be First Lieutenant, July 14, 1864, vice Mullins, promoted. [Company E.] Seventh Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant George McGown, to be Captain, September 19, 1864, vice Amory, promoted to the Eighth Infantry. [Company E.] 5 First Lieutenant Edwin R. Ames, to be Captain, October 7, 1864, vice Hollister, dismissed. [Company C.] Second Lieutenant Charles P. Miller, to be First Lieutenant, October 20, 1864, vice McGown, promoted. [Company K.] Second Lieutenant George N. Bomford, to be First Lieutenant, No- vember 12, 1864, vice Ames, promoted. [Company G.] Eighth Regiment of Infantry. Major John R. Edie, of the Fifteenth Infantry, to be Lieutenant Colonel, September 13, 1864, vice Paul, promoted to the Fourteenth Infantry. Captain Thomas J. C. Amory, of the Seventh Infantry, to be Major, September 19, 1864, vice Russell, deceased. (Since dead.) Captain Milton Cogswell, to be Major, October 8, 1864, vice Amory, deceased. First Lieutenant James M. Warner, to be Captain, October 8, 1864, vice Cogswell, promoted. [Company A.] Second Lieutenant Henry E. Hazen, to be First Lieutenant, October 3, 1864, vice Fisher, deceased. [Company F.] Second Lieutenant G. V. S. Aikin, to be First Lieutenant, October 8, 1864, vice Warner, promoted. [Company C.] Ninth Regiment of Infantry. Second Lieutenant Leonard Hay, to be First Lieutenant, September 29, 1864, vice Boyce, whose appointment has been cancelled. [Com- pany A. ] Tenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Claude S. Robertson, to be Captain, September 13, 1864, vice Dudley, promoted to the Fifteenth Infantry. [Company B.] First Lieutenant Uniacke C. Mackay, to be Captain, October 3, 1864, vice Lawman, deceased. [Company K. ] Second Lieutenant John C. White, to be First Lieutenant, September 13, 1864, vice Robertson, promoted. [Company H.J Second Lieutenant William J. Broatch, to be First Lieutenant, Oc- tober 3, 1864, vice Mackay, promoted. [Company E.] Eleventh Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant George E. Head, to be Captain, July 12, 1864, vice Wood, resigned his regimental commission. 6 First Lieutenant Edward R. Parry, to be Captain, October 14, 1864, vice Mason, promoted to the Seventeenth Infantry. Second Lieutenant James Kennington, to be First Lieutenant, May 5, 1864, vice Pleasants, deceased, instead of vice Staples, deceased, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Henry Wagner, to be First Lieutenant, May 5, 1864, vice Staples, deceased, instead of May 29, 1864, vice Pratt, de- ceased, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant John McIntosh, to be First Lieutenant, May 29, 1864, vice Pratt, deceased. Second Lieutenant David Hazzard, to be First Lieutenant, July 12, 1864, vice Head, promoted. Twelfth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Henry E. Smith, to be Captain, August 31, 1863, vice Larned, dropped, instead of September 9,1863, vice Van Rensselaer, resigned, as announced in " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. First Lieutenant Eugene Wells, to be Captain, September 9, 1863, vice Van Rensselaer, resigned, instead of December 31, 1863, vice Cos- ter, resigned, as announced in " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. First Lieutenant Richard C. Parker, to be Captain, December 31, 1863, vice Coster, resigned, instead of May 10, 1864, vice Hulings, de- ceased, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. First Lieutenant Sartell Prentice, to be Captain, May 10, 1864, vice Hulings, deceased. First Lieutenant David D. Vanvalzah, to be Captain, August 10, 1864, vice Nicodemus, who vacates his regimental commission. First Lieutenant May H. Stacey, to be Captain, August 19, 1864, vice Newbury, deceased. Second Lieutenant James Jackson, to be First Lieutenant, August 31, 1863, vice Smith, promoted, instead of September 9, 1863, as an- nounced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thomas L. Alston, to be First Lieutenant, Sep- tember 9, 1863, vice Wells, promoted, instead of October 28, 1863, vice 7 Carr, resigned, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of Sep- tember 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Anton Meyer, to be First Lieutenant, October 28, 1863, vice Carr, resigned, instead of December 19, 1863, vice Allen, deceased, as announced in" General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. (Since dismissed.) Second Lieutenant James E. Putnam, to be First Lieutenant, De- cember 19, 1863, vice Allen, deceased, instead of December 31, 1863, vice Wells, promoted, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant James H. May, to be First Lieutenant, December 31, 1863, vice Parker, promoted, instead of May 7, 1864, vice Patterson, resigned, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant August Eggemeyer, to be First Lieutenant, May 7, 1864, vice Patterson, resigned. (Since dead ) Second Lieutenant Jacob L. Stough, to be First Lieutenant, May 10 1864, vice Prentice, promoted, instead of June 11, 1864, vice Card, resigned, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of Septembe 15, 1864. Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Isaac V. D. Reeve, to be Colonel, October 14, 1864, vice Sanderson, deceased. Major George L. Andrews, of the Seventeenth Infantry, to be Lieu- tenant Colonel, October 14, 1864, vice Reeve, promoted. First Lieutenant Emory W. Clift, to be Captain, September 20, 1864, vice Sheridan, appointed Brigadier General. First Lieutenant Cornelius W. Tolles, to be Captain, October 7, 1864, vice Van Rensselaer, deceased. (Since dead.) First Lieutenant Charles J. Dickey, to be Captain, November 5,1864, vice Smith, dismissed. First Lieutenant John M. Duffy, to be Captain, November 8, 1864, vice Tolles, deceased. Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel R. Paul, of the Eighth Infantry, to be Colonel, September 13, 1864, vice Stone, resigned. 8 Second Lieutenant GeorgeR. Vernon, to be First Lieutenant, August 15, 1864, vice Lyon, resigned. Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry. Captain Nathan A. M. Dudley, of the Tenth Infantry, to be Major, September 13, 1864, vice Edie, promoted to the Eighth Infantry. First Lieutenant George H. Tracy, to be Captain, August 11, 1864, vice Peterson, resigned. First Lieutenant Charles A. Wikoff, to be Captain, August 15, 1864, vice Dod, resigned. First Lieutenant Charles McC. Lord, to be Captain, September 10, 1864, vice Ireland, deceased. Second Lieutenant Theodore Kendall, to be First Lieutenant, June 11, 1864, vice J. A. Potter, resigned, instead of June 27, 1864, vice Ogilby, promoted, as announced in " General Orders," No. 256, of Sep- tember 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Samuel L. Burness, to be First Lieutenant, June 27,1864, vice Ogilby, promoted. Second Lieutenant John Williams, to be First Lieutenant, July 23, 1864, vice Derickson, resigned. Second Lieutenant Alfred Hedberg, to be First Lieutenant, August 11, 1864, vice Tracy, promoted. Second Lieutenant James P. Brown, to be First Lieutenant, August 15, 1864, vice Wikoff, promoted. Second Lieutenant Orson C. Knapp, to be First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 10, 1864, vice Lord, promoted. Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant Hugh A. Theater, to be Captain, July 28,1864, vice Lewis, resigned. First Lieutenant Henry C. Cook, to be Captain, September 24, 1864, vice King, resigned. First Lieutenant Edward McConnell, to be Captain, September 30, 1864, vice Barry, resigned. First Lieutenant Jacob Kline, to be Captain, September 30, 1864, vice Biddle, resigned. First Lieutenant William H. Ingerton, to be Captain, October 15, 1864, vice Prescott, resigned. 9 Seventeenth Regiment of Infantry. Captain John S. Mason, of the Eleventh Infantry, to be Major, Octo- ber 14, 1854, vice Andrews, promoted to the Thirteenth Infantry. First Lieutenant John B. Parke, to be Captain, July 14, 1864, vice Wilkin, deceased. First Lieutenant George W. Green, to be Captain, October 11, 1864, vice Sweet, deceased. Second Lieutenant J. Carbery Lay, to be First Lieutenant, November 28, 1863, vice Montgomery, promoted. (Since resigned.) Second Lieutenant John T. Dowling, to be First Lieutenant, Decem- ber 8, 1863, vice Woodrow, promoted, instead of November 28, 1863, vice Montgomery, promoted, as announced in " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. (Since dead.) Second Lieutenant James A. Hopkins, to be First Lieutenant, Janu- ary 11, 1864, vice Knapp, resigned, instead of December 8, 1863, vice Woodrow, promoted, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Henry F. Rice, to be First Lieutenant, January 26, 1864, vice Holcomb, promoted, instead of January 11, 1864, vice Knapp, resigned, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of Sep- tember 15, 1864. (Since resigned.) Second Lieutenant George F. Adams, to be First Lieutenant, June 30, 1864, vice Walcott, promoted, instead of vice Holcomb, promoted, as announced in "General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thomas M. Smith, to be First Lieutenant, July 2, 1864, vice Ewing, retired, instead of vice Walcott, promoted, as an- nounced in " General Orders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thompson Campbell, jr., to be First Lieutenant, August 17, 1864, vice Swan, promoted. Second Lieutenant Charles Steelhammer, to be First Lieutenant, Sep- tember 2, 1861, vice Rice, resigned. Second Lieutenant Samuel W. Black, to be First Lieutenant, Decem- ber 2, 1854, vice Swartwout, promoted. Eighteenth Reglment of Infantry. Captain William H. Lewis, of the Fifth Infantry, to be Major, July 14, 1864, vice Brooks, resigned. First Lieutenant James Powell, to be Captain, September 9, 1864, vice Denton, resigned. 10 Second Lieutenant John U. Gill, to be First Lieutenant, July 28, 1864, vice Brown, resigned. Nineteenth Regiment of Infantry. First Lieutenant William W. Gilbert, to be Captain, July 7, 1864, vice Boecklin, resigned. First Lieutenant Manuel C. Causten, to be Captain, July 28, 1864, vice Wilson, resigned. First Lieutenant William J. Lyster, to be Captain, August 9, 1864, vice Farquhar, resigned. First Lieutenant Edward Moale, to be Captain, September 13, 1864, vice Daniels, resigned. II.. APPOINTMENTS. General Officers. Major General George G. Meade, of the United States Volunteers, and Brigadier General, United States Army, to be Major General, Au- gust 18, 1864, vice Grant, appointed Lieutenant General. Major General Philip H. Sheridan, of the United States Volunteers, and Brigadier General, United States Army, to be Major General, No- vember 8, 1864, vice McClellan, resigned. Major General Philip H. Sheridan, of the United States Volunteers, and Captain, Thirteenth United States Infantry, to be Brigadier Gen- eral, September 20,1864, vice Sherman, appointed Major General. Adjutant General's Department. Captain Theodore S. Bowers, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, to be Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Major, Sep- tember 1, 1864, vice Perkins, deceased. Quartermaster's Department. First Lieutenant James Gilliss, of the Fifth Artillery, to be Assistant Quartermaster, with the rank of Captain, August 10, 1864, vice Nigh, resigned. Major Theodore S. Bowers, Judge Advocate, United States Volun- teers, to be Assistant Quartermaster, with the rank of Captain, July 29, 1864, vice Hartz, dropped. (Since appointed Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral, U. S. Army.) 11 William G. Hodges, of Massachusetts, to be Military Storekeeper, September 30, 1864, vice -Smith, declined. Medical Department. Surgeon Madison Mills, to be Medical Inspector General, with the rank of Colonel, December 1, 1864, vice Barnes, appointed Surgeon General. Ordnance Department. Major Alexander B. Dyer, to be Chief of Ordnance, with the rank of Brigadier General, September 12,1864, vice Ramsay, retired. Signal Corps. Major Benjamin F. Fisher, to be Chief Signal Officer, with the rank of Colonel, December 3, 1864, vice Myer, whose appointment has ex- pired by constitutional limitation. Fourth Regiment of Artillery. Sergeant Major Erwin Seeley, to be Second Lieutenant, August 30, 1864, vice Merkle, promoted. [Company G.] \ Seventh Regiment of Infantry. Private Charles P. Miller, of Battery E, Fifth Artillery, to be Second Lieutenant, October 20, 1864, vice McGown, promoted. [Company A.] Sergeant George N. Bomford, of the Fifteenth Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, November 12,1864, vice Ames, promoted. [Company D.j Tenth Regiment of Infantry. Private Albert M. Neill, to be Second Lieutenant, July 18, 1864, vice Smyth, promoted. (Since revoked.) Seventeenth Regiment of Infantry. Thompson Campbell, jr., of California, to be Second Lieutenant, August 17, 1864, vice Hargrave, promoted. Hospital Steward Charles Steelhammer, to be Second Lieutenant, September 2, 1864, vice Ewing, promoted. Private Samuel W. Black, to be Second Lieutenant, December 2, 1864, vice Carter, promoted. 12 To be Hospital Chaplains. J. P. Teter, of Iowa, August 27, 1864. Thomas Kirkpatrick, of Pennsylvania, September 5, 1864. William J. Wright, of Pennsylvania, September 15, 1864. James G. Shinn, of Pennsylvania, September 17, 1864. William G. Williams, of Alabama, September 24, 1864. Charles M. Blake, of Pennsylvania, September 26, 1864. Hiram A. Hunter, of Kentucky, September 28,1864. Benjamin Swallow, of the District of Columbia, October 12, 1864. James Balloch, of Maryland, November 17, 1864. Jacob S. Chamberlaine, of Illinois, November 29, 1864. John Kimball, of the District of Columbia, November 30, 1864. Isaac O. Sloan, of Pennsylvania, December 3, 1864. S. W. Madden, of the District of Columbia, December 3, 1864. Appointments by Brevet. To be Brigadier Generals, by Brevet. Colonel Charles Thomas, Assistant Quartermaster General, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from July 5, 1864. Brevet Colonel Rufus Ingalls, United States Army, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from July 6, 1864. Colonel Edmund Schriver, Inspector General, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Alexander E. Shiras, Assistant Commissary General of Sub- sistence, United States Army, for meritorious and distinguished services in the Subsistence Department, and in supplying the armies during the war, to date from September 17, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James L. Donaldson, United States Army, for distinguished and important services in the Quartermaster's Department, in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia, to date from September 17, 1864. Major Langdon C. Easton, Quartermaster, United States Army, for distinguished and important services in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia, to date from September 17, 1864. Colonel Edward D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General, United 13 States Army, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1854. Colonel William Hoffman, of the Third United States Infantry, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 7, 1864. Brevet Colonel David H. Vinton, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 28,1864. Brevet Colonel Stewart Van Vliet, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 28,1864. Brevet Colonel Benjamin W. Brice, United States Army, to date from December 2, 1864. To be Colonels by Brevet. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Rufus Ingalls, United States Army, to date from July 6, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duane, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful services in the field, in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James, and particularly for distinguished professional services in the operations before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Vincent, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from Sep- tember 24, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel David H. Vinton, Deputy Quartermaster General, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 28, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Van Vliet, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the w'ar, to date from Octo- ber 28, 1864. Surgeon Charles S. Tripier, United States Army, to date from No- vember 29, 1864. Surgeon Charles McDougall, United States Army, to date from No- vember 29, 1864. Surgeon Joseph J. B. Wright, United States Army, to date from November 29, 1864. Surgeon Madison Mills, United States Army, to date from November 29, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin W. Brice, United States Army, to date from December 2, 1864. 14 To be Lieutenant Colonels by Brevet. Major Rufus Ingalls, Quartermaster, United States Army, to date from July 6, 1864. Major James C. Duane, of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful services in the field, in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James, and particularly for distinguished pro- fessional services in the operations before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. Major Louis H. Pelouze, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Moun- tain, Va., to date from September 24, 1864. Surgeon Thomas A. McParlin, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1,1864. Major Benjamin F. Fisher, Signal Corps, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1,1864. Major Nathaniel Michler, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major David B. McKibbin, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Francis M. Cooley, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Joseph S. Conrad, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Thomas M. Anderson, United States Army, for gallant service at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Guido Ilges, United States Army, for gallant service at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Cornelius L. King, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major Drake DeKay, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1,1864. Major George H. Mendell, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 15, 1864. 15 Brevet Major Richard F. O'Beirne, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Ya., to date from August 18, 1864. Brevet Major Joshua S. Fletcher, jr., United States Army, for gallant services at the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18,1864. Major Robert Williams, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Major Thomas M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Major Samuel Breck, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from Sep- tember 24, 1864. Major Stewart Van Vliet, Quartermaster, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 28, 1864. Major Benjamin W. Brice, Paymaster, United States Army, to date from December 2, 1864. Surgeon John J. Milhau, United States Army, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from De- cember 2,1864. To be Majors by Brevet. Captain William T. Gentry, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the Crossing of the North Anna, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain William R. Smedberg, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Edward McK. Hudson, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain David B. McKibbin, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle on the North Anna, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Francis M. Cooley, of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. 