General Orders, No. 287. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, November 28, 18(54. Order for raising and organizing a new Volunteer Army Corps. 1.. an Army Corps, to consist of not less than twenty thou- sand infantry, and enlisted for not less than one year, to be desig- nated the First Corps, shall be organized in the District of Columbia, commencing the organization on the first day of December, 1804, and continuing until the first day of January next. The privates to consist only of able bodied men who have served honorably not less than two years and therefore not subject to draft; the officers to be commissioned from such as have honorably served not less than two years. 11.. will be furnished transportation to Washington; will be credited to the district in which they or their families are domi- ciled : and will be paid a special bounty of three hundred dollars, from the substitute fund, upon being mustered into service. Each recruit who preserves his arms to the end of his term may retain them as his own, upon being honorably discharged from service. 111.. of organization will be prescribed by the Adjutant General. The Heads of Bureaux will detail competent officers for the prompt examination and organization, arming, equipping, and supplying the Corps, IV...Major-General Hancock is assigned to the command of this Corps, Headquarters at Washington. order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.