G EX ERA I. OUDKII.S, No. 288. WAR DEPARTMENT. AIM ETAXT GENERAI/R OFFICE, Washington, November 14, 18(54. Exchange of Prisoners of War. I he following named officers and enlisted men have been duly exchanged as prisoners of war, under the orders of Major-General H. W. Slocum, commanding the District of Vicksburg, near Vicks- burg, Mississippi:— June 24, 1864. Lieutenant James W. Ellis, Company “ I),'' Mississippi Marine Brigade, (Cavalry.) Sergeant J. Bard well, 11th Illinois Cavalry. Sergeant George F. Cox, Company “IV' Mississippi Marine Brigade, (Cavalry.) Sergeant W. H. Young, Mississippi Marine Brigade, (Cavalry.) Corporal Richmond Ayres, 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private George T. Andrews, Company “ I," 7th Indiana Cavalry. Private Antonia Cooler, Company “E," 2d Wisconsin Cavalry. Private George Holskin, Indiana Battery. •bugler James I. McKernen, Company “H," 2d New Jersey Cavalry. I rivate Elonzo Herreinan. Company “E, 2d \\ isconsin Cavalry. Private Lewis Miller, Company “I,’’ 81st Illinois Infantry. Private C. F. Russell, Company “K," Mississippi Marine Bri- gade. Private John Wright, Company *‘D,“ oth Illinois Cavalry. Private H. C. \\ i 1 lard, 2d Indiana Cavalry. Private A. Zohn, Indiana Batterv. Jvly 28, 18(54. Sergeant M. L. Busy, Company “ B," 76th Illinois Infantry. Sergeant 1. N. Brannen, Company “ G, 7(5tIi Illinois Infantry. Corporal J. Beach, Company “ B,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Corporal J. Edwards, Company <;B,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Corporal Morris, Company “A,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Corporal J. Thomas, Company “ I,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private Adam Arnold, Company “ B,’' 46th Illinois Infantry. Private E. G. Beckner, Company 44 E,” 8th Illinois Infantry. Private Nelson Cooledge, Company 44 C,” 46th Illinois Infantry. Private B. Cassel, Company 44 B.” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private J. Curly, Company 44 G,’’ 76th Illinois Infantry. Private J. W. Churchill, Company 44 G,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Corporal A. Dupey, Company 44 G,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private Robert Ferguson, Company 441),11th Illinois Infantry. Private A. Gardner, Company 44 G.“ 76th Illinois Infantry. Private J. Hudson, Company 44 G,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private Andrew Herman, Company 44 I,” 8th Illinois Infantry. Private Edward Hardy, Company 4* B,-’ 76th Illinois Infantry. Private E, Hawkins, Company 44 K,,!-'7Cth Illinois Infantry. Private H. J. Hinkle, Company 44 E,” 11th Illinois Infantry. Private A. Landis, Company " K." 76th Illinois Infantry. Private George 0. Lovett, Company 44 A," 76th Illinois Infantry. Private Charles S. Lott, Company “G," 76th Illinois Infantry. Private August Liebenan, Company 44 B," f>8th Ohio Infantry. Corporal William Nichol. Company 44 G," 76th Illinois Infantry. Private J. Osbon, Company 44 G,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Corporal Silas Parker, Company 44 C,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private G. Reynolds, 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private A. Seiger, Company 4‘ I,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private A. 1). Shultz, Company 44 G,” 8th Illinois Infantry. Private J. Sliote, Company 44 G," 46th Illinois Infantry. Private T. Siegen, Company 44 B,” 46th Illinois Infantry. Private J. 1). Taylor, Company “ G," 76th Illinois Infantry. Private J. B. Waters, Company 44 B,” 76th Illinois Infantry. Private G. W- Wilson, Company 44 G,’’ 76tl) Illinois Infantry. July 29. 1864. Major Samuel 0. Shorey, 1st Mississippi Mounted Rifles. Sergeant Seth Putnam, Company “1,” 2d Wisconsin Cavalry. Sergeant M. K. Sutherland, Company “ C,” 11th Illinois Infantry. Corporal Elisha B. Cartwright, Company 44 M." 2d New Jersey Cav- alry. Corporal George Ruit, Company 44 M,’! 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Stephen P. Bancroft, Company 44 F. ' 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private John Bill, Company “ B." 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Hugh Burke, Company P F," 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Patrick Culligan, Company “ A,,: 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Robert Caroll, Company “ F,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Sergeant George H. Crawford, Company “HP' 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Philip Dempsey, Company “L,”2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Henry Gana, Company “A,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private John Gettings, Company “H,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private John Hearney, Company 1 ■ A,' ‘ 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private George II. Horner, Company “I.” 2d New Jersey Cav- alry. Private George C. Hedden, Company “ E,” 2d New Jersey Cav- alry. Private Andrew Jackson, Company “ K,’" 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private W. Jones, Mississippi Marine Brigade. Private George W. Lee, Company “E.” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Peter Mahony, Company “ A," 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Dennis Manyon, Company “ H,,! 2d New Jersey Cav- alry. Private J. Nicholson, Company “ A,?‘ 120th Illinois Infantry. Private Joseph S. Parent, Company “E,': 2d New Jersey Cav- alry. Private E. M. Puke, Company “C,” 2d Wisconsin Cavalry. Private Michael Riley, Company “ H,'! 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private John Smith, Company “L,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private M. Sutton, Company “ C,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private Daniel Shrouk, Company “ F,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private William Schmidt, or William C. Smith, or William H. Smith, Company “ F,’’ 2d New Jersey Cavalry. Private R. K. Smythe, Company “ A," 39th Wisconsin Infantry. September 8, 1864. Captain W. W. De Hues, A. I). C. Captain John T. Young, Company “ A," 24th Missouri Infantry. 1st Lieutenant Ebenezer Montgomery, Company “C,” 2d New Jersey Cavalry. 1st Lieutenant John W. Parks, Company “ H,” 93d Indiana In- fantry. Private Nelson Cooledge, Company “ K,5' 40th Illinois Infantry. Private John James, Company “L," 12