16 Captain Thomas S. Dunn, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Horace K. Thatcher, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battles of the North Anna, Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain James M. Cutts, jr., of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain James F. Grimes, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Richard F. O'Beirne, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Joseph S. Conrad, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Cornelius L. King, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1,1864. Captain Joshua S. Fletcher, jr., of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Charles N. Turnbull, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va , to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Nathaniel Prime, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain James F. Millar, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John C. Bates, of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Franklin Harwood, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George H. McLoughlin, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River, Va., and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. 17 Captain William W. Swan, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George L. Gillespie, jr., Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Sartell Prentice, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Drake De Kay, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Henry A. Swartwout, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battles of Spottsylvania and North Anna, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Samuel N. Benjamin, of the Second U. S. Artillery, for dis- tinguished and gallant conduct at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John B. Parke, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John P. Wales, of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Captain Philip W. Stanhope, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Captain George K. Brady, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gal- lant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Brevet Captain Frank W. Perry, United States Army, for gallant ser vices at the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Brevet Captain George L. Choisey, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Brevet Captain James Jackson, United States Army, for gallant ser- G. O. No. 15-2 18 vices at the battle on the Weldon Bailroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Captain Theophilus F. Rodenbough, of the Second U. S. Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Trevillian Station and Opequan, Va., to date from September 19, 1864. Brevet Captain James B. Sinclair, United States Army, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. Captain Augustus Boyd, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, for faithful and valuable services during the war, to date from October 10, 1864. Captain Francis M. Bache, of the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry, for faith- ful and meritorious services in the field, to date from December 2,1864. Captain William F. Drum, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain William W. Sanders, of the Sixth U. S. Infantry, for faith- ful and meritorious services in the field, to date from December 2,1864. To be Captains by Brevet. First Lieutenant David D. Vanvalzah, of the Twelfth U. S. Infan- try, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant William S. Worth, of the Ejghth Infantry, for gal- lant and distinguished services at the assault on the enemy's lines before Petersburg and in the operations in the campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Harry C. Egbert, of the 12th U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of North Anna, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. . First Lieutenant Edwin M. Coates, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Edward A. Ellsworth, of the Eleventh U. S. Infan- try, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James B. Sinclair, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. 19 First Lieutenant Benjamin Rittenhouse, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant William West, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania add during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Richard H. Pond, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Frank W. Perry, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant William Falck, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant John R. Edie, of the Ordnance Department, United States Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant August Thieman, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant George L. Choisey, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infan- try, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James II. Bradford, of the Seventeenth U. S. In- fantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James J. Emerson, of the Seventeenth U. S. In- fantry, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Emerson H. Liscum, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant William H. H. Benyaurd, of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. 20 First Lieutenant Charles W. Howell, of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James Stewart, of the Fourth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant James Jackson, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Thomas L. Alston, of the Twelfth U. S Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the pre- sent campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Robert Davis, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, lr*64. First Lieutenant George W. Dresser, of the Fourth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant May H. Stacey, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Alfred Foot, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Evan Miles, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant James W. Weir, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, lor gallant services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Madison Earle, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant William E. Van Reed, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Augustus H. Bainbridge, of the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. 21 First Lieutenant Chambers McKibbin, of the Fourteenth U. S. In- fantry, for gallant services at the battle of the North Anna River, and during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Thomas H. French, of the Tenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Robert B. Smith, of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant J. H. Patterson, of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Theodore Schwan, of the Tenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from Octo- ber 1, 1864. First Lieutenant David Hazzard, of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant John W. Roder, of the Fourth U. S. Artillery, for distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, to date from October 27, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles Smart, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. To be First Lieutenants by Brevet. Second Lieutenant Henry Sommer, of the Second U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant Charles Simon, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Cold Harbor and in the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant Robert Catlin, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Second Lieutenant John Elliott, of the Second U. S. Artillery, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 21, 1864. 22 Second Lieutenant William J. Broatcli, of the Tenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant John Hunter, of the Tenth U. S. Infantry, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from Octo- ber 1, 1864. Second Lieutenant William B. Beck, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, for gallant services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. III..APPOINTMENTS MADE IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE CALLED INTO SERVICE UNDER THE ACTS APPROVED JULY 22 AND 25, 1861; JULY 17, 1862; AND JULY 5, 1838. General Officers. To be Major Generals. Brigadier General George Crook, of the United States Volunteers, October 21, 1864. Brigadier General Godfrey Weitzel, of the United States Volunteers, November 17, 1864. To be Brigadier Generals. Colonel Isaac H. Duval, of the Ninth West Virginia Volunteers, September 24, 1864. Colonel John Edwards, of the Eighteenth Iowa Volunteers, Septem- ber 26, 1864. Colonel Thomas A. Smyth, of the First Delaware Volunteers, October 1, 1864. Colonel Ferdinand Van Derveer, of the Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, October 4, 1864. Colonel Charles R. Lowell, of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry, and Captain of the Sixth U. S. Cavalry, October 19,1864. (Since dead.) Colonel William H. Powell, of the Second Virginia Cavalry, October 19,1864. (Since resigned.) Colonel Thomas C. Devin, of the Sixth New York Cavalry, October 19, 1864. Colonel Alfred Gibbs, of the First New York Dragoons, and Captain of the Third U. S. Cavalry, October 19, 1864. 23 Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie, of the Second Connecticut Artillery, and Captain Corps United States Engineers, October 19, 1864. Colonel R. B. Hays, of the Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers, October 19, 1864. Colonel James R. Slack, of the Forty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, November 10, 1864. Colonel Thomas J. Lucas, of the Sixteenth Indiana Mounted Infantry, November 10, 1864. Colonel E. J. Davis, of the First Texas Cavalry, November 10,1864. Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Bailey, Colonel of the Fourth Wis- consin Cavalry, November 10, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General George L. Beal, Colonel of the Twenty- ninth Maine Volunteers, November 30, 1864. Colonel Henry G. Thomas, of the Nineteenth U. S. Colored Troops, and Captain of the Eleventh U. S. Infantry, November 30, 1864. Colonel Cyrus Hamlin, of the Eightieth U. S. Colored Troops, and Captain, Additional Aide-de-Camp, December 3, 1864. Aides-de-Camp under the Act of July 17, 1862. Majors. Captain Edmund C. Bainbridge, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, Sep- tember 3, 1864, for the Nineteenth Army Corps. Lieutenant Logan Tompkins, of the Twenty-first Missouri Volun- teers, September 13, 1864, for the Seventeenth Army Corps. Captain Henry R. Putnam, of the Twelfth U. S. Infantry, October 7, 1864, for the Military Division of West Mississippi. Captain John W. Steele, of the Forty-first Ohio Volunteers, October 27, 1864, for the Fourth Army Corps. Captains. Wells W. Leggett, of Ohio, August 16, 1864, for the Seventeenth Army Corps. x Lester L. Taylor, of Ohio, August 24, 1864, for the Fourth Army Corps. Captain Edward L. Ford, of the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Volun teers, September 3, 1864, fdr the Tenth Army Corps. (Since resigned.) Captain Edward H. Twining, of the Thirty third Illinois Volunteers, September 3, 1864, for the Nineteenth Army Corps. 24 Lieutenant William P. Bainbridge, of the One Hundred and First Indiana Volunteers, September 3, 1864, for the Nineteenth Army Corps. Adjutant General's Department. To be Assistant Adjutants General with the rank of Major. Captain James E. Montgomery, Assistant Adjutant General of Vol- unteers, August 1, 1864. Captain William A. Gordon, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun teers, September 3, 1864. Captain William H. Long, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, September 6, 1864. Captain Will Rumsey, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, September 9, 1864. Captain Charles W. Asmussen, of the Fourth Missouri Cavalry, September 9, 1864. Captain James B. Sample, Assistant Adj utant General of Volunteers, September 13, 1864. First Lieutenant Jesse W. Walker, of the Twenty-fifth Indiana Vol- unteers, September 19,1864. Captain Robert N. Scott, of the Fourth U. S. Infantry, September 28,1864. Henry Hitchcock, of Missouri, October 4, 1864. Captain Hazard Stevens, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, October 13,1864. Captain Eugene B. Beaumont, Aide-de-Camp, and First Lieutenant Fourth U. S. Cavalry, October 20,1864. Captain Edward Marrenner, of the One Hundred and Sixty-second New York Volunteers, October 23, 1864. Captain Amasa E. Dana, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, November 12, 1864. Captain Robert P. Kennedy, Assistant Adjutant General of Volun- teers, November 16, 1864. Captain William R. Driver, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, November 17, 1864. George H. Hooker, of West Virginia, November 21, 1864. Assistant Adjutants General. Captains. Captain Henry C. Weir, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, May 12, 1862. 25 Lieutenant Albert M. Harper, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 17, 1864. Lieutenant Murray Davis, of the Ninety-fifth Ohio Volunteers, August 17, 1864. Lieutenant Elijah R. Craft, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, August 25, 1864. Captain Charles J. Wickersham, of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 25, 1864. Captain Benjamin F. Morey, of the Thirty-first Massachusetts Volun- teers, August 26,1864. Lieutenant Oliver D. Kinsman, of the Eleventh Iowa Volunteers, August 31, 1864. Lieutenant Edward S. Richards, of the Tenth Tennessee Volunteers, September 6, 1864. Captain Edward Hemenway, of the Sixty-seventh U. S. Colored Troops, September 19, 1864. Eugene Diven, of New York, September 26, 1864. Captain Robert M. Goodwin, of the Thirty-seventh Indiana Volun- teers, September 26, 1864. Lieutenant Charles P. Brown, of the Third U. S. Colored Troops, September 28, 1864. George Monroe, of Illinois, September 30, 1864. Finley Anderson, of New York, October 7, 1864. Captain Syria M. Budlong, of the Forty-fifth New York Volunteers, October 7, 1864. Lieutenant William H. Gilder, of the Fortieth New York Volunteers, October 7, 1864. Lieutenant E. C. Watkins, of the First New York Cavalry, October 8, 1864. Frank Adams, of Illinois, October 20, 1864. Lieutenant James Graham, of the Thirty-fourth New Jersey Volun- teers, October 20, 1864. E. Lewis Moore, of Connecticut, October 27, 1864. Lieutenant E. B. Harlan, of the Forty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, November 12, 1864. Lieutenant Benjamin K. Roberts, of the Seventh Iowa Cavalry, November 12, 1864. William E. Kuhn, late Lieutenant of the Forty-seventh Illinois Volunteers, November 12, 1864. 26 Lieutenant Theron E. Parsons, of the One Hundred and Eighth New York Volunteers, November 16, 1864. Lieutenant Joseph G. Ramsay, of the Second U. S. Artillery, Novem- ber 17, 1864. Captain William T. Forbes, of the One Hundred and Second New York Volunteers, November 17, 1864. Charles E. Mallam, of the District of Columbia, November 25, 1864. Lieutenant William Warner, of the Thirty-third Wisconsin Volun- teers, December 1, 1864. Judge Advocates. To be Judge Advocates with the rank of Major. Captain De Witt Clinton, Aide-de-Camp, May 27, 1864, for the troops composing the Army of the Military Division of West Mississippi. Eliphalet Whittlesey, of Maine, September 1, 1864, for the troops composing the Army of the Tennessee. Seth C. Farrington, of Maine, September 3, 1864, for the Nineteenth Army Corps. Captain E. L. Joy, of the Thirty-sixth Iowa Volunteers, September 15, 1864, for the Seventh Army Corps. Captain William W. Winthrop, of the First U. S. Sharpshooters, Sep- tember 19, 1864, for the Department of the Susquehanna. Captain Henry H. Bingham, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, September 20, 1864, for the Second Army Corps. James N. McElroy, late Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixtieth Ohio Volunteers, September 26, 1864, for the Department of the Arkansas. Lieutenant Colonel H. B. Burnham, of the Sixty-seventh Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, October 31,1864, for the Department of New Mexico. X - Quartermaster's Department. To be Assistant Quartermasters with the rank of Captain. Captain Richard R. Corson, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, July 17, 1862. Private James H. Ball, of the Nineteenth Ohio Volunteers, August 16,1864. (Since resigned.) First Lieutenant Charles T. Watson, of the Third Maine Volunteers, August 20, 1864. Henry H. Gillum, of Kansas, August 22, 1864. 