GENERAL ORDERS. No. 280. WAll DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENEHAI/S OFFICE, Washington. November 11, 18(14. 1.. Brigadier-General H. W. Wessells, U. S. Volunteers, is as- signed to duty, at Washington, as Inspector and Commissary Gen- eral of Prisoners for the section of country east of the Mississippi river. He will immediately relieve Brevet Brigadier-General Hoff- man, in charge of the office in Washington and of the duties connected with the section of country to which he is assigned. 11.. Brigadier-General William Hoffman is assigned as Inspector and Commissary General of Prisoners for the region west of the Mississippi, until further orders. By order of the Secretary of War: E. T). TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.