GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 13. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, February 6, 1865. 1.. The issue of a ration of fish, viz: fourteen ounces of dried fish, or eighteen ounces of pickled fish, will he made to the troops once a week, in lieu of the ration of fresh beef. 11.. Authority is hereby given to officers actually in the field, who are without the means of paying for subsistence stores purchased from the Commissary, and have over one month's pay due, to draw for them- selves and their authorized private servants present in the field with them, one regular army ration each per day, on ordinary ration returns; which returns will be entered by the issuing Commissary on separate abstracts of issues to officers. The officer drawing the rations will deduct from his pay accounts for each month the number of rations drawn in kind during the month, and the amount of such deduction will be transferred to the Subsistence Department from the Pay Depart- ment. * Commissaries who issue rations in kind to officers for their own use, will furnish the proper Paymaster each month with the names of officers to whom such issues have been made, and the number of rations to be deducted. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.