27 Private Douglas H. Dyer, of the Seventeenth Vermont Volunteers, August 24, 1864. Henry N. Johnson, of Ohio, August 26, 1864. (Since resigned.) John H. Harlan, Clerk, Quartermaster's Department, September 6, 1864. Alden H. Comstock, of Ohio, September 8, 1864. Gus Artsman, of Kentucky, September 13, 1864. Captain George Isenstein, of the Fifteenth Missouri Volunteers, Sep- tember 15, 1864. James M. Reno, of Ohio, September 19, 1864. John H. Batty, of Indiana, September 19, 1864. Lieutenant W. J. Colburn, of the Third Wisconsin Battery, Septem- ber 19, 1864. Lieutenant Robert L. Coverdale, of the Forty-eighth Ohio Volunteers, September 19, 1864. Lieutenant John R. Hynes, of the Third New Hampshire Volunteers, September 20, 1864. Lieutenant Joseph T. Powers, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, September 28, 1864. First Lieutenant George W. Carpenter, of the Fifteenth Kansas Volunteers, September 29, 1864. Lieutenant Charles D. Webster, of the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 1, 1864. Amos Webster, of the District of Columbia, October 1, 1864. Jacob A. Shindel, of Pennsylvania, October 5, 1864. John H. Belcher, of California, October 14, 1864. C. E. Bliven, of Ohio, October 23, 1864. James R. Gilmore, of Pennsylvania, November 3, 1864. Lieutenant Joseph D. Treadway, of the Twenty-third Wisconsin Volunteers, November 12, 1864. Morris H. Alberger, of New York, November 17, 1864. Lieutenant Rufus K. Case, of the Sixth New Jersey Volunteers, No- vember 23, 1864. Samuel F. Gibson, of Maine, November 23, 1864. Benjamin Coonly, of Indiana, December 3, 1864. Subsistence Department. To be Commissaries of Subsistence with the rank of Captain. Lieutenant W. T. Allen, of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, August 10, 28 1864, instead of A. T. Allen, of , as announced in "General Or- ders," No. 256, of September 15, 1864. George W. Roby, Clerk, Subsistence Department, August 18, 1864. Thomas J. Hoskinson, of Pennsylvania, August 26, 1864. Elwood Griest, of Pennsylvania, August 27, 1864. Hiram Andres, of New York, August 27, 1864. Herman Kley, of Missouri, September 5, 1864. Lieutenant William C. B. Gillespie, of the Forty-first Illinois Volun- teers, September 6, 1864. Joseph C. Brand, late Captain and Commissary of Subsistence of Volunteers, September 7, 1864. Peter McCullough, late Colonel of the Second Delaware Volunteers, September 9, 1864. E. E. Cooley, of lovta, September 13, 1864. Lieutenant William T. Seward, of the Seventh Connecticut Volun- teers, September 13,1864. Thomas O'Hare, of Massachusetts, September 17, 1864. First Lieutenant Henry P. Knowles, of the Ninth New York Artillery, September 21, 1864. Lieutenant Frederick C. King, of the One Hundred and Forty-second New York Volunteers, September 26, 1864. Myron C. Hills, of Ohio, October 3, 1864. A. Judson Pinkham, of Illinois, October 3, 1864. Samuel B. McIntyre, of New York, October 5, 1864. H. D. Gibson, of Iowa, October 5, 1864. Ebenezer J. Bennett, of Missouri, October 12, 1864. A. W. Sheldon, of Iowa, October 13, 1864. Lieutenant Frank H. Scudder, of the Thirty-sixth U. S. Colored Troops, October 24, 1864. Lieutenant James W. Delay, of the Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, October 24, 1864. T. S. McClintock, of Ohio, October 24, 1864. Lieutenant John L. Brigham, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, October 25, 1864. James H. Latshaw, of Pennsylvania, November 1,1864. D. R. Lamoreau, of Wisconsin, November 8, 1864. J. N. Potts, of Indiana, November 18, 1864. Hugh Rex, of Ohio, November 19, 1864. Joseph D. Lewis, of Pennsylvania, November 25, 1864. 29 Medical Department. To be Surgeons. Assistant Surgeon George A. Otis, U. S. Volunteers, August 30,1864. Assistant Surgeon Abraham McMahon, U. S. Volunteers, August 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Henry W. Davis, U. S. Volunteers, August 30,1864. Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Durham, U. S. Volunteers, August 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William O. McDonald, U. S. Volunteers, Septem- ber 15, 1864. , Assistant Surgeon Frank G. Porter, U. S. Volunteers, September 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Benjamin McCluer, U. S. Volunteers, September 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Mil ton B. Cochran, U. S. Volunteers, November 25, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Milton C. Woodworth, U. S. Volunteers, Novem- ber 25, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Charles H. Hood, U. S. Volunteers, November 25, 1864. To be Assistant Surgeons. Theophilus H. Turner, of New Jersey, August 23, 1864. Surgeon W. S. Tremaine, of the Thirty-first U. S. Colored Troops, September 1, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Israel C. Hogendobler, of the One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, September 7, 1864. Bleecker L. Hovey, of New York, September 9, 1864. Lewis Applegate, of New York, September 9, 1864. Surgeon Daniel Stahl, of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, September 20, 1864 Acting Assistant Surgeon William M. Dorran, U. S. Army, Septem- ber 20, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon S. S. Jessop, U. S. Army, September 20, 1864, Walter Ure, of Pennsylvania, September 23, 1864. Private F. C. M. Petard, of Company E, Thirteenth New York Cav- alry, September 23, 1864. Charles T. Reber, of Pennsylvania, September 26, 1864. 30 Godfrey A. Kretchmar, of New York, October 3, 1864. J. P. Dowlin, of Pennsylvania, October 11, 1864. R. M. Lackey, of Illinois, October 11, 1864. John C. Miles, of Michigan, October 11, 1864. D. C. Day, of Pennsylvania, October 11, 1864. Edward K. Hogan, of New York, October 13, 1864. T. P. Seeley, of New Mexico, October 17, 1864. W. J. McDermott, of New York, October 26, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon William St. G. Elliott, U. S. Army, October 28, 1864. L. C. Chapin, of Connecticut, October 29, 1864. Samuel W. Thayer, of Vermont, November 4, 1864. J. H. Porter, of the District of Columbia, November 25,1864. William A. Gordon, of Kentucky, November 25, 1864. J. C. Thorpe, of Kentucky, November 25, 1864. J. G. Murphy, of Pennsylvania, November 25, 1864. Pierson Rector, of New York, November 29, 1864. John E. McGirr, of Pennsylvania, November 29, 1864. Alexander Lelong, of New Jersey, November 30, 1864. Walter R. Way, of Maryland, December 3, 1864. Thomas R. Dunglison, of Pennsylvania, December 3, 1864. John T. Harrison, of California, December 3, 1864. Benjamin Tappan, of California, December 3, 1864. Pay Department. To be Additional Paymasters. Joseph Pool, of Ohio, September, 8 1864. Philip Filer, of Illinois, September 14, 1864. George P. Sanford, of Michigan, September 19, 1864. George B. Corkhill, of Iowa, September 27, 1864. Daniel Gribben, of New York, October 20, 1864. Edward Spear, jr., of Ohio, October 21, 1864. Veteran Reserve Corps. To be Colonels. J. Egbert Farnum, to date from July 26, 1864. John R. Lewis, to date from September 8, 1864. John Mansfield, to date from December 3, 1864. 31 To be Lieutenant Colonel. Benjamin P. Runkle, to date from August 22, 1864. To be Majors. Theodore A. Dodge, to date from August 17, 1864. Benjamin F. Harris, to date from September 15, 1864. Samuel W. Beall, to date from September 28, 1864. To be Captains. J. Otis Williams, to date from July 18, 1864. N. B. Blanton, to date from July 26, 1864. George W. Carter, to date from July 26, 1864. Alexander H. Wands, to date from July 26, 1864. William D. Hall, to date from July 26, 1864. Jacob F. Chur, to date from August 6, 1864. Florence F. Buckley, to date from August 25, 1864. John Leonard, to date from August 26, 1864. Samuel A. Porter, to date from August 29, 1864. (Since resigned.) Lemuel Jeffries, to date from September 8, 1864. Hezekiah Gardner, to date from September 15, 1864. George B. Russell, to date from September 15, 1864. Henry Camp, to date from September 15, 1864. F. O. Steinburg, to date from September 16, 1864. Philip Buck, to date from September 16, 1864. John Greelish, to date from September 16, 1864. George H. Brannix, to date from September 28, 1864. R. L. Kilpatrick, to date from September 28, 1864. Edward P. Pitkin, to date from October 3, 1864. (Since resigned.) Edward Miller, to date from October 18, 1864. Thomas G. Barnes, to date from October 25,1864. William Wakenshaw, to date from October 28, 1864. Henry M. Brewster, to date from November 11, 1864. Abial W. Fisher, to date from November 15,1864. Newton M. Brooks, to date from November 21, 1864. Thomas A. Maulsby, to date from November 21, 1864. George F. Schayer, to date from November 21, 1864. James H. Donaldson, to date from November 30,1864. George W. Morris, to date from November 30,1864. 32 Robert C. Perry, to date from November 30,1864. John S. Sperry, to date from December 3, 1864. Edward Colman, to date from December 3, 1864. Edward C. Knower, to date from December 3, 1864. Bayley B. Brown, to date from December 3, 1864. Warren R. Dunton, to date from December 3, 1864. Seneca G. Willaner, to date from December 3, 1864. Richard M. Voorhies, to date from December 3, 1864. Pearl T. Blodgett, to date from December 3, 1864. Edwin T. Rowell, to date from December 3,1864. James Ashworth, to date from December 3, 1864. A. Benson Brown, to date from December 3, 1864. Andrew M. Luke, to date from December 3, 1864. To be First Lieutenants. Charles S. Draper, to date from June 18, 1864. (Since resigned.) E. C. Nichols, to date from July 18,1864. Daniel S. Leslie, to date from July 26, 1864. Silas May, to date from July 26, 1864. Thomas A. Patterson, to date from July 26, 1864. Leonard J. Whiting, to date from July 26, 1864. Benjamin F. Hawkes, to date from August 6,1864. A. Coats, to date from August 6, 1864. William D. Jaynes, to date from August 11, 1864. Daniel M. White, to date from August 11, 1864. Joseph H. Durkee, to date from August 22,1864. William McKee, to date from August 22, 1864. Samuel A. Porter, to date from August 22, 1864. (Since appointed Captain.) Bernard Reilly, jr., to date from August 22, 1864. C. P. Bergen, to date from August 22, 1864. George B. Russell, to date from August 25, 1864. (Since appointed Captain.) William Burns, to date from September?, 1864. Isaac Kohn, to date from September 7, 1864. A. F. F. Hall, to date from September 8, 1864. (Since dead.) William J. McGregor, to date from September 8, 1864. Edward D. Parker, to date from September 8, 1864. William S. Johnson, to date from September 15, 1864. 33 Oscar Strait, to date from September 16, 1864. John H. Bassler, to date from September 28, 1864. (Since appointed Captain.) Bayley B. Brown, to date from September 28, 1864. (Since ap- pointed Captain.) Jacob A Remley, to date from September 28, 1864, John A. Schwartz, to date from September 28, 1864. Alfred M. Raphall, to date from October 3, 1864. Edward T. O'Brien, to date from October 25, 1864. William R. Coddington, to date from October 28, 1864. Henry R. Jones, to date from November 11, 1864. Sydenham Gait, to date from November 21, 1864. Victor Chandone, to date from November 30, 1864. Andrew S. Graham, to date from November 30, 1864. George S. Hawley, to date from November 30, 1864. P. E. O'Connor, to date from December 3, 1864. Joseph F. Dengler, to date from December 3, 1864. Julius Stommel, to date from December 3, 1864. George W. Corliss, to date from December 3, 1864. Michael E. Jenks, to date from December 3, 1864. John C. Hilton, to date from December 3, 1864. Joseph Wagner, to date from December 3, 1864. James L. Lott, to date from December 3, 1864. John C. Chance, to date from December 3, 1864. George T. Cook, to date from December 3, 1864. To be Second Lieutenants. Patrick E. Murphy, to date from July 26, 1864. William F. Cox, to date from August 6, 1864. J. Edgar Engle, to date from August 17, 1864. William G. Vance, to date from August 17, 1864. Frederick Henry Beecher, to date from August 22, 1864. George W. Tipton, to date from August 22, 1864. John F. Perry, to date from August 22, 1864. James K. Warden, to date from August 22, 1864. Lewellyn Echelberry, to date from August 22, 1864. Frank A. Osbourn, to date from August 22, 1864. Miles S. Adams, to date from August 22, 1864. Louis Mauthe, to date from August 22, 1864. G. O. No. 15-3 34 Seward Q. Payne, to date from August 25, 1864. William H. Lancashire, to date from August 25, 1864. Henry N. Gassaway, to date from August 26, 1864. J. Simpson Hall, to date from August 26, 1864. John F. Wilson, to date from August 29, 1864. Alpheus R. French, to date from September 7, 1864. Charles P. Buschman, to date from September 8, 1864. George Duff, to date from September 15, 1864. Neal Hunter, to date from September 15, 1864. Michael Nolan, to date from September 15, 1864. Orlando T. Lemen, to date from September 15, 1864. Amos S. Collins, to date from September 16, 1864. Joseph E. Goodman, to date from September 16, 1864. Washington L. Wood, to date from September 16, 1864. Stephen W. Groesbeck, to date from September 16, 1864, Morton Havens, to date from September 22, 1864. Richard J. Crozier, to date from September 28, 1864. J. M. Foote, to date from September 28, 1864. C. S. Schaeffer, to date from September 28, 1864. S. D. Woodworth, to date from September 28, 1864. Gardner Griswold, to date from October 3, 1864. Staughton George, to date from October 3, 1864. Charles C. H. Webb, to date from October 18, 1864. George W. Kingsbury, to date from October 25, 1864. R. W. Tyler, to date from October 25, 1864. D. Jerome Connolly, to date from October 28, 1864. Edward R. Rossiter, to date from October 28, 1864. Ellis T. Armstrong, to date from November 15, 1864. Wells S. Bailey, to date from November 21, 1864. Joseph F. Curren, to date from November 21, 1864. William S. McDaniel, to date from November 21, 1864. Lemuel K. Morton, to date from November 21, 1864. William Palmer, to date from November 21, 1864. Hector Sears, to date from November 21, 1864. James F. Bolton, to date from November 30, 1864. Joseph Logan, to date from December 3, 1864. Sylvanus Hersey, to date from December 3, 1864. George H. Long, to date from December 3, 1864. Henry H. Kuhn, to date from December 3, 1864. 35 Henry R. Williams, to date from December 3, 1864. Francis A. Page, to date from December 3, 1864. Edward W. Bushby, to date from December 3, 1864. Appointments by Brevet. To be Brevet Major Generals. Brigadier General John C. Robinson, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field, to date from June 27, 1864. Brigadier General Henry J. Hunt, United States Volunteers, for gal- lantry and distinguished conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, and for faithful and highly meritorious services in the campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. Brigadier General George Crook, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in West Virginia, to date from July 18,1864. Brigadier General William H. Emory, United States Volunteers, to date from July 23, 1864. Brigadier General James B. Ricketts, United States Volunteers, for gallant conduct during the war, and particularly in the battles of the present campaign under General Grant, the Monocacy, under General Wallace, and Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, in the Shenan- doah campaigns, under General Sheridan, to date from August 1,1864. Brigadier General Orlando B. Willcox, United States Volunteers, for distinguished and gallant services in the several actions since crossing the Rapidan, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General S. W. Crawford, United States Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-house, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and Globe Tavern, (Weldon Railroad,) and for faithful services, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Charles Griffin, United States Volunteers, for con- spicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court- house, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and Globe Tavern, (Weldon Railroad,) and for faithful services in the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow, United States Volunteers, for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaigns, and particularly for gallant and good conduct while leading his divi- sion in the assault on the enemy's works at Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. 36 Brigadier General George W. Getty, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fish- er's Hill, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Romeyn B. Ayres, United States Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-house, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and Globe Tavern, (Weldon Railroad,) and for faithful services in the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General D. McM. Gregg, United States Volunteers, for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, particularly in the reconnoissance on the Charles City Road, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Robert B. Potter, United States Volunteers, for distinguished and gallant conduct in the several actions since crossing the Rapidan, to date from August 1, 1864. Brigadier General Alexander S. Webb, United States Volunteers, for distinguished conduct at Gettysburg, at Bristow Station, at the battle of the Wilderness, and at Spottsylvania, to date from August 1,1864. Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis, United States Volunteers, to date from August 8, 1864. Brigadier General L. Cutler, United States Volunteers, for merito- rious services during the recent campaign of the Army of the Potomac, to date from August 19, 1864. Brigadier General Nelson A. Miles, United States Volunteers, for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, and particularly for gallantry and valuable services at the battle of Ream's Station, Va., to date from August 25, 1864. Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry, United States Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from August 26, 1864. Brigadier General Godfrey Weitzel, United States Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from August 26, 1864. Brigadier General T. E. G. Ransom, United States Volunteers, to date from September 1, 1864. Brigadier General Gersham Mott, United States Volunteers, for dis- tinguished services during the war, to date from September 9, 1864. Brigadier General Alfred T. A. Torbert, United States Volunteers, for distinguished services during the war, to date from September 9, 1864. 37 Brigadier General Janies H. Wilson, United States Volunteers, for gallantry and distinguished services during the war, to date from Octo- ber 5, 1864. Brigadier General Cuvier Grover, United States Volunteers, for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Frank Wheaton, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Wesley Merritt, United States Volunteers, for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Va , to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General George A. Custer, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fish- er's Hill, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Emory Upton, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Thomas W. Egan, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Brigadier General George J. Stannard, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack upon the enemy's works at Fort Harrison, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Brigadier General August V. Kautz, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign against Richmond, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Brigadier General Edward Ferrero, United States Volunteers, for meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond and Pe- tersburg, Va, to date from December 2, 1864. To be Brigadier Generals by Brevet. Horace B. Sargent, late Colonel of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, for gallantry and good conduct in the battle of Bayou Rapids, Louisiana, to date from March 21, 1864. Colonel Thomas W. Humphrey, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished conduct in the battle near Guntown, Missis- sippi, to date from June 10, 1864. Coioqel Louis D. Watkins, Sixth Kentucky Cavalry, for gallant and 38 distinguished conduct in the repulse and defeat of the enemy at La- fayette, Georgia, to date from June 24, 1864. Colonel James A. Mulligan, Twenty-third Illinois Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia, to date from July 23, 1864. (Since dead.) Colonel Delavan Bates, Thirtieth Regiment of United States Colored Troops, for distinguished services in the assault on Cemetery Hill, Vir- ginia, to date from July 30, 1864. Colonel Charles S. Russell, Twenty-eighth Regiment of U. S. Colored Troops, for distinguished services in the assault on Cemetery Hill, Virginia, to date from July 30,1864. Colonel B. C. Christ, Fiftieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for distin- guished services at Ny River and before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Richard Coulter, Eleventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, for gallant conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, Virginia, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Charles S. Wainwright, First New York Artillery, for brave, constant, and efficient services in the battles and marches of the cam- paign, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Henry A. Morrow, Twenty-fourth Michigan Volunteers for gallant and distinguished services during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel James A. Beaver, One Hundred and Forty-eighth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, particularly for valuable services at Cold Harbor, while commanding a brigade, to date from August 1,1864. Colonel J. K. Sigfried, Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for great efficiency in organizing and disciplining a brigade of Colored Troops, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel J. Irvin Gregg, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, for gal- lantry and distinguished services in the engagement at the defenses of Richmond, on the Brock Turnpike, and at Trevillian Station, Virginia, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel J. W. Hoffman, Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for brave, constant, and efficient services in the battles and marches of the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel William Humphrey, Second Michigan Volunteers, for con- spicuous and gallant services, both as a regimental and brigade com- mander, throughout the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. 39 Colonel Charles H. Smith, of the First Maine Cavalry, for distin- guished conduct in the engagement at St. Mary's Church, near Charles City Court-house, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Henry L. Abbott, of the First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the operations before Rich- mond, and especially in the lines before Petersburg, Ya., to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel John C. Tidball, of the Fourth New York Heavy Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services in the battles of the Po, Spottsyl- vania Court-house, and during the present operations before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel Fred Winthrop, of the Fifth New York Volunteers, for brave, constant, and efficient services in the battles and marches of the cam- paign, to date from August 1, 1864. Colonel G. A. Stedman, of the Eleventh Connecticut Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 5, 1864. (Since dead.) Colonel Silas Colgrove, of the Twenty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from August 7, 1864. Colonel John T. Wilder, of the Seventeenth Indiana Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from August 7, 1864. Colonel Benjamin F. Scribner, of the Thirty-eighth Indiana Volun- teers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from August 8, 1864. Colonel George N. Macy, of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteers, for distinguished conduct at the battle of the Wilderness, and at Deep Bottom, to date from August 14, 1864. Colonel Thomas C. Devin, of the Sixth New York Cavalry, for gal- lant and distinguished services in the field during the present war, and especially in the recent brilliant engagement near Front Royal, where his command captured two stands of colors from the rebels, to date from August 15, 1864. Colonel Charles Wheelock, of the Ninety-seventh New York Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in battle on Weldon Railroad, near Globe Tavern, to date from August 19, 1864. Colonel A. W. Dennison, of the Eighth Maryland Volunteers, for meritorious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., to date from August 19, 1864. 40 Colonel George L. Beal, of the Twenty-ninth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from August 22, 1864. Alexander S. Diven, late Colonel of the One Hundred and Seventh New York Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war, to date from August 30, 1864. Colonel Hiram L. Brown, of the One Hundred and Forty-fifth Penn sylvania Volunteers, to date from September 3, 1864. Colonel Roy Stone, of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for gallant services during the war, and especially at Gettysburg, to date from September 7, 1864. Colonel William S. Tilton, of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Vol- unteers, for distinguished services during the war, to date from Sep- tember 9, 1864. Colonel Green B. Raum, of the Fifty-sixth Illinois Volunteers, for distinguished services during the war, to date from September 19, 1864. Colonel Daniel C. McCallum, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for merito- rious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Colonel Edgar M. Gregory, of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Poplar Spring Church, near Petersburg, Va., to date from September 30,1864. Colonel Napoleou B. McLaughlin, of the Ffty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at Poplar Grove Church, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Colonel James Gwyn, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Poplar Spring Church, near Petersburg, Va., to date from Septem- ber 30, 1864. Colonel A. L. Pearson, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Colonel George D. Welles, of the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Vol- unteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from October 12, 1864. Colonel John I. Curtin, of the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, to date from October 12, 1864. Colonel T. M. Harris, of the Tenth West Virginia Volunteers, for 41 gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel J. Warren Keifer, of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Vol- unteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel E. L. Molineux, of the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel William H. Penrose, of the Fifteenth New Jersey Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel E. P. Davis, of the One Hundred and Fifty-third New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel J. E. Hamblin, of the Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel James W. Forsyth, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Colonel William B. Tibbitts, of the Twenty-first New York Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 21, 1864. Colonel H. G. Sickels, of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 21, 1864. Colonel Robert McAllister, of the Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Colonel A. M. Blackman, of the Twenty-seventh U. S. Colored Troops, for gallant and distinguished bravery in the engagement at Hatcher's Run, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Colonel Charles H. T. Collis, of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel Janies Jourdan, of the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack on 42 the enemy's works at Fort Harrison, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel N. Martin Curtis, of the One Hundred and Forty-second New York Volunteers, for distinguished service in the movement on the enemy's works near New Market, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel Alonzo G. Draper, of the U. S. Colored Troops, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack upon the enemy's works at Spring Hill, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel Samuel A. Duncan, of the U. S. Colored Troops, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack upon the enemy's works at Spring Hill, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel Guy V. Henry, of the Fortieth Massachusetts Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Petersburg, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Colonel Benjamin C. Ludlow, of the U. S. Colored Troops, for gallant and meritorious services at Dutch Gap, and in the attack upon the enemy's works at Spring Hill, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Major John H. Hammond, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, to date from October 31, 1864. Colonel Milton S. Littlefield, of the Twenty-first U. S. Colored Troops, to date from November 26, 1864. Colonel William R. Brewster, of the Seventy-third New York Volun- teers, for distinguished services in the present campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Colonel William A. Madill, of the One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services before Petersburg, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Colonel John Ramsey, of the Eighth New Jersey Volunteers, for distinguished services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Colonel George W. West, of the Seventeenth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, and especially at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Brevet Colonel C. H. Morgan, U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and dis- tinguished services as Chief of Staff of the Second Army Corps during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Brevet Colonel G. H. McKibbin, U. S. Volunteers, for long and dis- tinguished services during the war, to date from December 2, 1864. 43 To be Colonels by Brevet. Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Ely, of the Eighth Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel C. E. La Motte, of the Fourth Delaware Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services during the present operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Pattee, of the One Hundred and Nine- tieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services in the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel John Ewing, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the present operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Percy Daniels, of the Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 30, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Gregg, of the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the opera- tions before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 30, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph P. Brinton, of the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, for distinguished conduct and conspicuous gallantry in the engagements at Trevillian Station and at St. Mary's Church, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Frederick T. Locke, Assistant Adjutant General Volunteers, for brave, constant, and efficient service in the battles and marches of the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel E. R. Warner, of the First New York Light Ar- tillery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Gettys- burg and in the operations before Petersburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Francis A. Walker, Assistant Adjutant General Volunteers, for distinguished service and good conduct throughout the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Henry C. Bankhead, Assistant Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, for brave conduct and efficient service in the battles and marches of the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. 44 Lieutenant Colonel C. H. Morgan, Assistant Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished and valuable service and gallantry through- out the campaign, especially at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel William A. Throop, of the First Michigan Vet- eran Volunteers, for brave conduct and efficient service in the battles of the campaign, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Wilson, of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry, for conspicuous gallantry in the engagement at the defenses of Richmond on the Brock Turnpike, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Wilson, Chief Commissary of the Army of the Potomac, for faithful and meritorious service in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Ira Spaulding, of the Fiftieth New York Volun- teer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel D. C. McCoy, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spott- sylvania and the North Anna, Va , to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Loring, Assistant Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness Spottsylvania, and Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert P. Robinson, of the Third Maryland Vol- unteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., and particularly during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, to date from August 18, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Byron M. Cutcheon, of the Twentieth Michigan Volunteers, for gallant services at the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania and during the present operations before Petersburg,Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel B. J. Tayman, of the U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished services during the operations on the Weldon Rail- road, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel K. O. Broady, of the Sixty-first New York Vol- unteers, for good conduct throughout the campaign, and particularly for distinguished service at Ream's Station, Va., to date from August 25, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Foster, U. S. Volunteers, for 45 meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Sherwin, jr., of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel J. Cushing Edmonds, of the Thirty-second Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel B. F. Partridge, of the Sixteenth Michigan Vet- eran Volunteers, for distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Major George A. Forsyth, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequan and Middletown, Va., to date from October 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Smith, Chief Commissary of the Second Army Corps, for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Ream's Station and Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel W. G. Mitchell, of the U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Captain H. L. Robinson, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from Octo- ber 29, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel C. W. Tolles, Chief Quartermaster of the Middle Military Division, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from November 1, 1864. (Since dead.) Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Hammill, of the Sixty-sixth New York Vol- unteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., and more particularly at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel George B. Osborne, of the Fifty-sixth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, and more particularly during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel C. P. Herring, of the One Hundred and Eigh- teenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. 46 Brevet Lieutenant Colonel G. H. McKibbin, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from December 2, 1864. To be Lieutenant Colonels by Brevet. Major Charles G. Hal pine, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallantry and distinguished services at the battle of Piedmont, Va., to date from June 5, 1864. Major M. B. Gist, of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the present operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6,1864. Major J. L. Van Buren, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Major James C. Biddle, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1,1864. Major Simon F. Barstow, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Major William Cutting, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1,1864. Major Wesley Brainard, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engi- neers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 1,1864. Major William Riddle, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Major William G. Mitchell, Aide-de-Camp, for meritorious and distin- guished conduct, and for gallantry in action, especially at the Wilder- ness, to date from August 1, 1864. Major R. H. Fitzhugh, of the First New York Light Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Gettysburg, and in the attack on the enemy's lines before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1,1864. Major George W. Ford, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engi- neers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Major J. G. Hazard, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for distinguished services and good conduct throughout the campaign, especially at Cold Harbor, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. 47 Major Philip M. Lydig, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Brevet Major B. J. Taymau, of the United States Volunteers, to date from August 18,1864. Brevet Major D. B. Dailey, of the United States Volunteers, for gal- lant conduct in the action of the 21st of August, 1864, before Richmond, Va., to date from August 21,1864. Major Charles W. Foster, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for meritorious and faithful service during the war, to date from September 24, 1864. Major Ellis Spear, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30,1864. Brevet Major Walter S. Davis, of the United States Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from Sep- tember 30,1864. Major J. A. Cunningham, of the Thirty-second Massachusetts Vol- unteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Major John William, of the Eighth New Jersey Volunteers, for dis- tinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Surgeon A. N. Dougherty, of the U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services during the present campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Major John Hancock, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Major Henry O'Neill, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Major W. A. Roebling, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va , to date from December 2, 1864. Major H. Richaidson, of the Seventh Wisconsin Volunteers, for gal- lant and distinguished services in the present campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. 48 Brevet Major G. H. McKibbin, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from December 2, 1864. To be Majors by Brevet. Captain D. H. Kent, of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services during the present operations before Peters- burg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Harlan Gause, of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, for gal- lant services during the present war, to date from July 6, 1864. Captain George Lockley, of the First Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain A. H. Walters, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the bat- tles of Bethesda Church, North Anna, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain W. G. Morrill, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Nathan Church, of the Twenty-sixth Michigan Volunteers, for gallant services before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain George H. Weir, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of the Wilder- ness, Va., and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Joseph Ashbrook, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of the Wilderness and Bethesda Church, Va., and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain Walter S. Davis, of the U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle at Jericho Ford, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain James B. Smith, of the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services in the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Captain George A. Hicks, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services, especially in the assault on Cemetery Hill, to date from July 30, 1864. Captain George Shorkley, of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, 49 for gallant and distinguished services during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 30, 1864. Captain Peleg E. Peckham, of the Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, and in the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from July 30, 1864. Captain James H. Hart, of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry, for great gallantry in charging and routing a largely superior force of the enemy at Todd's Tavern, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. I Captain William Jay, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain William H. Paine, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain H. C. Weir, Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry and meritorious services in the engagement at St. Mary's Church, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Orrin E. Hine, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain James S. McDonald, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present cam- paign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Capt. John R. Coxe, Commissary of Subsistence, United States Vol- unteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John N. Craig, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Get- tysburg and in the operations before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain H. H. Bingham, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, for good conduct and conspicuous gallantry, espe- cially at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Gettysburg, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Charles A. Phillips, of the Fifth Massachusetts Battery, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church and during the pres- ent campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain William W. Folwell, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer En- gineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. G. O. No. 15-4 50 Captain Charles E. Minck, of the First New York Artillery, for gal- lant services at the battle of North Anna and during the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain John Bigelow, of the Ninth Massachusetts Battery, for gal- lant services during the operations before Petersburg, Ya., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain W. A. Harn, of the Third New York Independent Battery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house and in the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Addison G. Mason, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain George Meade, Aide-de-Camp, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Charles E. Pease, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Martin Van Brocklin, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present cam- paign before Richmond, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain Frederick Rosenkrantz, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1,1864. Captain George Breck, of the First New York Artillery, for gallant services during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. Captain D. B. Dailey, of the Second Wisconsin Volunteers, for con- tinued meritorious services in the present campaign of the Army of the Potomac, to date from August 1, 1864. Captain D. A. Pell, Additional Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and merito- rious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1,1864. Captain F. H. Parke, of the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, for con- spicuous gallantry in repelling assaults of the enemy's infantry, near White's Tavern, Va., to date from August 16, 1864. Captain Patrick Hart, of the Fifteenth New York Independent Bat- tery, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Rail road, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. 51 Brevet Captain B. J. Tayman, of the U. S. Volunteers, to date from August 18, 1864. Captain E. T. Haymond, of the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from August 19, 1864. Captain J. B. Fitch, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain A. H. Merritt, of the First Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Laurel Hill and Pee- ble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain C. W. Salter, of the Sixteenth Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September,30, 1864. Captain James B. Wilson, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, to date from September 30, 1864. Captain L. S. Bent, of the Eighteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain George Monteith, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain Irving M. Belcher, of the Sixteenth Michigan Veteran Vol- unteers, for gallant services at the battles of Bethesda Church and Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain C. B. Van Valer, of the First Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. Captain Thomas E. Carter, of the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. Captain Neri B. Kinsey, of the One Hundred and Ninetieth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. Captain John F. Casner, of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Captain Jerry Brown, of the One Hundred and Forty-eighth Penn- 52 sylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in leading a storming party against the enemy's works at Petersburg, Va., and capturing a fort, on the night after the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Captain A. H. Embler, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. Captain A. W. Clark, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gal- lant and distinguished services at the battles of Peeble's Farm and Hatcher's Run, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Captain J. C. Farwell, of the First Minnesota Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in extricating his command from a superior force of the enemy, on the day after the battle of Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from October 28, 1864. Captain F. R. Munther, Aide-de-Camp, to date from November 29, 1864. Captain Jacob Roemer, of the Thirty-fourth New York Independent Battery, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Richmond, Va., and particularly at Spottsylvania, to date from Decem- ber 2,1864. Captain D. L. Smith, Commissary of Subsistence, United States Vol- unteers, for gallant services during the present campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Robert A. Hutchins, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, and during part of the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Silas J. Marlin, of the One Hundred and Forty-eighth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station and in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from De- cember 2,1864. Captain John D. Bertolette, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Poplar Church, Hatcher's Run, and during the present campaign before Rich- mond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain J. Henry Sleeper, of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery, for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. 53 Captain G. H. McKibbin, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Samuel Wright, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services in all the actions of the cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Isaac B. Parker, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain W. D. W. Miller, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Christian Woerner, of the Third New Jersey Battery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Reams Station, Va., and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain George H. Murdoch, of the First Michigan Sharpshooters, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain W. P. Wilson, of the One Hundred and Forty-eighth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Charles S. McEntee, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station and during the campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain Frederick Brown, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant services at the battle of the Po and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain William Driver, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain William V. Richards, of the Seventeenth Michigan Volun- teers, for gallant services during the present war, to date from Decem- ber 2, 1864. Captain C. A. Lounsberry, of the Twentieth Michigan Volunteers , for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. Captain W. O. Colt, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services during the present war, to date from December 2, 1864. 54 Captain George W. Gowen, Aide-de-Camp, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from December 2, 1864. First Lieutenant I. N. Earl, of the Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry, for gallant, meritorious, and valuable services during the present war, especially while commanding a scouting party in the Division of West Mississippi, to date from December 2, 1864. To be Captains by Brevet. First Lieutenant H. Gawthrop, of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, for gallant services in the operations before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant L. Curtis Bracket, of the Twenty-eighth Massa- chusetts Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Tolopotemy, and before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant T. C. Case, of the Seventy-first Ohio Volunteers, for gallant services at the battles of Jericho Ford and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. Lieutenant Richard A. Watts, of the Seventeenth Michigan Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsyl- vania and during the operations before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant John B. Hallenback, of the Sixty-first New York Volunteers, for gallant services before Petersburg, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant L. C. Bartlett, of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, for gallant services at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant W. E. Donnell, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of the North Anna and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant George F. Kilets, of the Sixteenth Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. 55 First Lieutenant Edward Du Bois, of the Twelfth New Jersey Vol unteers, for gallant services at the battles of the Wilderness and Spott- sylvania, Virginia, to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant M. C. Sanborn, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Bethesda Church and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, to date from July 6. 1864. First Lieutenant Charles E. Frost, of the Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in successfully charging the enemy near Shand's House, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant George Hicks, of the Seventeenth Vermont Volun- teers, for gallant and meritorious services in the charge near Shand's House, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles D. Todd, of the Seventeenth Michigan Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date'from July 23, 1864. First Lieutenant W. V. Van Rensselaer, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles W. Woolsey, of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth New York Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant H. H. Humphreys, of the One Hundred and Twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant M. B. Folwell, of the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Alexander S. McLain, of the Third New York Independent Battery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house and in the lines before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant Carl Berlin, of the Eighth New York Cavalry, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court- house and in the lines before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant George Templeton, of the Fiftieth New York Vol- unteer Engineers, for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. 56 First Lieutenant C. T. Bissell, of the First Michigan Cavalry, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Gettysburg and in the lines before Petersburg, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant S. R. Richardson, of the First New York Artillery, for gallant services during the battle of Tolopotemy and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from August 1, 1864. First Lieutenant B. J. Tayman, of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the action of June 18, 1864, at the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Lieutenant W. H. S. Bean, of the One Hundred and Ninth New York Volunteers, for gallant services during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and up to the occupation of the Weldon Rail- road, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. Lieutenant Albert Doty, of the Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Volun- teers, for gallant services in the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va , to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant W. H. Frey, of the First Michigan Veteran Volun- teers, for gallant and distinguished services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date from August 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles H. Hand, of the One Hundred and Eigh- teenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. First Lieutenant Howard L. Prince, of the Twentieth Maine Volun- teers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. First Lieutenant A. E. Fernaid, of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. First Lieutenant Frank Gager, of the Sixteenth Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles W. Carrick, of the First Michigan Veteran Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., to date from September 30, 1864. First Lieutenant E. T. Yardley, of the Fourth Delaware Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant John L. Benzon, of the One Hundred and Ninetieth 57 Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Va., to date from October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant D. E. Buckingham, of the Fourth Delaware Volun- teers, for gallant services at the Davies House and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from October 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Benjamin F. Conlin, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth New York Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Boydtown Plank Rroad, Va., to date from October 27, 1864. First Lieutenant William S. Perrins, of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Ream's Station and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles W. Cowtern, of the Tenth New York Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the late operations on the Boydtown Plank Road, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. First Lieutenant J. D. Black, of the One Hundred and Forty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. First Lieutenant Lemuel Shaw, of the Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the present cam- paign before Richmond, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. To be First Lieutenants by Brevet. Lieutenant J. F. Curren, Adjutant of the Sixtieth Ohio Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and the operations before Richmond, Va., to date from July 6, 1864. Second Lieutenant John E. Crane, of the Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Spott- sylvania Court-house, Va., to date from December 2, 1864. IV...TRANSFERS, (3.) Captain Charles H. Morgan, Fourth Artillery, from Company A to Company H. Captain Evan Thomas, Fourth Artillery, from Company H to Com- pany A. 58 Second Lieutenant Alexander S. Clarke, of the Second Artillery, to the First Cavalry, November 21, 1864. The transfer of Second Lieutenant E. V. Andruss from 1st Artillery to the Ordnance Department, as announced in General Orders, No. 256, of September 15, 1864, has been revoked. V...RETIRED, (12.) On his own application, after forty or more consecutive years of service. Colonel Timothy P. Andrews, Paymaster General, U. S. Army, No- vember 29, 1864. For incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Major Daniel Chase, Thirteenth Infantry, December 31, 1864. Major Arthur T. Lee, Second Infantry, January 20, 1865. Captain Charles B. Stivers, Seventh Infantry, December 30, 1864. Captain Thomas T. Brand, Eighteenth Infantry, December 31, 1864. Captain William H. Walcott, Seventeenth Infantry, January?, 1865. Captain William M. Quimby, Twelfth Infantry, January 20, 1865. First Lieutenant William 0. Douglass, Fourteenth Infantry, Decem- ber 31, 1864. First Lieutenant Paul Quirk, Second Cavalry, January 5, 1865. First Lieutenant Dorus E. Bates, Thirteenth Infantry, January 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Patrick H. Moroney, Fourteenth Infantry, January 26, 1865. By direction of the President, in conformity with section 12 of the act of July 17, 1862. Brigadier General George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, September 12, 1864. VI.. Casualties. Resigned, (46.) Major General George B. McClellan, United States Army, November 8, 1864. Colonel Philip Figyelmesy, Additional Aide-de-Camp, December 20, 1864. 59 Captain and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Drake De Kay, Fourteenth Infantry, January 18, 1865. Captain and Brevet Major Augustus Boyd, Assistant Quartermaster, October 15, 1864. Captain Gustavus S. Dana, Signal Corps, September 21, 1864. Captain Franklin E. Town, Signal Corps, November 29, 1864. Captain Robert S. Smith, Second Cavalry, January 25, 1865. Captain Joel H. Rathbone, Twelfth Infantry, December 24, 1864. Captain Prince R. Stetson, Fifteenth Infantry, December, 21, 1864. Captain Robert P. Barry, Sixteenth Infantry, September 30, 1864. Captain Solomon S. Robinson, Sixteenth Infantry, January 4, 1865. Captain James Biddle, Sixteenth Infantry, September 30, 1864. Captain John C. King, Sixteenth Infantry, September 28, 1864. Captain William H. Prescott, Sixteenth Infantry, October 15, 1864. Captain Richard B. Irwin, Additional Aide-de-Camp, September 19, 1864. Captain John E. Jewett, Additional Aide-de-Camp, October 29, 1864. Captain John S. Slosson, Additional Aide-de-Camp, November 10, 1864. Captain William A. Keyser, Additional Aide-de-Camp, November 29, 1864. Captain Joseph O'Keefe, Additional Aide-de-Camp, November 29, 1864. Captain James DeW. Cutting, Additional Aide-de-Camp, December 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Aaron B. Jerome, Signal Corps, September 20, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles C. T. Keith, Signal Corps, April 13, 1864. First Lieutenant William H. Hill, Signal Corps, January 24, 1865. First Lieutenant Edward P. Bigelow, U. S. Army, January 10,1865. First Lieutenant Henry Sachs, Third Cavalry, January 25, 1865. First Lieutenant Edward D. Baker, Fourth Cavalry, October 12,1864. First Lieutenant Theodore Bradley, Second Artillery, May 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles S. Medary, Third Artillery, January 14, 1865. First Lieutenant Charles R. Hickox, Fifth Artillery, December 2, 1864. First Lieutenant George B. Eckert, Third Infantry, November 10, 1864. First Lieutenant Richard Roman, Thirteenth Infantry, December 24, 1864. 60 First Lieutenant C. Seth Cushman, Fourteenth Infantry, December 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Wilbur F. Melbourne, Fifteenth Infantry, Decem- ber 28, 1864. First Lieutenant John W. Carter, Seventeenth Infantry, Decembers, 1864. First Lieutenant J. Carbery Lay, Seventeenth Infantry, September 12, 1864. First Lieutenant James S. Ostrander, Eighteenth Infantry, Septem- ber, 30, 1864. First Lieutenant John S. Lind, Eighteenth Infantry, October 12,1864. First Lieutenant Orrin E. Davis, Eighteenth Infantry, October 12, 1864. Second Lieutenant Edward L. Halsted, Signal Corps, January 3, 1865. Second Lieutenant Charles Holman, Fifth Artillery, November 17, 1864. Second Lieutenant Benjamin F. Nash, Fifth Artillery, December 13, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thomas Davis, Nineteenth Infantry, October 12, 1864. Surgeon Jonathan Letterman, December 22, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Edward C. Strode, December 24, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Howard, December 28, 1864. Hospital Chaplain James H. Parks, November 30, 1864. Commissions vacated by new appointments, (T0.J By Major General William T. Sherman, United States Army-his commission as Brigadier General, August 12, 1864. By Major General George G. Meade, United States Army-his com- mission as Brigadier General, August 18, 1864. By Major General Philip H. Sheridan, United States Army-his com- mission as Brigadier General, November 8, 1864. By Brigadier General Winfield S. Hancock, United States Army- his commission as Quartermaster with the rank of Major, August 12, 1864. By Brigadier General Philip H. Sheridan, United States Army-his commission as Captain in the Thirteenth Infantry, September 20, 1864. 61 By Medical Inspector General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army-his commission as Medical Inspector, August 10, 1863. By Medical Inspector Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army-his commission as Surgeon, February 9, 1863. By Medical Inspector John E. Summers, United States Army-his commission as Surgeon, February 27, 1863. By Major Miles W. Keogh, Aide-de-Camp-his commission as Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, April 7, 1864. By Captain Edward Haight, Sixteenth Infantry-his commission as Additional Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, June 16, 1864. Declined, (14. J By Samuel S. Sample, the appointment of Captain in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Joseph Gloskoski, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By J. H. Walker, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By John E. Holland, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Theodore F. Patterson, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Cyrus M. Roberts, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By D. Wilmot Smith, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By D. E. Castle, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Edwin S. Curtis, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Charles S. Bradley, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By W. A. Harris, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. By Milton Benner, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3,1863. By Cornelius Conard, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. 62 By W. W. Belden, the appointment of Hospital Chaplain, September 26, 1864. Cancelled, (2.) The appointment of John H. Boyce, as First Lieutenant in the Ninth Infantry, September 29, 1864. The appointment of William Leonard, as Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps, November 10, 1864. Died, (41.) Colonel Stephen H. Long, U. S. Army, at Alton, III., September 4, 1864. Colonel John P. Sanderson, Thirteenth Infantry, at St. Louis, Mo., October 14, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel P. Woodbury, Corps of Engineers, at Key West, Fla., August 15, 1864. Major David A. Russell, Eighth Infantry, killed in battle near Win- chester, Va., September 19, 1864. Major Delavan D. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant General, at George- own, D. C., January 6, 1865. Major Thomas J. C. Amory, Eighth Infantry, at Beaufort, N. C., October 8, 1864. Major Francis A. Cunningham, U. S. Army, at Eaton, Preble County, Ohio, August 16, 1864. Captain David Ireland, Fifteenth Infantry, at Atlanta, Ga., Septem- ber 10, 1864. Captain Charles R. Lowell, Sixth Cavalry, October 20, 1864, of wounds received in action at Middletown, Fa. Captain Samuel S. Newbury, Twelfth Infantry, killed in battle on Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864. Captain James F. McQuesten, Second Cavalry, killed in action at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Captain George S. Lauman, Tenth Infantry, at Reading, Pa., Oc- tober 3, 1864. Captain Cornelius W. Tolles, Thirteenth Infantry, November 8, 1864, of wounds received in action at Winchester, Va. Captain Courtlandt Van Rensselaer, Thirteenth Infantry, near Nash- ville, Tenn., October 7, 1864. 63 Captain Alexander Wilkin, Seventeenth Infantry, killed in action at Tupelo. Miss., July 14, 1864. Captain Alexander Hays, Sixteenth Infantry, killed at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Captain William Sweet, Seventeenth Infantry, at Newbern, N. C., October 11, 1864. Captain Edwin D. Phillips, First Infantry, at Neib Orleans, La., No- vember 26, 1864. Captain Cornelius Hook, jr., U. S. Army, at Key West, Fla., June 19, 1864. First Lieutenant C. Douglass Waterman, Corps of Engineers, near Bordentown, N. J., September 28, 1864. First Lieutenant John R. Meigs, Corps of Engineers, killed by guer- rillas near Harrisonburg, Va., October 3, 1864. First Lieutenant Joseph S. Hoyer, First Cavalry, killed in battle near Smithfield, Va., August 29, 1864. First Lieutenant Richard Fitzgerald, Fifth Cavalry, killed in battle near Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Frederick E. Crosman, Seventeenth Infantry, killed in battle on Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864. First Lieutenant Otis Fisher, Eighth Infantry, October 3, 1864, of wounds received in battle at Poplar Spring Church, Va. First Lieutenant JeanP. Wagner, Twelfth Infantry, May 16, 1864, at Fredericksburg, Va., of wounds received in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. First Lieutenant Thomas D. Urmston, Twelfth Infantry, killed in battle at Chapel House, Va., October 1, 1864. First Lieutenant William Griffin, Thirteenth Infantry, at Camp Sher- man, near Nashville, Tenn., November 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Roman B. Humphrey, Thirteenth Infantry, at Unionville, Ohio, October 4, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles I. Pleasants, Eleventh Infantry, killed in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. First Lieutenant John Trevor, Fifth Cavalry, September 29, 1864, of wounds received in battle near Winchester, Va. SeconJ Lieutenant George Harrington, Third Cavalry, killed in Forest's attack on Memphis, Tenn., August 21, 1864. Second Lieutenant Samuel D. Southworth, Second Artillery, killed in battle at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. 64 Second Lieutenant Thomas Bumes, Second Artillery, October 28, 1864, of wounds received in battle near Petersburg, Va. Second Lieutenant Amaziah J. Barber, Eleventh Infantry, July 26, 1863, of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Military Storekeeper William Walters, Ordnance Department, at New York Arsenal, N. Y., June 27, 1864. Military Storekeeper Charles Wilkins, Ordnance Department, at De- troit Arsenal, Mich., January 18, 1865. Hospital Chaplain William C. Whitcomb, at Morehead City, N. C., October 28, 1864. Hospital Chaplain W. W. Woods, at Camp Nelson, Ky., October 29, 1864. Hospital Chaplain Nathaniel West. Hospital Chaplain S. T. Carpenter, at Sedamville, Ohio, December 26, 1864. Mustered out of service, (4.) Major Franz Kappner, Additional Aide-de-Camp, November 4, 1864. Captain William M. Lewis, Additional Aide-de-Camp, September 24, 1864. Captain Carl Heintz, Additional Aide-de-Camp, December 20, 1864. Hospital Chaplain W. H. D. Hatton, December 23, 1864. Revoked, (1.) The appointment of Albert M. Neill, as Second Lieutenant, Tenth Infantry, November 25, 1864. Dropped, (1.) Captain Frederic S. Larned, Twelfth Infantry, August 31, 1863. Dismissed, (15.) Lieutenant Colonel William J. L. Nicodemus, Signal Corps, Decem- ber 26, 1864. Captain Judson Haycock, First Cavalry, November 12, 1864. Captain George S. Hollister, Seventh Infantry, October 7, 1864. Captain Charles C. Smith, Thirteenth Infantry, November 5, 1864. First Lieutenant Lloyd M. Harrison, Fifth Artillery, September 22, 1864. 65 First Lieutenant Edmund Pendleton, Third Artillery, October 14, 1864. First Lieutenant Horace L. Pike, First Artillery, October 14, 1864. First Lieutenant Martin Mahan, Sixteenth Infantry, November 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Stanly Mourton, Third Infantry, December 24, 1864. First Lieutenant Anton Meyer, Twelfth Infantry, November 23,1864. First Lieutenant George P. Sanford, Thirteenth Infantry, December 7, 1864. First Lieutenant Thomas H. Y. Bickham, Nineteenth Infantry, Jan- uary 5, 1865. Second Lieutenant A. C. Merritt, Signal Corps, September 29, 1864. Second Lieutenant George B. Smith, Fourth Infantry, September 26, 1864. Second Lieutenant Samuel Gilman, Fifth Artillery, December 6,1864. Cashiered, (1.) Captain Alexander H. Stanton, Sixteenth Infantry, December 26,1864. VII..CASUALTIES IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE RAISED UNDER THE ACTS APPROVED JULY 22 AND 25, 1861: JULY 17, 1862; AND JULY 5, 1838. Resigned, (156.) Major General John A. McClernand, November 30, 1864. Major General Thomas L. Crittenden, December 13, 1864. Major General James S. Negley, January 19, 1865. Brigadier General Hector Tyndale, August 26,1864. Brigadier General R. P. Buckland, January 6, 1865. Brigadier General John H. Martindale, September 13, 1864. Brigadier General W. H. Powell, January 5, 1865. Brigadier General John B. Turchin, October 4, 1864. Brigadier General Jacob Ammen, January 4, 1865. Brigadier General Milo S. Hascall, October 27, 1864. Brigadier General Mahlon D. Manson, December 21, 1864. Brigadier General Julius White, November 19, 1864. Brigadier General Alfred W. Ellet, December 31, 1864. Brigadier General Neal Dow, November 30, 1864. Brigadier General Thomas A. Rowley, December 29, 1864. G. O. No. 15-5 66 Brigadier General James H. Ledlie, January 23, 1885. Brevet Brigadier General Roy Stone, January 25, 1865. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Washington A. Roebling, Aide- de-Camp, January 21, 1865. Major W. R. Rowley, Aide-de-Camp, August 30, 1864. Major Thomas G. Beaham, Aide-de-Camp, September 12, 1864. Major Thomas B. Brooks, Aide-de-Camp, October 6, 1864. Major Frank S. Bond, Aide-de-Camp, November 18, 1864. Major William Riddle, Aide-de-Camp, December 7, 1864. Major Louis M. Buford, Aide-de-Camp, December 17, 1864. Major Peter Haggerty, Aide-de Camp, November 20, 1864. Captain and Brevet Major W. D. W. Miller, Aide-de-Camp, Decem- ber 24, 1864. Captain Orlando H. Ross, Aide-de-Camp, September 7, 1864. Captain John J. McCook, Aide-de-Camp, October 13, 1864. Captain David H. Gile, Aide-de-Camp, November 1, 1864. Captain Edward L. Ford, Aide-de-Camp, December 13, 1864. Captain R. S. Thoms, Aide-de-Camp, January 5, 1865. Captain Henry Jayne, Aide-de-Camp, January 9, 1865. Captain G. Knox, Aide-de-Camp, December 17, 1864. Major Benjamin B. Foster, Assistant Adjutant General, September 24, 1864. Major Theodore A. Meysenberg, Assistant Adjutant General, Decem- ber 19, 1864. Major Donn Piatt, Assistant Adjutant General, July 2, 1864. Major James A. Lowrie, Assistant Adjutant General, October 12, 1864. Major Edward M. Neill, Assistant Adjutant General, October 22, 1864. Major Henry R. Dalton, Assistant Adjutant General, November 25, 1864. Major Francis A. Walker, Assistant Adjutant General, January 9, 1865. Major Joseph M. Bell, Assistant Adjutant General, January 18, 1865. Captain Wilberforce Nevin, Assistant Adjutant General, January 20, 1865. Captain Henry Stone, Assistant Adjutant General, January 19,1865. Captain George V. Massey, Assistant Adjutant General, September 1, 1864. 67 Captain William R. Howe, Assistant Adjutant General, December 23, 1864. Captain William B. Curtis, Assistant Adjutant General, Septembers, 1864. Captain George Monteith, Assistant Adjutant General, January 1, 1865. Captain Hudson Burr, Assistant Adjutant General, September 3, 1864. Captain George A. Holloway, Assistant Adjutant General, December 27, 1864. Captain Samuel E. Pittman, Assistant Adjutant General, Septem- ber 7, 1864. Captain F. L. Tremain, Assistant Adjutant General, December 24, 1864. Captain Charles H. Banes, Assistant Adjutant General, September 12, 1864. Captain Oscar P. Hervey, Assistant Adjutant General, September 16, 1864. Captain Henry R. Mighels, Assistant Adjutant General, October 15, 1864. Captain George M. Franklin, Assistant Adjutant General, October 29, 1864. Captain Edmund R. Kerstetter, Assistant Adjutant General, October 28, 1864. Captain Rowland Cox, Assistant Adjutant General, January 6,1865. Captain George H. Johnston, Assistant Adjutant General, October 31, 1864. Captain John H. Munroe, Assistant Adjutant General, January 6, 1865. Captain Charles A. Clark, Assistant Adjutant General, October 26, 1864. Captain John D. McFarland, Assistant Adjutant General, October 26, 1864. Captain Oscar Minor, Assistant Adjutant General, October 20, 1864. Captain Aaron P. Gilbert, Assistant Adjutant General, November 15, 1864. Captain Ephraim A. Otis, Assistant Adjutant General, November 23, 1864. 68 Captain William P. Roome, Assistant Adjutant General, January 18, 1865. Captain James H. Odlin, Assistant Adjutant General, November 23, 1864. Captain Phelps Paine, Assistant Adjutant General, November 29, 1864. Captain John P. Green, Assistant Adjutant General, January 10, 1865. Captain Warren D. Crandall, Assistant Adjutant General, Decem- ber 6, 1864. Captain Anton Blocki, Assistant Adjutant General, December 6, 1864. Captain Azor S. Marvin, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, January 18, 1865. Captain Marcellus Bailey, Assistant Adjutant General, December 8, 1864. Captain Henry C. Tinney, Assistant Adjutant General, December 12, 1864. Captain Edward C. Denig, Assistant Adjutant General, December 12, 1864. Captain Le Grand Benedict, Assistant Adjutant General, January 23, 1865. Captain T. W. Morrison, Assistant Adjutant General, January 25, 1865. Captain James J. Thornton, Assistant Quartermaster, September 12, 1864. Captain Michael Bromette, Assistant Quartermaster, September 26, 1864. Captain C. N. Goulding, Assistant Quartermaster, September 16, 1864. Captain James R. Hosmer, Assistant Quartermaster, December 13, 1864. Captain D. W. Swigart, Assistant Quartermaster, October 28, 1864. Captain Leander C. Noble, Assistant Quartermaster, December 15, 1864. Captain Perley P. Pitkin, Assistant Quartermaster, November 7,1864. Captain George M. Chester, Assistant Quartermaster, November 7, 1864. 69 Captain George H. Smith, Assistant Quartermaster, November 1, 1864. Captain James H. Ball, Assistant Quartermaster, January 9,1865. Captain Charles E. Fuller, Assistant Quartermaster, November 18, 1864. Captain Uriah S. Lowe, Assistant Quartermaster, December 30, 1864. Captain George Norris, Assistant Quartermaster, November 23, 1864. Captain Jerome Bradley, Assistant Quartermaster, January 9, 1865. Captain Nathaniel P. Aspinwall, Assistant Quartermaster, Novem- ber 28, 1864. Captain Lorenzo D. Myers, Assistant Quartermaster, December 2, 1864. Captain Chandler Hall, Assistant Quartermaster, January 12, 1865. Captain Henry S. Fitch, Assistant Quartermaster, January 11, 1865. Captain Willis C. Goff, Assistant Quartermaster, January 10, 1865. Captain Henry N. Johnson, Assistant Quartermaster, January 14, 1865. Captain Theron E. Hall, Assistant Quartermaster, December 5,1864. Captain John W. Clark, Assistant Quartermaster, December 6, 1864. Captain W. H. French, Commissary of Subsistence, September 28. 1864. Captain William D. Wesson, Commissary of Subsistence, December 15, 1864. Captain Nathan S. Jones, Commissary of Subsistence, September 20, 1864. Captain William T. W. Ball, Commissary of Subsistence, September 30, 1864. Captain James B. Clow, Commissary of Subsistence, January 1,1865. Captain Seymour Brownell, Commissary of Subsistence, October 15, 1864. Captain E. H. Melton, Commissary of Subsistence, December 24, 1864. Captain Parker D. Boyd, Commissary of Subsistence, November 5, 1864. Captain E. A. Merritt, Commissary of Subsistence, December 27,1864. Captain Thomas A. P. Champlin, Commissary of Subsistence, Octo- ber 22,1864. Captain Henry W. Bonsall, Commissary of Subsistence, January 1, 1865. 70 Captain Javan B. Salisbury, Commissary of Subsistence, November 7, 1864. Captain James G. Knight, Commissary of Subsistence, November 11, 1864. Captain J. T. Giebner, Commissary of Subsistence, January 18,1865. Captain W. L. Mallory, Commissary of Subsistence, November 11, 1864. Captain J. C. Ramsey, Commissary of Subsistence, November 15,1864. Captain Joseph F. Wilson, Commissary of Subsistence, January 24, 1865. Captain William W. Brown, Commissary of Subsistence, November 17, 1864. Captain Josiah M. Terry, Commissary of Subsistence, January 10, 1865. Captain J. P. Hawes, Commissary of Subsistence, November 23,1864. Captain Frederick W. Owen, Commissary of Subsistence, November 18,1864. Captain David H. Veech, Commissary of Subsistence, January 6,1865. Captain Henry C. Holloway, Commissary of Subsistence, November 28, 1864. Captain Edwin R. Goodrich, Commissary of Subsistence, January 7, 1865. Captain Thomas Y. England, Commissary of Subsistence, December 2, 1864. Captain M. S. Adams, Commissary of Subsistence, January 10,1865. Captain James F. D' Wolf, Commissary of Subsistence, December 3, 1864. Captain James R. Paul, Commissary of Subsistence, January 19,1865. Captain William Butterfield, Commissary of Subsistence, December 3, 1864. Captain William C. Kimball, Commissary of Subsistence, December 8, 1864. Captain William E. Coale, Commissary of Subsistence, February 18, 1865. Surgeon Henry A. Martin, November 5, 1864. Surgeon William C. Bennett, November 9, 1864. Surgeon C. C. Cox, December 31, 1864. Surgeon George H. Oliver, December 31, 1864. Surgeon William Dickinson, January 7, 1865. 71 Surgeon Gabriel Grant, January 13, 1865. Surgeon Thomas A. Worrall, January 13, 1865. Surgeon Adam Hammer, January 21, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Frank Reynolds, September 22, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William W. Wythes, October 19, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John Fetzer, December 7, 1864. Additional Paymaster William E. Hamkin, September 28, 1864. Additional Paymaster James Harper, September 16, 1864. Additional Paymaster Henry O. Brigham, September 30, 1864. Additional Paymaster William Richardson, September 30, 1864. Additional Paymaster Benjamin Gregory, July 9, 1864. Additional Paymaster Elias Merrill, October 27, 1864. Additional Paymaster Hiram S. Sleeper, November 23, 1864. Additional Paymaster D. D. S. Brown, December 7, 1864. Additional Paymaster Daniel L. Case, December 7, 1864. Additional Paymaster Gideon W. Palmer, December 23, 1864. Additional Paymaster E. J. Mallett, December 30, 1864. Additional Paymaster S. E. Marvin, December 27, 1864. Additional Paymaster Alphonso N. Nicholds, January 9, 1865. Additional Paymaster Joseph Moore, jr., January 10, 1865. Additional Paymaster F. L. Hays, January 14, 1865. Additional Paymaster John W. King, January 17, 1865. Commissions vacated by new appointments, (9.) By Major General George G. Meade, United States Army, his com- mission as Major General, August 18, 1864. By Major General Philip H. Sheridan, United States Army, his com- mission as Major General, November 8, 1864. By Major Eugene B. Beaumont, Assistant Adjutant General, his commission as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, October 20, 1864. By Major J. C. Briscoe, his commission as Aide-de-Camp, December 3, 1864, having been mustered into the service as Colonel of the 199th Pennsylvania Volunteers. By Captain R. W. Mitchell, his commission as Aide-de-Camp, March 12, 1864, having been mustered into the service as Captain of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry. By Captain Richard R. Corson, Assistant Quartermaster, his com- mission as Assistant Adjutant General, July 17, 1862. 72 By Captain Henry C. Weir, Assistant Adjutant General, his com- mission as Assistant Quartermaster, May 12, 1864. By Additional Paymaster George B. Corkhill, his commission as Commissary of Subsistence, September 27, 1864. By Additional Paymaster Andrew H. Young, his commission as Assistant Quartermaster, May 28, 1864. Appointment expired, (1.) The appointment of Wells H. Blodgett, as Judge Advocate, with the rank of Major, for the Army of the Frontier, June 24, 1863. Declined, (17.) By Herman Haupt, of Pennsylvania, the appointment of Brigadier General, September 5, 1862. By Colonel William McCandless, of the Second Pennsylvania Re- serves, the appointment of Brigadier General, July 21, 1864. By Colonel F. A. Osborne, of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Vol- unteers, the appointment of Brevet Brigadier General, October 28,1864. By Major Thomas L. Motley, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, the appointment of Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Major, November 25, 1864. By J. Weydemeyer, of Missouri, the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, July 20, 1864. By Ambrose L. Doyle, of Ohio, the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, November 19, 1864. By John Esther, of Missouri, the appointment of Commissary of Sub- sistence, June 7, 1864. By Morgan D. Tracy, of New York, the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, May 18, 1864. By H. W. Templin, of Iowa, the appointment of Commissary of Subsistence, May 4, 1864. By William Elliott, of Iowa, the appointment of Assistant Quarter- master, May 18, 1864. By Mark L. DeMotte, of Indiana, the appointment of Assistant Quartermaster, May 18, 1864. By Aaron Gurney, of Indiana, the appointment of Assistant Quarter- master, December 3, 1864. By D. W. Canfield, of Ohio, the appointment of Assistant Quarter- master, February 29, 1864. 73 By Luman D. Taylor, of Pennsylvania, the appointment of Assistant Quartermaster, May 18, 1864. By George E. Learnard, of Massachusetts, the appointment of Assist- ant Quartermaster, June 30, 1864. By George A. Collamore, of Ohio, the appointment of Assistant Sur- geon, October 11, 1864. By Charles Case, of Indiana, the appointment of Additional Pay- master, April 7, 1864. Revoked, (3.) The appointment of John B. Burt, as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Major, January 7, le65. The appointment of John Heys, as Assistant Surgeon, December 16, 1864. The appointment of Le Roy Cofran, as Assistant Quartermaster, January 12, 1865. Cancelled, (35.) The appointment of Lewis G. Arnold, as Brigadier General of Volun- teers, February 8, 1864. The appointment of B. S. Calef, as Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Captain, September 14, 1864. The appointment of Albert Woodbury, as Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain, December 3, 1864. The appointment of James A. Sayle, as Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain, April 20, 1864. The appointment of Andrew Hickenlooper, as Judge Advocate with the rank of Major, August 9, 1864. The appointment of . James R. Martin, as Assistant Quartermaster, November 22, 1864. The appointment of George W. Mason, as Assistant Quartermaster, July 8, 1864. The appointment of H. B. Blackman, as Assistant Quartermaster, September 4, 1864. The appointment of Frederick Driscoll, as Assistant Quartermaster* November 26, 1862. The appointment of Joshua H. Alexander, as Assistant Quartermas- ter, November 26, 1862. The appointment of Samuel W. Harned, as Assistant Quartermaster, February 19, 1863. 74 The appointment of Edward S. Sinks, as Assistant Quartermaster, December 5, 1863. The appointment of John Bohan, as Assistant Quartermaster, Febru- ary 29, 1864. The appointment of J. N. Cornish, as Assistant Quartermaster, Feb- ruary 29, 1864. The appointment of J. B. Pearce, as Assistant Quartermaster, Feb- ruary 29, 1864. The appointment of A. M. Kellogg, as Assistant Quartermaster, April 7, 1864. The appointment of Edward Prince, as Assistant Quartermaster, May 18, 1864. The appointment of William H. Trump, as Assistant Quartermaster, June 30, 1864. The appointment of David Waldo, as Assistant Quartermaster, April 7, 1864. The appointmeut of Hiram W. Haskell, as Commissary of Subsist- ence, October 13, 1864. The appointment of William C.Tracy, as Commissary of Subsistence, June 30, 1864. The appointment of George M. Hollis, as Commissary of Subsistence, July 2, 1864. The appointment of M. A. Higley, as Commissary of Subsistence, September 28, 1864. The appointment of John H. Slavan, as Additional Paymaster, Octo- ber 10, 1864. The appointment of George W. Calhoun, as Additional Paymaster, October 10, 1864. The appointment of David Wyman, as Additional Paymaster, Feb- ruary 23, 1864. The appointment of R. S. Gould, jr., as Additional Paymaster, May 18, 1864. The appointment of F. W. Fitch, as Additional Paymaster, May 28, 1864. The appointment of Henry L. Hall, as Additional Paymaster, May 28, 1864. The appointment of Joseph A. Sims, as Additional Paymaster, May 28, 1864. 75 The appointment of Washington M. Bladen, as Additional Paymas- ter, July 2, 1864. The appointment of Danforth Brown, as Additional Paymaster, June 30, 1864. The appointment of Orrin Daggett, as Additional Paymaster, June 30, 1864. The appointment of Frederick West, as Additional Paymaster, June 30, 1864. The appointment of C. P. Ramsdell, as Additional Paymaster, Sep- tember 8, 1864. Died, <23.) Major General David B. Birney, at Philadelphia, Pa., October 18,1864. Brigadier General Thomas G. Stevenson, killed at the battle of Spott- sylvania Court-house, Va., May 10, 1864. Brigadier General David A. Russell, killed at the battle of Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Brigadier General Charles R. Lowell, October 20, 1864, of wounds received in action at Middletown, Va. Brigadier General Hiram Burnham, killed at the battle of Chapin's Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Brigadier General Daniel D. Bidwell, killed at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Brigadier General Thomas E. G. Ransom, at Rome, Ga., October 29, 1864. Captain Cyras E. Dickey, Assistant Adjutant General, April 13,1864, of wounds received in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La. Captain Edward D. Saunders, Assistant Adjutant General, killed in action at Allatoona Creek, Ga., June 2, 1864. Captain Oscar O. Miller, Assistant Adjutant General, killed at the battle of Jonesboro, Ga., September 2, 1864. Captain Nicholas J. Rusch, Assistant Quartermaster, at Vicksburg, Miss., September 22, 1864. Captain E. P. Pitkin, Assistant Quartermaster, at New Orleans, La., October 5, 1864. Captain Evan M. Buchanan, Commissary of Subsistence, murdered by guerrillas near Brooks Furnace, Va., September 30, 1864. Captain W. P. Saunders, Commissary of Subsistence, at Hopedale, Ohio, November 27, 1864. 76 Captain William Barr, Commissary of Subsistence, nt Denver City, Mo., December 17, 1864. Surgeon J. B. Bellangee, at Morehead City, N. C., October 6, 1864. Assistant Surgeon J. A. Freeman, at Nashville, Tenn., December 29, 1864. Assistant Surgeon M. F. Cogswell, at Albany, N. Y., January 21,1865. Additional Paymaster Abraham Beeler, October 28, 1864, of wounds received in attack, by guerrillas on steamboat Belle, of St. Louis, at Ran- dolph, Tenn. Additional Paymaster De Witt C. Smith, October 28, 1864, of wounds received in attack by guerrillas on steamboat Belle, of St. Louis, at Ran- dolph, Tenn. Additional Paymaster James F. Tureman, at Cincinnati, Ohio, Octo- ber 28, 1864. Additional Paymaster Isaac Sanford, March 19, 1864. Additional Paymaster J. S. Fillmore, at Denver City, Colorado Ter- ritory, December 25, 1864. Mustered out of Service, (8.) Brigadier General George W. Morrell, December 15, 1864. Major Granville E. Johnson, Aide-de-Camp, September 14, 1864. CaptainE.W. Andrews, Assistant Adjutant General, October29,1864. Captain John Field, Assistant Quartermaster, October 18,1864. Captain Samuel K. Platt, Assistant Quartermaster,November 11,1864. Captain A. T. Maupin, Assistant Quartermaster, November 11,1864. Captain Alexander N. Runyon, Assistant Quartermaster, December 15, 1864. Surgeon James C. Fisher, January 9, 1865. Discharged, (2.) Brevet Brigadier General Horace B. Sargent, October 25, 1864. Major John C. Henshaw, Judge Advocate, September 30, 1864. Dismissed, (6.) Captain Carswell McClellan, Assistant Adjutant General, November 16, 1864. Captain Richard B. Locke, Assistant Quartermaster, November 19, 1864. Captain William H. Vallance, Assistant Quartermaster, November 16,1864. 77 Captain John Gregson, Assistant Quartermaster, December 29, 1864. Captain Nathan Willard, Commissary of Subsistence, January 21, 1865. Surgeon John M. Robinson, January 6, 1865. VIII..Casualties in the Veteran Reserve Corps. Resigned, (116.) Colonel A. Y. Johnson, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 18, 1864. Colonel Addison Farnsworth, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 10, 1864. Colonel B. S. Porter, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 12, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel D. K. Wardwell, Veteran Reserve Corns, July 11, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Pierre C. Kane, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11. 1864. Lieutenant Colonel John Speidal, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Porter, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 11, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel Louis Schaffner, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Major William A. West, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 18, 1864. Major William Starling, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 21, 1864. Captain J. Heron Foster, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain A. C. Thompson, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 10,1863. Captain Granville Fernaid, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1864. Captain Richard S. Ayer, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Joseph Newburg, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 7, 1864. Captain Isaac J. Neall, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1864. Captain George A. Schmitt, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 31, 1864. Captain John E. R. Patten, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. Captain B. F. Clayton, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 10, 1864. Captain Thomas Graham, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 30, 1864. Captain John H. Reed, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 12, 1864. Captain James Bell, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain James O. P. Burnside, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 15, 1864. 78 Captain Robert T. Knox, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 7, 1864. Captain William Milhous, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 31, 1864. Captain Jacob H. Beattes, Veteran Reserve Corps. April 23, 1864. Captain Henry B. Martin, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 31, 1864. Captain George A. Pomroy, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 22, 1863. Captain Samuel A. Porter, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 6, 1864. Captain Henry Camp, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain M. V. McKinney, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Milton W. Worden, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 15, 1864. Captain Emil Sturmfels, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain William O. Sides, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Samuel Carr, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Charles A. Edmonds, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. Captain William Spencer, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 18, 1864. Captain Washington Richards, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. Captain John Gitterman, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Martin W. Richardson, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1864. Captain Dwight D. Johnson, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 20, 1864. Captain Samuel Denny, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Strickland S. Stevens, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. Captain Charles W. Chase, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain David H. Cuyler, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 4, 1864. Captain Florence F. Buckley, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. Captain John B. Fay, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Charles Ford, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain David W. Hamilton, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain David F. Spain, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain John C. Putnam, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 15,1865. Captain Charles Armstrong, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain George H. Brannix, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain William L. Oliver, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Captain Martin J. Mann, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 9, 1864. Captain Everhard Bierer, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 13, 1864. Captain Theodore McMurtrie, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 7, 1865. Captain Edward P. Pitkin, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 13,1865. 79 First Lieutenant William Wallace, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenant Henry Clarke, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 17, 1864. First Lieutenant Alfred Dart, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 26, 1863. First Lieutenant William H. Moore, Veteran Reserve Corps, Novem- ber 7, 1863. First Lieutenant Daniel Shewman, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 13, 1864. First Lieutenant William L. Best, Veteran Reserve Corps, Novem- ber 6, 1863. First Lieutenant William H. Patton, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First-Lieutenant John Birrell, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. First Lieutenant Caleb F. Davis, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenant Orville Thomson, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 9, 1864. First Lieutenant Andrew Winter, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, T864. First Lieutenant Henry Gerker, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenant J. C. P. Negley, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 22, 1864. First Lieutenant Benjamin Pickman, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1864. First Lieutenant Joseph H. Davis, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenaant John C. Sheets, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenant D. K. Springer, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 17, 1865. First Lieutenant John T. Davidson, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles W. Borbidge, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 12, 1865. First Lieutenant William N. Williams, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 30, 1864. 80 First Lieutenant Charles S. Draper, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 10, 1865. First Lieutenant S. A. Barthoulot, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 5, 1864. First Lieutenant Stephen Haas, Veteran Reserve Corps, Decembers, 1864. First Lieutenant C. L. Tilden, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 23, 1863. First Lieutenant William H. Axe, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 20, 1864. First Lieutenant William P. Leonard, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 28, 1864. First Lieutenant Francis Stewart, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 27, 1864. First Lieutenant Walter Cody, Veteran Reserve Corps, November 30, 1864. First Lieutenant J. C. Thompson, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 12, 1864. First Lieutenant Frederick W, Beers, Veteran Reserve Corps, Decem- ber 4, 1863. First Lieutenant C. L. Tilden, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 23, 1863. First Lieutenant George Van Vliet, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, 1864. First Lieutenant R. M. Jones, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 24, 1864. First Lieutenant James H. Cole, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 6, 1864. Second Lieutenant Alexander Black, Veteran Reserve Corps, Novem- ber 11, 1863. Second Lieutenant H. H. Wood, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant James O'Rourke, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant C. C. Cogswell, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant James Oliver, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 17, 1865. 81 Second Lieutenant James S. Boyd, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 22, 1864. Second Lieutenant J. P. Stoops, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant Septimus Cobb, Veteran Reserve Corps, Novem- ber 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant Virgil N. Higgins, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 24, 1864. Second Lieutenant John H. Fogg, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant Jacob C. Hamilton, Veteran Reserve Corps, May 28, 1864. Second Lieutenant Philip L. Wilson, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 18, 1865. Second Lieutenant Charles G. Esslinger, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 18, 1864. Second Lieutenant John H. Jewett, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 30, 1864. Second Lieutenant Benjamin McFadden, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant Jerome McBride, Veteran Reserve Corps, Septem- ber 5, 1864. Second Lieutenant George W. Blake, Veteran Reserve Corps, Decem- ber 23, 1864. Second Lieutenant George A. Rogers, Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan uary 3, 1865. Second Lieutenant Henry Montgomery, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 28, 1864. Second Lieutenant George A. Armes, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 28, 1864. Second Lieutenant Frederick R. Jackson, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 27, 1864. Second Lieutenant Albert Prosens, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Edward Fitzki, Veteran Reserve Corps, Septem- ber 4, 1864. Second Lieutenant Samuel B. Brightman, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 18, 1864. G. O. No. 15-6 82 Vacated, (1.) By Colonel Stephen B. Yeoman, United States Colored Troops, his commission as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 8, 1864. Declined, (12.) By Hugh S. Campbell, the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel in the Veteran Reserve Corps, November 26, 1863. By William H. Spencer, the appointment of Major in the Veteran Reserve Corps, December 4, 1863. By Evarts W. Farr, the appointment of Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, May 30, 1864. By James McCleery, the appointment of Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1864. By Thomas C. Woodward, the appointment of Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 19, 1864. By J. M. Barrere, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, June 23, 1863. By Joseph Woodward, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, October 1, 1863. By David B. Henderson, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, December 8, 1863. By Thomas E. Orton, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, December 8, 1863. By David W. Murphy, the appointment of First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, December 14, 1863. By Asahal P. Dunlap, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 25, 1864. By Charles H. Wells, the appointment of Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 26, 1864. Cancelled, (107.) The appointment of George V. S. Robinson, as Captain in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Charles H. Colburn, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Asbury H. Alexander, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of John A. Gordon, as Captain in the Veteran Re- serve Corps, August 22, 1864. 83 The appointment of Robert P. Matthews, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Francis Wessells, as Captain in the Veteran Re- serve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Charles E. Fulton, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Garland B. Shelledy, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Adams L. Ogg, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Isaiah Cooper, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of J. O. Churchill, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Rufus A. Peck, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Stephen Lowing, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of James Ferguson, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of George A. Sheridan, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Elijah B. Adams, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of John W. Abbott, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of David M. Roberts, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Francis II. Achuff, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Levi N. Converse, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Josiah Grout, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of George W. Bicknell, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of George W. Severs, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. 84 The appointment of Samuel S. Quinn, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of F. X. Burger, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Charles W. Devereux, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of James H. McDonald, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Charles M. Murray, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Daniel Daley, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of R. S. Watson, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Joseph F. Denniston, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of George Parker, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of George N. Davis, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Samuel Dickson, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Edward R. Kercheval, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Leonard Muzzy, as First Lieutenant in the Vete- ran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Albert W. Jones, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Eliphalet R. Knight, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of James F. Talliaferro, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Judson B. Tyler, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Oscar Hottenstein, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Charles Kreuder, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. 85 The appointment of John Whallon, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Fred. Messerlin, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Otto Brauns, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of James A. Beach, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Joseph Logan, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Lucian B. Crooker, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Edward F. Bishop, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of David P. Deardoff, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Daniel G. Jewett, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Robert Henne, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Jerome B. Johnson, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Edmund G. Fechet, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of E. H. Henry, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Herman Fuerstenburg, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Anthony Roslein, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of W. A. De la Matyr, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of R. N. Doyle, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of George Harper, as First Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 28, 1864. The appointment of Theron Tucker, as First Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, October 3, 1864. 86 The appointment of Dennis J. F. Murphy, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 17, 1863. The appointment of Gus F. E. Baschig, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, April 23, 1864. The appointment of Samuel J. Book, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22,1864. The appointment of William M. De Camp, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of John Nelson, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Christopher Plunkett, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of John W. Crosby, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Ferdinand Dallmeyer, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of John Kenslar, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Clinton D. Smith, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22,1864. The appointment of Joseph S. Manchester, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of William F. Brown, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of Thomas E. Wilson, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22,1864. The appointment of Emory S. Turner, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, August 22, 1864. The appointment of R. M. Farrell, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 7, 1864. The appointment of Samuel R. James, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Simon B. Parker, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Charles H. Gesner, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8,1864. The appointment of Henry A. Harris, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. 87 The appointment of William H. McMahon, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Leon Cavillier, as Second Lieutenant in the VeN eran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Theodore Buckman, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8,1864. The appointment of Dexter G. Reed, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. The appointment of Sigmund Jimger, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Samuel L. Hamilton, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15,1864. The appointment of Luman Jones, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. The appointment of Charles R. Pew, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Joseph C. Overall, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of John A Parrott, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Solomon F. Brown, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of John Howard, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Noble W. Wood, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Hugh F. Hopkins, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of Edgar Isbell, as Second Lieutenant in theVetf eran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of John G. Greenawalt, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864. The appointment of George W. Light, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of John D. Hubler, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of David M. B. V. Rainier, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. 88 The appointment of Winfield Benseman, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of R. L. Estes, as Second Lieutenant in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Fernando C. Merrill, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Timothy Darby, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of George H. Eggleston, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Alvin King, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1864. The appointment of Joseph Wilkinson, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 28, 1864. The appointment of Charles T. Kenney, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1864. Died, (6.) Captain John M. Walcott, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1864. Captain Charles W. Price, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 11, 1864. First Lieutenant Mark A. Hoyt, Veteran Reserve Corps, July 13,1864. First Lieutenant Francis Fix, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 19, 1864. First Lieutenant A. F. F. Hall, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 10, 1865. Second Lieutenant William Orr, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 27, 1864. Discharged, (3.) Captain William Y. Swiggett, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 8,1864. Captain Wilson Defendorf, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 30. 1864. Second Lieutenant John W. Baker; Veteran Reserve Corps. October 28, 1864. Revoked, (11.) The appointment of S. W. Beall, as Lieutenant Colonel in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of Sylvester B. Phillips, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. 89 The appointment of D. A. Dolan, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of Daniel M. White, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of Elbridge G. Hood, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11,1864. The appointment of John Hopper, as Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 6, 1864. The appointment of Victor Chandone, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of Gardner Griswold, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of J. Louis Silberhom, as First Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. The appointment of John M. Preston, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, November 16, 1864. The appointment of William J. Fulton, as Second Lieutenant in the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1864. Dismissed, (27. Captain Milo W. Locke, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 25, 1863. Captain P. J. Phillips, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 9, 1864. Captain Gustav Meiser, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 22, 1864. Captain Thomas P. Stout, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 20, 1864. Captain James Murphy, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 11, 1864. Captain Horace F. Crossman, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 21, 1864. Captain Benjamin J. Buck, Veteran Reserve Corps, May 8, 1864. Captain Lindsey D. Sims, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 12,1864. First Lieutenant E. L. Barnes, Veteran Reserve Corps, November 22,1864. First Lieutenant Samuel Johnson, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 30,1863. First Lieutenant George J. Brown, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Isaac M. Beebe, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 24, 1864. First Lieutenant G. W. Bussier, Veteran Reserve Corps, May 9,1864. G. O. No. 15-7 90 First Lieutenant Patrick Callaghan, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 5, 1863. First Lieutenant William C. Harris, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 18, 1864. Second Lieutenant E. Churchill, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 14, 1864. Second Lieutenant P. J. Campion, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 8, 1864. Second Lieutenant Albert Weber, Veteran Reserve Corps, November 25, 1864. Second Lieutenant Hoyt Palmer, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 14, 1864. Second Lieutenant E. R. Magown, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 20, 1864. Second Lieutenant Seaman M. Barnier, Veteran Reserve Corps, De- cember 23, 1863. Second Lieutenant F. W. Reeder, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 19, 1863. Second Lieutenant D. A. Harrison, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 7, 1864. Second Lieutenant Henry D. Bath, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 26, 1864. Second Lieutenant George W. Arndt, Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb- ruary 11, 1864. Second Lieutenant Lafayette McCarty, Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb- ruary 17, 1864. Second Lieutenant Jonathan M. Tasker, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 6, 1864. IX. Officers have been arranged in the foregoing order to the companies to which they succeeded in the natural course of promotion or appointment. Should a different assignment, however, have since been made by competent authority, it will take precedence. X. Acceptance, or non-acceptance, of appointments, and, in case of acceptance, the birthplace, of the officer appointed, his age and residence when appointed, and his/wZZ name, correctly written, will, in all cases, be promptly reported to the Adjutant General. XI. With the exception of those detached from their regiments on special duty, or unable from some valid cause to comply with the order, 91 the officers promoted and appointed will join their proper regiments, companies, and stations without delay. Those recently appointed who fail to do so within a reasonable time will be considered as having declined their appointments; and those who deem themselves included in the exception just above made will immediately submit a statement of their case, through the proper channel, to this office for further consideration. XII.. In case of the death of an officer, it is hereby made the duty of his immediate commanding officer to report the fact at once, direct to this office, stating the cause, date, and place. When an officer away from his command dies in hospital, or under treatment, the medical officer in charge will forward the report as above required; if not under treatment by an Army Medical Officer, the re- port will be made by any officer having cognizance of the fact. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General Official: / Assistant Adjutant General.